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VO LU M E 1 I S SU E 6 S e p t e m b e r 2 0 1 3
A Conversation
Quiet Leadership
To realize the great and positive impact women have had – and are having - in Kansas
City, you need only mention names like Adele Hall, Beth Smith, Mamie Hughes, and
Julia Irene Kauffman. They are, of course, just four of KC’s many outstanding women
leaders – and are four of the exceptional women who have received the KC Chamber’s
The ATHENA Awards – named for the Greek goddess of wisdom – are given annually,
and are designed to focus attention on the accomplishments of women in our community.
That’s one of the roles the KC Chamber can play – honoring exemplary and committed
individuals – whether it’s the ATHENA Awards, Ace Awards, or Kansas Citian of the Year.
As you’ll see throughout this issue of GROW, the chamber works to advance women’s leadership in a variety of ways – through our new Women’s Executive Leadership
Council, our partnership with Central Exchange, our support of the win|win initiative,
and more.
There’s also a compelling business case to be made in favor of a diverse workforce
and equal opportunity. KC Chamber board member Denise Kruse, interviewed on
page 6, shares some persuasive facts and figures as she describes the win|win effort to
increase the number of women on boards and in corporate suites around Kansas City.
(Denise was the founding chair of the initiative.)
A similar case can be made for diversity in race, ethnicity, and sexual preference.
As executives and leaders, we need to acknowledge and embrace the well-discussed
demographic changes ahead. The chamber is working toward the goal of a strong and
diverse workforce, not only through our activities on behalf of gender diversity but on all
aspects of diversity.
On a more personal note, I have no doubt about what strong, intelligent, and resolute
women can do. I am happily married to one.
Chamber Members Save Money
Mark Your Calendar
Milestone Anniversaries,
Board of Advisors and Leadership Circle
Cover photograph Christopher Bond Bridge
by Roger Ridpath, Ridpath Creative Partners
A Conversation
Quiet Leadership
KC Chamber Cost-Saving Benefits
Take advantage of these special discounts and you could save enough to pay for your membership.
Visit www.kcchamber.com for details.
Blue KC Exchange – Affordable Health Insurance for Small Businesses
Blue KC Exchange, created by Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Kansas City (Blue KC), increases choice and affordability in health
plans for employers and employees and offers the ease and convenience of an online shopping experience, with the enhanced
ability to compare rates of up to 10 different health plans available through the Exchange. Blue KC Exchange is available
online now at www.BlueKCexchange.com.
Cable Dahmer Buying Program - Up to 33% off a new vehicle and 1% over cost on used
Through this program, your business will be able to take advantage of exclusive, no-hassle fleet pricing, currently not available
to the public, including two years of complimentary scheduled maintenance, and complimentary vehicle pick-up and loaner service. The Cable-Dahmer Automotive Group has hired a team of non-commissioned account executives to work exclusively with
you, your company, and your employees. For more info, contact Adam Tobias – 816.588.2955 or atobias@cabledahmer.com.
CBIZ Payroll
CBIZ helps businesses grow and succeed by helping them better manage their finances and their employees. CBIZ Payroll
can help make your payroll processing run more smoothly. By combining the latest in technology with the best in customized
service, CBIZ can help you free up the time you spend on payroll so you can focus more on your core business activities. Sign
up at a special discounted rate, thanks to your membership in the Chamber. To learn more, and to receive this exclusive discount, please contact Lisa Theiss at (913) 234-1368 and visit www.cbiz.com/payroll.
EcoBizCheck Environmental Certification
The EcoBizCheck environmental certification program delivers a practical, low cost and fast system for organizations of all
sizes to dramatically reduce environmental impact, reduce expenses and receive independent verification of a sustainability
program. Save 5% on EcoBizCheck through the KC Chamber. Visit http://app.ecobizcheck.com.
ProEnergy Solutions
Pro Energy Solutions is a dedicated, focused and well established natural gas supplier to commercial and industrial consumers
in the Midwest and Central regions of the country. Estimated savings based on historical gas rates has been approximately 2035%. If your business is spending $1,000/month or more on natural gas, call for more information about how ProEnergy can
help you manage costs. Call 713-739-6428 or visit www.pro-e-solutions.com.
ScriptSave® - Prescription Drug Savings
You and your employees can receive a ScriptSave® card at NO COST to you and receive substantial savings on brand name
and generic prescriptions at over 62,000 participating pharmacies nationwide. Your card also offers you savings on vision
care, hearing care and daily living products. Download your prescription savings card through www.kcchamber.com.
Staples – Save Big on Office Supplies, Furniture, Promotional Products and Printing
The discounts from Staples can more than offset your annual KC Chamber membership dues and leave more money in your
pocket! We’re proud to offer the overall savings and ease of ordering from Staples Advantage. To sign up, visit
www.kcchamber.com or contact Mark Calcote at (816) 504-2186, mark.calcote@staples.com..
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Offering LifeLock® Identity Theft Protection is simple, customizable, and hassle-free.
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Hansa GCR. “Identity Theft Protection Market Segmentation”. March 2010
KC Chamber
POWER of Diversity Breakfast
Tuesday, October 15
The Westin Kansas City at Crown Center
One East Pershing Road, Kansas City, MO 64108
7:30 a.m. - 9:30 a.m.
$40 members; $55 non-members
Table Sponsor: $500 members; $600 non-members
RSVP (816) 374-5494 or silva@kcchamber.com
This KC Chamber event has grown to become one of the region’s most important events recognizing
regional businesses that have made a durable commitment to embracing diversity in their workplace and
community. The POWER of Diversity Breakfast will feature keynote Richard Montañez, Executive of VP
Multicultural Sales and Community Activation for PepsiCo North America. Learn more about his inspiring
story of professional growth, from working as a janitor at a Frito-Lay plant, to his rise among corporate
executives at PepsiCo North America. The KC Chamber’s 2013 Champions of Diversity will also be honored.
Presenting Sponsor
Gold Sponsor
KC Chamber Equity Luncheon:
Examining Equity and Inclusion as a
Superior Growth Model for Kansas City
Tuesday, October 29
11:30 a.m.-1:00 p.m.
Chamber Boardroom at Union Station
30 West Pershing Road, Kansas City, MO 64108
$20 for members and non-members
RSVP (816) 374-5443 or cole@kcchamber.com
Communities of color are driving Kansas City’s population growth and their ability to thrive is central to the
region’s economic success now and in the future. Don’t miss this precedent-setting luncheon to present
the findings of the region’s first Equity Profile and a keynote address from Dr. Manuel Pastor, Director of the
University of Southern California’s Program for Environmental and Regional Equity. Dr. Pastor has written
extensively on economic equity and regional development including his most recent book, Just Growth:
Inclusion and Prosperity in America’s Metropolitan Regions. The Equity Profile was completed by PolicyLink.
