Applied Economics, 1996, 28, 1191Ð 1198 Portfolio analysis with a large universe of assets DAVID NAWROCKI College of Commerce and Finance, 800 Lancaster Avenue, Villanova University, Villanova, PA 19085, USA Covariance matrix optimization algorithms are applied to a large number of assets. A previous paper by Burgess and Bey (1988) suggests that attempting to optimize a large number of securities with the traditional covariance matrix model is not practical. An alternative approach ranks the securities with the reward to volatility (reward to beta) ratio and then optimizes a smaller subset of securities with the covariance matrix model. This study proposes additional screening methods such as stochastic dominance, reward to variability (R/V) ratios, reward to lower partial moment (R/LPM) ratios, and the optimization of subgroups, and provides an empirical test of the various screening methodologies. The results indicate that the full covariance critical line optimization algorithm is surprisingly robust compared to the other techniques. I. INTRODUCTION Covariance matrix optimization algorithms are applied to a large number of assets. The purpose is to test the robustness of the covariance optimization algorithm under these conditions. Because of the computational complexity of the covariance model, Burgess and Bey (1988) suggest using a combination of the Elton, Gruber and Padberg (1976) single-index model (SIM) (to screen assets) and the Markowitz (1959) covariance model (to optimize portfolios) in order to handle a large number of assets. This study proposes additional screening methods such as reward to variability (R/V) ratios, reward to lower partial moment (R/LPM) ratios, stochastic dominance and subgroup optimization, and provides an empirical test of the various screening methods. Surprisingly, the critical line covariance algorithm is very robust with ex ante data and there seems little need to replace it. This result is in line with Markowitz (1987), who states that the critical line algorithm is successful at handling various problems caused by a large universe of securities. Section II summarizes the problem of analysing large numbers of securities with portfolio optimization techniques and suggests alternative methodologies. Section III discusses the methodology of the empirical test and Section 0003Ð 6846 Ó 1996 Routledge IV presents the empirical results. Section V summarizes and concludes the paper. I I . R E V I E W O F T H E LI T E R A T U R E Applying portfolio-theoretic models to a large number of assets is problematic. The computational complexity of the Markowitz covariance matrix approach grows exponentially as the number of assets increases, thus increasing computational time and resources. With 100 assets, it is reasonable for a portfolio management team to develop expected returns and expected variances for 100 securities. However, it is unrealistic to expect the team to consider carefully, one at a time, the 4950 covariances needed to complete the model. The use of historical covariances as estimates of expected covariances has at least two problems. First, unaltered history may lack information currently known about the status of speci® c securities, and second, the number of periods of relevant data may be less than the number of securities analysed. The problem is that the ® nancial literature usually assumes the covariance matrix to be non-singular or positive de® nite. However, the covariance matrix may be positive semi-de® nite, allowing for both singular and non-singular 1191 1192 D. Nawrocki matrices. It is important to handle singular matrices because there are applications where the covariance matrix is singular and a resulting solution would be useful. Markowitz (1987) describes three such cases of singular matrices. First, the estimation of historical covariances may use fewer observations than there are securities. This is the invertibility of the matrix problem that results in a singular matrix. Markowitz (1987) notes that the critical line algorithm for computing mean-variance (EV) e cient sets still succeeds and most of the geometric facts about e cient sets hold true for singular matrices. Second, the addition of constraints to the portfolio problem adds slack variables that will provide a singular matrix. Third, buying a call option and selling a put option are perfectly correlated with the underlying security. In addition, long and short margin positions will also provide perfect positive and negative correlations and, therefore, a singular matrix. The focus of this paper is to explore the ® rst case of optimizing a large number of assets with limited historic observations. Increasing the sample size to solve the ® rst case is not the obvious answer that it seems. A number of studies conclude that estimates of asset variability are non-stationary (MacKinlay, 1987; Schwert, 1989; and Schwert and Seguin, 1990). These studies indicate that historic periods should not exceed six to seven years of data (84 periods of monthly data), thus limiting the number of assets in the analysis. Another solution is to substitute a diagonal matrix model as suggested by Markowitz (1959) and Sharpe (1963) that avoids the invertibility of the matrix problem. Cohen and Pogue (1967) demonstrate that the resulting single-index model (SIM) performs as well as the covariance model. However, King (1966) and Rosenberg (1974) found con¯ icting results. The SIM model provides an optimal answer as long as error terms in the Sharpe regressions are crosssectionally independent (residual covariances are zero). More recently, Hammer and Phillips (1992) demonstrated (when applying the SIM) that signi® cant residual covariances exist, which results in super¯ uous (and ine cient) diversi® cation. Table 1. Comparison of Markowitz critical line algorithm and Martin simultaneous equation algorithm for di¤ erent size security universes (monthly returns in %). Highest R/V portfolio from Markowitz e¦ cient frontier is reported for each security universe Markowitz critical line N Mean Std dev. R/V Martin simultaneous equations M Mean Std dev. R/V M % di erence 5 10 7 9 12 13 14 16 17 17 17 18 1.976 1.836 2.197 2.123 2.032 2.103 1.997 2.060 2.077 2.071 1.982 2.033 3.593 3.593 3.239 3.019 2.877 3.132 3.165 3.381 3.589 2.909 3.043 2.950 0.5499 0.5709 0.6782 0.7033 0.7061 0.6712 0.6308 0.6093 0.5787 0.7122 0.6515 0.6890 5 10 7 9 10 9 9 5 5 11 11 9 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 15.30 40.79 67.96 66.22 78.26 35.30 57.49 61.05 6 8 10 10 11 11 13 14 9 9 9 11 1.413 1.586 1.665 1.802 1.789 1.812 1.825 1.790 1.853 1.853 1.849 1.828 3.558 3.713 3.730 3.643 3.597 3.574 3.648 3.585 3.458 3.415 3.442 3.369 0.3972 0.4270 0.4465 0.4946 0.4974 0.5071 0.5002 0.4993 0.5356 0.5426 0.5372 0.5426 6 8 8 9 11 10 12 10 8 9 11 8 0.00 0.00 11.36 13.39 12.49 2.83 18.58 25.16 16.56 2.73 13.51 17.59 66 monthly returns, January 1980 Ð June 1985 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 1.976 1.836 2.197 2.123 2.032 2.103 1.997 2.060 2.077 2.071 1.982 2.033 3.593 3.216 3.239 3.019 2.838 2.918 2.746 2.810 2.810 2.809 2.602 2.662 0.5499 0.5709 0.6782 0.7033 0.7159 0.7205 0.7273 0.7330 0.7392 0.7373 0.7620 0.7635 120 monthly returns, August 1981 Ð July 1991 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 1.413 1.586 1.665 1.802 1.789 1.812 1.825 1.790 1.853 1.853 1.849 1.828 3.558 3.713 3.703 3.627 3.581 3.584 3.607 3.538 3.410 3.410 3.406 3.336 0.3972 0.4270 0.4496 0.4969 0.4996 0.5057 0.5059 0.5059 0.5434 0.5434 0.5429 0.5478 N Ð Number of stocks in universe M Ð Number of stocks in Markowitz/Martin e cient portfolio % di erence Ð proportion of the portfolio that has to be bought/sold to move from Markowitz allocations to Martin allocations. 