Schoolnet – Manual Test Creation, Scheduling, Administering, and

Schoolnet – Manual Test Creation,
Scheduling, Administering, and Scoring
Manual Test Creation .......................................................................................................................................................... 2
Manual Test Fields .......................................................................................................................................................... 2
Initial Item Settings ......................................................................................................................................................... 3
Test Settings .................................................................................................................................................................... 3
Schedule the Test .............................................................................................................................................................. 15
Download Test Rubrics ..................................................................................................................................................... 17
View/Reset/Print Usernames and Passwords .................................................................................................................. 18
Administer the Online Assessment ................................................................................................................................... 21
Utilize the Proctor Dashboard........................................................................................................................................... 24
Score Open Response Questions from the Proctor Dashboard........................................................................................ 26
Score Test without Utilizing the Proctor Dashboard ........................................................................................................ 29
View Student Test Scores.................................................................................................................................................. 31
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Office of Student Information, Planning and Assessment
Revised 10/22/2015
Manual Test Creation
1. Hover over Assessment Admin and click Create.
2. Underneath Create a Test Manually, click Start Now.
3. Enter text or make selections for the following fields:
Manual Test Fields
Test Name
Grade Level
Number of Items
Test Category
Hide Item Content from
Test Results
Unanswered Questions
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Enter the name of the test. Test names should follow this format: Content, Grade (span),
Test Name, School Year
EX) Social Studies, 4, Missouri Quiz 1, 15-16
EX) Math, HS, Linear Functions, 15-16
Enter the subject of the test.
Select the grade level for the test. This can be one grade or it can be a grade range.
Leave this defaulted to “1.” Additional items can be added, but there is less work to do at
the end of creating the test if the option on this screen remains set to “1.”
Choose “My Classroom.” The option defaults to “Common Classroom,” but in order to
schedule a test, the category of “My Classroom” must be chosen.
Leave the default set to “No” if students should be able to view the questions and correct
answers for the test when reviewing the test on their student homepage.
Change the setting to “Yes” if students should NOT be able to view the questions and
correct answers for the test when reviewing the test on their student homepage.
Select from the dropdown menu and choose whether unanswered questions should be
included in the score or excluded from the score.
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Score Type
Preferred Standards
Answer Key Only
Enable Assessment
Initial Item Settings
Enable Text Formatting
Choice Answer Layout
Enable Tools &
Test Settings
Student Comments
Capture Teacher
Comments on Answer
Enable Student SelfAssessment
Enable Printing
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Choose between Total Score, Raw Score, or Proficiency Score.
Choose the standard document that is the PRIMARY standard document being assessed.
Items on the test may be aligned to different standard sets, but this field is asking for the
primary one.
Typically “No” will be chosen for this field. “Yes” would only be chosen in instances where
the teacher has scores from an assessment that was given OUTSIDE of Schoolnet that
he/she would like to load into the system.
Leave this setting set to “No.”
Use Item Settings – Open Response items would only have the option for text formatting if
text formatting was turned on when the item was created.
Disable Text formatting for all open response items – NONE of the Open Response items
would have the text formatting options during the test, even if an individual item was
created that way.
Enable Text formatting for all open response items – ALL Open Response items would have
the text formatting options during the test, even if an individual item was not created that
Use Item Settings – Each item on the test would use the settings that were indicated when
the item was made. Depending on how each item was created, this could mean that
multiple choice questions on the same test could have different answer choice layouts.
One Column – All multiple choice item answers would be formatted this way, even if they
were formatted differently when they were created.
Two Columns – across, then down– All multiple choice item answers would be formatted
this way, even if they were formatted differently when they were created.
Two Columns – down, then across– All multiple choice item answers would be formatted
this way, even if they were formatted differently when they were created.
Use Item Settings – If an item was created that allowed tools and manipulatives, they would
be turned on in the test. If the item was created and it did NOT allow tools or
manipulatives, they would not be allowed. This could mean that some items would allow
them and others would not.
