DECA Diabetes Camping Conference Program March 18 2014

The Diabetes Education & Camping Association
welcomes you to its
2014 Diabetes Camping Conference
March 18, 2014
Atlantic City Convention Center
Atlantic City, New Jersey
The Diabetes Education and Camping Association (DECA) engages the diabetes
camping community worldwide, promotes and improves their programs through
the development of best practice resources; staff training programs; professional
conferences; online education modules; diabetes education activities; and partnerships with peer organizations. Through its community, DECA inspires youth and
families affected by diabetes to lead healthier, happier and more productive lives.
Diabetes Education and Camping Association
1138 Spring Cove Road
Florence, AL 35634
Phone (256) 757-8114
Fax (256) 230-3171
Jay Dunigan ‐ Keynote Speaker
"Sound....Rolling......(Frame)...Ac on!"
Jay is a former Medical Device Manufacturer Senior Execu ve, current member of the Na onal Board of Directors of the American Diabetes Associa on, Actor, Consultant and new member of WearsWoody apparel company. Session Objec ves
1. Cri cal assessment of life with diabetes
2. Choosing a Path
3. Measuring "success" Presenta on Descrip on
A er a 41 year run, living life with diabetes, my presenta on will offer insights into choices along the way and how to iden fy opportuni es and staying mo vated.
Administra ve Track
Cul va ng Winning Rela onship Building with Your Donors
Ann Wolf, BA, ELD and CFRE candidate
Ann is a Program Development Specialist, currently developing DECA's Staff Training/Webinar series, Online Re‐
sources, Camp Mentor and Impact Survey programs, as well as DECA's Basecamp Communica ons network. She is the immediate past Execu ve Director of Camp Hertko Hollow, Iowa’s camp for children with diabetes. She has over 35 years of professional business development, donor and public rela ons, nonprofit management and leader‐
ship, marke ng, grant wri ng, overall fundraising efforts with key emphasis in strategic goals and mission planning, team building and program development. Ann is ac ve on numerous nonprofit Boards and community organiza ons in Iowa. She also owns a 300 acre farm where she ardently prac ces water and soil conserva on ini a ves, including quality land preserva on. Session Objec ves/Outcomes
1. Learn how to select, engage and direct your donors who believe in and are passionate about your organiza on and mission to become lifelong financial supporters. 2. Learn best prac ce methods with crea ve program ideas to further invest your donors me and talents with your goals and objec ves for growth, sustainability and ac onable results. 3. Donors want to feel connected to real people. Learn how to accomplish that objec ve through various stages of donor research development, cul va on and stewardship. Presenta on Descrip on
Highly engaging classroom discussion with informa ve PowerPoint presenta on, handouts, ques on and answer op‐
portuni es with special interac ve game. The Board’s Role at Different Stages of a Camp’s Lifecycle
Deborah Flood ‐ Penn Flood Consul ng, LLC With nearly 20 years in the nonprofit and philanthropic sector, Deborah Flood (Partner, Penn Flood Consul ng) focus‐
es on her greatest interest and strength—helping organiza ons and their leaders to be more strategic and effec ve in their work. Deborah began consul ng at the Open Society Founda ons, where she advised affiliated founda ons on strategy development, management and governance. Then she started an independent consul ng prac ce, focusing on strategic and business planning, board development, execu ve coaching and organiza onal development. Her clients have ranged widely in size and sector, from large founda ons to small to mid‐sized nonprofits in the US and interna onally. Deborah has a BA from Oberlin College and a Masters degree in Interna onal Affairs from the School of Interna onal and Public Affairs at Columbia University. Session Objec ves/Outcomes
1. Review the evolving board roles at different stages of a camp’s lifecycle 2. Understand difference between a “working board” and tradi onal governing board 3. Learn techniques for keeping “working” and governing roles dis nct (con nued on next page)
Administra ve Track (con
nued) Deborah Flood
Presenta on Descrip on
We begin this workshop with a brief presenta on on Susan Kenney Steven’s Lifecycle Model of nonprofits, with a par‐
cular emphasis on the changing role of the board as a camping organiza on evolves through its lifecycle. Through large group discussion and/or small group and partner work, we will examine the roles the board can play at different stages. In par cular, we will focus on the dis nc on between a tradi onal governing board and a “working board”—as the la er is common in volunteer‐based or minimally staffed organiza ons, among others—and discuss techniques for keeping these roles dis nct. Reaching Out to Community Lions Clubs
