Insights to ISU's Dietetic Internship

Fall 2009
Insights to ISU’s Dietetic Internship
Inside this issue:
First Year Interns
Second Year Interns
Diabetes Camp
Fall Semester Activities 7
Pot Lucks!
A message from the Program Director
Fall 2009 has brought many positive changes
to the Illinois State University Dietetic
Internship Program. In accordance with the
2008 Eligibility Requirements and
Accreditation Standards, the Dietetic
Internship at ISU will no longer have a
„General‟ emphasis. The new concentration
area, entitled “Leadership and Project
Management”, was implemented August
2009. With a focus on managing the
activities for National Nutrition Month, the
corresponding competencies for the new
concentration area follow:
1. Read an approved book and research
articles about management styles and write a
personal reflection
2. Reflect on management styles of preceptors
through a rotation journal
3. Design and implement community activities
for National Nutrition Month
Interesting Facts about
ISU DI Interns:
Two 2nd year interns got
married in 2009!
Three 2nd year interns are
writing a thesis
All 10 Ist year interns are
writing a thesis
One 1st year just ran the
Chicago Marathon
4. Evaluate effectiveness of National Nutrition
Month project
5. Demonstrate leadership through National
Nutrition Month project
It is an exciting time in the internship program
as we develop a new rotation schedule with
an additional week at all Foodservice
Management and Community rotation sites,
increasing the clinical rotation from 4 to 5
days per week, as well as expanding the
interns‟ clinical rotation at Memorial
Medical Center an additional week. The
new rotation schedule will be
implemented May 2010.
Another change this fall was the
Department of Family & Consumer
Sciences‟ temporary move out of Turner
Hall. Turner Hall will be closed for one
year during life-safety renovations. This
move has placed faculty in a temporary
office building and the 1st-year interns into
new Graduate Assistant offices near the
Bone Student Center. With the nice fall
weather, we have enjoyed the university
life on the Quad, and hopefully the winter
weather will treat us well!
We welcomed 10 new interns in August to
the program. You can read more about the
Class of 2011 on page 2. The 2nd year
interns are finishing their fall rotations and
three of them are completing theses. You
can read updates on the Class of 2010 on
page 4.
We look forward to an exciting year
implementing the new Leadership and
Project Management concentration. Thank
you for your continued support and
interest in the internship.
-Dr. Julie Raeder Schumacher
How to get involved online:
-Become a member of the ISU Dietetic Internship Facebook group. Search for "ISU Dietetic
Interns." This is a great way to connect with alumni of the program, current interns, post job
announcements, and share pictures from internship experiences.
-Participate in the monthly online journal club discussion at
Each month an intern will facilitate discussion of a current JADA article.
Healthy Eating Tip: Set a goal of trying one new fruit or vegetable every week
Page 2
First Year Interns!
Melanie Pavolic
Anna Taylor
Melanie was born in Quincy, Illinois. She
attended Western Illinois University
where she received her Bachelor‟s
Degree in Dietetics. Her mother has
always been fascinated with nutrition and
cooking and she has her to thank for
creating her foundation and passion for
nutrition. She lives and breathes dietetics
and is interested in working in a clinical
setting. In the future she hopes to earn
her PhD in dietetics and teach at a large
university, maybe ISU!
Anna is from Toledo, Ohio. She graduated from Bowling Green State University
with a major in Dietetics and a minor in Health Promotion. She is working as a
grad assistant for Mary Kay Holloway, RD at the Community Cancer Center and
absolutely loves it! She spends her free time running or biking on the
Constitution Trail, cooking and reading. You can often find her on campus, in
the kitchen or at the library!
Sarah Gervais
Bethany Harris
Bethany is a born and raised Bloomingtonite and completed her undergraduate degree at Illinois State University. Because of these experiences
she realized that ISU is definitely the place for her. After completing the
Master‟s program and the dietetic internship she plans on passing the RD
exam, fingers crossed, and pursuing a clinical career with a preference
towards long term care. She is very excited to start rotations and explore
the variety of dietetic areas.
Sarah grew up in Brainerd, Minnesota
where she was raised with her two
brothers and sister. She went to
college at the College of Saint
Benedict in central Minnesota. Her
hobbies include cooking, exercising,
reading and spending time with
friends. She is interested in clinical
nutrition and health and wellness, and
her dream job would be working in
the NICU as an RD. She is very excited
to start rotations in May.
Top Left: Melanie, Anna, Sarah G., Amy, Liz, Sarah U.
Bottom Left: Kara, Rose, Meredith, Bethany
Page 3
...More First Years!
Liz Jaeschke
Liz is from Morris, IL and has resided
there her entire life. She completed
her undergraduate degree at Illinois
State University and is excited to be
spending an additional two years
here! She loves to cook anything and
everything and especially enjoys
baking. In her free time, she loves to
run as well. She is eager to begin
rotations and is hoping they will lead
her to her dream job.
