-- ' - W,: '&- - -- '- - '."; ,u'r:!?Jswf "sis'v4 IHHHBBnnBBBnMBanHH ,JiT6,J?rti!,t; - we ? . . - se5- - ipoi IAfuj 1 &&( feet. 0CIATfo THE HONOLULU REPUBLICAN HONOLULU, VOLOrR I, 2fO. Ci. IT. PRICE FIVE CENTS T SUXDAT, JsEPTEMBrll --', 1900 PENS OF IE EXISTING BIG MID. IT DECISIONS ' Has Become, a Show Place of Lewdness and Infamy, Debasing to the Spectator and De- grading to All Question for Today. 4 Japanese and French women to the enrichment of men who pretend to stand high In social, church, business and even in official life in Hawaii. The plea that a business of this sort is a public necessity scarcely enters into the discussion. Upon that question there is and always 'will be a wide divergence of opinion. If it be a public necessity it will be hard to convince the public that it should be made a monopoly for a few men of political influence as is the case now. Recently when an independent business man attempted to duplicate Iwilei he was informed that he could not do so. Thus Iwilei has not only a monopoly of this business, but the active encouragement and aid of the Territorial authorities in maintaining it. The argument of better sanitary measures at Iwilei's pen would scarcely be satisfactory to a sanitary engineer. The sub-so-il - i .i 4 jL "t,m n3BMfifTiMr' ftiT BslBB "mmfSHBBiBEf BbhHMSs tt S "fcJ' $ i? t3mff?Si&i -- . '"" ."nfe 3' " ! and that while they may do so, com paratively few of them live in their rooms within the enclosure. The contention which The Republithis place is can is making-'againthat it is productive of more harm a thousand fold than if the women were permitted to exist in homes of their own in any particular section of the city away from the business and residence portion, where special police supervision might be exercised over them. This svstem nrevails . in. all the Eu- ropean and American cities nnd works with entire satisfaction. Such an in- stitution as the Iwilei pen would uot be permitted to exist in any city on the hours. If mainland for twenty-fou- r the authorities of any other city United States were to in this way in- suit the moral sense of the people and brine shame and dissrace unon their government, the people would rise and despite the authorities would tear down the stockades and destrov the buildings. It Encourages Vice. Iwilei is objectionable because it has the sanction of the authorities and be- cause it has encouraged vice and lot-tnorality by making t a show place Strangers coming to Honolulu, intert .J on seeing all the sights with which they are not familiar at home, as nat- urally visit Iwilei as they do the Pali, ynnnlihnwl nr Trmrriliis Tttn 5rrflnKs- tney carry away can nnlv ue imagined, tor coarse and brutal vice the place has not an equal upon the earth; it is the very depth of indecency and infamy. As already remarked, all its surroundings are those usually attendant upon a circus; the streets outside are nrr.TL;laA r,nA rvr.ar,AVU Tn 1.1AU X..StTU1M UMI..I.J fUUA.U, l.onTrc tn TiMrl lnctla aar1i nnimnw! Jtr waiting room for their fares; Oriental "spielers" dwell upon the excellence of their wares and the scene .is one of light and colors and gaiety that ell belong to the circus in short, this awful place, which it is pretended has been set aside as an amelioration of the social conditions in the half world, has become a permanent exposition of all that is degrading and debasing. Hacks are compelled to drive in over one street and out through another. Outside of the stockade specified places are assigned to them, and when their fares are ready to leave, their hack numbers are called out as they would be at a theater or on the occasion of a state ball. During the hours from 4 p. m. to 2 a. m. the pen is thronged by men of all races who pass from street to street st sSbBEKuIE'jSuRe :X599IBBBBBBBBb j IBhi 3iBB1BBBbEbBEiiBmBBBBBBBBW! "2fjM t" tablishment and maintenance of Iwilei does not Isolate this phase of crime. The women who here "ply their trade' as the authorities put it, come from all .portions of the oity of Honolulu, many of them living far up in the Punchbowl region, whence they go as soon as their night's work for their "masters" s completed. Of the 162 inmates of T IV wuex pen some iorjy oau are saia 10 j he vfcry fair servants the next day in ' the honns ofsome of the best families, These slaves arothus compelled to lead ' a dual life to please and enrich their fci owners. Gut No. 1 herewith presented is one cf the three gates to the Iwilei pen opening from the road leading there. ' Ite cross bar represents tb$ height stockade, the small- fmme at-nea to tne cross oar is tne setting or the rules of the establishment printed in Japanese characters; these rules ae found ir; five or six places ajjout the Institution, two of them being placed upon the outer gates. A I 1 t when Iwilei's pen of vice and corruption is practically dead. Snapshots an so large a scale were found not practical, and, therofore, the reader must place within in his imagination this stockaded den of vice the moving figures, which number froj one to persons, who nightly ilvo thousand congregate there out of curiosity, as sightseers or for the purpose of gratifying their coarse, brutal passions. The government of Hawaii's public den of infamy is located in the district of Iwilei, on the reef beyond the walls of the penitentiary, about one mile from tho business center of Honolulu. The portion enclosed by tho stockade comprises from one and a half to two acres. Tho stockade consists of a hqavy board fence from ten to twelve foct high, surrounding the entire ground, making it practically a prison. pierced only by four gates, the character of which Is shown by eugravlng No. 1. Within are located a series of housoe, five in number, constituting streets within tho area way. These buildings are of one story in height, built of frame, and each divided into from forty to fifty rooms, each room measuring about 10x12 feet Each room is provided with a window and a dour, all facing upon the main or longitudinal streets. In all there are 240 of these cages in which the women who here prosecute their crimes, expose their charms of person and labor assiduously to ensnare men and boys fir their Illegal and disgusting purpose. rooms are cheaply Tho furnished, each containing a bed and the usual furniture of a bed room, and 16? of them are at the present time occupied by the fallen women who are here authorised by law to practice what is called "their trade." Under Government Sanction.. This pen of Infamy and sham was erected by the sanction of the authorities of this Territory for the sinful purposes to which it is now devoted, with the full knowledge that it was to be put to such use. More than chat, after its completion the women were notified by the authorities that they would have to resort to this pen if they wished longer to enjoy Immunity from the law. The "masters" of these women received the same notice and It required no urging for them to remove their slaves from former and perhaps more healthful quarters to this ugliest and darkest spot on the fame of Hawaii. The rooms to which reference has been made, as being occupied by the women, are rented at a uniform monthly rental of $15 each. It will thus be pest spot Is seen that 'when fullv occupied the monthly Income would aggregate $3,600, or about $13,-0a year. With the present occupan-c- v of the place the income is 2,430. or nearly 530.000 a year. This is the blood money extracted from1 the fallea 1 IWILEI PEN. about is porous; there is no sewerage and the buildings Vare set flush down upon the ground. In a moist climate like tills, with floors almost touching the soil, a room of such dimensions can scarcely be fit for human habitation. Surroundings of tho Pen The surroundings of the Iwilei pen are such as one would expect to find adjacent to such an establishment y There are rows of one and two-stor- buildings, the lower portions of which are divided into small stores, devoted to the selling of soft drinks, peanuts and the general supply that one finds adjacent or inside of a traveling cir- 'iinmm-- i lct' nTff7aMass MIM assssss bspwi u M j t i ! d - lnnfTunerrv TnniTidco TtlfV . j . ; ; I i i - al 00 & Sdmg to Describe. TooS T"?1P whfllA tznartn ?c tnrx itffnrlr tl - SILLNMN. JUOCE IF PtMNITME. en-sio- ns . controlled-by-the-poli- ce T- CLERK WAS TOO BTJSY TO BOTHER WITH Clauses in Policies Which Compelled' Different Interpretations of the Law by the George Hubbell Was HER REaiTEST. vls-ist- half-ton- ,! high social and official positions who re par'ticeps criminis in this terrible place? How much longer are men who Tcriv income from the debauchery and of hoth men and women at Iwi-'to be welcomed Into homes where 'here are young girls pure and unsullied and welcomed into official conferences with the highest officers in the Territory? c;t ei "Will Be Closed Labor Day. The following dry jroods houses will be closed Labor Day, September 3d. 31. Brtsh & Co. T W. Jordan. Whitaeviilarsh. I . B. Kerr & Co, Ltd. B. K Ehlere & Co. The White Honse. X. ?. Sachs Co, Ltd. HEVsBBslBBBBBBBBBllH ISSPBlBBBHBBHBBBBBBBBBBBBHBPM9BrIS j IBMKHlBBBBHlBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBHLdift j t'. ''' jsy::yi r vHyBBBBssHP'n .' tTWF V - tJr. iaggMSSBSMBSSSSSSSSSSSSMBaJB-.-tNO. 2 OKX OF THE - -- ," f iW ji? jES1Vvi5' V4i ti. X& Ml- .' iI!bBbB -- I? SsHH -- 'VKHHflBHiBBVIBaBBBBHBlBnfihLW- i - - 'flBBBBHi "STSESTS" IN THE IWIKEI PEN. cus. The upper portions of these build- and from wiadow to window, sizing up room. The buckets which are ssen ings and some of therear portions of the women oa exhibition there as they j setting along-- the avenue are the the animals at a cattle showl veyances of the sewage. These are them are occupied by the women alter the hours for plying their business The streets swarm.- - especially alter 9 gathered up every morning' and with visitors tied oy theemployes of the company, within the inclosure have expired. Her they meet and yield up their aad sightseers, although the biggest. Cat'NqT2 gives a larger ami! better gains to their "masters," If Indeed crowd las abt arrived on the- scene? Tie.w of one of ,the streets ol this rible place, showing more clearly how they hate not already been compelled after 11 o'clock at night n to do so within the inclosure. i the place built and, the man- On Influence Homes. Its , ner injFhleh the, jjvamea ply their Another argument advanced by tae Iwilei lacearse aad brutalizing: lis "trade" la the day timeiVhen the pea advocates and owners of this jjlace to the effect that it Js better to concea-trat- e ialueace for.eTil is, Jmmense aad is nracticallr deserted. In. the dls- this evil and keep the womea widely extwded.' Tits show character stance Is the gateCof exit, with a view off the streels falls whea It is reraeat- - j aids to tais greatly. While the scene of oae of the frame buildings located hexed that the woaaea are withla tats withla aad witaoat this Infamous place on the outside of the stockade. The "baU.pea" oaly frojM B.sa. to 2 a. a.. it lively aad fay after nightfall. It is figure explains itself and .will give the cou.-wou- ld' ill-gott- ter-un- til - 1 has-bee- ; J i, - - ; - Tries His Art While Locked in a Cell Witnont Avail. .. . v l Tr Hawaiian, i'oosapu. a very poruy was locked up at the. police station last night and held awaiting investigation as to bis sanity. He is an old fellow and is reputed to be a very powerful ufcahaca." When searched at the station a small billow stone, which it is claimed has many virtues as a talisman, was found on h?s person. He objected very strenuously to being deprived of bis treasure- Jseddes the stone he had a bundle of 8sh hooks, some fishlincand two highly polished human bones, that go on the iL?bline and sr? warranted to draw I mullet by the score. As" the old man was put sntoa ceil by bimself he bad plenty of opportunity of workinuepells ard InvoMuz" the aid of bisakuaa," and this be did for a long tisie after he was locked up. Ho asked that the walls-othe station honserumb!e and fail about httn. Ha also. prayedVfor the death of all the. parties coaascted with the station house, and especially dd,he work for the special destxaciiou. of tbe officer who arrested him.r 1 j1BbbMBB ; REPUTED rTAHTJN'A JAILED. the Clerk ry ed at.' Another of those shocking Instances of police cruelty and Indifference tc the requests cf the people, the real masters of the police, came to light yesterday zifternccn away out on south Beretania street. Shortly bef'vre 2 o'clock a Cnlnaman named Kong Lee was walking along Beretania street when he was overtaken by a heavy stone wagon belonging to the si'vernment, the waian- - bolug known as No. 3. Oa the wcgim with the Portuguese driver were two boys about sixteen years of age, who, as soon as they came within throwing distance of the Chinaman began throwing rocks at him. Presently the driver joined In the throwing of rocks, all three indulging in the fiendish sport, laughing and hallooing at the Chinaman's discomfiture. , In order to- avoid the rocks, as he thought, and to seek safety, Kong Lee stepped in front of the cart. As he did so the driver suddenly turned the horses and before the Chinaman could get ou,t of the way one ot the wheels of the heavily loaded vehicle passed over his right foot, crushing it to a pulp This was at thc.corner of Beretania and Alexander streets. The neighborhood Is inhabited en the mountain side by some ot the best white families In the city; people who belleye In humanity. A number of men and women were immediately on Ice scene, one of the.youngwotnen as- sisting to bandage the foot of the un- fortunate man.- Anifthpp tt'hJfo xenmnn nf ift nilffM"- .........m.. - borhood Jumped on her bicycle and rode over to King-- street to telephone to the police station to ask for an officer to come out and arrest the driver of the cart and the boys with him and also to send the patrol wagon for the wounded man. Aaother woman roJo up Beretania street to Punahou,- - hop-,- -' mg to find a mounted officer oaf the last named street. ' After more than half an hour a policeman was sent to the1 scene on a bicycle to Investigate, while the China-- " man was allowed to lay there in the sun suffering from his wound. About the time of the arrival of the officer on the bicycle the woman who had first telephoned asking that the patrol wagon be sent out to take the Injured man to the hospital went to the telephone a second time and called up tbe police station. In answer to her request for an officer to arrest the driver and for the wagon the following reply came back over the 'phone: "Tbafs- about the Chinaman you telephoned in about awhile ago? Oh. don't bother us about that; we're busy." and that was all the satisfaction she could get. Finally a few minutes after 3 o'clock the patrol wagon arrived, more than one hour after the case had been to police headquarters. Inquiry at police headquarters last night developed the fact that tbe clerk en duty when the call for the wagdtn and an officer to arrest the "man whoi. I bad run over the Chinaman was made was George Hubbell and it was he who gave back the insulting answer that he was too busy to be bothered when telephoned to the second time to know why the wagon had not been sent out. Evidently Clerk George HnbbeH of the police department believes that the police are masters of the people and not the people masters of the police. - LABOR DAY PARADE. March for Tomorrow- Xora inffKaraes of Speakers. Tbe preparations for tbe first celebration af Labor Day in Hawaii are bow all complete. Tbe principal event of the rday will be tae parade, which will baa. very flnej tnmont. The lino of, march aril! be a follows:. Parade starts at the driBbed at 9, o'clock sharp. Frost, drill shed to HotsL to Kis. to Fort, to Vineyard,, to Emma, to Alapsi, to Kinavaad alosg Kinx to tbe Caaitsl groaads where the parade will Line - of, -- dkbaaAi. apfijafei The of tbe day will be from the band's&Ed in the Capitol grounds . arieVwill be- by-- the' 'fellowiag gentle- aaea: VOnitad States Attorney Joha Cr Baird, George A. Para aad LA.An--drew- a. - i , ,f ri im On Duty at the Time, Who Ufa 'e the Impudent Reply. "It appears that during the recent epidemic of bubonic plague which this city the board of health inspected the locality bounded by Kukul, Nuuanu and Beretania" streets, and the Kaumakapili church premises and a line drawn in continuation thereof to Kukui street, and passed a resolution on January 10, 1900, declaring that said locality was in an insanitary condition and infected by bubonic plague; that the Infection could not be removed by any means but fire, and or dering that the buildings within the boundaries be destroyed by fire. In pursuance with said resolution Dr. C. B. Wood, president of the board of health, on January 19th, issued an order to Andrew Brown, fire commissioner, directing him to burn said buildings, "Acting under this order the fire commissioner caused the fire to be started in one of the said condemnnd buildings by and under the supervision of the Honolulu fire department on the morning of January 20th. The fire having been so started accidentally spread to tlie Kaumakapili church edifice and thence through several blocks of buildings to the water front, including the store of plaintiffs and the goods Iherein contained. "I find that there was only a moderate breeze blowing at the time and that no new cause intervened between the setting of the fire under the orders of health authorities and the burning of the merchandise by the policy In question. "The original fire set near the. Kaumakapili church as aforesaid was the proximate cause of the destruction of plaintiffs' property. It was, in fa-- t. the same fire. The plaintiffs loss was the direct result of the order of tte civil authority, I. e., the board cf health, and the acts of another authority, the officials of the fire department. "Counsel for plaintiffs contend that In order to avoid liability the defendant must show that the order of the civil authority was lawfully made: they claim that there is no evidence to show that the order of the board ot health was legally made, and further urge that the board had no -- uthority to destroy the. said buildings it had condemned and ordered burned. "The evidence shows, however, that the board of health was acting In good faith in the premises' and passed the said resolution aad issued the said order In its attempt to stamp out tne epidemic thea prevailing, aad that the fire department acted in like good faith, in pursuance of said order. "It is sufficient that the action was taken and the order Issued boax fide, and witboet going back of the order, to ascertain wSifeer or not the board of health was actfag withla the scope vt its legal authority In making the said1 order, I hold that the loss was the direct resaltof the order of the civil authority withla the raeanlag of the above quoted clause of the policy. "Let jodgaieat be eatered for the - m mm man TOLD THAT authority.' I rw- wmteo waum THEY WERE RENDERED YESTERDAY 1ST TWO IMPORTANT CASES. two-sto- ib-r.