Kansas City is one of only four metro areas to complete an equity profile.
The luncheon program is presented in partnership with the Mid America Regional Council Equity Partners.
Chief Executive Officer, AdamsGabbert, LLC
Denise Kruse started her business career in second
grade (and has been going ever since).
The 8-year-old really wanted to go to Girl Scout camp,
but her family couldn’t afford it. When she found out she
could go to camp for free if she sold 267 boxes of Girl Scout
cookies, she made that her goal. And she succeeded.
“It was my first experience at wanting something,
setting a goal, and working really hard,” Kruse says. “It
was an important lesson.
“I moved to Kansas City after college, and started my
career at a company where the owner, Garry Fowler, did
‘emerging leader development’ before anyone knew what
that was. My whole career was like that.” After seven
years in Florida leading a $400M division of a publicly-traded company, Kruse returned to Kansas City to
work for Right Management and another pair of mentors
– owners Joan and Steve Carter.
When the Carters sold Right Management, Kruse
found herself at a crossroads. Unhappy with some of the
changes being made, she told her Milwaukee-based boss
that she’d commit to the company for a year. Which she
did. A year and two weeks later, she was asked if she’d
like to become head of AdamsGabbert. She took the job.
AdamsGabbert became part of the portfolio of
companies divested by the owner. When Marty Bicknell
generously offered Kruse the opportunity to purchase
the company, her dream of owning her own business
came to life. “When I bought the company, our mission
became delivering on our promises to our clients, our
associates, and our community. The key,” she added, “is
how to deliver.”
AdamsGabbert (www.adamsgabbert.com), Kruse says,
“helps organizations become more profitable and efficient
through business process improvement, project management, and linking strategy to execution. AG delivers
solutions to our clients through consulting and staffing.”
Her many community activities include service on the
KC Chamber Board, incoming Chair of UMKC’s Bloch
School Board, National Association of Corporate Directors (NACD), the Community Foundation of Johnson
County, and she recently joined the American Heart Association board. She’s also the chair of Central Exchange
(CX), and past chair of CX’s win|win campaign.
“CX is at the forefront for helping women excel in
leadership roles…we have everything for emerging leaders starting their career to women who are in transition
and looking to repurpose their careers, and a focus on
helping entrepreneurs grow their businesses. I have
recruited from there; made lifelong friends, mentors, and
been mentored,” she says.
The win|win campaign – which the chamber supports
– is an effort to increase gender diversity on Kansas City
for-profit boards and in the C-suite by 2015. In addition
to being the right thing to do, she says, there’s a business
case to be made for gender diversity.
Fortune 500 companies with more gender diversity
among executive officers had a ROE 35% higher than
those with the least diversity. And companies with more
women on their executive team had an 11.10 percent
EBIT versus a 5.8 percent industry average.
Kruse is a member of the KC Chamber’s Executive Women’s Leadership Council, which has formed a
partnership with CX. Kruse says they wanted to leverage
the assets of the two organizations “and not step all over
each other. Though we have some overlap, we also have
distinct differences. It made sense to collaborate.”
She’s also taken on the task of co-chairing the chamber’s 2013 Annual Dinner. Asked if there are enough hours
in her day, she responds with a laugh, “No. I sleep very little and keep extending my day to create those extra hours
because when you love what you do, it isn’t work.”
125 years of
quiet advocacy
Headlines are one thing, and the KC
Chamber gets its share. Examples: the
chamber’s move into Union Station offices; leadership of the KCMO earnings tax
campaign; the Big 5 goals for “Big KC.” The
chamber also is in the news as a result of
public forums (like the session with Kansas
Governor Sam Brownback), awards honoring
outstanding civic and business leaders (see
the Kansas Citian of the Year or Athena
awards), and other activities (like the Centurions’ KinderKC Day).
Oftentimes, however, the KC Chamber’s
work proceeds quietly, in meeting after
meeting with individuals and organizations
coalescing around a particular issue. It’s the
kind of effort that proceeds slowly, behind
the scenes, and with little media interest
until some final announcement about the
endeavor is made.
Advocacy on behalf of business, Kansas
City, and the region is 50 percent of the
KC Chamber’s mission as an organization.
(The other 50 percent is helping chamber
member businesses learn, grow, and build
connections and their businesses.)
The definition of advocate: to publicly
support or recommend a particular cause or
policy. Quiet advocacy – and plenty of work
(and plenty of meetings) – is a role the KC
Chamber plays quite effectively.
Here are just a few examples:
NBAF (National Bio and Agro-Defense
Facility): The KC Chamber, along with
many others, celebrated the spring groundbreaking of the NBAF facility in Manhattan,
Kansas, a project temporarily stalled in the
U.S. Congress, and helped by the chamber’s
marshalling of support from our Missouri-side congressional delegation – a true
example of bistate cooperation, aided by
the recognition that the scientific research
facility will benefit both states.
Christopher Bond Bridge: If you drive
over the iconic Christopher Bond Bridge,
that’s, in part, the work of the KC Chamber
as well. We partnered with the Northland
Chamber to push for funding, and to ensure
that the new bridge was a significant architectural statement and a welcome addition to
our skyline.
Ford Claycomo plant: Good news earlier
this year, with the announcement that the
Ford Claycomo plant was adding 2,000 jobs
at the manufacturing facility. It was just a few
years ago that the plant was in danger, but,
again with other partners, the KC Chamber
pushed hard for a special session of the Missouri General Assembly, resulting in legislation
that kept the plant open and now expanding.
KC Animal Health Corridor: Nearly a
decade ago, the KC Chamber founded the
KC Animal Health Corridor, now a recognized force in the global animal health and
nutrition industry. (And one of the selling
points in securing the NBAF complex.) The
chamber formed a working partnership with
the Kansas City Area Development Council
and the Kansas City Area Life Sciences Institute and, today, the Corridor is going strong.
Translational Research proposal: Since
announcing the chamber’s Big 5 goal promoting translational research, work has been
going on behind the scenes to develop a ballot measure that would fund a translational
research institute in Jackson County.
Advocacy has been the role of the KC
Chamber since its founding in 1887. Back
then, the chamber advocated for paved
streets, parks and boulevards, new sewers
and a system to deliver clean, safe water to
KC residents.
Today’s issues may have a more modern
slant, but the KC Chamber continues its
mission of building a strong, economically-vibrant community.
Women. They are 60% of college graduates—the
majority of today’s talent pool. They represent 50% of
managers and professionals in today’s workforce.
