1 Fully Adjustable Rolling Pin Dominic Keeley This document contains a report on the design and development of the fully adjustable rolling pin. Including details into the baking product market, consumable goods, and a developmental concept into a modern rolling pin that meets the demands of the current market. 91 Hill View Road, Ensbury Park, Bournemouth, Dorset, England, BH10 5BL Fully Adjustable Rolling Pin Contents 1.0 Introduction..........................................................................................3 1.1Background......................................................................................3 1.2 Problem............................................................................................3 2.0 Design description.............................................................................4 2.1 Pin....................................................................................................4 2.2 Controlling the depth of the dough..................................................5 2.3 Handle .............................................................................................6 2.4 Cooling the dough...........................................................................6 2.5 Emboss matt....................................................................................7 2.6 Cutting tool......................................................................................9 3.0 Evaluation............................................................................................10 3.1 Prototyping....................................................................................10 3.2 Evolving the design........................................................................10 3.3 Financial.........................................................................................11 3.4 Improvements to the design..........................................................12 Conclusion.................................................................................................13 References…………...................................................................................14 Appendices…...…......................................................................................15 Self review..................................................................................................50 2 Dominic keeley, Product Design, Level: I 1.0 Introduction 1.1 Background On the current market Rolling pins are regularly used in the baking industry and at home to create edible goods, which can be produced by amateurs and professionals. Existing products haven’t adapted to its entirety since its first basic introduction centuries ago. And with a global market this product has the longevity and resilience to be improved upon. This utensil is designed to help bakers to produce the best quality products, in a stylish fashion while helping them become more efficient in terms of quality and time. The product has been designed to strict requirements following research into sizing, materials and its functional capabilities. See appendix (figure1) for more details. 1.2 Problem In the baking market there is a need of a product that finds an economic solution to the purchasing of multiple rolling pins that are used for different purposes, taking up valuable space and money. These purposes include embossed surfaces to create designs in the dough, a water chamber to cool the rolling pin, controlling the depth of the dough and also the succeeding issue of cutting shapes into the dough using a stencil. In the current market there is not a product that offers to solve all these issues combined. 3 Fully Adjustable Rolling Pin 2.0 Design Description: This rolling pin has been designed to combine multiple products and functions into one individual by-product. This product gives the user the ability to: • Control the depth of the dough using the multiple disks that can be attached and removed depending on the desired need. • Automatic cool the dough while rolling over it due to its internal cooling chamber that is filled with a desired water temperature and can be optionally frozen. • Detachable handle that can be removed to use the rolling pin as a traditional French rolling pin. • Emboss patters/designs into the dough using a silicone matt which wraps round the product and fixes in place, after its use it can be stored inside the rolling pin saving space. • Cut shapes into the dough using its slide over cutting tool, saving time, contrary to cutting the shapes out individually. To view these specifications in more detail view appendix (figure 1) 2.1 Pin The rolling pin excluding the handle is 30cm long matching the average size of existing product, as supported by research (see appendix (figure 5). The material choice of using silicone was decided among others due to its nonstick, durable and waterproof properties and also its manufacturing 4 Dominic keeley, Product Design, Level: I capabilities, due to the internal structure being complicated. The cross sectional diameter of the product was heavily influenced by analysing the minimum internal diameter of the tubular pin for the matt to fit inside and also the wall thickness so no bending under pressure from the user would occur. See appendix (figure 13). Due to it being manufactured from solid silicone it helps to create watertight fittings at either end of the product due to its rubber properties, this helps to seal the water chamber and also tightly attach the handle. 2.2 Controlling the depth of the dough To control the depth of the dough (thickness) different sized attachment disks can be fitted to either end of the pin causing the pin component to only flatten the dough to a certain thickness. The product was designed to be packaged with multiple size disks including 2mm, 4mm, 6mm and 10mm. This range of sizes allow the user to select the best suited thickness for its desired purpose. The 4mm disk, was also designed to act as a fixing, securing the matt and cutting tool components in place. As shown in appendix (figures 15, 16, 18, 21, 22 and 25) it also saves space during storage by allowing the 2mm disk to slot inside of it. 5 Fully Adjustable Rolling Pin The disks were positioned at the end of the 30cm rolling pin so they did not disfigure the surface of the dough. Likewise because the rolling pin is 30cm long, its length allows it to spread the dough over the average required baking dish/tin dimensions. 