Marilee Kadar ‐ Lions Clubs Interna onal Marilee Kadar has been a staff member of Lions Clubs Interna onal since 2000. From 2000 – 2006 she worked as an execu ve assistant and marke ng coordinator in the Membership Division, helping to develop and support various membership programs to strengthen the associa on’s membership. In 2006 she transferred to the Service Ac vi es Division where she assumed the posi on of manager in the newly created Health & Children’s Services Department. Her program areas focus on sight, hearing, diabetes and ini a ves for children in need. She received an Associate De‐
gree in Nursing, RN, at South Suburban College, South Holland, Illinois. While working full me, Marilee is a part me student at DePaul University in Chicago, Illinois, comple ng her Bachelor of Arts, with a focus on Leadership in the not‐
for‐profit sector. She is also a member of the Bolingbrook Lions Club. Session Objec ves/Outcomes
1. The a endees will receive an overview of the vast network of Lions clubs and their various service ac vi es around the world. 2. The a endees will learn how Lions volunteers serve diabetes camps and how they are involved in other diabetes‐
related projects. 3. The a endees will learn how they can reach out to Lions to share opportuni es for service at camps. Presenta on Descrip on
The presenta on will provide a current overview of the worldwide network of Lions members and a summary of ser‐
vice ac vi es in various geographical areas, with a focus on diabetes‐related ac vi es, including diabetes camps. Strat‐
egies for reaching out to local Lions clubs will be discussed. Here Come the Lawyers! Legal Basics That Every Camp Professional Should Know
Alan Cooper, Esq. ‐ AMSkier Agency, Inc. Alan B. Cooper is General Counsel and Claims Director at AMSkier Agency. He is also a Pennsylvania District Court Judge. He has over twenty years of experience in advising the leadership of children’s camps. He is an adjunct profes‐
sor of law and ethics in Touro University’s Masters degree program in Camping Administra on. Alan is the founder of his local Li le League Challenger Division team for special needs children, where he con nues to coach. He and his wife Marianne have been married for twenty‐nine years and have four children. Session Objec ves/Outcomes
1. Familiarize camp professionals with legal issues relevant to camps 2. Learning to prevent legal trouble before it starts 3. An cipate new legal trends in camping Presenta on Descrip on Alan Cooper, General Counsel and Claims Director for the largest direct insurer of children's camps in the United States, will give an overview of legal concepts as they apply to the unique world of camping. Contract law, personal injury law, zoning, immigra on, employment custody, discrimina on – the list is endless, and the industry so unique that standard legal concepts do not always apply. Program Track Essen al Topics for Pre‐Camp Staff Training
Laura Ellio ‐ Director of Outreach and Programs, Southeastern Diabetes Educa on Services (SDES) SDES is a nonprofit organiza on serving children with diabetes and their families in Alabama and northwest Florida. Before coming to SDES, Laura worked for 25 years in organized camping at Camp Coleman, a Girl Scout camp in Truss‐
ville, Alabama. She is a Na onal Standards Instructor and a trainer of Accredita on Visitors for ACA, Inc. and has been herself an ACA Accredita on visitor for over 20 years. Session Objec ves/Outcomes
1. Par cipants will gain be er understanding of the requirements of the ACA Accredita on process 2. Par cipants will overview ACA’s Core Competency areas which include required staff training components: Site & Food Service Transporta on Health & Wellness Opera onal Management Human Resources Program Design and Ac vi es 3. Par cipants will explore the ACA standards within these Core Competency areas that require up to 44 individual topics be addressed during pre‐camp staff training. 4. Par cipants will leave with a be er understanding of ACA required pre‐camp staff training content. Presenta on Descrip on
Go ahead. Admit it. We all do it! We schedule our staff to arrive ahead of the campers for pre‐camp staff training. We sit down months ahead of me to make a schedule. We contact experts to lead some of the sessions. We line up returning staff to lead ice breakers and ac vi es. But what content is really necessary? What content is so essen al
that the American Camp Associa on requires its inclusion in pre‐camp staff training for all ACA Accredited camps?