There is a strong correlation between representation of women in leadership and a
company’s profitability.
The Greater Kansas City Chamber
of Commerce is committed to promoting
the advancement of women within our
region, and recognizing them for their
personal and professional successes.
To that end, initiatives like the Executive
Women’s Leadership Council (EWLC) and
the ATHENA Leadership Awards exist.
The EWLC, a group of influential female
and male leaders, representing private and
social sectors, aims to promote the visibility and
advancement of women in business leadership
positions, advocate on behalf of women in business,
instill best practices and support new ideas for women’s success, and promote awareness of the ATHENA
Awards Celebration.
The ATHENA Leadership Awards are granted to
women who have displayed exemplary leadership
across professional sectors, given their time and talent to the community, and who actively assist women in their attainment of professional excellence.
“The KC Chamber recognizes how important
women are in the leadership and foundation of
Kansas City businesses, and so strongly supports the ATHENA philosophy. Companies and
individuals that embrace and encourage women
in leadership roles make themselves more successful businesses and make our community
a better place,” says Jim Heeter,
the president and chief
executive officer of
the KC Chamber.
Award is presented
annually by the
KC Chamber at a
private reception in October. The award honors a person
“who has achieved the highest level of professional
excellence, devoted time and energy to the community, and, especially, opened the doors of leadership
opportunity to women.”
Created in 1982, and first presented by
the KC Chamber in 2001, the ATHENA
Award program now includes more than
375 U.S. cities and has recognized more
than 2,600 women and men for their accomplishments, community service, and
opening pathways for others.
The ATHENA Young Professional
Leadership Award, presented since
2010, is given to emerging women
leaders across professional sectors for
exemplary leadership, mentorship, and
community involvement.
“It is a proven necessity for success
to have diversity of involvement and
thought,” says David Fowler, retired office
managing partner of KPMG in Kansas City,
and member of the ATHENA committee,
EWLC committee, and win|win board. “Women constitute a material, growing aspect
of the workforce and it is imperative to
develop diversity leadership that looks
more like the workforce. ATHENA is
one way to identify and recognize those
leaders who can serve as role models
for others.”
Serving as a model is just what
Betsey Solberg intended to do. As first
female Chair of the KC Chamber, she
says rather than highlighting her differences, she simply wanted
to be a most effective
Chamber leader.
“I didn’t talk
about it,” says
Solberg, former
president and gen-
eral manager and current executive consultant at FleishmanHillard. “I just went with the flow of the job, and tried
to do a great job. People were watching and I wanted to
make a difference. I knew as Chair of the largest business organization that the Chamber could take on some
major issues that it had never done before. We needed to
be self-sufficient rather than have our hand out begging.
We needed to take on significant projects to support the
entire community, which, in turn, helped business.”
She reflects, with pride, on her role in the bistate
campaign for Union Station/Science City. It was the first
time in the nation that two states voted for a tax supporting a single project. And it brought Kansas and Missouri
together to work on other issues, primarily legislative,
which had not happened before.
While Solberg may not have advertised the fact, she
was indeed a female leader. She credits her success, and
that of other females, in part to the unique value gender
diversity brings to the table.
“The business case for women is that they approach
things differently, have a different perspective, and
often give pause to ask ‘have we looked at it this way?’”
says Solberg.
Dave Fowler agrees. “It is a proven hypothesis that
the greater the diversity in any scenario, the better and
more successful the output. Gender diversity is a critical
aspect and the area constituting the greatest numbers of
available workplace individuals,” says Fowler.
His model for success: Hire the best and brightest
candidates, no matter their gender or ethnicity, then
identify diverse top performers and focus on retaining
and advancing those individuals.
It’s similar to efforts underway with the win|win campaign, led by the Central Exchange (CX) and supported
by the KC Chamber. The initiative advocates the addition
of highly qualified women to leadership positions as a way
for businesses to gain a competitive advantage and has
a goal of increasing women’s representation among the
region’s directors and executives to 20 percent by 2015.
“The partnership between CX and the KC Chamber
represents the opportunity for each of us to showcase
our individual efforts to improve gender diversity within
the member companies, and to collaborate on current
and future initiatives that maximize our collective networks, and resources,” says CiCi Rojas, president and
CEO of the Central Exchange and EWLC member.
Proponents recognize that fostering the advancement
of women includes creating a harmony between professional and personal life.
“Things have changed enormously,” says Solberg. “A
generation ago, no one cared if you were dealing with a
day care issue.”
Fowler says it’s critical to create flexible work arrangements including reduced hours, flex-time, and positive leadership policy on dealing with phases of pregnancy, maternity leave, and return to the workplace.
“We have to encourage an environment that’s flexible and where motherhood combined with a career is
encouraged,” says Fowler.
“It is a two-way street,” says Rojas. “Companies can be
more intentional about including female executives in the
more informal networking that happens in an organization.
And women also must choose to participate. This is one of
the most significant avenues for relationship building and
finding the best sponsors that benefit their careers.”
Rojas, Fowler, and Solberg all admit there’s work to be
done. A May 2013 KC Star editorial referred to the “unbreakable glass ceiling,” keeping women out of Kansas
City’s ranking of top annual compensation for CEOS at
public businesses.
“It’s not as much a concern of earnings, as a concern
of not having as many high ranking female executives,”
says Fowler. “Without female execs, you won’t have highly compensated females.”
“I do believe we are making progress, some of which
can be attributed to the vigorous amount of awareness
that has been cast on the issue,” says Rojas.
Solberg says we’ve come a long way in 20 years, but
we need to keep thinking, always, about having diversity—ethnic, gender, age, intellect—at every table.
“I have always wanted to represent diversity in a way
that there will be more to follow. I’ve found that if you act
like a smart business person, it really doesn’t matter if
you’re 5’3’’, 110 pounds, and a woman.”
Our ATHENA sponsors are great
KPMG’s Network of
Women (KNOW) helps
enrich the experiences
of all women in the firm.
Comprised of 60 chapters, including Kansas City, KNOW’s
objectives are to increase networking opportunities, develop mentoring relationships, highlight career opportunities,
and provide a forum for women to share experiences and
support each other professionally. KNOW is active in the
community, with external networking and volunteer events
for women. KPMG-Kansas City’s KNOW chapter is also the
proud sponsor of the annual Athena Young Professional
Award honoring emerging Kansas City leaders.
“At KPMG women have exciting opportunities to advance their careers and take on leadership roles.” Regina
Croucher, Partner, KPMG – Kansas City.
Founded in 1898, Burns
& McDonnell is a 100
percent employee-owned,
full-service engineering, architecture, construction, environmental and consulting solutions firm with more than
4,000 professionals in more than 30 offices. We appreciate
team members with ambition and goals, and believe in doing whatever we can to keep their careers moving forward.