2.3 Handle The small handle of the product has been designed specifically for ergonomics and to encourage a continuous flow of rotation. It does this by encouraging power to roll the pin from the users thumb; this is why it was decided an extended handle would only increase the overall length of the product, taking up valuable storage space and not increasing the products efficiency. See appendix (figure 12). The handle was also designed to make the rolling pin water tight, and with its fixing allows for the disks to become locked tightly to the outside of the rolling pin. This however results in the disks having to be used alongside the handle at all times in order to function. The product does allow for traditional methods by removing the handle and using the product as a traditional French rolling pin. See appendix (figure 28). 2.4 Cooling the dough From researching a diverse material selection of rolling pins it was discovered that dough bonds differently to each one. This can vary due to 6 Dominic keeley, Product Design, Level: I how moist the dough or pin is, its surface finish and also the temperature as well as how much flour content is within the pastry. After extensive research silicone rubber was found to be the best cost effective material due to its non-stick properties and diverse manufacturing opportunities to produce a smooth finish. See appendix (figure 3, and 4) In order to keep the rolling pin cool, it was discovered that limited existing products could be frozen or kept cool in a refrigerated environment in preparation to any baking. Although issues into the product sweating due to the heat transfer had to be considered as any added moisture could affect the integrity of the dough structure, resulting in additional flouring which could adjust the final outcome of the bake. In order to control the outside surface temperature of the product the insulating wall thickness of the product had to be carefully considered and also the volume of liquid the product can contain. See appendix (figure 13 and 14). Additional research also explained that using a handled rolling pin detracted the heat away from the pin component, as heat from the user could not be transferred directly to the surface, and is maintained in the handles. See appendix (figure 29). 2.5 Emboss matt Existing embossed rolling pin products on the market require you to purchase new patterned rolling pin every time you wish to print a new design 7 Fully Adjustable Rolling Pin into the dough. This is costly to the user and inefficient in terms of space. The ‘fully adjustable rolling pin’ however uses interchangeable matts, which can be replaced depending on the users intention, and what finish they wish to exercise. In order to save space this matt component made from silicone can be rolled tightly and stored inside the hollow tubular product, saving space. See appendix (8 and 27). Because of this specified constraint the design of the handle had to be adjusted not to take up any volume within the rolling pin. This steered the direction of the design to fit the handle to the outside wall thickness of the rolling pin using plugs. This however caused a contradictory matter of how to attach the disks to the outside of the pin. Inspiration to solve this problem was gained from existing product fittings and was decided to use identical hollow shaped cones so that the order of and placement of the disks was irrelevant. Although, after issues studying the irregular wall thickness of the injected moulded components and how secure the fixing to the pin would be, the design concept was eradicated. (See appendix (figures10, 11, 12, 15, 16, and 17). In replacement to this it was decided to remove part of the wall thickness on the outer ends of the pin, allowing a hollow handles to slot tightly into its place creating a fiction fit. Ringed depth controlling disks could then slot between the handle and the pin. See appendix (figures 19 and 20 ) 8 Dominic keeley, Product Design, Level: I Another issue was how to connect the wrap around matt to itself, this solution was found by creating simple male and female joints on the end of the matts, which would not effect the print pattern into the dough. See appendix (figure 22) 2.6 Cutting tool A succeeding issue after the dough mixture has been made to the users requirements is the time consuming issue of cutting the dough to the required shapes manually. It was found that doing this also wasted dough, due to the shapes not being to be tessellated resulting in the dough having to be remoulded. The cutting tool component on this product resolves this issue by fixing it to the rolling pin in the same way as the emboss matt, and continuously rolling over the dough cutting multiple tessellated shapes at the same time. This saves time and makes use of all the dough. Different shaped cutting tools would then be available for purchase. See appendix (figures 21). 9 Fully Adjustable Rolling Pin 3.0 Evaluation: 3.1 Prototyping Prototyping was a key part in the design development process of this product. It gave the designer the ability to interactive with a model of the product and study the ergonomics and functions as well as conveying the different uses the product has to offer. By first creating basic models of the product the designer was able to analyse the products size and interactivity with the user. See appendix (figure 31). After developing the product further a scaled down 3D rapid prototype was created, allowing the functionality and ergonomics to be tested further and depict any changes that needed to be made. See appendix (figure 30). It came to the attention of the designer that the 4mm disk that holds the cutting tool and emboss matt in place may need ridges on the inside of the disk to keep the other components firmly in place. However, it was found difficult to test this theory and so the concept was regretfully scrapped, instead to keep the components in place a tight fit with minimum tolerance would be required. 3.2 Evolving the design. To evolve the design further considerations into different shaped cutting tools and matts would be required these could be marketed and packaged 10 Dominic keeley, Product Design, Level: I as multi packs or individual items for a higher retail price. Likewise novelty designs could be available to attract varied demographics such as Disney character shapes. Other colour co-ordinations would also be required to sell the product to a different market consumer similar to previous product versions produced by the brand. See appendix (figure 23). The product should also look to be sold as a multi set of products similar to its previous version. See appendix (figure 24). 