- Asian Pacific Student Programs

Asian Pacific Student Programs
Detailed Historical Timeline
This historical timeline is our effort to provide the community with a sense of context and
continuity for UCRʼs Asian Pacific Student Programs office. It reflects major programs
and events that reveal important moments in APSPʼs development over the years. We
make no attempt to list every event or activity the department has sponsored over the
years, though we value the impact each of these have had on individual students. This
is an ongoing project, and we welcome contributions from our friends and alumni. If you
have information that should be included here, please contact the Asian Pacific Student
Programs office via email (William.Caganap@ucr.edu) or telephone (951) 827-7272.
• UCRʼs undergraduate population of 3385 includes 327 Asian Pacific students, or
10.1% of the total undergraduate enrollment. UCRʼs total graduate enrollment is
1402, which includes 93 APIs (8%).
A proposal is submitted to the UCR Registration Fee Committee requesting a
full-time advisor to "coordinate the active needs of the Asian Students Program."
The proposal is signed by representatives of the Inter-Asian Club Council, the
Chinese Students Association, the Japanese Students Association, the Asian
Indian Students Association, and Katipunan (Filipino Student Union).
• Grace Jeanmee Yoo is hired half time to be the first director of what was
alternately called the Asian Pacific American Student Programs office and
Asian Student Programs, housed in Campus Activities. Paiwei Wei is hired
as a 1-hour/week student worker.
• APASP's first year activities include: Volunteer Peer Counseling Program, IACC
Newsletter, IACC Volleyball Games, and Asian Heritage Week.
Spring Quarter
• The Asian Pacific Awareness Coalition is formed.
• A petition is gathered with 600 signatures to demand Asian American Studies
at UCR, and for additional space for the Asian Pacific American Student
Programs office.
The APASP director becomes a full-time position.
Supplies and programming budgets grow, increasing overall budget from initial
$14,815 to $33,375. The awards banquet and APASP orientation are reflected in
the ʻ90-91 expense budget report.
Fall Quarter
• Asian Pacific American Student Programs gains space and is relocated from
Campus Activities to a trailer.
• Grace Yoo becomes the full-time director.
• Two student workers are hired.
Fall Quarter
• Judy Dear joins the APASP office as a half time secretary.
• The volunteer peer mentors (Team PEP) forms.
• The narrative statement of the ʻ91-92 budget request refers to the expansion of
AP Heritage Festival into AP Heritage Month, continuation of the Peer Mentor
Program as Team PEP, and the creation of Western Crane, a radio broadcast on
KUCR raising Asian American awareness on and off campus.
Spring Quarter
• A movement begins in earnest to secure more funding for the Asian Pacific
American Student Programs office and additional Asian American Studies
courses. Letters are published in The Asian American, and coalition building
• Asian Americans on the UCR campus hold a rally demanding more university
attention to Asian cultures and languages, and more money for services for Asian
American students.
• Angered by a videotaped beating of motorist Rodney King at the hands of the
LAPD, various Los Angeles neighborhoods burst into flames of rebellion.
Sumi Harada, whose family successfully challenged the Alien Land Law, is
honored at APASPʼs Leadership Awards Banquet.
Thuan Duc "Tom" Tran, a UCR biology undergraduate, is attacked by a TA in a
UCR lab. The incident inspires protests across campus.
The APASP director begins reporting directly to Lou Leo, vice chancellor of
Student Services. Judy Dear's secretary position is increased from half time to
full time for 10 months.
Fall Quarter
• UCRʼs total undergraduate enrollment of 7217 includes 2360 Asian Pacific
students, or 34.1% of UCR's total undergraduate population. APIs constitute
13.4% of the total graduate student population of 1588.
• Edward T. Chang becomes a faculty member in Ethnic Studies.
• APASP moves from trailers into the second floor of Costo Hall.
September 30
The Rally Against Racism brings changes for Asian Pacific American Student
Programs on the UCR campus (Asian Community Times, fall 1992). Over 300
students of diverse ethnic backgrounds unite against racism on campus. They
chant in unison while they walk around campus carrying a banner with the word,
"RACISM" crossed out in red. Chancellor Orbach is surrounded by students and
prevented from leaving the fourth floor. After safely leaving the building, Orbach
orders the building cleared. Forty-three students were arrested later that night.
