Action Officer Guide - APAN Community SharePoint



PREPARED BY: SRA International, Inc.

Under Subcontract to NCI

Contract Number W91QUZ-04-D-0001



Action Officer User’s Guide

31 May 2011

Action Officer’s Guide



United States Transportation Command

508 Scott Drive

Scott AFB, IL 62225-5357


The NCI Team

NCI Information Systems, Inc.

16 Executive Drive, Suite 300

Fairview Heights, IL 62208 and

SRA International, Inc.

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Welcome to our Action Officer (AO) class. An AO is a staff member with subject matter expertise who ―works actions‖ on behalf of senior staff officers or commanders. The term

―action officer‖ does not refer to a duty position. This AO course describes ―staff work‖ as it is generally practiced in United States Transportation Command (USTRANSCOM). Our goal is to help AOs better understand USTRANSCOM administrative policy and procedures. Lessons are designed to cover communication skills, including preparing documents for staffing, meetings, writing, coordinating, briefings and other duties. The AO class will cover several examples of needed documents and should serve as a reference tool.

Each lesson will begin with a general overview of each topic, and then present details and procedures in small, easy to understand segments. Most people learn better with experience, therefore, each lesson will include extensive hands-on activities guided by your instructor(s).

The instructor(s) are here to help and guide you through these learning activities. Please do not hesitate to ask any questions or add to the classroom discussion as student insights are invaluable in helping everyone learn. Remember, there are no ―dumb‖ questions. In the event the instructor(s) do not know an answer, we will do our best to find out the answer for you as soon as possible.

If you have any questions about this or any application or need help solving a problem, we provide a ―helpdesk‖ service that will try to assist you over the phone or, if necessary, come to your office. You can call Yvonne Russell, Jim Patterson, or Kathy Wyrosdick at

229-4005\4006\4007 respectively or e-mail us at:



. i


How to Use this Guide

Each lesson may be comprised of the following:

Lesson Objectives – Each lesson will begin with a list of objectives which clearly define tasks you should be able to do upon completion of the lesson.

FYI: (―For your Information‖) – are small notes given as needed to provide you with additional information about a topic. FYIs may include alternate methods for completing a task, such as helpful tips or keyboard shortcuts.

 Warning: Warnings are provided to make you aware of how certain actions may adversely affect the operating system, application, or file.

Exercises –These involve understanding the forms, letters, templates, and references in the AO

Toolkit. Completing the forms according to the Joint command specifications is vital to an AO’s success. iii


Table of Contents

Introduction ...................................................................................................................................... i

How to Use this Guide ................................................................................................................... iii

Table of Contents ............................................................................................................................ v

Before We Begin........................................................................................................................... vii

Lesson 1: Introduction to Action Officer Training ........................................................................ 9

Understanding the Roles of an Action Officer at USTRANSCOM .........................................10

Know your References: ......................................................................................................... 11

Accessing all Action Officer Resources ...................................................................................11

Ranking of Service Flags ..........................................................................................................12

Service Rank Equivalents ..................................................................................................... 12

Lesson 2: Rules and Procedures .................................................................................................. 15

Communications and Information.............................................................................................16

Task Management Tool ........................................................................................................ 17

Task Management Process – Commander Interest (CI) Event Category ............................. 18

Suspense Status Report ......................................................................................................... 19

Lesson 3: Completing Forms ....................................................................................................... 21

e-Staff Summary Sheet .............................................................................................................22

General Information .............................................................................................................. 22

Unresolved Issues (nonconcurs) Memo ....................................................................................23

Strawman for Official Visits .....................................................................................................24

Sample STRAWMAN Itinerary eSSS .................................................................................. 25

Trip Books .................................................................................................................................27

Format for Trip Books .......................................................................................................... 28

Checklist for Trip Book ........................................................................................................ 32

After Action Report...................................................................................................................34

TC-AAR Writing Instructions .............................................................................................. 34

After Action Report Template .............................................................................................. 35

Point Papers ...............................................................................................................................36

Point Paper Writing Tips ...................................................................................................... 36

Preparing a Ghost E-Mail .........................................................................................................40

Lesson 4: Letters and Templates.................................................................................................. 45

Understanding TCCC/TCDC/TCCS Writing Styles .................................................................46

Key Points ............................................................................................................................. 46

Responsive Writing Exercise ................................................................................................ 47

Letterhead Memo ......................................................................................................................48

Sample Letterhead Memo from a Template with Attachments ............................................ 48

Personalized Letter on USTRANSCOM Letterhead ................................................................49

Format of Letters ................................................................................................................... 49

Checklist for Personalized Letter on USTRANSCOM Letterhead ...................................... 53

TCCS Thank You Note Example ..............................................................................................54

Promotion Congratulations Memo ............................................................................................55


TCCC Personal Letter on Letterhead to 4-Star .........................................................................56

TCCC Personal Letter on Letterhead to DOD member ............................................................57

TCCC Personal Letter on Letterhead to OSD Update ..............................................................58

Sample of an Express Mail Justification Letter ........................................................................59

Lesson 5: Retirements ................................................................................................................... 61

View Retirement Files...............................................................................................................62

Page Layout for Military or Civilian Retiree ........................................................................ 63

Lesson 6: Utilizing the Command Briefing Template ................................................................. 67

Tips for Preparing Effective Slides ...........................................................................................68

Accessing the USTRANSCOM/TCC Emblems .......................................................................69

Appendix A: Locations for Action Officer Files, Templates, and Samples ............................... A-1

On SharePoint ........................................................................................................................ A-1

On the USTRANSCOM Portal .............................................................................................. A-1

On the I: Drive ....................................................................................................................... A-1


Before We Begin

Please make sure you sign in and receive a book.

Scheduled appointments? Anyone leaving early?

Instructors: Yvonne Russell, Jim Patterson, and Kathleen Wyrosdick.

Phone: 618-229-4005\4006\4007 respectively.


Class hours vary, but are usually 8:00-12:00 or 12:30-4:30. (The AO Course is a two hour class.)

Breaks approximately every 50 minutes.

Other classes offered: o Word Intermediate 2007 o Word Advanced 2007 o Excel Intermediate 2007 o Excel Advanced 2007 o Access 2007 o PowerPoint Intermediate 2007 o PowerPoint Advanced 2007 o Project 2007 o AMHS o Gatekeepers o FACCSM o Outlook 2007 o Office 2007 Basic o TMT (Task Management Tool) o SharePoint Basic o SharePoint Site Owner o TRIM (Total Records Information Management) vii

A complete list of classes and their start dates is available on the USTRANSCOM Portal and in SharePoint/USTRANSCOM-home/Applications tab/Training and Development

Management (LMS).

Smoking location – All smokers must use the area located near the southwest entrance of

Bldg 1961 (old Post Office entrance) as directed by USTRANSCOMPD 32-1, Paragraph


Drinks and light snacks are permitted at your computer.

Please help us recycle by placing any empty soda cans or scratch paper in the recycling baskets near the exit.

Certificates are issued upon completion of class.

Please take time to fill out the short critique at the end of the class and let us know what you enjoyed about the class and any suggestions about how we might improve it.

In the event of an evacuation, please stay with the instructor(s) as they guide you to the nearest exit and the marshalling point.


Lesson 1: Introduction to Action Officer Training

Lesson Objectives: At the end of this lesson, you will be able to:

Understand the Role of an Action Officer

Access all AO Resources

Access the Action Officer Toolkit

Understand the Ranking of Service Flags

Recognize Service Rank Equivalents


Understanding the Roles of an Action Officer at USTRANSCOM

Action Officers hold many roles and responsibilities within the USTRANSCOM community.

Action Officers are responsible for preparing:

Ghost E-Mails (GEMS)

Memos and letters to Staff /Flag Officers

Electronic Staff Summary Sheet (eSSS)

 eSSS Strawman

Point Papers

Executive Summaries

Trip Books

Action Officers (AOs) must have a thorough knowledge of their directorate’s requirements for completion of these tasks. An AO must plan, organize, write, and speak effectively to become successful. Since we are a joint command, it is imperative that procedures and policies are followed according to the guidelines established in USTRANSCOM Pamphlet 33-2 and all related resources. This course will provide a framework to make this transition to being an AO more successful.

That success will depend on your ability to understand your roles and responsibilities as an

Action Officer. Following are some of the major areas focused on by AOs.

You will need to determine:

Am I the right Office of Primary Responsibility (OPR)?

When is it due?

What product is being requested?