3.3 Financial The product may reduce the sales in the previous version of the product but for those not prepared to purchase the premium price the older version will still be available. By using the same dimensions disks as the previous version, tooling costs would be dramatically reduced. Because of the long product life span, the retail price of the product can be higher than the basic average rolling pin; especially considering this product is aimed towards keen bakers. Likewise as the product is likely to be batch produced manufacturing costs are credible to be high. 11 Fully Adjustable Rolling Pin 3.4 Improvements to the design • The disks could reduce its thickness to less than 5mm depending on the products performance and if it can withstand the stress/ strain its likely to undergo. • Alternative handles could be designed depending on the ergonomics of different users. • Considerations in adapting the design into a screw fit, instead of a friction fit should be examined to reduce parts and also generate a tighter fitting, making it more watertight. The choice to make it a friction fit was due to prototyping restrictions. See appendix (figures 21 and 14) • Reduced sized rolling pins could be developed for more intricate pastries and icing reducing the weight and movability of the product. 12 Dominic keeley, Product Design, Level: I Conclusion: The fully adjustable rolling pin meets all of the required specification points to good measure, and has a clear market in the baking industry either for amateur bakers or professionals. On a personal note: “This design project has been similar to the cliché of ‘building a better mousetrap,’ it would seem difficult to improve a device as elegantly simple and durable as the rolling pin as it is one of the oldest kitchen utensils ever made. It is also one of the simplest. And although it fulfils its purpose to roll dough out, what is to say it can’t be taken a step further? The problem however comes by taking this beautifully simple and elegant product and improving it but keeping it to that low level of simplicity. Simplicity is the key to product design. The way that it doesn’t need to be described or shown how to work, it’s simply self-describable. But what is not to say that although the consumer sees it as fantastically simple, the design of it is completely opposite. With all the components and different functions the product aims to achieve, the design of it dictates complicated. But sometimes “Simplicities are enormously complex” (Richard O. Moore). And that is the philosophy this product follows. Creating simplicity through complexity”. 13 Fully Adjustable Rolling Pin References: Academic.mintel.com, (2014). Login to Mintel Reports - Mintel Group Ltd.. [online] Available at: http://academic.mintel.com/display/520585/?highlight#hit1 [Accessed 8 Nov. 2014]. Dana McCauley's food blog, (2009). Choosing a rolling pin. [online] Available at: http://danamccauley.wordpress.com/2009/03/13/choosing-a-rolling-pin/ [Accessed 28 Nov. 2014]. Fantes.com, (2014). Rolling Pins - Tools - Baking. [online] Available at: http://www.fantes.com/baking/tools/rolling-pins.html [Accessed 23 Oct. 2014]. Frame, A., Frame, A. and profile, V. (2012). Annie's Art & Frame: Joseph Joseph Kitchen Tools. Great new Kitchen line at Annie's. [online] Anniesartandframe.blogspot.co.uk. Available at: http://anniesartandframe.blogspot.co.uk/2012/10/joseph-joseph-kitchentools-great-new.html [Accessed 3 Nov. 2014]. Lifewithoutplastic.com, (2014). Is Silicone a Plastic?. [online] Available at: http://www.lifewithoutplastic.com/store/is_silicone_a_plastic#.VE4lyL7mrzg [Accessed 1 Nov. 2014]. Mightynest.com, (2014). Guide to Plastics. [online] Available at: http://mightynest.com/blog/guide-to-plastics [Accessed 10 Oct. 2014]. Mightynest.com, (2014). 12 Ways to Avoid Toxins in the Kitchen. [online] Available at: http://mightynest.com/learn/getting-started/healthy-livingguides/12-ways-to-avoid-toxins-in-the-kitchen [Accessed 18 Oct. 2014]. Pinstake.com, (2014). Pin Joseph Joseph Adjustable Rolling Pin on Pinterest. [online] Available at: http://pinstake.com/joseph-joseph-adjustable-rollingpin/http:%7C%7Cwww%5Ebrodiecountryfare%5Ecom%7Cimages%7Cpro ducts%7Cverylarge%7C1367319281rollingpingrey%5Ejpg/ [Accessed 6 Nov. 2014]. 14 Dominic keeley, Product Design, Level: I Appendices: (Figure 1) Design Specification Brief Under the title MOVERS & SHAKERS your consultancy has decided to develop a range of products for the cook-shop market. You have been tasked with the design and development of user-centred kitchen utensils that, as the title states, either move or shake within the kitchen environment without the use of electronics. You are required to identify a NEED or PROBLEM in the kitchen environment and then decide whether your product can fill a gap in the market or improve on existing designs. INNOVATION is the key in this fast paced and highly competitive area of the market. 1.0 Scope The primary function of this product is to roll out dough to an adjustable depth while keeping the dough cool so it’s more efficient to mould. The secondary function is to have replaceable embossed Matts that leave patterns in the dough. Thirdly this product will have the ability to cut desired shapes out in a tessellated fashion. The product should aim to attract the demographic class system of A, B, C1 with a primary female target age between 24-34. The user should be a keen baker that produces goods professionally or as a hobby. Due to the environment the product is used in (home and workplace) the cost and materials as well as storage should be considered to ensure the product is financially viable and an effective tool which can be easily assembled by the user. 2.0 Background On the current market Rolling pins are regularly used in the baking industry and at home to create edible goods, which can be produced by amateurs and professionals. Existing products haven’t adapted to its entirety since its first basic introduction centuries ago. And with a global market this product has the longevity and resilience to be improved upon. This utensil is designed to help bakers to produce the best quality products, in a stylish fashion while helping them become more efficient in terms of quality and time. 3.0 Details 3.1 Performance 15 Fully Adjustable Rolling Pin 3.1.3 Product must be 300mm long and an outer diameter of 65mm and inner diameter of 40mm. 3.1.4 Product components must be hand-held, and used in one-handed operations. 3.1.5 Product components must slot together tightly to assemble parts of the rolling pins. 3.1.6 Product must have multiple disks to adjust the depth of the dough to 2mm, 4mm, 6mm, and 10mm 3.1.7 Product must be water tight to contain cool or warm water inside of the hollow compartment of the rolling pin. 3.1.8 The embossed matt must be able to be stored inside the hollow compartment of the rolling pin 3.1.9 A slide over cutting stencil must be able to attach to the rolling pin and cut tessellated shapes out into the dough consistently when the rolling pin is rotated. 