1193 Portfolio analysis with a large universe of assets The problem with the size of the covariance matrix is evident in Table 1. Two alternative covariance model optimization algorithms generate comparable portfolios from the same set of covariance matrices, varying only the number of assets in the matrix. The Markowitz (1959) critical line algorithm generates corner portfolios along the e cient frontier. The corner portfolio with the highest reward to variability (R/V) ratio compares to a portfolio generated by the calculus-minimization simultaneous equations algorithm developed by Martin (1955). This algorithm minimizes the portfolio variance for a speci® ed return, which in this case is the expected return of the highest R/V ratio portfolio from the Markowitz critical line algorithm. The Martin simultaneous equations approach is in numerous books including Francis and Archer (1979) and Elton and Gruber (1987). The calculus-minimization approach uses Lagrangain multipliers in order to handle the constraints to the problem. Thus, the introduction of slack variables into the problem can create singular matrices. The test runs two samples of 66 and 120 months. The number of securities in the analysis increases from ten to 120 securities. With 66 monthly returns, the two algorithms return equivalent portfolios until the size of the covariance matrix reaches 50 assets. At this point, the Martin algorithm is less e cient (by providing higher variances and lower reward to variability (R/V) ratios). As the number of assets increases past 50, 35 to 78% of the portfolio allocations generated by the two algorithms are di erent. In addition, the Martin algorithm is providing signi® cantly smaller portfolios in terms of the number of securities. Clearly the Martin algorithm is sensitive to the singular covariance matrix problem, possibly because of the Lagrangian multipliers. With 120 monthly returns, di erences between the two algorithms appear with 30 assets in the covariance matrix. However, the di erences only a ect 3 to 25% of the portfolio allocations as the number of assets increases to 120. Also, there is not the drastic di erence in the number of securities in a portfolio or the R/V ratios observed in the 66-month results. Increasing the number of observations from 66 to 120 months provides better correspondence between the two algorithms. The critical line algorithm seems to be very robust with the singular-matrix problem. However, because of the divergence of results, as the number of assets increases past 30, the question arises if the critical line algorithm is providing optimal results with a large number of assets in the covariance matrix. Burgess and Bey (1988) discuss one possible solution that uses the Elton, Gruber and Padberg (1976) SIM (hereafter, EGP) algorithm. This algorithm ranks assets using reward to volatility ratios (measured by beta, or an R/B ratio) and then computes optimal weights. Ranking with the R/B ratio handles a large number of assets. Then the securities are tested for entry into the EGP portfolio. The assets that qualify become the input for the Markowitz (1959) critical line algorithm. Since a smaller number of assets are in the resulting covariance matrix, this process reduces the invertibility of matrix problem and eliminates the residual covariance problem. Along the same lines, Nawrocki (1990) uses the reward to lower partial moment (R/LPM) ratio as a simple heuristic for selecting portfolios. These contributions open other ranking possibilities that use stochastic dominance, reward to variability ratios and subgroup optimization to screen assets before a ® nal optimization with the covariance matrix analysis. III. METHODOLOGY This paper provides a test of various screening strategies that attempt to minimize the singular-matrix problem by reducing the number of assets in the covariance matrix. The main test is a comparison of ex ante (or historic) performance of these strategies with the optimization of all the assets in one large covariance matrix. The data samples used in the study include 125 common stocks randomly selected from the 1992 CRSP data tape. The two data ® les contain di erent stocks. One contains 120 monthly total returns from August 1981 to July 