We take the idea of professional growth seriously, working
to give our employee-owners every tool they need to help
build their careers and achieve personal goals. We support
each other. We work as a team to make our clients happy,
Arvest Bank is focused on providing solutions to the specific financial
needs of businesswomen and women
business owners in the Kansas City
area. In 2013, a task force was formed
to identify ways to better serve this segment of the market and how
to become more engaged in activities and organizations that support
women business leaders. Arvest Bank is gathering data from local
women business leaders in an effort to develop banking initiatives
that meet their existing needs, or address needs that women may
have in the coming years.
Blue Cross
and Blue Shield
of Kansas City
(Blue KC) strives
to reflect all
aspects of the
community we serve through the workforce we hire, the workplace
environment we provide and the products and programs we build.
Blue KC strives to be open-minded and forward thinking, which
necessitates that we embrace being diverse and inclusive of all
ideas and solutions. We lead by example; we show the way; we help
others see the value that diversity and inclusion can bring to our
business and our community.
CBIZ’s commitment
to an exceptional service
model for our clients is
matched by our commitment to our Associates.
We are proud of a culture that encourages and motivates, fosters
and rewards high performance, and creates career opportunities.
Threaded through the fiber of CBIZ is a culture that supports the
enhancement of our women professionals. CBIZ Women’s Advantage directs the development of our women professionals through
focused leadership, mentoring and networking and, externally, provides women decision makers access to a network of highly skilled,
professional women to assist their every business need.
and we make sure we can enjoy doing it. Diversity at Burns
& McDonnell does not see the boundaries of race, ethnicity, religion or gender. Our Diversity Awareness Committee
leads initiatives to celebrate, educate and showcase our
diverse workforce. “We embrace and celebrate our differences, not just with dedicated programs but within the
core values of our organization. Our inclusive efforts today
make us all more successful tomorrow,” says Greg Graves,
Chairman and CEO.
Central Exchange
(CX) provides the venue
and voice for women
seeking to reach their full
personal and professional
potential. With more than 400 programs a year, CX offers a wide
variety of personal and professional development and networking
opportunities. Central Exchange is leading a campaign to increase
gender diversity at the top area companies. Called win|win, a
business case for Kansas City, the goal is to have 20% women on
boards of directors and in executive officer roles by 2015.
great places for women to work!
First National Bank
invests in its employees, as
they are the cornerstone
to our success. A women’s
network group has been formed to provide employees with access to
resources for personal and professional development and support,
as we honor and value differing opinions and diversity.
H&R Block Women’s
Network is an affinity group
dedicated to enabling
professional women’s development to help attract,
grow, and retain successful women at HRB. It provides education,
networking, development, and leadership opportunities through
intentional topics and forums focused on cultivating connections and
sharing best practices.
HCA Midwest
Health System is
committed to leadership and advancement
opportunities for women in our workplace. We offer a variety of
opportunities and resources to foster their personal and professional
development. These opportunities include programs such as the
MidAmerica Leadership Academy, and our executive development
program. The HCA Midwest philosophy of "giving back" is prevalent
throughout the ranks of our female executives, with many senior
leaders serving as mentors, advisors and counselors to help other
women in the organization.
JE Dunn is proud to support
Women Business Enterprise (WBE)
contractors through our Minority
Contractor Business Development
Program (MCBD Program). This
program is comprised of WBE and MBE subcontractor companies
that are looking to build business and operational skills in order to
successfully compete in the construction industry. The program is
one year in length, offered at no cost, and covers topics ranging from
business development to accounting. Additionally, participants are
paired with an experienced mentor to offer support and resources
outside of the classroom.
KCP&L’s Women Inspired to Learn
and Lead (WILL) is an employee resource
group formed to support KCP&L’s many
talented women employees. WILL is
committed to provide opportunities and resources for personal and
professional development of members, as well as support the company’s recruitment and retention initiatives. Objectives include of-
fering leadership opportunities and supporting growth of members
through education, mentoring, and networking, among others.
The Polsinelli Women’s Initiative provides
opportunities, education,
mentoring and support to
the firm’s women attorneys to promote their professional development, advancement, leadership and well-being, both within and
outside the firm. Polsinelli is proud of our 207 women attorneys
nationwide who range in experience from rising stars to accomplished leaders. We value their business acumen, legal prowess and
distinctive personalities. We celebrate their accomplishments and
victories and understand when they succeed, we are all better for it.
Sprint's corporate responsibility
program, Sprint Good Works SM, is
guided by the principle that doing
the right thing is good business.
More than a statement, it’s also a
belief: Good does indeed work SM. That’s why we are committed to
pursuing diversity in all its forms, including: ethnicity, gender, generational, geographical, ability and thought. WISE (Women in Sprint
Excelling) is Sprint’s women-focused Employee Resource Group and
is committed to the development of female leadership at Sprint.
Swope Community Enterprises
(SCE) is committed to a workplace
that values diversity, inclusion,
and respect. We emphasize the
importance of developing a diverse
workforce throughout the organizational structure of SCE. Also we
believe diversity in all forms, fosters teamwork that helps to identify
and meet the needs of our associates and customers.
UMB Financial Corporation has a strategic
commitment to diversity
and inclusion in the
workplace. We build a stronger UMB by employing people with diverse backgrounds. Gender diversity is one our top strategic frameworks. Since 2006, we have developed several women’s initiatives
to increase awareness, understanding and growth of gender equality
in the workplace. We strongly believe in the correlation between
greater gender diversity in leadership and the bottom line. UMB
will continue to work on an inclusive culture with gender diversity
as a top priority, as it leads to superior business outcomes–customer
satisfaction, retention, productivity and profitability.
Spotlight Greater KC
Highlighting Chamber organizations and people making KC grow.
Spotlight Greater KC - Summer 2013
KC Chamber President and CEO Jim Heeter;
KC Chamber Chair-Elect Roshann Parris, Parris
Communications; Kansas US Senator Pat Roberts;
and Chamber Chairman Russ Welsh, Polsinelli,
welcomed 30 congressional staff members and members of the KC Chamber’s Board of Directors and
Public Policy Council to the opening night of Spotlight Greater KC, a three-day regional benchmarking
tour and issues workshop. The KC Chamber hosts
the regional tour biennially to help Missouri and
Kansas congressional staffers get a first-hand look at
the needs and opportunities in the KC region.
Spotlight Greater KC
Kansas Congressman Kevin Yoder (center) debated internet security issues with entrepreneurs Mike
Demarais, Matthew Marcus, Brittain Kovac, and Adam Arredondo at a backyard cookout in Startup
Village during Spotlight Greater KC.