- so-call-ed thls-mor- bemg lettered instead of numbered. Aside from the fact that Iwilei his become a show place, one of its contaminating influences is that the gates are always open, especially during the busy hours of the night, and that young men and young women passing that way must of necvsitv become famil- iar with the chai-vf thf place and perhaps with the crime. The wo men are constantly parading in their scant attire and their patrons do not seem to have any mere sense of shame than have the prostitutes themselves. .., , iP rissWTOsWMii IBiOBBtWITP institution. Figure No. 3 gives an idea of the height and character of the stockade, the character of the buildings and the order of their locations. The main buildings are practically of the sa.ne general order of architecture and "construction. They are built in echelon, lapping over on each other; that is, obliquely across the lot, so that the end of one building extends out beyond the preceding one, so that any person looking for any particular wo- man may recognize her building, they haskindlv tnmslat?d these" official and 1 and degrading to be described as it authoritative regulations for ?The Re-- ? realIy is. Woraen old ,n crime and de publican. They react as follows: i ' bauchery are penned up here alongside . "Eepulations or tt.e Iwilei PoivOfilce.! ot S'.rls cnlj just m their - Eourg rf'pccpation,fr5i4p.m.;i wU1 be a,iko catned by ..the mas ulthoTo'lfol SM0S 'It dur" I tee- n-ofa11prostitutes iijn-- irt'ji!'j. "J. Tim nrcstittitna or their, .parasites (wu rooms, and nevar to allowed to and these in turn airai th eh usi nC3satth oroadoide. Prostitutes, It they wish to, may and Territorial officials of the new remain all night in their rooms. They go out at any time, Territory of Hawaii. may also coino in and they may not ply their trade after tut And for this protection these same tin said hours. "4. The masters of prostitutes, or their degraded women and their parasites parasites (short no isoro', are not allowed to remain inside the fence or to sleep pay a weekly tribute of two dollars throuph prostitutes with their the night. lJXUUiUil.t.1 iJTUili UUUJIeach, or a total at the present time of ,. . " H ft"""" fi?, fnsTl " Tfl. ' per week. Whose pockets this ?324 policeman 6. A shall remain within Their money ultimately goes into cannot be the court from 4 p. m. to 6 a. m. policehours of duty arc as follows: One man from i p. m. to IS m. One policeman from 12 m. to 6 a. m. These police- shown at this time. It is paid over, men will he changed, taking- their turn however, to the lessees of the Iwilei at the end of each week. "police"7. The duty of the will be to pen, Messrs. Sullivan and Masuda, and quiet any disturbances that may occur, these in turn, it is said, arrange with and to preserve good order in tho place." the polict authorities for the payment Officially Recognized. of the salaries of the officers on guard Here is an official recognition of the at Iwilei. there is nothing demoralizvile slave holders as "masters of the ingPossibly or degrading to honest high police prostitutes" and as their parasites. In officials to be thus trading with and addition to these rules the slaves and conniving with vice, but if there is anytheir masters have all sorts of promises thing more demoralizing to a police and guarantees of protection from the force than such a state of affairs as government in their mode of life If this, it is yet to be learned what it is. continued at this place. Through the A question of greater moment than gateway is obtained a . glimpse of the any other for the people ot Honolulu second street in this pen of iniquity on this beautiful Sabbath day is how and death. The doors which are out- much longer the government of Hae each open into a waii intends to continue the maintainlined in the ing of this den of vice and disease under its protecting arm? How much longer are men to continue to occupy MMMMBBMBH j AA.W.A ONE OF THE GATES TO THE average citizen a fair idea, of the whole yet more evil and disgusting. At the risk of shocking some good people who may not De familiar with the subject, The Republican feels it a duty to warn the public that the es- trt, rto NO.1 BIT Yesterday Judge Silllman rendered two important decisions wherein the Yee Wo Chan Company was the plaintiff. The first was against the Madge-bur- y Fire Insurance Company and the second against the Transatlantic Fire Insurance Company. In the Transatlantic Fire Insurance Company the policy contained the following clause: "This company shall not be liable for any loss or damage caused by means of invasion, insurrection, riot, civil commotion or military or usurped power." The judge holds that the loss did not occur by means of any civil commotion and that the risk was not within the excepted wishes of the policy. The decision in the case of Yee Wo Chan & Co. vs. the Magdeburg Fire Insurance Company is as follows: "This is an action of assumpsit brought upon a contract of insurance in which the plaintiffs seek to recover from the defendant the sum of $5,003, the amount of the policy. "I find that the plaintiffs are copartners doing business as merchants in Honolulu under tne firm of Yee Wo Chan & Company, and that the defendant is a corporation, incorporated under the laws of Germany, and engaged in the fire insurance business The evidence shows that the plaintiffs and defendant on the 25th day of October. 1S99, entered into a contract whereby the defendant insured against direct loss or damage by fire, subject to certain exceptions set forth in the policy," the merchandise contained in the building situate on the east side of Maunakea street, near .King street in Honolulu, occupied by the insured1 as a store. "The policy contains the following clause: 'This company shall not be liable for loss caused directly or Indirectly by invasion, insurrection, riot, civil war or commotion, or military or usurped power, or by order of any civil VIEW OF IWILEI PEN FROST WITHIN THE STOCKADE. NO. 3 -- GENERAL 'iK9F3E!9BBBBBBzEBBH ".' MBIM Jurist. in-th- e . UNIR PUKE Did Board of Health How a Woman Was Answered Who TeleLegally Set Fire to phoned to Station the Shacks? How the Inmates of This Government Protected "Industry" Are Houvsed and Controlled. HERD are dames in the community i whom the stockaded brothel at Iwilei is only too familiar. The major portion and the better class of the people of Honolulu and of the Islands hare, however, only a has? idea of the character of the place which is there maintained by the Territory of Hawaii to the Jtroit of a few prominent citizens of this city and the propagation of sin and disease under the spacious plea that It is "a public necessity." Pot Die benefit of the latter class, many of whom have been following the exposures of this horrible place !u The Republican from day to day, a few views are herewith presented to illustrate a plain descriptive article of the L'n fortunately establishment. these views had to be taken in the day time, MM THIT 8F THE STQCK4DED DESCRIPTION '''. (mymj&-!r'B . Si. - .v fct. . ty. a. ; k, - t 5 -- fc- jC3A3sar 55fflSfso 7Z" 22TJr a.v, i3i J f ' I 1 ! THE HONOLULU REPUBLICAN, SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, 1900. . IK E ra aoMsott would leave here. Los Angeles, CalivnrAjrciAi We are showing the Largest fornia, owes the greatest share at Its TEH IF CJICUIT -Pa Hissed Etcit Morning Except Moa- - prosperity today to tourist traveL The Assortment of OF HAWAII. by the Robt. Grieve Pabllsh- GOUT IS EXTEKDEI. productions of the country districts teg Company, Limited. surrounding that city and tributary to LIMITED It fall far below in value the prodscts HDvIX S. GILL. - - - - EDITOR. of the Islands tributary to Honolulu. AK ORDER BY JUDGE HTTSt- PHREYS ISSUED TO But Los Angeles has spent thousands TELEPHONES: Incorporated Under the Laws of the .,jainess Ofllce THAT EFFECT. 475 of dollars advertising her charms as a Republic of Hawaii. We have ever handled 123 winter residence until the city Is filled t.'itorial Rooms CAPITAL $400,000.00 every winter with thousands of tran- Avery Brings Another Sols m prices that cannot be reOFFICERS AND DIRECTORS: .altered at the Post Offire at Hono-- sient residents who leave annually Which He Charles M. Cooke Asks Tea Thousand President large sums with the local people. Bepeated, as the present u, H. L, as second-classsiL P. C. Jones sides all this hundreds of wealthy men Dollars Damages From H. Cooke Cashier Duty on these lines is have been so attracted by the ideal F. C. Atherton SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Assistant Cashier Sing- Brothers. Directors: Henry Waterhouse, Tom prohibitive. They com? 75 winter climate of the city that they 3onth. by Carrier High Grade in every respect. May. F. W. Macfarlane, E. D. Tenney. have established permanent ")ne Tear, by Mall homes 800 Judge Humphreys yesterday Issued J. A. McCandlesa. prise: 4 00 there, the suburban village of Pasadena the following ix Months, by Mall Solicits the Accounts of Firms, Cor order: porations, Trusts, Individuals and will' rhre Months, by Mall or Carrier. 2 25 being one of the most beautiful villages &j virtue oi ine ausnoruy in me promptly in the world, with Its and carefully attend to all d ave- vested by law and deeming it required business connected banking with K18DERHIX-STET1PESTRY, nues palatial and mansions illllSTEl, of the by public justice, do I orrier that the HONOLULU, H. T. SEPT. 2, 1900. Equal-t- o any $130 wheel in the to Sell and purchase Forwealthy. Then In addition to estab- present August term of this court be eign YEWET Exchange, Issue Letters of Credit PILE, m lishing winter homes these men of extended for the period of twelve days. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. BODY Dll DAG, aid Another sensation in the Avery-Kin- g WEATHER YESTERDAY. wealth have become financially interOrdinary and Term Deposits received . BRUSSELS in CENTER, SOFA and ested in business enterprise of all litigation was developed yesterday aft- and Interest allowed in accordance Mn T3fTlur "J.J TSdesrefW. Minimum Tempr&tar AGENT. . bOl deems. FORT STREET. kinds, thus adding to the city's finan ernoon. Davis and Gear, attorneys for with rules and conditions printed In Maxlmam Temiriuns 5 degir. DOOR MATS HALL STAIR and 3XCO Baronrevr at 9 p to. cial rating and making money cheaper. Eugene Avery, filed a suit in the Ter- passbooks, copies of which may be had UAinlAK-Inch. on application. CARPET VELVET Tapestry, is Mea De Point tor Use Day 4 5. Honolulu can have the same experi- ritorial Circuit Court for 10,000 dambuilding, Fort street Judd Mr-I1aUto Humidity 6S. ence If she will but make a' slight ef- ages against King Brothers. PILE and BOOT BRUSSELS, in WINDS. In yesterday's Republican appeared do eo. Hundreds and thousands to fort 1 3 to Sreat Variety. XtrtViAtt. of tourists can be attracted here ev ry in full the decision of Judge Estee of KO Etc AIT ro TODAT. year, many of whom will not only the United States District Court In the llulfrsU! irJm and One weather. spend money openly and freely while action brought by the- - plaintia against SELF -- EXPLANATORY LETTER. here as visitors, but become so enam- King Brothers. It will be recalled that JAPANESE JUTE NUBS, STRAW MATS held, in a very learned decithe ored of the place foat they will make sion,court Honolulu, H. L, Sept 1, 1900. that a citizen of a state could not aid MAHINS, LINOLEUM, OILCLOTH, n a financial and becoming bring action against a citizen of a ter- TRANSACT A GENERAL BANK ING AND Robrt Grieve Publishing Co., Lim- interested investments EXCHANGE COCOA FIBRE M&TT1KS, DOOR in the material prosperitv ritory in a United States court Among BUSINESS. ited. of the place will become permanent tne many authorities cited to sustain MATS always on hand at Publishers of The Honolulu Repub- residents, much to the advantage of the this contention was one from Chief Justice Marshall of the United States Commercial and Travelers' Letters of t Largo Bloater Mai Territory. lican, Honolulu, H. L Supreme Court The case was disCredit issued, available in all the l!ltt-irtSalt Salmon BelHe With the railroad and steamship missed by Judge Estee without prejuPrincipal Cities of the World. Gentlemen: Please continue my addice. brought The suit companies setting the example in adIn the United vertisement In The Daily Republican vertising Circuit Court was for 5,00Or 'UMaofl Honolulu as a winter resort, States NO. ! 0 TORT Now Avery wants $10,000, and why? INTEREST allowed on fixed deposits for another month, as I find the results surely the business men of tEe city tcl Herrin" SEVEN days notice 2 per cent. To those unacquainted with the litiDi.ytob: Fon Boj$jh a from the same to be better than I hod can also do something in the same gation this would seem an extortion. 3 per Three Months cent. jer anA Jjp!ut f wir Cornet! Be?f num, line, especially when It will result in Not so in pleadings. Let the complalat anticipated. Six Months pur 3jper ceiit. annum; Fnfeea Poultry telL Twelve Months 4 per cent. jwi It will no doubt be gratifying to you direct profit to them. On the 7th of August, according to Oyatnw ni FiH Who will inaugurate the good work? the complaint, annum. EugeneAvcry was arto know that before the Becond appearrested, while on- - board the Australia ance ' my advertisement I sold a THAT KAKAAKO POLICE RAID. preparatory to leaving for 3Gs!jaxi.c San Fran- CLAUS SPRECKELS. W.M. 15. IRWIN cisco, on a charge of embezzlement house and lot on Pilkol street to Geo. High Sheriff Brown and the police His arrest was at the instigation of C. Stratineyer for 14,500, and I can ry W. C. was brought be& Co., A only attribute his calling on me on are to be congratulated for the very fore Police Magistrate Wilcox. The successful raid on the swipe joints at charge of embezzlement was thrown Sunday to his having read my adver Kakaako made by Detective Kaapa out of court, as it was conclusively tisement In the Sunday edition of your and his squad on Friday, when over shown that Avery was a partner with King Brothers in issuing covers for HONOLULU. 600 gaHons g H.T. -- . valuable paper. restaurant bills of fare. drink was destroyed. But isn't it fun Avery, upon his honorable discharge San Francisco Agents The Nevada Up-ia-da- lB "1 m very respectfully yours, National Bank of San Francisco. ny that the police could not find out in the police court, brought two suits THE WATERH0USE STORE; THE TVicINTVRE STORE WILLIAM SAVIDGE, DRAW EXCHANGE ON anything about (he swipe factories out for damages, one ascalnst Kins Cor. King and Fort Sts. Tel. 2T2 Bethel Street, Telephone 24 SAN FRANCISCO The Nevada NaIleal Estate Agent Merchant Street in the United States Court there until The Republican called Brothers for $5,000 damages and the other tional Bauk of San Francisco. their attention to the fact that they against the Advertiser for $20,000. LONDON The Union Bank of LonHONOLULU'S OPPORTUNITY. existed; that one was within fifty feet Subsequently Avery was indicted by don, Ltd. of the home of a captain of police, one the grand jury. The case came before NEW YORK At. Tioan Exchange The action of tlio Union Pacific railadjoining the home of a police officer, Judge Silllman. The prosecution put National Bank. its entire case, King testifying that CHICAGO road la having Mr. Robert W. Shingle and that a woman out there was sell- in JtUr.i.uU' National Avery was what miga be called a Bank. tfife prepare city a lot of literature ing bottled gin under the very nose partner of the firm. of PARIS Crwdlt LyoicuAu. Davis & Gear, withoat Inirodsdng abort Hawaii and Its attractions as a of an officer neighbor next door? BERLIN Dresdner lt,rik. wlnJftr resort shows that that great The number of arrests in that dis- any evidence for the defense, moved HONGKONG AND YOKOHAMA the that defendant discharged be and The Hongkong and SI anjraai Bansino corporation is alive to Its financial Intrict every Saturday night and Sunday the case stricken from v- the calendar. Ma, VJorporaupu. .r terests eyen if the people of Honolulu for weeks past has been appalling. The The order was made by Judge SilllNEW N'l) ZEALAND AUSTRAare net awake to their best Interests. record of arrests for this city of less man. Now for the approbrium attached cf LIA Bank of New Zealand. Not aldne the Union Pacific railroad, than 40,000 Inhabitants has equaled Co., VICTORIA AND VANCOUVUc-Ba- nk indicted on a charge of but other transportation companies those of a mainland city of twice the being unjustly by of British North America. embezzlement the first grand jury are looking forward to bringing hun- size. Thursday morning The Repub- of the Territory of Hawaii Avery wants TRANSACT A GENERAL BANKING dreds of tourists here next winter, now lican told the police about the swipe an additional $5,000. AND EXCHANGE BUSINESS. PROGRESS BLOCK.. Territory joints atKakaako and lo and behold. Deposits Received. Loans Madu on that Hawaii Is a Approved Security. Commercial and of tbe union. Detective Kaapa under the High SURFING PARTY AND DANCE. Travelers' Credit Issued".- - Bills of Ex- Corner Fort and Beretania Streets. Mr. Hugh B. Rice, agent for the OceSheriff's instructions, could go right change Bought and Sold. anic Steamship Company at Los Anout there the next day and find them Young- People Entertained-- at Wai-kiV geles, California, and agent for Cook's without trouble and destroy hundreds Residence of W. R. Castle. tours, Is now In this city securing in of gallons of the deadly drink. COLLECTIONS PEOMPTLT ACA surprise party aud dauce was given formation about Honolulu and the TerBut you did good .work, Mr. Kaapa, last night at the Waikiki residence of COUNTED FOB. ritory which can be placed before trav- and when things get to running riot W. K. Castle in honor of those who will elers, showing them the advantages of either in Kakaako or any other part depart on the next Australia. About a a winter tour to this delightful Bpot in of the city again The Republican will dozen of the youug'people were present the In an Interview a few tell you about It and where to go, and and spent a most enjoyable time. days ago Mr. Rice said he could have then you andjrour squad can make The afternoon was spent in Furring swimmiug, some of the boats very and sent hundreds of people here last successful raid. narrowly escaping tippiug over. The spring but for the plague. surf was better tbau it bad been for It Is pleasant to contemplate In this ThankB to The Republican's pointer several days, and the canoes were Office at banking building on Mer connection that the new steamers of followed up by Detective Kaapa's suc- rushed along at a great rate. BWfyiBsssssW After a plunge and swim dinner was chant street. the Oceanic line will make the voyage cessful raid on the swipe joints at partaken of. The table was decorated from San Francisco in five days and Kakaako Friday night the police will with red carnations and maidenhair Savings will be received that the Australia and Alameda will no doubt have a less busy day today ferns. After dinner the Hawaiian aud interestDeposits allowed by this Bank at be used exclusively on the run between than they have had" for several Sundays Quintette club appeared on the scene 4i per cent, per annum." and dancing was the order of the even-inSan Francisco and this city. pasC Those at the party were: Miss Printed copies of tho Rules and PecIn Its Issue of July 15th The RepubElnora Sturgeon, Miss Minnie Newton, Miss Ruth Whitney, Miss Jaue Winne. ulations mav be obtained on npplici iXTiu ""i Ui lican pointed out the value of advertisYes. It Did Fall Flat. tion. Miss Marion Dillingham, GerMiss ing Honolulu as a winter resort and From the Hilo Tribune. trude Scott. Mr. A.li. Mr. Wil trying to turn the tide of tourist travel, 15 The libel suit brought by a member liam French, Mr. Kenneth which in the past has been directed to of the Honolulu bar against The Re- H. J. Crnzau, Mr. Fred Ecrver and & CO. Geo. de Souza Southern California, Arizona, Florida, publican seems to have fallen rather Carnavarro. was It thrown flat out of the police the Bermudas, the Mediterranean re-- r