Come find out and take home ideas of ways to incorporate these essen al topics into your training.
Jedi Mind Tricks and Other Behavior Management Tips
Dr. Chris Thurber ‐ CampSpirit, LLC & Expert Online Training Dr. Christopher Thurber is a board‐cer fied clinical psychologist, educator, author, and father. He earned his BA from Harvard University in 1991 and a PhD in clinical psychology from UCLA in 1997. Chris has more than 30 years of experi‐
ence working with camps and independent schools. He has wri en numerous book chapters and scholarly ar cles on homesickness and children’s adjustment to separa on from home. Chris is an award‐winning contributor to Camping
Magazine and Camp Business and has also shared his youth development exper se on the na onal radio, television,
print media, podcasts and webinars. Chris co‐authored the Summer Camp Handbook with Dr. Jon Malinowski and he designed the ACA’s homesickness preven on program, en tled The Secret Ingredients of Summer Camp Success. In 2007, Chris co‐founded During the academic year, Chris serves as school psychologist at Phillips Exeter Academy. He and his wife, Simonida, an analy cal chemist, live in Exeter, New Hampshire, with their sons Danilo and Sava. Session Objec ves/Outcomes
1. Understand the limita ons of tradi onal behavior management 2. Learn how preven ng misbehavior works 3. See skillful discipline prac ces in ac on Presenta on Descrip on
Tradi onal behavior management strategies focus on punishment. The problem is that knowing what not to do o en doesn’t teach youth with behavior problems what to do. Plus, what camp leader wants to spend their summer doling out consequences? This fascina ng session will introduce the concept of Preven ve Behavior Management along with some surprisingly effec ve ways to respond if kids do misbehave. Do they—some mes—at your camp? Learn what it takes to keep your cool, reduce the frequency of misbehavior and really manage the situa on! Program Track (con
Young Adult Leadership at Camp and the Community
Lorne Abramson, Nova Sco a Secondary School Students’ Associa on / DECA Consultant Lorne, the father of a child with type 1 diabetes, is a re red High School Math Department Head and the former Execu‐
ve Director of DECA. He was one of DECA’s co‐founders and has served as President of the Board of Directors; Inter‐
na onal Diabetes Federa on volunteer organizer for the DTreat program in Dubai and Tanzania; serves as a volunteer consultant to DECA; Camp Lion Maxwell (Outdoor Educa on Program)/Camp Morton (Head Chef); Camp Atlan c dia‐
betes camps, former Director; Nova Sco a Secondary School Students’ Associa on Provincial Advisor; many addi onal posi ons of leadership in diabetes and other camping organiza ons. Session Objec ves/Outcomes
1. To develop a plan/ meline/con nuum for leadership ini a ves that would meet the needs of your camp and the diabetes community 2. To develop a needs assessment tool based on the wri en goals of the organiza on Presenta on Descrip on
1. What are your needs 2. The difference between a CIT and an LIT program 3. The “Leadership Con nuum” 4. Full Value Contract “8 Key Concepts” 5. 4 prongs: Trust & Teambuilding, Communica on, Personal Leadership, Group Dynamics 6. Learn to facilitate ac vi es 7. Learn to lead discussions amongst peers 8. How to learn from mistakes 9. Briefing—Ac vity—Debriefing a)What b)So What c)Now What 10. What does a Leadership Grad look like? 11. How to assess the program Your Social Media Plan and Health Privacy Concerns
John La mer, BS ‐ Director of Programs, Camp Nejeda Founda on, Inc., S llwater, NJ John develops and runs year‐round programs, coordinates rental groups and coordinates or is involved with much of the social media that the Founda on has in place. He lives in Bangor, PA, with his wife, Sarah and two children, Josiah and Susan. He has previously worked at Camp Joslin (Joslin Diabetes Center), The Barton Center for Diabetes Educa‐
on and Camp Seale Harris, since being diagnosed with type 1 diabetes in 1990. Session Objec ves/Outcomes
1. Defining and developing (or redefining) a basic social media plan for your organiza on 2. What to do with health privacy and concerns when dealing with the Internet Presenta on Descrip on
In this session, we will define a social media plan. Depending on whether or not the camp has any social media in place already, they will develop a plan or redefine their exis ng plan. While developing or redefining a social media plan, we will also discuss incorpora ng health privacy and related concerns into the plan. This will include diabetes, as well as other health aspects. Many thanks to our 2014 Conference Committee !