Public Policy Speaker Series - June 2013
Congressional staffers from the offices of US
Senators Pat Roberts, Jerry Moran, Claire
McCaskill and Roy Blunt joined staffers from
Congressmen Emanuel Cleaver, Sam Graves,
Kevin Yoder, Mike Pompeo and Congresswoman Lynn Jenkins’ offices at a Spotlight Greater
KC reception showcasing some of the great startup
leaders and artisans in the region.
Spotlight Greater KC
Terry Dunn, JE Dunn Construction; Mayor Peggy Dunn, City of Leawood; KC Chamber President and
CEO Jim Heeter; Kansas Governor Sam Brownback; University of Kansas Chancellor Bernadette
Gray-Little; KC Chamber Chairman Russ Welsh, Polsinelli; KC Chamber Chair-Elect Roshann Parris,
Parris Communications; Johnson County Community College President Joe Sopcich; and Mayor Ron
Congressional staffers took bus tour exploring the
Shaffer, City of Prairie Village, met following the Public Policy Speakers Series event in June. The third
planned downtown streetcar route and the nation’s
event in the Series, sponsored by Polsinelli, drew a standing-room-only crowd and featured Governor Brown-
largest waste water infrastructure project in the area
back’s fiscal agenda and priorities for the state.
of 76th and Troost during Spotlight Greater KC.
Welcome to these members who recently joined the KC Chamber.
Local Ruckus LLC
Adam Arredondo
(816) 225-1636
Market Station Apartments
Amanda Hall
(816) 421-2232
FAX (816) 421-2212
Facility Systems Inc.
R. Scott Elder
(913) 341-1529
FAX (913) 341-9407
LMG Construction
Lisa Garney
(816) 474-0333
FAX (816) 474-0333
Financial Services
Omega RMS, LLC
Ashley Bradley
(816) 444-2121
FAX (816) 817-1070
Whitley Construction Company, LLC
Eddy Whitley
(816) 524-4048
FAX (816) 524-4058
Financial Services
UBS Financial Services
Nicholas Shigouri
(816) 751-5200
AEMurphy Consulting Services, LLC
Angela Murphy
(913) 219-6827
Door to Door Organics
Jamie Burks
(816) 997-9072
HJM Architects Inc
Richard Hu
(816) 523-6868
CL Business Coaching
Carrie-Lynn Rodenberg
(913) 998-6600
FAX (913) 998-6638
Health & Wellness
Awaken Whole Life Center
Tara Hitzig
(855) 627-5672
FAX (816) 607-0464
Starke Law Offices
Vanessa Starke
(816) 229-9111
FAX (816) 229-9161
Consultants–Strategic Management/
DREAM Consulting LLC.
Donna Eye
(712) 490-1774
Health & Wellness
Life Equals
Kyle FitzGerald
(816) 875-6248
Automobile Dealers–New & Used
Mercedes-Benz of Kansas City
Robert Hellweg
(816) 943-7000
Blue Bell Creameries
Mathew Samuel
(913) 321-3366
FAX (913) 321-7742
Child Care Services
Tomlin Academy
Shantelle Tomlin
(816) 527-3206
Global Health Chiropratic
Dr. Halima Farah
(816) 876-3807
FAX (816) 912-2525
McGarvey Chiropractic P.C.
Dr. Kathleen McGarvey
(913) 341-4300
FAX (913) 341-4301
Computer Software Developers &
AJI Software
Jeff Julian
(816) 527-0300
FAX (816) 817-0919
ITT Technical Institute
Joy Vann-Hamilton
(816) 276-1400
FAX (816) 276-1410
DuBois Consultants, Inc.
Nia Richardson
(816) 333-7700
FAX (816) 333-3772 Ext:2
Libby Rivers
(913) 492-7777
FAX (913) 492-7443
Environmental Consultants & Services
Mold Inspection and Testing
Adam Pacha
(913) 912-4577
Saint Luke's Home Care and Hospice
Bonnie Smith
(816) 756-1100
FAX (816) 756-2596
www.saintlukeshealthsystem.org/services/hospice - care
Brett Farrar State Farm Insurance
Bret Farrar
(816) 333-4445
FAX (816) 333-0667
Brush Creek Partners
Travis Holt
(816) 523-2323
Insurance - Benefits
Xpress Benefit Solutions d.b.a. Constant
T. Lane Constant
(888) 552-3701
FAX (816) 817-1345
Investment Advisory Service
Tortoise Capital Advisors
Pam Kearney
(913) 981-1020
FAX (913) 981-1021
Janitorial Services & Supplies
Challenges, LLC.
Joyce Charles
(816) 352-3799
Adam Gebhardt
(816) 531-5800
FAX (816) 531-3824
Law Firm
Rouse Hendricks German May PC
Kirk May
(816) 471-7700
Law Firm
Solorio & Avila Law Firm
Janell N. Avila
(913) 831-7300
Marketing Research & Analysis
Kemper & Company LLC
Christine Kemper
(816) 268-2570
FAX (816) 268-2579
Medical Services
MidStar Lab, Inc.
Kari Wagner
(913) 369-8734
FAX (913) 369-2886
Night Clubs
Hotel Nightclub
Dustin Reburg
(816) 226-3232
Non-Profits & Small Businesses
Black Health Care Coalition
Melissa Robinson
(816) 444-9600
FAX (816) 444-9668
Non-Profits & Small Businesses
Guadalupe Center
Cris Medina
(816) 421-1015 Ext:102
FAX (816) 421-1001
Non-Profits & Small Businesses
Latino Coalition
Gabriela Flores
(816) 665-9929
Welcome to these members who recently joined the KC Chamber.
Packaging Service
Centrix Innovations
Marc Radasky
(816) 421-0915
FAX (816) 221-7070
Real Estate
EPR Properties
Brian Moriarty
(816) 472-1700
FAX (816) 472-5794
Real Estate–Residential
The Adam Butler Team
Shelly Doris
(913) 685-2326
FAX (913) 744-2779 Ext:9
FreeBirds World Burrito
Scott Black
(816) 531-5407
FAX (816) 561-0901
Das Haus
Desmond Carr
(816) 931-8500
Specialty Retail Stores & Shops
Elite Feet
Don Nottberg
(913) 498-3338
Hogan Prep Academy
Danny Tipton
(816) 444-3464
FAX (816) 444-3414
Nowa Technology
Lou Steele
(913) 649-2115
Software Developers
Mike Farmer
(816) 309-5136
Spa Catalina Advanced Skin Care
Erica Munoz
(816) 392-2861
Wealth Management
Edward Jones
Tim Carlin
(913) 469-0290
FAX (877) 771-5372
Web Design & Development
Jase Wilson
(913) 226-0715
Kirk Hasenzahl
(816) 679-7481
Wholesale Distribution
Applied Industrial Technology
James Allin
(816) 783-1115
Title Companies
FAX (816) 283-3287
First American Title Insurance Company www.applied.com
- National Commercial Services
Todd Jones
Window Cleaning
(816) 410-7911
Empire Window Cleaning, LLC.
