Air ▼ CrAig DAviD ▼ int ADAm ’l D THE INTERNATIONAL MAGAZINE FOR THE PROFESSIONAL MOBILE & CLUB DJ SEPTEMBER 2001 J ex $3.00 Po issu e THE INTERNATIONAL MAGAZINE FOR THE PROFESSIONAL MOBILE & CLUB DJ FEBRUARY 2002 $4.00 CANADA $3.00 Presented By $4.00 CANADA AMERICA’S FIRST MAGAZINE FOR PROFESSIONAL DJs DJs ESTABLISHED 1988 JUNE 2008 gears up NEVER AGAIN! MP3 Mobiles why they rule DEADMAU5 Mobile Regrets scorinG club GiGs 75 ways HavinG a corporate affair The Mouse That Roared Danny Diary of a Global DJ Howells WIRELESS WONDERS D J A t G r o u n D Zero…C h r i s t i A n M o b i l e DJs…FinD Your inner enGineer…C l o C k i n G o v e r t i M e — e v e r Y t i M e…C D J - 1 0 0 0 : b e s t D e C k s e v e r ? …i n t h e s t u D i o W i t h C h A r l e s W e b s t e r …P l u s : steve lAWler DJ Colette PArtY roll nAMM PrevieW The World of Mics 0 9 74470 78543 $5.95 CANADA $3.95 US 048JU08_p001-044.indd 1 Fun in the Sun: Winter MuSic conFerence ’10 $6.95 CANADA $4.95 US APRIL 2010 $6.95 CANADA PosT-ParTy TiPs PuT in The CoaCh America’s Best DJ Hits Vegas Jackpot Hot Shots & Takeaways our TasTe-TesTed PiCks advice has inside: uPdaTed dJ exPo info $3.95 US z-trip DJ Expo: CaBles & Cases $4.95 US $5.95 CANADA 25274 78543 8 w ww ww w..d djjttiim me es s..c co om m Changed The MusiC indusTry? plus: n n n n n $6.95 CANADA Are You A CopYright CriminAl? AMERICA’S FIRST MAGAZINE FOR PROFESSIONAL DJs. ESTABLISHED 1988. JULY 2005 plus Paul Kalkbrenner Randy Boyer Rane MP25 Electro-Voice Live X Elektron Octatrack Our Miami “Gleason Awards”: And Away We Go!... n Buraka Som SiStema n grievouS angel n Sound forge pro 10 9/13/2011 4:42:06 PM $5.95 CANADA 0 7> 47 inch 25274 78543 8 0611-CV1.pmd is 0 5> $6.95 CANADA 7 25274 78543 8 Why Booking Too Many ChariTy gigs Will kill you THE INTERNATIONAL MAGAZINE FOR THE PROFESSIONAL MOBILE & CLUB DJ $3.95 $4.95CANADA DJ TiÉsTo TiesTo fc Kahuna James LaveLLe Thespian mobiLe’s second acT Download Tunes Legally Encoding Bit by Bit Rough & Ready PCs Chris Cowie: From Aberdeen to Ableton Danny Howells: 32% Digital Death of Vinyl Retail? Mobiles Living The Laptop Life FinalScratch 2: Hot or Hype? 1 eaRn youR amP Phd Plus: Bad comPany u.K. RoGeR sancHez diRty VeGas mr. scruff’s LoonY beaT science audio masTering de-mYsTified pLus: on Trance, MeloDy & Why Vinyl is DooMeD 0 1> 0 74470 78543 9 5/20/05, 7:01 PM SPECIAL ISSUE: TURNTABLISM’S NEW FRONTIER touching is believing. to ou uc c h n g t t o u ch h iiin ng g iiiss s bb bee ell liiiee evv viiinn ngg g... ex wHo’s youR Buddy? emPloyees as FRiends sTarT Your own dJ booT camp 25 maximum miTzvah Tips Digital DJ Issue v.3: $5.95 CANADA scReaminG dJs 3/8/2010 10:50:22 AM JANUARY 2003 $3.95 US ON LCD, OVER-HYPED DJs & DAFT DISCO PUNK $3.95 US $4.95 US 048AP10_p001-044.indd 1 JAMES MURPHY po How Mobiles Win Clients & Profit Doc Film Lays Down the Law 048JOC1_p001-044.indd 1 DJ Join the Blog nAtion from America’s Top VJs 0 8> 7 $4.95CANADA Gets His KicKs Life AT THe Top goT The dJ Business Blahs? $3.95 How david guetta avoid Breakdown THE INTERNATIONAL MAGAZINE FOR THE PROFESSIONAL MOBILE & CLUB DJ MAY 2003 $4.95 US Presented by deCkniCian 5/14/2008 4:53:59 PM AmericA’s First mAgAzine For ProFessionAl DJs estAblisheD st blisheD 1988 stA AmericA’s First mAgAzine For ProFessionAl DJs estAblisheD 1988 OCTOBER 2011 Jeff Mills Are You in the Moog? 