GLOBALIZATION 2001: CONTROLLING IT Another Failure of the Washington Consensus on Transition Countries Inequality and UndergroundEconomies J. Barkley Rosser, Jr., and Marina Vcherashnaya Rosser Western policymakers have long worried about undergroundeconomies in transition nations and less about income inequality. But the authors argue that growing income inequality is an important cause of the growth of an undergroundeconomy. New Russian in Mercedes-Benz store: "I would like to see your most expensive car." Mercedes-Benz store manager: "Didn't you just buy one in here yesterday?" New Russian: "Yes, but the ashtray is already full." J. BARKLEY ROSSER, JR., and MARINA VCHERASHNAYA ROSSER are, respectively, pro- fessor and associate professor of economics at James Madison University. The authors wish to acknowledge useful inputfrom Ehsan Ahmed, John Bonin, Simon Commander, Branko Milanovic, and the late Lynn Turgeon. None of them are responsibleforany errors, omissions, or misinterpretations in this article. Challenge, vol.44,no.2,March/April 2001, pp.39-50. © 2001 M.E. Sharpe, Inc.Allrights reserved. ISSN 0577-5132/2001 $9.50 +0.00. Challenge/AMrch-April 2001 39 Rosser and Rosser IT IS well known that income distribution in many of the tran- sition economies has become sharply more unequal during the transition process that began at the end of the 1980s.1 By and large, the attitude of most policymakers in Washington and in many international institutions has been that, although this phenomenon is somewhat unfortunate, it is a necessary outcome, to be expected and, within bounds, to be desired. The centrally planned economies were viewed as having too much equality and not offering sufficient incentives for growth opportunities. It has been considered inevitable that, in moving to market capitalism, there would be increases in inequality as these incentives became available according to this Washington consensus. The main concern has been that if this increase became too great, a political backlash would halt or reverse the transition process and bring back the former system. That some transition economies such as Russia now have unequal distributions of income that exceed even that of the United States2 is viewed more as an annoyance than as a problem that must be resolved. On the other hand, the especially rapid growth of the underground economy in the transition economies is viewed somewhat more seriously,3 although perhaps as a more extreme case of a more general global problem.4 This underground economy is seen as undermining state finances, as those participating in the underground economy avoid paying taxes. Nonreporting of income is perhaps the most widely agreed-upon way to identify underground economy activity. The budget deficits that can arise if large proportions of economic activity are not reported, and therefore not taxed, can become a problem, at least in the eyes of any international lending institutions that have demanded that the nations in question agree to reduce their budget deficits as a condition of lending them money. It is also understood that the crime and corruption that often accompany such underground activities can corrode the political legitimacy of the system, and 40 Challenge/March-April2001 Failureof the Washington Consensus on Transition Countries may even spill over into the high-income, nontransition economies as they become havens for money laundering and related scams and scandals, some of which may even potentially affect the solvency of Western financial institutions. It has only dimly begun to be recognized that there may be a link between these two problems. It is clear that a decline in the fiscal health of a transition economy may lead it to cutbacks in social safety net spending, especially when international lending institutions are demanding such cutbacks as part of the economy's getting its budgetary house in order. It has been less clearly understood that this relationship may well be a two-way street, with causation possibly working in the opposite direction as well. Increasing income inequality itself may well contribute to the growth of the underground economy in the transition economies. The role of the underground economy in the transition economies is a matter of considerable controversy. Although widespread publicity connects it with outright criminal activity and associated money laundering in Western banks, it may well perform a socially beneficial function in economies that are overly regulated, or in which rent-seeking bureaucrats, who may be officially enforcing the overly strict regulations, engage in bribery and corruption. 5 In such situations, the only way entrepreneurs can form what would be viewed as legitimate enterprises is to hide them from the "grabbing hand" of the corrupt authorities. 