Advanced program

Thursday, October 15, 2015
Opening Ceremony
Li-Min Huang (Chairman, APCMV)
Jiunn-Jong Wu (President, TSM)
Paul R. Young (President, APSMV)
Room 101, 1F
Plenary Lecture 1
Moderator: Michael M.C. Lai (Taiwan)
PL 1
MERS: Pathogenesis and Antivirals
Room 101, 1F
Kwok-Yung Yuen
(Hong Kong)
Friday, October 16, 2015
Plenary Lecture 2
Moderator: Hsu-Sung Kuo (Taiwan)
PL 2
Novel Approaches to HIV Prevention
Room 101, 1F
Co-organized by Centers
for Disease Control, Ministry of
Health and Welfare
David D. Ho (USA)
Plenary Lecture 3
Moderator: Po-Ren Hsueh (Taiwan)
PL 3
HIV Treatment as Prevention: Building on the HIV
Experience to Promote Healthcare Sustainability
Room 101, 1F
Co-organized by Centers
for Disease Control, Ministry of
Health and Welfare
Julio Montaner (Canada)
Coffee Break / Poster Viewing
Symposium 1
Effective HIV Prevention Strategies for Key Populations
Moderators: Julio Montaner (Canada); Hsi-Hsun Lin (Taiwan)
SP 1-1
Strategies to Control the Expanding Global Pandemic
SP 1-3
Effective HIV Prevention Strategies for Key Populations
Room 101, 1F
Co-organized by Centers
for Disease Control, Ministry of
Health and Welfare
Kenrad Nelson (USA)
Chi-Tai Fang (Taiwan)
Symposium 2
Viral Diagnosis
Moderators: Sazaly Abu Bakar (Malaysia); Chuan-Liang Kao (Taiwan)
SP 2-1
Role of Virus Laboratory in the Prevention and Control
of Severe Infectious Diseases: Thailand Experience
Room 102, 1F
SP 2-2
Optimizing the Clinical Value of HPV Test
Paul K.S. Chan (Hong Kong)
SP 2-3
Surveillance at the Animal-human Interface and Largescale Sequencing of Pathogens in Response to Public
Health Emergency
Huachen Zhu (Hong Kong)
Prasert Thongcharoen
Symposium 3
Emerging Infectious Diseases and Vaccine I
Moderators: Hsing-Jien Kung (Taiwan); Min-Shi Lee (Taiwan)
SP 3-1
Development of Cell-based Influenza H7N9 Vaccines
for Pandemic Preparedness
Room 103, 1F
Min-Shi Lee (Taiwan)
SP 3-2
Vaccination and Communication
David Salisbury (UK)
SP 3-3
The Temporal, Spatial and Evolutionary Dynamics of
Ebola Virus in West Africa
Andrew Rambaut (UK)
Oral Session 1
Influenza Virus / Basic Research
Moderators: Shin-Ru Shih (Taiwan); Kung-Chia Young (Taiwan)
OS 1-1
Host Factor TUFM Differentially Associates with Viral
Protein and Impedes Avian-like Influenza a Virus
Replication in Human Cells
Room 105, 1F
Shu-Ming Kuo (Taiwan)
OS 1-2
The Role of Phosphodiesterase 3A in Influenza Virus
Disease Severity and Viral Replication
Yin-Ming Lui (Hong Kong)
OS 1-3
MAPK Phosphatase 5 Expression Induced by Influenza
Virus Negatively Regulates IRF3 Activation and Type I
Interferon Response
Yongliang Zhang (Singapore)
OS 1-4
Infection Dynamics of Novel Influenza A Viruses Isolated Joanne Taylor (Australia)
from Australian Pigs
OS 1-5
Rosmarinic Acid Inhibits Influenza Virus by Suppressing
Cellular AKT Phosphorylation
Jim-Tong Horng (Taiwan)
OS 1-6
Insights into Pre-existing T-cell Immunity to Influenza
Infection from a Population-based Cohort Study in
Jung Pu Hsu (Singapore)
OS 1-7
Nuclear Exportation in Avian Influenza Virus Adaptation Khwansiri Ninpan (Thailand)
to Human Cells
OS 1-8
Angiopoietin-like 4 Increases Pulmonary Tissue
Leakiness and Damage during Influenza Pneumonia
Liang Li (Singapore)
OS 1-9
Knocking Down of P65 Component of NF-B Effectively
Down Regulates Pro-inflammatory Cytokines in Human
Pulmunary Epithelial Cells Infected with Influenza Virus
Alireza Haghparast (Iran)
OS 1-10
Peptide Mimetic Inhibitors Fused to Human Carrier
Proteins as Novel Therapeutics for Treating Respiratory
Virus Infections
James Mahony (Canada)
Satellite Symposium 1
Room 101, 1F
Organized by GlaxoSmithKline
HIV Drug Resistance: Implications on HAART
Moderators: Chien-Ching Hung (Taiwan); Yu-Jiun Chan (Taiwan); Hsi-Hsun Lin (Taiwan)
SS 1-1
HIV Drug Resistance in Taiwan: The Evolving
Sui-Yuan Chang (Taiwan)
SS 1-2
Molecular Virology and the Implication on HAART
Carlo Federico Perno (Italy)
SS 1-3
Advancing ART Guidelines: European and Spanish
Josep M Llibre (Spain)
Satellite Symposium 2
Room 102, 1F
Organized by Roche Products Ltd.
Optimizing Treatment Strategy of Oseltamivir
Moderators: Li-Min Huang (Taiwan); Hsin Chi (Taiwan); Nan-Chang Chiu (Taiwan)
SS 2-1
Appropriate Use of Oseltamivir in the Treatment and
Ivan Hung (Hong Kong)
Prophylaxis for Influenza
SS 2-2
Oseltamivir Treatment for Influenza in Adults, Pediatric
and in Pregnant Patients
Lance Jennings (New Zealand)
SS 2-3
Threat from Seasonal and Pandemic Influenza
Malik Peiris (Hong Kong)
Symposium 4
Room 101, 1F
Co-organized by Centers
for Disease Control, Ministry of
Health and Welfare
New Prevention Technology for HIV
Moderators: Kenrad Nelson (USA); Shan-Chwen Chang (Taiwan)
SP 4-1
Large Isoform of Mammalian Relative of DnaJ is a
Major Determinant of Human Susceptibility to
HIV-1 Infection
Li-Min Huang (Taiwan)
SP 4-2
Robert T. Chen (USA)
Next-generation HIV PrEP and Other Considerations
Symposium 5
Enterovirus 71 Moderators: Shin-Ru Shih (Taiwan); Paul K.S. Chan (Hong Kong)
SP 5-1
The Suramin Derivative NF449 Interacts with the 5-fold
Vertex of the Enterovirus 71 Capsid to Prevent Virus
Attachment to PSGL-1 and Heparan Sulfate
Room 102, 1F
Yorihiro Nishimura (Japan)
SP 5-2
Impact of Enterovirus 71 Evolution on Virulence and
Jen-Ren Wang (Taiwan)
SP 5-3
Long Term Outcome and Cognitive Function after E71
CNS Infections
Luan-Yin Chang (Taiwan)
Room 103, 1F
Symposium 6
Dengue Virus
Moderators: Chwan-Chuen King (Taiwan); Yi-Ling Lin (Taiwan)
SP 6-1
Dengue Virus NS1 Is a Viral Toxin That Activates Cells via Paul R. Young (Australia)
TLR4: Is Dengue a Case of "Aseptic" Shock?
