Structural Systems Team No. 03-2013 introduction contents 02 Introduction Project Overview Owner Profile & Project Goals Building Fast Facts Project Overview. elementary school for the Reading School District in Three-Story Elementary School Reading, PA (Figure 1 on next page). The enclosed 87,000 Sq. Ft. design $19.7 Million integrates energy conservation, environment, safety, security, 03 03 Executive Summary Dead Loads Live Loads Separate Natatorium Location Fast Facts Reading, PA Southeast Pennsylvania Urban Site Foundation System 88,000 residents Framing System Poorest City in America* America* District is in Bottom 10% for Academic Performance in PA* Districts in PA* 15 sustainability, cost-benefit, functionality, and operational considerations. 31.5 % High School Dropout Rate* 6.7% of Reading Residents have a The building is three stories and approximately 87,000 Sq. Ft. Some of the room areas have been modified from the original architectural design for constructability enhancement. concerns In and addition, a overall 15,000 design Sq. Ft. natatorium design is included as an add-alternate for the owner’s review. The proposed building site is located on N. 13th Street and Robeson Street which will provide the necessary access and utilities for the project. Upon reviewing the competition ◊ Cost is important but not the only driving factor ◊ Open to innovative ideas ◊ Long-lasting and durable building ◊ Willing to spend upfront to achieve lifecycle savings ◊ Lifecycle savings will be reinvested in curriculum ◊ Prefers construction of new building affect existing operations for only one school year Project Goals. For the assumed owner profile, the project team was able to develop a set of goals to guide the design of this project. These goals are not meant to add cost, but instead provide additional value to the school district and building occupants. ◊ Promote active learning through effective design ◊ Maximize indoor environmental quality ◊ Create a community center without impacting student learning ◊ Create a secure environment for learning ◊ Flexible design for future adaptability and change ◊ Sustainable school as a teaching tool Structural Goals: One of the Highest Crime Rates in Highest Poverty Rate of School Conclusion productivity, accessibility, that guidelines and researching the Reading area, the design team assembled an owner profile for the Reading School District School Board: Geotechnical Report Analysis of Façade Strength durability, building Add-Alternates: Existing School Usage Natatorium Design high-performance Owner Profile. Wind Loads Gymnasium/Shelter Design a Brick & Aluminum Panel Façade Hardened First Floor Envelope Structural Systems is Steel Frame w/ Shear Walls & Braced Frames Snow Loads Seismic Loads 06 Building Systems Summary Hybrid Geothermal System Building Loads This proposal is for a new Owner Goals: ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ Improve student performance Student and teacher satisfaction & comfort School as a center of the community Future-proof facility Safety and security of students Sustainable Bachelor’s Degree or Higher* ◊ Provide an efficient, economical, and lasting design ◊ Maximize flexibility, conducive to the ever changing educational environment ◊ Maximize ceiling space to minimize clashes with Mechanical designers ◊ Design the building to support the community and its activities ◊ Increase safety of occupants through design *Refer to ‘Building Systems Integration Supporting Documents’ Bibliography 01 Team No. 03-2013 Team No. 03-2013 02 E xecutive Summary. The intent of this report is to give a summary of the engineer’s recommendations if they see fit for an flexibility of the building to allow the ability for the Shallow rooted native add-alternate. building to evolve as the state of education plants =2 PSF Soil=50 PSF Drainage and The structural design of the new Reading Area Elementary School located in Reading, design of the elementary includes many features including: Having green roofs, the idea of future- proofing, many of the loads included in the design classroom description of the design intent, the calculations a and reasoning behind the loads used by the community, a stage capable of supporting a full for a typical elementary school. structural all theatrical production, and a Gymnasium designed made this decision considering various scenarios Also to act as a shelter for the community in the case of that may involve renovation of the elementary an emergency or natural disaster. school, engineers, and an overview structural systems designed in the building. of included in this report is an appendix containing necessary sample calculations, plans, sections, and elevations needed to supplement the information found in the report. natatorium to be educational considered purposes, Contained in this report includes a for changes in the future. exposed Pennsylvania. ceilings school used by the All designs included in this report were performed based on the Reading Area governing codes which is a slightly modification to IBC 2009. Considering that it is the intent of the school district to have a school’s lifespan range from 50- they see fit to keep up with the ever changing ◊ ACI 318-11[2] Load Type façade strength when struck by projectiles from considerations was the idea of a future-proof outside the school. In lieu of recent events, the design. design team thought it was pertinent to perform an rather open ended, and this design team defines analysis on how the project team could provide future-proofing as a design that does not limit relatively impoverished area with a very high crime rate. Considering this, the structural designers felt it was used a method used in a report done by Matthew All the different dead loads were Jones for NCSU on Green Roof Structural Design[4] to calculate the dead load of the green roofs used. Live Loads. Table 1 Typical Dead Loads pertinent to include in this report an analysis of the a roofs. To account for that, the structural engineers used in the design of the elementary school. B is the life of the building. the new elementary school is the inclusion of green used on the elementary school. AISC 360-10[1] area changes to the main structural system throughout As mentioned earlier, one of the features of Figure 2 shows the construction of the green roofs ◊ Reading improvements/ building. Table 1 lists all of the different dead loads designers did this to allow the school to evolve as The minimal considered throughout the different area of the ASCE 7-05 of the Reading Area School District. hopefully Figure 2 Isometric of Green Roof Construction[3] were used: ◊ inherent in any education programs including that but The designers For the design of the new school several references The class sizes, technology, and teaching methods Roofing=10 PSF of this structure go beyond the code requirements Dead Loads. 100 years, the designers used loads that allow maximum flexibility for future renovations. Vapor Barrier = 3 PSF uilding Loads. The loads chosen below were used to facilitate the intent of the design team as a whole. As can be read in more detail in the Building Integration Report, one of the overarching design Load (PSF) Descripon Floor Dead Load 60 2” metal deck with 3.5” concrete topping and MEP allowances Roof Dead Load 30 Green Roof Dead Load 65 The determination of live loads is where the majority of the future-proofing of the structural design ideas were facilitated. 