FAX (866) 493-6334
Jorge S. Guilar
(816) 739-5980
FAX (816) 569-6337
Utility Contractors
Blue Nile Contractors
Henok Tekeste
(816) 505-1302
FAX (816) 505-1307
The following KC Chamber members celebrated membership milestones in July, August and September.
5 years
Adopt-A-Highway Litter Removal Service
of America
ART & FRAME Warehouse
AutoStart USA
Brockton Creative Group
Clickfarm Interactive
CommunityAmerica Credit Union - Hidden Valley
Howl At The Moon Kansas City
Kansas City Power & Light District
Libretto Communications, Inc.
Makers Mark Bourbon House & Lounge
McFadden's Irish Sports Saloon
Nadler & Associates, Inc.
QC Holdings Companies
Quik Cash
Rose Brooks Center, Inc.
Tengo Sed Cantina
Theater League, Inc.
Via Bancourier, Inc.
10 years
AFLAC - Denise Mustoe
American Red Cross
ARC Physical Therapy+
Bennett Packaging & Display of K.C. Inc
Buttonwood Financial Group, LLC
Flourish Magazine
Goodwill of Western Missouri & Eastern
LionShare Marketing, Inc.
Missouri Western State University
National Kidney Foundation Serving
Kansas & Western Missouri
Webster House
15 years
Dairy Farmers of America, Inc.
Distribution by Air/The Markin Group/
Worldnet Transportation
Morningstar Communications
The Trane Company
20 years
Certified Safety Manufacturing
First National Bank
Harry S. Truman Library & Museum
Jackson County, Missouri
Negro Leagues Baseball Museum
Pamper'd Palate Catering
25 years
The Scoular Company
30 years
Baker University School of Professional
and Graduate Studies
URS Corporation
35 years
Commenco, Inc.
Johnson County Community College
Musselman & Hall Contractors, LLC
40 years
ISS Facility Services
Signature Flight Support
50+ years
Kansas City Chiefs Football Club, Inc. (50)
Kansas City Missouri Police Department (52)
Research Medical Center/HCA (54)
MMC Contractors (54)
WDAF/Fox 4 (55)
Morgan Stanley Smith Barney (55)
Bayer CropScience LP (56)
B. A. Karbank & Co. LLP, Industrial &
Commercial Realtors (57)
Kansas City Missouri School District (58)
Block Real Estate Services, LLC (64)
Mid-West Terminal Warehouse Co. (70)
KMBC-TV-Channel 9/Hearst Television
Inc. (84)
Helzberg Diamonds (84)
Hallmark Cards, Inc. (86)
Black & Veatch Corporation (94)
Burns & McDonnell (96)
President's circle & Leadership circle
The following companies recently renewed their commitment to the KC Chamber’s President’s Circle.
Bayer CropScience LP
BNIM Architects
Children's Mercy Hospitals and Clinics
City of Kansas City, Missouri
Commerce Bank
Country Club Bank
Deloitte LLP
First National Bank
Harley-Davidson Motor Co.
Henderson Engineers, Inc.
HNTB Companies
Isle of Capri
Kansas City Life Insurance Company
Kansas City Southern
Kansas City University of Medicine and
Kiewit Power
Missouri Gas Energy
RubinBrown LLP
TranSystems Corporation
Truman Medical Centers
UMB Financial Corporation
Walgreens District Office
The following companies recently renewed their commitment to the KC Chamber’s Leadership Circle.
ADT Security Services
Avila University
Farmland Foods, Inc.
Ford Motor Company
Grassmere Partners, LLC
Hunt Midwest Enterprises, Inc.
Kansas City Aviation Department
Kansas City Board of Public Utilities
Kutak Rock LLP
Park University
Shawnee Mission School District
Sheraton Suites Country Club Plaza
Soli Printing
United Healthcare Heartland States
Connecting Manufacturing and Education
n June, Mid-America Regional Council (MARC) published
a report on Manufacturing in the KC Metro. According
to the report, the KC manufacturing industry has over
76,000 jobs and is expected to grow by more than 5
percent over the next 10 years. MARC convened a group of
educators and manufacturing industry leaders to discuss the
importance of improving programs to encourage students to
be prepared for careers in manufacturing. The group visited
Holland 1916, Ingredion, and The Roasterie to understand the
growing technical skill needs of manufacturers and discussed
education initiatives that are working to prepare students for
demand driven careers.
A roundtable discussion at the conclusion of the event resulted in almost 40 ideas that would enable schools and manufacturers to better connect and strengthen programs and
create a more skilled labor force for Kansas City manufacturing. MARC will continue to work with partners as part of
a $1.8 million KC Jobs Accelerator grant program to advance
these ideas and continue to improve workforce development
programs. Some of the ideas included:
• hosting competition based activities involving STEM
• using technology to educate and engage students
about manufacturing opportunities;
• strengthening problem based learning and hands-on
experiences in classrooms;
• increasing exposure to manufacturing and training
opportunities for teachers and parents;
• providing more career exploration tours and experiences; and,
• improving soft skills development.
For more information, go to www.kcworkforce.org. If
you are interested in being involved in this initiative, please
contact Victoria Ogier at vogier@marc.org.
Educators and business leaders toured The Roasterie and discussed
The KC Chamber is pleased to be a partner with 66 other regional
organizations and governments in a special grant program to prepare
for sustainable redevelopment in some of the region’s most visible and
promising corridors. The KC Chamber’s role in the $4 million Creating
Sustainable Places initiative is to engage and inform the regional
business community about sustainable redevelopment opportunities
and resources.
manufacturing and workforce needs.
Highlighting the good news in KC
residential customers understand the practi-
Bank of America announced that John
(Jack) Ovel has been named Kansas City market president. Ovel succeeds Spence Heddens,
who led the market for seven years and will
continue in his role as senior philanthropic
manager for U.S. Trust Philanthropic Solutions.
As market president, Ovel will work across the
region to help deliver a wide range of global
financial services to individuals and businesses
locally, as well as deepen relationships with existing customers. He will also oversee corporate
social responsibility activities.
Congratulations to Parisi Coffee’s Pete Licata for being named World Barista Champion in
Melbourne, Australia, outscoring competitors
from 52 other countries.