xJEWffln as being of too awful and felonisorts and other parts of the world court THE YOKOHAMA SPECIE BANK -- When Doctors ous a nature to be there tried, and was Disagree, Etc. . which enjoy a mild winter climate. It dismissed by the grand jury, to whom To the Editor of Republican: The would be money well Invested for 6ome It was referred, with a somewhat mild LIMITED Sir "But," says the earping critic, "is Islands. BAINIU-BEEIL- . organization of the business men to be and vague censure upon the newspaper not railway the surgeon, libel evil in general. If Mr. Kinney albeit he is effected to take up this subject SSSBSBSBfetiWas has been brought into "hatred, con- a college professor and a distinguished SitlMcribctl Capital - Yen 44,000,000 The Chamber of Commerce, as we tempt and ridicule, as he claims, smsstSAlLi. wFijJr is member of the American Medical Asit understand It, takes In only merchants, evidently not at the hands of The Re- sociation, In just the same position as latd TJp Ctipltiil -- - x'en 18,000,000 the surgeon to the hospital asprofessional men and tradesmen being publican. sociation which has been so bitterly tt4rvpd l'unil - . n 8,000,000 barred. If this be correct, and we take condemned by medical societies anil iLvvTO ssssfc. iavYih-sP The Coatless Man. It that It is, there Is nothing to prevent criticised by medical journals? PreSSI KPw M SI III cisely. But the profession at lanre has the organization of a Board of Trade From the Haberdasher. : Yokohama M fll f failed to recognize it possibly because HEAD n Af'vtnge to which any man interested In the Advising or sanctioning the abandonthe Immensity of the one and the The "bank uys and receives for coladvancement prosperity and growth ment of the coat is to give countenance of littleness of the other. It is a common lection B is of Exchange, issues to one of the worst of all bad American expression that of Honolulu would be eligible to memIt Nuuanu the man who steals Fll U M I i f ! SSSSWJiBSSBSK fill bership. A small membership fee hablta. To preserve the esthetic and thousand goes to prison, while he whoa Drafts and Letters of Credit and tran the in dress one mnst leave the steals million goes DISTBIBTJTOBS. supported by monthly dues would suf- unitsartistic free. The parallel acts a gene ral banking business. of oar outer attire nudist urbed. is an aexact one between this and the fice to carry on the work after a stated To separate theni is to leave a msn hospital organization. The surgeon sum was raised at the beginning by half dressed. The man in his shirt who organizes a few hundred working sleeves is always the common and vulAgency Yokohama Specie Bank. popular subscriptions. Fire thousand gar man. You'll find his kind leaning girls into a Woman's Hospital Associa- New Republic Building, Honolulu, U.T. dollars jspent In this war would bring h against the public bars, expectorating tion and equips a few rooms as best 411 FORT STREET. pieces back to this city within two years iv ouuiio conveyances ana smoking in he may from the 300 ne places. We mav not disrant receives monthly Is made to cease more than hundred times five thou- forbidden the coat and preserve the rules of pro- his objectionable practice, close his When Buying a Wheel sand dollars. priety and estheticism in dress. There hospital, throw the poor can oe no comparison between the girls back upon the tender marcies cf Of course there are narrow-minde- d Advances Made oa Approved Security individuals who declare that oaly the dress of man and woman. A woman's a cold world, or at least to become a BUY merely a form of bodir waist RIGHT, shirt is burden to some doctor hotel and livery men would profit by and it is an intrtjgal part of the outer who gets neither thanks nor pay; the ery tourist travel, but that is not oaly a ares ot woman. A mans shirt ehief surgeon of a railway employe' ami Always 6 JSighL narrow 'view but a mistake one. The is a distinctive garment and is not part association (commonly termed 'chief of his oversuit. Aside from those ob- surgeon or the railroad.' which he class of tourists who woald be at- jections is we have the more serious one with 30.9M or S8.080 members, Is tracted here woald be people of ssea&s, of appearance. It cannot liebccom-iagly- " not), elected president of the society which aarcgx Free class b assess. people who are accustossed to the concarried out There are not ten condemned the method Ma of brother saen every in so thousand built that torts of life and secare taeaa wherever they The oae had a twiiII can go withoat euspenderst And practitioner. ArUagtea Block, : : doetiL Hotel St- of the $150 a month received they are, regardless of expease. Kva unices the suspenders. are to be ban- remnant from ffi the embers: the other has a sal. granting that hotel keepers, boarding ished there is no use in talking about ary of 9M80 per annum. Verily, CO. JOSVPK TOWrABTJEZ, Vtob. no decent PIANO In bouWasd livery sea woald be the abandoning thoa are a moat agate! society, decent womnanr or largest galaers from toartsts. every The quotation above Is a from the omeuor would other resident of the city woald share aan be permitted toineaiers the Americas Journal appear without ujaaecaiocy. eaitea in their prosperity. These ssea woald niscoax. xne coatless man mast k w Esory Loapbear, oae oe Amerihave to purchase Hcttr aaapMas of ways be what be lias always been, a by Dr. eoautoa, vahjar, undisciplined being, ca's greatest cargeoas and Medical the various local dealers, ectaloy mere who pats personal ideas of comfort writers. It te apropos to a speech help to coadact their Inula aad tfcas above tbe ideas of seemlr convention- - saade before a medical society ia this ROBINSON amy. city a short tine ago by a local a, all woald reap aosae baaesH. who coadeaaed But ssore tbaa that, year tsarist la a hospitals aad who k salaried smrgaoa prodigal sseadar aad every storekeeper to a sagar abutattoa. sanceoa to a Orncs: Jtopv A, Model B&ocx. 475 1a tbe TeuwoxeTOS. P.O. Box 284 la tows, whether be sell dry poods, ottaeBshsrtQrterePriatlagCsagaay railway, esiployes' society aa4 abyat- ciaa to a local hospital. Mralrtlaga, or at wait art TW Isaaatiftaa Tateatoa 1 'Reliable aad Confidential Watchmen furawtbed. on abort not ce for ,W. NOBUTT. M. n. Kt ter a part of the - , . m -- t ,.t muk. . ., Soiree 1riirli!i . .... 'V-i. , MW. Ti. naiiWOTIB um-chreiexeaces jHraaMUHl. ii HONOLULU REPUBLICAN THE BAM i 'y European Rugs at ss Vice-Presid- a ent - .-- ind oak-line- 8, it fgmM&?KLJ market K1NBS-WOQ- - PACIFIC C CLE CO., 0.il iiSttfaiis Spph RUb BISHOP & CO. BANKERS. LWJ0RMN k-- r s ST. Per "Archer" oxx .SLiTxrct.Tjs! Claus Spreckels King-Ave- Large Assortment of Bankers. of-th- e PS m bUsa LTD, 2 BIG STORES-- 2 HENRY trouble-breedin- Office Desks TEE l Coyne - Furniture fu"H-fledg- ed - fefff PEERLESS 1Y4 llUl preservimgM1 W PAS NT yk ." ki Ifl mm mid-Pacifi- BISHOP & CO., c. art-oth- er SAVINGS BflfJK g. Oa.-,U.-.. Vice-Cou- Al-xan- der nt There BISHOP msrc strength-- - and viggr in hsffle sf: - single. ""3S3S& than in a barrel " 50-ce- nt JJ.FMI1&C0, I tf ordinanybecr. Ones uafii J osed. 1 liOYejoY & OFJ-JOc- E BSSSSSSSH V ' I I I I 1 1 I Stvt. V -i diiWiigferoKers 50-ce- nt over-work- ed ti V coa-slstea- cy, Uie-coa- t. nmf!r ,wn " to1 Pe acij i Ue fire SilentMer --iT- Shop The Cleveland Japdsone IJpe of Such as ua PATHOL AND 1 a 5!?ouii?-- FANCY GOODS HONOLULU BIKE C0NELDENTIAL AGENCY phy-skta- COVERS, CENTER PIECES, SILK TIDIES, DOILIES ETC, ETC, iWAKAMJ BLOCK, Hotei Street. ta i i 3rfi A - .:. i & -- , :& - i. iv V. iTti "kJ. . hfi TT ISi. a 3s V' T nnf ..i - H"i"- vW V-- l rft'fo - to., i, -- m "j&r. S'WSfcSisJ 3- j.1 -.- jP2". ., ftjy-jw "$" -- S sb' " ."W S,i,p" THE HONOLULU REPUBLICAN, SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, 1900. LOTb AT KEWALO i wiry in nature, and of a ecli tiat will little one by Mr. EL D. Teacey. There Mrs. J&ccas Uvliseu was a prstiy, lis. a. huge joke attached which is very cuxoza woman, wita a. smile ana a not wilt fa tie dampness. pleasant word for every one. She hid 1 The Terr newest Ccha of this chif-- interesiinr-t- aHinerccs fair wivss. regular 1 fon Is gathered around the shoulder? features and sparkling eyes. The little oaes of .Mrs. Humphreys, . Mrs. Zacfcary Taylor was a quiet wo and brought is a big soft fold to tSe .Msa. Cambeil ana .Mrs. Fascasu &e front, where it is tied in a knot. Below In'eJtcellent forca and enjoying Hto-lul- a man, bat had great strength of Cuar-actf5-t?J?S- S and tiie true spirit of the Amtri-ca- n this the ends disappear underneath the to the best of their ability aal heroine, enduring patlen'Jy pria- Th shirt waist movement for men lapels of the vest, but reappear below Innzs if we can iudxe bv the Tohvae folk Is attracting a vast deal of atten- the waist line, where they kang In T5f scond which sometimes- comes fortli tica incident to life on the froati'r. very losg, fell streamers, asd imeipectedly. I wonder if all yosHg t where her husband, a Major Taylor, RamUers:-l90- 0 tion everywhere, and as we are rather trimmed upon the end3 with lace. The mothers know it is Tery bad for the 'ras saoaea. tone naa no amoittoa important adjuncts in oar own estima- Scha is and very soft wee mite to be made to smile and ob- - I beyond making her home fcap?r. A olonde of rare beiKty was Mrs. tion at least, and obliged to accompany and pretty. serve at that Tery interesting age. It r. Millard "FTUmorp with n ktn nf ilai- t. u.tr, The lace undersleeve is seen in many tr ..... $40.00 will buy you a fine up to date Rambler Bicycle. them in their various amusements, and whiteness and auburn hair. She We ell these on the instalment plan Tor 5.00 more, easy also to help bear the brant of the quaint ways. As a revival it is ex older. I am told tbe more stupid a ""s quite tali, with a fine figure and of tremely popular used in the form wee baby appears the brighter he wi.I criticism levied at their unfortunate of a gathered caff,and terms. presence commanding she is ranked extending below the Typ in tho fatnrp with the wives of th two Aliases as if heads. I think it hish time to say a sleeve of the gown. "We take old wheels in exchange as part payment and allow XHFFFONY a learned woman, and it was through French thrift bere acain finds ex- - I word or two oa the subject. It seems they all are worth. her that her husband askei for and obto be a fashion rather well favored presslon. A gown made for an Amerl- re have a number of 2nd. hand wheels in stock now that Flowers Lore. Women That tained an appropriation of Congress to rcan woman had sleeves only a little I bay My here. Judging "by the coatless young below the elbow, and of a decidedly books for House. White the we can sell at very low prices. If you want a cheap wheel call and Some people were never intended to men I see constantly on the business bell shape. "When the American wo- have anything to do with flowers. And to tnat rime there had been a Bible look at them. i there and little more. streets. "We eeem to have stolen a man saw this she exclaimed: "But my flowers know it, too. We have a big supply of SUNDRIES and also do the best Another woman of rare beauty was such, not arms I short are thin; do relike march on the other cities in that Tou have often heard a person ay, Mrs. Franklin Pierce. She also had repair work in the Islands. FOR SALE. .sleeves." spect. It Is not often that we can be "Everything she touches grows for many accomplishments. She was very ." "These are the lace sleeves, quoted as being before the times, but responded the conturiere. "The her," while others complain, "I an refined and quiet, shunning society. Mrs. Abraham Lincoln as a girl was such Is the case regarding the shirt dress sleeve is built so as to be worn never make a success of my garden or very attractive and she had many suitwaist at least. I do not see why the either short or long." ors. When she became the mistress my window-boxes- ." A few fine lots (about 100x200) oa new are Some undersleeves of the -men should not be comfortable as well To be sure, there la a good deal in of the White House she was fair and entirely of lace: othrs are lawn with d Manoa Height, commanding on forty." That she was the successor of I wonder how far Hono a tiny lace edging, and very pretty this the faithful watering and sunning of the popular accomplished Miss view orer Waiklki and ocean lulu will carry out this new fad. edge is, with its soft fullness arranged seeds and plants, but the reason for Lane was not and point in her favor. At a Price. J1.750 to 52,000. off to hand. the set In the evening it would be a bit odd things growing goes further back: than the first levee she appeared in a pink appear d our decollete, man should at If coatless dress and a hlgb (120x150), that. It rests ultimately on a personal silk, A beautiful corner lot of am while the travel tide told that a floral I headdress ran down to which strange a theater how and dinner table, nature. for love grounds, in bert portion of KalfhJ her waist and destroyed what comeliaway from it, would look with rows of young men is toward Paris, and not A real flower lover will never let any ness simplicity might have given her. Cash, JGOO; balance on easy terms. many escaping are who are still there and old In their shirt waists. I think Mrs. Andrew Jackson possessed .he plant in her care grow thirsty. A large lot on good street In Kallhl; to the cooler countries. Russia, esbeauty older perhaps of face and form which rendered young men and some that much so She will never give a plant area, about 15,500 square feet; good pecially, is enjoying Its fashionable one of the most beautiful her mother for new fad to this ones will take uncomsoggy and view, '..enns easy. season. The Czar and Czarina rft moisture that it is women. AAAA A...!VAJLA of Mrs. Grant was a blonde, .; :.t.,;..;...4.4...T.4. A A A S A JiN A A A A A A A ! that's all It is rather too easily, and holding receptions and many Ameri- fortable. of delicate figure, rather below middle become even more careless than ever cans are being received. The court She will never pick a bouquet in stature. Mrs. Hayes was of very cX- l. Lots (50x100) In various parts of dress Is by no means so rigidly preappearance. personal regarding their which the colors are totally inharmoni- - tractive Just past Kamebameha Schools, op scribed as the English presentation was for her tact, and her hus Y TtATTTvttv VvTVvT 777 fj:-js.comfortable, surely ought be to One she will never make f band noted easy monthly installments. dress, but is none the less elegant ous. .For example,Via,, once said t that he never nad to ex- cnrlpfr tw. nAAA . tililn --- "In the tropics at least, and I wish our Many handsome summer gowns are " ;plain away any words of his wife. wutttvtci Lots (fiOxlOO) in Xuuanii tract, $25.00 men would adopt some style of dress being sent north, and whole cargoes lflwn, balance in Installments of that would conform to the climate, for of pretty things for the neck are sent to the Russian tailors, who are se$10.00 er moutli. the dress coat and stiff shirt must be a vere in their styles and lacking in taste uc "1C "C1 ma' trifle warm, to say the least, and it is in the soft, fluffy ornaments of which ences of all the flowers she undertakes riag& cultivate. j to so will genius fond. who certainly ugly. The the Paris modistes are Harrison was fair as ofgbeauty. She will recognize msuncuvely what possesesd b,onde FOR LEASE. evolve this will not only receive a foroput be like to flowers of families Although so much has been said whlchalsobel toM McKtal tune, but the thanks of all womanplucked. , about the marriage of Lady Randolph gether when they are aro kind. bouquets that She will make Churchill and Lieutenant "West, I do CURED OF CHRONIC DIARRHOEA natural. A valuable business site on Mauna-kon- , not think it is generally known that loose and graceful andalways AFTER THIRTY YEARS OF put some will she Moreover near Hotel street. For those who will not be among English society in general accepts the the in with flower a SUFFERING. it of of leaves the pleasure. great interest and the first to accept bare throat finish to match with vase. And that is one of the crowning One acre "ground, between Llliha few jealousies petty of cannot a The gowns there are made transwostreet and Insane Asylum roac; good high neck affect the whole, and Lady Randolph differences between u man and a "I suffered for thirty years with man. at or net lace parent collars choker of living is one of the most famous of residence sites. and thought I was past being you noticed ever it? Haven't the edge is tied a band of black velvet women; she is distinctly great in sepA same cured," says John S. Halloway ofrf the work to both at them Set activity. spheres Lieutenant of arate fr A large lot, with 109 feet frontage, on or some bright touch of color. Some v flowfield, gathering or garden time in Camp. J. Miss. French spent so "I had West, on the other hand, has his spur3 4-you a lay your King street at Kapalama, Just past the such addition is necessary, else the to win. Only twenty-eigh- t, .will house. ers for I he has much time and money and had suffered transparent collar would seem to thick- fought in one campaign and been wager that the man comes back to you so rlco Held. much that I had given up all hopes en the neck unduly. Then there are wounded; he has also served In the without a bit of green in his hands recovery. off of comes I was so feeble from Ehe naturally which FOR SALE OR LEASE. Queen's army in a civil capacity in besides that wire collar frames to set in a picks. flower he with the effects of diarrhoea that I could the peace. Besides this he has gown and hold up a lace scarf. "When times of woman, who is wise, will do no kind of labor, could not ecn But the imby Prince honored the for been fashion place stock in is in the scarf laid in a little stock of leaves and travel, Good Quarries in Xunimu Tract. about the neck the frame does not portant diplomatic duty. But beyond .have but by accident I was permitted to go with every different kind of vines these things he has nothing of which show. Neither the bare throat or to find a bottle of Chamberlain's the that knows well flower. she For finish is necessary. Bodices pre- to boaBt, unless it be having won the green will set off to advantage as noth- Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remepared with collars of conventional sorU hand of a great and beautiful woman. ing else can the color and the textare dy, and after taking aeveral bottles I are as stylish as ever. On two new I am told that society was more than and management of her blossoms. engagement, surprised for the at the am entirely cured of that trouble. I dresses of the latest models I have seen 'W' young West wai much the recently the neck finish was not reason that A am so pleased with the result that I Less than half price, Our goods are And there junior of her ladyship and had always in the least am '1 In anxious be ill reach of that It Former Mistresses , are hosts line them in this respect. been the intimate friend and playmate who suffer as I have." For sale by all Another dress was of a red challie fig- of the boys; and also because of the marked in plain figures, We give what beno was love lost fact that there yoke ured in pale yellow. The skirt, Of the White House. dealers and druggists. Benson, Smith "West, Mrs. tween Cornwallis mother & Co., general agents Territory of and lower part of the bodice were yelApply to we adyeilise. low satin covered with black lace and of the young man, and Lady Churchill. Hawaii. banded with black ribbon. The ribbon In the olddays when both were brides Some Notably Beautiful, Talented also edged the sailor collar, which in- there had been serious rivalry hetween and Socially Clever First closed collar and V of the satin. The them, both being "the most beautiful midway section of satin woman in England." Later they had Ladies of the Land. was the gown's striking feature. For some friction in the matter of social Real Kstato AKnnt. Merehnnt St chaprecedence. was then What the this there is full fashionable inducement, but only for a very tall woman. grin of Lady Cornwallis West to think Of mistresses of the White House her Short folk should avoid such sectional that Lady Randolph Churchill, of the most popular was Mrs. one devices as they would the plague. An- former rival, would call her mother-in-laK. Eolk. Like Mrs. Cleveland, James Hawaiian The other dress was of the jaunty tailor-mad- e Lady Randolph On wife getting like a was a brunette and of fine she Turquoise was its ducks. blue color, and the trimmings were bands young West is to be congratulated. Yet was often remarked that not it Is she, for that matter, say the gosn collar of white so Co., Ltd. and upper in Europe could quesn head a crowned sips, for no finer young man lives in pique. royally than tlie wife of the more England, hit promise. nor one with more These suits are as Jaunty and handJ republican president. Poets penned ? ! some as broadcloth tailor suits, if only ! ! ! ! !!. I ! ! v! ! ! Importers ana Dealers in on and the honor, last verses in by reception given her CorThe Mrs. they are carefully made; but and hero's the rub the making costs just nelias Damon for Mr. and Mrs. Beck-wit- h Sunday of her stay in Washington a j & was easily the event of the week. clergyman addressed her from the pua. a. a. s& as much. Happily a woman whose figHardware, Crockery, a $ ure is not hard to fit can in these days The house was beautifully decorated lpit She was treated with great dis away and secure satisfactory and the evening most enjoyable. It was tinction and after leaving the White PROMPT SERVICE and Glassware send for it was thet House was visited every New Year's suits from tailors whose charges are also a first large affair Mrs.