3.1.10 The matt and cutting stencil must be fixed in place firmly and have low levels of movements which won’t affect the aesthetics of the patterns or the cut out shapes. 3.1.11 The rolling pin must roll a flat surface so the dough is always level. 3.1.12 Product must withstand small loads of pressure without flexing or permanently damaging the material. 3.2 Ergonomics 3.2.2 Operation for 5th female-95th male (adult) percentile required. Age range 24-34 years old. 3.2.3 The product should interact with the user and be assembled in a natural logical manner not requiring the use of instructions. 3.3 Materials 3.3.1 All materials used in the product must be recyclable 3.3.2 All materials used must be suitable for injection moulding. 3.3.3 Product must be made from food safe thermoplastics 3.3.4 Any material that may inflict harm on the user must not be used under any circumstances. 3.3.5 The material must exert heat transfer so the internal cooling system can be operational. 3.4 Packing 3.4.1 For storage the disks of the product can be fitted to the rolling pin. 3.4.2 Simple diagrams on the packing of the box will display its use. No further manual will be required. 3.4.3 Packaging should be food and represent the aesthetics of the brand. 3.5 Environment 16 Dominic keeley, Product Design, Level: I 3.4.1 The plastic material must not sweat water into the dough as it can ruin the product. 3.4.2 The product must operate normally in the temperature ranging from 5 Celsius to 35 Celsius. It must likewise be able to withstand these temperatures while in storage without deteriorating. 3.4.3 Depending on the amount of use, consideration into the wear of the product after handling must be applied. 3.4.4 Due to the user demographic the product must be food safe and not release any harmful or toxic chemicals if chewed. 3.4.5 The product should have a high level of resistance to household cleaning chemicals. 3.6 Manufacture 3.6.1 The batch production of the product will require tooling to be manufactured to form the injection-moulded components. 3.6.2 Multiple colours will be required 3.6.3 Printing a scale system onto the rolling pin must be automatically during manufacture. 3.6.4 Multiple types of plastic materials will need to be moulded to high quality and precision due to the interference fit. 3.6.5 The Rubber ‘O’ rings can be sourced externally. 3.7 Economy 3.7.1 The product must be manufactured and sold at a reasonable retail price while up keeping a high performance value, as it is not a disposable product. 3.7.2 The product will be batch produced to supply its market demand. 3.7.3 The cost of manufacturing materials, labour, and machinery costs must be covered by the retail price of the product. 3.7.4 This is a long-term product, although new versions and additional parts can be purchased. 3.8 Maintenance 3.8.1 The product should require little maintenance with no additional cost to the Product. 3.9 Aesthetics 3.9.1 The rolling pin must be visually clean and free from infestation. 3.9.2 The product should combine the aesthetics of a modern innovative rolling pin with the traditional rolling pin. 17 Fully Adjustable Rolling Pin 3.10 Weight 3.10.1 It must not exceed a comfortable weight for the user to lift or assemble 3.10.2 The product should feel balanced when in use. 3.11 Market 3.11.1 The product is directed towards parents/guardians or catering facilities, which are purchasing the product for baking. 3.12 Competition 3.12.1 The product must compete with existing products on the market and be distinct with its innovative multi-purpose construction. 3.12.2 The company’s future products must be related to innovative creative formats although venturing out into additional markets other than ‘rolling pins’. 3.13 Size 3.13.1 The outer diameter of the rolling pin must not exceed 65mm 3.13.2 The inner diameter of the rolling pin should be 40mm 3.13.3 The length of the rolling pin excluding the handle should be 300mm 3.13.4 The wall thickness of the rolling point should at no point be smaller than 7mm. 3.13.5 The disk sizes must exert a dough thickness of 2mm, 4mm, 6mm or 10mm and should not be more than 5mm thick. 3.14 Safety 3.14.1 Considerations into how the product could be misused must be addressed top reduce the amount of harm inflicted to themselves or others. 3.14.2 The product must have a built in safety breakage point, to fracture in a certain manner. 3.15 Life in service 3.15.1 The expected life in service is dependant on the amount of users the product encounters and also the environment it is used in. 3.15.1 The expected life in service of each product is estimated to be 10 years. 3.15.1 Due to the markets history the product will not become out dated after a short period of time. 3.16 Disposal 18 Dominic keeley, Product Design, Level: I 3.16.1 The product materials must be recyclable reducing the impact on the environment. 3.17 Quantity 3.17.1 Production quantity must suite the demand from catering facilities and stores selling kitchen appliances. (Figure 2) Market research Home baking has become a popular interested to the homeowner over the current decade. And has benefited extremely from strong coverage in the media including, cooking shows, magazines and books containing recipes by celebrity chefs. The increases in sales have shown to have a strong correlation with the UK recession, whereby the consumers have saved money by cooking/baking for themselves. Due to this, manufacturing of cookware has increased heavily with non-stick materials taking the lead including, cold-rolled steel, non-stick aluminum and the largest increase of sales containing silicone, taking over a large part of the market. (Figure 3) Material Choice: The choice of material for the rolling pin was a key issue especially due to the product being used in food hygiene areas the material selection had to be chosen carefully. As the product is to be used by families the product must reduce the amount of risk exposure. From research its shown that numerous materials in the kitchen can actually do long term damage and are tied to disturbing health issues. Its recommended that users should avoid using hard plastic materials when cooking as they contain BPS, which is a developmental, neural, and reproductive toxin. This toxin has been found to transfer from plastic into food and drink in low doses. Its recommended that hand washing equipment is better as it causes less abrasion, which releases the harmful substances. From researching materials Teflon was highlighted as a great non stick material and ideal for rolling pins, although any scratching or chipping of the material could release chemicals, as the material