John La mer, Chair
Ann Wolf
Doris Graves, MD
Jennifer Passerini
Kathy La mer
Lorne Abramson
Mark Moyer
Nate Gedge
Rocky Wilson
Sam Wentworth, MD
Shelley Yeager
Terry Ackley
Medical Track
I am B23 ‐ a very emo onal and personal journey
Sco Scolnick ‐ Tandem Diabetes Care, Inc. Sco is a Territory Manager, Eastern MA, for Tandem Diabetes Care, Inc.. He is a Type 1 since 1975. Sco has a Mas‐
ters in Counseling Psychology with 2 years post Master’s training in marriage and family therapy. He worked for 18 years in child and adolescent behavioral health focusing on empowering families. Sco has worked for two different insulin pump companies over the past 12 years. Session Objec ves/Outcomes
1. Present brief overview of the BU/MGH Bionic Pancreas Beacon Hill study/A endees will have an increased knowledge of cu ng edge emerging technologies.
2. Discuss personal experience of being a subject in study/A endees will have an increased knowledge and awareness of impact that this technology can have on people and families living with Type 1 diabetes.
3. Discuss emo onal impact of being in the study both while being in the study as well as post study/to improve out‐
look on emerging technologies and what impact that they can have. Increase engagement in not only diabetes self management but also those of people who they interact with in camping environment. Presenta on Descrip on
Experiences while wearing the bionic pancreas during the recent Beacon Hill Study. Will explore not only how the de‐
vice works but also how I tested it to its limits including food choices and physical ac vity. Will also explore impact that being in this study had on my family as well as the las ng impact of being bionic for 6 days. Balance & Fun – The Nutri on Best Prac ces Project
Shelley Yeager, MA, LCSW ‐ Diabetes Educa on & Camping Associa on Shelley Yeager is a Program Development Specialist, currently leading DECA's Best Prac ces & Electronic Health Record programs and its Because of Camp I Can campaign. She is a master’s level social worker who has worked in diabetes camping for 28 years. She has authored many guidelines and manuals for diabetes camps and is frequently asked to write for diabetes journals. She is an ad hoc member of the Nutri on Best Prac ces Working Group. Session Objec ves/Outcomes
1. Introduce the concept of nutri on best prac ces for diabetes camps 2. Iden fy baseline elements of nutri on best prac ces survey for camps 3. Mo vate camps to par cipate in project to enhance nutri on prac ces and healthy diabetes management Presenta on Descrip on
DECA and the Academy of Nutri on and Diete cs have partnered to develop nutri on best prac ce guidelines for camps. These guidelines will help programs to develop sound prac ces around balanced, healthy ea ng that is kid‐
friendly and fun. The project will include a comprehensive dietary manual, sample menus, job descrip ons, educa on‐
al ac vi es, nutri onal assessments, resources for disordered ea ng and allergies, and more. A survey to assess base‐
line camp prac ces has been developed and is to be administered during the pre‐camp season. This session will orient a endees to this project, allow a endees to view the survey (and any results obtained at the me of the session) and discuss nutri on prac ces at their own camps. IT Will Happen – the EHR at Camp
Ann Wolf, BA, ELD and CFRE candidate Shelley Yeager, MA LCSW