- Damon has given by the legislature in a body. within reason. 2, 3 and 4 Light Chandeliers and ElecMrs. George Washington also had since opening her new house on Thurstroliers, Metal and Glass Lamps, dark hazel eyes and brown hair. She ton avenue. designs bolero novel The and are Lanij) Fixtures was not a beauty, but sha had a good more numerous. The smartest one was Has Removed its Oflices and Showroom to form, rather below middle weight, and Paints, Oils and Varnishes, recently worn over- - a brown foulard Mr. and Mrs. Paul Neumann gave a her manners, engagwere and frank dinner at The Grill, in honor of their ing. She dressed plainly, and at a ball KHmds, son Edward's birthday. The Lard oil, Cylinder oil, Dynamo oils, etc. stamped upon a cream ground. This absent she wjora a slnipla given in her little bolero was made of batiste and guests were Mr. and Mrs. Hasson, Mr. russet gown honor Powder, Shot and Caps, Agriculand white Jiankderchief tural Implements, etc. lace cunningly used in combination and and Mrs. Surh, Miss Finch and Mr. about her neck. One of her dresses, Folke. AM which she herself manufactured, wj-- s at top House Furnishing Goods, Etc. fitted to the figure whicn silk, with striped she cotton, of and bottom. It was a front bolero Card parties are again on the tapis, from ravelings of brown silk only and was held by narrow black so a little bird whispered, and I heard obtained Silver Plated Ware of all descriptions IN ELECTRIC FIXTURES. BARGAINS stockings and old crimson chair covTable Cutlery etc. velvet straps over the shoulders. Nar- one woman bitterly complaining of her ers. JEWELRY, Mrs. Monroe was considered a ueuu-trow black satin ribbons are extensively bankrupt state, in tones that could bo Plantation Supplies of to heard from nlm- here the Pali. 4IH Fofjt St The She was tall and gracefuUy used and with good results. A charm 'ble dlme'is again exchanging hands. polished and attractive in soformed, Every Description. ing arrangement requires yards and ciety. Mrs. John Adams was never yards belt, so which is ribbon. The of beautiful, but she was of imposing apOn and after August 9, all Electric Fixtures Hart's Patent " Duplex" Die Stock for arranged as to be attached to a broad Mrs. Swanzy has as guests at her pearance Hi rery Intellectual. and Kuooloa Mr. at ranch and Cutting; and Rubber Bolt Piiw satin piece in the middle of the back, Mrs, Hatch, Mrs. Maxwell and Mr. and Mrs. John Quincy Adams was famed Hoi-e, plain or wire bound, etc. and Shades now in stock will be sold at a GREAT consists of narrow bands of the ribfor her charming manners, and Mrs. Irs. Hawes, Jr. Agents for bon. This is formed by covering a Andrew Jackson for her amiable tempiece of well boned crinoline with black and kind heart. Mrs. Martin Van SACRIFICE to make room for shipment to arrive x It Is becoming more and more fash- per The iermotor, Buren, satin. The strip, which is not more ionable who died before her husband places out to in Honolulu have a pretry than three inches wide, is placed up is so easy to make up became president was per "Andrew WeIch." Mado of steel and will last longer and and down in the middle of the back, of town, and It on manunassuming modest, with parties short notice, and ners and gentle disposition. give bettor satWaction than any and ail brought around to the front, fhouse'a pleasure such to spend a day or two other manufactured. The first Mrs. Tyler was one of the and to each side of it the ribbons are on the other side of the Island. five belles of eastern Virginia and was most ribbons start in attached. Four or Orders from tho other attractive in "her striking loveliness this way in the middle of the back and promptly tilled Noonan. Mrs. did not return from of person and character. The" second THE OAHU ICE and are brought again to the front, & A A.f. AA J. Mrs. Tyler was the first woman to marwhere they are tied in a bow with long the volcano, as was expected. ry a president Before her marriage ends. Narrow black ribbons are atic niiAi & ELECTKIC CO. .5. tached to the back of the hat and all 4-The new French consul is a decided she was, for the one season she spent Washington. crossed, after which they are brought acquisition to Honolulu society. He there, the belle of The AtiQntion of Connoisseurs is called to the A sparkling brunette was Mrs. WilHave everything in readiaround to the front and tied under the speaks excellent English and is a Superlative Qualify of POMMERY CHAMPAGNE f" chin. The bow is fastened by a-- brooch thorough man of the world, besides be-l- liam Henry Harrison. She was very ness and are prepared to Watchmaker & Jeweler. which is being shipped to this country. style. In London, vt in good most iateresting and entertaining. handsome, with a face full of anima- serve their customers with tion, and her health, which was royokes are tucked and shirred the acknowledged HoiW o Wine Connoisseurs, where no. 8 king st. nxak ntjtjantj andShirt the goods are trimmed in other Mrs. F. K. C. Gibbons left for Eng- bust, added a glow to her fea teres ICErnanufa'ctured from pure ways. Unless on is very full around which Increased her charms. "Upon QUALITY REGULATES PRICE, land last week after a lengths vLsit her-- countenance," it is recorded, ''na- condensed .water from arteP. O. Box 1020. the hips, the trimmed yoke is to be here. POMMERY Commands from Two to Six Dollars more ture had been profusely .libera!' recommended, but for embonpoint it sian wells. I900 Ramblirs:- - -- nriPTV v.... o RamMsrs:- - er - AT A BARGAIN. lace-trimm- ed ,. -- . -- f- mad-ame- E.0.HALL& -- unpar-alolle- SON short-sleeve- Limited, King Street. ifL Ka-llb- THE i fwiW 5j WfflTE HOUSE dlai-rho- ea 420 Fort Street. 5 Mepmaiifc Sale of renxbons no-coll- ar M. no-coll- ar ? : new-fangle- d. J. H. SCHNAGK lace-cover- t ed AMERICAN w. pres-enc- Hardware ef DRY GOODS ASSOCIATION turn-dow- t- I- - 4- - MAIN 199 house-warmin- g, - Alarm Cloekfe -- The Hawaiian Electric Co., Ltd., : AH Alakea Street, Makai Merchant. Priced. y. over-Sunda- READY y -- A-'- wc-ma-n, soli-ult- srUo BIART'S TO DELIVER ICE tja.?. od Tftp OH k;ee tdiip miTCDinv itu ny ed FREDHABH CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER Jobbinc Promptly IttMitf to THE A. Harrison Mill Go. Ltd Kawaiahao Street, Kewalo. MILL VMK II AIL ITS P. p. Bex N8. Telephone Wkit12L : hpitinW. Mm MM should be avoided. The Chilean trailing ship did not Tulle of all colors can be used for the boa. The 'latest design is the entertain at all during her brief stay snake boa, which is very thick at on here, coatrary to all expectations. end and tapering at the other. "To give these boas foundation there is a lining Miss Kathleen Cartwright gave a desimilar to the lining of a muff, over lightful wagonette, and dancing .party which the material is shirred. Satarday erealag at Alea. a To fashion such a lining a tiny roll of cotton batting Is prepared until it is Xlss Harriet Lewers gave a.card parof equal thickness, except at one end; ty Friday 'ereaiag. where it is tightly sewed to give itAJje desired point A black silk .case IsT Mrs. Laara W. Wight now a resident slipped over the bom, reminding one of of Oakland, Is expected to arrive in the way a bolster is slipped into its Hoaolala.ay the returning S. S. China, case. The boa Is bow ready for its and will remain here three months. outside covering, which may be of amy selected material, with a preference alMrs. Gill, wife of the editor of Tie ways for black tulle or black chtffoa. Republican, has gone to Seattle for a The most beaatlful boas are of black krief TisK. She win soon return with a her1 Bentnold goods tulle with gold dots put on and make her way as to require a Tery close, talcs; Guls have taken a The a with is tied Back tttfcloa sairrlBS. street, a3aaa tiny black satla ribboa. with eads is at home oa Thursdays.and Mrs. Gill snipped off very short Caamiag aarmitarcs are fashioaed of white chlffoaama lace. These are :I'haTe Been calling on the proud loveljr poa a new garment, and of so mothers of? the numerous, new habiss A " -- . J!" V' r .! ?ifc NEW ti Ekpit Ine if JLUrjt iswaf ' f Telephone 3151, Blue. P. O. Box 600 - Ties. Skirts, Ptjiws, Silk ui Etc. UTSniiiI. K.ISOSHIMA,, ;f King Street, Below CastS & Cooke's.. . . rg 5SA. a case than other leading Brands, as per figures taken from Ridley's Wine and Spirit Trade Circular, London. POMMERY G. H. HUnr ? ? Vintage 1893 S63. 1S93 70s. " " " PERRIER JOUET HOET AND CHAMX)N " 1893 Extra CuTeeG Cos. LOUIS KOEDERER 1S93 193 " " " 20 79s. 3d. JGSs. to 9l " 7fo. " - CCs. 8-i- s 3d "71s. W. C. Peacock & Co., Ltd. cm C TTCNTC t-- i1 1 tt)HKtt GOO KIM HaTe just opened a New and HIMIiHIH Ml t , 210 NUUANU STREET, ABOVE HOTEL line lone of Heavy PONGEE SILK GOODS FOR if Laics', Beits' vA CkiHm's STUff St . s. HOFFIAN&IAEKHAI topes, Khms, Etc, traaaf oralis a aatare H6m aa oM oae that have rseeatly arrived. Thepres-eat- s far aS.wevs costly and numerous, that you wowM scarcely reeogmlae the gowa. They make a chlffoaette hat I was isainUHy. token with the ex-giTem Mrs. Carpel's searoely ooarser tfcaa eahfee, yet rtta - Your Orders Solicited. SUMMER GOODS. in-su- V .5 Mrs. Thomas Jefferson was remark- able for her beauty. Her complexion was brilliant; her large, expressive eyes of "the richest tinge of iubdrn." A little above medium height she ws slightly and delicately formed. She danced, sang, played the splocet and harpsichord and rode with great skilL MEN'S SUITS. Nevv Shipment of Sandalwood Boxs for Handkerchiefs Gloves, Jewelry, Etc lUMQnable '$' SJ ! VS" ,. Pricf. J. 4- - "45 is"f - l & fjrgHBiu c., . i4w 'JA - '" sy- "- ifi r A " the fu: WATER FRONT. an-ab- le The Steamer Aorangi Makes Fine Time LIMITED 64 PAMFINE PAKT COS Paints, Compounds and Building Papers. - p .! I MfflS, , i- Stocksfc Bonds. A N -- T tl lt Cube and Granulated. - -- -- 3! S-- REEKED SUGARS. i fk. Real Estate, 7-- 1-- From Victoria. Offer for Sale: W. ?I Jii 1 WiG.lrwlD&Co j. schooner before Diamond- - Head was TIDES. SU1TAND MOON. a?ei the rails at a point thirty miks 1 reached and when the Tessel passed 333th of Newcastle."" the lighthouse the Dewey was a good 1s o quarter of a mile in advance of La sir .?Sj Made Public Correspondence 1 Paloma. The wind was fair and from - -- r S , s, s London. Atts: 22. The Colonial OiSrc the northeast and La Paloma had her club topsails set but seemed today zssde public the text of the corto crawl np on her smaller opporespondence seLred at Pretoria. Be;des IJM 1 4 S.tiU 1MI ml 4 3! nent. When abreast of the Hghthoase 3tva ' pet Mr. Henry Laboachere. John Edward 2S 2T u 1. at Diamond Head the Bonnie turned 5 .11 p. EUis, liberal member of Parliament S3, i i back. It is expected that the boats WeJ 9 01 J.51 a pi 1.' will return to port late Monday after- Tfcerpx 7aJ5 l s. &' i.i" 3 ote.1?- 9 a for th RushclifTe Division, of Nottingnoon. Frt npa.s hamshire, wrote to Mrs. Solly, for facts i.ut.is a l.sf 3 1JH 5 CS Of 1411 15 favorable to the TraasvaaL and Dr. ban. J 1U SHIPPING NOTES. I fc e.!5 3. 6 l Mi lia. m Gavin tJrown Clark. Radical member! T.KJ UfH, 8T M.n j 3.ttJ4 l.Titl . OFFICE-CORN- ER KING A RECORD FROM iiLLLVSaLvpH-.- " PORT TO PORT. for Caithness, and former Consul Genbag3 5,000 brings of Claudine The Republic m South of African eral the STREETS. AND BETHEL Faaohou sugar ior the steamer AusFirst quarter of the moon on the London, wrote to President Kruer. 1 at96p. m. THE SOLACE FK03C YOKOHAMA tralia. under Oat of August 29th. 1SS9, of the The tug Eleu towed the bark Empire AND GUAM IN PORT to sea yesterday. unsatisfactory results of a conversaFOR SALE. DIAMOND KFATl SIGNAL STA- tion he had had with Mr. Joseph Chamfollowing-cargo-: Tfie brought Kinau the TO COAL. "Weather clear: AugTist 31. TION. 239 sk3 potatoes, 50 sks corn, berlain, the Secretary of State for the A tine large residence on Victoria &2 hogs, 11 bdis hides, 2 horses, 249 wind light, northeast. Colonies. Dr. Clark said that he street, fS,oU. The Big Algoa Arrives From Japan pkgs sundries. thought that war was inevitable, and There is a probability of another big MOVEMENTS OF STEAMERS. The Challenger From New-Yor's discussed the effect of President FOR SALE. Spreckels towboat coming here in time passes. seizing the Steamers due and to sail today and Many "Vessels Defor the next sugar season. This tug & ELECTRIC CO.. LM will do the long hauls between here for the month of September are as folA beautiful home at Punaho- lot GAS part Harbor Notes. TaxllO, hou$e 7 rooms, only $4,W0. and the other islands. Heretofore the lows: Universally Condemned r-ARRIVE. MAGOON BUILDING, Com- -. long distance towing has been done by Brown 24. Gavin Dr. Aug. London, steamers with or the satisfaction little StreDue. Yesterday was one of the busiest Steamers. irom. FOR SALE. chant and Alakea profit to either the ships or the steam- Honykong3Iaru S.F. .Sept 5 Clark is condemned by the morning days that the front has seen for a long ship companies. Sept 12 papers, irrespective of party. Some of House and lot on the installment Siena S. F time. The Aorangi, Algoa and Solace Sept 22 the Government organs, in big black plan, easy monthly payments. Fay The ship Challenger, which arrived China S. F. Co. arrived quite early in the morning and here yesterday from New York, will Doric S. F Sept 22 type, proclaim him a traitor of the your rent in buying a home. Metropolitan Sept 26 the American ship Challenger from be taken command of by Captain Piltz Australia S. F. Sept 29 worst kind. Last evening he was mob Nippon Maru S. F.- New York came into the harbor just of the William Carson. FOll SALE. 2a bed by his constituents, and was only Sept Tomorrow will be generally observed Warrimoo Victoria IOS KING before noon. The Kinau arrived a litby of his a one worse saved fate from -as a holiday along the water front. DEPART. tle after 1 o'clock, with a very big pasbay supporters, crowd at who held the Captain Clarke was met with open Australia S. F. ' Leasehold of IS yean, paying 20 per Q. J. "WALLER, . Sept 4 with a revolver. .. senger list. She was crowded with va- arms on his arrival at Hilo. It had Moaiia S. F cent net. 14 Sept cationists, all coming home to get been a long time since he had been Sept 15 Rio de Janeiro S. F ready for the next term of school. there and he was given a flattering re- Nippon Maru S. F Wholesale aud Eotail FOR SALE. Sept 17 The Grill for Sunday. Sept 22 The Aorangi was at the Pacific Mall, ception. Coptic S. F This is Ihe menu for the regular dinThe custom house boys have received Miowera Victoria Sept 25 Business property oi: Frf street. wharf discharging freight and taking tocaps. They are pretty, but the Australia S. F...... 2 ner at the Union Grill, King street, their Business property - old CiiHiatown. Oct coal and the Algoa was compelled to gold eagles embroidered on the front America Maru S. F NAVY Oct 2 day: .DINNER wait outside for her turn at the wharf. of each headpiece make the boys eel FOR SALE. COLD SERVICE The Solace was docked at the navy sad. They are the only gold of Uncle " Lamb Beef tier. Miss A. King, A. R. Gurry and SO dock and to make room for her the Sam's that they have yet seen. sotrp Any sngnr stock- that you want to The Falls of Clyde is billed to sail on deck. big ship John Currier wasmored upConsomme Chicken Giblets buy. tomorHilo San from for Francisco per Mikahala, stmr. From Makaweli, SALAD town to the Irmgard wharf. row, taking passengers and a load of Sept. L Miss C. Charman, Miss R. Alligator Pear The Mikahala arrived from Kauai sugar. Of the advance in the pr. Akiau, Miss Ako, Miss L. Kapa, Miss nsH In the morning and was sent to Kau M. Akina, Miss L. Akina, Miss M. Kua, of tho high rate of dnt Filet of Sole, Sauce Tartar Rinii UP ENTREES In the afternoon for a load of sugar. SUGAR ON HAWAIL Miss Schlemneer, Master W. Kapa, under the U. S. tariff m Chicken Saute, Marengo Master D. Kapuniai, Master King, MasThe Aorangi was about an hour late imported from Australia Veal Cutlets, a la Milanatso The Kinau reports the following ter S. Paalua, Master Meheula, Master in getting away for the Colonies. She sugar supply for this our chief no AST Apao, Master Harbottle, Mr. Akina, Mr. left on Hawaii: took but few passengers from this Reef Lamb Tamo Is Duck present drawn, we . M. at 4,500 bags; H. P. S. M., nil; and Mrs. Dasher; Mrs. Hartman and Waiakea, VEGETABLES port. Wainaku, nil; O. S. Co., nil; Pepeekeo, 33 on deck. strpph to able continue Asparagus, fayouaise Dressing From Vancouver and Victoria, per There was a procession of vessels out nil; Honomu, nil; Hakalau, 5,000 bags; customers tho at preset'' Mashed Potatoes bags; Oakala, 7,508 C. A. S. S.' Aorangi, Sept. 1. St C. of the "harbor all day. First the Ed- L. S. Co., 3,500 6,500 DE.SSEUT and, commeuclng Saptec bags; Kukaiau, bags; Paauhau, Sayres, C. J. McCarthy, N. E. Gedge, Vanila lee Cream. ward May got off, then the Emily F. 130 bags; Honokaa, 3,000 bags; an Increase of 3 cents pe PHONE SOG. Miss F. N. Carter, Mrs. E. Fowler. Miss Whitney and the Empire. The schooniMnnacar Lycurgus remarked last 5,000 L. Neumann, Miss E. Focke, E. G. 4,000 bags; Punaluu, present rateswlll be er Reporter was sailed out of the har- bags; Honapu, 1,717 bags. Total, C. E. King, Mrs. A. Mullen, evening that he was preparing for big for and veaL beef He bor by Pilot Cameron and the Aorangi 141.S17 bags. Miss J. Mullen, R. E. Mullen, Miss C. business today and tomorrow. S. by S. received the aaid Grill the went out under the guidance of. CapL. Mullen, Miss M. B. Mullen, E. MulCo. Australia cold storage a large contain Macauley. The Mikahala then len, Mrs. M. Dickson and two children, signment ARRIVED. Meat Co. i.td., Metropolitan with delicacies, usual of the left for Kau and the barkentine S. G. G. Elake, R. L. Mason, F. Searles, Mr. in novelties things or rare of a number Wilder was the last to leave. Macin-tyrand Mrs. HorniDrook, Mrs. J. NO. 16, QUEEN ST. Saturday, September 1. addition. "The dinners." said Mr. LyThe tug Fearless was kept busy G. WALLER Miss J. Macintyre, M. Macintyre, curgus, "will be better than ever. The C. A. S. S. Aorangi, Hay, from Vanfrom early till late in the afternoon. .0. A. Musgrave, C. C. Chamberlin, Miss chef and myself have taken great care couver Victoria. and r. First the Currier was moved uptown. R. E. Marshall, C. Melrose, W. A. Mace, in making the selections for thecourses. S. S. Algoa, Hansford, from Japan. 