6 Efforts to bring the underground economy aboveground would lead to "throwing out the baby with the bathwater."7 The hope of this view is that current underground economy participants will provide a foundation for a functioning aboveground economy in the future, much as the notorious "robber barons" of the nineteenth-century United States became the fathers of respected corporations and philanthropic institutions. Even if they do not, their activities may stimulate the aboveground economy through multiplier effects.8 Challenge/March-April2001 41 Rosser and Rosser Although it is recognized that in some transition economies there may still be such levels of excessive regulation and associated bureaucratic corruption (Russia and Ukraine standing out as examples), the apparently rapid growth of the underground sector has come to be viewed with concern by most policymakers, both within the countries in question and internationally, if only because of the fiscal implications. Some observers have suggested that countries may face two very distinct alternatives: a "good equilibrium" of not much underground economy and a functioning and honest public sector or a "bad equilibrium" of a large underground economy and a poorly functioning public sector unsupported by tax revenues. Some have suggested that this contrast between outcomes relates to ideas regarding the behavior of mafias and social capital, where there are increasing returns to people who obey the law and involve themselves in socially worthwhile activities. However, if such behaviors fall below certain critical levels, then the opposite phenomenon can emerge-a breakdown of law enforcement and the emergence of socially damaging behaviors. 9 This theory suggests that if the underground economy reaches some critical threshold level, it can simply overwhelm the aboveground economy and come to dominate it. Such an argument fits in well with the idea of sharply diverging possible outcomes with regard to the underground economy. Furthermore, it becomes clear in the context of transition economies that the enormous changes these economies have experienced may push them over such thresholds and toward patterns of extensive underground economic activity that remains underground and becomes a self-reinforcing phenomenon. What factors might push an economy beyond such a critical threshold? The original literature on underground economies, dating from the late 1970s and early 1980s, focuses upon their emergence in advanced market capitalist economies. This early 42 Challenge/March-April2001 Failureof the Washington Consensus on Transition Countries literature argues that higher taxes and higher social transfers lead to larger underground economies as people face incentives to avoid taxes and be unemployed so as to receive social transfers.' 0 The implication of such arguments is that if high taxes and large social transfer payment programs are associated with greater income equality, then one should expect to see income equality associated with a larger underground economy. Never in this traditional literature is it suggested that the relationship might run in the opposite direction, that an increase in inequality might lead to increases in the size of the underground economy. Such a possibility for the transition economies has now been suggested, with a finding that there is a strong correlation between the size of the underground economy and the degree of income inequality, as measured by the Gini coefficient in 1994.11 Of course, these economies have experienced profoundly unusual and disruptive circumstances, with large-scale institutional transformations and upheavals of many sorts. Many of them had massive declines in output and hyperinflationary outbreaks, as well as wars, political instability, and various other extreme events. That such events could lead to breakdowns of social solidarity and increases in alienation and general disillusionment is not at all surprising. Some of these elements appear also to be connected to the rise of the underground economy.12 However, the only one that appears to be connected to the size of the underground economy more strongly than the size of the Gini coefficient, at least as of 1994, is the cumulative decline in output from 1989 to 1994. The maximum rate of inflation also plays a role, but not as great as the Gini coefficient. Other variables that might be predicted to have an influence either are much weaker or do not even have the expected effect. Thus, democratic rights appear to be insignificantly negatively correlated with the size of the underground economy, while economic freedom has a negative bivariate corCh;Xllenge/March-April 2001 43 Rosser and Rosser relation but a significant positive correlation with the size of the underground economy in a full multiple regression. Although maximum tax rates on capital appear to be significantly positively correlated, maximum tax rates on labor actually appear to be negatively correlated with the size of the underground economy, in contrast with most of the existing literature. 