Secure Computing Environment: Stand

Secure Computing Environment: Stand‐Alone Users must provide details in their statement. Answers that are in bold are required and cannot deviate. Italicized answers are suggestions, but other vendors/operating systems are allowed. Description Detail Physical Security Office description: locked door office or cubicle Office CPU is locked to furniture Yes [Kensington Lock] Lock on CPU Yes [Kensington Lock] System Security Operating System & version Windows 7 Most recent service pack & update schedule Update schedule Anti‐virus software [Vendor] Forefront Endpoint Network card disabled [Yes/No] Yes USB port disabled [Yes/No] Yes/No Prevent modification of operating system security via Yes password protected BIOS file [Yes/No] Data Security Media location Neidert office (1090) Encryption Software [Vendor] Windows Encrypting Filesystem Permission acls for work directories invoked for multi‐use Yes stand‐alone [Yes/No] Statistical software scratch files pointed to encrypted work Yes area [Yes/No] Back‐ups/Printing Hard‐drive: RAID level 0 Hard‐drive back‐up [Yes/No] No Program syntax to be backed up [Method] User copies to networked location Statistical output printing [Method] User copies Sensitive output [Discuss] Locked/shredded; not all output is sensitive Close‐Out Secure Erase Hardware [Vendor] DBAN User Behavior Login/password required [Yes/No] Yes Password strength 8+ characters & PSC Password link Password change frequency (times per year and start 2x month) Password‐protected screensaver in use [Timer] Initiated after 5 minutes of inactivity Publication / Disclosure Publications must follow disclosure rules Link to rules, if applicable User Education User reminded of contract conditions [frequency] Once a year; contract anniversary User reminded of security conditions [frequency] Once a year; contract anniversary 