30. i August II. Honolulu, T Then the Challenger was towed in T. Boulton, C. Mrs. Roe, Mr. L. and J. The cooking will be up to the usual Stmr Mikahala, Pedersen, from from sea. Then the Fearless took the E. Malley and A. Piersbn. 10S bags taro and 57 bdls hide3. standard, and the table service will be MANAGER. Edward May to sea and afterwards Malakai. btter thau ever. We are having a good Bennett, from Lehua, Stmr towed the Whitney out. In the afterlot of regular patrons and want to suit PASSENGERS DEPARTED. Stmr Kinau, Clarke, from Hilo and noon she towed the Wilder out and on and hold them, and of course we apports. way way In she helped dock the Alg'ia. her preciate new Vustomers. The Grill is Foundation Stone, Am sh Challenger, Gould, 138 days Per C. and A. S. S. Aorangi Tor the an cafe, and as a business York. New from FORTHERENEFn m Colonies, BSept 1. Baxter Bruce and enterprise is a success. Invite tho peoAORANGI'S FAST TRIP. Curbing, Black and Stmr J. A. Cummins, Searle, Oahu wife. Mis M. Mcintosh E. Morin, II. ple to come aiuL see n aul e will ports. Chaffer and 2 Chinese steerage. White Sand, Olive Branch, Rebekah Ledge N.. 2, txeut them right." It Is not so long ago since the U, S. S. Solace, Winslow, from Maboats used to arrive r. o. o. . AND hero at almost any time but schedule. nila, Hongkong and Guam. HONOLULU STOCK EXCHANGE. LSoil of all Description foi Friday Evening, September This was when the steamers were un'. DEPARTURES. der the old management. Now things Sale. 1. 19"0. Sept. Saturday, noOiUI.U, are conducted on an entirely different PROGRESS HALL JlliI Bk Edward May, Hansen, in ballast Ewa plan and it Is seldom that the vessels Hire. 2T, 23 Com paur Plantation Tickets for Lndy and Genttem ii are late and generally they arrive for San Francisco. HawiUIiui Agricultural Co. Bk Emily F. Whitney, Bregman, In Itawnlluu Oom'l SusirO ahead of time. From the fine run made Ulh Hawaiian Su?.ir Co by the Warrimoo on her last trip from ballast for San Francisco. 1T0 Qou iuii Sugar Comp.iny theSound Empire, Knacke, for 31 Bk Company. Honr fcnaSuear 32J the Colonies and the remarkable time 23 ROCK FOR BALLAST. , Knuuku Plantation Company made by the Aorangi from Victoria it in ballast Co., Ltd., Atses-- . .... li!i Kilict Plantation Bkt S. G. Wilder, Jackson, for San Klpaaulu Supar Company 110 would appear that they are being tried l&iv Koli.a busar Co out to compete for tho subsidy that Francisco with a load of sugar. Sugar Company Sch Reporter, Dahloff, for the Sound Konr the Colonial government will shortly 4 McBryde Sugar Co., Ltd,. Afs 12 give to the line that carries the mail in ballast. SlcBryde Supir Co., Ltd., Pd up J White and Black Sand Free ree 13ij; 153 Colon1 In Quantities to Suit. OahuSumrOi Hay, Aorangi, the for Stmr to and from the coast 1 Ookjila buyar Plantation Co. Ifi, 17i Purser Mason makes the following ies. a j'4 Olaa Susar Co., Ltd., Aw u The Labor Committee will i 11 . Olan Su?.ir Co., Ltd., Pa'd up Stmr Mikahala, Pedersen, for Kau. report of the run from Vancouver to prizes and purse 2,000, for tht rs .206 O low du Company H" For. Contracted Excavating Lahaina. Paloma, for La Sch yacht port: "The Aorangi, C. M. Hay com275 of tho events to bo held at K ui Pala Plantation Cj..... Sloop Dewey, Hobron, for Lahaina. 223 mander, left Vancouver at noon on the Pepe'keoSuear Company on September 31. Park 156 iMj; sch Columbia, Plon er Mill Company Aug. 27, Am 24th of August and arrived at Victoria, y As this money was ootitnti ; 93 Walnlua Agricultural Co., A,e B. C, at 6:45 p. m. same day.- Left Sprague, for Port Townsend in ba115 11G.' business men of Honolulu ' the n' Walalua Asricultucal Co., Pd up FOR SALE. Coral .and Soil For Sale. ,. 400 Victoria at 5 a. m. on Saturday, 25th llast Walluku Sucar Co ho mittee wish to thank them. thr. f ICO Company sch Metha Nelson, Watinanalo Sugar Sept 1, Am August, and experienced strong north: whu-tho Press, assistance for U2)J Co Mill west winds, with heavy swell, which O. Isackson, for Port Townsend in bait Walraca 130 Jt'sSfDump Carts furnished by generously gave. Wilder Steamship Co 1. House and lot on Young st; 60x140; Hawaiian EiectrloCo moderated on the following day, and last the day on Hour's Notice. Co Steam Xavlsatlon house contains S rooms. Price with occasional showers so continued Everybody Hawaiian Electric Co $3,500. -- C until the 2Sth. Easterly and E. N. E. Honolulu Steam Laundry VESSELS LEAVING TUESDAY. mTCHCOCK. II. E. ISO Oahu Railway & Lat.il Co ...'. winds with fine weather and smooth Admission y 2. residence on Young st; W People's Ice .t Ileiris. Co O. to sea were' then met with and carried to P. Bethel St.rnext Stmr Kinau, Clarke, for Maui and 10 57,500. rooms. Only Price BONDS. -port. The Aorangi has done some ex- Hawaii ports at 4 p. m. Invitations for the ball can r part cash. Wii .. Hawaiian Gov't. 6 per cent. upou application cured to an he cellent steaming, the passage from 4 P9 Stmr Kauai, Bruhn, for Eleele at Hawaiian Go'vt. 5 per cent. 3. House and lot on Alexander st; Committee. 103 Victoria occupying only 6 days, 19 p. m. Ewa Plantation C per cent 104 THOS.HAVLi. 100x190; house contains 7 rooms. Kahuku Plantation & per cent hours, showing an average of 14.6 Stmr Noeau, Wyman, for Lahaina, OahuKaUwayfcLandCo.Cp-PURDY & BARON. 101j 103 A.BUNSO, Price $5,000. knots per hour." Honokaa and Kukulhaele at 10 a. m. JAY THOMAS. SALES JtonXIXO SESSION. Stmr Keauhou, Mosher, for Maka4. House and lot at Kallhi; 77x150; Committeo of Arrangf'Ti THE SOLACE ARRIVES. weli and Waimea at 5 p. m. S rooms. Price $2,900. A bargain. SHIP CARPENTERING, 4 50 5 McBryde Stmr W. G. Hall, Thompson, for 1 00 20 Olaa Pd 5. House and lot on slopes of Punch- 152 50 The U. S. navy transport .Solace, BOAT BUILDING, Koloa, Eleele and "Waimea at 10 Oann Pd 132 50 5 Oahu Pd Captain Herbert Winslow, commander, 5 p. m. bowLsPrice $2,750. arrived from Guam yesterday after a SMITHING, XOTE. Tliere will bo no sfIon ct the Stock 6. House and lot on Kinau st; 50x100 quick passage. The vessel left Yoko- VESSELS LEAVING Eschonjre on Monday. A bargain for J2.S00. WEDNESDAY. AND GENERAL REPAIR WORK. hama on August 11 and went to Guam, 7. Lot Kalihi; at Price 77xl50. where she stayed a day. She has sev- . Stmr Mauna Simerson, for La$1,000. enteen sick and wounded sailors aboard haina, Maalaea, Loa, Shop: SUMNER'S ISLAND British Soldiers Giving JO Kona Kau and at and Colonel Meade, who Is on his way a. m. S. Lot at Kalihi; 50x100. Price $500. Phone S06. P. O. Box i!62. Honolulu home on slclc leave. y-- i The Boers Ho Rest. 9. House and lot at Kalihi; 155x150; Colonel Meade was the first AmeriW. G. IKW1M A KB- PASSENGERS ARRIVED. house contains S rooms. Price can officer in command of the" forces f $3,S00. in China and was at thevhead of the Wben Tou 60 To WAH.UIU Abstracts and Certlcates From Hilo and way ports, per stmr. De Wet's Army of Two Thousand tie United States forces at' Tientsin. He 10. House and lot on College st; 75x Kinau, Sept D. S. Bowman, W. was attacked by rheumatism and was Carefully L Prepared 125. A bargain for $5,000. Men Reduced to a Mero Handvery sick for a while, so was invalided Heyneman, Mrs. H. Walker, J. McGav-iSTOP&.TTTHE Money to Loan on Rett! . ta property on Forest; 47x 11. Business home. He is, now In Tery good health J..W. Pratt, A. F. Rooker, Miss ful Roberts Reports. 9S. Security $5500. .Price and does not like the Idea of having 'to W. Hall, Mrs. H. Noonan, J. go home"whlle there is fighting to do. 12. Lot on Kekaulike st; 46 ft front London. Aug. 23. Lord Roberts reCaptain Winslow was in command J. Ellis, Ed. Le Harne, C. S. Holloway, Price $5,000. "H. Tenny, Miss M. W. C. Pir3t-ClaHitchcock. Office, of House in Every DetaiL under date ports of a war vessel during the blockading to the War 13. Lots at Kewalo; all bargains; 50x of Santiago, Cuba. He is a son of old F. W. Damon, Geo. Mayfield, Dr. Geo Pretoria, August 22d, as follows: 100 each. Commodore Winslow, afterwards ad- Herbert, Mrs. FC J. Cross, J. Russell, "Buller's Division marched to Vani miral, who distinguished himself In E. N. Chan and girl, wife and two chilMRS. G. R. ROBERTSON, 14. House and lot on Liliha st; $3,500. Wycfs Vlei. 15 south of Belfast, yesthe civil war. 15. House and lot on Vineyard at; Manager. dren, C. De'Chew, Henry Giles, terday. His casualties were 20. Miss The Solace will remain here until $3,500. Wailukn, Mary Maol. Boyle, Ed. Haole, Ailaur'Mrs. reports from Harman's Kraal "Paget Tuesday. She will then leave for San CJ7 Francisco, returning here about the Palmer Woods, Capt Lane. Miss F. that Baden-Poweengaged Groblcr's 16. Lot on Young st 55x155. Price $3,000. -last of this month. Ballinger, Mrs. E. Conradt, France rear guard all day yesterday. Groblr Woods, "W. Meyer and wife. Miss E. was. driven back east of Pinaar's river. 17. Lodging house on Fort st; month- THE ALGOA. ly gross income $425. Price Stansbury, J. S.A Carlario, Jr.. J. H. 's advance 'eolumn and $6,000. (? "Wise, Meyer W. E. IdAcfarlane. Jr.. enemy galloped into each that of the The Algea?- - the largest Tessel plyCorner King & Alakea Streets. ing in Pacific wafers, is alongside the A. H. R. Alerra, Miss A. Kekipl, G. other, the Rhodesians losing "Colonel IS. Leasehold on Qaeen at; 24 years to run; splendid propwarehouse Profs. Martin JVau Pra s and Pacific Mall wharf. She has 2,000 tons F. J. Gregg aad wife. P. Spreckley and four men killed, and erty; ,000. of .freight for this port and a large Master MPerry, Miss M. Moss-Ba- n, seven wounded. Many of the Boers Cbas K. Stickney of San Fran isco Aloals served at all hours. cargo for San Francisco. The Algoa Miss M. Gregg. Miss Lily Aki, were killed or wounded. They were at 19. Leasehold on Berefanla st, with lf is about loaded and that achave been engaged to a new buildinK. suitable for stores counts for her rather long trip to this Willie Hall, Mrs. N. K. Smythe, Miss CyferkuU this morning. Plummer and d etail Series of ilnsical Concerts at class in everv First or warehouses; $4,200. the port. Her propeller Is about half out K. Bard, A. Watson. Valentine Holt J. Bickman were closely pursuing them. 20. Lou at Kalihi. of water. She will be here several W. Tindal. Mrs. T. Bollinger, Joseya XETV Lanai findol the ENGLAND seems De certain that "It Wet 121. Lots at Palama near Insane Asy days discharging and will then sail for Luis, Bishop Gulstan Popert, Chans ing it hopeless io jnake his way eastBAKERY, TUESDAY, THl'RS-DA- Y lum. San Frincisco, where it is thought she Tal, Man, F. W. Miiverton, Master Ben. ward, has xecrossed the Magallesb-r- s will be takes as a transport. As the Proprietor and SATURDAY filigovernment has stated, however, that C. Kara Poo, Miss M. Maby, Henry V. with a few wounded, with ih& intention ngs of each week, Commetj'-mno more xsea will be sent to China, it Hollinger, L. Alcana, Miss L Mabv, G. of. returning to the Orange River Colis possible that the bis freighter will M. Home, Mrs. Kania and servant G. ony. He Is in a Very different condinot be used by the authorities. Sturgeon. Miss E. Stubblebeen. Mrs- - L tion from that when he left Bethlehem TO-NIGH- T. Brown aad maid, Joe Benton J. K. Kau- - with six or eight guns aad 2.009 men. lia, Judge Little, E. Campbell, G. Akona His sans hare mostly been buried, The Public Invited. Nu (. harge reand son. Miss Little. Miss Ida Hornsr, and' his persoaal following cannot be The yacht race to LahalRa and turn started yesterday afteraooa at a G. W. Stadllcr, Mrs. T. Saddler. M!s more thaa 399. LnrrrED. for Admission. lKtle after 4 o'clock. The Dewey sailed M. Horner, J. Polkinghorn, Miss K. Steya, small a stated with that "It is by T. W. Hobroii amd La Paloma sailed by Clarence Mac farlanc; crossed Saddle V. Hoistein. H. Gillen. Sef. S bodyguard, has crowed Pinaar's itrer, -the startla ttae almost together. At L. Desha aad five children, MfssH. on h& way to joia Kroger at Machado-"dor- p. the movta of .the eaaaad the Dewey Kekoeaa, J7. Hopper, Mies M. Ahcat, waa.to wiad-wa- ri W. Bertowltt. Mm. C. L. Zelgler Miis , had.calaed a Httfo-aarrhe 'Boera yesterday blew up a por-pricMu First class rigs at J, MALI LITTarSlsispr. attiaeiFatomir Th Boaaie Du a.-- , wuuame, jtrtftrisioaerson. misa &ia aa the rallwmyat KoeU's Drifht, 5 flat, whkh tamd j1te a Hatoani b .5 MMCt jstJEtrsiRaiPaKiSsTBiJBsPaFaP&Pi Z V A. - THEBOSOLTJLU BEPUBLICA3, 3TJXDA1, SEPTE3EBER 2, 1900, -- s ff.i - Kni-ger- PAINT OILS, - Lucol Raw and Boiled. Linseed Raw and Boiled. x- LXDUtftL Water-proPaint, inside and outside; in white and cold-wat- of er colore. FERTILIZBES Ml STR&Ui. x " e Alex. Cross .fc. Sons' Scotoh fertilizers', adapted for sugar cane and coifee. K. Ohiandi ,fc Co.'b chemical Fertilizers and finely ground Bonemeal. high-grad- BUTCH5RS anr i- ;s CONTRAGTi STEiUI PIPE COVERED In Consequence. - Heed's patent elastic sectional pipe " Covering. FILTER, PRESS CLOTHS, Linen and Jute. -- IMS, w. E. CBJIENT, LIME & BRICKS Agents Fop - . le, Col-dewe- WESTERN SUGAR REFINING CO. San Francisco, Cal y, o-- Hawaiian Ballasting -- BALDWIN LOCOMOTIVE WORKS, Philadelphia, Pemi., U. S. A. e. J. H. Ma-kawe- li; NEWELL UNIVERSAL MILL CO. (Muiif. "National Cane Shredder") New York, U. S. A. l. EVANS, Manat Grand Ball te OHLANDT & CO., San Francisco, Cal. Cana- dian-Australian RISDON IRON AND LOOOMOITVE San Francisco, Cal. WORKS. f. Will Saridge ed Sc fr fyStDravs Keal Estate LABOR DA SPORTS i Broker, Palolo Land and Improvement Co., Ltd. Merchant Street. - ROOM 8, MODEL BLOCK, FORT ST ' Invited Inter-Mmr-d free Two-stor- Ollico 10;to 12 A. M. Hours A. F. GOQKE, HANAGER C ili, Offers for Sale or Lease TRACTS .1. of 25 to 100 ACRES of land in Palolo Valley for building, "arming or stock rais.nr. BLOCKS of IG BUILDING LOTS each tquaro foot with streets all and lots cleared. laid 2. 15000 SINGLE BUILDING LOTS in S. the valley or on tho hill sides, 73x200 4. 5 AND 10 ACRE Lou of CLAY SOILS suitable for making bricks sower pipe, flower pots, fire clay, etc j OOO.OOO TONS Searcher of Records Offlcc-Oppo- SHIP BALLAST ROCKS in quantities to suit, for sale in tho quarry or delivered in town. 6. ROCK QUARRIES of buildup stone for sale or lease. A cood opportunity for contractors and new build-i- n firms to work or own their own quarry. s-- n. By-ingt- on, WINDSOR a and 100x150. 5.Q F.W. MaMnny FREE ss CON CEsiT To-Ni- r U Astor House Restaurant Baden-Powell- Me-Maho- t tlxe New England Bakery. n, - rt one-ha- sui tabWo r SMALL FARM7. ING, CHICKEN RANCHES, MOUNTAIN HOMES, Etc, for sale or lease. I.-U!- d ROAD METAL, CKU1HED SOCK for concrete work for sale in quantities to suit, by the yard or 100,-0yards. Special rates for largo 8. 00 quantities. AH CHUCK, Hilliiuii DEWEr-LA'PALOM- 9. OPPORTUNITIES for contractors to put up SO to 4Q cottager for rea-tand for a buss lino to run as soon as al buildings are rented. BEAUTIFUL SUSUXBAY PmOPAM.1 iie for hotel-- , jmf pcwti, three1 to four miles I tba4 Post-- ,10. :F . - .& .-- oAoe,forjml -- &. a, or Umm'pm Javomble A. MgeieWStaMes, Real Estate Broker, -- d 518 Fort Street. ,9, fIr -- 0 pHfc mttt WW BmBh"j 4eT M m & ov r.Vi ao6 Kkfcfaam StrMt 477. - - "N1. L . 4. . , Mm Eigiani Bakery NU wm t -- - cpe.'"--.--- - ' I""'' THE HONOLULU REFUBLIGAX, SCNDAT. SEPTEMBER s ibj " . ?s. t i fsa . 2 4 r s pa. r rs pa jtt is rst a mmmw a Arrived IK ui IPeir S. S- - M uafcralia jr ITARS AND UNS i s u 7 Smoked Salnu-- i a Cc'lorv FrMWMje Vo yoa know Swiss Cliee e Eric "4pMBMjA Jf that we sell E Z Washburn Goods I as cheap as any store in the United States? None excepted. Come and see them or write. They need no advertising. It 13 only necessary to state where they can be found. WAITY a ; m Rs rx i a a pa w pb Pa Ba pa ks Ra pa r psi r-- Grocers. Orpheum Block. Tel. 680. 5 Ps Pa s Pa The Porter Furniture P fc S: Bergstrom Go. Music Company BETHEL AND HOTEL STKEETS Chickering Piano Agency. Fort Street -:- - -:- Telephone 321. - IMPORTERS AKD DEALERS IX Lil. Furniture and Upholstery -- Room 3 HOTEL STBEET. Moroff & Eppers, Real Estate and Buggy Ride. Collections. Is It a Pleasure? OfOce -:- - -:- Magoou" Block. - That depends largely upon the veFOR SALE., hicle in which the ride Is taken. If the vehicle is old, if it rattles and jars, and Beautiful lots 50x140 on Beretauia, if the draft is heavy, much of the pleasure is lost But if it has the ball King and Young streets near Buna-hobearing axles, rubber tires, patent Price from 1,500 to 1,C00 dollars-Ter- ms springs and other improvements of the u. Iff easy. vehicle, HIGH GRADE, indeed. then it is a pleasure We are showing a new line of High Grade Bike and Pneumatic Buggies, Runabouts, Traps, Phaetons, Surreys, Speeding Carts, Brakes, etc Also a full line of Harness, Whips, Robes, Lamps, Rugs, Shades, etc FOR SALE. Rubber Tires Nice home sites 50x100 from 275 to Wo have added to our equipment a complete RUBBER TIRE outfit and 400 dollars each. Choose your own are now prepared to put on all sizes A bargain. of Rubber Tires. New Channels and terms. Rubbers put on, or old Channels We use the TIRE (two wire), the best and most satisfactory Tire made. "KELLY-SPRINGFIEL- Bussians Insist Their Government Has Alae-Dona- tion. In the meantime our field artillery had been brought to bombard the cenfiENEML CI1FFEE NLIS ALOOF. ter gate of the Tartar Cijy, but a sortie by the Americans and Russians of COaiXAHDEKS OF THE FOREIGN the garrison along the wall anticipated the bombardment, and the gate fell inFORCES TRYING TO FIND to our hands. PRIXCE TUAN. Two field guns were then brought the Legation and. the rest were into Gen. Gaselee Telegraphs the Britsent back to the Temple of Heaven. At about 5 in the afternoon the Amish. Government an. Account ericans, under General Chaffee, entered of the Entry into the the Legation, and then we moved on Chinese Capital. towards the center of the city for the night. By nightfall we had 400 men a. m. Fires, in the Legation. London. Aug: 24.