1991. The second contains 66 monthly total returns from January 1980 to June 1985. (The latter time period corresponds to the same data period used in the Burgess and Bey, 1988 study.) Given the previously cited research, the following techniques suggest themselves as potential solutions to the singular-matrix problem. The full covariance algorithms (Markowitz and Martin) provide the benchmark performance since the purpose of the paper is to study the robustness of the Markowitz critical line algorithm with a large number of assets. (1) Markowitz (critical line) and Martin (simultaneous equations) optimization of all 125 assets. (2) Markowitz critical line optimization of subgroups of 25 assets. Securities that do not enter the subgroup portfolio do not appear in future optimizations. The process continues until approximately 25 assets remain and the ® nal optimization takes place. (3) Markowitz critical line optimization of subgroups of 50 assets at a time. (4) Second degree (SSD) and third degree (TSD) stochastic dominance techniques are used to screen the 125 assets to the SSD and TSD e cient sets. The resulting group of assets become the input to the Markowitz critical line optimization. The stochastic dominance uses the Porter, Wart and Ferguson (1973) algorithm as corrected by Vickson and Altman (1977). (5) Reward to LPM (R/LPM) ratios screen the 125 assets. The top 25 assets become the input to the Markowitz critical line optimization. The screening algorithm 1194 D. Nawrocki Table 2. Summary statistics comparison of di¤ erent portfolio selection algorithms for 66 monthly observations (January 1980 Ð June 1985) Method Mean Std dev Semi-dev R/SV R/V SSD TSD Markowitz (125) Martin (125) EV Group 25 EV Group 50 SSD-EV TSD-EV R/LPM n = 1 EV R/LPM n = 2 EV R/LPM n = 3 EV R/V EV R/B EV R/B EGP SI R/V EGP AC R/LPM n = 1 R/LPM R/LPM n = 2 R/LPM R/LPM n = 3 R/LPM R/LPM n = 1 LPM QP R/LPM n = 2 LPM QP R/LPM n = 3 LPM QP 2.0182 2.0324 2.0489 2.0921 2.3870 2.4129 2.1330 2.0462 2.2043 2.1398 2.2754 2.3032 2.2411 2.1542 2.1425 2.1455 2.1254 2.1761 2.1129 2.6613 2.9856 2.7129 2.7922 3.6085 3.7312 3.1214 3.0084 3.2613 3.1635 3.7571 3.8660 3.6009 3.4871 3.4875 3.4800 3.2239 3.2940 3.1013 0.7930 0.9756 0.7998 0.8628 1.1667 1.2153 0.9999 0.8939 0.9946 0.9842 1.1843 1.1976 1.1298 1.2648 1.2053 1.1701 0.9924 0.9519 0.9434 2.5449 2.0831 2.5616* 2.4245 2.0459 1.9853 2.1331 2.2889 2.2161 2.1741 1.9213 1.9231 1.9835 1.7031 1.7775 1.8335 2.1416 2.2858 2.2395 0.7583 0.6807 0.7552 0.7492 0.6615 0.6467 0.6833 0.6801 0.6759 0.6764 0.6056 0.5957 0.6223 0.6177 0.6143 0.6165 0.6592 0.6606 0.6813 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Std dev Ð Standard deviation of portfolio Semi-dev Ð Semi-deviation of portfolio (square root of semi-variance) R/SV Ð Reward to semi-variability ratio (LPM degree n = 2.0) R/B Ð Reward to beta ratio R/V Ð Reward to variability ratio R/LPM n = 1 Ð Reward to lower partial moment, degree n = 1.0 SSD Ð Second degree dominance e cient sets TSD Ð Third degree dominance e cient sets EV Ð Markowitz expected return-variance critical line algorithm EGP SI Ð Elton, Gruber, Padberg single-index algorithm EGP AC Ð Elton, Gruber, Padberg average correlation algorithm LPM QP Ð Co-LPM quadratic programming (critical line) algorithm R/LPM Ð Nawrocki reward/LPM heuristic algorithm * Indicates performance superior to Markowitz 125-asset optimization. utilizes LPM degrees of 1,2 and 3. The degrees of the LPM are a measure of investor risk-aversion. An LPM degree of 1 indicates a risk-neutral investor. Increasing the LPM degree from 1 to 2 or 3 indicates increasing risk-aversion by the investor (See Fishburn, 1977 for more information on this matter). (6) Reward to variability (R/V) ratios screen the 125 assets. The top 25 assets become the input to the Markowitz critical line optimization and the Elton, Gruber and Padberg (1976) average correlation heuristic algorithm. (7) Reward to volatility (R/B) ratios screen the 125 assets. The Elton, Gruber and Padberg (1976) SIM and the Markowitz critical line covariance matrix models (the latter is the Burgess and Bey, 1988 approach) optimize the assets that qualify. 