
1. Use an apostrophe to form the possessive of singular and plural nouns.
Add an apostrophe and an s to form the possessive of a singular noun.
Joe + 's = Joe's car
day + 's = day's effort
flag + 's = flag's colors
glass + 's = glass's cost
Note: If a plural noun ends in s, just add an apostrophe.
cars + ' = cars' interiors
televisions + ' = televisions' locations
Note: If a plural noun does not end in s, add 's to the word.
mice + 's = mice's home
women + 's = women's department
Note: If a name of two or more syllables ends in an eez sound, the possessive is formed
without an additional s.
the tales of Ulysses = Ulysses' tales
the speeches of Orestes = Orestes' speeches
2. To make the possessive of a compound word or the name of a co-owned business or
organization, add 's to the last word of the name.
brother-in-law's shoes
Jackson and Meyer's law firm
Here are more situations involving the use of the apostrophe. Review them, and incorporate them
into your writing.
1. Use an apostrophe in contractions (words that combine two words into one).
2. Form the plural of a lowercase letter by placing an 's after the letter.
There are three a's in that word.
Mind your p's and q's.
You do not have to add an apostrophe to form the plural of capitalized letters, numbers,
or symbols.
We counted three Ts in that paragraph. (capitalized letters)
How many 8s (or eights) are in that column? (numbers)
Earl loves to use $s (or dollar signs) in his writing. (symbols)
3. Use an apostrophe to show where the letter(s) is left out in a word or number.
The Class of '18 = The Class of 2018
Let's = Let us
Gregory's = Gregory is or Gregory has
4. Use an apostrophe to form the plural of an abbreviation that ends with a period.
B.A.'s (or BAs) = Bachelors of Arts
M.A.'s (or MAs) = Masters of Arts
PhD.'s (or PhDs) = Doctors of Philosophy
P.A.'s (or PAs) = Physicians Assistants
5. Use an apostrophe to form the plural of an abbreviation that is not followed by a period.
It is also acceptable to write the plural without the period.
How many CD's (or CDs) do you own?
How many different LSAT's (or LSATs) has Bertha taken?