
19th April 2011
MGIS 301
Instructor: Deniz Aksen, Ph.D.
Koç University
Name :
QUIZ #2: (20+2) pts, 20 min
For the following questions mark A for true, and B for false on your answer sheet. Each question is
worth 0.5 point.
Off-the-shelf application software consists of specific software programs developed and tailored for a particular
client company by a software vendor.
a) True b) False
2. Hosted CRM and on-premise CRM mean more or less the same thing. In both of them the CRM
software is hosted on the own server of the buyer that wants to use it.
a) True b) False
3. The hard disk capacity from 1980 to date has shown a steady and linear growth.
a) True b) False
4. If you cannot open an MS-Word 2007 document in MS-Word 2010 (which never occurs according to
Microsoft), then this situation is called backward inscalability.
a) True b) False
5. Nokia cell phones will be using Microsoft’s Windows Phone 7 cell operating system in the future.
a) True b) False
6. The best password choice for an individual Internet user is the one which she or he remembers the
most easily.
a) True b) False
7. Some query / search functions in MS-Excel are LOOKUP(),VLOOKUP() and HLOOKUP().
a) True b) False
8. Finally in MS-Excel 2010, there is no need to sort the left-most column (or, the top row) of a lookup
table in ascending order that is referred to inside a LOOKUP(), HLOOKUP(), or VLOOKUP()
function to find an approximate match.
a) True b) False
Write short and sharp answers to the following questions. Show all your work and reasoning in the
C:\Documents and Settings\daksen\My Documents\Teaching\MGIS 301\Spring 2011\Spring2011-Quiz2-A.docx
19th April 2011
MGIS 301
Instructor: Deniz Aksen, Ph.D.
Koç University
9. Remember Moore’s Law of Computer Processor Technology (thus, processor speed) and Jakob Nielsen’s Law
of Bandwidth. Express Nielsen’s Law of Bandwidth in terms of Moore’s Law of Processor Speed, i.e., find out
the number of months it takes the available bandwidth to double with the bandwidth price (iInternet
connection fee) staying the same.
To paraphrase the question: Available bandwidth doubles every _________________ months. Fill in the blank!
You are expected to show all your work and to find a closed-form formula to get full credit. This implies that
you actually do not need a calculator to answer this question.
(3 pts)
10. Give an open-source application example for each of the following software types.
(3 pts)
a. Email Client:
b. Courseware:
c. Operating System:
d. Web browser:
e. Office Automation Suite:
CRM Suite:
C:\Documents and Settings\daksen\My Documents\Teaching\MGIS 301\Spring 2011\Spring2011-Quiz2-A.docx
19th April 2011
MGIS 301
Instructor: Deniz Aksen, Ph.D.
Koç University
Exhibit 1
Wrong use of the VLOOKUP formula
A lookup table with 3 columns and 10 rows has been created to store the IDs, departments, and letter grades of 10
students as shown in Error! Reference source not found.. You want to query the information about a given
student whose ID is "138660" as seen in cell H27. After these preparations you type a formula by using the
VLOOKUP function of MS-Excel and then press "ENTER" to see the result of it. Finally in order to be sure about
the result of the formula you just go to "Student ID" column of the "Lookup Table" (Column B) and browse the
ID "138660" used in the formula.
But surprise! Even if the formula is logically true, it does not give the true solution. What was your fault? What
should have been the correct formulae to be typed in cells G30 and H30?
(2 pts)
HINT: VLOOKUP(lookup_value,table_array,col_index_num,[range_lookup])
C:\Documents and Settings\daksen\My Documents\Teaching\MGIS 301\Spring 2011\Spring2011-Quiz2-A.docx
19th April 2011
MGIS 301
Instructor: Deniz Aksen, Ph.D.
Koç University
Exhibit 2
As you know, two-way tables allow us to vary two inputs, one along the row and one along the column, and
calculate one output in the body of the table. The above example illustrates this, where the row input and column
input both vary, and a single output (namely, monthly payment) is calculated.
Now, you asked to specify both the "row input cell" and the "column input cell" of the monthly payment data
table by giving the addresses of those cells (such as A1) in the Table window as shown in Exhibit 2. Which cell
addresses are you going to specify for the row input cell and for the column input cell?