Ann is a Program Development Specialist, currently developing DECA's Staff Training/Webinar series, Online Resources, Camp Mentor and Impact Survey programs, as well as DECA's Basecamp Communica ons network. She is the immedi‐
ate past Execu ve Director of Camp Hertko Hollow, Iowa’s camp for children with diabetes. She has over 35 years of professional business development, donor and public rela ons, nonprofit management and leadership, marke ng, grant wri ng, overall fundraising efforts with key emphasis in strategic goals and mission planning, team building and program development. (con nued on next page)
Medical Track (con
Ann Wolf, BA, ELD and CFRE candidate Shelley Yeager, MA LCSW
Shelley Yeager is a Program Development Specialist, currently leading DECA's Best Prac ces & Electronic Health Record programs and its Because of Camp I Can campaign. She is a master’s level social worker who has worked in diabetes camping for 28 years. Shelley has authored many guidelines and manuals for diabetes camps and is frequently asked to write for diabetes journals. She is an ad hoc member of the Nutri on Best Prac ces Working Group. Session Objec ves/Outcomes
1. Update a endees on progress of EHR project (Shelley) 2. Report on pilot of Digital Health pla orm in 2013 (Ann) 3. Demo of while discussing the incorpora on of diabetes management so ware 4. Open discussion Presenta on Descrip on
By survey, a majority of DECA member camps have indicated interest in incorpora ng electronic health record keeping systems into their camp programs, yet a number of factors limit progress (hardware issues, cost, lack of so ware solu‐
ons, lack of knowledge base, me, etc.) DECA is responding to this need, coordina ng an effort that will marry elec‐
tronic health record keeping with diabetes management tracking so ware to reduce error, enhance access to real‐ me blood glucose values and gather important data for analysis and educa on. This session will allow a endees to learn about DECA’s progress on the project, hear about one camp’s pilot of a par cular so ware, par cipate in a hands‐on demonstra on and have an engaging discussion of needs and perspec ves. DECA Sincerely Appreciates our Industry Partners
for suppor ng this conference.
Angelo's Fairmount Tavern - Dutch Treat Dinner IT Will Happen – the EHR at Camp Ann Wolf and Shelley Yeager Wrap Up / Evalua on Break 4:30pm – 5:00pm 3:15pm – 4:15pm 3:00pm ‐ 3:15pm IT Will Happen – the EHR at Camp Ann Wolf and Shelley Yeager Games / Stretch! 1:30pm – 1:50pm 2:00pm – 3:00pm Lunch ‐ Room 309 12:45pm – 1:30pm Here Come the Lawyers! Legal Basics that Every Camp Professional Should Know Alan Cooper Reaching Out to Community Lions Clubs Marilee Kadar Jedi Mind Tricks The Board’s Role at Different Stages and Other Behavior Management Tips of a Camp’s Lifecycle Dr. Chris Thurber Deborah Flood “Sound….Rolling….(Frame)….Ac on!” Jay Dunigan 10:15am – 11:15am 11:30am – 12:30pm Break 10:00am ‐ 10:15am 9:00am – 10:00am Welcome and Icebreakers 8:30am – 9:00am Room 308 I am B23 ‐ Cul va ng Winning Rela onship Building a very emo onal and personal journey with Your Donors Sco Scolnick Ann Wolf Room 309
Registra on
8:00 – 9:00am
Room 309 DECA 2014 Diabetes Camping Conference Schedule Your Social Media Plan and Health Privacy Concerns John La mer Young Adult Leadership at Camp and the Community Lorne Abramson Balance & Fun – The Nutri on Best Prac ces Project Shelley Yeager Essen al Topics for Pre‐Camp Staff Training Laura Ellio Room 310 