Yes –ALL items on the test would allow tools and manipulatives, regardless of how the items
were created.
No – NONE of the items on the test would allow tools or manipulatives, regardless of how
the items were created.
Comment at the end of test – Allows students to submit a comment to the teacher at the
end of taking the test.
Comment on each item – Allows students to submit a comment to the teacher when
answering each individual item.
Leave this set to “No” – will be explored in greater detail once paper/pencil tests, as well as
the scanning of the paper/pencil results into Schoolnet, are utilized in the district.
Choosing “Yes” will allow students to “grade themselves” once they have submitted their
tests. The results from this will show up on the “Score Test” area of Schoolnet for the
teacher to see.
Enter an optional description of the test.
By default, all options are selected. Keep these default selections.
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4. Click Generate Test.
5. The Editing Items screen will appear.
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6. To find an item from the item bank or from items that the teacher has already created, click on From Item
7. The Item Central screen should default to the Items tab. If a different tab is selected, click on the Items tab.
8. If the desired item is teacher-created, click on the Created By link under the Browse By heading.
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9. Select the button next to Me and click View Results.
Select the desired item or items by placing a checkmark in the appropriate checkbox(es) and then click Add
Items to Test.
**NOTE: By default, the Item Central screen only shows 25 items at a time. If you plan on adding more than the
25 items on that page, you will want to scroll to the bottom of the screen and change the Results Per Page field.
If you do not increase the number of items that are seen on a page, and instead select some items on page 1,
then more items on page 2, then add those items to the test, only the items from page 2 will be added to your
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10. The Editing Items page will display again, but will look slightly different this time due to an item being added.
11. To add another item, click the blue Add Item button at the bottom of the screen.
12. To add another item that has already been created by the teacher, choose From Item Central and follow Steps 7
– 10.
13. If an item will be chosen from the Item Bank rather than an item that is teacher-created, click From Item Central
and begin filtering the items by Subject. **NOTE – If the filtering criteria are still selected from a previous item,
click Clear Selection to begin filtering again.
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14. Click Subject under the Browse By heading.
15. Items from the Item Bank, as well as user-created Items, will appear here.
EX) Teacher Jane Smith is logged into Schoolnet. She will see items from the item bank as well as items that SHE
has created.
EX) Teacher John Doe is logged into Schoolnet. He will see items from the item bank, items that HE has created,
and items that other teachers have submitted to administration that have received approval to be added to the
item bank.
**NOTE: JCPS has not yet explored the capabilities of item-sharing at this time, so currently a teacher
will only see items from the item bank and items that he or she has created.
16. Select the subject under which the item should be found.
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17. To further narrow-down the item search, click Grade and then select the grade range.
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18. Again, to further narrow the item search, click Standards and select the specific standard(s) that items should be
aligned to. Click View Results.
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19. All items pertaining to the selected standards will appear. Choose a particular item or items by placing a
checkmark in the checkbox(es) of the desired item(s) and click Add Items to Test.
20. Continue adding items to the test until the desired number of test items have been selected.
21. If an item should be removed from the test, choose the test number on the left-hand side of the page, and then
click Delete.
22. Once all items have been added to the test, click Return to Test Details.
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23. A Save Changes box may appear – click Save Changes.
24. To add general test instructions, click Add Instructions. Enter the instructions and click Save Instructions. These
instructions will show up on the first page of the assessment.
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25. To see what the test will look like when administered online, click Preview Online Test. The preview will open in
another window, so when closing out of the preview, make sure not to close out of the Schoolnet website.
26. If everything on the preview looks appropriate, click Ready to Schedule.
27. A pop-up will display. If all changes have been made and no modifications are necessary, click OK. No changes
can be made to test content after clicking OK. If changes should be made, click Cancel.