Arts Council of Metropolitan Kansas
City announced that Andrea Umbreit has
been named Director of Development. Umbreit
will oversee the Arts Council’s development efforts, working alongside the entire Arts Council
team to fulfill the organization’s mission of advancing and supporting the arts for the benefit
of the Kansas City region.
A radiologist with 27 years of experience as a
clinician and researcher, Louis Wetzel, MD, has
been elected Chief of the Medical Staff at The
University of Kansas Hospital. Dr. Wetzel
was elected by a vote of the medical staff. The
position is also a voting ex officio member of The
University of Kansas Hospital Authority Board.
Camp Fire has announced three new hires
to the Camp Fire national organization. Greg
Simms, a native of Kansas City and graduate
of the University of Kansas, brings 23 years of
quality experience in the nonprofit arena to his
new role as Director of Heartland Programs.
Melissa Hanson, MBA, joins Camp Fire in a
new position as the Vice President of Curriculum and Planning. Shawna Rosenzweig joins
Camp Fire National Headquarters as Director
of Program Delivery and Evaluation.
Kristen Thomas has joined SunSource
Homes as an Ambassador for Renewable
Energy, where she will help commercial and
cality, longevity, and financial advantages of
solar energy.
Belger Cartage Service, Inc. has announced that Clay Chenoweth has joined the
company as the Kansas City Area Regional
Manager. Clay is responsible for the management of the Kansas City East location, the
Lenexa warehouse operations, and the planning and implementation of strategic growth
initiatives for the greater Kansas City area.
HCA Midwest Health System announces
John Myers has been appointed as Regional
Vice President of Cancer Services for HCA
Midwest Health System. Myers continues his
work in the arena of cancer care services, moving from his recent role as Executive Director
– Oncology, Radiology, and Lab Services for
another Kansas City hospital.
U.S. Army veteran and Independence, Mo.
resident Rene Peterson was awarded the Avila
University Soldier of Excellence Medal for
being the first veteran to cross the finish line in
the 8K race at the Amy Thompson Run. Avila
University supports veterans through the Yellow
Ribbon Program, a provision of the Post-9/11
Veterans Educational Assistance Act of 2008.
As an education partner, Avila, in conjunction
with the Veterans Administration, funds tuition
expenses for veterans at 100 percent.
The Metropolitan Medical Society
of Greater Kansas City (Metro Med) is
pleased to announce that Angela Broderick
Bedell, CAE, has joined the organization as
Executive Director. Bedell also serves as the
executive director of MetroCARE – Metro Med
and Northland Health Care Access’ volunteer
program for the uninsured.
President Barack Obama recently touted the
Missouri Innovation Campus as a program that
is effectively addressing workforce needs in
order to advance the economic recovery. The
Missouri Innovation Campus is an accelerated college curriculum program initiated
by the University of Central Missouri
and developed in partnership with Metropolitan Community College, the Lee’s
Summit R-7 School District and several
industry-leading business partners from across
Greater Kansas City.
For the sixth year in a row, Webster University has been named one of the best
colleges to work for, according to a workplace
survey by The Chronicle of Higher Education.
The results, released in The Chronicle's sixth
annual report on “Great Colleges to Work For”
in its July 22 issue, are based on a survey of
more than 45,000 employees at 300 colleges
and universities.
First Consulting & Administration,
Inc. has surpassed 25 years in providing the
insurance industry complimentary newsletters.
The newsletters are published monthly and are
available for 1) Life and Health; and, 2) Property and Casualty including Title Insurance. Each
newsletter is published approximately two
weeks apart.
Saint Luke's Health System's new
free-standing hospice facility, Saint Luke's
Hospice House, recently celebrated its grand
opening. Saint Luke's Hospice House, located at
3516 Summit Street (35th and Southwest Trafficway) is the only free-standing hospice facility
situated in the heart of Kansas City and the
only one south of the river and north of I-435. It
was constructed to LEED (Leadership in Energy
and Environment Design) certification.
In conjunction with a recent website overhaul,
Rade | Eccles has announced the launch of
App Connection, a proprietary client portal
available exclusively for Rade | Eccles application customers. The App Connection client
portal offers expanded remote content modification, configuration, and communication.
CVR Energy, Inc. announced that it ranked
No. 2 on the 2013 Houston Chronicle Top 100
Public Companies list, an annual ranking of the
city’s top public companies based on previous
year averages for revenue, earnings per share,
annual revenue growth and one-year total
return to shareholders.
Marketing firm hippo, the healthcare division
of Muller Bressler Brown, has added two
new hospitals to its client roster: Vail Valley
Medical Center in Vail, Colo., and Bakersfield
Heart Hospital in Bakersfield, Calif. The two
are the newest additions to a client list including OSF HealthCare, Mosaic Life Care,
Heartland Health, St. Francis Health Center,
Nueterra and the Kansas City Affiliate of
Susan G. Komen for the Cure.
Cable-Dahmer Auto Group, Inc. announces that its new Auto Direct pre-owned
automotive dealership and eco-friendly collision repair center is now open to the public.
The new operation at the intersection of 40
Highway and Blue Ridge Blvd was formerly
the site of the Broome Cadillac dealership.
The Auto Direct concept store specializes in
a wide range of pre-owned vehicle makes and
models in all price ranges. Customers can have
vehicles purchased from Auto Direct serviced
at any Cable-Dahmer Automotive Group
location. Cable-Dahmer invested $1.5 million
in building renovation and equipment for
the Auto Direct showroom and a new 18,000
square foot collision center, which will service
all Cable-Dahmer dealerships.
Delich Roth & Goodwillie (DRG), a Kansas
City-based engineering firm has announced
that it has become a part of Alfred Benesch
& Company (Benesch). Benesch provides
multi-disciplined engineering and environmental services nation-wide and is headquartered
in Chicago, Illinois. For the last 80 years, DRG
has served clients in the transportation, water/
wastewater and mechanical/electrical/plumbing markets, and will continue to do so under
the Benesch name. The combined firm will
have approximately 500 employees, located in offices throughout 12 states: Colorado,
Connecticut, Illinois, Kansas, Massachusetts,
Michigan, Missouri, Nebraska, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Tennessee and Wisconsin.
Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Kansas
City (Blue KC) announced the launch of
Live Blue℠, an innovative center focused on
wellness and education. The first Live Blue
center opened in Zona Rosa on Aug. 1, and
the company is expecting to finalize a second
location in Prairie Village to open fall 2013. The
nearly 4,000-square-foot space will feature
a multipurpose room for seminars as well as
fitness classes, a hospitality area for demonstrations on healthy eating, a dynamic calendar
wall with details on Live Blue offerings, along
with the many runs, walks and healthy lifestyle
events throughout the community.