1.5” Roof Deck + MEP allowances and roofing mat’l. Loads shown on the following page in Table 2 were calculated in accordance with ASCE 7[5]. As the reader may notice, the structural designers chose to use a corridor live load throughout the building See Figure 1 Existing (Occupied) Elementary School The idea of future-proofing a building is safety for the school. The intent of this analysis and The Live Accessible Green Roof the design presented was to give the school district the option to strengthen the façade given the Aluminum Accent Panels 03 Proposed Natatorium Team No. 03-2013 Team No. 03-2013 Figure 1 Exterior Rendering 04 the project team feels they allow the community was found that the forces for the main wind force- you can see the seismic base shear calculated for was not used throughout the building because in the opportunity to hold theatrical productions resisting system are below that required for seismic the main structure (Table 3) and the gym (Table 4) most areas it was not possible, while other areas it beyond what the elementary school would typically except for certain components described later in based put on and further involves the community in their this submittal. calculated under seismic conditions was 910 kips. as the entire floor live load. Live Load reduction Table 2 Live Loads used throughout building new elementary school. Load (PSF) Floor LL 100 Snow Loads. The Municipality of Reading higher seismic risk than most areas in Pennsylvania. Roof LL 20 decided not to adopt the snow load that IBC 2009 As in the previous section of the report it was found Stage Roof LL* 58 stipulated. Instead, Reading requires a ground snow that seismic loads control the design of the lateral load of 35 PSF as compared to 25 PSF. system. Because of the owner’s requirements that was felt it could inhibit future renovations. ASCE 7 allows the use of a lower live load in the classrooms, but the design team decided using the higher corridor live load throughout the building gave the school district more options when they decided to renovate in the future. The use of this live load allows for the addition or relocation of corridors in the event classrooms are added or removed, or if the district wishes to add different types of spaces throughout the building. As can also be seen in Table 2, the stage roof uses a live load of 58 PSF instead of the typical roof live load. A main point in the design team’s Seismic Loads. The the snow load. This decision was made based on community, the structural engineers were required Reading’s history of heavy snow fall and high to calculate the seismic loads of the gym separate frequency of ice storms in the winter. The structural from the main structure. This was done by isolating engineers found the roof snow load will exceed the the gym structure from the rest of the building design load required by using the method of through the use of expansion joints between the calculating it stipulated in ASCE 7, but will not gym roof and floor diaphragms and the main exceed the 35 PSF ground snow load including school roof and floor roof and floor diaphragms. issues associated with snow drift. double as a FEMA shelter for To calculate the seismic forces, information When calculating the wind GEO Group Inc. at the project site, and using USGS loads on the structure, the designers simplified the seismic design maps, found at, to calculation by using three different zones which calculate the loads needed. In the Tables 3 and 4, can be seen in Figure 3. The stage live load includes 50 PSF Table 3 Main School Table 4 Gym/Shelter Seismic Load Data Seismic Load Data Main School and 25% of the stage roof dead load. The 50 PSF includes allowances for typical equipment such as; Occ. Cat. props, stage lights, sound systems, and various III IV Importance 1.5 25% of the deal load added to this is used to Site Class C Site Class C R factor Ord. Reinf. Conc. Shear walls 5 R factor Ind. 5 Seismic Design B account for impact caused by counterweights loads are typical of a high school auditorium’s stage [6]. In the preliminary design phases the decision to use the loads associated with a typical high school theater seemed extreme. However, the project team felt that in an area with high crime rates like Reading, the community needed the opportunity to create new programs and extra curricular activities. 05 By using the loads discussed, Figure 3 Key plan of zones used to calculate wind forces The simplified procedure laid out in ASCE 7 was used to calculate all wind forces, and for each zone the structural engineers found Case 1 to control. Detailed calculations and further description on the method used can be found in the supplement information section. The total base shear the project team found for the wind load is 758 kips. Upon further calculation of lateral loads, it Team No. 03-2013 1.25 Occ. Cat. Importance Factor These 7-05. The total base shear S tructural Systems. The structural systems section of this report summarizes the different systems chosen by the design team. The primary goal of the structural engineers on the project was to design a building that was safe for occupancy throughout its entire lifespan. On this project, the structural engineers were part of a larger design team though. design team was made up of The Mechanical Engineers, Construction Managers, BIM Designers, as well as the Structural Engineers. With this being considered, safety was not the only goal of the design team. Decisions made about the structural system were made only after the entire team was consulted and other ideas were thought through to ensure that the team’s goals and, more importantly, the owner’s goals were met. This process is explained in more detail in the Building Integration The design team worked as a whole to create a building they feel is economical, innovative, and meets all of the requirements laid Factor Category larger than the wind loads. Report. Gym/Shelter rigging systems associated with this equipment. The used to hoist large props and backdrops. the was compiled from a geotechnical report done by goals was the elementary school is a center of the community. gym Reading, Pennsylvania has structural designers decided to use this 35 PSF roof Wind Loads. ASCE The seismic lateral condition produced a load 16.7% Load Types *Stage LL=50PSF + .25(DL) on out by the owner. Many factors came into play during the decision making process, i.e. economics, Comp. coordination with other disciplines, and the type of Moment Frame environment the designers were trying to create. Seismic Design C This next portion of the report will go through each system chosen, how the decision was made, and Category Building Wt. (k) 17500 Building Wt. (k) 1328 Base Shear (k) 910 Base Shear (k) 65 includes sample calculations to support the decisions made. *Complete seismic load calculations can be found in Geotechnical Report. the supplemental information at the end of the sub- geotechnical report done by GEO Group Inc., the mittal along with the USGS Seismic Design Maps mentioned above. Team No. 03-2013 According to the area in which the new building will be placed 06 consists of, “a very broad, moderately dissected valley with a gently undulating surface with the southern half having Karst Terrain.”