1 (8) R/LPM ratios screen assets. Computation of portfolios uses an R/LPM heuristic (Nawrocki, 1983, 1990; Nawrocki and Staples, 1989) and a co-LPM matrix is optimized using the Markowitz critical line algorithm (Nawrocki, 1991, 1992). Both the reward to semivariability (R/SV) and reward to variability (R/V) ratios evaluate the resulting portfolios. However, numerous studies have found statistical biases in the traditional Sharpe (R/V), Treynor (R/B), and Jensen measures. 1 Ang and Chua (1979) demonstrate that the R/SV ratio provides signi® cantly less biased ranking of portfolio performance when compared to the traditional measures. Therefore, the discussion of the empirical results places more emphasis on the R/SV results. The Sharpe performance measure (R/V ratio) dates back to Roy (1952). Sharpe stated in a speech to the Financial Management Association in October 1993 that he refers to it as the reward to variability ratio. He does not feel that it is appropriate to call it the Sharpe measure. 1195 Portfolio analysis with a large universe of assets Table 3. Summary statistics comparison of di¤ erent portfolio selection algorithms for 120 monthly observations (August 1981 Ð July 1991) Method Mean Std dev Semi-dev R/SV R/V SSD Markowitz (125) Martin (125) EV Group 25 EV Group 50 SSD-EV TSD-EV R/LPM n = 1 EV R/LPM n = 2 EV R/LPM n = 3 EV R/V EV R/B EV R/B EGP SI R/V EGP AC R/LPM n = 1 R/LPM R/LPM n = 2 R/LPM R/LPM n = 3 R/LPM R/LPM n = 1 LPM QP R/LPM n = 2 LPM QP R/LPM n = 3 LPM QP 1.9573 1.9700 1.9696 1.9674 1.9947 1.9870 1.9680 1.9671 1.9245 1.9690 1.9464 2.1447 1.8725 1.7651 1.7959 1.7772 1.9933 1.8483 1.8553 3.6811 4.1900 3.6786 3.6787 3.8552 3.8335 3.6956 3.6956 3.6957 3.6957 3.6571 4.5340 3.5749 3.6432 3.7012 3.7227 3.7895 3.4441 3.5627 1.8873 2.0319 1.8530 1.8538 1.8646 1.8584 1.8454 1.8457 1.7933 1.8451 1.8266 2.1508 1.7503 1.8626 1.8187 1.8105 1.8657 1.7189 1.7143 1.0370 0.9695 1.0629 * 1.0612 * 1.0697 * 1.0691 * 1.0664 * 1.0657 * 1.0731 * 1.0671 * 1.0655 * 0.9971 1.0698 * 0.9476 0.9874 0.9816 1.0683 * 1.0752 * 1.0828 * 0.5317 0.4702 0.5354 * 0.5348 * 0.5174 0.5183 0.5325 * 0.5322 * 0.5288 0.5328 * 0.5322 * 0.4730 0.5238 0.4845 0.4852 0.4774 0.5260 0.5366 * 0.5210 X TSD X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Std dev Ð Standard deviation of portfolio Semi-dev Ð Semi-deviation of portfolio (square root of semivariance) R/SV Ð Reward to semi-variability ratio (LPM degree n = 2.0) R/B Ð Reward to beta ratio R/V Ð Reward to variability ratio R/LPM n = 1 Ð Reward to lower partial moment, degree n = 1.0 SSD Ð Second degree dominance e cient portfolios TSD Ð Third degree dominance e cient portfolios EV Ð Markowitz expected return-variance critical line algorithm EGP SI Ð Elton, Gruber, Padberg single-index algorithm EGP AC Ð Elton, Gruber, Padberg average correlation algorithm LPM QP Ð Co-LPM quadratic programming (critical line) algorithm R/LPM Ð Nawrocki reward/LPM heuristic algorithm * Indicates performance superior to Markowitz 125-asset optimization. IV. EMPIRICAL RESULT S Tables 2Ð 5 provide the summary results for this study. Tables 2 and 3 provide the results for the 66-month and 120-month samples, respectively. As in Table 1, the report utilizes the maximum R/V portfolio for each technique. With both of these sample periods, the Markowitz 125-asset optimization is very impressive. With the 66-month sample, only the optimization of subgroups of 25 and 50 assets (EV Group 25 and EV Group 50) is competitive with the 125asset Markowitz analysis. The R/LPM screening with mean-variance (EV) optimization and with mean-lower partial moment (LPM QP) optimization and the R/V screening with mean-variance (EV) optimization are the only other alternatives that are close to the full 125-asset Markowitz optimization. The Martin 125-asset optimization is about the fourth best of the