SP 6-2
NS1 Rapid Test for Detection of Dengue Virus Infection:
Should We Use It?
Sazaly Abu Bakar (Malaysia)
SP 6-3
Dengue Virus Nnonstructural Protein 1 Antibody
Therapy and Vaccine Strategy
Yee-Shin Lin (Taiwan)
Oral Session 2
Viral Vaccine
Moderators: Mi-Hua Tao (Taiwan); Szu-Min Hsieh (Taiwan)
OS 2-1
The Evolution of Pandemic Influenza Virus Threats in
Room 105, 1F
Martha Nelson (USA)
OS 2-2
Characterization of a Monoclonal Antibody 4F3 Binding
to the Haemagglutinin Proteins of Different Avian
Influenza Viruses
Subha Sankar Paul (Singapore)
OS 2-3
Immune Memory to Influenza Hemagglutinin and
Antigenic Drift
Hsin-Hang Chen (Taiwan)
OS 2-4
Heterologous and Heterosubtypic Neuraminidaseinhibiting Antibodies Elicited by Recombinant Protein
Suh-Chin Wu (Taiwan)
OS 2-5
Recombinant Adeno-vaccine Expressing Enterovirus
Yen-Hung Chow (Taiwan)
71-like Particles against Hand, Foot, and Mouth Disease
OS 2-6
End-of-study (Year 7) Follow-up on Efficacy and Safety
Maria Rowena Del
of the Human Papillomavirus (HPV)-16/18 AS04Rosario-Raymundo
adjuvanted Vaccine Administered in Women Older than (Philippines)
25 Years
OS 2-7
Efficacy and Safety of the Human Papillomavirus (HPV)16/18 AS04-adjuvanted Vaccine in Chinese Women:
Event-triggered Analysis of a Randomized Trial
Dan Bi (Belgium)
OS 2-8
Human Papillomavirus (HPV)-16/18 AS04-adjuvanted
Vaccine: Immunological Superiority of the 2-dose
Schedule Versus 2-dose and 3-dose Schedules of
HPV-6/11/16/18 Vaccine; Results of a Randomised,
Multicentre, Immunogenicity Trial up to Month 24
Anthony Pak-Yin Liu
(Hong Kong)
OS 2-9
Sustained Non-inferiority of the Human Papillomavirus Shelly A Mcneil (Canada)
(HPV)-16/18 AS04-adjuvanted Vaccine when Given as
2-dose Schedules in 9–14-year-old Girls Versus Standard
3-dose Schedule in 15–25-year-old Women:
A Randomized Trial
Coffee Break / Poster Viewing
Plenary Lecture 4
Moderator: Cheng-Hua Huang (Taiwan)
PL 4
New Insights into Posttranslational Modifications and
Host Partners of Influenza Virus
Room 101, 1F
Michael M.C. Lai (Taiwan)
Room 101, 1F
Plenary Lecture 5
Moderator: Shang-Shyng Yang (Taiwan)
PL 5
Emerging Infectious Diseases: Avian Influenza and MERS Malik Peiris (Hong Kong)
Saturday, October 17, 2015
Plenary Lecture 6
Room 101, 1F
Moderator: Ding-Shinn Chen (Taiwan)
PL 6
Current Antiviral Therapy in Patients with Chronic
HBV Infection
Plenary Lecture 7
Yun-Fan Liaw (Taiwan)
Room 101, 1F
Moderator: Juergen Rockstroh (Germany)
PL 7
Interferon-free Therapy for Chronic Hepatitis C
Coffee Break / Poster Viewing
Co-organized by
Taiwan Association for the
Study of the Liver
Co-organized by
Taiwan Association for the
Study of the Liver
Edward J Gane (New Zealand)
Symposium 7
Hepatitis B Virus
Moderators: Rong-Nan Chien (Taiwan); Ming-Lung Yu (Taiwan)
SP 7-1
New Targets for Antiviral Therapies against
Hepatitis B Virus
Room 101, 1F
Co-organized by
Taiwan Association for the
Study of the Liver
Pei-Jer Chen (Taiwan)
SP 7-2
Interferon-based Therapy for Chronic Hepatitis B
Chun-Jen Liu (Taiwan)
SP 7-3
Nucleos(t)ide Analogue-based Therapy for CHB
Vincent Wai-Sun Wong (China)
SP 7-4
Long-term Outcome of CHB Treatment
Tetsuya Hosaka (Japan)
Symposium 8
Room 102, 1F
Co-organized by USA CDC &
Rota Council
Viral Gastroenteritis
Moderators: Tony Nelson (Hong Kong); Kung-Chia Young (Taiwan)
SP 8-1
Norovirus in the United States
Aron J. Hall (USA)
SP 8-2
Norovirus Outbreak and Surveillance in Taiwan
Fang-Tzy Wu (Taiwan)
OS 8-3
Emergence and Predominance of a Fast-mutating
and Putatively Immune-escaped Novel Variant of
Norovirus Genogroup II Genotype 17 in Hospitalized
Gastroenteritis, 2014—2015, Hong Kong
Martin Chi-Wai Chan
(Hong Kong)
OS 8-4
Molecular Surveillance of Acute Gastroenteritis
Pathogens in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Chee Sian Kuan (Malaysia)
OS 8-5
Evolutionary Dynamics of Norovirus Infection in
Immunocompromised Hosts
John-Sebastian Eden (Australia)
Symposium 9
HIV Antiretroviral Therapy
Moderators: Josep M Llibre (Spain); Wang-Huei Sheng (Taiwan)
SP 9-1
Therapeutic Application of Antiviral Resistance Testing
Room 103, 1F
Carlo F. Perno (Italy)
SP 9-2
Antiretroviral Therapy for Patients Co-infected with
Viral Hepatitis
Jürgen Rockstroh (Germany)
SP 9-3
Optimization of Combination Antiretroviral Therapy in
Asia-Pacific Region
Chien-Ching Hung (Taiwan)
Oral Session 3
Viral Epidemiology
Moderators: Cécile Viboud (USA); Jen-Ren Wang (Taiwan)
OS 3-1
NCBI Bioinformatics Resources for Influenza and Other
Emerging Infectious Viruses
Room 105, 1F
Yiming Bao (USA)
OS 3-2
A Tentative Global Map of Hemispheric Influenza
Vaccine Recommendations Based on Seasonality
Wladimir Jimenez Alonso (USA)
OS 3-3
Increasing Similarity in the Dynamics of Influenza in
Two Adjacent Subtropical Chinese Cities Following the
Relaxation of Border Restrictions
Yi Tan (USA)
OS 3-4
Static and Dynamic Factors for Predicting H7N9
Epidemics in China
Haogao Gu (China)
OS 3-5
Clinical and Epidemiological Characteristics of Human
Parainfluenza Virus Infection of Children in Southern
Taiwan during 2012-2014
Kai Wen Wu (Taiwan)
OS 3-6
Epidemiological Analysis on Breakthrough Cases of
Varicella Outbreaks in District of Minhang, Shanghai
Yan-Feng Zhu (China)
OS 3-7
Association between CD4 Count Baseline and
Immunological Failure among Care Support and
Treatment (CST) Clients in Yayasan Kerthi Praja, Bali
Ni Putu Ayu Astri Prana Iswara
OS 3-8
Human Herpesvirus Type 8 in Tuberculosis Patients with Cheng-Chuan Su (Taiwan)
OS 3-9
Increased Risk of Cirrhosis and Its Decompensation in
Chronic Hepatitis B with New Onset Hypertension
Yi-Wen Huang (Taiwan)
OS 3-10
Prevalence of HIV/AIDS Immunological Failure among
Sex Workers in Yayasan Kerthi Praja, Bali
Hilda Citrajaya (Indonesia)
Room 101, 1F
Organized by Pfizer Limited
Satellite Symposium 3
Secondary Bacterial Infections Following Viral Respiratory Infection
Moderators: Yhu-Chering Huang (Taiwan); Po-Yen Chen (Taiwan)
SS 3-1
Community Acquired Pneumonia among Children in
Yu-Chia Hsieh (Taiwan)
SS 3-2
The Association between Viral Infections/Influenza
and the Impact of Pneumococcal Vaccination
Satellite Symposium 4
The Growing Challenge of Dengue and Norovirus. What Next?