is manufactured using a coating of erfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA). Likewise research into aluminium cookware showed that the material was a 19 Fully Adjustable Rolling Pin highly reactive metal and although it can be anodized to protect the material and make it more durable, the anodizing will break down over time and still remains relatively unsafe. Some plastics because of there heat resistance can melt or flake of into food items, instead it was suggested using materials such as glass, grade 304 stainless steel, wood, bamboo, silicone or ceramics would be best. (Figure 4) Silicone Silicone is a hybrid between synthetic rubber and synthetic plastic polymer family. Its malleable properties allow it to be manufactured into rubber-like items, hard resins and also spreadable fluids. Like any other plastic it can be shaped, formed, softened or hardened into almost any shape. However, silicone is unique in the way it’s able to resist heat exposure and has become more durable than most plastic materials. Its also widely used in food environments due to it s low reactivity with chemicals and also water resistance ability. The material is easy to clean, non-stick, and non-staining, making it popular among kitchen utensils. In her book "Plastic Free", Beth Terry provides the following easily understandable description of silicone: "First of all, silicone is no more "natural" than fossil-based plastic. It is a manmade polymer, but instead of a carbon backbone like plastic, it has a backbone of silicon and oxygen. (Note that I'm using two different words here: silicone is the polymer and silicon, spelled without the "e" on the end, is an ingredient in silicone.) Silicon is an element found in silica, i.e., sand, one of the most common materials on earth. However, to make silicone, silicon is extracted from silica (it rarely exists by itself in nature) and passed through hydrocarbons to create a new polymer with an inorganic silicon-oxygen backbone and carbon-based side groups. What that means is that while the silicon might come from a relatively benign and plentiful resource like sand, the hydrocarbons in silicone come from fossil sources like petroleum and natural gas. So silicone is a kind of hybrid material." Applications of silicone include: baby nipples, cookware, bake ware, utensils, and toys. Silicones are also used for insulation, sealants, adhesives, lubricants, gaskets, filters, medical applications (e.g., tubing), casing for electrical components. Many further issues have asked question to the safeness of using silicone in food preparation. Although health experts have shown that "There are no known health hazards associated with use of silicone cookware. Silicone 20 Dominic keeley, Product Design, Level: I rubber does not react with food or beverages, or produce any hazardous fumes." (Health Canada). Although arguments suggest that silicones are not completely inert of chemically unreactive. They can release certain synthetic chemicals at very low levels and the leaking of these is only increased with contact with fatty substances such as oils. Fortunately due to the dough’s and pastries rolling pins are in contact its rare that oils are used regularly. Sadly silicone does not biodegrade or degrade quickly. It is however recyclable through using specialized equipment. However this products life span is predicted to be very high and thus its environmental impact would become reduced. (Figure 5) General Research Rolling pins are defined as “long cylinders used to press out dough evenly and smoothly. They are primarily used for rolling out dough for pastries, such as pies and cookies, but they can also be used for rolling out bread dough for items such as cinnamon rolls and pizza dough, and roll out pasta dough. In the English-speaking world, Rolling Pins are generally about 10 to 15 inches (25 to 40 cm) long, and about 2 to 3 inches (5 to 7 1/2 cm) in diameter. They can be made from aluminum, ceramic, glass, marble, plastic (nylon or polypropylene) , stainless steel, or hardwood. Hardwood is the most common. Rolling Pins may or may not have handles at each end for turning it. Some handles are on shafts, allowing them to stay in place while the pin rolls. Most handles, though, are fixed, so that they roll with the pin. Some people prefer ones without handles -- they say that by having their hands right on the pin, they can sense better right through the pin the state of the dough and its thickness. Wooden ones with painted handles on the end sometimes have the problem of the paint flaking off into the food you are working with. French ones often don't have handles, but are tapered instead at the ends. Some people prefer these because they can be more easily spun or rotated while rolling, making it easier to make a better circle of dough -- you can just swivel them on one end. Heavier Rolling Pins do some of the work for you, meaning you have to press and lean less. Lighter ones actually require more work to roll. Really heavy 21 Fully Adjustable Rolling Pin rolling pins that weigh up to 4 pounds (1 3/4 kg) can be great for rolling out yeast doughs, but harder to work with for pastry. Marble ones can be chilled first before using them on pastry. They will hold the "chill", thus keeping your pastry dough colder as you are rolling it out and causing it to stick less to the Rolling Pin. Some people store their marble ones in the freezer, so they are always ready to go. Some rolling pins are hollow in the centre, enabling you to fill them with ice cubes or ice water to achieve the same effect as chilled marble. Some feel, however, that they stick more than even wooden Rolling Pins, because condensation sometimes forms on the outside. Rolling Pins can also be used to crush things such as crackers, nuts and peppercorns, and to flatten pieces of meat. Place items such as peppercorns in a sturdy plastic bag first. Be aware, though, that even through a bag, some wooden Rolling Pins can get pockmarked when being used on hard items such as peppercorns or nuts. Wooden ones shouldn't be washed, just scraped clean with the back of a knife, and wiped with a damp cloth, then let dry well before being put away”. (Figure 6) History “The first civilization known to have used the rolling pin was the Etruscans. These people may have migrated from Asia Minor to Northern Italy or may have originated in Italy. They established a group of city states (called Etruria) and were a dominant society by about the ninth century B.C. , but their civilization was cut short after attacks from the Greeks, the growing Roman Empire, and the Gauls (tribes that lived in modern day France). The Etruscans' advanced farming ability, along with a