alternatives, thus con® rming the result from Table 1 that the simultaneous equations approach does not handle large numbers of assets as well as the Markowitz critical line algorithm. Only the 25-asset subgrouping (EV Group 25) approach outperforms the Markowitz 125 assets when using the R/SV ratio to compare performance. The Markowitz critical line algorithm is also an undominated member of the second (SSD) and third (TSD) degree stochastic dominance sets. Using 120 months, the alternative screening methods that use mean-variance (EV) optimization or LPM optimization (LPM QP), after ranking and grouping, exhibit higher R/SV and R/V ratios than the Markowitz 125-asset optimization, which comes next to last. The Elton, Gruber and Padberg algorithms are not competitive. The Markowitz critical line algorithm is a member of the SSD undominated set but is not a member of the TSD undominated set. The results indicate that the Markowitz critical line algorithm is more robust with a small number of observations than the suggested alternatives. When the number of observations is close to the number of assets, the alternatives are competitive with the Markowitz critical line algorithm and actually dominate it in the TSD e cient set. 1196 D. Nawrocki Table 4. Reward to semivariability ratios (R/SV ) for each portfolio selection algorithm for each data sub-period (monthly data) Method Months 1Ð 60 Months 61Ð 120 Months 1Ð 120 Months 1Ð 66 Average SSD Markowitz (125) Martin (125) EV Group 25 EV Group 50 SSD-EV TSD-EV R/LPM n = 1 EV R/LPM n = 2 EV R/LPM n = 3 EV R/V EV R/B EV R/B EGP SI R/V EGP AC R/LPM n = 1 R/LPM R/LPM n = 2 R/LPM R/LPM n = 3 R/LPM R/LPM n = 1 LPM QP R/LPM n = 2 LPM QP R/LPM n = 3 LPM QP 4.6073 2.4750 4.4899 4.4831 4.4354 2.6840 2.7592 3.0816 3.0792 3.0825 2.8709 2.5761 2.1994 2.3434 2.5726 2.6131 2.6186 3.0675 3.3065 0.9032 0.7816 0.9226* 0.9226* 0.9296* 0.9276* 0.9076* 0.9070* 0.9072* 0.9064* 0.9301* 0.8737 0.6869 0.6763 0.6678 0.6713 0.9230* 0.9405* 0.9491* 1.0370 0.9695 1.0629* 1.0612* 1.0697* 1.0691* 1.0664* 1.0657* 1.0731* 1.0671* 1.0655* 0.9971 1.0698* 0.9476 0.9874 0.9816 1.0683* 1.0752* 1.0828* 2.5449 2.0831 2.5616* 2.4245 2.0459 1.9853 2.1331 2.2889 2.2161 2.1741 1.9213 1.9213 1.9835 1.7031 1.7775 1.8335 2.1416 2.2858 2.2395 2.2731 1.5773 2.2593 2.2229 2.1202 1.6665 1.7166 1.8358 1.8189 1.8075 1.6970 1.5905 1.4849 1.4176 1.5013 1.5249 1.6879 1.8423 1.8945 XXXX X XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XX XXXX XXXX XXXX XX XX X XXXX XXXX XXXX R/SV Ð Reward to semivariability ratio (LPM degree n = 2.0) R/B Ð Reward to beta ratio R/V Ð Reward to variability ratio R/LPM n = 1 Ð Reward to lower partial moment, degree n = 1.0 SSD Ð Second degree dominance e cient portfolios TSD Ð Third degree dominance e cient portfolios EV Ð Markowitz expected return-variance critical line algorithm EGP SI Ð Elton, Gruber, Padberg single-index algorithm EGP AC Ð Elton, Gruber, Padberg average correlation algorithm LPM QP Ð Co-LPM quadratic programming (critical line) algorithm R/LPM Ð Nawrocki reward/LPM heuristic algorithm * Indicates superior performance. Tables 4 and 5 present the results to breaking the 120month period into two 60-month subperiods. Table 4 presents the R/SV results; Table 5 provides the R/V results. Both the R/SV results and the R/V results indicate that the optimization of subgroups of 25Ð 50 assets provides the most consistent ex ante results. The R/SV ratios indicate that all the ranking techniques using critical line mean-variance or mean-LPM optimization are reasonable alternatives. The Martin simultaneous equations approach provides the worst portfolio results. Again the Markowitz critical line algorithm is a member of the SSD undominated set for all four data sets. Note that the results obtained here are relevant only to the historic (ex ante) performance of the portfolios. The results indicate that the critical line algorithm is robust enough to handle a large number of assets when a limited number of observations are