-- 3:50 (Here, apparently, some words 3re fighting and dissension are apparently following in the wake of the relief of missing.) During the evening at the Temple of Peking. The Daily Mail publishes dispatches from the Chinese capital, dated Heaven we were engaged, and after as late as August 17th, declaring that inflicting heavy losses we occupied the a great fire was then raging in the Im- South gate of the Chinese City." i perial City. The Russian Commissioner had declined to accept the decision of OF PERSONAL INTEREST the other generals, not to violate the Trimmed hats atcostaO'rs.Hanna's. Imperial precincts, and street fighting You can tell a Cleveland rider by hit was going on. General Chaffee, so it Is asserted, maintained that the Chinese easy pedalinsr. No effort. Eemoval sale at M. R. Counter's had been adequately punished already, store, Port street. jewelry th and that it would be unwise to take September 5th, at Wednesdav, the explains On This Imperial palace. Co. will Ehlers B. a. F. o'clock m, 8 after Americans, the withdrawal of remnants. of sale a hold breaking three gates, as cabled by the A fine lot of carriage and draught special correspondence of the Associate! horses, also twenty head of mules, arPress. The Russian General, however, rived for G. Schuman per C. D.Eryaut. maintained that his Government had Mrs.Napthaly's millinery parlors are declared war against China, and that, located temporarily at the stores fortherefore, there was no reason to pre- merly occupied by Tregloan, the tailor, vent him carrying hostilities into the Hotel street. The bread, cakes and pies made by sacred precincts. Hotel street, Judging from various, and In many the New England bakery. 1 Hour by experNo. made from are cases, contradictory dispatches, that ienced and white workmen. have reached Europe this morning Thursday and Friday, September Gth from Peking, the commanders eventu- and 7tb, is the time set for the sale of ally adopted a middle course, for a furniture, plants and buildings of the Reuter telegram asserts that sentries Arlington hotel. Will E. Fisher is the were placed to prevent looting. Hence auctioneer. B. E. Martin, an extra skillful stenogIt is assumed that the Imperial build wants a position; likewise V. rapher, denot be will ings, though captured, A. Swift, expert accountant and typestroyed. writer. They advertise for places. The fires appear to be incendiary and Seud proposals to this office. to be caused by the Chinese themselves. Oahu college and Preparatory school All the dispatches point to the fact will not open until Monday, the 17th. tbo that, according to the latest received This was decided yesterday by new The college. of the trustees were commanders here from Peking the president and many of tho teachers are somewhat at sea regarding their fu- expected on the China, tho 13th. ture action, all awaiting instruqtions from their governments. STTJBBS AGAINST CANAL. The foreign residents appear to have been sent to Tien Tsin, although the Attempts to Show Why Waterway St. Petersburg correspondent of the Would Be a Big Mistake. Daily Mail says that the Ministers will 'CHICAGO, Aug. 21. The construcnot leave Peking until the negotia- tion of an isthmian canal was vigortions for indemnity are under way. ously denounced here tonight at a Neither the commanders nor diplo- banquet given by the National Associand Travelers, by J. matists were in communication with ation of Merchants of ths Southpresident vice Stubbs, C. the Chinese Government on xVugust ern Pacific Railway company. 17th. They were then searching fof His argument was that the opening of such a canal would hurt the ship Prince Tuan. States. Among the puzzling reports as to the carrying trade of the United United the that asserted Stubbs Mr. Dowager whereabouts of the Empress dig the canal at an exwould States is one from St. Petersburg, that she is penditure of $150,000,000 to $200,000,000 Engand would then be obliged to hire carry in the vicinity of Peking, but surroundships to disFrench and to have German lish, seems Emperor ed. The commerce through it appeared completely. It is officially re- the nation's States, he said, would be United The ported that the Minister of the Nether- mortgaging its resources or taxing its lands, Dr. Knobel, was slightly wound- citizens to make a highway for the ships of rival nations, inasmuch as ed during the siege. Great Britain and Germany are the announce dispatches St Petersburg competitors of the American strongest good progress in the Manchurian cammanufacturer in the markets of the paign. The town of Mergen was cap- world, and these two nations own more of the. world's steam tured on August ISth, with trifling than to oversea commerce, available tonnage sufferRussian loss, while the Chinese owns less than States United while the ed 'severely, leaving ten guns, 700 rifles, 5 per cent. of ammunition, in and Russians. " the hands of the 1 The reports of risings in Northern believed Is It confirmed. are Korea toward that these are not due to dissatisfaction. foreigners, but to local The Korean Government is lending troops to the disaffected districts. According to telegrams from Shanghai, considerable uneasiness is felt there over the fact that no dispatches have been received from Peking since August 20th. Other Shanghai reports locate the Emperor Kwang Su as under the protection of the allies, and the Empress Dowager as already captured by the Japanese. Dessribing the engagement west of Of taking your vacation Tien Tsin on August 6th. a special disg or Sunday outing if you patch says: "The; Sixth United States precidrill-lik- e haven't a SOD AK? Some Cavalry worked with fighting, and sion in the w picturesque scenes are the Chinese only escaped through th g always to be found while bungling of General Dorward' Berlin learns that there has been taking a vacation or out-Tsin, Tien of west fighting futher : inc. and why not be pre- which creates the impression that the Jg Province of Pechili must be effective pared to snap it with one ly ocupied. before peace negotiations of our KODAKS! will become feasible. D" two-thir- PACIFIC VEHICLE & SUPPLY CO. LT'D. TO LOAN. Next to the Fire Station. BERETANIA STBEET. OAT BLOCK. Small large-quantiti- on good real estate sums security 8 per cent. Theo. H. Davies & Co., Ltd. A LEASE. GENERAL MERCHANDISE. 4K year in the heart of the city Fob Sale. COMMISSION MERCHANTS. "Little" fey name!! AGENTS TOR Steamship Lino, Foreign Marino Insurance Co. , Northern Assurance Co. (Fire and Life). " V Canadian Pacific Railway Co. Pioneer Lino of Packets from Liverpool. Great in result!!! Is the - is distributing samples of. To Store Formerly Occupied 6ir. CARBON PAPER that . the Hatoaiian Netos Co. U'd. Removed I Tregtoan,HoteCStreet A lpg stock of some a. by the reivd MRS. A. V. NAPTHALY, flus-tPali- Forlleby HAWAIIAN NEWS CO. MILLINER. LIMITED. TtophM oCttMt . :),- - 2 ,4 iJ-J'x- -. 2- - r i - i Use hand-to-ha- & I I What's the IMPORTERS OF Lloyds, British ds es ill-w- ill SUGAR FACTORS. Caimdian-Aiistralai- n ld viv'- - s5- - ciW-jt- - 7I to tfc . m mm - s isi-ssr'7--? Sf J4. 31 && Lawns Dimities White Goods Laces Etc, Dress Goods Percales Batistes Ribbons i if Bargains For Everybody WHITNEY A MARSH. Ltd. 519 FORT TELEPHONE 436. STREET. : $-.- King Street Stables. The Largest and Finest Stock of Livery -- Elite Bldg. Direct from . Eastern Factories A A REMNANT SALE. f i Fashionable Tailor Chamber Suits Chiffoniers Chairs, Tables Side Boards divans China Closets Extension Tables oa toward the Legation. At o'clock w got oa iae cssai opooJie ice ; tcr gate and were signalled fron ite wall held by the Legationers. I stat PEKING. a portion of the stafi and seventy Indians, who rushed across the almost dry moat and forded through to th? water gate without loss. We found all well in the legations. Sir Claude Deimmediately showec m the positions, with the view of further ac- UMS WIT OF 1900. clared War. 7 Iiagle Breakfast Cheese Lemons Oranges jffif raw Eastern and California Qjsters Turnips I I Ia Cauliflower Saratoga Chips DISUSIS BARGAINS IM ??T'-;,!a;yWa NOW : -:- - Honolulu Stoek Yards Go LIMITED. rcwi THE ON THE SQUARE KASH FOOTWEAR ON THE SQUARE NEW NECKWEAR High Grade Distributors of FINE Wearables. The prevailing fashion permits a man to dress in taste and stylo without sacrificing his comfort. If you are undecided as to what you want Tor warn weather wear, come in and consult our "Refrigerator Line." V Stylish Straws Cool Collars Summer Shirts Sere Coats Fancy Flannels x Light Underwear At Prices to Suit. It's not how much money a man pays for his clothes that makes him well dressed, but it's what he gets for his money. AfThe Kash you always get tho mosfof the best for the least. a THE KASH" Two Telephones Two Stocks, Two Stores, P. O. BOX 558. 9 and 11 9G Hotel St., and corner of Fort and and HoU-- l G76 Sts. Qty furniture Store Nos. H. H. WILLIAMS, Love BuUding : : : : Telephone 846 FOBT STBEET. 534-53- 6 Bedroom Sets at Bargain Day prices. Baby Carriages the same. prices never before quoted here. Full line of Wicker Furniture atprompt response to all calls. Undertaker and Embalmer and Fresh Supply PEKING. TROOPS EKTEItfl General Gaselcs, forces at British rmnniMder ctf the Office telegraphed War the Peking, has as follows:, "Peking, Aug. 15 (Wednesday,) via Chefoo, Aug. 21 (Tuesday) At conference held on August 12th, it was agreed that the allies should concentrate within five miles of Peking on August 14th, and that the assault should begin on August loth, and our troops had to make aforced march of fifteen miles from Tung Chow in. great heat. We were on the extreme left, and attacked the southeast gate of the city. There was practically no opposition, as we, were aot expected at that potat. The Iadiaa troops broke .down and rashed tke gate, and reo tered with cavalry amd gaas. I then seat other cavalry amd the, Punjaab Iafaatrr to the Tsssplfr oC Heaven, to Mm oar left aak asd camping jgrosad aad with ta other corps rushed London, Aug. I I I I I TIE BRITISH Prices s iI nd in the Hawaiian Islands and the Most Popular 23. I Brownie Films $ I SAN FRANCISCO. Just fteceived . " i Printing and 1 RISDON IRON WORKS, Developing Engineers and Builders of litHHjFljMfMtHEpMl. AllchsoflfalMclKllHIT. IriwtfMls for direct rninori(nrc- for long distance trars- connected Bi.ui.iU..- mission. Chi-ne- se .v . " Holm Drag I I COMPANY. Fort St : : lMtM.Mii Mut Mk Tiki and Titaiv Miws. pi - 4 fr &U machinery for IMCS and Hfl Snitf iNNUUe EMiMS. HiMm 4 kff 3IJ kfripntiie MxliMfy. the complete installation of Slgtf iij ,nS St. OFFICE: Room 12 SpreckelsT Block. Telephone IM, Honolulu. MilMMM"M"" 7t?& ', vi rt f&2 " $. "ZtCf?. .,.."- - k --- tJv.V. tiitJ3 ..JKiV.igkJ -- v JS- - ia "t. ' C'r -- m.- - . THJS HONOLULU BEPUBLICAN, Iwim iti PROFESSIONAL CAKDS. 5- 52-5- pervear 0 " " Foreign. inis puoucauon oa.' mc larpcsi or- calr.tion on the Inland of Hawaii of an v j WEEKLY NEWSPAPER, and as an f T. Advertising Medium is SECOND TO 3-- 50 J NONE. Hawaii Shimpo Sha. THEPioneer.Tapanese Printing OlHce, The Publisher of -- HAWAII SHIMPOr IS GOIIG 01 AIM BUR - in Hilo. 5- - - W- OF VIEWS THE PRESS. LOCAL OUSSFIEQ " lOiaTiSEIEKTS. &JtmntTiCal Samples of Centralised Govi One of the point is. tae Advertiser f ii. azguiaeni. agamst ioa seii joveraoini f is the expvase of larger printing bills. OSE Or to pat-i- t plainly some of th that is zo done in Honolula may. f WTTH T.ATtOSZItS. H Mill a Ox'jRrtJ WASim XtCfe9 ta bar iota KC5HBX3S Hilo. As a sample of what a ired form of government doea for tho , STTCiOlOSS "WAITED. ostsIJe districts, th Herald woald expest n-- . tn-n- stitrca rotd-atcite the cas ot the board of resistra-- f -firii3.s When ElecUoa Commiioner T?Tzr Taylor came here a week asjo he ; TEhoaavpaEs, vo i4 u?t: ts laTrent.. broaeht with him nosier, osns !nk-laiara '.P?1?5" paper, lead pencils and erasers for the t sm use of the board, ijid it was a libsral supply. His instructions to the board OXE ar faro piraAUr Iaraiei rwci la etc were to make lim days on which the ceytra.e jccallij-Bp 'Wwa, zaa !su Jnwa T H. JL2miyar.rC get board would elt public, "bat ATKINiOA. it in iiatiiL Eia&astrreL the papers free; boards r not to spend any money for advertising. Now rcOMPOBTABu: aizr rooai in itiTa nuuiij- at with a reawcaiue rMa. that is centralized vengeance. Hilo has taxpayers who TOB. at.-aeai in tne commoaius wnicn ir. . oE tuvsiwrr.e Cro-- Piano la enter Tavlor distributed, but the board Aomi.aainnt. Ha not allowed to buy them here. What & g& 5 applies In this case Is true of the board j cafe. of education; school supplies must bej Tost, procured at the board's sale shop inc.vniT ,. Honolulu. The Herald asks fair dealKeKrd. Tat affl Jnsr rnvrrirri nf H.'rai! ITn- -! - thA two . e? . oioiar, a arse oaj ai .ut.iiAi.ji3 .itf?rit aer tne present lormoi government .oiMvdduiamtanSLirs HxntMiU; they do not get it; with local self gov- - fciinc star oa t condition, a Hule titaUn. Hlcht to rao-ernment the matter will be In th4r paapuuor irnauioaWhltC-. PiX HOUty b,n,1c .v. all. C;- - .... .1 av-- .w .I? vjiuou'"ana rewani iu &cTpaia. w... nuuu puiie trom tionoiuiH. mho tieraia. QHr Jlf!5fft sr iii ar. . Lo- -" "J TiltpkiM 398 P. 0. Box 441 Qg- 5- - Hl HHHI - cwb-tio- n. J , proved ifail Service cal 2fews Notes. AILEY'S IKE ITS 5W t!, SPOT CASW -. i T-- i - sov-rame- ' r"N " roEBisr First Lot of Aliens Xatur&lised hy Judge Little Discussing- Im- & A Stearns Tourist Bicycle Guaranteed for h-- 2oTgSSElf fraurappr..r cv..te..ss. gSj i&i o central-f- 1 onse nt, B tearMKS a 1 sr-oit- PLANTATION OW2THB DIS- COTJBSZS 0 WHAT TO DO - ' i5-- STJKDAY. SEPTEMBER 2, 1900. Kc Jobs Hamlltoa, Dfcgo C Jirdia.t Jcag: uarvalco, it. de F. Splnoja. Harrf CokcaiB. Decl&nUioBr-oiatestSas Or Uo JBUIotS. S. W. Wbb. J. H. Bote. Tribune. UEder local p un J . j r Exi "Edward 3lay?we are in receipt qi nt -- THE j f?. f Municipal Government is a Live Topic Few women care for the hair as tliey should. When the hair begins to com'1 oat they are alarmed. It would be much better if they trive it more attention when it is in a healthy condition. The first requisite in the care of the hair is a GOOD TONIC. Just the kind vre keep. Our Hair Tonic will kill dandruff. Stop , the hair from falling out. Core itchness of the scalp. Make the hair soft and glossy. It keeps the hair and scalp in a healthr condition. Try a bottle and give it a trial. and Local.... 5- to the Ladies... Published Every Saturday, SUBGKiPTlO.v ok; Ilil - ; Editor i W. H. S20TK, : : AB.CH. C. STEELE, : . Manager CLEAN. RELIABLE NEWSY ; t i Interest Of The mLO TRIBUNE 4 : ''ir'" .V ;? SS&li lot. lorc to follow. The Herald voies the sentiments of the people in advocating loaI governDe Lartigue, ment for the Island of HawaiL When the Hawaiian bill was before Congress Bailey's Honolulu Gyclery Company, Limited. Hair Dressing and T it was fondly hoped that It would be mandatory upon the part of the local Manicuring Parlors. 29, 231 KING STREET. Editorial and Printing Oilice, near X Legislature governto establish loeal , M7 King O. P. JL bridge, HOTEL STBEET XEXT T iLC liox KJnsr Street. Telephone 33$. r.O.Bi441. ment, but this hope was not realise,!: a : j . ! ;: J what was done In the Senate was na- & done In the House, and Hawaii Is lit Wf. Q. IFJUif 0 QO. CJD What to Do "With Orientals. tle nearer local control of affairs than Wm. G Irwin . . President & Manager gentleman who Is prominently was ten years ago. A it Olttus Spreckelp Pirbt identified with plantation interests and The not, Herald peo does do nor Vice-Prethe OUR ENTIRE STOCK OF JEWELW.il. Oitlard... . ..Second with all matters as well which ad other ple of the Island of Hawaii, object to vance H, 5L Whitney, Jr ... .Treas. .fcSeo't. RY. Silver and Sllver-Plate- d general welfare Ware, the of Terri the .. ..Auditor, Geo. W. Koss Honolulu conUnumg the present form tory said recently in an interview with Clocks, Watches and Spectacles will of government what the Herald wants a representative of the Tribuner "You be offered thirty days for the next at ought to place emphasis in your paper Beginning Thursday, Aug. is local government for thl Island. upon SUGAH FACTORS GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. govthe proposition; No work on LtNJ,? 30, TEE WAIKIKI Ds7X will It is real nice for a paper like the Ad- ernment AKD Jobs for Chinese or' Japanese. The Store we sow occupy is to be rerun a wagonette for the bene- vertiser to say that Hilo may havo this, Planters paid to get them here, but of built, so the stock must go. the government has taken many of fit of its patrons, leaving the that, or the other thing from the next late Positively no good charged during All Legislature, but the Advertiser seem- them into its employ, giving them high corner of Fort and King ingly forgets that the last Council of wages and taking them from planta- the sale. tions which had brought them Into the AGENTS FOR THE streets as follows: (LAND AND MAKntB All acoounta nimt be closed up dv State appropriated liberally for im country. The only place for Chinese provements here, but that none of the or for Japs should be the plantations. the 10th of September. i"OK WAIKIKI INN. Co. money was authorized to be expended. Plenty of white people can be gottt'i Running Pumps, MANUFACTURING AND REPAIR Honolulu get everything appropriated, for other work, and all can be bene A. M. P. M. Departments going in full blast Hawaii got nothing. It is not to be fited by throwing the Asiatics back on Of Sku Francisco. Cal. 9:30 12:30 wondered that the Advertiser, favors the plantations where they belong and usual. ffdN5& Dynamos and machinery a conUnuation of the present style cf whose owners paid to get them here." o:3U ALL KINDS OP government and points with dread at Tribune. FROM WAIKIKI INN.. the enormous increase in taxation that R. will follow the establishment of local Goods 7:40 4:30 government If the Herald was loWhat Has Wilcox Ever Done? cated in Honolulu, 10:00 where people the According to Robert Wilcox, it is to NOTICE TO SCHOOL CHILDREN'. ON HAND. get a square deal, its columns would be Hawaiian against at the next Single Fare, 25 cents; 8 probably teem with the same sort of ar- election. Hawaiians hacde THE YON YOUNG CO. LTD to the Those Intending to Parade to Apply who listen guments as the Advertiser uses, now tickets, $1.00. Solicited Orders Living utterances at Plauiution of Sir. Wilcox should ask For Badges. but bein in Hilo, a town deserving of themselves what he ever did for his Prices. recognition and getting none, makes race, and then go to the polls and vote Children of the primary schools that all the difference in the world. for the candidates on the Republican-ticket- would like to participate in the Labor II. N. ALMY, The people of Hawaii are taxed and Herald. Shop, California Harness Day parade will please call and receive pay more for improvements Manager. luxCORNER FORT AXD MERCHANT STREETS, their badges from Xls Davidson, in uries in Honolulu paid b will as than King G39 Short 27ewa STote of Hilo. a pro rata toward the maintenanoe af rooms the of the beaxd of education in Has received per Australia from NEW YORK the world territorial government it ecatrilmt Telephone 778. Lincoln Block. Mm. Jtanee Campbell aitf Oaahter the coartLsnse. By order of toward the maintenance af a band, lie Ifcft Hilo on Wednetday lor Biwaelne, DAY EABOli COMMITTEE. music of which it never hears; it builds en route to their home in Honolulu. renowned brand of Cigars. sewers, streets and buildings for HoA. C. Steele, manager of the Tribune Hawaiian Navigation Co. nolulu and gets nothing for itself, for Publishing Company, was the first "r'T the simple reason that the officials who Britisher to be naturalized in the cirhave the power to authorize do not cuit court last Monday. Stockholders are hereby notified that consider that Hilo needs anything, and GASOLINE SCHOONERS. tnat opinion is given without the of- odist chwrch in Honolulu arrived or the Fifth Assessment of 5 per cent or Dollars per share on ficials coming here to inspect the place. the Kinau and will conduct the services Two and Capital the Stock of the Herald. at the First Foreign church tomorrow. Surprise sails from Honolulu every The failure of Congress to make loThe railroad to Hilo continues boast TELEGRAPH CO., Ltd.. ten days to Lalmina and lakona, Maui, cal