Selah School District Content Ouline: Literacy 8th Grade Timeline Semester 1 Semester 2 Elements of Literature Selections Flowers for Algernon Strange and Unusual--The Landlady, The Monkey's Paw, The Tell-Tale Heart The Medicine Bag/The Moustache/The Wise Old Woman/ "I Have a Dream" The Power of Nonviolence The Diary of Anne Frank A Trajedy Revealed Walking with Living Feet Camp Harmony Reading Comprehension Instructional Strategies (using the Reading Apprenticeship Framework) Personal Dimension Social Dimension Cognitive Dimension Knowledge-Building Dimension Annotation Small Group Discussion Chunking the Text Graphic Organizers Reflective Journaling Annotation Small Group Discussion Chunking the Text Graphic Organizers Reflective Journaling Reading Targets/Comprehension Skills LC/IC01 Main Idea LC/IC02 Summarize LC/IC03 Infer or predict LC/IC04 Vocab LA/IA05 Lit/Text Elements LA/IA06 Compare/Contrast LA/IA07 Cause and Effect LA/IA08 Usefulness of Resources LT/IT09 Author's Purpose LT/IT10 Evaluate ideas/themes LT/IT11 Extend info Other Selected Works (Novels) LC/IC01 Main Idea (all) LC/IC02 Summarize (Mango) LC/IC Infer/predict (all) LC/IC04 Vocab (all) LA/IA05 Lit/Text Elements (all) LT/IT09 Author's Purpose(Giver) LA/IA06 Comp/Cont (Mango, S&U) LA/IA07 Cause/Effect (FFA) LA/IA08 Use-Res (S&U) LT/IT09 Author's Purp (all) LT/IT10 Eval ideas/themes (all) LT/IT11 Extend (all) House on Mango Street Various articles relating to social/cultural issues and community service The Giver Various related articles (current utopias, surveillance, "The Unknown Citizen") FLOWERS FOR ALGERNON (FFA) deterioration invariably introspective obscure tangible regression refute verify STRANGE and UNUSUAL (SU) facade congenial tantalizing emanate acute vexed refrained wary suavity audacity vehemently derision GIVER acquisition obsolete chastise meticulously transgression aptitude adherence nurture relinquish FFA - Brain research articles SU - taxidermy article Mango - Gingko and Willow Articles of the Week (Kelly Gallagher) Various related articles LA/IA01 Main Idea (all) LA/IA06 Compare/Contrast (Anne, Outsiders) LC/IC02 Summarizing (all) LT/IT09 Author's Purpose (Anne, Living Feet) LA/IA07 Cause/Effect (all) LA/IA08 Analyse Usefullness of Resources (Anne) LT/IT10 Eval/ ideas/themes (all) LA/IA05 Lit/Text Elements (all) LA/IA5B Text Features (Anne) Essential Vocabulary (Academic) Supplemental Instructional Resources The Outsiders Related articles relating to WWII and gang violence ANNE fortify gingerly inarticulate indignantly appalled disgruntled remorse conspicuously forlorn ostentatiously OUTSIDERS gallant editorial sarcasm contempt elude vital conformity hence acquitted vague Various related articles Articles of the Week Assessment Screening Formative Common Grade Level Assessments Material/Plans for Strategic and Intensive Intervention Writing Screening and Benchmark: Easy CBM Carl's Lawn Care Elements of Literature Literary Vocabulary (Mango cards) Screening and Benchmark: Easy CBM Nurses in the Wilderness Stand-Alone Items (compilation) Testing Literary Vocabulary Audio stories from Elements of Lit. available on web Pre-annotated texts Teacher led annotations Spanish copies avaiable (when possible) The Giver - cassette tape (and in Spanish) Pre-annotated texts, Spanish copies avaiable (when possible) Teacher led annotions Reader's Theatre FFA -expository essay re:self learning, Mango - vignette Review topic sentence/supporting detail in paragraphs Thesis statements in introduction Elaboration strategies Persuasive Writing Unit Poetry Analysis Literary Devices Reflective Writing