U. C. DAVIS Mgmt. 294: Using Accounting for Quality and Cost Management Winter 2001 Michael Eames Office: 128 AOB4 Home (650)968-5124 (not after 10 p.m.) Office: 752-0911 Office Hours: Wednesday 10-noon and by appointment email:meames@scu.edu mjeames@ucdavis.edu Course Materials: (1) Horngren, Foster, and Datar, Cost Accounting; A Managerial Emphasis, 10th Edition. Prentice Hall, 2000 (2) Course packet- contains cases, problem solutions and readings. (3) Goldratt, E., The Goal, North River Press. Overview: Cost accounting focuses on (1) the collection, analysis, and interpretation of economic information at the firm level for the purpose of supporting better microeconomic decision making and (2) appropriate systems for collecting, measuring and synthesizing cost data to be used in external financial reports. This course touches on both areas and continually emphasizes the relation between cost accounting and management strategy. Written Assignments: Cases: There are five starred cases on the syllabus. You are responsible for turning in prepared analyses on 2 of these, your choice. You will turn in your case analyses as a group of up to 4 individuals. Each case has questions to help focus your attention. There is always the unwritten question, “Are these the right questions for this case? All case write-ups are due at the beginning of class on the day assigned. No late cases will be accepted for any reason. There are also three unstarred cases on the syllabus, Rosemount Hill, Excaliber Chocolate, and Caledonian Blood. These are generally shorter cases than the starred cases. You are responsible for turning in one of these, again in groups of up to four individuals. There are also four theory of constraints cases on the syllabus. These will be worked in groups in class. A modified version of one of these will be on the final exam. Regardless of whether or not you turn in a prepared analysis for a specific paper, you should be prepared to contribute to and possibly lead discussion of the cases. Papers: There are two papers noted on the syllabus, a Theory of Constraints paper and an Activity Based Costing paper. You are responsible for turning in one of these. This is not to be a group project. The papers involve selecting an article on Theory of Constraints or Activity Based Costing and writing a one page review of the article. That’s right – only one page. The first half of the page should simply summarize the article. The second half of the page should present your analysis of the paper. This is the most important part of your report. Note that this is an analysis of the article and not an analysis of the topic of the article. I don’t want a summary of the topic of the article or what you think of the topic of the article. Your analysis of the paper should address issues such as whether the authors present a logical argument and a reasonable case, whether the authors fail to adequately consider some issues, whether the authors are using this article as a vehicle for obtaining consulting clients, whether this paper addresses an important issue, how the authors could make this a better article, etc. Your grade will be based on the quality of the selected article as well as your review. The papers are due on the date noted on the syllabus. No late papers will be accepted for any reason. Exams: Quizzes: Plan on a 5 minute quiz on the case on each date the assignment contains a starred or unstarred case. This quiz is to provide you extra incentive to prepare the case. If you have prepared for the case the quiz should be very straight forward. You may throw out your lowest single quiz grade. Midterm and Final: These will be a mix of problems and short essays. You may bring one page of notes to each exam. The final exam is comprehensive. Makeup exams are generally not given. With appropriate notice and reason the final exam grade will be substituted for a missed midterm. Grading: Quizzes Written Cases, Paper, and Class Participation Midterm Final Exam Schedule: 1 W Jan. 10 Topic Introduction 15% 20% 30% 35% Reading HFD 1 2,3 Judgement and Decision Making 2 17 SCM, Value Chains, Target Costing 3 24 Inventory Costing Methods 4 5 6 31 Feb. 7 Cost Allocation I: Intro., Support Divisions Cost Allocation II: Joint Costs 14 Catch up/ Midterm Review Midterm Baldwin Bicycle Hints Note on Dairy Pak HFD 9 HFD 14 Notes on Pricing Assignment HFD 2-27,35 HFD 3-21,22,25,30 In Class Quiz Baldwin Bicycle* Dairy Pak* HFD 9-16,18,20 Booker Jones* HFD 14-18,25,26 HFD 15-29 Rosemount Hill Excaliber Chocolate Caledonian Blood Activity Based Costing 7 21 8 9 10 28 Mar. 7 14 17 Activity Based Costing Flex Budgets and Direct Cost Variances Activity Based Costing Theory of Constrains Theory of Constraints Performance Measurement and Compensation Catch-up/Review Final Exam HFD 5 HFD 7 The Goal HFD 23 HFD 5-19, 20 ABC Paper Societe Bonlieu* HFD 7-19,22,9 John Deere* TOC Paper TOC Cases – in class HFD 23-21,23