self government mandatory here a big passenger traflic between Hilo md This elegant CIGAR can purchased for Eivk Cbjjts O.vdy. and all the Komi ports of Hawaii. Alwas, we pointed out at the time, Nine Miles. This is getting to be a is due and payable August 1st at the as ternating (Tuesdays or Fridays) with unfortunate; and it . ill be only by the very popular Sunday excursion trip. oilice of the undersigned, 411 Fort TRY THEM NONE BETTER jntar-Islau- d Steamers, this gives Kona most strenuous endeavors if at all, C. N. Wright, wife and daughter ire street. J. H. FT3HER. a 5 day service. that it can be brought about in the in Hilo with a view to making Acting Treasurer d TeleEclipso sails from Honolulu as soon Athletic Games and Horse Racing next Legislature. All who have the place their permanent residence. this graph Co., Ltd. Mr. as possible after arrival for Kauai welfare of the Territory and its gen- Wright spent some time in Skaguay Honolulu, August 1, 1900. At Kapiolani Park. ports, Koloa, Eleole, Hanapeie, Maka-wel- i, eral development at heart should worK and wa3 one of the first men at Nome. Waimea and Kekaha. to get into the Legislature as many Judge Estee will arrive in Hilo by men as possible who will work wisely the next Kinau and will hold a term of Tlie vessels carry freight nud passen-gor- a and zealously for this; and party lines the federal court hers. He will also and insure quick dispatch. should not in such a matter be allowed naturalize those who are desirous of For further information apply to the I AIM I All persons owing me accounts are to interfere with the working out of becoming citizens and are so qualified. agents. requested my to call at office and make the result desired. The Advertiser and Mr. T. C. Wills of Pahala. with his In the Evening at tho M. W. McOHESNEV & SONS, W. S. NOBL1TT, M. D. its people have for years consistently two daughters, left by the Mauna Loi payment. SHED. DRILL Queen Street : : : : : Honolulu. worked against the best interests of the en route for the Coast for the purpose CARBONATED FOUNTAIN DRINKS & Everybody Invited - Everything Free Islands, and they still show an unfor- of placing his two daughters in an edutunate tendency to keep it up. Trib- cational institution. (SODA WATER) une. J. A. McCandless and W. A. Rowell of the department of- - public works PERSONS REQUIRING PALMS, Go. came up as far as Mahukona by the Improved Mail Service. In any quantity. Apply to etc., from the Government NurKinau. They will proeeed overland to plants, sery, King street, must first obtain an IN THE HIGHEST DEGREE PERFECT question improved In the serof mail Hilo, arriving here some time next order from the office of W. O. AOHI & CO., Office with Evening Bulletin. vice the Tribune has frequently tried to week. the Commis10 West King Street. and Forestry, work up a little vitality in the Irv Great Variety of Flavors Joe Birkenshaw of Honokaa says he sioner of ofAgriculture Novelties Added Frequently July 30 1WX). 210 King Street Telephone S6. bones; its vitalizing energy is perhaps capitol building. This rule came to the Islands twenty years ago. basement sometimes misdirected; people have so believing he was an American, has will be strictly adhered to. Distribution days at the nursery are Mondays and Our Yichy a Special Feature stated in Saturday morning Interviews. taken all the oaths in sight since then, Saturdays. CD. We move safes, pianos and furniture. But provided the enlivening business but never became naturalized until Natural Fruits Our Own Sqlection amounts to something after a while, last Monday. s We haul freight and lumber. object the main Is accomplished. twenty-five beAbout We sell black and white sand. Galicians were CAPITAL $2,000,000.00 "Your remarks in the Tribune week fore Judge Little on We meet all incoming coast bteamers, Wednesday for last," before said a well gentleknown we check baggage on all outgoing the purpose of declaring their intention man stage who runs a line, "were of becoming Mr. W. Woltera and Mr. E. Suhr have steamers. citizens and takJ. H. FISHER, somewhat off. The government will ing out theirAmerican papers. They have this day resigned as directors of our first not allow anything for extra mail car- been in the country Agent Hawaiian Islands. three years, and if company and the following gentlemen EL rying. They fix their regular sched- at the end of two years noe 'luv -- have been elected as members of our v. go ules by and board them. of directors: Now thing the W. LARSEN, found able to read, write and speak tne for you to do is to agitate the propo- English Mr. F. Klamp, director; Mr. J. F. Noted as the Coolest Corner in Town language, they will be naturali- Humburg, sition that when a schedule for Island zed. director; Mr. W. Pfoten-haue- r, Manager. mail carrying is fixed, that it shall con- director Mr. Geo. Rodiek, director. lorm more to Hilo's needs than the OF Mr. H. A. Iseaberg has been elected present one. If the United States postal CUTS AND BRUISES QUICKLY second vice president of our company, authorities decide that Hilo needs only HEALED. Mr. H. Schultze treasurer vs. Mr. W. one mail a week, and one which makes Pfotenhauer, resigned, and Mr. F. W. no particular connections with Coast (T nrrntea-- 0 Chamberlain's Pain Balm applied to Klebahn secretary va. Mr. F. Klamp, steamers, why that is all we shall get; BY THE BAHKS "J. C. PFLUGER" AXD "M. E. WATSON." ' resigned. a cut, bruise, burn, scald or like THE ELITE ICE CREAM PARLORS but. as a matter of fact, there should ASSETS $G.480,SG3.S8 H. HACKPELD & CO., LTD. be two mails leave regularly every will instantly allay the pain and We Have Beceived a Large Assortment of Honolulu. September 2,1900. week each way on that route. One will heal the parts in less time than Wednesday and one Saturday, perhaps. any other treatment. Unless the inFine Chocolates and Confections, Then if one steamer just missea a forJ. H. FISHER, jury Is very severe it will not leavs a eign mail, as the Kinau does frequently Ice Cream and "Water Ices. Apent Hawaiian Islands. now, we shall not be obliged to wait a scar. Pain Balm also cures rheumawhole week for another. If the postal tism, sprains, swellings and lameThe third assessment of 20 per cent people think we need this the cost will ness. oa the capital stock of the Territory For sale by all dealers and Stables Co., Ltd., will be due and paynot cut any figure, but they will not 01HU RJlLWiY UNO CO. spend five cents on irregular or un druggists. Benson, Smith & Co., gen- able at the office of G. Schoman, the 5 treasurer, on September 1, 1900. scheduled transportation, however eral agents Territory of Hawaii. much we need C. F. HERKICK, Tribune. PKiflML SANITARY PLUMBER, Secretary Territory Stables Co., Ltd. Become American Citizens. Is uow open for business on Aler-chaS. A A J! BEATER LOICI ROOMS. 4 BICARBONATE OF SODA, Te opportunity now being given tj street, between Fort and thoseTesidents V who have not previousWONDERFUL PROGRESS. ly taken the oath of allegiance to the H. J. XGLTE : . : : : : Proprietor. AJakea streets. WASH SODA, TIME TABLE. Republic of Hawaii or to Ifre United rt For a cacanx wtilch has but opp. BpreekeTs Bank. OAUSTICSODA. From and After January 1, 1900 Estimates made on everything in States to become citizens of the latter just cojHi4et jhrtfy-nv- e years country and of the Territory, has been of corporate esiMiemc9, the Prothe plumbing line. taken advantage of by quite a large Class Served Lunches vident Life af York puts OUTWARD. number during the past week, so that forth a st&tenteat avowing realthere will be a bunch of rotes cast this WIttTVs Coffee, Soda Water, Ginger Dally Dally Dally Dally ly wonderful progress. Only ex year by those wlso have never taken St&tltUi. x Ale Open from" or Sua ?Sun Milk. sixteen companies of the United uuiuiuiiATED IKON, RIDGING, Etc., CEMENT and Cl. a hand. In Hawaiian pollUcs previously. H.C3. lira. Stats-hav3 a.m. to 8 p. n. over SIW.WQ.OOO of Judge Little held court- for this nur- TU0 11 SB 9:15 3 as llouiinlu SU0 FIREBRICKS, CARBOLLNIUM, STOCKHOLM 11:40 V ordinary life business In force, a so STEAJf ENGINES, pose from Monday until Thursday, In- - Smokers' Beqnisites Specialty. 1045 AK a USO 6 J0 Savings and the Provident is Boilers, Sugar Mills, Coolers, Brass j elusive, and the following became 1039 vr&i&irwa - one. of the youngest companies TAR, BUCKETS, TUBS, TINPLATES, auu-ia115 5: American citizens In "good and regular jasungB. Eabt;fcu 12:33 6 US attaining that distinction. L R. And Machinery of every description standing:" A. C; Steele, H. T. Hambly, SAUCEPANS, TILVKETTLES, Etc. Burns, resident manager, made to order. Particular attention C, O. Smith. G. F. Alfonso, F. G. da CO. building. to paid "S . ship's blacksmithing. Rosa, Job Femandex, J. ACarvalho, 1. 1XWAKC, v work executed on the shortest notice. Sr.t Jose Vlerra, J. G. Serraov E. da Dtly Dally Daily Dally Dally J.'Burk-inslo4- - ! Silva, Geo. Kaeser, Duarte. J. 227 to:Bailey?s ex ex. Kong Next oaa. St., Stall j the only daily Japanese Paper Publish-- , : X ed In the Territory of Hawaii. V. SOGA, Editor. C. SHIOZAWA, Proprietor. Misses a. 5 ,,! nn i-. -! Vice-Pre- v.., . -- , '!"!'-At5,.t- .'. Removal Sale! Waikiki Inn. s. s. ti hf. . v Gasoline Engines L?lkV asb HOISTS For Kinds of Work Oceanic Steamship yP; M. Horse Furnishing COUNTER. (THE UNION ENGINE) Sole Agents: HAM The Honolulu Tobacco Co., Ltd., . ad Street, 1 Labor Day 1900 ASSESSME 3d Sept. Monday, luillian. Kins sell NOTICE One-ha- lf GRAND PARADE IHTER-ISUN- b' D -- Inter-Islan- BEVERAGES u RIOR COLD NOTICE. GRAND BALL LUSCIOUS M AX NO fti-S- m -:- Ohia Wood For Sale. NOTICE. NUTRITIOUS The Union Express DELICIOUS REFRESHING -:- WESTERN INS. NOTICE. Our Ice Cream "pap Excellence" the Finest FOUNTAIN, COR. FORI FIRE ASSOCIATION HART PHILADELPHIA Benson, Smith & Co., ltd, CO. &. la-ju- ry Morton's and Grosse & BlackwelFs Assessment Notice. m 51 5. HOI G. H. Brown GROCERIES. if FtHilPE ut Sim, 5- - Pirst p-i- h.-r-a imlili Im lirks PAINTS and OILS Xv - 9.-4-S u new-Mago- PICB1C TRMSFER fl. w. Sun Eaauku., Sub a.au .... .... EwaKUK... Poarl aty... a-- t, OSS 6:19 WnUUua aa WalMjue SOU 6:15 Hoottlulu... tM em 8aH p.ta. .... .... am am sat .... im 1M T.C. EXITS. e.r.DEXisox. 3:30 3 da tot P.T.AQ. BaperiaUodeiit. i.?- - - : Ji Pritchard, D.lycurgns, A. B. Cyclery. McKay, J. UUUITI. J.Lindsay; J. .A. Huaburg;Wm. y GaaalMaoB. J.J. Kocha; A. X. Sat-to- a. EXPRESS WAGONS, DRAYS. ILTOI- -. M. J. de GoHvea, Manoel Perelra. BEB WAGONS ajto DUMP Jules C Carralho. L, Tarner, Peter CAltTSj Corner Beret axu axd Ai.jhtea St. Glbb, T. E. Haley; J. T. Mpir. P. E. HAND. OFFlC.HOUIiS-- 9 to 10 a. k, a to Hime, Geo, V. Jakics, R. Howie J. C ALWAYS Hattie, A. Zimmerman, O. Omsted. A. TBUXKa PDBSITDRE an SAPES 4r.XnandTto8r.il.. SUNDAYS- -! to 10 a. K,7to8.P.A .Horam. J.K. Guulieboa, W-- McKay, CAREFULLY HANDLED. NL MaxxSBj . - K. W. Bxnari. - Niccolls, MkkMl i I II. ii'W isx. f ON t .- - -- " : - JKAi. . . ;w - irssv r.2tr?rr5- - 'rh. h g J -- 5 "?.jS25..xrc. ...as. -- - T e&?"5s& K VSSs jiir aAa ' "2j sia 'Jf-J- . On LA Co.; I ti.ii HIH SEATTLE BEER I ! Hacpeld d Drangkt.or ia Bottle at the 'CRITERION1 4 Ltd. ;wte&s Bead The Honolulu ReDublicaTi mM99MMMUUMMMiSMMUikiiHHHHHiHH Vi - yE.wg - "paf!I!SiPPPP "" THE HONOLULU REPUBLICAN, SOXDAT, SEPTENrBER2, 1900. v rr mm 52W5 U A. Gonsalrss 'and D. L. Xaoae bein THE TOWN. the registeriBy board. Wray Taylor, cammlsdoner of regi&ratfoa. ra.s he j Dr. G. B. Wood will s to Maui first voter to be registered. The ScanI wk-j closed Its books for the day at noon. hb j . Kd fall a rain There has ben enroUed. Of this num- Ma, i and at Olaa. . with 235 Barnes ber the majority were Hawalians. The Manna L03 will not leave until f About a doxen Chinamen vere Io registered. Residence of three months Wednesdav at 10 o'clock in the morn-ir- e A J J J JZi b. in. the precinct, ability to read the EnMKii'WkWmaltl a glish, or Hawaiian languages and nisht Hi.h Sheriff Brown said In the United States ara the re that the Iwilei dens of Vice tioaid be quireiaents. Practically every oie "arho closed today, Sunday. t presented himself was accepted. The 2Tt;w York fchip The Gfcalierfrtui independent party had two reoresanti-tiv- es arrived after ti Tojfag of days. on hand to challenge anr who ?he brines carvw cJ general To lare CtLQNEL FISHER DEFEATS fiiLFUH. might not be entitled to registration, merchants i:rf. but no challenging was done, except Eev. J.Knmalri will stak iuEnflish in the case of several Chinese. The maJ ibis, evening. 1TCAST5 ST2WTAST WINS OUT jority of them were able to nas all at the Kawaiaho chan. Bis ahjxt will lx --Tfcw Yoan Peo-pleof the requirements, however. Endeavor." ioci?ty if C" IK SEVENTH 2&ECLSCT this hot weather Harold M. Sewall registerthL He The pubiie i corau-i- ! to atiiiVii"J to the to return" Intended said he that i'liTH DISTRICT. and Zecp cooL mainland on Tuesday, but want&d to tend. privilWray Kinds of voting Taylor lias had all and keep his residence trouble tryinc: to mika pe pl believe Beturns Show That the Progres- ege here. We have received a select varietv of the very hsrc to roister On Tuesday the board will register that they did sive Element of the Party voti. at the primaries Aaterdsy. between the&0urs of 7 and 10 a. m. DESIGNS, each GARMENT cQrrectly cut LATEST and 6 to 9 p. m. In order to register sitThe lsas of the 25,iXXier Wilt Control Both Disto any made to order GARMENT. equal and every one on the Island the board will uated .it iahikioni, Maui. - sold at :No Value Received on Oahu principal settlements per eterday. annum trict Conventions. visit the auction for S3.U10 A. Enos .t Co. were the uctoJSfCnl; bid between now and October 10, wa-;AND BE CONVINCED. ders. registration closes. 'We have also placed on special sale a nice'lofoi . Interest In the republican primaries badges for been The have 1 yesterday grew as the day wore on ind the Honolulu Drivim; Ar elation. Saturday Sight Arrests. especially was this true in the Second them, u Thtij hjx' red v.ith :d l.tt. i PHONE IB7. The following arrests were mr.de bv and make it very neat ... larauce. precinct of the Fourth district and the ii.iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiuiiUiMHIHillllllilillilllllllliyilUiliiyUiliiii uipht: the police department last They can be secured of ii. it. DikTW, Seventh precinct of the Fifth district, Drunks Ahiu, B. Carlegal. Hekor, the secretar-- . where the principal ha1 this of the day Peterson, Frank Naimea Kaulakea, E. i Drnuken men bogan to arrive at the . These were imported to sell at 4 rJttAX occurred. In fact, there were rival A. Magoon, Jack Ma, Eell Betz, Sato, police 10 o'clock at station Hanson, James Terrier, Harry tickets in almost every precinct- - A Mahina, l wagon, Jno. Christiansen, Jerry W. Pearson. They were brought in thpatn-few, however, were unanimous, nota- Harvey Pees, Tondocil, Kalapoui, E. on foot and in hacks. By mid .tight the bly at Ewa court house, the Sixth pre- O'Brien, J. Jennings, Pullman. Bolster, regular Saturday night crowd was on and Donnelly. the book. Xo arrests were made in the cinct of the Fifth district, and in the Manose, John Castle" Disturbing the Kakaako district. Profanity M. Shank. E'ghth precinct of the same district, quiet of the night Thos. F. Welt, C. Mrs. O. II. Gulick will deliver an adOur price for y is only which is presided over by W. C. Achi. Nelson, Paul Than and Lao. dress on the work of the board of MisIn this precinct the Territorial sions at Central Uuion church on Tueshad directed that the primaries day. She will talk f the meeting of be held at the Hawaiian Tramway the board .f missions which she reCompany's building, Kalihi, but in- Fred Birkin's Contusions cently attended while in ew York. 3 stead they were held at the residence At the Christian church, Alakea Commencing Monday, August 27th, I will Jiold a of Mr. Achi. Of course this fact could pastor. Rev. King, John street, near the and Coagulations. have ln.d nothing to do with the unaniC. Hay, will preach today. Subject at Clearance Sale of my present stock of mity of the vote. 11 a. m., "Whatever You Do, Let It Be The greatest contest of the day was Done in Love," 1 Cor. 16d4. At 7:30 p. in the Second precinct of the Fourth Dr. Wayson Tells About Them in m., 'A Notable Conversion. Illustrating the Original Apostolic Method by district, the silk stocking district the United States DisFour hundred and" eighteen votes were Which Men Became Disciples of trict Court. polled in this precinct, nearly three Christ." Bible ' school at S):4r a. m. court district Young People's meeting at G:30 p. m. States United the Umes any In polled number the in IfT other ftW-mprecinct in the two districts. Besides yesterday witness after w itness testi- All welcome. mL JL, M'.M.M1 having the largest delegaUon in the fied to the that Fred Bir-ki- n The Eev. J. A. Cruzan, the w any preof convention district other etc., etc. of board the schooner minister, is in town, and will preach at received on The demand for narrow laces and insertions Including Ribbons, Flowers, Novelties, cinct, being entitled to six delegates, Methodist church today. Mr. Cruout at sea the miles when Enterprise three $ Wc have positively the lurgostcnssonU there was a keen rivalry for the offices pastor formerly .continues. zan was of the old Fort from Honolulu. The following told street church, and was largely instruAll lines must be sold as we must have room for the of the precinct, club. niQnt of laces ever oflcrcd m Honolulu, and th.e J. A. Gilman, the old president of how he was made a holy stone of on the mental in uniting the Fort street lareo stock of Fall Goods now in transit. v prices are away down. and the Bethel church, thereby church the club, was criticised by a number deck of the Enterprise where the carpo H. Birkin, deep: piled Fred knee was present founding the Central Union of the members for his attitude to2s obor Felix, Martin Wilchurch. He has a host of friends wards the republican ratification meet- B.Parkinson, Soarez. Way-so- u James Dr. Manuel liam, among the old kamaainas of this city. ing a month ago and this aroused sgme described contusions and coagula- His subject for this morning will be feeling. J. H. Fisher was nominated 'The Average Man." In the evening ",1&W&&Z&t1&1i&i- for president by the more progressive tions. The case was continued until Tues- he will speak on "Friends and FriendI members of the club and there was a day. ;w&?;wesi-f.ship." battle royal for the position. Hacks the libel suit of the ship Carnedd In were kept busy bringing in members Llewellyn by her crew, the bark was of the club by both sides from the released on a $2,000 bond being furAMUSEMENTS. opening of the polls to the close. It nished. 