ART E-‐ Lesson Grade: 4-‐5 Subject: Art Learning Targ

 ART E-­‐ Lesson Grade: 4-­‐5 Subject: Art Learning Target(s) / Objective(s): 1. Students will critique/analyze a famous artwork from either Henri Rousseau or Vincent Van Gogh. 2. Students will be able to discuss elements of design, mood, and their personal opinions about the work of art. Materials Needed: Provided critique handout, famous artwork handouts (“Starry Night by Vincent Van Gogh or “Surprised! Storm in the Forest” By Henri Rousseau), pencil Lesson Overview Students will practice looking at and writing about a famous piece of artwork. They will use their knowledge of the elements of design and mood to discuss the painting as well as give their opinions about the work of art. Assignment: Students will use the provided handouts, “Be an Art Critic!”, “Starry Night,” and “Surprised! Storm in the Forest”. 1. Students will choose which piece of artwork they would like to critique.-­‐ either “Starry Night” or “Surprised! Storm in the Forest”. 2. Follow the directions on the “Be an Art Critic” worksheet. Be sure to answer in complete sentences. 3. If needed, use the back of your paper to continue your opinion. OPTION 1: Vincent Van Gogh -­ “Starry Night” OPTION 2: Henri Rousseau -­ “Surprised! Storm in the Forest” Be an Art Critic!! Art critics critique or analyze art. They know a lot about art. People are usually very interested in what an art critic thinks about a work of art. Sometimes you will agree with the opinions of an art critic, sometimes you will not. Be an Art Critic!!! Pick one of the pieces of art, either “Starry Night” or “Surprised! Storm in the Forest”. Then complete this form: The work of art I am critiquing is called: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________. The artist’s name is________________________________________________________________________________. This is what I see when I look at the artwork:____________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________
________________________________________________________________________________________________________ All artwork is made using a variety of art elements, for example line, shape, color, texture, and space. Name one or two elements that stand out in this work of art. Artists often create a mood or feeling in their artwork. Sometimes the mood is happy. Sometimes the mood is sad or angry. Some artwork makes the viewer feel alone. How does this piece of artwork make you feel? Why? Artists often make statements or send messages with their art. What do you think this artist is trying to say? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________
________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Explain why you like or dislike this piece of artwork. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 