tendency to cultivate many plants and animals never before used as food and turn them into sophisticated recipes, were passed to invading Greeks, Romans, and Western Europeans. Thanks to the Etruscans, these cultures are associated with gourmet cooking. To prepare their inventive foods, the Etruscans also developed a wide range of cooking tools, including the rolling pin. Although written recipes did not exist until the fourth century B.C. , the Etruscans documented their love of food and its preparation in murals, on vases, and on the walls of their tombs. Cooking wares are displayed with pride; rolling pins appear to have been used first to thin-roll pasta that was shaped with cutting wheels. They also used rolling pins to make bread (which they called puls) from the large number of grains they grew. Natives of the Americas used more primitive bread-making tools that are favored and unchanged in many villages. Chefs who try to use genuine 22 Dominic keeley, Product Design, Level: I methods to preserve recipes are also interested in both materials and tools. Hands are used as "rolling pins" for flattening dough against a surface, but also for tossing soft dough between the cook's two hands until it enlarges and thins by handling and gravity. Tortillas are probably the most familiar bread made this way. Over the centuries, rolling pins have been made of many different materials, including long cylinders of baked clay, smooth branches with the bark removed, and glass bottles. As the development of breads and pastries spread from Southern to Western and Northern Europe, wood from local forests was cut and finished for use as rolling pins. The French perfected the solid hardwood pin with tapered ends to roll pastry that is thick in the middle; its weight makes rolling easier. The French also use marble rolling pins for buttery dough worked on a marble slab. Glass is still popular; in Italy, full wine bottles that have been chilled make ideal rolling pins because they are heavy and cool the dough. Countries known for their ceramics make porcelain rolling pins with beautiful decorations painted on the rolling surface; their hollow centers can be filled with cold water (the same principle as the wine bottle), and cork or plastic stoppers cap the ends. Wood has always been the material preferred by cooks and craftsmen in the United States. Pine was probably the wood of choice from colonization to the mid-1800s, but the pine forests in the northern states were already being depleted by this time. Rolling pin manufacturers started using other hardwoods like cherry and maple for their wooden kitchenware, which also included ladles and butter molds. Late in the nineteenth century, J. W. Reed invented the rolling pin with handles connected to a center rod; this is similar to the tool we know today, and it prevents cooks from putting their hands on the rolling surface while shaping pastry. Reed invented new versions of the dough kneader and dough roller; his contributions are notable, not only because he eased the cook's tasks, but also because Reed was one of many African-Americans who developed and patented improvements to household items. Raw Materials Some 600,000-750,000 rolling pins are manufactured and sold in the United States every year. By far, the majority of these are made of wood with handles to rotate them around central spools. Wood from maple or ash trees is the most common raw material, depending on availability and customer preference. Hard woods like rock maple are the high-end materials found in bakeries, cooking schools, and retail stores selling fine cookware. Less desirable and softer woods are ash or soft maple. Soft maple and birch form the rolling pins for sale in discount and other mass-marketing stores. Matching woods are used to produce handles. Rolling pins turn on stainless steel center rods and ball bearings; these are 23 Fully Adjustable Rolling Pin held in place with nylon bushings. Specialty suppliers provide these parts to the rolling pin manufacturers based on their requirements. Handles used to be painted or lacquered, but this practice is out of fashion. Manufacturers no longer use paints or other applied finishes. Design Designs for most rolling pins follow long-established practices, although some unusual styles and materials are made and used. Within the family of wooden rolling pins, long and short versions are made as well as those that are solid cylinders (one-piece rolling pins) instead of the familiar style with handles. Very short pins called mini rolling pins make use of short lengths of wood and are useful for one-handed rolling and popular with children and collectors. Mini pins ranging from 5 to 7 in (12.7-17.8 cm) in length are called texturing tools and are produced to create steam holes and decorations in pastry and pie crusts; crafters also use them to imprint clay for art projects. These mini pins are made of hardwoods (usually maple) or plastic. Wood handles are supplied for both wood and plastic tools, however. Blown glass rolling pins are made with straight walls and are solid or hollow. Ceramic rolling pins are also produced in hollow form, and glass and ceramic models can be filled with water and plugged with stoppers. Tapered glass rolling pins with stoppers were made for many centuries when salt import and export were prohibited or heavily taxed. The rolling pin containers disguised the true contents. The straight-sided cylinder is a more recent development, although tapered glass pins are still common craft projects made by cutting two wine bottles in half and sealing the two ends together so that the necks serve as handles at each end. Tiny rolling pins are also twisted into shape using formed wire. The pins will not flatten and smooth pastry, and the handles do not turn. The metal pins are popular as kitchen decorations and also to hang pots, pans, and potholders. The Future Like the cliché of "building a better mousetrap," it would seem difficult to improve a device as elegantly simple and durable as the rolling pin. However, in 2000 at an inventors' show in Geneva, Switzerland, South African native Yvonne Bekker introduced a newly patented rolling pin that is perforated to release a steady sprinkling of flour. Bekker had grown increasingly frustrated with pastry sticking to the rolling pin, and this prompted her bright idea. Chrome rolling pins are also experiencing a revival, except that the new versions have coatings of Teflon to limit sticking. Yet the familiar, reliable rolling pin appears ready to take on all newcomers. One possible threat to its future exists in ready-made food that eliminates the need for rolling pins; pre-rolled piecrusts are already on the market. The quality of the pins themselves seems to discourage new production. At least 10 major and 20 significant manufacturers of rolling pins in the United States 24 Dominic keeley, Product Design, Level: I produce 600,000-750,000 a year, and these sales figures are steady but also unexplainable, given the pins' longevity. Not only are rolling pins kept in families, but they also are gaining popularity as kitchen collectibles. The aluminum and chrome pins that were once produced are now sought after. Wooden pins can be dated by checking the connection of the rod and pin; plastic bushings are characteristic of modern pins. Wooden rods through the handles and pins, metal bushings, or no bushings at all are indicators of collectible rolling pins. Lacquer and different colors of paint on the handles also help date rolling pins”. (How products are made, volume 7). 