5c LEADING People were turned awuy from the was a hard fight, Mr. Fisher winning The libel was brought by the crew on and im- Orpheum last night on account of not HOTEL STREET out by a vote of 217 to 20G for Mr. the grounds of Arlington Block procuring their tickets in advance. Gilman, the other candidates on the proper food. Playing to a crowded house seems to uoums unnstopuer ot In the lioel ticket headed by Colonel Fisher hav who are on the stage. ing about the same vote as the head of against Captain T. F. Knack of the put vim in those was the case last night. such least At placed was bark Empire, the bark delegates vote the ticket The for the Vincent Bradley sang by request the .;...j...4.4.4mj.4..4...j..j..j...;..j..:..4..:j....J...:"' to the district convention was as close under $500 bonds. Hawaiian song that she sang last week,, naturalwas England T. C. Wills of as that for the officers of the club, the receiving applause. The show in genized. may lowest man on what be called the eral was well put on. It is the intenFisher ticket tieing with the highest tion of the Orpheum management to man on the Gilman ticket only on Monday, Wednesday and show j Tie votes for delegates "were cast in Mclntyre Is Awarded Saturday nights the coming week. The w two precincts, so that there will be company will probably go to Hilo on two delegates in each district conventhe 11th for a week. Block. Lincoln The tion, with half a vote each. In the Second precinct of the Fourth district, ND MOST Andrew Brown and Lorrin Andrews A LARGE SHIPMENT OF THE LATEST Property each received 213 votes. Jn the Sev- Obtains Possession of the ELEGANT LINE OF enth precinct of the Fifth'district, Dr. On Default Andrado Divorce-Ot- her G. H. Huddy and E. C. Winston each Court Proceedings. received 86 votes. Surreys, Pluetons, Runabouts, Low Wheel; Road- - ifc The vote In the First precinct of the Wagons, Bike Buggies, Traps. Etc., Etc. Fourth district was not received last In the case of H. E. Mclntyre vs night, but a telephone message to The Republican said that the men whose S. C. Allen, a suit for the possession ALSO AYINE LINE OF names are given below had been elect- of the Liucolu block on King street, ed. The Republican Is enabled to and adjoining what is known as the Robes. Carriage Lamps, Dash Lamps, Sun Shades.-La- p give the vote from every precinct In Mclntyre premises, the defendant has Mats, Skin Carpets, Buggy Sheep and Hack, Surrey the two districts on the Island of Oahu confessed judgment by default. In morning ' excepting Seventh the this I h. , "We have a few of those pretty (dillerent colors and siaes). order to secure the block, however, precinct of the Fourth district, school house, the Second pre- Mr. Mclntyre must pay to Allen the Stylish Single and Double Harness, (with or without cinct of the Fifth district, Koolauloa sum, if any, which Lincoln owes him. white stands, so appropriate - i "sum asdifficult to is is it rubber trimmings). f court house, 'and the Fifth precinct What this is is stated, Lincoln, it Mr. as certain Ewa district, of the Fifth railroad the I considering the for displaying ferns. Light and Heavy Harness, (for all purposes). station. The results follow, the three in Hilo. The block, ;m' highest men on the list in each dis- present price of Honolulu realty, is trict being elected excepting in he very valuable. The soods were personal lv" selected by Mr. The last of the lot, and we are In the divorce case of John S. Second precinct of the Fourth district, 14 Adelaide Audrade John from the' factories in leEast. where the six highest were elected, f Andrade vs. $30 pay Adelaide to ordered been has First Precinct, Fourth District--. We"Iinveinsi. finished stock taking disposing of them nt 70 cents a month in advance pending the hearH. Boyd. These GOODS arc of STANDARD MAKES; ot'l separation. final for suit ing of the Second Precinct, Fourth District-r- J. Mania Kahca and Beokley C. George a of number LATEST DESIGNS and arc now ON DISPLAlY- - ? and find we have quite W. Jones, 418; Chas. "Wilcox, 225; 3&. have broucht a suit against Emma M. each. Six different styles. D. Kea, 223; G. F. McLeod, 221; C.fe. Nakuina. The suit is for partition of Wilson. 222; A. Brown, 213; Lorib property. short ends 6n hand which irtust bo. . Andrews. 213: J. B. Atherton, 212; Sfr. ejectment suit ui iub ouuu xi the In hH. Hoogs, TOS; Wm. Haywood, estate vs. A. B. H. Judd the counsel -- cleared at onco Kumalea, 2X0. have stipulated that the plaintiff may Third Precinct Fourth Distrii have until September 8, 1900, in which Mark P. Robinson, 13; Henry Waj to file and perfect its bill of exceptions. 13. Yesterday Emma C. Dudoit was house. 13; H. M. granted a divorce from Charles Dudoit Fourth Precinct. Fourth Distri on the ground of adultery and C. F. True, 2S; C. L. Crabbe, S2; J. T. De Bolt appeared for Mar. 26: A. V. Gear. 6S; Jas. Noti the libellant : 32; B. S. Gregory, 28; David Nahj KMallMalljaV we. 52; D. It. Naone 20. Sugar Cane Burned. Fifth Precinct. Fourth Distri' Johnson, 149; J. Keohiku, 149; The news of the burning of seventeen Coney, 14S; D. K. Naone, 37; of cane at Makaweli was brought acres 39. 38; Trask, Albert Lewis. Mikahala yesterday. The fire bv the Sixth Precinct, Fourth Districl 4- Thursday night and ttos place took G. Waldo Burgess. 30; Frank L. How it difficulty. goods with these of a sale subdued start will We 29: L. H. Wolf. 26; P. C. Kroi Don't eat sour bread and known. not is started Dr. C. B- - Cooper, 7. the close prices that will be bomMHo First Precinct. Fifth Distrii make yourself and children Company F Wins. Palua. 37: XL J. McKeague, 27; 30 Head of Fine Carnage and Draught Horses, also a Jones, 17; Jas. Davis, 16; H. C. The second match shoot of the second ' lot in avery few days. Among the lot are 5 and sick when you can get the few Gentle Family Horses. ami, 11. team of the Police department by won the was DistrictPrecinct, G. Fifth H, N. Third F, Company Wash Goods, Silks, Wool Dress Goods. Iaukea, 92; W. W. Goodale. SC; 20 Head Strong Sound Mules. v latter. The police squad shot better very best and most wholedrew Cox. 67: A. S. Mahaulu. than at the first match. Following is Maukaua. 24; A. Kaili, 20. the score: Laces and other pieces of various goods. in the city for Company F-- J'. W. Short, 31; Chapin, some bread ourth Precinct Fifth Distrii z Costa, 34; Sybold, 31 P. 37; Maheloua, O. Coster, 3S: M. 30: Kekahuna. Come early and get first choice . .. 43; B. Specman, 38; Wirad, 3&; Pif er, 36; the same money from the Stillman. 28. Hillebrand, 29 and J. Sylva, 39. JTotal, Sixth Precinct. Fifth District363 z McCandless. 30; F. J. Archer, Thomas. 29; 0. H. Baker, New England Bakery. Their Pollee-- J. Hookauo, 30. 35: Geo.3oao,31; Atatani, 39; M. L. Seventh Precinct, Fifth Distrii 32; Kawaiaea, 40; Kiliona, 36; delicious cakes, pies, bread, Needham, S9 Holt 91; T. McCants Stewart. 39 and Kalakiela, Kf"" 39; Kanini, G. H. Huddy. S6;,E. C. Winston. TotaXSSL 32. Eighth Prednct, Fifth District fire made of the best a No. 1 Achi. 74; C. B. Dwlght, 74; Petersos. 74. CHAMBERLAIN'S COUGH REMEDY material and by experienced Nlatk Precinct Fifth Disl A GREAT FAVORITE. Fred "Waterhoaae, 103; George R. T. 96; white workmen. " you Coealo, J. W. H; J. ttr. 1ML 42; J. A. Hughes, 54; S. z The soothing and healing properties cerof" this remedy. Its pleasant taste and our bread once you will PreclHct, Fifth District-prompt and permanent cures have Kaalakos. 26; Enoch Johnson, 30; tainly use none other. H. Cawford, 29; E. J. Wilson, U. made it a great favorite Trita people 'X everywhere. It is especially priied and Alakoa Streets. Between mOAMD OF MOMTXATIOirJ by mothers ot small children for colds, croup and whooping cough, as it al? Island the ! far Totk II rf ways affords aick relief, aad as it con !I tains bo opium or otmerkarmful dra?, Oakm Teat fer Teters. iHli(-iMeiC-- i may fce givea as omfdently to a it Tb nctoterimg of voters for baby as to am atalt. For sale by all ISWAU LITTEI, feMC Vtartk aiatrkt becaa yesterday mo draggists. dealers Smith ami Beosoa. o'cloelc la tae.oW Jaasofa bar Territory ot 4acil to ! fostomo?. 365 Street - - - Pkma-7- i SHUT umaCacecruHik Battle Boy al in Second Precinct of Fourth EVERY LADYI lie with Gloved a Pair of Oar tb mm. repubucu A CHANCE FOR w hi. 1-- 1 S s bo-fo- Jt J'' ? Skirt V fk-- 1 m X A rt Wear One of Our ike Crach or White Pique District CALLl for the Price. 1. S. Saclis Brv G(KMte Co. Ltd I i lat citl-rens- Centf 9 0 IGHAHQIS GLOVE Better 1 lU re t .- -- 1 fir CO. H. PUTSCH French Printed Lawn, -- j Clearance Sale Millinery at Cost niht l- 20c PER YARD I to-da- com-mitt- se I PER YARD K-d- fcocl JUHP1 TCTriTT-f--- ! r - The Patterns Are New, The Colors Absolutely Fast, I I I o . yard 5c fe:f? SrT$ ell-kno- V I. Tiss -- fiiSi- Itf lea 0 ii S. Saclis MILLINER. l , vHr! Dry Cms ft, Ltd. M" Ex C. D. Bryant Remnants 1 Friees Remnants Reduced. " Wal-mano- la - 'r Remnants . -'- iiniginir I JTnst ROGeiYGCT Mott-Smit- h, rt non-suppo- On Wednesday at S WiHcMCo.. Ar. Limited. t -- at, ' ! -- t 41 - p.F.Ehlers&Cp. SCHUHAN'S a x If Fort Street. trj K,49. Ttk Carriage and Harness Repository? I MERCHANT STREET Fori HWW Ntw lis 4.j - ' 5" i" "'" 'rK-- - r"'7r, i.ittj1MaaaaiMa1aWIMiBl . , w If v ., - ,- 'rt - B5.- - . ... "J,y TJ s.- - "- - -- r ' lU.nll . . 'vi. EifUid Bahry l u. ',""- 5 i VI .- tvr -y ' . .''mmm -- J5S5?- nnnn - . MfJ - ;-- &? Read The Honolulu Republican. Botel !. -:- -s- -;- " Z&fMXS- - Jp'--- t " JfeV-- CK. - y . x , i2 44,.4, JkM - -- 'f!333& "r I THE HONOLULU BEPCBUGAX, SUNDAX SEPTEMBER 2, 1900. I I In order to make room for the large purchases Mr. Kerr intends making on his present East ern trip, we intend to commence a . Grand Clearing c - - Bargains n 1 w r GRAND CLEARING Sale of Remnants i and Oddments, I , I9 Euery Monday, Aug. 27 th wJW jL. Bl Departments, ,if jBLay Dimities, White Muslins Plain and Figured. REMNANTS (Trousers and Suit Lengths) Fancy Worsted Serges, Tweed Suitings, White Duck, Alpaca for Summer Coats, Etc. ODD LINES REMNANTS In Fancy Muslins, Lawns, India Linens, WOOLEN DEPT. MILLINERY DEPT. FANCY DEPARTMENT - Of Trimmed and :&& In Laces, Untrimmed Hats, Flowers, Feathers, Etc., Etc. - h. - " Ribbons, Embroidery, Etc. -- !3KCKJW..I DOMESTIC DEPT. L. B. KERR & C L Serious Rioting in AT AUCTION In j Ohio Town. Mob Desirous of Lynching- a Negro THURSDAY, Sept. Gth, 1900 Burns the City Buildings and Terrifies the Police. FRIDAY, Sept. 7th, 1900 and confidential adviser of the Chinre Government, wired the United States Consul at Tien Tsiu, under date of Peking, August 10th, as follows: "Li Hung Chang should be Ignore.l. He represents the hostile Ministry an 1 will avert its JH6t punishment, by misrepresentation of our poistion if he can." AND Akron, Ohio, Aug. 22. Between I o'clock this morning, Officer and Duffy John arrested a colored man, named Louis Peck, about 40 years of age, who during the day confessed to having attempted to assault the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Maas, of Perkins Hill. He only escaped lynching by being taken to Cleveland. Akron, Ohio, Aug. 23. When day dawned in Akron this morning, It revealed a scene of desolation and evidences of violence and lawlessness unparalleled In the history of the city, all due to the dastardly outrage of the black man, Louis Peck, and the efforts of the mob to deal summary justice. The rioters had done their awful work and had dispersed. One child was lying cold in death, and nearly a scoie of people were suffering from tLa wounds of pistol balls, buckshot and missiles. The City Building was a heap of smouldering ruins and beside it steamed the water soaked a3hes of Columbia Hall. The police force of the city were disorganized and scattered. The chfaf was fleeing in desperation from the scene of the bloodshed, riot and burning, crazed by what his men had done. Electric wires, deadly to the touch, lay across the streets In the vicinity of the burned buildings, and debris of all kinds was scattered far ana near. The down town streets were just as the mob left them, and although nothing was being done by the rioters, crowds of spectators hung arrund wjuung for something to turn up.' At 6 o'clock: the crowds began to Increase as the curious spectators hurried to the sceae of the trouble. Thepolice-me- a appeared, timid at Irst. with aasarance as as violence waa offered. Taea Company Oof Canton, a detachment of fee gallaat Eighth Ohio Regtaeat, marched down tat street from the train, and, halting before the ruins of the building, was at oaca aet to patrolling the fire lines. la this riot, history again repeated Itself.' The iaaoceat ones were those to safer, while the guilty ones werp practically aalajured. One killttd, one fatally iajared. aad twenty persons SHARP FIfiHTING 2-- Miscellaneous Sale Furniture, Plants, mccc )osfEys FRE5H at koc will is wakaaf mtjtssajht a fee The ETC., ETC., ETC. Nssae fcss. Every mm IW k ronsALsav ON THE PREMISES OF THE Arlington Hotel Commencing at 10 a. m. each day, consisting of bed room sets, many easy chairs for verandas or Jailor, paintings, engravings, oraafll&ts, large fireproof sale of Macneale & Urban make, elegant Chinese inlaid ebony settees, kitchen and dining room furniture, etc, etc., etc Lewis & Co.; Grocers, Sole Agents. 111 Fort St. Tel., 240. 4 v. Will also be sold. The large Croat building on King street has an elegant ko and koa wood stair case, which will be sold separately. All the cottages and valuable plants, the aTlary, with the collection of rare birds amd the monkeys, together with the plaaU and garden fittings, will all be offered for sale. Catalogues upon application. Will H WONDERFUL PROGRESS. For a company which has hat years Just completed twenty-fiv- e of corporate existence, the Provident Life of New York puts forth a statement showing real- ly wonderful progress. Only sixteen companies of the United States have over 1100,000,000 of ordimary life business in force, aad the Provident Savings is oae of the youngest companies attaining that distinction. LB. Barm, reddest manager, aew Magoon building. Mff, 4. 4. 4. 4 mm mmw (. Auctioneer. M7 Xia St., aText to Bailey's II I. Coaxaw J. UJUiTI. Mi mi mmum. Bmhaxu Km ., Alio OFFJCM M0U&S-- 9 to TM " aad 7 to 8 f.m. SUNDAY-S- to Ma.il, 7 to & .', Bra, 2 to rj Cjrelarj. EXPRESS WAGONS, DBAYS. LTJat-BEWAGONS axd DUMP GABTBj B AL.WAYe.ON HAND. TBOlfKa,-- ftJBSJTUKE axp 8A1BI - UJUMTUliljI ,UAJf ULSD. xeaeaiewsa " 2 . " "J 'r - J$ir- - Mem's Clothing, -- Orpheum Theatre, It' TDOQPS. Peking, Aug. 15, via Chefoo, Au. The Americans broached three gates before the Imperial Palace, auu occupied the approaches to the last wall. Captain Henrjt J. Rellly, Battery F. Fifth United States Artillery, List of lettere remaining unclaimed in the Honolulu Posioffice August 2, and five privates were killed, and During the afternoon, tne 1900: GENTLEMEN'S LIST. Americans returned to the camp, pendMoses, Capt J Adams, J ing a conference between the generals. " Anderson, H Mitchele. J T Thereupon the Russians occupied the Albert, J J Mchstcres, J H approaches to the palace. McKay, G D AUmona, A F Mclame, John D Captain Reilly was standing on tht Bailey, David Bailey, Mclntyre, Geo' W wall and directing his battery, when E PeUers, Mr Benson. killajjullet struck him in the mouth, Berry, Geo Pives, John ing him instantly. Price & Sons Bismark, Sol The battery hammered at the gates Brookman, Fred Rasmussen. eter McDonald, J until they fell. In the meantime, the Byrnes, John D Pearce. S E infantry cleared the streets and walls, Caesar, Louis (2) D W Schiheimer, A Christian, where the Chinese soldiers, with fine Rickey, F E Crckett, G W fightcover, stubbornly resisted. The Morgan, Mr Eblers, W ing was close and sharp. A French Erwin, James W Muller, R D .Nclsson, F battery, while shelling the approach tr Fletcher, L Nellat, J the palace, narrowly escaped the Amer- Funda. Geo A Gandersberg. Aug Sxnallwood White icans. Gandersbergsen, M Sillers, Billy . General Chaffee and Mr. Conger arv Gehrke, A Seimnes, Minlto conferring regarding the diplomatic Gibson, T G Adolf features of the situation. Seamen, Clarence Goddard, W Schrader, T WT Hirst. Gus Hitchfield, J G Williams J C All Bricklayers n. H White. C L Are requested to meet Wednesday, John AV Wallace. John September oth, at hall over Merchants' Juhansea, S ICarf, T Wallace, Albert Exchange, corner Xnuann and TCir.t- Walker, Chas B sf reets at 730 p. in, for the purpose of King. Earl Kinney, L H Vircus, euecung a permanent organization. Lorensen, Jas D Toogood, A Lucas, R A . Smith, Capt W Temporary Chairman. WcfcdSr Geo A Lustro, Joseph Wise, J H. Madden, E HIS LIFE TO THE FORE- - I Mayo, George Withers. W D McCoombs, EC THOUGHT OF A COMPAXION. REGISTERED LETTERS. Corseaaj, camping on Pahil, G W While trip in Webster a Jean county, Mr. 8. L Stamp of Norman-- i PACKAGES. town. W. Va. had a severe attack of t BaucknuiB, Fred Cooper, G C bloody flux. He aays: "1 Irmly be- - f Chute, C A (Postage due). Harris, Cha3 M line that r owe say life to the fore- Cochran H C LADIES' UST. thought of oae of the company who had taken along a bottle of Chamber- - 1 Alestuier, Mrs 3f Winter, iOss Alic Sirs "S Iain's Colic, Cholera aad Diarrhoea Baird, Mrs W JC Williams, Wagoner, Mrs Dr Batchelor, Mrs E Reatedy." Moral Procure a bottle at Bosweli. Miss E T Tbwnsend. irs J this remedy before leaving home. It Campbell, TirrelL 3Irs Kate Taylor, MrsToha caaaotbe obtained when ca a hunting, 4 Mrs H P D fishing or prospecting trip. Neither . De Mellow, Mrs F Sly, Miss M A Mrs J A Schnlder. IMiss caa it be obtained while on board the : Dower. Rowdans, Mrs A Eajete, Miss M A aaore-o- r leas iajared, is the result of the cara-- or steaawaip and at such times J Mrs J M (2) Eliza, Miss M rawork. Radway. aad Hacesit is atost likely to be need-- 1 Finley, Mra X ed. The' Safe way is to, have it with J JohnsonMks Edit Powell, Mrs Jas Peterson, Miss E Ifmora Xaaf Caaaa;. , yoa. Tacuaaaai of travelers never Lams, Miss Kazmann, Mrs F Mrs Lester, E 24. A special 'dkpatea leave- aeaae'oa a Joaraey without It Aac. Markaaat, Mrs Geo Myer, Mrs G-says that WIlHaat Tor sal byall dealers aad druggbrs. Magiaaky fraavTica Tsia afcGuire, MrsTao ' 'r&s. , a Pkhwiek, lorsaarly of Brooklya. N. Y. aaarai'-uo.agent PAUEAGJbbV caaarai 22. Xdvertised letters. . .;. .5. 4. .j. ;. -- . . .;. . a -- e M v ! -- A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A AA A A A A A A A . A A Hi Hi Hi Hi Program Moiraday amd Thursday Hi Hi EvemiegSo Hi Hi Hi H: A - Change Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi A lira , . A A A A A 4. A A A A 4, A .A A A A A A A A A A A AA A A A . A ;A .;. A A A A . A , ... Hi Hi J. MEW SENDS Hi Hi Hi I SPECWUiL', AMD .A 4. A 4. A A A A A A A --- JH S 'li Hi . ert, HE-OWE- 5f The - 4 .. - ir it-- J& -- BY AMERICAN Washing Suits, Itt) p Ba .d Concert Toriay Tha band will play at the capltol grounds this afternoou. The following program wilr be rendered. PART I. The Old Hundred. Overture La Dame Blanche ... Eoieldieu Ballad The Last Watch ...Pinsuti Finale Gellsario Donizetti Grand Selection Fause '.... Gounod PART Grand Selection Martha Flo'ow Paraphrase Ben Rett (by request).. Bohne v Fantasia Awakening of the Lion... Koutzki s. : Overture-K- a Hanau o ke Alii..Berger JP'fie Star Spangled Banne- -. six-year-- Chocolates TODAY Buildings. THE In Boys' Pants, Hats, Shirts, Ties and Underwear. -- N CVCMY ODDMENTS Remember these are not old goods; simply the bal- ance of iarge purchases we have recently made, but being unassorted lines, THEY MUST GO. Inspect the Bargains and save money by purchasing at Our Queen Street Store. Sheeting, White and Brown Cotton, Table Damask, Toweling, Cretonnes, Flannelettes, Etc. OF H FURNISHING DEPT. REMNANTS MONDAY, Sept 10th, 1900 2jtn. Monday, Aug. and Oddments Remnants At Our Queen Street Store, Monday, August 37 DRESS DEPARTMENT REMNANTS Dpartmt in all r Hi A . A A Hi Hi AA A A A A A A A .;. A A - 5"&- :- Hi a i-- : : 3SlgIti JUixsxvt" ISrloxxdaxj 4 & t 1 Seats Reserved by Telephone at the Box Offke After 9 a, m, Hi Hi Hi He & AAAA. "ST -- . Ii Hi 'PHDIE 540. Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi -f- 4.-- HHHHMSIHHHHHHHHHH - W L iawnro -- aasps-kt jiBead - - j) . rs-&- . . er' afu MrtWilliaasa s. Sw S. .- ,-,. JjL.-' fi, . i -- . r-t . T fThe ReDublican. I Honolulu a s .vtcMuuuM9nwmmmmmmm9mmmHmmmmtM999tuai -- S j jj. , " '"-.-- :' - s?r-- -- -- ;s .v .t f-ii'- Jt -- Jr' '. -- . ', - t, iT -- - .. ; j.v '