AT&T has been named the fastest 4G LTE
network in Kansas City in a magazine study. PC
Magazine’s Fastest Mobile Networks 2013 study
also found that the company’s wireless Internet
delivers America’s fastest 4G LTE speeds. Speed
tests were performed in a total of 30 markets.
Besides leading the pack nationally and regionally, AT&T’s network also ranked first locally in
Kansas City and 23 additional markets.
Baker University has launched a new Master of Arts in Organizational Leadership degree
program, designed to develop leadership skills
in social justice, global citizenship and entrepreneurial spirit. The program components
include critical thinking within ethical business
practices, social responsibility, organizational
diversity, group problem solving and innovative
approaches to conflict resolution and negotiation. It is structured for adult learners to take
one course at a time and attend classes one
night a week at campus locations in the Kansas
City area, Topeka or Wichita.
Proud to call Kansas City
home since 1955.
GOOD NEWS Continued
Mold Inspection & Testing, the largest
mold inspection company in the nation, is now
offering its services to all of Kansas City and
surrounding areas. With growing concerns
about indoor mold growth possibly causing
health problems, the residents of Kansas City
can now work with one of the few test-only
companies servicing multiple major cities
throughout the United States.
North Kansas City Hospital and The
University of Kansas Cancer Center,
a combination of The University of Kansas
Hospital clinical care and the research and
education of the University of Kansas Medical
Center, have come together to create a new
cancer program at North Kansas City Hospital
at I-35 and Armour Rd. Both radiation oncology and medical oncology will be part of the
new partnership and facility renovations are
underway at the Medical Plaza building, 2750
Clay Edwards Drive, on the North Kansas City
Hospital campus.
The Kansas City Zoo celebrated the birth
of two red panda cubs this summer. At the time
of their birth in June, there were only 116 red
pandas in captivity in the United States.
Kansas City Repertory Theatre will
kick off its 2013-14 season with the world
premiere of The Tallest Tree in the Forest, a
new work about the life of African-American
performer and activist Paul Robeson, written
and performed by Daniel Beaty and directed
by Moisés Kaufman. The show runs August
30-September 28 at the Rep’s downtown theatre Copaken Stage, 13th and Walnut Streets.
The Tallest Tree in the Forest is a co-production
with La Jolla Playhouse.
On Wednesday, August 7, Kansas City
University of Medicine and Biosciences
(KCUMB) medical students, faculty and staff
showered the historic Northeast Neighborhood
along Independence Avenue with more than
1,000 hours of community service. From 7:15
to 11 a.m., more than 250 students, along with
KCUMB faculty and staff, joined forces with
area non-profit organizations at numerous
project sites to benefit lower income residents
and small businesses.
For the third year in a row, Park University
has been selected as one of 300 colleges and
universities across the country to the 2013-14
Colleges of Distinction list. Park is one of just
six colleges/universities in Missouri to earn
the honor this year. The designation is given
to select schools to honor their excellence in
student-focused higher education. Colleges of
Distinction is a web-based guide for high school
juniors and seniors seeking a school that is
nationally recognized and highly recommended
by professionals in the field of education.
The firms of Husch Blackwell and Brown
McCarroll have joined forces. Going forward,
the firm will be known as Husch Blackwell in
all markets. This news means more than 600
attorneys and 750 non-attorney professionals
are available to serve clients in 16 U.S. cities
and in London. The firm’s national footprint
extends deeper into the Southwest with 65
attorneys in Texas and offices in Austin, Dallas
and Houston.
Tyson Foods’ K-12 Division donated 29.590 lbs
of chicken to Harvesters – The Community Food Network in Kansas City. Tyson
Foods has donated more than 1.5 million
pounds of protein to Harvesters since 2010.
A national association for professional truckers
has set a date of Oct. 18-19, 2013 to celebrate its
40th anniversary at the Kansas Speedway.
The Heart of America Trucking Show, hosted
by the Owner-Operator Independent
Drivers Association, OOIDA, will be open
to members, non-members and the public.
OOIDA was founded in 1973 and has grown
into an association with more than 150,000
members, most of whom own and drive their
own long haul commercial trucks.
The 123-room Courtyard by Marriott located at 4600 JC Nichols Parkway in Kansas City,
Missouri has completed a major renovation of
its lobby and guest rooms. The hotel now features the brand’s intuitive Refreshing Business
lobby concept, where guests can enjoy an open
and flexible space. Along with media pods, WiFi and a variety of seating zones, the redefined
space is ideal for everything from pop-up
meetings to social gatherings.
Thank you to the KC Chamber’s
Top Investors for 2014
As of August 23, 2013
Union Station
30 W Pershing Road
Suite 301
Kansas City, Missouri 64108
For membership information,
call (816) 221-2424
or email info@kcchamber.com
GROW KC Business is produced by the Greater Kansas
City Chamber of Commerce Marketing Department for
Chamber Management Services, LLC (a wholly owned
subsidiary of the KC Chamber). Information in this
publication is carefully compiled to ensure accuracy.
However, neither the KC Chamber nor CMS assume
responsibility for accuracy. Contents are copyrighted by
the Greater Kansas City Chamber of Commerce.
Design solutions for GROW KC Business provided by
KC Chamber member Ridpath Creative Partners, LLC,
The Cable-Dahmer Buying Power program is a partnership with the KC Chamber of
Commerce developed exclusively for you, our valued KC Chamber members, your
employees, and their families. Get a great deal on a vehicle … or a fleet.
Exclusive GM fleet pricing on any new vehicle – from 1 to 1,000 - Up to 33% off most
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Cost plus 1% on all pre-owned vehicle purchases - You, your company, and employees
will only pay 1% over cost which is up to $5000 off the lowest published price at CableDahmer Automotive. All Cable-Dahmer pre-owned vehicles come with a warranty for
that extra piece of mind.
Complimentary shipping of any vehicle purchased throughout the continental U.S.
Complimentary maintenance - With any vehicle purchase, new or pre-owned, CableDahmer will provide two years of scheduled maintenance at no cost.
Complimentary vehicle pick-up and delivery for all scheduled maintenance (even an
oil change)
Complimentary loaner vehicles - Vehicles will be available at no cost for anyone that
has any service work done at our dealership.
All GM brands are available, Chevrolet, Buick, Cadillac, and GMC.
For more information, visit the Cost-Saving Benefits tab at www.kcchamber.com or
contact Adam Tobias, Buying Power Program Director – 816.588.2955 or atobias@
cabledahmer.com. You must begin your car-buying experience with Adam in
order to get these KC Chamber member rates and benefits.