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Schedule the Test
28. Click the blue Schedule button.
29. Select the appropriate Test Settings, Online Test Options, and Assignment for Your Students.
Start Date
End Date
Score Due Date
Prevent the students
from accessing the test
results until after the
end date
Prevent scanning of
answer sheets after
the Score Due Date
(Scanit Only)
Schoolnet Browser
Test Tunnel
Schoolnet Secure
Online Passcode
Show student scores
upon submission
Display this test on the
Take a Test list on the
student home page
Prevent the students
from accessing the test
before the start date
or after the end date
Enforce test time
Timed Test
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Enter the first date that the test will be given.
Enter the last date that the test will be given. Allow enough time for students who
may be absent to make up the test.
Enter the date that teacher scoring of open-response items will be completed.
Check this box if students should NOT be able to view test results until after the test
end date.
This box only pertains to tests that are given in paper/pencil format with
accompanying scantron sheets that will be scanned into Schoolnet. This is not
currently in use, but if results should not be allowed to be scanned after the Score
Due Date, check this box.
Select the Schoolnet Browser Test Tunnel if the test will be administered via a regular
internet browser.
Select the Schoolnet Secure Tester if the Secure Tester has been installed on the
student machines (cannot be used with iPads) and if the test will be given through
the Secure Tester rather than a regular internet browser. The Secure Tester prevents
students from looking at any files on the computer or navigating to different websites.
The passcode is automatically generated. However, it CAN be changed by the
teacher. Once the teacher is ready to give the assessment, this passcode should be
verbally spoken to the students or should be written on the board for students to
enter into their Schoolnet site. *NOTE – a passcode may only be used one time.
Check this box if students should see their scores immediately after they submit the
test. *NOTE – Schoolnet will give the student a percentage, but the percentage may
be drastically lower than it should be depending on whether or not there are Open
Response items that the teacher still needs to grade.
Check this box if this test should show up on the student’s Schoolnet homepage as a
test that needs to be taken. *NOTE – The student would not be able to take the test
until he/she has the passcode.
Check this box if the students should not be allowed to access the test before or after
the designated dates.
Check this box and then enter the appropriate times and days if the students should
only be allowed to take the test during a specified time period. For example – only
during the school day. Note that times are listed in Eastern time, so that will need to
be taken into account.
Check this box if the students should have a time limit for the test. If so, enter the
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Track and Display
Student Response
Scramble Question
Scramble Answer
Allow students to
pause test
Allow only assigned
students to take test
Edit Assignment
number of minutes that are allowed for the test.
Check this box if student response times should be tracked and displayed. This
information would show up for the teacher on the “Score Test” screen.
Check this box if the order of questions should be scrambled to reduce the risk of
Check this box if the answer choices should be scrambled to reduce the risk of
Check this box if students should be allowed to pause the test. This option would be
selected if the test was a timed test and the teacher wanted to allow the students to
pause it.
Check this box if assigned students only should be allowed to take the test.
Click the Edit Assignment link to assign this test to a particular section(s) or individual
students. Click Save.
30. The screen will return to the Test Settings page. If all of the settings are accurate, click Save at the bottom of
the screen.
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Download Test Rubrics
31. Under the Test Actions heading, click Download Test Rubrics.
32. This allows a PDF to be opened which shows the rubric(s) associated to the test. The teacher may use this for
his/her own purposes, or it can be given to the students if the teacher wishes to do so.
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View/Reset/Print Usernames and Passwords
33. Under the Test Actions heading, click View Usernames.
34. This screen will display all of the students’ names, ID numbers, usernames, and passwords.
35. Filter by the section that the test will be given in.
36. If the student has never taken a test in Schoolnet before, the temporary password will be listed underneath the
password heading.
37. If the student has taken a test in Schoolnet before, the password will say “Password set by student.”
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38. If the student has set his/her own password but does not remember it, select that specific student by placing a
checkmark next to his/her name.
39. Click Reset selected student’s password at the bottom of the screen.
40. New temporary passwords will appear so that the student(s) can enter those passwords. The students will then
be forced to change their passwords again.