13 These findings coincide with a broader reevaluation of transition policy that has been taking place. Whereas at one point most international officials advocated "shock therapy" approachesin which all transition problems, ranging from macroeconomic stabilization through institutional restructuring to privatization, were to be attacked simultaneously and with equal vigor-it is now clear that for some of these problems, especially privatization, a more gradual and careful approach may well be called for. The relatively successful case of Poland, which stabilized the macroeconomy quickly but has been slow to carry out privatization, is an important example. The speed of privatization has been especially linked with the rise of the underground economy and corruption. Many economies that implemented rapid privatizations, such as Russia's, discovered that these policies resulted in insider takeovers, corrupt asset stripping, and other dysfunctional outcomes.14 Table 1 presents a summary of data relevant for this discussion. There are very serious problems in measuring the relative sizes of underground economies in any economy, much less in a transition economy where previously stable relationships are breaking down or otherwise changing. Thus, it may be that the most widely accepted estimates of the size of the underground economy in advanced market capitalist economies rely upon estimates of the use of currency compared to GDP.15 But for transition economies, such estimates are not very meaningful given the enormous restructurings the financial sectors of these economies have experienced. Rather, examining patterns of electricity 44 ChaJlenge/March-April2001 Failure of the Washington Consensus on Transition Countries IN hN C! O~ (Xs ° ID rl c' r(ON ' f N - N oC N Lf w. a '- Un C O rm c N 00 U cD Lt N rN M Lf O 'N 0D ID <q Ci OD CNO NfO P N L?m (f N Ln 00 M L(' Lr) % n r D O -I- C- 0 C N0n U) L LI 00 N n f U) 00 LNf ( CS N 00 O re) oD CqLL1Cr Lr UN m m r,M 00 L '4 r UiU.' CD <0O C1 Lf) -r Co- on m rn a) M(' MC ) N u :i N r) a) CM CN 'D 0 0C- ur C . N oN (7 (N M C'4 - rI o"I C~)O' -q- 'T Lt) -n ('4~ N M O0-.-- U cc ('4 T 0 s. "T 10 N hO "T C" 0 co n~OO U Co a0 In f' rs 'IT (N o0 CN L ' OD -0 N a) o CD 0'). .- -. ~to 'ITCo - '.0Co N U)- o0 'q CD tD '(N C" n oo - m '0 - if - '.0 oo Co oo r0. na)re O)00 0 0 .C. o O 0 0 'T . -. oc(> unr- )n Co) 'IT if) (' a r 0)- -L ('4o 0.0. -n-(D '- a 00 1 10 CD CD C C:o M O m U) (N CN r) re) (N C) (A 0 E U.' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . U.' 0 Oq [" .N rm I .4- r- . D M CY) oo =o oo ro oI U, 4' - I . 1( Ln 1 (N I I u) 0 eU c - (TN un; 0n r- N - (N 'O 4 (N C")0 CS () O D 0 Cn 'IT cN oo O cO C- O %6 Ur x6 c0 qD rI rn r N r) re r) - -, M Um - ( 0O ur _: 0 t' 0 rU 0 .L U LU CZ 0C ;D E 2 U= CZ CD~~~~ -~ Q) u O a) - N C C0 0 - r-U CU N aO0 CU= >.. CU~.' .C_ o -0 .coo: b0CC -3 ° E (U 2 0) a') 0 -' -0 N D Chullenge/March-April2001 45 Rosser and Rosser usage has been the most commonly used method for the transition economies, although any method has its limitations in any economy, and it must be recognized that such measures ultimately involve attempting to measure the unmeasurable. Table 1 presents data for eighteen countries on the size of the underground economy in 1994 (UE) as a percent of GDP and the change from 1989 to 1994 in the size of the underground economy (dUE); the Gini coefficient in 1994 (GC) and its change from 1989 to 1994 (dGC); the cumulative percentage decline in output from 1989 to 1994 (CD); the maximum annual rate of inflation after 1989 (IR); an economic freedom index in 1994 (EF) and a democratic rights index in 1994 (DR), both 0-100, with a higher number indicating more economic freedom or democratic rights; and the effective marginal tax rates on labor income (LT) and capital income (CT), respectively."6 Much of what one sees from this table fits the conventional wisdom of the Washington consensus. Thus, we find the more reformed and democratic countries in Central Europe, such as Poland, Hungary, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, and Slovenia, to have somewhat smaller underground economies and greater macroeconomic stability. They also generally have more income equality and tend to have higher tax rates on labor income but not on capital income. Russia, Ukraine, Moldova, and Georgia all have larger underground economies and considerable macroeconomic instability. They generally have higher income inequality and higher capital income tax rates (Georgia's is unknown). But there are a number of apparent anomalies. The Baltic countries are somewhat mixed in their patterns, not even resembling each other on some of these variables. The Central Asian countries are mixed, with Uzbekistan showing a pattern that makes it look more like one of the Central European countries, at least on the economic variables.' 7 And notoriously undemocratic and unreformed Belarus shows up with both a 46 Challenge/March-April2001 Failureof the Washington Consensus on Transition Countries relatively small underground economy and a relatively equal distribution of income. Furthermore, there is good reason to believe that income distribution policies, especially in the form of social transfers, vary greatly among these countries. Thus, the very low reported Gini coefficients in Slovakia and the Czech Republic may not be accidents or mere artifacts of high tax collections due to small underground economies. Studies suggest that their transfer policies have been much more effectively targeted toward the poor and those impacted negatively by the transition, policies such as generous unemployment benefits and family assistance.' 8 The programs in somewhat less equal Poland and Hungary are reported to target the middle class, especially their generous pensions, whereas the transfer programs in Russia are reportedly regressive in effect, making even more unequal a distribution of income that has become sharply unequal during the transition.' 