Andrew Ziegler - UCSD Computer Vision

Andrew Ziegler∼aziegler
(619) 813-0996
Atlanta, GA
PhD in Computer Science, Georgia Institute of Technology (GaTech), in progress since 2012
MS in Computer Science, University of California at San Diego (UCSD), 2010-2012
BA in Computer Science, University of California at Berkeley (UC Berkeley), 2005-2009
A. Ziegler and S. Belongie, “Non-Rigid Surface Detection for Gestural Interaction with Applicable Surfaces”, In Applications of Computer Vision (WACV), IEEE Workshop on, pages 73-80, Breckenridge, CO,
January 2012.
A. Ziegler, E. Christiansen, D. Kriegman, S. Belongie, “Locally Uniform Comparison Image Descriptor”,
Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS), pages 1-9, Lake Tahoe, NV, December 2012.
E. Christiansen, V. Rabaud, A. Ziegler, D. Kriegman, S. Belongie, “Match Time Covariance for Descriptors”, British Machine Vision Conference (BMVC), Bristol, UK, September 2013.
Industry Experience
Research Intern, Qualcomm, Office of the Chief Scientist, “Think Tank Group”, San Diego CA, February
2012 - August 2012
Software Engineering Intern, Google, “Visual Search”, Santa Monica CA, June 2011 - Decemeber 2011
Software Developer, General Atomics Aeronautical Systems Inc, “Advanced Cockpit Team”, Poway
CA, January 2010-September 2010
Software Engineering Intern, Sony Corporation of America, “Development Team”, San Francisco CA,
June 2009-August 2009
Pending Patents
Primary Inventor, “Fast 3-D Point Cloud Generation on Mobile Devices”, Qualcomm, Submitted to
USPTO March 2013
Secondary Inventor, “Segmentation of 3D Point Clouds for Dense 3D Modeling”, Qualcomm, Submitted
to USPTO September 2012
Primary Inventor, “Mosaicing Documents For Translation Using Video Streams”, Google, Submitted to
USPTO May 2012
Grants, Awards, and Honors
Research Grant for $45,000, Qualcomm, Office of the Chief Scientist, 2013
“7001 Research Project Award”, GaTech, College of Computing, 2013
Graduate Research Assistantship, GaTech, College of Computing, August 2012 - present
Graduate Grant-In-Aid for $10,000, UCSD, 2011
Honors for “Exemplary Performance as a Math 1B Study Group Leader”, UC Berkeley, Student Learning
Center, 2009
Instructor for CS 4475: Computational Photography, GaTech, Summer 2013
Teaching Assistant for CS 4475: Computational Photography, GaTech, Spring 2013
Guest Lecturer for CS 4475: Computational Photography, GaTech, Spring 2013
Guest Lecturer for CSE 252C: Graduate Computer Vision III: Special Topics, UCSD, Spring 2012
Guest Lecturer for CSE 252B: Graduate Computer Vision II: Multiview Geometry, UCSD, Winter 2012
Teaching Assistant for CSE 252A: Graduate Computer Vision I, UCSD, Fall 2011
Guest Lecturer for CSE 252A: Graduate Computer Vision I, UCSD, Fall 2011
Teaching Assistant for CSE 3: Fluency in Information Technology, UCSD, Winter 2011
Calculus II Study Group Leader at the Student Learning Center, UC Berkeley, August 2008-May 2009
Math Tutor at the Student Learning Center, UC Berkeley, January 2008-May 2009
Reader for EECS 61C:Machine Structures, UC Berkeley, Fall 2008
Invited Talks
“Egocentric Vision Approaches for Assistive Reading Technology”, ESTVI 13 at the Smith-Kettlewell Eye
Research Institute, San Francsico CA, August 2013
“Efficient Interactive 3D Reconstruction on Mobile Devices”, Office of the Chief Scientist at Qualcomm,
San Diego CA, March 2013
Academic Service
Reviewer, IEEE Workshop on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV), Steamboat Springs, 2014
Student Volunteer Supervisor, International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML), Atlanta, 2013
Reviewer, International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV), Sydney, 2013
Reviewer, ICCV Workshop on Underwater Vision, Sydney, 2013
C++, Python, Matlab, Java, Java Native Interface (JNI), Android SDK/NDK, OpenCv, OpenGL, Ceres
solver, Sparse Bundle Adjusment (sba), HTML, XML, MYSQL, PHP, SSE, BASH, Emacs, Eclipse, LATEX