41. To print the usernames and passwords to hand out to students, click the Print User Names button at the bottom
of the screen.
42. A new window will appear – make sure that your pop-up blocker will allow it to display.
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43. Click the Print button to print these pages out. Cut along the scissor lines to give each student their individual
username and password.
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Administer the Online Assessment
44. Have the students navigate to if using the regular internet browser to
administer the test.
45. Have the students click on the Secure Tester icon on the computer desktop if using the Secure Tester to
administer the test. (Remember, the Secure Tester does not work on the iPad; however, guided access could be
utilized.) Students will have had to have already changed their passwords via the web browser before being
able to utilize the Secure Tester.
46. The student will enter his/her username and password into the Sign In page and then click Sign In.
47. The student will enter the Test Passcode, given by the teacher, into the Enter Passcode box. The student should
then click Go.
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48. The student should then click Start Your Test.
49. The student should click Start Test Now.
50. The student will take the test by navigating through the different questions utilizing the Next and Previous
buttons. When the student has finished his/her test, the View Test Summary page will inform the student
whether or not he/she left any questions unanswered or flagged.
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51. Once the student has finished the assessment, the student should click Submit Test.
52. The student will be given another opportunity to confirm that he/she wishes to submit the test for grading.
53. Depending on the test setting that was applied when the test was created, the student may view his/her score
immediately following submission of the test. *NOTE – this screen will tell the student how many answers were
correct, how many were partially correct, and how many were incorrect. It will not take into account any open
response items that need to be graded by the teacher. Because of this, the student’s score may be significantly
lower than it will be after the teacher finishes scoring all of the answers.
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Utilize the Proctor Dashboard
54. On the teacher’s home screen, click on the Upcoming Tests tab.
55. Click on the icon to the left-hand side of the test name that is being administered. When hovering over the icon,
the words Online Test Proctor Dashboard will appear.
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56. As students take the assessment, the teacher is able to monitor student progress utilizing the Online Proctor
Dashboard in real-time. This screenshot shows the real-time results of only one student, but if all of the
students in the class were taking the assessment at the same time, the teacher would see progress for all of the
students at the same time.
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Score Open Response Questions from the Proctor Dashboard
57. While the students are still taking the exam, the teacher can score Open Response items directly from the
Proctor Dashboard if desired. The teacher will know that a student has submitted his/her test because a Pencil
icon will appear to the left of the student’s name. Once the pencil icon appears, the teacher may grade the
open response questions by clicking on the pencil.
58. The specified student’s test results will appear. Test items that have not yet been scored by Schoolnet will say
Teacher Score: Not Scored on the right hand side.
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59. If the open response item has a rubric associated with it, the teacher will grade the item by reviewing the
student’s answer and then clicking the appropriate point values directly from the rubric. The teacher may
simply click on the numerical point values, or the teacher may click Full Rubric View to see the explanation that
is associated with each point value.
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60. If the Open Response item does not have a rubric associated with it, the teacher will simply indicate the
appropriate points scored in the Score field.
61. Once all Open Response questions have been scored, click Save at the bottom of the screen.
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Score Test without Utilizing the Proctor Dashboard
62. If the Open Response questions cannot be scored while the students are taking the test, the teacher may score
the tests at a later time.
63. Click on the Upcoming Tests tab on the teacher homepage.
64. Click on the name of the test that should be scored.
65. Under the Test Actions heading, click Score Test.
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66. Score each student’s test by clicking on the student names on the left hand side of the screen.
67. Once all of the appropriate scores have been entered for the student, click Save at the bottom of the screen,
and then begin scoring the next student’s answers.
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View Student Test Scores
68. To view all students’ scores for a particular test, go to the Schoolnet homepage.
69. Make sure that the Classroom Tests tab is selected.
70. Click on the dropdown menu underneath the Assessment Details heading and choose the appropriate test.
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71. Student scores will display.
72. NOTE – these scores do not automatically populate into Infinite Campus Gradebook.
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