25 Fully Adjustable Rolling Pin (Figure 7) this figure shows the initial stage of developing ideas for different kitchen utensils under the brief of ‘movers and shakers’. From this mind map of ideas, multiple concepts were developed and the best product in terms of design, market and prototyping availability was chosen. 26 Dominic keeley, Product Design, Level: I (Figure 8) This figure describes the initial concept of the fully adjustable rolling pin and what it would be required to do. Development on each of these points would be required to make the final product. 27 Fully Adjustable Rolling Pin (Figure 8) The next problem then also needed to be considered. How to fix the matt to the rolling pin? Considerations into magnetism and other connections were admired however decided that they could leave an imprint in the dough and not work efficiently and become disconnected. The most ideal solution would be to also use the disk to keep the matt fixed in place. But the disks could not oversize the matt as that way the rolling pin patterns would never even touch the dough, so it needs to be perfectly flat with it. Thus it’s needed to be inserted in-between the matt, keeping it fixed firmly in place. The matt also has to be the female part as if it were male it wouldn’t then be able to fit inside of the rolling pin, due to its extra length. 28 Dominic keeley, Product Design, Level: I (Figure 9) Problems of how the handle and disk would be connected to the rolling pin. The problem occurred because the rolling pin had to remain hollow so the matt with the embossed patterns could be stored inside while not in use. So the handle fitting could not in any way inflict and take up space in the hollow part of the tube. The next concern was of how to save space on the length of the disks. This was done by making the disks slot into one another like the bottom right of this diagram suggests. 29 Fully Adjustable Rolling Pin (Figure 10) The original idea was to create plug fits that slot into the wall thickness of the tube, and each individual disk slotted and fixed itself inside one another. Similar to building Lego bricks up, using simple male and female parts. These fixing were then developed into cone shapes so they could slot inside one another especially with them only having a disk thickness of 5mm. 30 Dominic keeley, Product Design, Level: I (Figure 11) Because of the original idea of using pegs to keep the disk and handle fixed firmly in place, it was decided the force exerted on the handle, the peg would not keep it fixed but instead come loose easily. That is why the part itself would thread deeper into the wall thickness of the rolling pin making it more stable. These were going to be a different dimensional size and an addition to the original pegs. Research then indicated to me that the standard rolling pin size is 30cm not including the handle. So I based the dimensions around this. Over 32 cm and the pin can begin to bow. 31 Fully Adjustable Rolling Pin (Figure 12) This diagram gives further representation of the handle fittings by showing a cross sectional image. Also on this page contains stencilled diagrams of the cross sectional area of the rolling pin. Deciding on the diameter of the rolling pin was a key ergonomic and manufacturing issue. To small and the rolled up matt would not be able to fit inside. To large and the pin becomes unsuitable for storing. 32 Dominic keeley, Product Design, Level: I (Figure 13) The diameter was then decided by researching ergonomics and what looked the most aesthetically proportionate. The diameter of 65mm was decided. With an inner diameter of 40mm. giving a wall thickness of 12.5mm. The hollow space left inside of the tube would then fit the matt inside as I calculated the area of both and compared them. 33 Fully Adjustable Rolling Pin (Figure 14) Because the rolling pin also has to be filled with water if needed be the ends of the tube needed to become watertight. This is where the plugs on the disk became another issue. As with the weight of water, if the tube were to be held vertically, the friction fit on the plugs may not be enough to keep it in place. And the worst thing that could possibly happen is for water to spill out, making the pastry worthless. Costing time and money for the user making them mistrust the product. This is why the disks were going to have a watertight O-ring to create a tight seal on them. Although this would also mean that by having these rings it would take up room on the inside of the tube which was not allowable. To save space and money only two disks one either end would have the o ring seal on them and the rest of the disks could fit on behind it. 34 Dominic keeley, Product Design, Level: I (Figure 15) The next problem with this however was that this disk would have to have the same diameter of 65mm in case the user wanted to use a traditional rolling pin without the disk depth method. This would create implications when using the matt of cutting tool. This would therefore require another disk that would possibly overlap this disk to reach where it could fit tightly into the matt. The option could have then been to limit the product so that you can’t have it filled up with water when putting the print into the dough. However by doing this it would become annoying for the user and make the product more awkward. 35 Fully Adjustable Rolling Pin The next step was concerning the inner “o” ring on the disks as this would take up space in the tubular rolling pin. As this was not an option I decided to cut away more of the outer wall thickness so the ring would fill in that space. This then caused another problem however, as by decreasing the wall thickness meant there was less space to fit the plugs, which slot into the main body of the pin. Making it more fragile. 