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And the CDJ-700 delivers full MIDI capability, DSP effects and an adjustable, touch-sensitive touch-sensitive jog jog wheel. wheel. Scratch, Scratch,Reverse Reverseand andSlip SlipMode Modeprovide providemaximum maximumcreativity. creativity. touch-sensitive jog wheel. Scratch, Reverse Slip provide maximum Professional features and innovative design and are all at Mode your fingertips with the creativity. CDJ-700. Professional features and innovative design are Professional features and design areall allatatyour yourfingertips fingertipswith withthe theCDJ-700. CDJ-700. Get your hands on one at innovative DJ Expo, Booth 412. Professional features and DJ innovative design are all at your fingertips with the CDJ-700. Get Get your your hands hands on on one one at at DJExpo, Expo,Booth Booth412. 412. Get your hands on one at DJ Expo, Booth 412. 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May 2006 richie hawtin’s next dimension Power Amp Picks: Alive & Amplified THE 13 “GREATEST” DJ GIGS—EVER Thievery Corporation: Diversions, Inc. b e a pa r t o f i t THE INTERNATIONAL MAGAZINE FOR THE PROFESSIONAL MOBILE & CLUB DJ MARCH 2003 $6.95 canaDa $4.95 Us Better Business: Boost Your Wow Factor dJ Bloopers rigHT song, wrong Time Killer apps seTTing Up YoUr virTUal sTUdio MUSIC PUBLISHING 101 grandmasTer FlasH GOT TUNES? GET PAID PLUS $6.95 CANADA $4.95 Us U.K. MOBILE SHINES IN THE STATES ANOTHER SELF-POWERED SPEAKER? WIN YOUR DANCEFLOOR 1060-CVR.pmd 1 $4.95CANADA plUs: Tiga dannY KriviT NEW LIGHTING OPTIONS RAISE YOUR VISUAL VA-VA-VOOM $4.95 US $3.95 ddropping ropping YoUr YoUr YoU pprices: rices: How low low sHo sHoUld sH oUld YoU go? go? 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Demographics | Editorial Calendar | Departments Digital Media | Rate Card | Celebrating 25 Years © TESTA Communications, 25 Willowdale Ave., Port Washington, NY 11050 | p.516.767.2500 | Contact: THE DJ MARKET What amount do you spend annually on your DJ sound system? Over $10k $5k to 10k $2k to 5k $1k to 2k Under $1k 6% DJs change over 14% 27% 31% 22% Almost half of DJ Times’ readers spend over $2,000 a year on their sound systems. time. The bedroom DJ of today is likely to become the mobile, scratch or remix DJ of Which of the following best describes you? tomorrow. Indeed, most DJs identify CLUB | STADIUM | MOBILE | SCRATCH | REMIXER | PRODUCER | BEDROOM themselves as a mixture of several styles. What doesn’t change is DJ Times’ commitment to the Club & Mobile DJ Radio & Producer DJ Bedroom DJ Club DJ Mobile DJ 34% 3% 15% 19.8% 29.8% Most DJ Times readers (63%) perform as mobiles DJs, while 53% also play club events. *Source: DJ Times Comprehensive DJ Market Survey For advertising information, contact Advertising Director Jon Rayvid at 516.767.2500 ext.507 or email entire DJ market, providing superior content for all DJs at every level. $4.95 US AmericA’s First mAgAzine For ProFessionAl DJs estAblisheD 1988 DJ AMERICA’S FIRST MAGAZINE FOR PROFESSIONAL DJs ESTAB AUGUST 2012 PR ES N E AmericA’s First mAgAzine For ProFessionAl DJs estA JANUAry 2012 $6.95 CANADA $4.95 US DaTes announceD! AMERICA ’S B ES T $6.95 CANADA TE D BY DJ PIONEER DJ & $6.95 CANADA The Evolving Economy How Mobiles Thrive beyond tHe dubplate Opening Acts How Mobiles Maintain Vendor relations Full Reports from Moogfest & A.D.E. Tips for Warm-Up DJs $4.95 US $6.95 CANADA Winter Music conference/MiaMi Music Week issue e DIGITAL ACCESSORIES: visions of ultra fest & more toddla t n dJ Q45 n the Value of “thank you” n yamaha dsr series n ni’s Komplete 8 ultimate n Scratch DJs/Turntablists 048JA12_p001-044.indd 1 *Winter Music Conference 048AP12_p001-044.indd 1 PLUS: 1 inch AmericA’s AA’s First mAgAzine For ProFessionAl DJs estA estAblisheD st blisheD 1988 stA 2 inch December 2012 $6.95 cANADA $4.95 US Scenes from amsterdam dance event WhaT’s Your exiT sTraTegY? 