Moderators: Li-Min Huang (Taiwan); Theodore Tsai (USA)
SS 4-1
Role of Vaccines in Preventing Disease, Protecting
Health and Reducing Inequalities
Charles Feldman (South Africa)
Room 102, 1F
Organized by
Takeda Pharmaceuticals
International GmbH
David Salisbury (UK)
SS 4-2
Noroviral Acute Gastroenteritis (AGE) across the Age
Theodore Tsai (USA)
SS 4-3
Dengue in Asia - The Worsening Impact and Future
Prospects for Prevention
Lulu Bravo (Philippines)
Satellite Symposium 5
Update of HIV Treatment and Vaccination in HIV Patients
Moderators: Ching-Chuan Liu (Taiwan); Yee-Chun Chen (Taiwan)
SS 5-1
Beyond HIV: Long Term HIV Care
Hsi-Hsun Lin (Taiwan)
SS 5-2
Chun-Yi Lu (Taiwan)
Vaccination in HIV Patients - With an Emphasis on
Zoster Vaccine
Room 103, 1F
Organized by MSD
Symposium 10
Hepatitis C Virus
Moderators: Tetsuya Hosaka (Japan); Pei-Jer Chen (Taiwan)
SP 10-1
All Oral Direct Acting Antiviral Therapy for Chronic
Hepatitis C
Room 101, 1F
Co-organized by
Taiwan Association for the
Study of the Liver
Kazuaki Chayama (Japan)
SP 10-2
Chronic Hepatitis C: From Bench to Practice
Keng-Hsin Lan (Taiwan)
SP 10-3
Overview of Directly Acting Antiviral Agents for HCV
Ming-Lung Yu (Taiwan)
SP 10-4
Interferon-based Therapy for Chronic Hepatitis C
Sang Hoon Ahn (Korea)
Symposium 11
Viral Gastroenteritis
Moderators: Aron J. Hall (USA); Ho-Sheng Wu (Taiwan)
SP 11-1
Rotavirus Surveillance and Vaccine Introduction
Experience in the US
Room 102, 1F
Co-organized by USA CDC &
Rota Council
Catherine Yen (USA)
SP 11-2
Challenges to Introducing Rotavirus Vaccines in Asia
Tony Nelson (Hong Kong)
SP 11-3
Rotavirus Vaccine Introduction in NIP: The Philippine
Lulu Bravo (Philippines)
SP 11-4
Rotavirus Vaccines in Taiwan: Effectiveness, Fecal Viral
Shedding and Cost-effectiveness
Yhu-Chering Huang (Taiwan)
Room 103, 1F
Symposium 12
HIV Epidemiology
Moderators: Carlo F. Perno (Italy); Yen-Fang Huang (Taiwan)
SP 12-1
Updates on the Resistance Profile of Integrase Inhibitors Josep M Llibre (Spain)
and Their Clinical Application in Treatment Failure and
Treatment-naïve Patients
SP 12-2
China Free ART Outcomes and Challenges
Fujie Zhang (China)
OS 12-3
Surveillance of HIV Recent Infection and Transmitted
Carmen Low (Singapore)
Drug Resistance of HIV-1 Strains from Newly-diagnosed,
Treatment-naïve Persons in a Singaporean Cohort
OS 12-4
Potential Drug-drug Interactions between Antiretrovirals Jia-An Hung (Taiwan)
and Medications for Comorbidities among the Aging
HIV-infected Patients
OS 12-5
HIV Pre-exposure Prophylaxis: PK-PD Studies on AntiHIV Drugs Maraviroc, Raltegravir and Tenofovir in a
Humanized Mouse Model
Ramesh Akkina (USA)
Oral Session 4
Moderators: Ching-Len Liao (Taiwan); Chuan-Liang Kao (Taiwan)
OS 4-1
Minimizing the Global Threat of Dengue Haemorrhagic
Fever: Implications from Taiwan's Surveillance,
Epidemiological Findings and Public Health Policies
OS 4-2
The Involvement of TLR6 in Immunopathogenesis of
Dengue Virus Infection
Justin Jang Hann Chu (Singapore)
OS 4-3
Use of Recombinant Adenovirus Vectored Mouse IFN-α
(mDEF201) to Mitigate Chikungunya Virus Infection in
BALB/c Mouse Model
Huixin Chen (Singapore)
OS 4-4
Dengue Virus and Antiplatelet Autoantibodies
Hsin-Hou Chang (Taiwan)
Synergistically Induce Hemorrhage in the Two-hit Mouse
OS 4-5
High-mobility Group Box 1 Protein and Its Role in Acute
Dengue Infection
OS 4-6
A New Rapid Diagnostic Test for Acute Dengue Infection Tzong-Shiann Ho (Taiwan)
OS 4-7
Development and Evaluation of a SYBR Green-based
Multiplex Reverse Transcriptase-polymerase Chain
Reaction for Rapid Diagnosis and Serotyping of Dengue
and Chikungunya Viruses
Huixin Chen (Singapore)
OS 4-8
Differential Detection of Antibodies Specific to Bat
Coronavirus in the Bat Biologists in Taiwan
Yi-Ning Chen (Taiwan)
OS 4-9
SARS Coronavirus Papain-like Protease Induces Egr1-mediated Up-Regulation of TGF-β1 in Pro-fibrotic
Cheng-Wen Lin (Taiwan)
OS 4-10
Hand-held Point-of-care Test Device for the Rapid
Detection of Viral Infections
James Mahony (Canada)
Coffee Break / Poster Viewing
Plenary Lecture 8
Moderator: Wu-Tse Liu (Taiwan)
PL 8
KSHV and Viral Epigenomics
Room 105, 1F
Chwan-Chuen King (Taiwan)
Tzong-Shiann Ho (Taiwan)
Room 101, 1F
Hsing-Jien Kung (Taiwan)
Plenary Lecture 9
Moderator: Tzu-Ming Pan (Taiwan)
PL 9
Coronavirus Diversity, Phylogeny and Interspecies
Oral Session 5
Moderators: Luan-Yin Chang (Taiwan); Robert YL Wang (Taiwan)
OS 5-1
Haplotype Preference of Enterovirus 71 in Human
Central Nerve System
Room 101, 1F
Patrick CY Woo (Hong Kong)
Room 105, 1F
Sheng-Wen Huang (Taiwan)
OS 5-2
Epidemiological Surveillance of Hand, Foot and Mouth
Disease in Shanghai, 2010-2014
Yanling Ge (China)
OS 5-3
Molecular Characterization and Genotyping of Human
Adenovirus in Hospitalized Children with Sporadic
Gastroenteritis in Shanghai, China, 2006-2011
Lijuan Lu (China)
OS 5-4
Age-specific Incidence Rates of Enterovirus 71
Infections in Young Children in Taiwan, 2008–13
Shu-Ting Luo (Taiwan)
OS 5-5
UDP-glucose Glycoprotein Glucosytransferase 1 Deploys Peng-Nien Huang (Taiwan)
from Endoplasmic Reticulum to Cytosol and Associates