You will need to:

Plan ahead (TDYs, Leaves, etc)

Know the command & subject

To finish your task:

Complete all staff work and coordination

Know the limits of your authority


Formulate recommendations for a decision

Prepare documentation to implement the decision

Be professional

Know your References:

In order of preference: o AO Toolkit, Guides, Templates, Useful Information, and Links o Air Force Handbook (AFH 33-337), The Tongue and Quill o Joint Doctrine homepage (JDEIS) o Joint Acronyms and Abbreviations

Accessing all Action Officer Resources

All of the following resources can be found on USTRANSCOM’s SharePoint.

AO Toolkit (Contains Guides, Templates, Useful Information, and Links) o On the USTRANSCOM homepage, select Links / AO Toolkit

Air Force Handbook 33-337: The Tongue and Quill (USTRANSCOM utilizes the

Tongue and Quill for guidance on preparing official communication) o On the AO Toolkit site, select Links / Tongue and Quill

Joint Electronic Library (Contains DOD Dictionary, JDEIS, DOCNET, Universal Joint

Task List UJTL, Capstone Concept for Joint Operations, and Joint Pub Podcast) o On the AO Toolkit site, select Links / Joint Electronic Library (JEL)

Joint Acronyms, Protocol Guidance/Templates, Task Management Tool (TMT),

Task Management Business Rules, and TMT Process Improvement Page o All listed under Links on the AO Toolkit site

USTRANSCOM Communications Guide (for business rules) o On the AO Toolkit site, select Useful Information / USTRANSCOM P33-2


Ranking of Service Flags

When more than one Service is addressed, rank by the date that the Service was established.



14 June 1775

10 November 1775

Navy 13 October 1775

Air Force 18 September 1947

Coast Guard 1700, ranks below AF (Now at War)

Service Rank Equivalents















































































































































2d Lt

1st Lt






Lt Col


RDML Brig Gen

RADM Maj Gen



Lt Gen



























Lesson 2: Rules and Procedures

Lesson Objectives: At the end of this lesson, you will be able to:

Know the Command Section Business Rules

Know the Task Management Tool Rules

Know Your Level of Responsibility of Commander Interest TMT Taskers


Communications and Information

The purpose of the USTRANSCOM Instruction 33-2, Communication Guide, is to provide business rules and general information for the variety of communication types used daily at

USTRANSCOM. The Tasker/Package flow information is listed below from this guide.

Command Section suspenses MUST be met. Submitting a package to the Joint Secretariat does

NOT close the TMT task. The task will be closed when the appropriate Command Section action is complete.

Proofreading and formatting are paramount. Packages received in the Command Section with misspelled words or not in proper format will be returned to the originator. This will delay completion of your package.

Any requests for TCCC/TCDC/TCCS participation in an event will be scheduled on a verbal request and followed up in writing with a briefing request via e-mail through the appropriate schedulers to confirm appointment. No event will be confirmed without proper documentation.

Consult with Directorate Secretary on proper scheduling guidance as it may change based on the commander’s guidance.

Command Section involvement in visits requires a STRAWMAN eSSS for particular participant(s) approval. This will allow the participant to approve proposed itinerary. Always call ahead and pre-coordinate with the appropriate office prior to sending out the STRAWMAN in TMT.

Major events such as Component Commanders’ Conference, key Distinguished Visitor (DV) visits, or overseas (OCONUS) temporary duty (TDY) require a Pre-brief or In Progress Review

(IPR) NLT 1-2 weeks prior to the event (time permitting). Additional IPRs may be required based on the activities planned or change in plans.

Read-Ahead requirements: When scheduling time on Command Section calendars for a briefing, etc., a read-ahead package is required NLT 2 working days prior to the briefing.

Read-aheads are to be printed in color, 1 slides per page. TCCC read-aheads will NOT be routed through

TCCS and TCDC. If TCCS and TCDC are attendees, each gets their own copy of the readahead.

TCCC/TCDC trip books must be prepared in accordance with example in AO Toolkit and submitted with an Executive Summary which is coordinated by OPR Director. The use of the

Executive Summary with appropriate signatures negates the requirement for an eSSS to route the trip books.


Task Management Tool

The majority of coordination is accomplished using Task Management Tool. Below is additional information from the Command Business Rules about suspenses tasking and tracking.

NOTE: Although e-Staffing seeks to increase access to information across the command, access to certain types of information should be restricted unless it is clearly appropriate to allow wider dissemination. Ultimately, information owners/producers/AOs must adhere to appropriate directives and guidance from the Command and within their communities of interest to minimize communication barriers, but properly control access to, and protect the command’s sensitive information. Examples of sensitive information include, but are not limited to legal documents, acquisition information, personnel information, and pre-decisional.

OPR (Office of Primary Responsibility) OPR’s have the overall responsibility to answer the task, consolidate OCR input, and prepare response. Only the OPR can amend or close a tasker at the TCCS-JS level.

OCR (Office of Collateral Responsibility) OCR’s are required to provide support/input to the

OPR to bring a tasker to conclusion. OCRs cannot amend or close a tasker at the TCCS-JS level.

Internal Suspenses : A Command Section tasker requires an action and has a ―due date.‖

Normally 5 duty days are allotted to prepare TCCC/TCDC/TCCS letters of response to respond to TCCC/TCDC/TCCS questions (however, if simply answering a question, it should be responded to in 3 duty days or less.) If a tasker requires research, study, multiple coordination, etc., 14 duty days will be assigned. If a response cannot be adequately prepared to meet the required suspense date, the Joint Secretariat can amend your tasker. AOs should work all tasking issues with their directorate executive officers suspense control monitors. Extensions to

COMMANDER INTEREST taskers can only be obtained from the TCCC Assistant Executive

Officer. Once granted, Joint Secretariat will extend suspense with rationale provided.

External Suspenses : Any tasker originated by OSD, CJCS, Service Chiefs, Joint Staff, combatant commands, agencies, etc., will have a FIRM suspense date, backed up 2 days to allow

TCCC/TCDC/TCCS time to coordinate/approve/sign, etc., and still meet the suspense. These suspenses cannot be extended by the Joint Secretariat. Extensions to external suspense require the OPR AO to request an extension to the tasker due date from the originator by phone or Email (as provided in the original document.) If an extension is granted from the originator, the

AO advises the directorate executive officer who, in turn, contacts USTCCS-JS explaining the circumstances and provides the new suspense date. Joint Secretariat will then update the TMT tasker with the new suspense date.

 FYI : For Due Date Extension Request, see the TMT User’s Guide on the C4S Training Site on SharePoint. (USTRANSCOM homepage / TCJ6 / TCJ6-X / C4S Training Site / Course Files

/ TMT for step by step directions)

NOTE: Above information obtained from USTRANSCOM P 33-2 in the AO Toolkit


Task Management Process – Commander Interest (CI) Event Category

If an AO is in charge of a TMT with Commander Interest involvement, please know the additional rules and levels of responsibility.

1) OPR Definition & Responsibilities:


The Director who has the preponderance of equity in the Commander’s TDY, guest (DV) visit or tour, USTC conference or summit, and so forth (i.e., the Event).

B) Guides the agenda, topics, and briefings.

C) Retains ownership of the Event and overall responsibility to the Commander for the prebriefs (IPRs) as well as the final execution of the Event.

D) Submits the coordinated draft product (SSS, details) to the Commander under his/her signature with applicable coordination.

E) Assigns an Action Officer (AO) and/or Team to the Event (subject matter expert, SME) who takes the lead for the Event.

F) Retains the history on the logistics of the event.

2) OPR Action Officer Definition & Responsibilities:

A) Responsible to the Director who ―owns‖ the Event for all coordination and roll out.

B) Researches and consolidates any existing history on the Event.

C) Meets further with the Director, CAG Director and/or Exec Officers to obtain further vision/details from the Director and Commander, as required.


Designs a eSTRAWMAN itinerary/schedule of events based upon the Director’s and supporting functional OCR guidance.


Updates TMT as to status and coordinates with the Joint Secretariat and Commander’s

Execs for changes.

F) Ensures coordination on the SSS.

G) Reports progress to the responsible Director as required/needed.

3) OCR Definitions & Responsibilities:


Commander’s Action Group, OCR: Assigns an Event Coordinator to the Event – matrices a Coordinator to the Director responsible to provide full administrative support of the Event. i) Assists with the draft of the SSS for the Director, eSTRAWMAN, full itinerary and accompanying books per guidance from the OPR/AO. ii) Schedules Command Section IPRs, conference rooms, luncheons, office calls and briefings based upon input from the Directorate AO, with the coordination of the

CAG Director. iii) Consolidates, organizes and updates trip and briefing books. iv) Coordinates with Protocol for invitations, seating charts, DV reception/logistics, and room preparation.


