Apostrophes Quiz Apostrophes Quiz

Apostrophes Quiz
Year 5
Apostrophes Quiz
1. An apostrophe has been left out of this sentence. Where should the missing apostrophe go?
The instructors told me that five bicycles tires need to be removed within two weeks.
a) instructors’
b) instructor’s
c) bicycles’
d) week’s
2. An apostrophe has been left out of this sentence. Where should the missing apostrophe go?
Since the buses only have 30 seats, that one students friends will have to ride separately.
a) student’s
b) buses’
c) students’
d) seats’
3. Which sentence is punctuated correctly?
a) The bird uses it’s beak to get food.
b) The bird uses its beak to get food.
c) The bird uses its’ beak to get food.
d) The bird uses i’ts beak to get food.
4. Which sentence has an apostrophe in the correct place?
a) One player’s attitude should not ruin the game.
b) Mary did’nt bring her essay to class.
c) Il’l start looking for the missing pencil.
d) Many of the teammate’s scores were low.
5. An apostrophe has been left out of this sentence. Where should the missing apostrophe go?
You left those baseballs on the field, so youre not ready to pack up your belongings yet.
a) baseball’s
b) baseballs’
c) you’re
d) belongings’
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This is an ERS plan and is NOT endorsed by ACARA. Green font is ACARA sourced materials. Go to: http://www.australiancurriculum.edu.au
6. Which sentence has the apostrophe in the correct place?
a) It was’nt long before all of the bees went into their hives.
b) It wasn’t long before all of the bees went into their hives.
c) It wasnt long before all of the bees’ went into their hives.
d) It wasnt long before all of the bees went into their hives’.
7. An apostrophe has been left out of this sentence. Where should the missing apostrophe go?
The streets had the joggers footprints where he had been running.
a) street’s
b) footprints’
c) footprint’s
d) jogger’s
8. Which sentence is punctuated correctly?
a) Wouldnt it be nice if it stopped raining?
b) Would’nt it be nice if it stopped raining?
c) Woul’dnt it be nice if it stopped raining?
d) Wouldn’t it be nice if it stopped raining?
9. Which sentence has an apostrophe in the correct place?
a) Why didn’t we go to the park earlier?
b) I saw one teachers’ class on the field.
c) Theyr’e going to be late for school.
d) A few chair’s legs were broken.
10. An apostrophe has been left out of this sentence. Where should the missing apostrophe go?
Parties arent usually held on Mondays but sometimes occur on Saturdays.
a) sometimes’
b) Mondays’
c) Saturdays’
d) aren’t
11. Which sentence has the apostrophe in the correct place?
a) The two sister’s dresses both had many stripes.
b) The two sisters’ dresses both had many stripes.
c) The two sisters dresses’ both had many stripes.
d) The two sisters dresses both had many stripe’s.
12. An apostrophe has been left out of this sentence. Where should the missing apostrophe go?
© Education Research Solutions T: 1300 669 810 E: contactus@educationresearch.com.au W: www.educationresearch.com.au
This is an ERS plan and is NOT endorsed by ACARA. Green font is ACARA sourced materials. Go to: http://www.australiancurriculum.edu.au
This nations soldiers fought bravely for many days and nights.
a) days’
b) nights’
c) nation’s
d) soldiers’
13. Which sentence is punctuated correctly?
a) That box of cookies is there’s.
b) That box of cookies is they’res.
c) That box of cookies is theirs.
d) That box of cookies is theyre’s.
14. An apostrophe has been left out of this sentence. Where should the missing apostrophe go?
Its unclear whether the cats are his or hers.
a) It’s
b) his’
c) her’s
d) hers’
15. Which sentence has an apostrophe in the correct place?
a) I thought that wev’e been behaving well.
b) It shouldn’t matter who wins the game.
c) That houses’ colour is very unusual.
d) I think its’ Wednesday today.
16. An apostrophe has been left out of this sentence. Where should the missing apostrophe go?
Those neighbours dogs barked all day during the summer months.
a) neighbour’s
b) dogs’
c) month’s
d) neighbours’
17. Which sentence has the apostrophe in the correct place?
a) School days aren’t any longer than days on weekends.
b) School days arent any longer than day’s on weekends.
c) School days arent any longer than days on weekends’.
d) School days’ arent any longer than days on weekends.