with Enterovirus 71 3D Polymerase to Facilitate Viral RNA
Elongation Activity
OS 5-6
Enterovirus A71 Triggers Autophagosome-lysosome
Fusion to Facilitate Viral Replication
OS 5-7
Surveillance and Comparison of Human Astrovirus
Lijuan Lu (China)
Circulation in Hospitalized Children and Outpatients with
Acute Diarrhea in Shanghai
OS 5-8
Genotype-specific Effects of HCV Frame-shift (F) Protein Yi-Ting Lai (Taiwan)
in Interferon Induction and Response Pathways
OS 5-9
Activation of Hepatitis B Virus Transcription by
CRTC1 Coactivator and PRMT5 Protein Arginine
Dong-Yan Jin (Hong Kong)
OS 5-10
Characterization of Liver Pathogenesis and Human
Immune Responses in a Humanized Mouse Model of
Hepatitis C Virus Infection
Yee-Joo Tan (Singapore)
Yoke Fun Chan (Malaysia)
Sunday, October 18, 2015
Plenary Lecture 10
Moderator: Li-Min Huang (Taiwan)
PL 10
Emerging Virus Infections and Novel Intervention
Plenary Lecture 11
Moderator: Lee-Jene Teng (Taiwan)
PL 11
MERS - A Zoonotic Disease Disguised as a Pandemic
Room 101, 1F
Ab Osterhaus
(The Netherlands)
Room 101, 1F
Christian Drosten (Germany)
Symposium 13
Influenza Virus Moderators: Malik Peiris (Hong Kong); Luan-Yin Chang (Taiwan)
SP 13-1
Novel Antiviral Agents for Influenza Virus Infections
Room 101, 1F
Shin-Ru Shih (Taiwan)
SP 13-2
Influenza Vaccination Challenges in the Asia-Pacific
SP 13-3
Transmission Dynamics and Disease Burden of Influenza Cécile Viboud (USA)
Symposium 14
Emerging Infectious Diseases and Vaccine II
Moderators: Paul R. Young (Australia); Jen-Ren Wang (Taiwan)
SP 14-1
Host Jump: Flu, MERS-CoV and Ebola
Lance Jennings (New Zealand)
Room 102, 1F
George Fu Gao (China)
SP 14-2
Development of a Tetravalent Dengue Vaccine. Is It
Worth the Wait?
Alain Bouckenooghe (Belgium)
SP 14-3
Nuclear Transport as an Interspecies Barrier of Avian
Influenza Viruses
Prasert Auewarakul (Thailand)
Symposium 15
Other Viruses
Moderators: Chun-Nan Lee (Taiwan); Mei-Ru Chen (Taiwan)
SP 15-1
Reactivation of EBV as a Target for Retardation or
Prevention of Relapse of NPC
Room 103, 1F
Jen-Yang Chen (Taiwan)
SP 15-2
Ubiquitination of Epstein-Barr Virus Lytic Proteins
Li-Kwan Chang (Taiwan)
OS 15-3
BanLec Inhibits Middle East Respiratory Syndrome
Coronavirus by Binding with the S1 Subunit of the Viral
Spike Glycoprotein
Jasper Fuk-Woo Chan
(Hong Kong)
OS 15-4
Targeted Gene Therapy for Human Lung Adenocarcinoma Chun-Nun Chao (Taiwan)
with a Suicide Gene Driven by a Lung-specific Promoter
Delivered by the JC Virus-like Particles
OS 15-5
Circulating Salivary MiRNA as Potential Biomarkers
for Determining Hand Food Mouth Disease in Children
Nyo Min (Singapore)
Friday - Saturday, October 16 - 17, 2015
10:00-10:30 & 15:00-15:30
Foyer (1F)
Structure-based Site Directed Mutagenesis of the Ns5 Protein from Dengue Virus
Sherryl Tingjin Soh (Singapore)
Dengue Virus Nonstructural Protein 1 Induced Vascular Leakage through Macrophage
Migration Inhibitory Factor Secretion
Trai-Ming Yeh (Taiwan), Hong-Ru Chen (Taiwan)
Analysis on the Epidemiology and Etiologic Characteristics of First Imported Dengue
Fever Disease Case in Shenzhen in 2015
Fan Yang (China), Renli Zhang (China), Chunli Wu (China), Dana Huang (China), Yue Li
(China), Yijun Tang (China)
Determining the Genotype of Dengue Virus Serotype 1 and 2: A Comparative
Descriptive Study of Envelope and Partial Envelope (Domain III)
Arvin Pramudita (Indonesia), Adi Basuki (Indonesia), Beti Ernawati Dewi (Indonesia)
Antiviral Activity of Halogenated CW-33 Derivatives against Japanese Encephalitis
Yu-Jen Jou (Taiwan), Yu-Fong Lin (Taiwan), Lin Chang (Taiwan), Cheng-Wen Lin (Taiwan),
Yi-Ting Lai (Taiwan), Bo-Siang Huang (Taiwan)
Genetic Analysis of Non-structural Protein-1 (NS1) Dengue Virus Serotype 2 Strain
Indonesia and Its Comprasion to Strain from Different Geographical Area
Leonardus Wibowo Hidayat (Indonesia), Beti Ernawati Dewi (Indonesia)
Probabiprobability of the Temporary Acquired Chikungunya Virus Infection in
Non-immune Travelers Returning from an Epidemic Activity Destination at Songkhla
Province in Southern Thailand during 2008-2014
Hatsadee Appassakij (Thailand), Paiwan Khuntikij (Thailand), Pairaya Rujirojindakul
(Thailand), Charuporn Promwong (Thailand), Khachornsakdi Silpapojakul (Thailand)
Evolutionary Genetics of Eastern Equine Encephalitis Virus in the Americas Suggest
Madariaga Virus, the South America Lineages as Distinct Species in Genus Alphavirus
Yi Tan (USA), Albert J. Auguste (USA), Naomi L. Forrester (USA), Mathilde Guerbois
(USA), Amy Ransier (USA), Rebecca A. Halpin (USA), Susmita Shrivastava (USA),
Timothy B. Stockwell (USA), Vivien G. Dugan (USA), David E. Wentworth (USA),
Scott C. Weaver (USA), Suman R. Das (USA)
Role of 3’UTR and 5’UTR in Phylogenetic Analysis of DENV-2: A Comparative
Descriptive Study
Edwin Wijaya (Indonesia), Beti Ernawati Dewi (Indonesia)
Genetic Analyses of the Dengue 2 Outbreak in 2001-2003, Kaohsiung, Taiwan
Ko Hui-Ying (Taiwan), Li Yao-Tsun (Taiwan), Chang Yun-Cheng (Taiwan), Li Zheng-Rong
Tiger (Taiwan), Shu Pei-Yun (Taiwan), King Chwan-Chuen (Taiwan)
Peptide Inhibitor and Its Interaction with Dengue Virus Structural Proteins
