LMS Imagine.Lab Amesim Student Edition

Siemens PLM Software
LMS Imagine.Lab Amesim Student Edition
Providing tomorrow’s engineers with industry-leading system simulation technology
• Gain access to multi-domain
system simulation software
used in industry
• Prepare for the job market
by learning industry-leading
system design technology
• Rapidly complete engineering academic projects
• Easily perform design
analysis of students’
engineering ideas
• Take advantage of LMS
Amesim for student team
projects or homework
Engineering students must be prepared for
today’s job market challenges. Like multibody simulation, finite element or
computational fluid dynamics (CFD) analysis, a model-based systems engineering
(MBSE) approach, such as has become complementary to traditional approaches
requested by industrial companies. LMS
Imagine.Lab AmesimTM software for multidomain system simulation is used by most
original equipment manufacturers (OEMs)
and suppliers in the automotive, aerospace,
industrial machinery and other advanced
industries. So mastering LMS Amesim may
help you embark on an engineering career.
By offering the LMS Amesim Student
Edition, Siemens PLM Software is supporting education by investing in tomorrow’s
engineers and helping create the future
workforce for Siemens PLM Software and
our partners and customers.
Students using the LMS Amesim Student
Edition will be able to complete homework
and team projects faster, while delivering
accurate simulation results. Also, they will
be able to more flexibly test and analyze all
their engineering ideas. As a result, LMS
Amesim Student Edition becomes a real ally
for educational success.
LMS Imagine.Lab Amesim Student Edition
• Free version of LMS
Amesim, which is easy to
download using the
application form on our
• Open platform for multidomain system design and
controls validation
• Ready-to-use validated LMS
Amesim libraries:
mechanical, signal,
hydraulic, pneumatic,
thermal and electrics
• Demonstrations on how to
easily get started with
• Set of analysis tools: linear
analysis, batch runs, power
and energy calculations
• Combination of native LMS
Amesim and Modelica
capabilities as part of a
unique platform
Delivering world-class industrial
How can engineering students easily balance product performance in an intelligent
system? And how can they achieve optimized designs?
With the current drive for smarter and more
environmentally-friendly products, engineering innovation has taken on new
meaning. Engineers are facing a paradigm
shift whereby the mechanics, electronics
and software in a new design are simultaneously optimized as an integrated
mechatronics system. Hence, simulation
has proven to be the right answer to reduce
the number of prototypes, as well as project development time and costs.
By offering students a free version of LMS
Amesim, Siemens PLM Software is taking a
leading role in promoting engineering
Working hand-in-hand with students to
boost results
Using the LMS Amesim Student Edition simplifies multi-domain system integration by
enabling students to connect validated
components. It includes mechanical, signal,
hydraulic, pneumatic, thermal and electrics
libraries. Components in these libraries are
based on the analytical representation of
physical phenomena. They can be directly
executed using LMS Amesim solvers.
Therefore, LMS Amesim Student Edition helps
save enormous amounts of time by eliminating the need for extensive programming.
Getting started with MBSE is no longer an
issue. LMS Amesim provides interactive
help consisting of dedicated demonstrations to enable you to easily get started
with physical analysis. It also provides a
comprehensive set of methods, representations and animation capabilities that help
you analyze your system.
Moreover, LMS Amesim Student Edition
comes with a full set of analysis tools. They
help you explain system behavior and highlight dynamics. Therefore, you can adapt
the required level of modeling to get the
most accurate time and frequency domains.
Examples of analysis tools include linear
analysis, power and energy analysis tools
and batch runs.
In addition, LMS Amesim Student Edition
provides scripting facilities that enable you
to control LMS Amesim with Matlab,
Python, Visual Basic Application or Scilab.
This open platform allows you to take full
advantage of the powerful, object-oriented
nature of Modelica® as a modeling language. Therefore, you can develop,
improve and re-use modeling libraries to
describe multi-domain dynamic systems
based on your libraries or other available
Extending value for
educational purposes
In addition to LMS Amesim
Student Edition, Siemens
PLM Software offers the
LMS Imagine.Lab Amesim
Educational Bundle,
which is designed to be
used in classrooms and
laboratories. Specially
conceived for universities,
it delivers an even wider
range of LMS Amesim
System requirements
• Windows XP (64-bit), Windows Vista or
Windows 7 (32-bit or 64-bit)
• Most Intel and compatible 32-bit or 64bit (x64) processors
• Following processors are not supported:
Intel Itanium 1 and 2
• At least one gigabyte (GB) of random
access memory (RAM) is recommended
for LMS Amesim only
• One GB of disk space is required for
• A PDF reader
Siemens PLM Software
+1 314 264 8499
+32 16 384 200
Asia-Pacific +852 2230 3308
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