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Also included is Pioneer’s Remixbox and RMX-1000Plugin VST/AU plug-in software. The RMX-1000... Taking your mix, where no mix has gone before. + Morgan Page FlosstradaMus Vibesquad iZotoPe nectar booking gigs With Video sMithsonMartin eMulator *Digital DJ Issue: hardware/software 048JL12_p001-044.indd 1 $4.95 US $4.95 US A LOOK BACK “HOUSTON, WE HAVE A REMIX.” FeRRy CoRsteN’s Big CoNCept 4 inch Paul van Dyk’s Winning BusinEss With social MEDia Photek Dimitri Vegas & Like Mike American Audio VMS 4.1 Loopmasters Sound Libraries Winter Music Conference Report *Music Production 048MY12_p001-044.indd 1 4/6/2012 2:39:35 PM RMX-1000 REMIX STATION a d re P ort 2 inch 6/8/2012 7:43:53 AM 2012 DJ Expo: Scene FX allows users to choose 5 build up or break down effects America’s Release Best DJFX:2012: re-set and override current effects with ECHO, Break, or Back-spin effect Markus Schulz Remixbox software & RMX-1000Plugin VST/AU plug-in software included 1 inch $6.95 CANADA $4.95 US + The Lessons of n iZoTopE’s n WEdding alkan iris n ElEcTro-VoicE acTiVE spEakErs dJs & ThEir WEbsiTEs *Video for DJs 048OC12_p001-044.indd 1 9/20/2012 4:14:50 PM PIONEERDJUSA.COM DJ EXPO ’12 n TriTonal n Erol Lighting Issue top new year’s eve djs in PiCtUReS bookings in 2012 hoW DiD We Do? $6.95 CANADA 1 inch 2 inch Hot Market, Record Numbers $4.95 US PLUS F Remixing Fugazi F Jody Wisternoff F Yamaha Speakers F Stanton Controller F Auria iPad DAW Isolate FX focuses on HI/LOW/MID frequency bands X-Pad FX enables users to develop and add new sounds ro $6.95 CANADA 1/5/2012 4:37:27 PM $4.95 US wHat’s rigHt for you? $4.95 US PLUS: Cosmic Gate * DJ Cam * iZotope’s Ozone 5 * ni’s traktor Scratch Pro 2 * Blogger Mania FebrUAry 2013 $4.95 US 1 inch 2 inch $6.95 CANADA mac vs. pC trance-global success $6.95 CANADA AmericA’s First mAgAzine For ProFessionAl DJs estAblisheD 1988 AmericA’s First mAgAzine For ProFessionAl DJs estAblisheD 1988 oCtober 2012 048FB12_p001-044_DE.indd 1 AMERICA’S FIRST MAGAZINE FOR PROFESSIONAL DJs ESTABLISHED 1988 NOVEMBER 2012 GoRGinG on GeAR PLUS: n ZEDS DEAD n KRISTINA SKY n NATIVE INSTRUMENTS TRAKTOR KONTROL F1 n COLD BLANK n KRK’S STUDIO GEAR n MOBILE MARKETING Winter nAMM PrevieW dj food 12/14/2012 12:24:10 PM Winter NAMM Preview 048FEB13_p001-044.indd 3 1/10/2013 6:02:01 PM January | February | March | April | May | June | July | August | September | October | November | December | January | February *Bonus Distribution: Winter NAMM • Winter Music Conference • Winter Music Conference • Summer NAMM • DJ Expo • AES Show • Amsterdam Dance Event 01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05 | 06 | 07 | 08 | 09 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 01 | 02 Date feature Bonus DistruBution aD CLose aD Due on saLe Date 11/5/2013 11/12/2013 12/17/2013 JANuARy Scratch DJs/Turntablists FEbRuARy Winter NAMM Preview Winter naMM 12/3/2013 12/10/2013 1/17/2014 MARCH DJ Mixers Winter Music Conference 1/7/2014 1/14/2014 2/15/2014 ApRIL Winter Music Conference Issue Winter Music Conference 2/4/2014 2/11/2014 3/18/2014 MAy Music Production 3/5/2014 3/12/2013 4/15/2013 JuNE Money & Business 4/3/2013 4/16/2013 5/15/2014 JuLy Digital DJ Issue-hardware/software 5/7/2014 5/14/2014 6/17/2014 AugusT Accessories: headphones, laptop stands, and cases. 6/6/2014 6/14/2014 7/16/2014 sEpTEMbER The DJ Expo Issue the DJ expo 7/9/2014 7/16/2014 8/15/2014 OCTObER Video for DJs aes show 8/6/2014 8/13/2014 9/16/2014 NOvEMbER Lighting Issue amsterdam Dance event 9/6/2014 9/17/2014 10/15/2014 DECEMbER Pro Audio Issue 10/7/2014 10/15/2014 11/18/2014 JANuARy DJs from Back in the Day 11/6/2014 11/18/2014 12/16/2014 FEbRuARy Winter NAMM Preview 12/9/2014 12/17/2014 1/15/2014 summer naMM Winter naMM For advertising information, contact Advertising Director Jon Rayvid at 516.767.2500 ext.507 or email DEpARTMENTs Brings on-the-spot information from DJ-related exhibition/ trade shows, events or trends. Reports new products or developments as they pertain to the