available. Purchasing the portfolios as an investment during a holding period (ex post) may result in di erent performance. Both Elton, Gruber and Urich (1978) and Nawrocki (1991) provide empirical evidence that their simple heuristic algorithms will outperform the more complex covariance matrix optimization algorithm during holding (ex post) periods. V . S U MM A R Y A N D C O N C L U S I O N S The surprising result from this study is how robust the Markowitz (1959) optimization algorithm is for 125 assets. The results of this algorithm are very competitive with methodology designed to minimize the invertibility of the matrix problem. On the other hand, the Martin (1955) simultaneous equations covariance algorithm is very sensitive to the number of securities in the covariance matrix. Because this algorithm is popular in portfolio theory texts for its pedagogical accessibility, it is important not to use it whenever the number of assets in the covariance matrix exceeds 30. Breaking the sample of 125 assets into subgroups of 25 assets, then optimizing the subgroups, seems to be the only alternative methodology that consistently 1197 Portfolio analysis with a large universe of assets Table 5. Reward to variability ratios (R/V ) for each portfolio selection algorithm for each data sub-period (monthly data) Method Months 1Ð 60 Months 61Ð 120 Months 1Ð 120 Months 1Ð 66 Average Markowitz (125) Martin (125) EV Group 25 EV Group 50 SSD-EV TSD-EV R/LPM n = 1 EV R/LPM n = 2 EV R/LPM n = 3 EV R/V EV R/B EV R/B EGP SI R/V EGP AC R/LPM n = 1 R/LPM R/LPM n = 2 R/LPM R/LPM n = 3 R/LPM R/LPM n = 1 LPM QP R/LPM n = 2 LPM QP R/LPM n = 3 LPM QP 1.0287 0.8147 1.0295* 1.0289* 1.0282 0.8431 0.9205 0.9450 0.9446 0.9295 0.9357 0.8152 0.8310 0.8129 0.8183 0.8418 0.8926 0.9175 0.9111 0.4656 0.3885 0.4686* 0.4689* 0.4669* 0.4674* 0.4625 0.4624 0.4624 0.4622 0.4674* 0.4466 0.3921 0.4018 0.3959 0.3966 0.4464 0.4559 0.4484 0.5317 0.4702 0.5354* 0.5348* 0.5174 0.5183 0.5325* 0.5322* 0.5288 0.5328* 0.5322* 0.4730 0.5238 0.4845 0.4852 0.4774 0.5260 0.5366* 0.5210 0.7583 0.6807 0.7552 0.7492 0.6615 0.6467 0.6833 0.6801 0.6759 0.6764 0.6056 0.5957 0.6223 0.6177 0.6143 0.6165 0.6592 0.6606 0.6813 0.6961 0.5885 0.6972* 0.6955 0.6685 0.6189 0.6497 0.6549 0.6529 0.6502 0.6352 0.5826 0.5923 0.5792 0.5784 0.5831 0.6311 0.6427 0.6405 R/B Ð Reward to beta ratio R/V Ð Reward to variability ratio R/LPM n = 1 Ð Reward to lower partial moment, degree n = 1.0 SSD Ð Second degree dominance e cient portfolios TSD Ð Third degree dominance e cient portfolios EV Ð Markowitz expected return-variance critical line algorithm EGP SI Ð Elton, Gruber, Padberg single-index algorithm EGP AC Ð Elton, Gruber, Padberg average correlation algorithm LPM QP Ð Co-LPM quadratic programming (critical line) algorithm R/LPM Ð Nawrocki reward/LPM heuristic algorithm * Indicates superior performance. improves on the Markowitz critical line optimization of 125 assets, and then only with a large number of observations. The Burgess and Bey (1988) method of screening and then optimizing is an acceptable alternative. However, in this test, it is not as consistent as the 125-asset critical line optimization or the optimization of the 25-asset subgroups. The Markowitz (1959) critical line algorithm proves to be a valuable tool for handling singular matrices. This allows the portfolio manager to add additional constraints to the optimization problem. Furthermore, the optimization problem can be more versatile with the addition of put option, call option, long margin and short margin positions. AC K N O W L E D G E M EN T The author wishes to thank Roger Bey for providing the Vickson and Altman (1977) correction code for the stochastic dominance program. The author is responsible for any errors. REFERENCES Ang, James S. and Chua, Jess H. (1979) Composite measures for the evaluation of investment performance, Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, 14 (2), 361Ð 384. 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