8/12/2014 8/11/14 Catalyst: What is your definition of forensic science? Objectives: Announcements: I will: Define and distinguish between forensic science and criminalistics Create a Forensic Science timeline with my group How to commit the perfect crime essaydue today! Essential Questions: History of Forensic Science What is forensic science? How has forensic science evolved? Forensic Science: What do you think forensic science is all about? is the application of science to the criminal and civil laws that are enforced by police agencies in a criminal justice system. Forensic comes from Latin word ”forum” a community meeting place that was also a place for public justice "scientists must supply accurate and objective information that reflects events that have occurred at a crime scene" (Saferstein, 2008) 1 8/12/2014 What kind of scientists are involved in Forensic Science? Forensic Science vs. Criminalistics Overview of the History of Forensic Science Write down a few of the main historical events Forensic science is the application of science to those criminal and civil laws that are enforced by police agencies in a criminal justice system. Criminalistics is the application of scientific techniques in collecting and analyzing physical evidence in criminal cases When did people start doing forensic science? https://www.youtube. com/watch?v=TbuTir BdZjQ Which one is most important? Evidence of fingerprints in early paintings & rock carvings made by prehistoric humans. When did people start doing forensic science? Alphonse Bertillon – French scientist, devised the first personal identification system, In ancient China, thumb prints are found 264-277 AD- A Chinese book: Yi Yu on clay seals. Ji (“A Collection of Criminal Cases”) Pre-historic picture writing of a hand with ridge patterns is discovered in Nova Scotia. he dubbed his system as “anthropometry” His method combined detailed measurement and classification of unique features with frontal and profile photographs of suspects—and which recorded the information on standardized cards in orderly files. (seen on the next **He is known as the father slide) of criminal identification. 2 8/12/2014 A photograph from Alphonse Bertillon's photo album from his exhibition at the 1893 World's Columbian Exposition in Chicago. The downfall of Bertillonage/ anthropometry Bertillon card for Thomas Conway, arrested for larceny (measurements) Police departments throughout Europe and the United States adopted Bertillon's system in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. The suspect's fullface and profile photographs appear on one side of the card; name, measurements, and other information are on the reverse. New York City Municipal Archives (Visible Proofs) Francis Henry Galton occurred in 1903 at Leavenworth Federal Prison. Prisoner Will West was brought to the prison and had his measurements taken. His measurements matched a prisoner already in the prison named William West.. The only noticeable difference between the two men was their fingerprints. Will West William West Francis Henry Galton Dr. Leone Lattes http://galton.org/fingerprinter.html undertook the first definitive study of fingerprints and developed a methodology of classifying them for filing. 1892 he published a book title Finger Prints, which contained the first statistical proof supporting the uniqueness of his method of personal id. Professor at the institute of forensic medicine at the University of Turin in Italy. 1915 he devised a relatively simple procedure for determining the blood group of a dried bloodstain 3 8/12/2014 Closing Question In this class, what will really be studying, Forensic Science or Criminalistics? Why? 4