Miaw-Fang Chew (Malaysia), Bimo Ario Tejo (Indonesia), Nafees Ahemed Muhammed
Yunus (India), Sharifah Syed Hassan (Malaysia)
Discovery of Dengue Virus NS4B Inhibitors
Siyan Lu (Singapore), Qing Yin Wang (Singapore)
Feasibility of Using a Recombinant Baculovirus Vector to Express 26S Structural
Proteins of Chikungunya Virus in Mammalian Cells
Szu-Cheng Kuo (Taiwan), Yu-Ming Wang (Taiwan), Tzong-Yuan Wu (Taiwan)
Identifying Initiation and Elongation Inhibitors of Dengue Virus RNA Polymerase in a
High-throughput Lead-finding Campaign
Cheah Chen Seh (Singapore), Thomas Smith (USA), Siew Pheng Lim (Singapore),
Kimberley Yue (USA), Scott Busby (USA), Rishi Arora (USA), Kirk Wright (USA),
Razvan Nutiu (USA), Pornwaratt Niyomrattanakit (Thailand), Kah Fei Wan (Singapore),
David Beer(Singapore), Pei-Yong Shi (Singapore), Timothy Benson (USA)
Alternative Translation Mode for Proteins in C6/36 Cells Infected by the Dengue 2
Jion-Nan Hou (Taiwan), Ching-Yun Peng (Taiwan), Tien-Huang Chen (Taiwan),
Der-Jen Tang (Taiwan), Wei-June Chen (Taiwan)
Sequence and Phylogenetic Analysis of UTR Dengue Virus Serotype-1 Strain Indonesia
for Moleculae Epidemiology
Paulina Livia Tandijono (Indonesia), Beti Dewi (Indonesia)
Antiviral Activity of the Graphene/Silver Nanocomposites against Enveloped
Coronavirus and Nonenveloped Infectious Bursal Disease Virus
Yi-Ning Chen (Taiwan), Pai-Ling Chang (Taiwan), Hui-Hsiang Su (Taiwan), Hsiao-Chin Hsu
(Taiwan), You-En Li (Taiwan)
SARS-CoV Papain-like Protease Suppresses Rac1/TRAF6/TAK1 Signaling in TLR7mediated Immune Responses
Cheng-Wen Lin (Taiwan), Shih-Wen Li (Taiwan), Chia-Hua Chang (Taiwan)
Antibody Dependent Enhancement of SARS-CoV Infection is Mediated by the
Antibodies against Spike Proteins
Yi-Wei Hong (Taiwan), Yeh Chun-Sheng (Taiwan), Chen Yi-Ming Arthur (Taiwan),
Sheng-Fan Wang (Taiwan)
Seroprevalence of Hepatitis E Virus Infection in Hong Kong
Denise Chan (Hong Kong), Krystal Lee (Hong Kong), Horas Wong (Hong Kong)
Lipoprotein Lipase Liberates Free Fatty Acids Exerting Inhibitions of Hepatitis C Virus
Infection and Lipid Accumulation in Hepatocytes
Hung-Yu Sun (Taiwan), Pei-Ju Tsai (Taiwan), Chiung-Wen Tsao (Taiwan), Kung-Chia Young
Entecavir and Telbivudine Have Distinct Efficacies on the Restoration of Serum IgG
N-glycome in Patients with Liver Cirrhosis
ChengHsun Ho (Taiwan), ShuHui Chen (Taiwan), TingTsung Chang (Taiwan)
Virological Response to Switch to Tenofovir/lamivudine in HIV-infected Patients with
Hepatitis B Virus (HBV) Resistance to Lamivudine in a Hyperendemic Area for HBV
Kuan-Yeh Lee (Taiwan), Yi-Ching Su (Taiwan), Wen-Chun Liu (Taiwan), Wang-Huei Sheng
(Taiwan), Sui-Yuan Chang (Taiwan), Chien-Ching Hung (Taiwan)
The Experience of Determination of Genotypes of Hepatitis C Virus Using Abbott
RealTime HCV Genotype II Assay in a Taiwan Medical Center
Yi-Miao Yeh (Taiwan), Chi-Yung Lin (Taiwan), Chia-Chun Hsu (Taiwan), Fang-Yen Gon
(Taiwan), Su-Feng Kuo (Taiwan), Jen-Shiou Lin (Taiwan)
Low Prevalence of Hepatitis E Viral RNA in Retail Pig Livers, Pig Blood Curds and
Oysters in Hong Kong
Martin Chi-Wai Chan (Hong Kong), Paul K.S. Chan (Hong Kong)
Relative Low Hepatitis B Virus Resistance in Human Immunodeficiency Virus-1infected Patients under Lamivudine-based Antiretroviral Therapy
Yu-Ting Tseng (Taiwan), Hung-Chin Tsai (Taiwan), Pei-Yun Chou (Taiwan),
Susan Shin-Jung Lee (Taiwan)
The Roles of HBV Viral Proteins in HBV Persistence: A Study Using an HBV-persistent
Mouse Model
Chun-Ta Lin (Taiwan), Lih-Hwa Hwang (Taiwan), Shih-Hui Chen (Taiwan)
Investigating the Origin and Dissemination of Hepatitis B Virus Genotype C in East
Asia through Phylodynamic Analysis and Historical Correlates
Yu-Chen Lin (Taiwan), Marco Salemi (USA), Hsin-Fu Liu (Taiwan)
MicroRNA let-7b Negatively Regulated Hepatitis C Virus Infection
Yung-Ju Yeh (Taiwan), Ju-Chein Cheng (Taiwan), Hsien-Da Huang (Taiwan),
Ching-Ping Tseng (Taiwan)
Effectiveness of TDF+FTC Versus AZT+3TC in Real-world Clinical Practice – An
International Comparison
I-Heng Lee (Hong Kong), Dechao Wang (UK), Filipa Aragao (UK), Andrew Revell (UK)
Galectin-3 Promotes HIV-1 Cell-to-cell Transmission in T Cells through Up-regulating
GM1 Ganglioside in Lipid Raft
Sheng-Fan Wang (Taiwan), Chun-Sheng Yeh (Taiwan), Ching-Han Tsao (Taiwan),
Daniel Hsu (USA), Yi-Ming Chen (Taiwan), Huan-Yuan Chen (Taiwan),
Fu-Tong Liu (Taiwan)
Aspergillus Galactomannan Aantigenemia in a Human Immunodeficiency Virus
Infected Patient with Penicillium Marneffei Fungemi: A Case Report
Mei-Yu Su (Taiwan), Wen-Liang Yu (Taiwan), Chin-Ming Chen (Taiwan)
Antiretroviral Therapy (ART) Treatment-as-prevention Will Have Large Public Health
Impact Only If Out-of-care HIV+ Persons Are Reached in the Community and Enter
Medical Care
Jeffrey Allen Kelly (USA), Yuri Amirkhanian (USA), Michelle Broaddus (USA), Justin Rivas
(USA), Anna Kuznetsova (Russia), Anastasia Meylakhs (Russia)
Fatal Pneumonia Mixed with Fungus, Cytomegalovirus and Nontuberculous
Mycobacterium in a Human Immunodeficiency Virus-infected Patient
Wen-Liang Yu (Taiwan)