B) Supporting Directorates, Offices, & Component Commands i) Assigns a POC to the OPR/AO for coordination and assistance. ii) Provides talking papers, slides and background information in the proper format to the OPR/AO or Event Coordinator. iii) POC prepares/updates supporting Directors for role in Event. iv) Assists in the execution of the Event as required to include: Manning a reception table, collecting conference fees, and making nametags.

Suspense Status Report

Executive Officers should submit status reports on all ―due‖ or ―overdue‖ taskers daily via e-mail to USTCCS-JS either confirming closure, or indicating the current status of overdue taskers. Examples of status updates are:

Held up in coord (when it is out to several offices)

At TCJXXX for coord (when it is out to only one office)

 In TCJXXX pending release (when it is in the director’s office and will come to Joint

Secretariat after signed/approved)

Will discuss at Staff Meeting, etc. (include date of meeting)

On TCCC schedule, (date)




Lesson 3: Completing Forms

Lesson Objectives: At the end of this lesson you will be able to:

Create a e-Staff Summary Sheet

Understand the Format of a Memo for Unresolved Issues

Know the Process for Creating a STRAWMAN Itinerary eSSS for Official Visits

Identify the Components of a Trip Book

Be Familiar with Components of a Point Paper

Know the Components of an After Action Report

Prepare a Ghost E-mail


e-Staff Summary Sheet

General Information

An e-Staff Summary Sheet (eSSS) is the vehicle that moves your package through the coordination process to completion. It highlights salient points and summarizes controversial areas. Use an eSSS when forwarding correspondence to the Command Section for signature, approval, coordination, or information. After presenting options, prepare a concise recommendation. For supporting documents in excess of 15 pages, prepare an executive summary to highlight main/key points, if not summarized in the eSSS.

Templates for all products are available electronically within TMT via the Templates button.

To complete an eSSS:

Go to D:\\Student\Action Officer.

Open USTRANSCOM eStaff Summary Template.docx


For TCJA and TCCS-P, simply delete all text after COORD.

For TCCS, replace Name/Date with John Doe/4 March 2011 .

For TCDC, replace Name/Date with Jane Doe/5 March 2011.

For TCCC, replace Name/Date with John E. Transportation/7 March 2011.

Type your Rank Name/Office/Duty Phone as the AO in the Staff Summary Section.

Type a subject on the SUBJECT line.

For PURPOSE, type eSSS Guidelines.

For BACKGROUND, type Coordinate eSSS through appropriate director/CSG chief before delivery to Joint Secretariat.

For DISCUSSION, type Keep eSSS to 1 page .

For RECOMMENDATION, type TCDC sign letter to DJS. TCCC approve .

Type a signature and date in the signature block (assure you have proof of approval).


Unresolved Issues (nonconcurs) Memo

Here is a sample of the memo that would be included when a SSS has unresolved issues.

MEMORANDUM FOR (Enter addressee office symbol, ALL CAPS)

FROM: (Tab here and type the sending office symbol)

SUBJECT: (Tab Here and Type Subject of Memo)

(Tab here and type body of memorandum. Indent subparagraphs 4 spaces each level.

Sequentially number paragraphs. NOTE: one paragraph official memorandums are not numbered and can be double spaced if less than eight lines.)

(Tab here and enter first line of signature block)

(Tab here and type second line of signature block)

(Tab here and type third line of signature block)


(Tab here and type all attachments) (Number if more than one attachment. ) cc:

(Tab here and type all courtesy copy addresses.) (Delete these lines and the title if no courtesy copies.)



Sample official memorandum on USTRANSCOM letterhead paper.


Use plain bond paper only for correspondence internal to USTRANSCOM.


Indicate a suspense by typing “

(SUSPENSE: (suspense date))

” in bold letters one space after subject.


When addressing a memo to all three component Commands, sequence is:

Surface Deployment and Distribution Command

Military Sealift Command

Air Mobility Command


Addressees are listed by protocol based upon rank.


Use Attachment drop down list to select “Attachments” if there are multiple attachments. There is also a blank line if there are no attachments and no courtesy copies, but recommend using the

“cc only” template if there are courtesy copies without attachments.


If a third line is required for the signature block, insert a carriage return (<Enter> key) at the end of the second line, space over, and continue the signature block.

FYI: All Templates are located in SharePoint, USTRANSCOM/TCCS-JS/AO Toolkit.


Strawman for Official Visits

USTRANSCOM hosts numerous official visitors and groups. All visits require approval whether or not there is Command Section involvement. Notify the Joint Secretariat of a

DV/Group visit for appropriate tasking. For visits with TCCC/TCDC/TCCS involvement, complete and forward a STRAWMAN Itinerary eSSS, through Protocol (TCCS-P), to TCCS for coordination, to TCDC for coordination, and to TCCC for approval. (If no TCCC/TCDC/TCCS involvement, forward SSS to the Command Section for information.) As soon as you have information on a visit, contact your Directorate Secretary/Scheduler for availability to de-conflict calendars. When in doubt as to whether or not a pre-brief is required, contact your Directorate

Executive Officer. (NOTE: For TCCC involvement, coordinate with TCCC Secretary,

229-3205, as early as possible in the process.)

The following pertains to OPRs pre-briefing an official visit:

Pre-brief TCDC/TCCS NLT 7 duty days prior to visit

Include OCRs ( as applicable) and Protocol in pre-brief session

Present proposed itinerary (Sample of finalized itinerary in AO ToolKit)

Identify key issues as they relate to specific visitors

Once a visit is approved, work with Protocol (229-4098), your Directorate Scheduler, TCCC

Secretary, TCDC Secretary, and TCCS Secretary to develop the STRAWMAN itinerary eSSS.

Protocol, TCCC Secretary, TCDC Secretary, and TCCS Secretary should be kept up-to-date at all times on date/time/location and attendee changes. Staff participants in the visit must be

―Coord‖ vice ―Info‖ (i.e., for DDOC brief/tour, TCJ3 must be ―Coord‖). Protocol is ALWAYS

COORD (Never Info).

Pre-brief read-ahead slides must reach the Command Section no later than 1200, 2 duty days prior to the Pre-brief (factoring in TDY/leaves). It is a professional courtesy to allow general officers sufficient time to review your briefing before presentation. TCCC read-ahead requirements are color slides, with 2 slides per page.

The TCCC Secretary, TCDC Secretary, and/or TCCS secretary should be your first point of contact when considering an official visit that requires TCCC/TCDC/TCCS involvement. The

STRAWMAN Itinerary eSSS is due to the Command Section within 5 days of notification of event, or as indicated in the tasker. Ensure your STRAWMAN shows breaks and transition from different locations and whether the TCCC/TCDC/TCCS are attending each event. The TCCC

Secretary can help you with TCCC preferences, etc.

Visits with the TCCC will be tasked similarly to trip books, but on a smaller scale. The purpose is to keep Trip Book and Visit Book information for the TCCC in the same format/sequence for familiarity. For any Command Section involvement, particularly an office call, a read-ahead book is expected and input must be submitted to TCCS-P for inclusion as a tab in their Event


NOTE : See USTRANSCOM I 33-19, Distinguished Visitors (DVs) for specific guidance.


Sample STRAWMAN Itinerary eSSS

Use the eSSS Strawman Template located in the AO Toolkit / Templates or the STRAWMAN

Itinerary eSSS Template in TMT under Templates / USTRANSCOM Templates / eSSS

Templates. To use, copy and paste into ―MY RESPONSE‖ in TMT.


(Insert offices that have coordinated)

AMC/CV COORD/Name/Date (Include AMC/SDDC/MSC if they are involved)

TCJ3 COORD/Name/Date




INFO (Copy provided/ (date))




INFO (Copy Provided/date)







-------------------------------------------------STAFF SUMMARY

AO: Capt John Doe, Service/Organization/Office Symbol, DSN#

SUSPENSE: (date or N/A)

TMT Tasker #:

SUBJECT: Visit of Maj Gen Michael Jordan on (DATE). -- STRAWMAN Itinerary

1. PURPOSE: The purpose of this SSS is to request TCCC approval of STRAWMAN itinerary for the visit of (RANK/NAME/POSITION) on (DATE). The intent of the visit is to (ENTER


2. BACKGROUND: RANK/NAME will arrive at (LOCATION) ON (TIME/DATE) and met by (RANK NAME). Billeting has been arranged at BILLETING LOCATION/ROOM #.

Departure is scheduled for DATE/TIME/LOCATION.