36 Dominic keeley, Product Design, Level: I (Figure 16) By drawing the product to scale and to a 2:1 scale I could analyse the dimensions and see key problems and design flaws. The biggest being that cone plugs that slot into one another would cause parts of the product to have a wall thickness of around 1mm which was not sufficient, especially seeing that Lego bricks have a uniform thickness of at least 1.5mm. Also because it wasn’t a uniform wall thickness the injection moulding of the parts would cause even more issues. The focus was then on making the cone shaped plug thicker at its weakest points, which was achieved successfully. However, considerations into the manufacturing and prototyping of the product would also be extremely complicated and expensive to tool. 37 Fully Adjustable Rolling Pin (Figure 17) On the left side of this diagram show a description of the rubber O-ring and how it would be made as a separate component to the product. Other issues surrounding this would be that it could potentially slip of loosing it in the centre of the rolling pin. Likewise its fixing could potentially get damaged making it less water tight. On the right side of this figure contains part of a manufacturing plan if the product was to be made in this way. This would have been complicated and time consuming if this design concept was continued. 38 Dominic keeley, Product Design, Level: I (Figure 18) To make things simpler it was decide the same fitting to keep the matt fixed in place should be the same for the cutting tool. The cutting tool had to cut through all thicknesses of the dough, it must also have thin blades similar to original cookie cutters and the materials would be have to be rigid. As the rolling pin moves over the dough it would nudge the dough slightly at an angle although this would be so minute it would not effect the dough shape. 39 Fully Adjustable Rolling Pin (Figure 19) After reviewing my entire design, and constantly questioning myself to whether or not there was a simpler way to solve these problems and how could I make the product more efficient and more productive? It then occurred to me to use the way similar products on the market fix the disks to the rolling pin using a screw fit. Although in these product the rolling pins are not hollow. So by having the handle with a screw top it would screw into the wall thickness of the product, and because it was likewise hollow it would not take any space up as this diagram shows the disks could also slide over the handle and be tightened in place like a nut and bolt. Due to workshop limitations however it would not be possible to screw thread a 40mm rod. So instead the design was alternatively established to use a friction fit, having a rubber O-ring on the handle and rubber inserts inside the rolling pin. This friction fit would also make the product more water tight, more so possibly than a simple screw thread. 40 Dominic keeley, Product Design, Level: I The best realisation was that making it simpler and limiting it to a friction fit, manufacturing the product in the real world would also become much simpler also. (Figure 20) Another decision was to make the rings even simpler and have less of a function. Or doing the same function in a much simpler way. I then designed the handle to have multiple ribs, but then decided that this was a poor idea as each of these ribs would make the handle very difficult to squeeze into he tube. Therefore I limited the amount of the ribs on the handle down to simply one, which should be able to keep the handle fixed in place and keep it watertight. 41 Fully Adjustable Rolling Pin (Figure 21) This diagram describes the rough calculation I used to design the cutting tool. Using the 4mm disk that holds the component in place as a reference the ends of the tool had to allow for the disk to intersect with it. After this wall calculated, basic shaped cutting parts were designed so that all the shaped were equal and tessellated. By just using rectangles meant that it would be easier to replicate this design when prototyping the product. 42 Dominic keeley, Product Design, Level: I (Figure 22) This diagram shows the connection of the emboss matt which likewise had to fit to the disk at the end of the rolling pin. By having an overhanging part on either side of the matt by 5mm it meant that it could tuck underneath the disks trapping it firmly in place. The second issue was to then make sure the matt staid fixed when wrapped around the pin. For this a simple male/ female design was created so the matt tucked inside of itself making it tubular. 43 Fully Adjustable Rolling Pin (Figure 23) This diagram shows the existing product available from the brand Joseph Joseph. As witnessed, multiple colour variations are available. This is something that would be available with this new version of the product. (Figure 24) The product would aim to be sold in a multi-set of bake ware utensils, making a perfect gift or present. It also becomes a more desirable and can be stored together. 44 Dominic keeley, Product Design, Level: I (Figure 25) This CAD image describe the 4mm disk slotting over the pin which allows the emboss matt to tuck underneath fixing it in place. (Figure 26) This diagram describes the pin itself and how it can be used as a traditional French rolling pin. It also explained the ribs inside the rolling pin and how that function works, by slotting the hollow handle inside. 45 Fully Adjustable Rolling Pin (Figure 27) This board describing the original pitch of the product contains a basic overview of how the product was predicted to look. The most dramatic change would have been the design of the disks and how they fixed to the rolling pin. 46 Dominic keeley, Product Design, Level: I (Figure 28) This figure describes how the handle can slot into the rolling pin with multiple disks attached to it. (Figure 29) The handle was designed specifically to absorb the heat of the persona hand so that it did not transfer onto the surface of the pin which would subsequently transform over to the dough making it more sticky. 47 Fully Adjustable Rolling Pin The handles ergonomics are also heavily based around the users thumb. It was found that people mostly only use their thumbs when rolling the pastry and thus an extension to the handle would be unnecessary (Figure 30) These are images of the models created by myself using basic materials to gain insight to the function of the product and how it will work; it was less focused on the aesthetics of the product. 48 Dominic keeley, Product Design, Level: I (Figure 31) This diagram explains how the product interacts with the user, as displayed the product can be used as a traditional French rolling pin. 49 Fully Adjustable Rolling Pin 50 Dominic keeley, Product Design, Level: I