2008 FUNDING SUMMARY FOR THE AMERICAN VINEYARD FOUNDATION (AVF), VITICULTURE CONSORTIUM WEST (VCW) AND CALIFORNIA COMPETITIVE GRANTS FOR RESEARCH IN VITICULTURE AND ENOLOGY (CCGPVE) ID FIRST NAME LAST NAME 420 Douglas Adams PROPOSAL TITLE Amino acid levels and phenolic biosynthesis in skin and pulp of grape berries during ripening Mealybug transmission of grapevine leafroll-associated viruses Viticulture extension seminars in San Luis Obispo and Santa Barbara Counties Evaluation of the Impacts of In-row Vineyard Floor Management Practices on Soil and Water Erosion, Vine Growth and Productivity, Weed Control, and the Economics of Wine Grape Production AVF $22,000 VCW CCGPVE INSTITUTION $25,000 University of California, Davis $26,000 $30,000 $30,000 $15,000 University of California, Davis $21,000 $21,000 University of California, Davis $30,000 190 Rodrigo Almeida 635 Mark Battany 94 Larry Bettiga 121 Linda Bisson 375 Linda Bisson Production and Management of Aroma Compounds by Dekkera/Brettanomyces Isolated from Wine Analysis of Sulfide Off-Odors Produced During Sur Lie Aging 408 Linda Bisson Development of an Enology Outreach Program 661 David Block $5,450 $21,000 129 Kent Understanding and Increasing Alcohol Tolerance in Wine Yeasts Cadle-Davidson Durable powdery mildew disease resistance in Vitis vinifera: proof-of-function and discovery of genetic variation Caspari Coordinated wine grape variety evaluations in the Western U.S. Cousins Breeding Rootstocks Resistant to Aggressive Root-Knot Nematodes Daane Biology and management of Argentine ants in California vineyards Daane Sustainable Controls for Vine Mealybug: Biological Control $50,000 620 Susan Ebeler Metabolic Profiling of Grape and Wine Aromas $25,000 85 Ferris Search for, and Development of, Nematode Resistance in Grape Rootstocks ABA and Color $20,000 Evaluation of Wine Grape Cultivars and Clones for the San Joaquin Valley Influence of Sun Exposure and UV Radiation on Grapevine Powdery Mildew. 1. Effects of UV-A and UV-B on Airborne Spore Populations of Erysiphe Necator in the Pacific Northwest $22,000 653 Lance 427 Horst 181 Peter 91 Kent Howard Grove 220 Doug Gubler Grapevine Canker Diseases $50,000 469 Doug Gubler $15,000 360 Hildegarde Heymann 219 James Kennedy Grapevine Powdery Mildew Control - Revising the GublerThomas Model A determination of the role of fruit maturity in the sensory properties of Central Coast Cabernet Sauvignon wines Effect of Cluster Temperature on the Composition of Berries Grown Under Field Conditions Influence of Soil Type and Changes in Soil Solution Chemistry During the Growing Season on Vine Growth Parameters and Grape and Wine Quality Rootstock Tolerance to Soil Salinity: Impact of Salinity on Popular Grape Rootstocks Grown in Contrasting Soil Types Colorado State University USDA-ARS University of California, Berkeley University of California, Berkeley $25,000 University of California, Davis $20,000 University of California, Davis $10,000 University of California, Davis University of California, Davis $32,000 $50,000 University of California, Davis $15,000 $55,000 $22,000 Washington State University University of California, Davis $45,000 University of California, Davis $22,000 Oregon State University $25,000 University of California, Davis $34,000 University of California, Davis 612 Mark Matthews Development of R Gene Markers for Biotic Stress Resistance Breeding and Germplasm Evaluation in Grapes Wine MouthFeel: The Role of Nonvolatile Osmotic Potential $17,000 689 Andrew McElrone Aquaporin-regulated response of grapevine roots to salinity $61,293 USDA-ARS 476 Glenn McGourty $3,000 UCCE 643 Glenn 128 Jocelyn McGourty Millar 609 Jocelyn Millar 672 David Mills Evaluation of Selected Mediterranean Wine Grape Cultivars and International Varietal Clones Improving Yield and Quality of Sauvignon Blanc Chemistry and biological activity of sex pheromones of obscure, longtailed, and grape mealybugs Reproductive biology of obscure, longtailed, and grape mealybugs and its possible effects on detection, sampling, and control of mealybugs Development of terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism methods and databases for comprehensive identification of yeast and bacteria communities in wine or winery environments 60 Mills Nicholas 638 James Lin University of California, Davis USDA-ARS $20,000 617 Gary UCCE $25,000 University of California, Davis $30,000 Fidelibus 679 Hong $25,000 $13,000 Fidelibus 664 Jean-Jacques Lambert $21,000 $25,000 229 Matthew 423 Jean-Jacques