To H. E. Pres. Benigno Aquino III President of the Republic of the

To H. E. Pres. Benigno Aquino III
President of the Republic of the Philippines
Hon. Cesar Purisima, Secretary, Department of Finance
Hon. Mely Nicolas, Secretary, Commission on Filipino Overseas
H.E. Domingo Nolasco, Philippine Ambassador to the Italian Republic
Dear Mr. President,
As you receive this letter, we wish you good health and “buon lavoro”, as we say it here in Italy.
We, the undersigned - individual Filipinos, religious and civic organization leaders, cultural
mediators, small and medium business entrepreneurs and youth, residing in Rome and suburbs,
are very much concerned about the recent disturbing issues regarding BALIKBAYAN BOXES.
For us, Overseas Filipinos (OFs) scattered in all four corners of the globe, now roughly 11
million, the distinctively Filipino culture of sending BALIKBAYAN BOXES is considered as a
concrete expression of love and affection for our loved ones back home and sharing with them
the fruits of hard-earned labor.
In recognition of the sacrifices of the OFs and the laudable culture of sharing, the late President
Ferdinand E. Marcos amended sec. 105 of the Tariff and Custom Code of the Philippines, by
granting the lowly balikbayan box a Duty and Tax Free status, a privilege rightly deserved by
the OFs. Our remittances, now close to 25 Billion Dollars annually, greatly help the Philippine
economy to stay afloat.
The decision of Mr. Alberto Lina, Commissioner of the Bureau of Customs, to do random
checking of BALIKBAYAN BOXES has created a great uproar in social media and sent
chilling effects on us. While it may be true that the BALIKBAYAN BOXES runs the risk of
being used for smuggling, there are other ways or technology of detecting such abuse. The socalled random opening of BALIKBAYAN BOXES has the higher risk of lootings and
pilferages, given the fact that the BOC is considered the most corrupt agency ever of the
Philippine government.
What angers the most the OFs is the fact that Commissioner Lina has not manifested sincere
efforts to combat big-time smuggling from which hundreds of billions of revenues are being lost
and, instead, focused his campaign in the BALIKBAYAN BOXES of the hapless OFs. In this
vein, we will not hesitate to call Mr. Alberto Lina “anti-poor” and “anti-migrant”.
In view of the above, we, Filipino migrants in Italy, hereby bring to your kind attention four
petitions for your immediate study and action as follows:
order to put a stop on the random checking of BALIKBAYAN BOXES, most of which really
contain personal effects, food, used gadgets and gift items, following an unprecedented uproar
expressed through social media, the random opening of BALIKBAYAN BOXES frightens us,
making us apprehensive and hesitant to send to our loved ones back home, goods that we would
like to share with them and, therefore, make us conclude that the attribution to OFs as “today’s
modern heroes” as a mere lip service and purely “consuelo de bobo”. The proposed increase of
tax to be imposed on the balikbayan containers will at the end inflict an additional burden to OFs
as the cost of sending BALIKBAYAN BOXES will become more expensive. Kindly do not
forget that the BALIKBAYAN BOX as stated in the Tariff and Customs code enjoys the
status of “tax and duty free”.
describe our country as one of the most corrupt countries in the world. The Bureau of Customs,
being the Philippines most corrupt agency, has much to do to such bad reputation of the country
in the international community. May we ask you then to put an end to the so-called “TARA”
system, the main source of corruption at the BOC.
3. SECTION 105 OF THE REPUBLIC ACT NO. 1937. As everybody knows, this particular
section of the said Republic Act that regulates the system of BALIKBAYAN BOX is almost 30
years old now and, therefore, obsolete and unrealistic. May we ask you then to call on our
lawmakers to amend it by raising the taxable ceiling amount of 10,000.00 pesos (roughly
just over $200.00) to 90,0000.00 pesos (circa $ 2,000,00) per BALIKBAYAN BOX, based on
the present economic standards, cost of living and inflation rate.
the appointment of Mr. Alberto Lina as Commissioner of the Bureau of Customs has been met
by wide opposition and not for unfounded reasons. But just the same, you proceeded to make
him head of a very sensitive and notoriously corrupt bureau, BOC, thus casting a black eye on
your presidential battle cry of “Daang matuwid”. As owner of numerous establishments related
to freight forwarding, trucking and storage business, Mr. Albert Lina should not be considered
at all for such job, for a clear reason of “conflict of interest”. Now we see the stark
manifestations of such conflict of interest. In support of your “Daang matuwid”, WE DEMAND
HIS IMMEDIATE RESIGNATION. No amount of public pronouncements of “I’m sorry”
can rectify the gross error of having him appointed as BOC Commissioner. Since at the root
of the problem is an institutionalized corruption, we ask too for a complete overhaul of the
BOC. It goes without saying, the appointment of the new BOC Commissioner would need wider
The voice of 11 million OF’s, "modern heroes", should be heard and given weight. In
wishing that the remaining months of your presidency be dedicated to making “Daang
Matuwid” a reality, we hope that this letter would merit your attention and swift action.
Mabuhay ang Sambayanang Pilipino!!!
Rome, September 3, 2015
Leaders of the Filipino Community in Italy