Cullen College of Engineering Information Systems and Services & Instructional Technologies Fall 2012 Newsletter-Student Edition New! Engineering Blackboard moves to Blackboard Learn All academic Engineering courses previously hosted on Engineering Blackboard (Bb‐E) have moved to the new Blackboard Learn system. Engineering student organizations previously hosted on Engineering Blackboard will be moved during the Fall 2012 semester. (W129 Engineering Building 2) ECC Front Desk 713‐743‐4241 ECC Website Blackboard Vista – you have two login options: Login: or Username: same as your myUH ID (Peoplesoft ID) Password: your birth date in the format mmddyyx! where x is the first letter (lower case) of your last name, and the ! is required. Need Assistance? Contact IT HelpDesk at 713‐743‐1411, go to Room 58‐MD Anderson Library, or email Please note that not all instructors choose to use a course management system. Your instructor will inform you if your class will use either system. Access UH: Labor Day Holiday (Sept. 3) Closed Thanksgiving Holiday (Nov. 21‐24) Reduced Hours (schedule will be posted in labs) Last Day Fall Semester (Dec. 20) AccessUH allows you to use your CougarNet ID to access many online services without logging into each one separately, including myUH (PeopleSoft), PASS, Blackboard Learn, and Blackboard Vista. Access to services is based on your role with the university. AccessUH Login: Username: same as your CougarNet UserID Password: same as your CougarNet Password ECC Hours of Operation Mon‐Thu: 8:00AM ‐ 11:00PM Fri: 8:00AM ‐10:00PM Sat‐Sun: 12PM‐7PM Blackboard Learn ‐ you have three login options: Login: (single‐point authentication for several UH online services) (access to both Blackboard Learn and Blackboard Vista) (access to Blackboard Learn only) Username: same as your CougarNet ID Password: same as your CougarNet Password Need Assistance? Contact Anisa Maredia or Debbie Boyer (contact info on page 2) Other colleges on campus are migrating from Blackboard Vista to Blackboard Learn over the next few semesters, so you may also have some courses (i.e., English, history, etc.) in Blackboard Vista. Engineering Computer Labs Don’t know your CougarNet ID or Password? Go to Free Printing On Campus Official Closing Fall Semester Engineering Commencement EERC Hours of Operation* (Building 594) Mon‐Thu: 10:00AM ‐ 5:30PM Fri: 10:00AM ‐ 4:00PM Sat‐Sun: Closed There are 3 locations on campus where Engineering students can print for free! ‐ ECC & EERC labs give you the equivalent of 1,000 single‐sided b&w copies/semester. ‐ Technology Commons (Room 56, M.D. Anderson Library) offers approx. 500 free b&w copies/semester. ‐ M.D. Anderson Library offers the equivalent of approx. 500 single‐sided b&w copies/semester. Color copies are available at all 3 locations for 15¢ ‐20¢/page. You need a valid CougarOne Card to access the print system at each location. Software Application Training The university offers over 2,800 self‐paced online courses through SkillPort eLearning. Check out for more information. *The EERC schedule varies due to classes taught in the lab. A copy of the schedule is available at the ECC and EERC Front Desk. EERC Front Desk: 713‐743‐0673 EERC Website: Cu llen C ollege of E ngin eerin g Inf ormat ion Sy st ems an d Serv ices & Inst ruct ion a l T ech nologies New Users UH Engineering Computing Essentials Orientation The UH Engineering Computing Essentials Orientation is offered for free to any Engineering student on Tuesday, September 4, from 11AM –12PM and Thursday, September 6, from 2PM‐3PM in the ECC (Engineering Building 2, Room W129). Please note that this orientation is scheduled each semester during regular class time for students enrolled in CHEE/CIVE/INDE/MECE 1331 labs. Topics covered in this “hands‐ on” orientation include: Introduction to the Engineering Complex Computing Resources Available to Engineering Students ‐ Computer Labs ‐ Printing on Campus User Accounts ‐ CougarNet ‐ Email ‐ UNIX (Email & Personal Web page) Network Applications Mapping a Drive User Profile and Data Storage Network Security – Free Anti‐virus Software Blackboard Learn and Blackboard Vista Wireless and Remote Network Access Software Training Opportunities Discount Software Purchasing Engineering Events Engineering Information Systems & Services Contacts C. John Young Director, Information Systems Phone: 713‐743‐4413 Office Location: W132 cjyoung [at] egr [dot] uh [dot] edu Arturo Padilla Manager, ECC Computer Labs Phone: 713‐743‐4414 Office Location: W129 apadilla [at] uh [dot] edu Bryan Bales Linux/UNIX Workshop Systems Analyst (UNIX) The Linux/UNIX Workshop is offered for free to any Engineering student on Wednesday, September 5, from 2PM‐4PM, and Thursday, September 6, from 10AM‐12PM, and Friday, September 7, from 10AM‐12noon in the ECC (Engineering Building 2, Room W129). Topics covered in this hands‐on workshop include: Linux/UNIX Systems Overview • Interoperability with Windows • Linux/UNIX Accounts – Email and Personal Web Page • File Systems, Permissions • System Commands and Applications Please note: You MUST have a Linux/UNIX account and be able to login to Linux/UNIX prior to class. Get your Linux/UNIX account at the ECC Front Desk at least 1 day prior to the date of the workshop you plan to attend. We hope to see you at one of the sessions! Email Alias: How to Update Your Destination Email Account Your email alias is a pointer that directs email messages to your preferred “destination” email account. UH uses the email alias to send important information such as emergency closings. Colleges and departments also send official and time‐sensitive information to students via the email alias. Make sure the email account you have designated as your destination email account is valid and one you check often. Also note that the Engineering Dean’s Office requires the use of your alias on all correspondence. To change your destination email account, follow the steps listed below. STEP 1: Click on the myUH graphic at, or Go to and login. STEP 2: Once logged in, select UH Self‐Service. STEP 3: Select Campus Personal Information; then click on Email Addresses. STEP 4: Follow instructions to update your “Destination” email address. You must have at least one address designated “Destination” (under Email Type) to receive UH email. STEP 5: Click “SAVE”. Your UH email alias is now set up to forward emails to this address. Click “Sign Out”. Phone: 713‐743‐0766 Office Location: W129H babales [at] uh [dot] edu Engineering Education Resource Center Contacts Debbie Boyer Education Production Specialist Blackboard Administrator Phone: 713‐743‐1347 Office Location: EERC Anisa Maredia Instructional Designer Phone: 713‐743‐9972 Office Location: EERC Join Us On Twitter Useful Links LinkedIn Group ECC/EERC Lab Computer Specifications Other Computer Labs on Campus Software Available in ECC/EERC Labs UH Wireless Access Cougar Byte VPN Download ‐ free UH IT Help Desk Anti‐Virus Software Download ‐ free Reserve ECC Study Room Area Map of Engineering Buildings Please go to for an electronic version of this newsletter with active links. Page 2 Cullen College News Facebook Page The Cullen College of Engineering Student Community