9 All these findings suggest that the original Washington consensus may have been mistaken to ignore income distribution policies or even to applaud increases in inequality, as appears to have been the case. It is clear that quite a few people in some of the institutions that developed that consensus have been documenting the large increases in income inequality in many of the transition economies, even as their superiors so far seem to have largely ignored these findings. Likewise, these people have documented that social safety net policies, by their nature, have in fact influenced the outcomes regarding income distribution. We also now see that income inequality itself may help to increase the size of the underground economy through social alienation and general dislocation, especially in conjunction with macroeconomic instability. Given that a large underground economy makes it hard to raise tax revenues to pay for a social safety net, there is a potential negative feedback effect that it would be wise to avoid. Thus, there appears to be a case for a serious reconsidChAllenge/March-April 2001 47 Rosser and Rosser eration of policies with regard to income distribution in the transition economies in light of this apparent interaction with the underground economy. Not only political legitimacy, but economic stability, may call for more vigorous efforts to maintain income equality in the transition economies. Notes 1. For example, see Frances Stewart and Albert Berry, "Globalization, Liberalization, and Inequality: The Real Causes," Challenge 43, no. 1 (January-February 2000): 44-92; Branko Milanovic, Income, Inequality, and Poverty in the Transitionfrom Planned to Market Economies (Washington, DC: World Bank, 1998); and Simon Commander, "The Impact of Transition on Inequality," Economics of Transition5 (1997): 499-504. 2. See Timothy Smeeding, "America's Income Inequality: Where Do We Stand?" Challenge 39, no. 5 (September-October 1996): 45-53. 3. See Simon Johnson, Daniel Kaufmann, and Andrei Shleifer, "The Unofficial Economy in Transition," Brookings Papers on Economic Activity 2 (1997): 159-221. Other terms for this sector include "unofficial, informal, shadow, irregular, subterranean, black, hidden, and occult." 4. See Friedrich Schneider and Dominik H. Enste, "Shadow Economies: Size, Causes, and Consequences," Journalof Economic Literature38 (March 2000): 77-114. 5. A study showing that in Russia, Ukraine, Poland, Slovakia, and Romania bureaucratic corruption is strongly associated with firms hiding output from the authorities is Simon Johnson, Daniel Kaufmann, John McMillan, and Christopher Woodruff, "Why Do Firms Hide? Bribes and Unofficial Activity After Communism," Journalof Public Economics 76 (June 2000): 495-520. 6. See also in this regard Andrei Shleifer and Robert W. Vishny, The Grabbing Hand: Government Pathologiesand Their Cures (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1998); and Eric Friedman, Simon Johnson, Daniel Kaufmann, and Pablo ZoidoLobat6n, "Dodging the Grabbing Hand: The Determinants of Unofficial Activity in 69 Countries," Journalof Public Economics 76 (June 2000): 459-493. 7. This position is presented in Patrick K. Asea, "The Informal Sector: Baby or Bath Water? A Comment," Carnegie-Rochester Conference Series on Public Policy 45 (December 1996): 163-171. 8. This argument appears in Dilip K. Bhattacharya, "On the Economic Rationale of Estimating the Hidden Economy," Economic Journal 109 (June 1999): 348-359. 9. Such arguments have been made in comparing northern Italy and southern Italy, as by Robert D. Putnam, Making Democracy Work: Civic Traditions in Modern Italy (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1993); and also in a more abstract form, using increasing returns and path dependency arguments from complexity theory, by Maria Minniti, "Membership Has Its Privileges: Old and New Mafia Organizations," ComparativeEconomic Studies 37 (winter 1995): 31-47. In the sociology literature, such arguments have long been made regarding threshold levels in mass 48 Challenge/March-April2001 Failure of the Washington Consensus on Transition Countries behavior, with Mark Granovetter providing a classic example in "Threshold Models of Collective Behavior," American Journalof Sociology 58 (1978): 1420-1443. 10. Examples of this early literature include Edgar L. Feige, "How Big Is the Irregular Economy?" Challenge 22, no. 1 (January 1979): 5-13; and Bruno S. Frey and Werner Pommerehne, "The Hidden Economy: State and Prospect for Measurement," Review of Income and Wealth 30 (March 1984): 1-23. This view led to arguments that welfare states were simply in a hopelessly frustrating situation whereby their efforts to redistribute income would backfire as tax revenues fell; e.g., Manfred E. Streit, "The Shadow Economy: A Challenge to the Welfare State?" Ordo Yearbook 35 (1984): 109-119. 