Copyright & Course materials - Isaak, Brock's Sakai

12-­‐03-­‐02 ©, Course Materials & You Chabriol Colebatch Copyright Coordinator / Legal Advisor Brock University February 27, 2012 Outline •  Your course material opLons © Sam Teigen / 917press Image of Tim You Hortons coffee cup sizes removed due to copyright. Textbooks, journal arLcles, course packs, library reserves, website materials, films, videos, music, presentaLon slides … •  LimitaLons & alternaLves •  Who can help HOW DO YOU MAKE SENSE OF IT ALL? Answer: Pay a`enLon during this presentaLon I want my students to read a textbook … 1 12-­‐03-­‐02 Textbooks I want my students to read a book chapter … •  Don’t worry be happy opLon: –  Complete the Campus Store’s AdopLon Form –  Sell it in the Campus Store •  No copyright concerns Book chapters •  Don’t worry be happy opLon: The Fine Print •  Course packs –  Place book on Library Reserve –  Pre-­‐Sept 2012: •  If covered by Access Copyright, can include one chapter provided it doesn’t exceed 20% of the book. •  If not covered by Access Copyright, Campus Store will seek permission from copyright owner directly. •  Other opLons: –  Create a course pack through the Campus Store –  Put a photocopy on Library Reserves –  InvesLgate possibility of e-­‐book / e-­‐chapters –  Post-­‐Sept 2012 •  Campus Store will seek permission from copyright owner directly. More Fine Print •  Library Reserves –  Pre-­‐Sept 2012: •  If covered by Access Copyright, can copy one chapter provided it is no more than 20% of the book. •  If not covered by Access Copyright, Fair Dealing Policy limits apply – i.e. supplementary readings only (no more than 25% of required readings), 1 copy per 10 students, up to a maximum of 3. –  Post-­‐Sept 2012: •  Copy pursuant to Fair Dealing Policy limits I want my students to read a journal arLcle … 2 12-­‐03-­‐02 Journal arLcles •  Don’t worry be happy opLon: –  Link to licensed e-­‐version on Isaak/Sakai or via Library Reserves How to link h`p:// h`ps://
Links_to_library_databases Journal arLcles •  Other opLons: –  Course pack –  Place print copy on Library Reserves Image of Awkward Family Photos blog,, removed due to copyright. I want my students to review website materials … Websites •  Don’t worry be happy opLon: –  Link to website on Isaak/Sakai •  Other opLons: –  Check terms of use – prinLng handouts, posLng material on Isaak/Sakai or other uses may be an opLon 3 12-­‐03-­‐02 Give me an example Websites cont. •  Other opLons: –  Display in class under the ‘overhead projector’ excepLon –  Course pack –  Place print copy on Library Reserves I want my students to watch a film… Films •  Don’t worry be happy opLon: –  Show films covered by University licences in class •  Most films in Library’s collecLon have Public Performance rights (Audio-­‐Visual Services may also be able to borrow films from other universiLes) •  Films covered by Audio-­‐Ciné and Criterion licences: –  h`p://www.acf-­‐ –  h`p:// •  Films within Library’s Online Video Streaming CollecLons, e.g. NaLonal Film Board of Canada’s “Screening Room” •  Other opLons: –  Consult Library’s Ann Adams, I want my students to listen to music … Music •  Don’t worry be happy opLon: –  Play in class •  Other opLons: Image of Michael Jackson’s website,, removed due to copyright. –  Use licensed streaming music databases •  Naxos Music Library, Classical Musical Library –  Place original CDs on reserve –  Use public domain music sites: e.g. Internet Archive –  Provide students with links to legiLmate music sites 4 12-­‐03-­‐02 I want my students to view a piece of art… I want my students to like my slides… Give me an example Art •  Don’t worry be happy opLons: –  Show in class –  Use licensed art images: ARTstor •  Other opLons: –  Link to websites –  Place books/photocopies on Library Reserves –  Use images from ‘public domain’ websites PresentaLon slides •  The rules: –  In-­‐class display of copyright materials is covered by the Copyright Act’s ‘overhead projector’ excepLon –  Uncertain whether online use covered by fair dealing. •  Don’t worry be happy opLons: –  OpLon 1: make 2 versions – one for class, one for posLng on Sakai (minus 3rd party copyright). –  OpLon 2: use licensed images only – e.g. licensed e-­‐
journal figures, Artstor, CreaLve Commons etc. Give me another example Image of Tim Hortons’ cup sizes removed due to copyright 5 12-­‐03-­‐02 ExcepLons •  Don’t Worry, Be Happy when using: –  Material for which © has expired (generally, 50 years ater author’s death) –  InsubstanLal porLons (consider both quanLty & quality of excerpt) –  Open Access material (e.g. Public Library of Science, MIT OpenCourseWare) –  Government of Canada works –  US Government works The fallback opLon •  Ask for permission from copyright owner •  IdenLfy copyright owner & email / write, explaining: –  Nature of proposed use –  Format (print/digital) –  DuraLon of use –  Number of students –  Form of acknowledgment Give me an example (or two) Coming Soon •  Bill C-­‐11 – potenLal changes to Copyright Act include: Image of Contact Us page of Awkward Family Photos blog, www.awkwardfamilyphotos.
com, removed due to copyright. Image of Contact Us page of Bloomsbury Publishing website,, removed due to copyright. –  Right to play films in class –  Fair dealing expanded to cover educaLonal purposes –  Right to use internet materials for teaching and educaLon •  The Catch –  ProhibiLon against circumvenLng or bypassing digital locks Help! •  Copyright FAQ -­‐ h`p://­‐copyright-­‐
informaLon/copyrighwaq •  General – or •  Course packs – •  Library Reserves (& linking) -­‐ •  Isaak/Sakai -­‐ •  Films & music -­‐ 6 