[7] Considering the Karst Topography, the site is very prone to sinkholes. In fact, there are already 15 sinkholes mapped throughout the site. to limit the number of grade beams used in the shallow footings are to be used. building Foundation Design. As mentioned previously, the design team chose to use driven piles as the main foundation type. The geotechnical report stipulates that concrete filled The report was based on the testing of the steel pipe piles be used with a minimum diameter soil conditions using 14 test borings, and the report of 10 inches and a minimum wall thickness of .2 inches. The piles will use pile caps to connect to Table 5 Geotechnical Design Parameters other piles, grade beams, and the columns. Courtesy of GEO Group Inc. A 3000 Angle of Internal Friction for Soil, φ (degrees) 30 between interior columns. All interior floor slabs will Moist Unit Wt. of Soil, (PCF) 130 bear Active Lateral Earth Pressure Coefficient .33 Passive Lateral Earth Pressure Coefficient 3 At-rest Lateral Earth Pressure Coefficient .5 Coefficient of Sliding Friction .4 Minimum Frost Depth (inches) 36 Seismic Site Class C Mod. Of Vert. Subgrade React. (psi) 100 designed bearing bedrock. native soils The subsurface on limestone In Table 5, the geotechnical design walls materials and that will capacity in accordance with The project team ultimately decided to use This decision was made due to the belief of the design team and the geotechnical engineers that it would be the most economical method. Furthermore, the design team felt driven piles were the safest way to reduce the effects of potential sinkholes during information portion of the report. Table 6 General Grade Beam information GB-1 GB-2 Wall Type Grade Beam Uniform Span (feet) Load (KLF) 41 1.2 39 .53 32 2.1 Brick cavity wall with metal stud backup Metal stud wall with Gyp. Board both side the 12” Reinforced GB-B Concrete Walls Figure 4 Basement retaining wall detail Given the symmetrical nature of the building, the project team will only use Table 7 Grade Beam Sizes and Reinforcing one pile cap size using a maximum column load of Grade Depth Width Top Bottom Shear 223 kips. The pile configuration recommended by Beam (ft) (ft) Reinf. Reinf. Reinf. the geotechnical report have sufficient capacity to GB-1 2’-0” 1’-6” (2)#9 (4)#9 #3 @ 9” GB-2 1’-6” 1’-3” (2)#6 (3)#6 #3 @ 7” GB-B 2’-6” 1’-6” (2)#9 (3)#9 #3 @ 7” support the loads used in the design. The decision to use only one pile cap size throughout the building was made due to a fluctuation of only 1015 kips between column loads in the school building. A typical pile cap detail can be found in the supporting documents later in the submittal. cap design can be found in the supplemental information at the end of the submittal. Due to the expansion joints isolating the gymnasium from the rest of the building; pile caps along the expansion joint support both columns from the gymnasium and the main building. The pile caps that are shared between the gymnasium and the main construction and throughout the life span of the building structure require five piles. building. Grade Beam Design. Given the fact that bedrock was found in reinforcement can be found in the supplemental be [7] changes Full calculations of the grade beam sizes and span Calculations supporting the pile and pile parameters are stated. driven piles as the main foundation type. fill Pile and Pile Cap Design. conditions below the proposed structure include fill overlying existing exterior stipulations of the geotechnical report. foundations; compaction grouting, excavation and materials support compacted and proof-rolled to ensure proper recommended three different types of feasible replacement, and driven piles. on to of and rebar included in each grade beam section. Beam Allowable Bearing Pressure after Compaction (PSF) amount they are supporting, and Table 7 lists the dimensions Grade Grade beams were the experienced by the grade beams from the walls column by Geo Group Inc. Value limit excavation pit sizes. Table 6 shows the loads minimum of three piles is recommended for each Parameter to Three different grade beam Retaining Wall Design. There were only two areas that require retaining walls on the site. The Construction Management submittal goes into more detail about how the grading and excavation required throughout the site. The basement walls are designed as 12” reinforced concrete retaining walls as can be seen in the detail shown in Figure 4. The other area where a retaining wall is located is at the raised playground area which is shown in Figure 5. This retaining wall is a five foot segmental retaining wall concrete and structural steel. The decision to use structural steel was W18x40 ◊ W21x44 ◊ W30x99 exterior walls, GB2 for interior walls, and GB-B for the the students and is more economical, easier to and mechanical compaction could be done in basement retaining walls. The designers felt it best construct, and more concrete. Team No. 03-2013 aesthetic than poured considering several the building are: ◊ types were designed for the building: GB1 for made options. Some common sizes of structural steel in minimize the amount of excavation needed around not be burdensome on the schedule of the project, Team No. 03-2013 team looked at two different systems. Reinforced W8x28 This creates a safer environment for When deciding on the main framing system of the building, the design ◊ the building. 07 Framing System. used to raise the recess area above street level and within 25-40 feet of the first floor, driven piles will locations where grade beams, retaining walls, or Figure 5 Elevated Recess Area The primary reason was the expedited 08 schedule and construction sequence and cost of calculations of how the floor beams and girder the structure. It was the goal of the team to have designs the project only effect one school year structural documentation section of the submittal. All of the steel was more conducive to that goal. The floors were initially designed for gravity load, then project team also found using steel to be 10% composite action was checked assuming one cheaper than reinforced concrete for the design. shear Another goal was safety of the students, because optimization was conducted to confirm the beam of the proximity of the original school to the new and girder capacities and beams and girders were school, downsized as appropriate. the project team wanted major construction erection to be away from the existing school and playgrounds once school is in session. A concrete structure would not allow for the sequencing of erection required by the can stud be every found 12” Construction Management submittal. Therefore the ◊ W12x56 ◊ W10x49 different parts of the structure including the floor and gravity system, the roof system, and the lateral system used in the building. Full structural plans and typical details beyond what is illustrated here can be found in the supplemental information at the end of the submittal. Floor/Gravity System. The floor system throughout the building is structural steel framing supporting 3.5” concrete topping on 2VLI18 composite metal deck. The first floor is a slab on grade . A typical bay can be seen in Figure 6 along, and sample each beam, Figure 7 Structural plan of corridor (Red depicts used in the building: HSS16X12X5/16 The following sections will summarize the supporting to the foundation. The following list shows the range ◊ structure. along the Gravity columns carry loads from the floors accelerated schedule described in detail in the project team decided steel was to be used for the in Figure 8 Section cut through corridor corridor walls) Note: Tube steel was used in the gym to counteract slenderness issues. made coordination of the disciplines and planning joists provided the necessary stiffness without being much simpler. too deep or expensive. Roof System. The project team decided to use Vulcraft Steel Joists and wide flange girders the roof structure. [8] for This was done because of the Lateral System. As mentioned previously in the report, seismic forces control the design of the lateral system. With the geometry of the building One feature of the design decided early on relatively light loads experienced by the roof in the process was how the corridors were to be and structure, and it was determined to be more framed. emergency shelter, it was decided the gym and economical the main school would be designed separately. The mechanical engineers notified the than using wide flange beams structural engineers that the main duct runs would throughout. The maximum span for any of the roof be in the corridors and they would need as much joists is 28’-2” and the maximum spacing between space as they could possibly be given. joists is 