Hotel Maytag Renovation Project - Newton Development Corporation

April, 2015 Hotel Maytag Renovation Project:
Community Leaders welcomed Lt. Governor Kim Reynolds to Newton on Tuesday, March 24th to tour the for‐
mer Hotel Maytag in downtown and hear what’s planned for this historic building. Frantz Community Investors have entered into an agreement with current owners Ken and Be y Johnson to buy the hotel that was built in 1923. In partnership with the City of Newton, u lizing State and Federal Historic Preserva on Tax Credits, an exci ng renova on is being planned for the building. Architect, Ron Walker from Walker, Coen, & Lorentzen of Des Moines, showed those gathered some preliminary drawings. Floors 3 through 5 will house 35 market rate apart‐
ments. The developers also plan to re‐
purpose the former ballroom into a “community center,” that can be used for a variety of events including wed‐
dings, recep ons and business mee ngs. Plans also call for improved commercial spaces on the ground level including renova ons to the Capitol II Theater. Other plans being discussed include the possibility of adding a fine dining restaurant. Andy Frantz, Director of Development, said they are con nuing to get es mates on the cost of the renova on, and they are excited to be working with the city’s eco‐
nomic development team to restore such an iconic building that has a long me his‐
tory in downtown Newton. “We are so pleased the Frantz group is interested in this project,” said Frank Liebl, Execu ve Director of NDC. “It will certainly fill a void we have in Newton of market‐
rate apartments, and re‐opening the ballroom will be a great asset to downtown Newton,” added Liebl. NDC Executive
Jo Jenkins
Adam Otto
Vice Chair
Rob Kahn
L.D. Palmer
Levi Pence
Past Chair
Dan Skokan
Brett Altman
Brian Buch
Mike Fastenau
Dick Davidson
NDC Staff
Frank Liebl
Executive Director
Office: 641.787.8209
Mobile: 641.521.1868
Tanya Michener
Executive Assistant
Office: 641.787.8210
Mobile: 641.660.3831
600 N. 2nd Avenue W.
Suite P
Newton, Iowa 50208
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The Newton Development Corporation
strives to improve
the economic wellbeing of the Newton
We accomplish this
through collaboration with other community stakeholders
to increase investment in Newton by
retaining, growing
and attracting business. Our success is
measured through
growth in employment,
housing, retail sales,
tax base, healthcare
school enrollment.
Phoenix Investors, from Milwaukee, Wisconsin has acquired the former Maytag Plant Two from Industrial Realty Group (IRG) from Downey, California. IRG had bought the plant from Whirlpool a er Whirlpool’s decision to shut the manufac‐
turing facility in Newton in 2007. Under IRG’s ownership they leased 335,000 square feet to Trinity Structural Towers, over 500,000 square feet to Jacobson Companies, a logis cs provider, and 100,000 square feet to Advanced Wheel Sales from Columbus, Ohio. The purchase includes all the buildings on the 97 acre complex located along North 19th Avenue East in Newton including Newton Parts Opera on/Whirlpool which is leasing the building at 1716 North 19th Avenue East. “We are excited to add this property in Newton, to our growing por olio of indus‐
trial proper es, as we con nue to carve out a successful niche in re‐posi oning former single tenant industrial facili es. We look forward to working with the Newton community and its governmental representa ves to con nue to maximize the poten al of this facility,” said David Marks, Managing Director Phoenix Inves‐
tors. “This is good news for Newton, said Frank Liebl, Execu ve Director of NDC. When I met with Phoenix a few weeks ago they told me they had plans to renovate the facility and work with us on leasing the space. The renova on could last from 12‐
18 months, and it’s an cipated anywhere from 25 to 30 construc on jobs will be created during this period.” Representa ves from Phoenix will be in Newton in early April to meet with State and Local officials to discuss their plans. We will follow these
principles and
values: Honesty,
teamwork and an
appropriate balance
of transparency and
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Job/Career Fair Huge Success:
50 companies par cipated in the 2015 Job/Career Fair held at DMACC March 26th. The Job/Career Fair is a collabora ve effort of the Newton Development Corpora on (NDC) Des Moines Area Community College (DMACC – Newton Campus), Iowa State University Extension and Outreach of Jasper County and the Goodwill Career Connec on Center. A follow‐up survey went out to the employers that par cipated to get their feedback. An es mated 250 people a end‐
ed the event. The Goodwill Career Con‐
nec on Center had over 35 people sign up to take the NCRC test, or are interest‐
ed in learning more. SBDC Offer Business Counseling in Newton:
The Mid Iowa Small Business Development Center (SBDC) has announced that it is part‐
nering with Jasper County to provide business counseling in Newton at least one day a month. Chris na Moffa , Regional Director of the SBDC says, “This Center is intended to be a community resource for local businesses and aspiring entrepreneurs. I am so happy the Mid Iowa SBDC is a vital part of this county. The SBDC will be in Newton the third Tuesday of every month at the Newton Develop‐
ment Corpora on, room 264 at DMACC. To schedule an appointment please call 641‐
787‐8210. The Iowa Small Business Development Center program is an outreach program of Iowa State University’s College of Busi‐
ness. Par ally funded by the U.S. Small Business Administra‐
on, the organiza on has 15 regional assistance centers locat‐
ed strategically across the state. Since program incep on in 1981, the Center has helped hundreds of thousands of Iowa businesses and entrepreneurs through free, customized, pro‐
fessional business counseling and prac cal affordable training. VISIT OUR WEBSITE!
News and Information from Newton Development Corporation April, 2015 Daffy-nitions:
Theater Critic—A legless man who teaches running . Alimony—Bounty a er the mu ny. Brevity—The soul of lingerie. Texas—The place with the most cows and least milk, the most rivers and least water, where you look the farthest and see the least! VISIT OUR WEBSITE!