© Education Research Solutions T: 1300 669 810 E: contactus@educationresearch.com.au W: www.educationresearch.com.au
This is an ERS plan and is NOT endorsed by ACARA. Green font is ACARA sourced materials. Go to: http://www.australiancurriculum.edu.au
18. Which sentence is punctuated correctly?
a) Those young men shouldnt stay out so late.
b) Those young men shoul’dnt stay out so late.
c) Those young men shouldn’t stay out so late.
d) Those young men should’nt stay out so late.
19. An apostrophe has been left out of this sentence. Where should the missing apostrophe go?
If theyd gone to their classes on time, the boys would not be in such trouble.
a) classes’
b) they’d
c) boy’s
d) boys’
20. Which sentence has an apostrophe in the correct place?
a) Tuesdays’ basketball game was longer than any of the games from past seasons.
b) Tuesday’s basketball game was longer than any of the games from past seasons.
c) Tuesdays basketball game was longer than any of the game’s from past seasons.
d) Tuesdays basketball game was longer than any of the games from past seasons’.
21. Which sentence has the apostrophe in the correct place?
a) Some of those farmer’s crops have been watered for months.
b) Some of those farmers crops have been watered for months’.
c) Some of those farmers’ crops have been watered for months.
d) Some of those farmers crops’ have been watered for months.
22. An apostrophe has been left out of this sentence. Where should the missing apostrophe go?
For many years, the three schools rooms were cleaned every day.
a) year’s
b) school’s
c) rooms’
d) schools’
23. Which sentence is punctuated correctly?
a) Be sure to finish your homework before eating dinner.
b) Be sure to finish yo’ure homework before eating dinner.
c) Be sure to finish you’re homework before eating dinner.
d) Be sure to finish your’e homework before eating dinner.
24. Which sentence has the apostrophe in the correct place?
© Education Research Solutions T: 1300 669 810 E: contactus@educationresearch.com.au W: www.educationresearch.com.au
This is an ERS plan and is NOT endorsed by ACARA. Green font is ACARA sourced materials. Go to: http://www.australiancurriculum.edu.au
a) The stacks of baseball cards were my father’s.
b) The stacks of baseball cards’ were my fathers.
c) The stack’s of baseball cards were my fathers.
d) The stacks of baseball card’s were my fathers.
25. An apostrophe has been left out of this sentence. Where should the missing apostrophe go?
All of the pets owners brought leashes with them.
a) leashes’
b) owners’
c) pets’
d) owner’s
26. Which sentence has an apostrophe in the correct place?
a) Thats’ the best pizza I ever had.
b) Its’ not time to go to class yet.
c) The four girls’ coats were in a pile.
d) Those car’s tires need to be replaced.
27. An apostrophe has been left out of this sentence. Where should the missing apostrophe go?
There were lots of times when the stories endings were exciting.
a) times’
b) stories’
c) ending’s
d) endings’
28. Which sentence is punctuated correctly?
a) Were going to the tennis courts after school.
b) Wer’e going to the tennis courts after school.
c) We’re going to the tennis courts after school.
d) W’ere going to the tennis courts after school.
29. An apostrophe has been left out of this sentence. Where should the missing apostrophe go?
After a hard days work, the boys like to relax and play games.
a) day’s
b) game’s
c) games’
d) boys’
© Education Research Solutions T: 1300 669 810 E: contactus@educationresearch.com.au W: www.educationresearch.com.au
This is an ERS plan and is NOT endorsed by ACARA. Green font is ACARA sourced materials. Go to: http://www.australiancurriculum.edu.au
30. An apostrophe has been left out of this sentence. Where should the missing apostrophe go?
When the bell rings, the lunch hours finished and the students go back to class.
a) ring’s
b) students’
c) hour’s
d) rings’
© Education Research Solutions T: 1300 669 810 E: contactus@educationresearch.com.au W: www.educationresearch.com.au
This is an ERS plan and is NOT endorsed by ACARA. Green font is ACARA sourced materials. Go to: http://www.australiancurriculum.edu.au