Lambert UCCE $25,000 222 Matthew University of California, Berkeley Osborne Spider mites in California vineyards: temperature tolerance, effects of plant water status through leaf temperature, impact of novel pesticides and resistance management Impact of malolactic fermentation on red wine color $25,000 USDA-ARS $17,000 University of California, Davis $6,000 $21,000 UCCE University of California, Riverside $25,000 University of California, Riverside $20,000 University of California, Davis $17,000 University of California, Berkeley $30,000 Oregon State University 2008 FUNDING SUMMARY FOR THE AMERICAN VINEYARD FOUNDATION (AVF), VITICULTURE CONSORTIUM WEST (VCW) AND CALIFORNIA COMPETITIVE GRANTS FOR RESEARCH IN VITICULTURE AND ENOLOGY (CCGPVE) ID FIRST NAME LAST NAME 693 Nilima Prabhaker 206 David Ramming 227 David Ramming 614 Naidu Rayapati 99 Adib Rowhani 414 Adib Rowhani 451 Adib Rowhani 615 Ken Shackel 419 David Smart 648 David Smart 673 David Smart 677 David Smart 650 Ed Stover 695 Mysore Sudarshana 644 Roy Thornton 440 M. Andrew Walker 670 M. Andrew Walker 386 Vaughn Walton 234 Andrew Waterhouse 604 Jill Whitacre 649 Larry Williams 165 James Wolpert 624 Lynn Wunderlich PROPOSAL TITLE Sustainable Control of Vine Mealybug, Planococcus ficus, through Conservation of Natural Enemies with Selective Insecticides Development of improved raisin grapes for mechanical harvest including types resistant to powdery mildew Development of Seedless Grapes for the Fresh Market Including Types Resistant to Powdery Mildew Genetic Diversity Among Grapevine Viruses in the Pacific Northwest Region Development of low density PCR array (LDPA) for detection of pathogens in grapevine Etiology and Detection of the Cause of Syrah Decline in Syrah grapevine Grapevine Leafroll Disease, a General Detail Study and Evaluation Inception, Diagnosis, and Consequences of the Berry Shrivel Disorder The Relationship between Nitrogen Demand by Fruit, Nitrogen Uptake and Storage Capacity and Water Availability on Fermentation Dynamics Conservation Tillage of Cover Crops as a Means of Improving Carbon Storage in California Vineyard Soils: Quantifying Carbon Sequestration Potential Greenhouse Gas Budgets in a California Table Grape Vineyard: Conservation Tillage of Cover Crops as a Means of Improving Sequestration of Carbon into Soils Remote Sensing of Grapevine Stomatal Conductance for Irrigation Scheduling Verifying Variety Traits in the Davis Grape Genebank for Inclusion in the National Registry Production of sensitive and specific antiserum for the diagnosis of grape viruses using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay The influence of Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Saccharomyces bayanus yeast strains on color enhancement and color stability in the vinification of Cabernet sauvignon grapes from the San Joaquin Valley Molecular genetic support to optimize the breeding of fanleaf resistant rootstocks Using marker-assisted selection to introgress powdery mildew resistance genes from different Vitis resistance sources in wine grapes Integrated management strategies and biology of rust mites in Oregon vineyards Oxidation of Wine: Control for Quality Increasing the Adoption of New Knowledge, Practices, and Technology by Grape Producers through the Sustainable Ag Expo Measuring vine transpiration using sap flow sensors: Validation/calibration of a new sap flow technique on large grapevines growing in a weighing lysimeter Evaluation of New Winegrape Varieties for the San Joaquin Valley Seasonal biology of the Gill's mealybug, Ferrisia gilli, in foothill vineyards TOTAL$ AVF VCW CCGPVE INSTITUTION $50,000 University of California, Riverside $15,000 USDA-ARS $25,000 USDA-ARS $25,000 Washington State University $32,000 $20,000 University of California, Davis $25,000 $25,000 University of California, Davis $37,000 University of California, Davis $40,000 University of California, Davis $12,000 $25,000 $11,000 University of California, Davis $25,000 University of California, Davis $11,000 University of California, Davis $18,000 University of California, Davis $15,000 USDA-ARS $27,000 University of California, Davis $25,000 California State University, Fresno $55,000 University of California, Davis $35,000 University of California, Davis $17,000 Oregon State University $36,000 $36,000 University of California, Davis $2,600 Central Coast Vineyard Team $18,000 $13,000 $18,000 University of California, Davis $13,000 University of California, Davis $11,000 $996,343 $604,000 $327,000 ANR