Prevalence of HIV-1 Transmitted Drug Resistance in Treatment-naïve HIV-infected VCT
Clients in Southern Taiwan, 2013-2014
Hung-Chin Tsai (Taiwan), I-Tzu Chen (Taiwan), Pei-Yun Chou (Taiwan), Yu-Hsin Chen
(Taiwan), Ya-Wei Weng (Taiwan), Kuan-Sheng Wu (Taiwan), Susan Shin-Jung Lee
(Taiwan), Yao-Shen Chen (Taiwan)
Survival and Risk Factor of AIDS-associated Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma in Taiwan
Yea-Yuan Chang (Taiwan), Wen-Wei Ku (Taiwan), Wing-Wai Wong (Taiwan), Chun-Yu Liu
(Taiwan), Yuan-Bin Yu (Taiwan), Chaun-Phon Fung (Taiwan)
Immunogenic Peptides from an Unusual H1N2 Human Variant Comparison against
Historical Sequences
Naomi Komadina (Australia), Sergio Quinones-Parra (Australia), Katherine Kedziereska
(Australia), James McCaw (Australia), Karin Leder (Australia), Jodie McVernon (Australia)
An Extract from Taxodium Distichum Targets Hemagglutinin- and Neuraminidaserelated Activities of Influenza Virus in Vitro
Chung-Fan Hsieh (Taiwan), Jin-Yuan Ho (Taiwan), Chwan-Fwu Lin (Taiwan),
Chun-Hsun Huang (Taiwan), Jim-Tong Horng (Taiwan)
Inhibition of Influenza A Virus Replication by a Mammalian Specific Small RNA
Sheng-Yu Huang (Taiwan)
Droplet Precautions Are Adequate for Protection of Healthcare Workers Managing
Mechanically Ventilated Patients with Severe Influenza
Dingyuan Alvin Wang (Singapore), Ramandeep Kaur Virk (Singapore),
Shobana Balasingam (Singapore), Dingyuan Alvin Wang (Singapore), October Sessions
(Singapore), Jason Phua (Singapore), Evelyn Koay (Singapore),
Paul Anantharajah Tambyah (Singapore)
Susceptible and Protective HLA Class I and Class II Alleles against Influenza-like Illness
and Its Complication in a Taiwanese Population
Chung-Guei Huang (Taiwan), Li-Ang Lee (Taiwan), Kuo-Chien Tsao (Taiwan), Shin-Ru Shih
Adaptation of Avian Influenza A (H6N1) Virus from Avian to Human Receptor-binding
Jianxun Qi (China)
To Study the Role of DC-SIGN and Autophage on H5N1 Infection of Immature
Dendritic Cells
Jason Huang (Taiwan), Chien-Chih Lee (Taiwan), Ching-Yu Huang (Taiwan)
Influenza A Virus NS1 Protein Targets Double Stranded RNA-binding Protein PACT to
Suppress Innate Antiviral Response
Chi Ping Chan (Hong Kong), Chun-Kit Yuen (Hong Kong), Sin-Yee Fung (Hong Kong),
Chun Kew (Hong Kong), Bo-Jian Zheng (Hong Kong), Kwok-Yung Yuen (Hong Kong),
Kin-Hang Kok (Hong Kong), Dong-Yan Jin (Hong Kong)
Mechanism by Which Rhubarb Suppresses Influenza Virus Replication at the Fusion/
Uncoating Stage
Ta-Jen Lin (Taiwan), Chwan-Fwu Lin (Taiwan), Jim-Tong Horng (Taiwan)
Phenotypic and Genetic Characterization of Avian Influenza H5N2 Viruses in Taiwan
Yao-Tsun Li (Taiwan), Hui-Ying Ko (Taiwan), Chang-Chun David Lee (Taiwan),
Ching-Yu Lai (Taiwan), Chuan-Liang Kao (Taiwan), Ching-Lai Yang (USA),
Won-Bo Wang (Taiwan), Chwan-Chuen King (Taiwan)
Phylogenetic Exploration of Nosocomial Transmission Chains of 2009 Influenza A/
H1N1 among Children Admitted at Red Cross War Memorial Children’s Hospital, Cape
Town, South Africa in 2011
Ziyaad Valley-Omar (South Africa), Fredrick Nindo (Kenya), Maanda Mudau
(South Africa), Florette Treurnicht (South Africa), Marvin Hsiao (South Africa),
Darren Martin (South Africa)
Preparation and Production of Influenza A/H7N9 Recombinant M1, M2, NS1, NS2 and
RNP Proteins for Development of Mouse Monoclonal Antibodies
Tung-Lin Chou (Taiwan), De-Chao Lu (Taiwan)
Preparation of the Navel H7N9 Influenza Virus Recombinant Hemagglutinin and
Neuraminidase and Generation of the Monoclonal Antibody Libraries for Laboratory
Diagnosis and Virological Surveillance
Kai-Ting Hsieh (Taiwan), Chia-Wei Weng (Taiwan)
HTLV-1 Tax Protein Suppresses Type I Interferon Production by Inhibiting IRF3
Chun-Kit Yuen (Hong Kong), Hei-Man Vincent Tang (Hong Kong), Dong-Yan Jin
(Hong Kong), Kin-Hang Kok (Hong Kong)
Clinical Manifestations of Pediatric Adenoviral Infection during 2010~2014
Ching-Fen Shen (Taiwan), Shih-Min Wang (Taiwan), Ching-Chuan Liu (Taiwan)
Socioeconomic Costs of Children <5 Years Admitted with Acute Respiratory Infections
in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Jamal I-Ching Sam (Malaysia), Nabeela Ahmad Jaafar (Malaysia), Li Ping Wong
(Malaysia), Yoke Fun Chan (Malaysia), Anna Marie Nathan (Malaysia),
Jessie de Bruyne (Malaysia)
Molecular Epidemiology of Common Respiratory Adenovirus Infection of Children in
Northern Taiwan Circulating between 2009 and 2013
Kuang-Liang Hsiao (Taiwan), Hsin Chi (Taiwan), Li-Chuan Weng (Taiwan),
Nan-Chang Chiu (Taiwan), Yu-Ying Chiu (Taiwan), Chang-Pan Liu (Taiwan),
Hsin-Fu Liu (Taiwan)
Identification of the Rare Recombination Event of Torque Teno Virus in Taiwan
Kuang-Liang Hsiao (Taiwan), Li-Yu Wang (Taiwan), Chiung-Ling Lin (Taiwan),
Yann-Jinn Lee (Taiwan), Hsin-Fu Liu (Taiwan)
Molecular Typing of Human Adenovirus Infection among Paediatric Patients in
Singapore from 2012 to 2014
Jieying Yeo (Singapore), Shiau Pheng Phuah (Singapore), Lin Cui (Singapore), Nancy Tee
(Singapore), Raymond Lin (Singapore)
Transcriptional Regulation Activities of EBV DNA Polymerase Processivity Factor
BMRF1 on Viral Gene Expression
Mei-Tzu Su (Taiwan), Ya-Ting Wang (Taiwan), Pei-Wen Yang (Taiwan), Mei-Ru Chen