6’-0”. The corridors are the only locations where beam depths needed to be restricted because no utilities will run between rooms, and with the classroom ceilings exposed there is room for the smaller ductwork and utility pipes branching off of the corridor. Therefore, in all other areas, beam and girder sizes were chosen based on the most economical weight. This resulted in deeper beams and girders but a lighter less expensive structure without causing any coordination issues. The one issue the project team ran into with the requirement that the gym be an To design the lateral system, ETABS was used to run a dynamic analysis of the building. The model was created after using the Equivalent Lateral Force Method from ASCE7 to get the the use of steel joists was at the green roof. seismic base shear of 910 kips. Originally it was believed to be cheaper and more occupancy feasible to use wide flange beams to support the information used in the calculation of the seismic green roof. Upon further analysis, however the forces can be found in the seismic load section of design team determined it was less expensive and the report. Figure 9 shows the individual story forces easier to construct if non composite long span joists as a result of the calculated base shear (see Table were used. Under the green roofs they are 20LH5 3) that were used in the ETABS model of the long span joists at 6’-0” on center. One worry was if structure. Table 8 shows the building modal results deflection would be an issue, and it was found the of the ETABS model. Figure 7 shows how the corridors were laid category, R value, The building and other out in plan with column lines at each corridor wall which created a short span over the corridors resulting in a typical top of floor to bottom of steel height of approximately 12.5 feet which was ample room for the needs of the mechanical engineers. Figure 8 shows a section cut through a corridor and how the ductwork, ceiling panels, and structure Figure 6 Typical bay 09 come together. By doing this early in the process it Team No. 03-2013 Figure 9 Lateral Loads on Building Structure Team No. 03-2013 10 Main Building Model Information and Displacements The project team other option was to add a braced frame. This decided the stairwells and posed several problems. the using a concrete shear wall is because of the cost el evator sha ft/ The primary reason for allow for the lateral movement of the building in the case of an earthquake. be isolated from the rest of the building due to a stipulation in the project program that the gym be T1 Y-dir. .19s mechanical be of the special detailing a braced frame would Gymnasium/Shelter T2 X-dir. .18s used as shear walls, as require, and because concrete shear walls are T3 Torsional .07s seen in red in Figure 10. being used elsewhere. The second reason for this gymnasium acts not only as the gym, but also the Displ. X-dir. .25 in. The shear walls are 12” decision was because the shear wall at column line Displ. Y-dir. .30 in. thick reinforced concrete O allows for the same flexibility to the design seen walls, through the other classroom areas in the building. Table 8 ETABS output spaces and coupling data openings into the stairwells and elevator shaft. These walls including the coupling beams were modeled in ETABS and the floor structure was simplified to act as a rigid diaphragm. The structural designers, after an initial analysis of the lateral system did not feel the building had sufficient torsional stability with only the use of these shear walls. To provide the structure with the necessary torsional stiffness, a reinforced concrete shear wall was added at column line O which can be seen in green in Figure 10. A detail of the shear wall along column line O is shown below in Figure 10. All beams will bear on the shear walls using imbeds. Design. The auditorium, cafeteria, and an emergency shelter to the school. The gymnasium was designed using gym is IV opposed to the occupancy category of III used in the rest of the school design. steel columns with steel beams at half the height of According to the FEMA Shelter Design Guide joists spanning the entire width of the gym to prominent natural disasters that could compromise support the roof. The also the structure’s integrity in this area. The wind loads occupancy category of the gym was higher than consists of a stage designed to be able to hold a the gym is required to resist are significantly larger the school which resulted in a higher importance high school level theatrical production (Figure 11). than those calculated using ASCE 7. Further analysis A similar approach designing the gym. factor. was taken when As was discussed earlier, the gymnasium design , tornadoes and hurricanes are the two most found the wind pressure on the gym to be 124 PSF, To avoid not having to design the entire occupancy but is still less than the seismic load requirements. category of IV, the project team decided to split However, even though the frame was designed for the two buildings and have them connected via the seismic load, certain components were required an expansion joint between diaphragms. to be able to resist wind forces this extreme. building structure to have and Therefore, the roof slab was thickened to a 5” thick The gym structure includes a steel frame concrete slab on 3”deep metal deck rather than around the exterior of the building with grouted CMU block walls infilling the frame. the same roof deck used throughout the rest of the The results of building, and the roof joists were changed to the ETABS model resulted in the conclusion that an 52DLH15 joists to be able to resist uplift and suction expansion joint that was at least 1/2” wide was to be used. forces caused by the design wind pressures. The This was determined to also allow for roof/floor diaphragm is isolated from the rest of the thermal expansion of the building, as well as to building diaphragms by using expansion joints Figure 11 3D View of the Gymnasium Structure school district’s ability to renovate by adding a partially permanent wall at column line O, but The project team realizes that high school because of its short length the effect on the future- caliber productions will not be put on by the elementary school students, but the school is meant Shear Wall Detail @ Column Line O to be a center of the community. The gymnasium is one of the main areas where the community can capable of allowing the movement the gym and main building will experience during an earthquake. With the design of the gymnasium done the way it is the structure is sufficient to withstand what may be seen in a natural disaster, and allows this space to be used by the public as a shelter if need be. become more involved in their school. By designing Natatorium Design. The natatorium consists the stage to support this sort of production this of a simple structural design. Figure 10 Shear provides community structure to the gymnasium the design team was wall layout (left) & programs to be started that can get kids and adults able to come up with a relatively inexpensive detail of the shear more involved. The loads seen by a stage are design for the owner to review. A detailed estimate wall at column line different than normal building areas and are of the natatorium design can be found in the O (above) explained thoroughly in the building loads section Construction Management submittal. the opportunity for new of this submittal, but because of the extra load over the stage the roof structure was designed using wide flange beams and girders. 