MOCK INTERVIEWS: Do not fear this learning opportunity! We expect participation, not perfection. University Supervisors have been divided into three interview panels. University Supervisors have been assigned interview topics about which they will ask questions. Each interview panel has University Supervisors assigned for every interview topic. Student teachers will be assigned to a table, where you will remain for the duration. University Supervisors will ask questions and provide feedback on responses. Not all student teachers may be asked all questions. University Supervisors will rotate until most topics have been covered in the allotted time. Come prepared for your best attempt and receive real-world tips to improve interview skills. Do not worry unnecessarily. This is a tool to help you, not stress you out in any way. INTERVIEW TOPICS: o o o o o o o o o o Behavior Management Current Issues (teacher accountability, student achievement, merit pay, etc.) Curriculum Data Driven Decision Making (grading, assessment, SOLs) Diversity/Special Education Instructional Techniques Personal Characteristics/Dispositions You Bring to Teaching Professional Issues (evaluation, working with colleagues, etc.) Technology Working with Parents and Community SAMPLE QUESTIONS: How would you set up a classroom for optimal learning? You are assigned a class with ten special education students. 8 are LD, 1 is ED and 1 is ADHD. Explain what seating arrangement you will use and justify the arrangement. What are three strategies for working with parents or community members that you would put in place as a first year teacher? Please tell us about yourself and why you decided to become a teacher. How would you plan assessment to guide instruction and measure learning outcomes? Professionally, where do you see yourself in ten years? Accountability has become a very recent watchword in education. What does this term mean to you as you enter the teaching profession? How would you evaluate the effectiveness of technology in your lesson plans?