Burden of Infection with Herpes Simplex Virus Type 2 amongst Low Risk Populations
in the Western Province of Sri Lanka
Narapity Pathirananehalage Sunil-Chandra (Sri Lanka), Lakmini Wijesooriya (Sri Lanka),
Jeevani Kumarage (Sri Lanka), Amali Jayasinghe (Sri Lanka), David W. Brown (UK)
A Novel Molecular Approach Applied to Enteroviruses Surveillance in Northern
Taiwan, 2008-2012
Wan-Yu Chung (Taiwan), Pai-Shan Chiang (Taiwan), Shu-Ting Luo (Taiwan),
Kuo-Chien Tsao (Taiwan), Min-Shi Lee (Taiwan)
Varying Sensitivities and Specificities of Different HEV IgM Commercial Kits Can Lead
to Erroneous Diagnosis of HEV Infection
Sook Yin Lui (Singapore), Siew Hoon Lim (Singapore), Chai Teng Tan (Singapore),
Yee Leng Lee (Singapore), Kwai Peng Chan (Singapore)
Viral Diagnosis of Unknown Pathogens by Using Next-generation Sequencing: A Study
of Human Parechovirus
Kuo-Chien Tsao (Taiwan), Yu-Nong Gong (Taiwan), Guang-Wu Chen (Taiwan),
Shu-Li Yang (Taiwan), Ching-Ju Lee (Taiwan), Shin-Ru Shih (Taiwan)
Evaluation and Routine Use of the Luminex Multicode-RTx HSV 1 and 2 Kit for Blood
in a Local Hospital
Ming-Jr Jian (Taiwan), Cherng-Lih Perng (Taiwan), Yi-Hui Wang (Taiwan), Xin-Yi Zhong
(Taiwan), Xiao-Wei Li (Taiwan), Shu-Rung Liao (Taiwan), Shi-Yi Li (Taiwan),
Tzong-Shi Chiueh (Taiwan)
Prevalence and Genotype Dstribution of Cytomegalovirus in Taiwanese Childbearing
Mother and Newborn
Chun Yi Lee (Taiwan), Kun Yi Lin (Taiwan), Tien Hui Chen (Taiwan), Yu Jiun Chan (Taiwan)
Coinfection of WU Polyomavirus and Norovirus Genogroup II in the Stool of Children
with Acute Gastroenteritis in Taiwan
Chia-Peng Yu (Taiwan), Chien-Hsien Chen (Taiwan)
Norovirus Infections Status among Patients with Diarrhea in Futian, Shenzhen,
Guangdong, 2012-2014
Hailong Zhang (China), Yaqing He (China), Hong Yang (China), Renli Zhang (China),
Xiangjie Yao (China), Long Chen (China), Jinquan Cheng (China)
Successful Therapy for Cytomegalovirus Gastritis: A Case Report
Mei-Yu Su (Taiwan), Wen-Liang Yu (Taiwan)
Cytomegalovirus Colitis Following Successful Therapy for Acute Respiratory Distress
Syndrome Possibly Caused by Mycobacterium Abscessus in an Aged Woman
Wen-Liang Yu (Taiwan)
Complicated Noroviral Infection and Assessment by a Mdified Vesikari Disease Score
System in Hospitalized Children
Chung-Chan Lee (Taiwan), Shih Yen Chen (Taiwan), Chi-Neu Tsai (Taiwan), Hsun-Ching
Chao (Taiwan), Cheng-Hsun Chiu (Taiwan)
Evodiamine Is a Broad-spectrum Enterovirus Replication Inhibitor That Targets the
Cellular Autophagy Pathway
Yi-Hsuan Chang (Taiwan), Hsin-Sheng Su (Taiwan), Szu-Hao Kung (Taiwan)
Inhibition of the Essential Enterovirus VP4 Myristoylation Is a Potential Anti-viral
Strategy for Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease
Yong Wah Tan (Singapore), Wan Jin Hong (Singapore), Justin Jang Hann Chu (Singapore)
Staufen1 Protein Modulates the EV71 Infection Cycle through Targeting the Viral RNA
Po-Ting Ou (Taiwan), Robert YL Wang (Taiwan)
Regulation of Enterovirus 71 Infection by Tumor Suppressor WW Domain-containing
Pei-Shiuan Chen (Taiwan), Shao-Han Liao (Taiwan), Li-Jin Hsu (Taiwan)
How Common Are Coxsackievirus A6 and Coxsackievirus A16 Compared to Enterovirus
71 Infections in Singapore? A Serological Study in Children and Adolescents, 20082010
Meng Chee Phoon (Singapore), Li Wei Ang (Singapore), Joanne Tay (Singapore),
Jung Pu Hsu (Singapore), Jeffery Cutter (Singapore), Lyn James (Singapore), Kee Tai Goh
(Singapore), Vincent Tak-Kwong Chow (Singapore)
Host miR-197 Plays a Negative Regulatory Role in the EV71 Infectious Cycle by
Targeting the RAN Protein
Wen Fang Tang (Taiwan), Ru Ting Huang (Taiwan), Jim Tong Horng (Taiwan)
Synergistic Antiviral Activity of Compound CW-33 and Type I Interferon against
Enterovirus A71
Ching-Ying Wang (Taiwan), Jin-Cherng Lien (Taiwan), Young-Sheng Chang (Taiwan),
Cheng-Wen Lin (Taiwan)
Differential Cytokine Profiles in Clinical Isolates of Various Causative Agents of Hand,
Foot and Mouth Disease
Fiona Mei Shan Teo (Singapore), Justin Jang Hann Chu (Singapore)
Sustained ER Stress Caused by EV71-induced Cytosolic Restraint of Grp78/Bip Is
Advantageous to Virus Infection
Jia-Rong Jheng (Taiwan), Jim-Tong Horng (Taiwan)
Association of Enterovirus 71 3C Protease Protein Activity with Clinical Feature
Hsuan-Yin Ma (Taiwan), Hsiu-Ming Shih (Taiwan), Chun-Yi Lu (Taiwan), Li-Min Huang
(Taiwan), Luan-Yin Chang (Taiwan)
The Phylogenetic Analysis of Enterovirus 68 in Taiwan
Shu-Li Yang (Taiwan), Pi-Yueh Chang (Taiwan), Yu-Nong Gong (Taiwan), Yi-Chun Liu
(Taiwan), Shin-Ru Shih (Taiwan), Kuo-Chien Tsao (Taiwan)
Prevalence of Polio and Non-polio Enteroviruses among the Children in Mongolia
Oyunbileg Janchiv (Mongolia), Ichinkhorloo Bonduush (Mongolia), Ali Kh (Mongolia),
Ariuntugs S (Mongolia), Sainjargal Zagd (Mongolia), Suvd Purev (Mongolia)
Immunization with Attenuated Salmonella-based Vaccine Vector for Influenza
Hemagglutinin Domain 1 Elicits Antigen-specific Cell-mediated Immune Response in
Broiler Chickens
Ivan YC Lin (Australia), Peter Smooker (Australia), Thi Thu Hao Van (Australia),