11 Because of this the occupancy category of the the columns for lateral stability, and long span steel This shear wall does somewhat hinder the proof design of the building layout is minimal. The able to be used as a shelter in case of emergency. [9] beams were designed to transfer the loads over the The gymnasium structure was designed to Team No. 03-2013 Team No. 03-2013 Using a very similar The natatorium structure consists of long span roof joists, wide flange columns on piles and pile caps, and a slab on grade for the floor slab. 12 Long span roof joists were used because of how require 5 1/2” deep brick, any glazing on the first light they are and their ability to span the required floor would be made out of level 3A ballistics- 86.5 foot width of the natatorium building. The resistant glass, and anywhere there are aluminum designers wanted to span the entire width of the panels at the first floor 7/16” ballistics-resistant building to minimize the number of interior columns fiberglass panels will be added. A detail of the first needed and to maximize a spectator’s view when floor façade with the larger brick and bullet resistant attending a swim meet. When designing the lateral glass can be seen in Figure 13. Figure 14 shows the system of the building, it was found that wind bullet resistant fiberglass that will be behind any forces will control the design of the natatorium aluminum panels on the first floor. building opposed to the school building where seismic controlled. Having taken into consideration the added After further evaluation of the dead load of the materials, and have made wind loads, the structure was required to resist a factored lateral wind force of approximately 67 kips. To resist this braced frames were located in changes to the design in the case the owner decides this is the proper route to take. Figure 12 3D View of the Natatorium Structure With a heavier structure, bullet resistant glass, and other with Braced Frames. security measures; the project team realized the the four areas shown in the three dimensional view building, but more of an accidental incident. cost of the natatorium structure in Figure 12. Table 9 lists Other features are included in the design that strengthening of the entire first-floor façade will be cross consider an attack more deliberate in nature, and presented as an add-alternate of $470,000 to the brace those features are explained in more detail in the owner. the Table 9 Cross Brace size braces of in the each Members in the type (labeled 1-4), and Natatorium calculations Brace 2 may have, so the In light of current events, the project team the There are many methods for providing lateral load has included several features in the design to security for a structure depending on the building’s the enhance security regardless of the add-alternate. purpose and environment. Given the conditions of HSS7X4X3/16 calculations for the brace the surrounding area the engineers assumed the HSS7X4X3/16 members can be found most likely danger was that of stray bullets. Given in throughout the entire building, some of which can what is readily available to civilians, the engineers be seen in Figure 15. Cross Brace Size natatorium along 3 HSS7X2X1/4 4 HSS8X6X5/8 the with supplemental information section of the decided report. withstanding a .44 magnum round, one of the to design a façade capable Figure 13 Detail of Strengthened Façade of Analysis of Fa ç ade Strength. [10] the structural engineers decided it was necessary a .44 Magnum round ranks the elementary school to analyze the strength of the façade being used. at A decision was made to come up with an add- recommendations made by the UFC, the engineers alternate for the owner to review as well as designed a stronger façade. based on the engineers calculations. The purpose of this analysis was to help provide an environment to promote learning that was safe from the dangers of the surrounding community. The purpose of this analysis was not necessarily done considering a direct attack on the CCTV surveillance, and a silent alarm students and other occupants regardless of the costs associated with The Unified Facilities Criteria Guide 4-023-07 Reading, Pennsylvania, as previously mentioned, recommendations hour These features are deemed necessary to handguns which are easy to obtain and conceal. Considering the extremely high crime rate in Specific areas will have bullet resistant glass, 24- ensure the safety of the largest rounds found on the market, and used with 13 this of Frames 1 building integration submittal. implications was the standard used. According to this guide, a low The consists of threat façade brick level. of After the veneer looking elementary on metal at the school stud and aluminum panels in some areas as well as a significant amount of glazing. It is the opinion of Figure 14 Ballistic Resistant fiberglass panels behind aluminum panels[11] the upper floors of the building would be shot at an angle that would be lodged into the ceiling above without endangering the students. Therefore, several design decisions were the project team that only the first floor façade be made to modify the first floor façade. strengthened because any projectiles shot towards using the typical brick size, the first floor would Team No. 03-2013 Team No. 03-2013 Instead of Figure 15 Administration area security features 14 them. More information on the security measures owner by separating the gymnasium structurally included in the design can be found in the Building and housing the natatorium space in an entirely Systems Integration submittal. separate facility. C In light of current events, we understand the onclusion. For the structural design team, the goals laid out in the introduction were: need for increased safety in our schools. The structural design team was tasked with producing several provisions that would create a secure environment where students and teachers could feel safe. Along with other facets ◊ ◊ ◊ Provide an efficient, economical and lasting of the project team, the structural design team design has made sure the structure could support the Provide maximum flexibility, conductive to the extra burden of ballistics-resistant architectural ever changing educational environment features. Provide maximum ceiling space to minimize meets the goals of the structural engineers, but it clashes with Mechanical designers ◊ Design the building to support the community also meets the goals of the project team and the owners. Through a collaborative process the and its activities ◊ The design laid out in this report not only Provide options to increase the safety of the occupants structural engineers, along with the other team members, was able to solve design problems expediently and create a high quality building The structure is one of the most costly aspects of the building as a whole so it is important to make the structure as economical as we could. Leaving the ceiling exposed in the that meets the requirements of the Reading Area School District and will act as a center of the community for many years to come. classrooms allowed us extra room to pick more economical choices for beams while still providing space for the mechanical systems. The choice of gypsum wall board on metal stud and corridor loading throughout the building allows for the most variance in floor layout and anticipates changes in technology and educational techniques in the future. The project team has always sought out to make the school an active part of the surrounding community. As the structural design team, many considerations were meant for the structural system. The design of the natatorium facility and strengthening of the gymnasium for both community theatre and as a shelter made sure that the school could be facilitated by the community. The structural design team also sought to limit the economic burdens on the 15 Team No. 03-2013 Structural Systems Supporting Documentation Team No. 03-2013 appendix a contents Appendix a details an example of how wind loads were calculated for the elemen- 02 Appendix A Wind Load Calculations 04 Appendix B Building Fast Facts Three-Story Elementary School USGS Seismic Design Reports Building Weight Base Shear Calculations 07 Building Systems Summary Steel Frame w/ Shear Walls & Braced Frames Brick & Aluminum Panel Façade Add-Alternates: Foundation Design Calculations Gravity System Calculations Hardened First Floor Envelope Existing School Usage Reading, PA Urban Site 88,000 residents 20 height (.) 