3. ITINERARY: The following is STRAWMAN itinerary for the visit:

XXXX: Arrive USTRANSCOM/Greeted by (TCCS-P)

0700: Welcome by TCCC - Honor CCR

0730: Attend CAT Brief - DDOC Balcony (TCJ3)

0830: USTRANSCOM Brief - Tunner CR (TCJ3)

0900: Current/Contingency Operations - DDOC Floor (TCJ3)

0920: GPMRC -DDOD Floor (TCJ3)

0930: Joint Ops Integration Cell – JOIC (TCJ2)

0940: Logistics Operations Center – LOC (TCJ3)

1000: Depart for Bldg 1600

1115: TACC Operations Brief – TACC (TACC)

1200: TCCC host Lunch - Scott Club (Attendees: TCDC, TCCS, TCJ3, TCJ5)

1300: Homeland Defense Brief - Tunner CR (TCJ5)


1400: Systems Supporting Warfighter -Tunner CR (TCJ6)

1445: Q&A Wrap-Up with TCCC - Tunner CR

1500: Farewell by TCCC




Major General, USAF

Director of Operations


Visitor Bio


Trip Books

The purpose of trip books is to prepare senior officers for high-level meetings and official visits.

Books are designed to consolidate key subjects/issues in point paper format, with miscellaneous information such as biographies, maps, briefing slides, agendas. Books for the TCCC, TCDC, and TCCS should reach the Command Section by designated suspense date.

NOTE: The Commanders Action Group (CAG) is responsible for the majority of trip books at

USTRANSCOM. AOs will be tasked with completing one of the components of that trip book.

All OCONUS TDY for GOs showing date/time/and locations is classified . All planning/travel documents will be accomplished on SIPRNET. The OPR assigned to put together the trip book is responsible for doing the necessary coordination needed to gather all the key talking points and collecting the needed information products (BIOs, briefs, and point papers) required for the book. Point Papers can be unclassified. The OPR is not responsible for the itinerary. The

USTRANSCOM (Liaison Officer) LNOs for the applicable AOR, the Commander’s Aide, and the Trip Coordinator are responsible for putting this together. It is imperative; however, that the

OPR stay in the loop until the itinerary is finalized as this will drive what goes in the trip book.

The OPR can expect to get some e-mails or products from the 3 rd

Deck for inclusion in the book, but for the most part the OPR will take the lead to gather most of the material for the trip book.

NOTE : Sample trip books can be obtained from the USTRANSCOM Research Center.

The OPR Director (designee) is responsible for quality control of all books for TCCC/TCDC


For trips with multiple legs and/or multiple issues or briefs requiring multiple issue POCs, each individual issue POC must submit their respective portion of the book to the overall book OPR in a manner sufficient to allow the overall book OPR to consolidate material.

Overall book OPRs should set up the book such that each issue or leg of the trip has its own tab, such that it serves as a "book within a book."

NOTE : For all books, include an Executive Summary. For books with multiple visits, include a separate Executive Summary for each leg. There is a sample Executive Summary in the AO


For TCCC TDYs, the TCCC Trip Coordinator prepares the overall itinerary. Put a ―placeholder‖ in the trip book for final itinerary to be inserted prior to TDY departure.

Trip books must be timely, complete, and of high quality. Keep issues focused and peripheral information to a minimum--do the advance legwork, know what the leadership needs. (An OPR should contact the Trip Coordinator/TCCC Aide-de-Camp.) Make the book user friendly and concise.

The key to a good book is coordination by the overall USTRANSCOM OPR with the OCRs and

Trip Coordinator. Schedules change regularly, so it is critical to maintain close coordination with the Trip Coordinator to ensure the book composition/requirements are most current.



The designated USTRANSCOM OPR builds and coordinates trip books. The OPR checks with the Joint Secretariat to see if a separate copy of the TCCC trip book is required for TCDC.

TCDC will use the trip book for issue updates and telephone discussions with TCCC.

For TCCC Trip Book taskers, the USTRANSCOM OPR is the overall lead to interface with the

TCCC Trip Coordinator.


Contact the TCCC Trip Coordinator and provide your name and phone number.

Maintain contact to ensure visit locations are current as listed in the tasker or to obtain additions/deletions to locations. ( NOTE : The Joint Secretariat will also issue an amendment to the tasker if locations or events change.)

Ensure the first tab in the book is a placeholder for the final itinerary, which will be inserted by the Trip Coordinator after it reaches the Command Section.

OCR(s) :

Submit input/questions directly to the OPR. The TCCC Trip Coordinator cannot take every

OCR's inputs or questions.

Format for Trip Books

Use spiral bound books or 3-ring (locking) binder notebooks, using front and back cut sheet covers with USTRANSCOM and component logos.

If classified, clearly mark classification on both front and back of binder.

Do NOT use document protectors or plastic cover sheets for each document within the book.

TCCC/TCDC need to be able to make notes on the papers in their books, etc. If point papers are lengthy use an attachment and organize the trip book sequentially in visit itinerary order or by function, subject priority, or major discussion topics.

The trip book should be tabbed and include an executive summary (table of contents).

 If there will be significant content in the book, use a 1&1/2‖ binder.



- Front cover (classification cover sheet, name, location, logos)

- Inside Front Cover: Insert disk or CD containing all Point Papers in the Trip Book

- Table of contents (only if multiple legs)

- Executive Summary (signed by OPR Director—Sample in AO ToolKit)

- Tab 1 Agenda/Itinerary (Placeholder for TCCC Trip Coordinator to insert itinerary)

NOTE : All items provided by visit location

- Tab 2 Protocol Information on Socials (i.e., menu, attendees, seating, etc.)

NOTE : Check with Trip Coordinator to see if this is in the itinerary.

- Tab 3 Biographies (by rank/alphabetical)

- Tab 4 Point Papers by schedule agenda



Tab 5 Briefing Slides by schedule agenda

Tab 6 One page talker of key issues with associated USTRANSCOM position

- Back cover


If a speech event/briefing is in addition to other activities combined in a single TDY,

TCCC-X will prepare the speech/briefing.

If a speech/briefing is the only purpose of the TDY, TCCC-X will also prepare the trip book, to include the following:

For TCCC speeches/presentations, submit: o 8.5 x 11 sheets in small three-ring binder, pages collated front-to-back in transparent sleeves o 5 x 8 cards (two sets); printed in Serif font, all caps, single space o 8.5 x 11 sheets (two sets for editing) in folder pockets

Speaking points will be in bullet format

Use page numbers on 8.5 x 11 sheets and 5 x 8 cards

Reconcile any data with current daily operations updates

Include CD back-up

First item (highlighted in color) will be listing of DVs in attendance with "go by" names and position

NOTE : TCJ3 is always OPR for AOR TDYs. All others are OCRs are to help J3 be successful.


The primary POCs for the OPR are:

TCCC Aide-de-Camp

TCCC Trip Coordinator

USTRANSCOM LNOs (Liaison Officer) for the applicable AOR


POLAD (Foreign Policy Advisor)

Designated OCR from staff sections (J2, J5/4, etc. Tasker will require coordination with

OCRs to assist in point paper/brief products)

SDDC/TACC/MSC LNOs as required

The OPR must initiate coordination early with all of these people to get in the information loop.

There will be three briefings/IPRs* prior to the Commander departing for his trip.

Meeting 1: (Occurs about 4-5 weeks out from departure) This meeting will address itinerary, key leaders, recommended talking points, and suggested briefs and point papers. The trip book

OPR is responsible for this briefing**. The OPR obtains the data for this brief by soliciting feedback and/or recommendations from the POCs listed above. The OPR should attempt to get as much detail as possible for this brief to facilitate discussion. The outcome of this brief should be a much clearer direction on both the itinerary and the trip book.

Meeting 2: (Occurs about 2-3 weeks out from departure) This meeting will address itinerary and logistics. The Aide will be responsible for this briefing. The trip book OPR can bring up any new suggested talking points at this meeting to gain approval from the Commander.

Meeting 3: (Occurs within 1 week prior to departure) This meeting will address itinerary and what is currently in the trip book. The brief will be the same as the first meeting, but much more detailed and the book should be in final draft stage at this time. The OPR can expect to get some feedback from the boss on additional issues/products to research and include in the book.

Communication brief is required prior to OCONUS departure.

*The OPR must actually submit a request for briefing times for these 3 meetings. The request must be submitted through the Directorate Secretary/Executive Officer, using this format:


Sample Request for Briefing/Meetings


REQUESTED DATES/TIMES: 16 Feb 07/1400-1445

22 Feb 07/1500-1545

8 March 07/0900-0945

DURATION: 45 minutes

LOCATION: Commander's Conference Room


TMT TASKER #: 0715561117

TCCC/TCDC/TCCS COMMENTS: Commander requested three briefings to go over the itinerary and agenda items.









REMARKS/BACKGROUND: TCCC TDY to CENTCOM AOR is tentatively planned for early



**The OPR must ensure the brief has been sent upstairs and is loaded and on screen in the conference room. The OPR will sit to the left of the commander and brief from there. The OPR should also produce at least 3 hard copies.