Baoli Zhu (China), George Fu Gao (China)
PACT- and RIG-I-dependent Activation of Type I Interferon Production by a Defectiveinterfering RNA Derived from Measles Virus Vaccine
Kin-Hang Kok (Hong Kong), Chun-Kit Yuen (Hong Kong), Ting-Hin Ho (Hong Kong),
Dong-Yan Jin (Hong Kong)
Development of Respiratory Syncytial Virus Vaccine Using HBc Virus-like Particles to
Induce Mucosal Immunity
Jen-Min Huang (Taiwan), Hsin Chi (Taiwan), Shih-Han Ke (Taiwan), Jin-Yi Cheng (Taiwan),
Ya-Hui Chi (Taiwan), Li-Min Huang (Taiwan)
Determining Vaccine Protection Potential for Dengue Virus Serotype 1: A Comparative
Descriptive Study of Non Structural Protein I
Indra Wicaksono (Indonesia)
Use of Recombinant Flagellin Enhances Hemagglutinin-specific Mucosal IgA
Production and IL-17 Secreting T Cells against H5N1 Avian Influenza Virus Infection
Suh-Chin Wu (Taiwan), Chih-Hsuan Lai (Taiwan), Neos Tang (Taiwan), Jia-Tsrong Jan
(Taiwan), Ming-Hsi Huang (Taiwan), Chun-Yi Lu (Taiwan), Bor-Luen Chiang (Taiwan),
Li-Min Huang (Taiwan)
Single Dose of an Adenovirus Vectored Mouse Interferon-α Protects Mice from
Lethal EV71 Challenge and Enhance the Production of Specific Anti-EV71 Neutralizing
Jialei Sun (Singapore), Jang Hann Justin Chu (Singapore), Jane Ennis (Canada),
Jeff Turner (Canada)
Immunogenicity of High-growth EV71 B5 Vaccines in Rabbit
Min-Yuan Chia (Taiwan), Wan-Yu Chung (Taiwan), Chun-Hsiung Wang (Taiwan),
Wei-Hau Chang (Taiwan), Min-Shi Lee (Taiwan)
The Mucosal and Systemic Immune Responses Elicits by a CpG-adjuvanted Intranasal
Enterovirus 71 Vaccine and Protects Mice against Lethal Challenge in Human SCARB2transgenic Mice
Yu-Li Lin (Taiwan), Szu-Min Hsieh (Taiwan), Yen-Hung Chow (Taiwan), Pei-Yun Cheng
(Taiwan), Hui-Ping Yuan (Taiwan), Bor-Leun Chiang (Taiwan)
The Chromatin Modification by SUMO-2/3 Prevents the Epigenetic Activation of
Immune-related Genes during Kaposi’s Sarcoma Associated Herpesvirus Reactivation
Wan-Shan Yang (Taiwan), Hung-Wei Hsu (Taiwan)
Prevalence of Human Papilloma Virus 16 and 18 in Thai Patients Suffering from Oral
Cavity and Oropharyngeal Squamous Cell Carcinoma
Suchada Suphanpayak (Thailand), Manus Potaporn (Thailand), Porn-Ake Apipan
(Thailand), Rungnapa Ittiwut (Thailand)
HCMV Infection Promote the Cell Proliferation and Migration in Colorectal Cancer
Derived-cell Lines
Wan Huai Teo (Taiwan), Hsin-Pai Chen (Taiwan), Chia-Lin Lee (Taiwan), Jason C Huang
(Taiwan), Yu-Jiun Chan (Taiwan)
Dengue Type Four Viruses with E-Glu345Lys Adaptive Mutation from MRC-5 Cells
Induce Low Viremia but Elicit Potent Neutralizing Antibodies in Rhesus Monkeys
Hsiao-Han Lin (Taiwan), Hsiang-Chi Lee (Taiwan), Xiao-Feng Li (China), Meng-Ju Tsai
(Taiwan), Hung-Ju Hsiao (Taiwan), Jia-Guan Peng (Taiwan), Shih-Che Sue (Taiwan),
Cheng-Feng Qin (China), Suh-Chin Wu (Taiwan)
Information on Taiwan
Climate and Clothing
Spring begins from March, and is the best time of the year to visit Taiwan, as the weather is pleasant and
cool. The average temperature is around 14 °C (58 °F) to 18 °C (65 °F). It generally feels warm during the
day; wearing a long-sleeve shirt is enough. In the early morning and evening, a light cardigan or jacket may
be needed. Carrying an umbrella is recommended.
Electricity and Water
Electricity in Taiwan is 110 Volts, alternating at 60 cycles per second. However, the shape of a socket varies
between countries, a portable plug adaptor may be necessary. The flat blade attachment plug is generally
Drinking water served at hotels and restaurants is distilled or boiled. Tap water is suggested to be boiled
before drinking.
Time Zone
Taiwan is 8 hours ahead of Greenwich Mean Time (GMT).
Currency and Bank
Taiwan’s currency is the New Taiwan dollar (NT$). Foreign currencies can be exchanged at hotels, airports
and banks. Major credit cards (Visa, Master, JCB, AMEX) are widely accepted, and traveler’s checks may be
accepted by tourist-oriented shops and at most international tourist hotels and banks. Banks operates
from 09:00 to 15:30, Monday through Friday and closed on weekends and public holidays.
While trains and high speed rails are regarded as the fastest public transportations between cities in Taiwan,
taxi and buses offer local transport services in most cities. At Taipei and Kaohsiung, MRT (Mass Rapid
Transit) connects the main shopping, entertainment and business areas of the city and is the most
convenient way to get around.
The most popular foreign language in Taiwan is English, which is part of the regular school curriculum.
However, it is advisable to prepare a note with your destination written in Chinese when travelling.
Tipping is not customary in most of places in Taiwan but consumer taxes are included with the price tag.
There will be 10% or 15% extra charge of tax or service fee in all four-, five-star hotels and some of high-end
restaurants, which applies to the accommodations and food.
Useful Numbers
Taiwan Taoyuan International Airport
Tourism Bureau
Bureau of ConsularAffairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Tel: +886-3-398-3728
Tel: +886-2-2349-1500
Tel: +886-2-2343-2888
Tel: 119/110