0-30 40 Kz V (mph) I 0.7 90 0.76 90 q 1.15 1.15 q(GCp) (psf) qi(GCp) (psf) p (psf) 16.69 11.35 9.18 20.53 18.12 12.32 9.97 22.295 Zone A GCpi Orienta*on L/B Windward Leeward side wall N-S 1.3 0.8 -0.44 -0.7 W-E 0.76 0.8 -0.5 -0.7 P @ 0-30 (psf) N-S W-E 1.3 0.76 20.5 20.5 -15.50 -15.94 -19.24 -19.24 P @ 40 (psf) N-S W-E 1.3 0.76 22.3 22.3 -16.74 -17.66 -20.74 -20.74 Poorest City in America* One of the Highest Crime Rates in America* District is in Bottom 10% for Academic Performance in PA* Bibliography Wind Load Sample Calculaons Zone A: Separate Natatorium Southeast Pennsylvania Frame Systems tion A of the elementary school detailed in figure 4 of the structural systems report. $19.7 Million Location Fast Facts Appendix C control for the design of the lateral systems. Below is the calculation of wind loads for sec- 87,000 Sq. Ft. Hybrid Geothermal System Seismic Load Calculations tary school. As mentioned in the seismic section of the structural systems report, seismic loads Highest Poverty Rate of School Districts in PA* 31.5 % High School Dropout Rate* Case 1 Orienta*on Load (kips) 1st Floor 2nd Floor 3rd Floor Roof Case 2 N-S Py W-E Px 39.59 79.18 79.18 42.89 30.62 61.2 61.2 33.6 240.83 186.62 Orienta*on Load (kips) Py 1st Floor 2nd Floor 3rd Floor Roof N-S My 29.69 59.39 59.39 32.16 Px 699.60 1399.32 1399.32 757.90 W-E Mx 22.96 413.34 45.9 826.2 45.9 826.2 25.2 453.6 6.7% of Reading Residents have a Bachelor’s Degree or Higher* base shear: base shear: 180.62 4256.14 139.96 2519.34 *Refer to ‘Building Systems Integration Supporting Documents’ Bibliography 01 Team No. 03-2013 Team No. 03-2013 02 appendix b Case 3 Orienta*on Load (kips) 1st Floor 2nd Floor 3rd Floor Roof Py base shear: N-S W-E Px Py Px 29.69 34.84 22.96 59.39 69.68 45.9 59.39 69.7 45.9 34.84 25.2 32.16 180.62 209.07 139.96 Appendix b shows in detail the calculations and design values the structural design team 22.96 45.9 45.9 25.2 used for the design of the structure of the elementary school and natatorium. As mentioned in the Seismic Loads section of the Structural Systems Report, the design team found that the seismic loads controlled for the design of the lateral system for the main elementary school building. 139.96 USGS Seismic Design Maps-Detailed Reports Case 4 Orienta*on Load (kips) 1st Floor 2nd Floor 3rd Floor Roof base shear: N-S Py Px 22.29 44.58 44.58 24.14 135.59 W-E Mt Py 26.16 1141.47 52.31 2283.03 52.32 2283.30 26.16 1185.23 156.94 6893.03 Px Mt 17.24 34.46 34.46 18.92 17.24 34.46 34.46 18.92 620.57 1240.40 1240.40 681.00 105.07 105.07 3782.37 Worst Case Scenario Zone A Py: 290 k @ 23.5' off center Px: 274 k on center Worst Case Scenario Zone B Py 229 k on center Px 319 k @ 13.5' off center Worst Case Scenario Zone C Py 57.6 k on center Px 149 k on center *From the values given above for the new Reading Area Elementary School, it was found that the Seismic Design Category for the building is B. 03 Team No. 03-2013 Team No. 03-2013 04 Seismic Base Shear Calculations Main Elementary School If T < TL R =5 I = 1.25 Design Category III Calculaon of the Building Weights (School Only) for Seismic Floor Weights Floor Steel floor area Wts. Wts Level 1 36362 60 11 3614383 2 26956 60 20 3019072 3 33691 60 20 3773392 36362 37 16 2698060 Roof 13104.91 kips Gymnasium Wall Weights Level Area Wall 1 19628 2 18494 3 9408 19235 44 18124 70 12 65856 50 0 4394. 516 kips 70 Bldg. Wt. 05 R =5 I = 1.5 Design Category IV 17499.42 k Team No. 03-2013 Team No. 03-2013 06 appendix c Appendix c shows calculations for the frame systems including foundation design calculations and gravity systems for the elementary school as mentioned in the structural systems section of the main report. below calculations for the design of pile caps, grade beams as well as calculations for the stage, pool, classroom and green roof calculations. Pile Cap Reinforcement Pile embedment minimum: 6 in. Minimum cover: 3 in Spacing of piles: 3 ft. on center Spacing from edge to center of pile: 30 in. Flexural reinforcement Foundation Calculations Pile Cap Design Shear at d/2 from column allowable shear stress: Calculating flexure in accordance with ACI 7.12 and 10.5[9] ACI 7.2 X N.G. Try d=32in 1228k > 1113.6k O.K. ACI 10.5 Use (8) # 8’s @ 11.25 in. on center 07 Team No. 03-2013 Team No. 03-2013 08 Pile Cap Shear: One way deep beam Max bar size: #6 Use 3 rows of (7) #6’s @ 3in. o.c. . O.K. Redo flexural reinforcement calculations 09 Team No. 03-2013 Team No. 03-2013 10 Basement Wall Calculaon Grade Beam Sample Calculaon 12” Reinforced Concrete Wall Weight: 1.2klf Long Span: 41ft. ♦ Gravity forces supported by columns and pedestals ♦ Design Basement Wall 12’ thick reinforcement concrete beam Shear ♦ Use unit strip method ♦ Basement Wall designed as cantilever retaining wall (2) # 5 (4) # 9 min min Use 11 @ 9” O.C. Team No. 03-2013 Team No. 03-2013 12 Basement Wall Calculaon Connued Sample Beam and Girder Calculaon max Wall must have minimum flexural reinforcement of Use # 6’s @ 12 in o.c. flexural reinforcement Check of Composite Acon Partially composite beams ♦ Beam W21X44 Length: 28ft 28 Studs Design reinforcement for shrinkage and temperature Stud diameter (in.) Qn (kips) ΣQn (kips) 3/8 7.18 201 1/2 12.3 358 5/8 19.9 557 3/4 28.7 803 O.K. 1/2 @ Each face Use #3 @ 12 in o.c. 13 Use # 6 @ 24 in o.c. Team No. 03-2013 Team No. 03-2013 14 ♦ Span: 28.5 ft. Beam: W18X40 Spacing: 6 ft. Length: 27ft. 27 Studs From Vulcraft Steel Catalog[12] Use 24 kg Stud diameter (in.) Qn (kips) ΣQn (kips) 3/8 7.18 194 1/2 12.3 346 5/8 19.9 537 3/4 28.7 774 Stud diameter (in.) Qn (kips) ΣQn (kips) 3/8 7.18 265 1/2 12.3 474 Stage Design Calculations 5/8 19.9 736 Roof 3/4 28.7 1062 WTL=3.4 klf O.K. Beam: W21X44 Length: 37.5ft 37 Studs N.G. This beam needs to go fully composite Roof Design Calculations Area A Classroom joists: Classrooms across from gym 15 Team No. 03-2013 Team No. 03-2013 16 Green Roof Structure Design Calculations Span = 62 ft DL = 30 psf Spacing = 5 ft. S = 35 psf LL = 20 psf Green Roof Structure Design Calculations Roofing 10 PSF Drainage 8 PSF Plants 2 PSF Soils 96’ thick) 50 PSF (saturated) 65 PSF Girders The joist picked was 20LH05 The moment of inertia for this joist is 296 in4 The moment of inertia needed is 187.7 in4 The joist is adequate for deflection Use W21X50 O.K. O.K. Moment of inertia of a joist is O.K. 17 Team No. 03-2013 Team No. 03-2013 18 Bibliography Gymnasium Shelter Conditions Gymnasium required hurricane/tornado region [1] American Institute of Steel Construction (2011) Steel Construction Manual 14th Edition, American Institute of Steel Construction, CA [2] American Concrete Institute Committee 318 (2011) Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete and Commentary. American Concrete Institute, Farmington Hills, MI. [3] City Atlas New York (2013). “Green Roofs 101”. Web. 08 November 2012. [4] Jones, Matthew, “Green Roof Structural Design”, BAE Stormwater Engineering Design Group [5]American Society of Civil Engineers (2006) Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and other Structures. American Association of Civil Engineers, Reston [6] Nolan, Shawn, P.E. (2008) “Structural Design Requirements for Entertainment Venues: the Impact of Stage Rigging Loads” Structure Magazine, 27-31 [7] Geo Group Inc. (2008) “Geotechnical Engineering Report for the Proposed New Elementary School”, Reading PA [8] Vulcraft Steel Joists and Joist Girders. Lawrenceville, GA: Nucor Vulcraft Group, Steel Joist Institute, 2007. [9] Federal Emergency Management Agency (2008) “Design and Construction Guidance for Community Safe Rooms Second Edition” FEMA P-361, Federal Emergency Management Agency, Washington, D.C. [10] Unified Facilities Criteria (2008) “Design to Resist Direct Fire Weapons Effects”, UFC4-023-07, Department of Defense, Washington D.C. [11] C.R. Laurence Co., Inc. (2013). CRL Level 3 Panels. Web. 14 December 2012. [12]Vulcraft Steel Roof and Deck. Lawrenceville, GA: Nucor Vulcraft Group, Steel Deck Institute, 2008. Use a 52DLH15 long span joist 19 Team No. 03-2013 Team No. 03-2013 20 9 TEAM NO. 03-2013 R Q P.5 P 3.5" CONC. SLAB ON 2" COMP. METAL DECK 7 SLAB-ON-GRADE 8 X 9.1 O 29' - 1 1/4" First Floor 365' - 0" L N K J #3 @ 12" O.C. VERT I 56' M 22' 6 #6 @ 8" O.C. HORIZ. BOTH FACES " 1/2 11 /4" 31 #6 @ 12" O.C. VERT. 12 Z CW '-5 122 7/8 " SLAB-ON-GRADE #5 DOWELS 5 6 Basement Floor 353' - 4" GB-B 9 PILE CAP SEE DETAIL V 28' /4" 43 1' - 9" 10 3' - 0" W 1' - 9" BASEMENT RETAINING WALL DETAIL The exterior basement walls were designing as cantilevered retaining walls. They were designed this way to all backfilling before the first floor slab is completed. 