professional, working DJ. Reviews a recently released professional audio product (mixer, source component, speaker, amp or signal processor) and explains its relevance to the DJ. Instructional responses to letters or emails sent from readership. SOUNDING OFF | FEEDBACK | MOBILE PROFILE | SAMPLINGS | GEAR | CLUB PLAY CHART | MAKING TRACKS | BUSINESS LINE A music-making DJ describes studio technique and gear preferences. Short features on up-and-coming DJs, with a quickhitting application-based focus. NEWS SOUNDING OFF FEEDBACK IN thE StUDIO WIth SAMPIINGS Drawing from DJ-related exhibitions, trade shows, events A multi-page rundown of the latest gear that impacts the mobile, club, scratch or studio segments of the DJ industry. GEAR and trends, DJ Times brings the most comprehensive, Reviews of new music from a variety of genres— written by professional, working DJs. GROOVES up-to-date stories & information in the industry. DJ Times reports Reviews a recently released studio-related product (hardware, software or accessory) and explains its relevence to the music-making DJ. MAKING tRACKS new products or developments as they pertain to the professional, A column that helps the pro DJ with all matters related to growing his/her business, including marketing, taxes, promotion, etc. Find out what cuts are really being played in clubland with this in-depth chart, as reported by America’s top record pools. BUSINESS LINE CLUB PLAy ChARt For advertising information, contact Advertising Director Jon Rayvid at 516.767.2500 ext.507 or email working DJ. 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DJ TIMES.COM | DIGITAL EDITION MAGAZINE | MOBILE DEVICES | SOCIAL MEDIA From the heart of the underground to the periphery of the mainstream, DJ Times doesn’t miss a beat. M 3 O C 201 . s R E IM bE T DJ vEM W NO E N IN L AL INg M O C For advertising information, contact Advertising Director Jon Rayvid at 516.767.2500 ext.507 or email ENEWsLETTERs INSIDER from the editors of ////////////////////////////////////////// aMeriCa’s Most uP-to-tHe-MoMent neWs anD inforMation for ProfessionaL DJs anD CLuBBers ///// DJ Insider Newsletter — informative & entertaining, up-to-the-minute content delivered 2x per month to inboxes of DJs everywhere. Billboard Sponsorship (the top spot) 800x200 display banner, 728x90, 148x60, 148x90 logo, 300x250 or 125x125 website banner. Regular Sponsorship 468x60 + 148x60 logo : Plus, you recieve a 600x550 splash page to be included in all item click-throughs for the position of choice. 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For Packages and Web specials, please contact Jon Rayvid directly: 516.767.2500 x507 or For advertising information, contact Advertising Director Jon Rayvid at 516.767.2500 ext.507 or email HH H spECIAL OppORTuNITIEs ro H MESSAGE HERE HH GRAPHICS &YOUR BRANDED AmericA’s First mAgAzine For ProFessionAl DJs estAblisheD 1988 JULY 2013 $6.95 CANADA $4.95 US ad repo rt maJoR Diplo’s Jamaica Jams mobile maRketing & new meDia GRAPHICS &YOUR BRANDED Rbma & eDc: nYc’s big month MESSAGE HERE how to tune up YouR bRanD $4.95 US $6.95 CANADA plus: moguai * excision’s DestRoiD Dsi’s mopho x4 * ceRwin-Vega! speakeRs * iRaq Vet goes VJ 048JULY13_p001-044.indd 1 6/13/2013 11:16:39 AM Bellyband—Attach your branded message to DJ Times! AmericA’s First mAgAzine For ProFessionAl DJs estAblisheD 1988 September 2013 $6.95 CANADA $4.95 US Club Sound For Your Home BE THE COVER OF DJTIMES MAGAZINE $4.95 US $6.95 CANADA 048SE13_p001-052.indd 1 7/31/2013 2:49:41 PM Cover You Are The Artist. August - October 10th 2013 BELLYBAND & COVER ON COVER For more info: 048SE13_p001-052.indd 2 Page 2 For advertising information, contact Advertising Director Jon Rayvid at 516.767.2500 ext.507 or email 7/31/2013 2:49:51 PM