NOTE: This form is located in the AO Toolkit/How To Guides/ COMMAND SECTION


To access all of the meeting room information for USTRANSCOM:

Go to AO ToolKit / How to Guides / TCCC Briefings in Conference Rooms-Identify


Go to AO Toolkit / Useful Information / Master Conference Room Spreadsheet

2010_09_22 and B1900W_VTCroomsANDOPRs_20100922


To access all biographies:

Go to AO ToolKit / Links / Protocol Guidance/Templates

On the Protocol site, go to Links / US Army Protocol, Navy Biographies, and AF


Checklist for Trip Book

The following is a checklist for the OPR to follow in putting together the trip book:


E-mail ALCON on SIPRNET to establish an information loop.



Here is a copy of the draft itinerary for the AOR trip. They are still refining the locations and purposes. Once the itinerary is complete, a meeting to discuss the requirements of the trip book will be scheduled. Additional items of interest should be identified and given to me. Once I get a better idea of what needs to be included in the trip book, I will e-mail you if there is something that falls in your lane. Either way, expect this e-mail chain to grow.

I want to keep everyone in the loop until the book is complete and approved.


Submit the request for briefing times/dates.


Send out e-mail to gather feedback for the 1 st

meeting (provide a suspense).



TCCC visit to the CENTCOM AOR is scheduled for 9-17 MAR. I have to put together the trip book for this visit, but will of course require your assistance to do this. The first of three prebrief meetings is scheduled for Friday afternoon. The meeting Friday will discuss the expected contents of the trip book. He will be visiting the following countries: TURKEY, KUWAIT,


I would like to have a draft executive summary that outlines the contents of the trip book by

Thursday noon. Attached is a copy of the executive summary from last year’s CENTCOM AOR trip book. Also attached is the draft itinerary CENTCOM provided. It should be getting updated to reflect the plan below including the stop at Turkey.

Please review below and the attached documents and provide to me your suggestions on the appropriate point papers, briefs, and biographies for each country that he will visit. I will then create an exec summary like the one attached. Once approved, we can begin putting together the products.

I need this by Thursday noon.



Create a folder in SharePoint to store the trip book products and so the staff sections can drop products there.


Put together the brief for the 1 st

meeting, and send it out for review from ALCON prior to submitting.


After the first meeting, send out an e-mail to ALCON requiring them to prepare the necessary products for the trip book (Bios, point papers, briefs etc...). Provide a suspense.


Obtain Bios on key leaders.


Put together the trip book.


Put together the brief for the 2 nd



Finalize the trip book and turn in the day prior.


Include in the trip book, a CD with all the products on it.


You will probably receive trip book material and changes up until COB the day prior.

Ensure the trip book is updated, even after you turn it in.


Breathe a deep sigh of relief when the book is finally complete and submitted.


After Action Report

USTRANSCOM After-Action Report (TC-AAR) (from the CJSCI 150.25C (Joint Lessons

Learned Program))

The TC-AAR provides an official description of an operation or exercise detailing objectives, major participants, limitations, and documents the facts: i.e., date and location of deployment, force participants, unit specialties/capabilities, and special equipment/supplies deployed. A TC-

AAR also includes an initial analysis or summary of lessons learned, observation, and issues reports categorized into "findings" based on significant events observed before, during, and after an operation or exercise. Whenever possible, the report should link USTRANSCOM JMETL tasks to objectives and findings in the report or task(s) identified from the current version of the

CJCSM 3500.04, Universal Joint Task List (UJTL).

Once the TC-AAR is staffed and approved by TCDC, it becomes a JAAR which is entered in

Logbook and may be forwarded to the Joint Staff J7, Joint Lessons Learned Branch (JSJ7/JLLB), for further dissemination.

Within 120 days following the completion of an operation or CJCS-sponsored exercise that

USTRANSCOM participated in as a part of the training audience, the JAAR should arrive at the

JSJ7/JLLB. At the discretion of the USTRANSCOM Commander, an Interim JAAR may be developed for operations exceeding 180 days. The interim JAAR should detail the first 180-day period of an operation, and subsequent JAARs will be developed every 180-day period thereafter for the remainder of the operation.

TC-AAR Writing Instructions

Each report must stand alone (i.e., separate program entry).

Acronyms and abbreviations must be spelled out the first time they are used.

For ease of understanding by personnel from multiple commands and agencies, written reports must be as clear and concise as possible.

All attached O/L/I reports must be linked to a USTRANSCOM JMET or task(s) identified from the current version of the CJCSM 3500.04.


After Action Report Template




1. Originator: (Office Symbol)

POC: (Name, Rank/Grade)

Phone: (DSN and Commercial)

2. Name of Operation/Exercise/Event:

3. Date of Operation/Exercise/Event:

4. Location of Operation/Exercise/Event:

5. General Description/Background: This was a (operation/exercise/event) designed to

__________________________________. The purpose of the xxxxx was to


6. Personnel Involved/Attending/Participating:

7. Objectives of Operation/Exercise/Event:

8. Limitations (if applicable):

9. Results/Outcome:


Point Papers

Use a point paper to relay recommended USTRANSCOM position and provide information.

Point Paper Writing Tips

Use a dialogue box to succinctly describe, in 2-3 lines, the significant take-away points from the paper. Use bold text.

Each separate thought requires a separate dash-type bullet and separate subparagraph.

Complete sentences not required--use short, direct phrases.

Use succinct phrases and "bullets" (dashes used as bullets). Eliminate extra words, particularly "a," "the," and "that" unless needed for clarity.

Use 1 dash (-) before major thoughts and 2-dash (--), 3-dash (---) sequence to further indent subordinate thoughts. The dashes are used as "bullets" and are referred to as bullets in this chapter. (Always use 1 space after each bullet.)

Punctuation at end of bullets not required unless there is more than one sentence in a dash type bullet. If more than one sentence in a bullet, then all end with punctuation.

Use abbreviations and acronyms freely, but spell out the first use of a word or phrase, followed by abbreviation or acronym in parentheses. Thereafter, use abbreviation or acronym.

Clearly define or explain unusual technical terms, phrases, code names, equipment identifications, etc. Reader may not be as familiar with subject as author.

Where possible, use graphics and tables to present data in lieu of words, particularly trend lines displayed in curve or bar charts.

Use 1-inch margins on top, left, right, and bottom. If margins need adjustment to fit one page, this is acceptable if top, right, and bottom margins are no less than 1/2-inch. Left margin should remain 1-inch, so point paper may be placed in a binder.

Place action officer identification line at bottom of the first page, as follows:

Rank Name/Office Symbol/Phone, initials, (commercial & DSN)/ _____________/(date)

Keep to one page. If not possible, state major points and use attachments to further explain. List attachments below action officer's identification line, flush with left margin.

Attachments can be listed on a second page.

Recommend using Times New Roman 12 pt. Large fonts (11 or 12 pt) are easy to read and copy, fax, and scan better than smaller 10 or 9 pt.

Double space between items, but do not number bullet-type dashes.


Capitalize and highlight headings in bold print .

For guidance in marking classified point papers and attachments: o Refer to DOD 5200.1-R and USTRANSCOMR 205-1 o Each bullet and sub-bullet requires classification markings on classified point papers o Place following information at bottom, right-hand corner of first page




If action officers sign point papers, have director/CSG Chief initial to indicate endorsement/approval.

For Trip Books, date point papers with current date as close as possible to departure date.

If a previous point paper is still current, line through previous date and enter current date, then initial next to new date to verify paper has been reviewed and information is current.


Point Paper Practice Sample

Go to D:\\Student\Action Officer.

Open Point Paper Template.dotx


On the SUBJECT line, type Point Paper Format for Unclassified Papers .

On the ISSUE line, type Use a Point Paper to relay recommended USTRANSCOM position and provide information .

On the USTRANSCOM POSITION line, type Point Papers are used to summarize a

USTRANSCOM position about an important topic within the command .

In the text box, type Include significant "take away" point of the paper in this dialogue box--a hard hitting talking point the recipient can easily recall during meetings.

Click to place your cursor below the word BACKGROUND.

To set up the tabs for the point paper, double-click on the ruler to open the Tabs dialog box.

Click the Clear All button and then set tabs at .15‖, .25‖, .38‖, and .5‖. Click OK .

Type a dash for the first bullet. When you press the [Space] bar, look for the

AutoCorrect Options button that pops up.

Click the AutoCorrect Options button and choose Undo Automatic Bullets . This will allow you to use the tabs to create the dashed bullets.

Type Use Times New Roman 12 font .

Press [Return] and press [Tab] . Type two dashes for the subsequent bullet and then press [Space] .