13 1' - 9" 3' - 0" 1' - 9" BASEMENT FOUNDATION PLAN 6' - 6" #6's @ 8" EA. WAY 0' - 9" 2' - 10" SCALE: 3/32"=1'-0" 10" DIA. STEEL PIPE PILE DRIVEN TO REFUSAL AND GROUTED SOLID TYPICAL PILE CAP DETAIL The geotechnical report called recommended the use of driven piles supporting pile caps. As mentioned in the structural report, there was very little fluctuation in column loads so only one size pile cap was used. This decision was made for constructability reasons, and this foundation type is being used to reduce risk of sink holes. S100 TEAM NO. 03-2013 R Q S T U P.5 8' - 2 1/8" /4" 93 7 D E F F.8 G K H N 0" 6 J 3' - 6 3/4" 10' - 11" 56' - 4 3/4" W16X31 W21X44 22 2X W1 I 28' M 28' - 2 3/4" 0" 22 2X W1 40 8X W1 40 8X W1 /4" 31 40 8X W1 40 8X W1 30 4X W1 W 30 14X CW 40 8X W1 30 14X 44 1X W2 30 4X W1 W 11 22 12X 22 2X W1 22 2X W1 12 40 8X W1 Z 40 8X W1 40 8X W1 14 40 8X W1 84 7X W2 61' - 7" W 84 7X W2 3.8 40 8X W1 40 8X W1 W16X31 44 W21X 40 8X W1 31' - 5 1/2" 13' /2" 51 40 8X W1 40 8X W1 84 7X W2 14' 0" 22 2X W1 84 7X W2 28' 84 7X W2 4 W16X31 W21X44 22 2X W1 40 8X W1 10 W16X31 2 W24X6 33' - 0" C 28' 3.4 15 44 1X W2 44 1X W2 31' - 0" 130 3X W3 8' - 9 3/4" 16 2X W1 3 S106 44 1X W2 6 2X1 W1 16 2X W1 2 22 2X W1 22 2X W1 22 2X W1 22 2X W1 22 2X W1 22 2X W1 3 X 82 .4 8° W21X50 A B L W24X62 5 9.19 8 14' - 3 7/8" O 62 4X W2 - 0" 28' W24X62 W24X62 18' - 8 1/8" 26' W21X50 P 16 2X W1 130 3X W3 30' - 0 1/2" 16 2X W1 44 1X W2 44 1X W2 9' - 7 1/2" V 16 44 1X W2 17 Y 1 W FIRST FLOOR FRAMING & FOUNDATION PLAN SCALE: 3/32"=1'-0" GYM ROOF STRUCTURE -Primary roof structure is long span roof joists. -The stage roof structure uses wide flanges. This was done to be able to support high school caliber theatrical productions on the stage. The decision to do this was made to allow the community to start new programs to get community members involved. SLAB ON GRADE -Designed to span between grade beams. The slab on grades are 8" thick reinforced concrete. ROOF SCREEN -Used to hide the gym mechanical system. EXPANSION JOINT -To design the gym structure separately from the school structure an expansion joint between the gym roof and first floor diaphragms and the third floor and first floor diaphragms in the school. This was done because of the requirement of the gym to double as an emergency shelter. S101 13 TEAM NO. 03-2013 R Q S T U P.5 P 7 W18X40 W30X99 W30X99 W30X99 W30X99 W21X44 33' - 0" W24X84 W12X22 33' - 0" W24X84 W18X35 31' - 5 1/2" W24X84 W24X84 W18X40 W18X40 W8X18 W18X40 27' - 0" W18X40 W8X18 44 1X W2 31' - 0" W 15 44 21X W24X84 44 1X W2 44 1X W2 W18X40 W 44 21X W18X40 W8X18 44 1X W2 V W18X40 W8X18 W24X84 W24X68 W24X68 W8X18 W8X18 W8X18 W8X18 W8X18 W8X18 W30X99 W30X99 W21X44 44 1X W2 14 W18X40 44 1X W2 W8X28 W21X44 W18X40 44 1X W2 44 1X W2 28 8X Z W8X18 44 1X W2 44 1X W2 16 W8X18 17 W21X44 A B C D E F W10X12 W10X12 W10X12 W W10X12 G H SECOND FLOOR FRAMING PLAN W12 SCALE: 3/32"=1'-0" The primary structural system is wide flange beams and girders. The beam sizes range from W8x18-W30x130. The only area with depth restrictions was the corridors. Main duct, pipe, and conduit runs are located in the corridors and they branch off into the classrooms. To account for this the structural engineers restricted beams in the corridors to W12's. To be able to do this column lines were located along the corridor walls. CORRIDOR WALLS -Column lines located at the corridor walls allowed the structural engineers to minimize beam depths in the corridors. CLASSROOM CEILINGS -Classroom celings are exposed to help the project team acheive the LEED points for the building as a teaching tool. Included in the integration report is a possible lesson plan utilizing the building design to help teach. BASEMENT RETAINING WALL 3D SECTION OF FIRST FLOOR CLASSROOMS EXTERIOR WALLS -Brick Veneer on 6" metal studs CORRIDOR CEILING -Various coordination issues caused the project team to use a drop ceiling in the corridors. 12 W18X40 W18X35 W24X68 W24X68 W24X68 W21X44 130 3X W3 W21X44 Y W21X44 W21X44 130 3X W3 W21X44 130 3X W3 1 W21X44 22 2X W1 W 22 2X W1 W21X44 16 2X W1 16 2X W1 130 3X W3 W21X44 W21X44 - 0" W21X44 W21X44 44 1X W2 44 21X 44 1X W2 44 1X W2 W18X40 44 1X W2 44 21X 44 21X 39' W21X44 W21X44 16 12X 44 21X 44 1X W2 44 1X W2 W 130 3X W3 W21X44 W21X44 W 44 21X 6 2X1 W1 22 4X W1 W21X44 W 30 12X W 0" 44 1X W2 11 W18X40 W8X18 44 1X W2 44 1X W2 44 1X W2 4 1X4 W2 0" W12X35 W21X44 22 2X W1 W21X44 2 2X2 W1 W21X44 28' 130 3X W3 2 W21X44 W 16 2X W1 28 W W18X40 W16X31 44 1X W2 - 0" 28' 44 1X W2 " '-0 22 2X W1 W21X44 W12X87 28' - 2 3/4" W " 1/8 W16X31 28' - 2 3/4" 28' -9 W16X31 28' - 2 3/4" 11' W16X31 28' - 2 3/4" 22 2X W1 W16X31 28' - 2" 30 2X W1 44 1X W2 44 1X W2 22 2X W1 W24X68 22 2X W1 W24X68 30 2X W1 16 2X W1 W21X44 30 4X W1 22 14X 16 12X 5 2X3 W1 W24X68 W W CW 40 8X W1 22 4X W1 16 2X W1 44 W21X - 6" X44 W21 16 12X 79 2X W1 3 W24X68 44 1X W2 W24X68 W 22 14X 44 1X W2 44 1X W2 W 30 14X 44 1X W2 44 1X W2 W 40 8X W1 84 7X W2 22 4X W1 16 2X W1 3.4 W 30 14X 22 2X W1 44 1X W2 40 8X W1 84 7X W2 W 22 14X 40 8X W1 28' 40 18X 3 X1 W8 W 3 X1 W8 3.8 30 4X W1 40 8X W1 31 6X W1 40 8X W1 22 2X W1 22 12X W12X16 W18X35 W24X68 W24X68 W W 22 2X W1 31 6X W1 40 18X W16X31 X44 W21 22 2X W1 40 8X W1 99 0X W3 28 W " '-0 40 18X W21X44 22 2X W1 22 2X W1 W18X40 W18X35 W12X22 W24X68 40 8X W1 10 W16X31 22 2X W1 W24X68 W 40 18X 84 7X W2 W24X68 28' 22 2X W1 W - 0" 22 2X W1 40 18X W18X40 W8X18 W12X22 M 40 8X W1 W24X68 W 22 12X W12X22 40 8X W1 22 W12X W24X68 W W21X44 22 12X W21X50 I - 0" W16X31 84 7X W2 28' 27' - 0" W21X50 6 N K J 4 2 W24X6 72 .82 ° F.8 W18X40 W16X31 5 L W8X18 W24X62 X W24X84 62 4X W2 O 9.19 W24X62 W24X62 8 S102 13 TEAM NO. 03-2013 R Q S T U P.5 P 7 20LH05 40 8X W1 W24X68 W18X35 W24X68 52DLH15 52DLH15 52DLH15 52DLH15 52DLH15 52DLH15 52DLH15 52DLH15 52DLH15 52DLH15 52DLH15 52DLH15 52DLH15 52DLH15 52DLH15 52DLH15 52DLH15 52DLH15 52DLH15 52DLH15 W24X68 00° 74 .98 ° W16X31 80. W8X18 W8X18 W8X18 W8X18 W30X99 W30X99 W30X99 W30X99 W8X18 W21X44 W24X68 W24X68 W30X99 W21X44 8 X2 W8 1 W21X44 W21X44 W21X44 YW21X44 W21X44 W21X44 W21X44 W21X44 W21X44 THIRD FLOOR FRAMING PLAN SCALE: 3/32"=1'0" 44 21X W24X68 W24X68 44 1X W2 20LH05 44 1X W2 W 44 21X W8X18 44 1X W2 20LH05 20LH05 20LH05 15 20LH05 20LH05 44 21X W 44 21X 44 21X W8X18 20LH05 W 44 21X W8X18 44 21X 44 1X W2 W8X18 W21X44 W 14 20LH05 W8X28 V 20LH05 W8X18 20LH05 44 1X W2 W 130 3X W3 W21X44 16 2X W1 44 21X 44 1X W2 44 1X W2 W 16 2X W1 130 3X W3 W21X44 130 3X W3 W21X44 W21X44 130 3X W3 W21X44 W21X44 22 4X W1 W21X44 W21X44 44 21X 13 Z W8X18 44 21X W W12X16 W W 20LH05 44 1X W2 44 21X 44 1X W2 44 1X W2 6 2X1 W1 16 2X W1 W21X44 22 2X W1 30 12X 44 1X W2 12 20LH05 44 21X 44 1X W2 130 3X W3 W21X44 W 4 1X4 W2 130 3X W3 W21X44 W W8X18 20LH05 44 