Amy Melton
Meredith Eley
Meredith is from Virginia Beach, VA,
and completed her undergraduate
degree at Virginia Tech in
Blacksburg, VA. She enjoys cooking,
traveling and spending time with
friends and family. Three words to
describe her are fun, laid back and
creative. Her dream job would be
teaming up with her brother, who is a
chiropractor in Florida, and creating a
wellness center. Meredith is excited
to be at ISU, pursuing her dream of
becoming a RD!
Amy grew up in Petersburg, IL and
moved to Springfield, IL in 2008. She
received her Bachelor‟s degree in
Dietetics from Western Illinois
University. She loves concerts,
traveling, and cooking! She has a new
dream job every month and
networking has really helped to find
out about possible careers. She is
interested in beginning her career as
a Registered Dietitian in a hospital
setting and plans to broaden her
horizons and explore other options
during rotations.
Sarah Udell
Sarah is from Liberty, Missouri and
earned her Bachelor‟s degree in
Dietetics from Missouri State University
in Springfield, MO. Sarah is married to
the love of her life, Joshua, who will be
moving up to Illinois to join her in
December. Sarah loves to travel, play
tennis, dance, and loves talking and
learning about anything nutrition! Once
completing her internship, Sarah is
excited to see where her experiences
take her but she eventually plans to
move back to Missouri to be closer to her
Turner Hall is being
Rose Morris
Rose grew up in Racine, WI and
attended the University of WisconsinStevens Point for her undergrad. Before
coming to ISU, she worked for a year as
a Diet Clerk in a hospital kitchen where
she coordinated patient meal orders
and assured adherence to the diet
plans. After completion of the dietetic
internship, Rose will take the registration exam to become a Registered
Dietitian. She is interested in clinical
dietetics and would eventually like to work
with Renal Dialysis or Oncology patients.
Kara Witz
Kara grew up in Johnsburg, Illinois. She completed her undergraduate degrees in
Foods, Nutrition, and Dietetics and Psychology at Bradley University in Peoria, Illinois.
Kara enjoys reading, working out, camping, and spending time with her family,
friends, and boyfriend. She loves to cook and is learning from the Food Network! She
chose ISU because of the well-balanced program and the variety of areas it
encompasses. Kara hopes to work as a Registered Dietitian in a wellness or weight
loss clinic in the Chicagoland area in the future.
remodeled this year so the
new interns have gotten to
experience other buildings
on campus while anxiously
waiting for the grand
Page 4
Second Year Interns!
Anna Jurmann
Rachel Johanek
Anna is from Joliet, IL and an alum of Illinois State
University. She is interested in almost all areas of
dietetics, especially the community aspect. Even
though Anna loves the challenge that comes with
working in a Clinical setting, she would prefer to
work in a smaller setting, focusing on wellness and
disease prevention. Anna states that the friendships
she made while completing this program are
irreplaceable and the faculty is extremely
Rachel is currently in the middle of her clinical rotations,
with her primary site located at OSF-St. Joseph's Medical
Center in Bloomington. She's enjoying meeting different
people as she works with them to meet their nutritional
goals, whether its eating more protein to help with
wound healing, the ins and outs of a cardiac diet, or
learning the basics of carbohydrate counting. All the
dietitians are great teachers and are helping Rachel put
her education into practice. She's looking forward to the
challenges of calculating TPN and tube feeding needs,
which is the next big hurdle while at St. Joseph. Soon
she'll be spending a few weeks at both Decatur Memorial
and Memorial Methodist Hospitals to finish off her clinical
Stephanie Hyett
Steph has finished her community
and food service rotations and is
currently working overtime on her
thesis. She has loved all rotations,
but school food service has been
her favorite. She has learned
endless amounts about being an
R.D. but more importantly, about
how to be a good manager, boss,
and person.
Alison Geyer
Alison is currently finishing up her last few weeks of her clinical
rotations. She has been extremely busy at BroMenn, but has really
enjoyed her time there. Since her youngest just went off to college for his
freshman year, she was happy to keep busy with rotations! She is looking
forward to her community sites after the holidays.
Melissa Schumacher
Melissa has just finished up her
foodservice rotation at ISU
Campus Dining and is looking
forward to a little break to
spend time with her new
husband. She loved her
community rotation at the
Decatur Wellness Center and
hopes she can pursue
community as an R.D.!
Steph H
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….More Second Years!
Jennifer Vassiliou
Steph N
This summer she started her
rotations with foodservice at DMH
and CDS and now is in her clinical
rotation at DMH. Next she‟s at
Memorial Medical Center in
Springfield, followed by OSF and
her community rotations. Her
favorite aspect of this program is
all the networking she gets to do
with other nutrition professionals.