Type Use 2-dash (--) sequence to further indent additional information.

Press [Return] and press [Tab] twice. Type three dashes for the next level bullet.

Press the [Space] bar and type Use 3-dash (---) sequence to further indent subordinate thoughts.

Press [Enter] several times to move to the bottom of the page and type the following

Action Officer information: Rank Name/Office Symbol/Duty



Sample Point Paper with USTRANSCOM Position

SUBJECT: Point Paper Format for Unclassified Papers

ISSUE : Determine Format for USTRANSCOM Point Papers

USTRANSCOM POSITION: Establish a policy for preparation of point papers requiring a standardized format

Include significant "take away" point of the paper in this dialogue box--a hard hitting talking point the recipient can easily recall during meetings. Avoid “glossy” or overly generalized statements—must have some “clout,” and back up with key data when applicable. The rest of the point paper should support this issue. BOLD-Use Times New Roman 12 font. Maximum of 3-4 lines.


Use Times New Roman 12 font

Factual paper defining and supporting USTRANSCOM position. Use plain bond paper. Try

to keep paper to one page maximum excluding attachments.

Leave 1-inch margin on top, left, right, and bottom. Adjust margins to 1/2 inch to maintain

document to one page. However, maintain 1‖ left margin to allow for hole punches.

At top margin, flush to left margin, type "SUBJECT:‖ all caps in bold print. Two spaces after

colon, provide subject of point paper. Capitalize first letter of each word in title.

Two lines below (skip one line space) "SUBJECT:" flush with left margin, type "ISSUE:" all

caps in bold print. Two spaces after colon, briefly explain issue.

Two lines below last line of "ISSUE:" type "USTRANSCOM/POSITION:" all caps, in bold

print. State briefly bottom line of paper, where USTRANSCOM stands and what is


Two lines below last line of "USTRANSCOM POSITION:" insert a box. Type in and bold

the "leave behind" message. Maximum of four lines.

Two lines below the BOX type "BACKGROUND:" or "DISCUSSION:" all caps, in bold

print. Provide justification supporting USTRANSCOM's position.

-- Double space between items, but don't number bullets.

Maj Benson/TCJ6-PM/256-8010/kpo/Originator’s Signature/13 Oct 09


Preparing a Ghost E-Mail

What is a Ghost e-mail? A Ghost e-mail is an e-mail prepared for your boss’s transmission.

Why should you use it? It simplifies e-mail coordination/review. It is pre-formatted with addresses and your boss’s signature block. Your boss only has to review and hit send.



Prepare the recommended e-mail.


Insert the e-mail addresses of the recipients in the ―To:‖ line.

NOTE : This is who ultimately receives the email or the final destination.


Insert TCDC, TCCS, Director, Deputy(s)/Exec(s) e-mail in ―Cc:‖ line.


Click the Office Button.


Click Save As .


In the Save as type: box, select Outlook Template (*oft) .



Select Save in: Desktop and then Save.


Close the e-mail and do not save.



Create a new E-mail.


Action Officer to Division Chief

To Director Executive Officer

To Director

To TCCC or Executive Officer


Subject: GEM for TCCC to AMC/CC [reference subject]


Click on Attach File.


Select the file you saved on the desktop.


Click on Send .



The e-mail can then be opened and edited by TCCS/TCDC/TCCC, as applicable.

TCCS/TCDC/TCCC then only has to insert their name in the ―From‖ box and hit Send .




Lesson 4: Letters and Templates

Lesson Objectives: At the end of this lesson, you will be able to:

Understand Transportation Command Commander (TCCC) Transportation Command

Deputy Commander (TCDC), Transportation Command Chief of Staff (TCCS) Writing


Utilize Letterhead Memo

Examine a Personalized Letter on USTRANSCOM Letterhead

Utilize the Checklist for a Personalized Letter on USTRANSCOM Letterhead

Use a TCCS Thank You Note

Use a TCCC Promotion Note

Use a TCCC Personal Letter on Letterhead to 4-Star

Use a TCCC Personal Letter on Letterhead to DOD Member

Use a TCCC Personal Letter on Letterhead to OSD Update

Use an Express Mail Justification Letter


Understanding TCCC/TCDC/TCCS Writing Styles

The TCCC/TCDC/TCCS Writing Styles gives detailed explanations to the correct procedures for writing/preparing documents in all USTRANSCOM correspondence/documents.

Key Points

Use effective writing principles. Correspondence should be short and concise, highlighting key issues, concerns, points, or requirements. Key is to be polite, tactful, and brief. Eliminate any emotional statements.

Use active voice.

Use the word "I" when speaking personally; use "we" when speaking for all of


Use direct phrases like "We are pleased," "We appreciate," "Please pass our," and

"Congratulations on your xxx."

Salutation: NO comma after salutation

 For TCCC use ―Dear (first name) ―for all officers, senior ranking personnel, and industry.

For enlisted personnel use ―Dear abbreviated rank and (last name).‖ Provide first name and ―nickname‖ on removable post-it.

For TCDC/TCCS use title (Mr./Mrs./Ms/rank) and last name, but provide first name or

―nickname‖ on removable post-it. (NOTE: There is no ―.‖ after Ms)

Use salutation "Dear" for all correspondence.

Type complimentary close second line below text, approximately three spaces to right of page's center.

Use complimentary close "Sincerely"

Close: NO comma after close.

Congratulatory and appreciation correspondence, address letter directly to individual at office address with a courtesy copy to the director/commander/Command Support Group

(CSG) chief, etc. Confirm correct rank and proper spelling of each name with a reliable source. Exception: In cases where several people from an office are involved, i.e., an entire team, then address letter to the director/CSG chief or commander, etc.

Do not predate letter. Joint Secretariat will date correspondence after signature, mail original document, and return a copy to OPR. It is the OPR's overall responsibility to ensure document is dated and mailed/faxed, etc.

 Don't thank twice. For example, if a ―thank you‖ is extended in first paragraph, don't use phrases like, "Once again, thanks" in last paragraph.


TCCC/TCDC/TCCS all write to individuals when they learn of exceptional news about them. If someone warrants recognition, draft letter and submit through director/CSG


Letters written to another general officer, senator, congressman, governor, or similar distinguished visitor should have a sentence something like this, ―Please have your staff call our point of contact, Maj Doe at (insert commercial and DSN phone numbers and email address).‖ Do not use statements like this, ―Please call my point of contact, Maj

Doe at xxxx.‖ It is inappropriate to ask a distinguished person to call an action officer.

Preferred font for letters is Times New Roman 12. (Use 11 font to keep to 1-page.)

TCCC letters to OSD (Office of Secretary of Defense) must include cc: Chairman, Joint

Chiefs of Staff.

TCDC letters to OSD must include cc: Director, Joint Staff.

Responsive Writing Exercise

Keeping the information succinct and direct is important in all USTRANSCOM correspondence.

In the following exercise, look for ways to keep Bottom Line Up Front (BLUF).

Go to D://Student/Action Officer.

Open Responsive_Writing_Student_Manual.pdf

View the table of contents on page 3.

Click on page 9, Bottom Line Up Front to go to the page.

Read page 9.

Go to page 10. How would you write the bottom line up front?

Read page 11 to see one probable solution.

Other writing resources in the AO ToolKit include:

Under Links o Tongue and Quill

Under Command Section Guidance o TCCC- USTRANSCOM Strategic Communication Themes & Messages o TCDC –Responsive Writing Standards


Letterhead Memo

Please follow the formatting guidelines below when constructing a Letterhead Memo.

Use plain bond paper only for correspondence internal to USTRANSCOM.

 Indicate a suspense by typing ―(SUSPENSE: (suspense date))‖ in bold letters one space after subject.

When addressees are flag officers, an original memo is prepared for each.

Addressees are listed by protocol based upon rank.

Use the Attachment drop down list to select ―Attachments‖ if there are multiple attachments. There is also a blank line if there are no attachments and no courtesy copies, but recommend using the ―cc only‖ template if there are courtesy copies without attachments.

If a third line is required for the signature block, insert a return ([Enter] key) at the end of the second line, space over, and continue the signature block.

Sample Letterhead Memo from a Template with Attachments

Go to D:\\Student\Action Officer.

Open Completed Sample Memo Template.docx


Read the contents to learn about correct formatting for memorandums.

Close the file.


Personalized Letter on USTRANSCOM Letterhead

A personalized letter is used when an official letter needs a personal touch, or when warmth or sincerity is essential. Use it to write to an individual (military or civilian) on a private matter

(praise, condolence, sponsorship, etc.). Keep it brief, preferably no longer than one page. Avoid abbreviations and symbols. When sending outside DOD, avoid military terms, phrases, dates, or time. Since the TCCC often sends official notes to his counterparts or personnel he deals with on both a professional as well as personal basis, official letters for the TCCC’s signature are normally prepared in this format rather than in official memorandum format.