(2 pts)
Both of the two cell addresses must be absolute addresses. One will contain the annual interest rate and the other
will contain the down payment
Row input cell:?
Column input cell=?
13. How many bits does 1 TERABYTE (TB) of data comprise? Be exact in your answer. Don’t give an
approximate answer!
(1 pts)
C:\Documents and Settings\daksen\My Documents\Teaching\MGIS 301\Spring 2011\Spring2011-Quiz2-A.docx
19th April 2011
MGIS 301
Instructor: Deniz Aksen, Ph.D.
Koç University
14. What are some possible disadvantages of open-source software (disadvantages of OpenOffice in
particular) as argued by Microsoft, who is the developer of the world’s best-selling office automation
software suite? Count and explain at least two disadvantages . Don’t expect full credit for an
disadvantage left unexplained.
(2 pts)
Each of the following questions has five or more choices only one of which corresponds to the correct
answer. Mark the appropriate answer on your answer sheet. Each question is worth 1 point.
15. Which of the following is not a Web browser application in the browser market of the world?
a) Google Chrome
d) Microsoft Internet Explorer 9 from Bill Gates
b) Sapphire for MacOS X
e) Opera 11.10 from Norway
c) Mozilla FireFox 3. 6
(1 pt)
16. Arrange in the correct sequence, from biggest towards smallest:
exabyte – petabyte – terabyte – gigabyte – megabyte – kilobyte
petabyte – terabyte – gigabyte – exabyte – megabyte – kilobyte
megabyte – gigabyte – terabyte – petabyte – Exabyte
terabyte – gigabyte – megabyte – petabyte – kilobyte – byte
gigabyte – terabyte – megabyte – kilobyte – byte – bit
C:\Documents and Settings\daksen\My Documents\Teaching\MGIS 301\Spring 2011\Spring2011-Quiz2-A.docx
19th April 2011
MGIS 301
Instructor: Deniz Aksen, Ph.D.
Koç University
17. Which of the following situations is an example for incompatibility between two software products?
(a) The celebrated PC game "Counter Strike:Condition Zero" cannot be played under the vintage operating
system MS-Windows 95.
(b) Huge data files compressed with WinRAR 3.40 cannot be opened (uncompressed) with WinZip 8.0.
(c) You cannot read or write on a 750 MB ZIP disk in a 250 MB Iomega ZIP drive.
(d) a) and b)
(e) All of a), b) and c)
18. The secondary storage device with the greatest storage capacity is:
SD (Secure Digital) chip based memory cards
CF (compact flash) chip based memory cards
Micro SD chip based memory cards
XD chip based memory cards
Double-layer DVD+R
External hard disk drives plugged in the USB 2.0 or FireWire ports of a computer.
Flash memory (a.k.a. pen drive / jump drive / thumb drive)
19. When the first MP3 players came out (for example: Rio Diamond), they had only 32 MB built-in memory.
Now Apple iPods, Apple nano iPods, Creative and Samsung MP3 players etc. offer 40-60 GB storage
capacity—virtually endless streaming of your MP3 song files.
A similar phenomenon has been observed with chip based cards such as multimedia cards (MMC) and secure
digital cards (SD and micro SD). Now Extremem III SDHC cards of SanDisk can offer up to 16 GB capacity
in devices of consumer electronics.
Also USB flash memory drives have gone a long way in their storage capacity. Do you remember the first USB
1.0 pen drives of just 16 MB? SanDisk introduced in May 2007 a brand-new model called Cruzer®
Contour™ USB Flash Drive with 8 GB storage capacity in your jean pocket! These rapidly occurring
events in secondary portable storage devices indicate which of the following?
(a) Moore's Law which is interpreted today as the doubling of CPU performance every 18 months.
(b) Gates' Law which states that software's speed halves every 18 months
(c) Murphy's Law which is due Edward A. Murphy, Jr., one of the engineers on the rocket-sled experiments
that were done by the U.S. Air Force in 1949 to test human acceleration.
(d) Parkinson's Law of Data according to which data expands to fill in the space available
(e) Jakob Nielsen’s Law of Bandwidth which states that a high-end user's connection speed grows by 50% per
C:\Documents and Settings\daksen\My Documents\Teaching\MGIS 301\Spring 2011\Spring2011-Quiz2-A.docx