21X 22 2X W1 28' - 2 3/4" 2 2X2 W1 W16X31 28' - 2 3/4" 6 2X1 W1 30 2X W1 44 1X W2 44 1X W2 20LH05 20LH05 44 1X W2 44 1X W2 22 2X W1 W21X44 W12X87 W 22 2X W1 W21X44 W16X31 28' - 2 3/4" W24X68 84 7X W2 W21X44 W16X31 28' - 2 3/4" W24X68 16 12X W 11 20LH05 W16X31 W W W 22 2X W1 2 W16X31 28' - 2" W24X68 40 8X W1 30 2X W1 16 12X 40 8X W1 40 8X W1 22 4X W1 16 12X W 44 1X W2 W16X31 W24X68 W21X44 W 30 4X W1 CW 40 18X 22 4X W1 79 2X W1 W24X68 W16X31 X44 W21 16 12X 5 2X3 W1 3 X44 W21 44 1X W2 W16X31 W 44 1X W2 W 44 1X W2 W16X31 W 22 4X W1 16 2X W1 3.4 30 14X 30 4X W1 22 14X 4 7X 8 W2 3 X1 W8 W16X31 W16X31 W 40 8X W1 20LH05 W24X68 W 40 18X 40 8X W1 22 2X W1 W16X31 3.8 3 X1 W8 30 4X W1 40 8X W1 22 2X W1 W 40 18X 40 8X W1 99 0X W3 W16X31 W 40 18X W 22 2X W1 22 12X 22 2X W1 W16X31 W 40 18X W W8X18 22 12X W24X68 W16X31 W18X35 W24X68 W24X68 W24X68 44 W21X 22 2X W1 4 W24X68 84 7X W2 W24X68 W 22 12X W24X68 W 40 18X 20LH05 W16X31 W24X68 M W16X31 W21X44 W24X68 22 2X W1 20LH05 W18X35 W 40 18X 84 7X W2 F.9 I 20LH05 W24X68 22 2X W1 W8X18 W21X50 J W16X31 W21X44 W12X22 N W18X35 K 6 W18X35 H 10 20LH05 16 W18X35 L F.8 G 2 W24X6 W12X22 F 5 W21X50 E X 20LH05 W16X31 W12X22 D 8 W8X18 ° C 9.19 20LH05 W24X62 73 .59 A B 62 4X W2 O W24X62 W24X62 17 GREEN ROOF ACCESS GREEN ROOF STRUCTURE -The project team wanted the school to be able to utilize the green roof for outdoor instruction. -20LH05 roof joists are used to support the added load of the green roof and the potential for classes to be held on the roof. S103 TEAM NO. 03-2013 R Q S T U P.5 P 7 F F.8 G H K 1 12K J 1 12K 6 24K M W21X44 W 8X13 Z 6 24K 6 24K 6 24K 6 24K 15 6 24K 6 24K 6 24K 6 24K 6 24K 6 24K 1 14K 6 24K 1 14K W30X99 W30X99 W30X99 W30X99 W30X99 W 8X13 W 8X13 W 8X13 W8X13 62 4X W2 62 4X W2 62 4X W2 W30X99 12 6 24K 6 24K 6 24K 62 4X W2 W8X13 22 2X W1 22 2X W1 22 2X W1 22 2X W1 6 24K 18K4 14 6 24K 6 24K 18K4 1 14K 24K6 24K6 2 2X2 W1 24K6 44 21X 6 24K 44 1X W2 6 24K 6 24K 6 24K 1 14K 44 1X W2 11 W12X22 6 24K 6 24K 6 24K 62 4X W2 24K6 1 14K 24K6 24K6 22 2X W1 24K6 24K6 W 3 14K 44 21X 4 1X4 W2 22 2X W1 24K6 24K6 24K6 3 14K W12X35 W21X44 24K6 22 2X W1 24K6 24K6 3 14K 62 4X W2 24K6 W21X44 24K6 3 14K 16 2X W1 24K6 W21X44 24K6 3 14K 79 2X W1 2 W21X44 24K6 3 14K 3 14K 3 14K 1 14K W16X31 W12X87 3 14K 1 14K W21X44 44 1X W2 22 2X W1 X44 W21 6 24K 3 14K 1 14K 5 2X3 W1 W21X44 24K6 W16X31 44 1X W2 W16X31 W16X31 W16X31 3 X44 W21 62 4X W2 W 44 1X W2 3.4 1 14K 62 4X W2 W 4 18K 44 1X W2 1 14K CW W 22 12X 44 21X 44 1X W2 22 2X W1 13 8X 13 8X 3 14K 3 14K 44 1X W2 6 24K 6 24K 1 12K 22 2X W1 6 24K 6 24K 6 24K 4 18K 3 14K 99 0X W3 W 6 24K 4 18K W 3.8 1 12K 6 24K 6 24K 6 24K 4 W21X4 W 6 24K 18K4 18K4 22 2X W1 6 24K 4 18K 62 4X W2 6 24K 18K4 4 W21X4 1 12K 6 24K 4 4 W21X4 62 4X W2 F.9 44 21X 72 .29 ° 6 N I 18K4 W24X62 E L 6 24K 16 3 X1 W8 W8X13 1 24K6 24K6 24K6 24K6 24K6 24K6 Y24K6 24K6 24K6 24K6 X 10 18K4 2 W24X6 8 W12X22 D 5 82 .7 1° W24X62 C W24X62 W12X22 A B 62 4X W2 O 9.19 W24X62 W24X62 V 17 W ROOF FRAMING PLAN SCALE: 3/32"=1'-0" CORRIDOR ROOF STRUCTURE -The framing in the corridors uses wide flanges like the lower floors. This was done because the required size of joists to support the loads over the corridor is deeper than the depth required to supply the mechanical engineers the ceiling space required. ROOF STRUCTURE -The roof structure consists of K-series joists supported on wide flange girders. This decision was made because of the light weight of the joists and to potential cost savings. -Joist sizes range from: 12K1-24K6 except under the green roof. S104 13 TEAM NO. 03-2013 GRAVITY FRAMING SYSTEM -The primary gravity training system of the first, second, and third floors is composite wide flange beams and girders with 2VLI18 Composite Metal Deck. with 3.5" normal weight concrete topping. SHEAR WALL -As mentioned previously in the report, more lateral support was required in the torsional direction. To account for this a 12" thick shear wall was designed and located at column line O near the exterior of the wall. POOL STRUCTURE -The roof uses 52DLH17 joists -Columns are W10x49 GYM ROOF STRUCTURE -52DLH15 roof joists -5.5" thick concrete roof slab to counteract uplift from FEMA regulations to allow gym to be used as an emergency shelter POOL LATERAL SYSTEM -Lateral stability of the pool structure is acheived using HSS members as mentioned in the structural report PRIMARY ROOF STRUCTURE -The primary roof structure is K-series joists REINFORCED CONCRETE SHEAR WALLS -The shear walls are 12" thick reinforced concrete walls -Shear walls are located at each of the rectangular stariwells, and in the central part of the building at the elevator equipment room as mentioned in the report. GREEN ROOF STRUCTURE -As mentioned earlier utilizes long span joists. -The joist deflection was chekced to ensure added weight of the green roof did not exceed serviceability limits. STAGE ROOF STRUCTURE -Uses wide flange beams and girders -Uses a higher roof live load that includes allowance for impact loads associated with high school caliber theatrical productions. 3D STRUCTURAL SYSTEMS VIEW S105 TEAM NO. 03-2013 PARTIAL PLAN OF ADMINISTRATION AREA BULLET-RESISTANT DOORS AND GLAZING -The curtain walls, walls, doors, and glazing in the administration area were designed to withstand a .44 magnum bullet shot at point blank range. PRINCIPAL OFFICE 108 226 SF GIRLS 115 ? ? CLERICAL 109 ? 529 SF TOILET 112 CORR 114 ENTRY 115A CLASSROOM 134 VESTIBULE 100 741 SF RECEPTION 110 CUST. BOYS 117 116 Entry 117A 235 SF WORK ROOM 113 COMMUNITY 111 331 SF 176 SF LOBBY 101 M.D.F 118 ELEV. 1 E1 2" THERMAL INSULATION TYP. 1" GYPSUM BOARD TYP. Second Floor 379' - 0" WAITING ROOM -Visitors must sign in here first -The receptionist sits behind bullet-resistant glass and has a hidden button to trigger the silent alarm in case of an emergency. LARGE PLANTERS -Capable of stopping most vehicles traveling at 25 mph. -Meant to increase security and be aesthetically pleasing as well. MAIN ENTRANCE -This door is the only point of entry for visitors during school hours -To enter you must be buzzed in by the waiting room receptionist. -Interior vestibule door is locked once the school day begins. -People must enter waiting room to sign in before gaining admittance into the school. 5 1/2" NORMAN BRICK VENEER HSS LINTEL W/ ANGLE FOR BRICK LEDGE INTERIOR LIGHT SHELF EXTERIOR LIGHT SHELF DETAIL OF STRENGTHENED FIRST FLOOR FACADE LEVEL 3A BALLISTICS RESISTANT GLASS The project team felt it was necessary, given the high crime rate in Reading, to analyze the strength of the facade. The structural engineers looked at only the first floor because any round shot toward the upper floors would not endanger any occupants. The design is presented as an add-alternate because of the high $470,000 cost to improve the facade strength at the first floor. The strength explained in the report was acheived by using 5.5" thick Norman Brick veneer, Level 3A bullet-resistant glazing, and bullet-resistant fiberglass behind aluminum panels. CONCRETE SILL 6" METAL STUDS @ 16" O.C. TYP. 5 1/2" NORMAN BRICK VENEER MASONRY ANCHOR TYP. 2" THERMAL INSULATION TYP. 1" GYPSUM BOARD TYP. 5" SLAB ON GRADE First Floor 365' - 0" GRADE BEAM S106 TEAM NO. 03-2013 P8 PA P8 86' - 5" PA 88' - 7 3/8" P1 P1 52DLH17 24' - 7" W16X77 52DLH17 W16X77 52DLH17 52DLH17 P1.9 P1.9 P2 W 16X77 52DLH17 52DLH17 P2 W16X77 52DLH17 25' - 0" 52DLH17 W 16X77 52DLH17 P3 5' - 0" W 16X77 P3 5' - 0" 52DLH17 5' - 0" 52DLH17 52DLH17 25' - 0" 52DLH17 3 3 AP100 W 16X77 AP100 52DLH17 52DLH17 W 16X77 149' - 0 5/8" 8" 128' - 10 1/ P4 P4 52DLH17 13 52DLH17 52DLH17 3 A200 30' - 1" W12X87 52DLH17 52DLH17 W16X77 52DLH17 P5 P5 52DLH17 52DLH17 23' - 2 1/8" 52DLH17 W16X77 W16X77 52DLH17 52DLH17 P6 P6 52DLH17 20' - 2 1/2" 52DLH10 52DLH11 P7 28 '- 18 X5 5 W16X77 W 20LH05 44LH9 P7 0" POOL FIRST FLOOR FOUNDATION PLAN SCALE: 1/8"=1'-0" POOL ROOF FRAMING PLAN SCALE: 1/8"=1'-0" SP 100