Samples for the following types of personalized letters are available on the AO ToolKit:

TCCC or TCDC personalized letter with attachments and courtesy copies

TCCC or TCDC personalized letter with courtesy copies only

Personalized letter from TCCC to DOD member

Personalized letter from anyone to anyone with attachments and courtesy copies

Personalized letter from anyone to anyone with courtesy copies only

Format of Letters


Do not predate correspondence prior to signature.

When dating, align typed date across from bottom of DOD seal at the right margin. (If you draw a horizontal line touching the bottom of the seal, then the date would sit on top of this line, right justified.)


Set left, right, and bottom margins to 1-inch. The 1-inch left margin should line the margin up with center of the seal/eagle.

Use a top margin of approximately 1.8-inches (or use 1-inch top margin and go down six returns (five blank lines).

Salutation Address

Type the salutation address on third line below seal.

Use a maximum of five lines in salutation address.

Military installation and state may be spelled out for formal letters of congratulations or appreciation.


Examples :

Mr. John C. Smith

2560 Monte Vista Place

Alexandria, Virginia 22309-1234

Lieutenant Colonel John C. Smith, USAF

Strategy, Plans, Policy, and Programs


United States Transportation Command

508 Scott Drive

Scott Air Force Base, Illinois 62225-5357

OR Scott AFB IL 62225-5357


Type the salutation (normally "Dear") on the second line below the "TO" address (one blank line between).

 Use title (Mr./Mrs./Ms/rank) and last name, but provide first name or ―nickname‖ on removable post-it. (If no "go by" or nickname, print first name on post-it.)

Use salutation "Dear" for TCCC and TCDC correspondence.

Use punctuation after abbreviations such as Mr., Mrs., Ms, Dr.; however, do not use punctuation with military rank, i.e., Maj and Lt Col

Use salutation "Dear" plus rank and surname. For example, letters addressed to a brigadier general, use "Dear General XXXX," omitting adjective brigadier. Same rule applies for lieutenant general, major general, lieutenant colonel (Dear Colonel XXX), lieutenant commander (Dear Commander XXX), and first/second lieutenant (Dear

Lieutenant XXX).

Examples :

Dear Mr. Smith Dear Ms Smith Dear Colonel Jones


Type the body of the letter on the second line below salutation (one blank line between).

DO NOT number paragraphs.

Indent all major paragraphs five spaces; indent subparagraphs an additional five spaces.

Single space sentences within paragraphs, but double space between paragraphs. Single paragraph letters of less than eight lines may be double-spaced.


Type a complimentary close two lines below text, approximately three spaces to right of page's center. Do not use a comma after closing.


Use complimentary close "Sincerely" on TCCC/TCDC letters to persons of equal or lesser rank. Use complimentary close "Very respectfully" on TCCC/TCDC letters to persons of higher rank.

(TCCC uses Very respectfully for all 4-stars and higher positions.)

Signature Block

Type signature block on fifth line below and flush with complimentary closing (three spaces to the right of center).

If the title is long, indent three spaces on the next line and continue the title.

When using USTRANSCOM letterhead stationery, use following three line signature block:


General, USAF



Vice Admiral, U.S. Navy

Deputy Commander


Major General, U.S. Army

Chief of Staff


Type "Attachment(s):" flush with left margin, on third line below last line of signature block.


Rank, Service


Duty title

AMC/CV Ltr, 12 Aug 00

NOTE : Multiple attachments are numbered.



Rank, Service

Duty title



AMC/CV Ltr, 12 Aug 00

COMSC/N00 Ltr, 13 Aug 00


Courtesy Copies

Place courtesy copy distribution "cc:" at left margin, two lines below attachment. If there are no attachments, type "cc:" two lines below last line of signature block, flush with left margin.

Following is an example showing when both attachments and courtesy copies are indicated:


Rank, Service

Duty title


1. AMC/CV Ltr, 12 Aug 00

2. COMSC/N00 Ltr, 13 Aug 00 cc: SDDC/SDCG

An example showing when no attachments are used:


Rank, Service

Duty title cc: SDDC/SDCG


Checklist for Personalized Letter on USTRANSCOM Letterhead

____ Is letter prepared on actual USTRANSCOM letterhead? Do not use electronic letterhead template to print your own letterhead .

____ For TCCC/TCDC/TCCS correspondence, avoid "I" and "me." "We" and "our" speak for


____ Is type easy to read?

____ Did you use appropriate margins? (1.8-inch top margin, 1-inch side and bottom margins).

____ Do not date correspondence prior to signature. Although Joint Secretariat normally dates correspondence, it is the OPR’s responsibility to ensure correspondence is dated. Is date typed flush with right margin, across from bottom of DOD seal?

____ Is addressee's "go by‖ name or nickname provided on a post it?

____ Is letter brief, preferably no longer than one page?

____ Is "TO" address typed on third line below seal, flush with left margin?

____ Is "TO" address complete and accurate--checked against a reliable source?

____ Is there a salutation line? (Normally Dear Mr. XXX.) (There is no comma after the salutation.)

____ Is body of letter typed two lines below salutation?

____ Are paragraphs indented five spaces, but not numbered?

____ Are there single-spaced lines within a paragraph, and double-spaced lines between paragraphs (single paragraph letters of less than eight lines may be double-spaced).

____ Is closing two lines below last line of text, approximately three spaces to right of center (no comma)?

____ Is signature element typed on fifth line below complimentary close, three spaces right of center?

____ Did you use correct three line signature block for TCCC/TCDC/TCCS?

____ If there are attachments, are they flush with the left margin, on the third line below last line of signature block?

____ If there are courtesy copies, are they listed two lines below last line of attachment, or two lines below last line of signature block when there are no attachments (one blank line between signature block and cc line)?

____ Is overall appearance of letter neat, free of smudges or other marks?

____ Is type large enough to be easily read?

____ Is a disk containing document included in package? Do not forward envelopes to

Command Section; hold at action officer level.


TCCS Thank You Note Example

4 March 2009

Master Sergeant Susie Jones


402 Scott Drive

Scott Air Force Base, Illinois 62225

Dear Sergeant Jones

Thank you for the excellent briefing to the United States

Transportation Command on Enterprise Information Management (EIM) on

27 February 2009.

Your briefing was right on the mark and provided the attendees with a critical understanding of the overall architecture for the future.

You did a great job briefing….keep up the good work!

Sincerely cc:



Brigadier General, U.S. Army


Promotion Congratulations Memo

Rank, First Name, MI, Last Name, Service

Xxx Directorate

United States Transportation Command

508 Scott Drive

Scott Air Force Base, Illinois 62225-5357

Dear Xxxx (For Enlisted: Use Rank/Last Name; For Officers: Use First or Go-

By Name)

Congratulations on your selection for promotion to [ the next grade ]. This promotion signifies tremendous accomplishments, is a significant milestone in your career, and recognizes your potential to take on future and greater challenges in the leadership arena of our United States [ Air Force, Army, Navy,

Marine Corps, Coast Guard ] with success.

Expect increased responsibilities in your new rank, building upon the lessons you’ve learned along the way, while working as part of the world-class team we call the United States Transportation Command (USTRANSCOM).

This is a memorable day for you, and all of us in USTRANSCOM join with you in this celebration.

Best wishes for continued success.

Sincerely cc:



General, USAF


TCCC Personal Letter on Letterhead to 4-Star

General Joseph W. Ashy, USAF


United States Space Command

250 South Peterson Blvd Ste 116

Peterson AFB CO 80914-3010

Dear Joseph

Thank you for the opportunity to provide our input to your space-based Intelligence,

Reconnaissance, and Surveillance Priority List.

We look forward to hosting Brigadier General Connor for executive level sessions to initiate this action. If schedules permit, we suggest a visit during the week of 28 Nov 01.

Our point of contact is Major Rene Moorehead, DSN 779-4140. She will be available to work out visit details with your staff.

Very respectfully


General, USAF



TCCC Personal Letter on Letterhead to DOD member

The Honorable Paul G. Kaminski

Under Secretary of Defense

for Acquisition and Technology

3010 Defense Pentagon

Washington DC 20301-3010

Dear Dr. Kaminski

Congratulations on your appointment as Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition and


We would like to invite you and your staff to visit USTRANSCOM and the Air Mobility

Command for an update on critical mobility programs which have DOD acquisition and technology implications. Discussions will include initiatives on in-transit visibility, Global

Transportation Network, Defense Transportation System, and the C-17 program.

We look forward to seeing you at Scott AFB in the near future.