11. A correlation coefficient of .76 between the size of the underground economy and the Gini coefficient in 1994 for sixteen transition economies was found by J. Barkley Rosser, Jr., Marina V.Rosser, and Ehsan Ahmed, "Income Inequality and the Informal Economy in Transition Economies," Journalof Comparative Economics 28 (March 2000): 156-171. They also found a correlation coefficient of .705 between changes in the size of the underground economy and changes in Gini coefficients, with both of these correlations being significant in bivariate regressions. The Gini coefficient varies between 0 and 1 with higher values indicating greater inequality. 12. Details of these relationships can be found in J. Barkley Rosser, Jr., Marina V. Rosser, and Ehsan Ahmed, "Multiple Unofficial Economy Equilibria and Income Distribution Dynamics in Systemic Transition," mimeo (Harrisonburg, VA: Department of Economics, James Madison University, 2000), available at http:// One important caveat to the relationships reported in the text is that there is a problem with using the cumulative decline in output as such because it is already distorted by changes in the relative size of the underground economy, larger such changes automatically increasing the size of that reported cumulative decline. As reported in this article, if one replaces the cumulative decline variable with an adjusted cumulative decline that accounts for the changes due directly to increases in underground economy, that variable ceases to be significant, with the maximum rate of inflation becoming more significant than the Gini coefficient, which remains very significant. 13. Despite the early literature, some studies have found that even in the nontransition economies, tax rates on labor income may not be positively correlated with the size of the underground economy, with such factors as the complexity of the tax code possibly playing offsetting roles, as found by Friedrich Schneider and Reinhard Neck, "The Development of the Shadow Economy Under Changing Tax Systems and Structures," FinanzarchivN.F. 50 (1993): 344-369. 14. A compelling discussion of this problem with a discussion of the positive example of Poland is provided by Marshall I. Goldman, "Reprivatizing Russia," Challenge43, no. 3 (May-June 2000): 28-43. 15. A classic example of using the currency demand approach to estimate the size of the underground economy in the United States is Vito Tanzi, "The Underground Economy in the United States: Estimates and Implications," Banca Nazionale Lavoro Quarterly Review 135 (December 1980): 427-453. Schneider and Enste, "Shadow Economies," provide a thorough overview of various methods of estimating the size of the underground economy. 16. For all countries except for Kyrgyzstan and Slovenia, the size of the under- Challenge/March-April2001 49 Rosser and Rosser ground economy as a percent of GDP is from Johnson, Kaufmann, and Shleifer, "The Unofficial Economy in Transition," who model electricity use as a function of GDP. The estimates for Kyrgyzstan and Slovenia come from a study of household consumption of electricity by Maria Lack6, "Hidden Economy-An Unknown Quantity? Comparative Analysis of Hidden Economies in Transition Countries, 198995," Economics of Transition8 (2000): 117-149. The Gini coefficients and changes of these are from Rosser, Rosser, and Ahmed, "Income Inequality," which represent combinations of estimates from a variety of studies. The cumulative decline in output and maximum annual inflation rates are both from Stanley Fischer, Ratna Sahay, and Carlos Vegh, "Stabilization and Growth in Transition Economies: The Early Experience," Journal of Economic Perspectives 10 (spring 1996): 67-86, although the cumulative decline in output number has been adjusted to account for misreporting due to changes in the size of the underground economy. The economic freedom and democratic rights indexes for 1994 are both from Peter Murrell, "How Far Has the Transition Progressed?" Journalof Economic Perspectives10 (spring 1996): 25-44. The effective marginal tax rates on labor and capital incomes are both from Lack6, ""Hidden Economy." In some cases, the beginning or ending years are not exactly 1989 or 1994, but the nearest available, given the data sources. 17. Considerable doubts have been raised about the underground economy estimates for Uzbekistan in particular, a nation with a long history of reported corruption. See Marshall I. Goldman, "Comment on Johnson, Kaufmann, and Shleifer," Brookings Papers on Economic Activity 2 (1997): 222-230. Romania's numbers may also be suspect due to structural changes in its electricity sector, as may be Kyrgyzstan's for the same reason. 18. See Michael Forster and Istvan Gy6rgy T6th, "Poverty, Inequality and Social Policies in the Visegrad Economies," Economics of Transition5 (1997): 505-510. 19. See Commander, "The Impact of Transition on Economy." To order reprints, call 1-800-352-2210; outside the United States, call 717-632-3535. 50 Challenge/March-April2001 COPYRIGHT INFORMATION TITLE: Another failure of the Washington consensus on transition countries: inequality and underground economies SOURCE: Challenge (Armonk, N.Y.) 44 no2 Mr/Ap 2001 WN: 0106003937004 The magazine publisher is the copyright holder of this article and it is reproduced with permission. Further reproduction of this article in violation of the copyright is prohibited. Copyright 1982-2001 The H.W. Wilson Company. All rights reserved.