She enjoys being able to see the
differences in RD practices based
on personality.
Stephanie Nelson
Nicole Herrmann
Nicole obtained her undergraduate degree from
Northern Illinois University. She was beyond
thrilled when she found that she had gotten into the
internship/Master's degree program in April 2008
here at ISU. It has been an amazing experience.
She has completed her community and foodservice
internship rotations. She has really enjoyed all of
the variety. This internship has offered wonderful
opportunities to work with the various areas of
dietetics to see where she would like to start her
career. She can't wait to see what the clinical
rotations have in store for her!
Steph has completed foodservice rotations at both
District 87 schools and OSF St. Joseph Medical Center. She really liked foodservice, especially school
foodservice. It was really interesting to see the
differences, and there are many, between foodservice in the school setting and the hospital setting!
She also got to do a weeklong rotation at Diabetes
Camp, which was wonderful! Spending a week with
13 young boys with diabetes really gave her a whole
new appreciation for the disease as well as the
people living with it. Her fellow interns are wonderful
people, and she feels so lucky to have met them all!
Shelby Miller
Originally from Peoria, Shelby has really enjoyed her time
(and commute) to Proctor Hospital in Peoria for her clinical
rotation. Although she is hopefully community bound, she has
really learned a lot from her clinical sites and has enjoyed
counseling patients one on one. She is looking forward to her
community sites next spring, while also trying to complete her
Erin Spenner
Erin began her rotations at the Community
Cancer Center and really enjoyed her first
placement. Since then she has been at WIC
and two food service rotations. In her
previous life at U of I she worked in food
service, so she really enjoyed comparing
how all the sites do things differently. All the
thought that goes into a school lunch amazes
Page 6
2nd year interns spent one week in the middle of July at Diabetes Camp in Monticello,
Illinois. Each intern was given a cabin with children aged 8-16 years old. It was a wonderful
experience to live, eat, and breathe diabetes. It gave all of interns a great opportunity to
work with diabetes individually, planning meals, carbohydrate counting, and calculating
insulin. With such great kids at camp, it was a lot of fun while learning!
2nd years pictured with OSF Dietetic Interns.
Central Illinois Interns unite!
“For 32 years, Camp Granada, a
residential camp, has been bringing
children with diabetes the
opportunity to meet other children
with diabetes in a medically safe,
supervised environment. “
Beach night and Dance night are
always a big hit with the kids.
Page 7
Fall Semester Activities
All 10 first year interns occupy a grad assistantship and many are working with ISU professors
in the department of Family and Consumer Sciences. Many of their tasks include grading papers, helping develop assignments and exams, teaching class and pretty much being available
to ease the load of all the work the professors put into this university.
Anna Taylor is very fortunate in being able to help out Mary Kay Holloway, RD, LDN
and the Normal, IL Community Cancer Center. She has been able to gain much
experience working with oncology cases and community nutrition. Some of her
experiences so far this semester include: planning cooking classes using foods
found to be hopeful in reducing the incidence and recurrence rates of cancer,
working with reNew, a support group for women with breast cancer and helping out
at the health fair at State Farm Insurance in September.
All though the Ist year interns have not yet
Three of the 1st year interns are working
with Karen Watt RD, LDN at Hopedale
Medical Complex this fall. They are
volunteering to help update nutritional
handouts, teach a nutrition class each
month to the children at Christian Life
Academy and in December they will be
teaching a heart healthy class at the
Wellness Center using cooking demos and
holiday meal ideas.
started their internship, they have been
keeping busy with other dietetic related
Page 8
ISU Dietetic Interns LOVE pot lucks!
Our Favorite Pot Luck Ideas and Recipes
Bachelorette Party
All foods must start with a B or P
Stand out items:
Pretzel salad
Finger Foods
Everyone brings something to be enjoyed
without utensils!
Stand out items:
Pork Burritos
Cocktail wieners and meatballs
Panzanella Salad
Jell-O Gigglers
Mini Sandwiches
Chips and Guacamole
Pretzel Salad Recipe
Bottom Layer-
2 Cups crushed pretzels
3/4 Cup melted butter
Who says breakfast foods can‟t be served
for dinner?
1 Tbsp sugar
Stand out items:
Bake at 350 F for 8 minutes. Let cool
Breakfast casserole
Middle Layer-
Cinnamon muffins
8 oz cream cheese
12 oz cool whip
1 cup sugar
Mix together until smooth . Spread over cooled
pretzel crust
Top Layer2 pkg. small strawberry Jello
2 cups boiling water
20 oz frozen, sliced strawberries
Stir together until Jello is dissolved. Refrigerate
until it begins to gel but do not allow to solidify.
Pour over the 2nd layer. Refrigerate until set.
Serve and enjoy!
Fruit Salad