General, USAF

Commander cc:

Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff

(NOTE: Some key members of DOD and Congress require “The Honorable” as part of their title.)


TCCC Personal Letter on Letterhead to OSD Update

The Honorable Deborah R. Lee

Assistant Secretary of Defense for Reserve Affairs

1500 Defense Pentagon, Room 2E520

Washington DC 20301-1500

Dear Ms. Lee

We appreciate the opportunity to review and comment on your ―Increased Use of Reserve

Components in Total Force Missions‖ concept brief. Our mission success is heavily dependent on Reserve Components. We need rapid access to Guard and Reserve units early in a crisis to quickly build up transportation pipeline needed to deploy and sustain US forces.

We carefully reviewed your concept brief and have attached suggested changes we believe would strengthen your case.

We look forward to working with you to ensure Reserve Force adequacy and responsiveness.



General, USAF



Suggested Changes cc:

Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff


Sample of an Express Mail Justification Letter

27 May 2008



SUBJECT: Request for Overnight Package Delivery

1. Request overnight package delivery for the following shipment:

a. PACKAGE DESCRIPTION: This shipment consists of general officer material. The package is unclassified and does not contain hazardous material.



WASHINGTON DC 20318-9999

(703) 697-9121

b. JUSTIFICATION: Must be delivered NLT 28 Mar 07. Package contains general officer material.

c. ALTERNATE DELIVERY METHODS: All other packages that could be completed via

First Class Mail, e-mail, message, faxing, or dispatching using standard small package procedures have been done. This package contains documents that could not have been done using the above methods because they will not ensure delivery to the final destination in time to meet the requirement.

2. Point of contact is the undersigned at 229-4276.


Chief, Joint Secretariat




Lesson 5: Retirements

Lesson Objectives: At the end of this lesson, you will be able to:

Access Retirement Guidance Templates

Prepare a Coin Request SSS

View 4-Star Memo to Civilian and Spouse

View a 4-Star Memo for Military Retiree


Retirement is an important milestone in a military member’s career. It culminates many years of dedicated service to our country. As an AO supporting a retirement ceremony, it is your responsibility to complete all necessary documentation as early in the process as possible to help ensure the ceremony goes smoothly. AOs are involved in creating the SSS for the retirement letter and request for the 4-star coin presentation during the ceremony. They also generate memos of congratulations and appreciation to the retiree as well as their family members.

View Retirement Files

Navigate to D: //Student/Action Officer.

Open SSS Coin Request.xfdl. View contents.

Open the file Retirement Checklist.pdf.

View the contents of the Checklist.

Open the file Retirement Checklist Protocol.xlsx.

View the contents.

A listing of all the necessary documents to assist the AO with the ceremony are located in

SharePoint / AO Toolkit / Protocol Guidance/Templates / Ceremonies.

A listing of all templates for retirements are located in SharePoint / AO ToolKit / How

To Guides / Retirements – Checklist, Letters.

The templates include:

 4-Star Memo for Military Retiree

 4-Star Memo to Spouse

 4-Star Memo to Civilian and Spouse

 4-Star Memo to 1 st

Child through 4-Star Memo to 4 th



Page Layout for Military or Civilian Retiree

Below is a sample of the correct formatting for a 4-Star Memo for Military Retiree.

When creating this memo:

Change only the highlighted text.

If the Retiree is an enlisted make salutation Dear Rank and Last Name.

If the Retiree is an officer make salutation Dear First Name.

To change the Page Setup of this document:

On the Page Layout tab, in the Page Setup group, select Margins. Then choose Custom

Margins. Apply the following margin settings: o Top: 1 o Left: 1.75 o Bottom: .5 o Right: .3

On the Page Layout tab, in the Page Setup group, select Size. Then choose More Paper

Sizes. Apply the following paper settings: o Width: 7 o Height 8.5

To change the Font: o Hold [Ctrl] and [A] to select all the text o On the Home tab, in the Styles group, select the dialog box launcher and select the Body Text 3 + 11pt style o Times New Roman o Size 11

There are 7 returns from the top of document. Edit only the part that is highlighted.

Prepare a CD and send with package.

Provide a Word document listing assignments, dates, and duty titles


4-Star Memo to Civilian

22 December 2010(date of ceremony)

Mrs. Debora Harrison

Directorate of Program Analysis and

Financial Management (appropriate directorate)

United States Transportation Command

508 Scott Drive

Scott Air Force Base, Illinois 62225-5357

Dear Deb

Congratulations on your retirement from the Department of the Air

Force after 33 years of dedicated service.

Please accept my coin as a small token of recognition for your professional contributions as a federal employee. Please use it to reflect proudly on your personal accomplishments throughout your civilian career.

I wish you and Lee a retirement filled with health, happiness, and continued success in all your future endeavors.



General, USAF


4-Star Memo for Military Retiree

4 July 2010 (date of ceremony)

Colonel Ivan B. Running, USAF (appropriate service)

Directorate of Strategy, Policy, Programs and Logistics (list directorate)

United States Transportation Command

508 Scott Drive

Scott Air Force Base, Illinois 62225-5357

Dear Ivan (if Enlisted, Sergeant and last name; Officer go by-name or if none, first name)

Congratulations on the culmination of 20 years of faithful and dedicated service to the United States Air Force and our Nation.

On the eve of your retirement from active duty, all of us in the United

States Transportation Command (USTRANSCOM) offer our sincere appreciation for your unwavering dedication and devotion to service. From your early days aboard USS JOUETT (CG 29) as Auxiliaries Officer and

Navigator during Operations DESERT SHIELD/DESERT STORM through your tour as the Damage Control Officer aboard USS KEARSARGE (LHD 3) during Operation IRAQI FREEDOM, and culminating in your present position at USTRANSCOM as Surface Team Chief of the Industry Branch, you have served with distinction. Your career has been marked by significant contributions to our nation, and you will be sorely missed.

Best wishes to you and Judy for a retirement full of happiness and continued success in your future endeavors. Godspeed.



General, USAF




Lesson 6: Utilizing the Command Briefing Template

Lesson Objectives: At the end of this lesson, you will be able to:

Prepare Effective Slides

Access the USTRANSCOM/TCC Emblems


Tips for Preparing Effective Slides

All slides presented must use the Command Briefing Template located in the AO ToolKit on

SharePoint. This is also located on the USTRANSCOM Portal in the Action Officer Toolkit /

Briefing / Command Briefing Template.

Below are a few presentation rules to help when creating or re-using slides.

Consider your audience, the environment, and any special "rules."

Use headers for each slide, e.g., AGENDA.

 Keep each slide simple. Brief only the critical points. Eliminate the ―nice to know‖ or

―supporting material.‖

Ensure your slides are uncluttered and your text is large and easy to read. The reader should be able to determine what you are attempting to communicate within 5 seconds of seeing the slide. As a guideline--NOT RULE--keep slides to six lines, six words per line, using print large enough to read from all seats in briefing facility. Estimate briefing time at least 3 minutes per slide.

Avoid using sentences and paragraphs to communicate. Use short, incomplete sentences


Use charts and clipart to communicate when possible. A picture is worth a thousand words.

Include only key values in charts. Do not clutter your charts. Make them easy to read in one swipe of the eye.

Use color to help communicate. Beware personal preferences weigh heavily here. Not everyone loves florescent colors! Select colors that provide enough contrast to be readable. White/yellow on black or dark blue/black on white are ―tried and true‖ color formats. Ensure color schemes on slides make them easy to read from any seat in the briefing facility.

Use transitions, bullet transitions, and other special effects to keep the audience's attention.

Confidence is enhanced by thorough knowledge of background issues.

Ensure briefing is clear and concise, highlight only key issues, but know background to answer detailed questions.

Limit slides to only those essential to briefing.

Ensure briefing has strongly enforced purpose.

Ensure briefing content is convincing, accurate, and credible, with unquestionable logic.

Ensure conclusion synthesizes main ideas; reinforces purpose, and has positive impact/ sense of closure.


Accessing the USTRANSCOM/TCC Emblems

To access the USTRANSCOM/TCC emblems:

Open Internet Explorer.

Type the following address in your browser: .

This is also on the USTRANSCOM Portal page


Library. Look at the links on the left side of the web page and select USTRANSCOM and TCC Official emblems.

At this site you can download any of the emblems and gain information about the file types to add to your slides and presentations.




Appendix A: Locations for Action Officer Files, Templates, and Samples

On SharePoint

TCCS-JS / AO ToolKit

TCCS-P / Visits

TCCS-P / Ceremonies

TCCS-P / Conference Rooms

On the USTRANSCOM Portal

On the I: Drive

I:\Training\Microsoft SRA 2010\Action Officer