Explaining his actions several days later, Orbach declares, "I am affronted by that
action and I believe that was potentially threatening. I ordered the building
cleared under the assumption that those that remained would be arrested...I felt
there was a clear and present danger to me and others." Charges against the
arrested students were eventually dropped.
o The rally results in additional funds being allocated to APASP for hiring a
program coordinator and buying additional office equipment.
o The Commons Board of Governors agrees to give APSP the office space
held by the recreation center office at that time. "The office will be able to
run efficiently and be able to handle more students coming as well as
more organizations needing help," says Grace Yoo.
October 14
• Vice Chancellor Lou Leo writes a memo to Grace Yoo stating: “This is to approve
a supplemental allocation of $40,000 for Asian Pacific American Student
Programs for ʻ92/93 per the chancellor's directive. A portion of this money is
designated to hire a full time program coordinator for 10 months.”
October 20
• The Chancellor's Multicultural Events and Relations Committee is ordered
restructured via Orbach's memo. The committee's new charge:
1) Assist in identifying campus multi-cultural issues and solutions.
2) Develop a "Hotline" to report campus incidents such as graffiti,
harassment, etc.
3) Plan campus-wide events as appropriate.
• The White Voice is distributed on campus. This "newsletter" claims to be the
voice of the white student resistance, an organization declaring to be "the seeds
of the White insurrection, the sparks to light and powder keg! We intend to make
this campus [and along with our allies] America itself, an all white paradise, free
of niggers, Gooks, Jews, Spics and homos... along with the crime, crack, AIDS
and poverty that they produce."
• The first references to Asian Pacific Student Programs (note the absence of
"American" in the name) begin appearing on expense budget reports.
• Wilson Chen is hired as the first program coordinator.
Spring Quarter
Rally on need for Asian American Studies and Hate Crimes.
April 23 & 24, 1993
• The 15th Annual State Conference of the Asian and Pacific Islander Student
Union (APSU) is held at UCR. Strengthening Our Communities -- Forging a
New Future is the theme of the conference, which addresses such issues as
educational rights, recruitment and retention strategies, coalition building,
and student activism and empowerment.
The suicide of an Asian student in Lothian residence hall challenges the campus
to reexamine its ability to provide adequate support to its Asian & Pacific Islander
Fall Quarter
• APSP hosts the Inland Empire Leadership Education for Asian Pacific (LEAP)
• Roland Coloma is hired as program coordinator.
March 2, 1994
• The Asian Pacific Student Programs office holds its open house and unveils its
new mural. The mural, depicting an unveiled Asian and Pacific Islander
community, links the legacy of progressive activism, its current proliferation, and
its continuation in the future. Mural designers Daryl Mar and Tony Osumi are
present for the unveiling.
• The Asian Pacific Student Programs office moves to the new location (104 Costo
Hall), twice the size of its old office, after a coalition of students of color and their
allies confronted the issue of institutional inequities and disenfranchisement
during a campus-wide protest the previous year.
Spring Quarter
• The search for two Asian American Studies faculty yields Traise Yamamoto
(English) and Steffi San Buenaventura (Ethnic Studies).
• The first annual Asian Pacific Youth Conference is held at UCR. Over 100 high
school students, UCR students, and UCR staff attend the event.
• The first reference to the Bridges Program is found in Spring 94.
• The annual report for ʻ93-94 reflects the creation of these new programs during
the academic year: Asian American New Students Orientation, Asian American
student Winter retreat, Asian Pacific Youth Project (which eventually became
YCOP), Asian Americans and Careers Conference, and Asian American and
Professional Mentoring Workshops.
• Western Crane is awarded another Golden Mike award.
• New student organizations formed during this year include: Pacific Islander
Student Association, Asian Pacific Dorm Association, Radical Asian Women,
Laotian Student Association, Thai Student Association, and Socially Active Asian
American Body.
• A leadership development class is sponsored through Ethnic Studies during fall
and spring quarters.
Grace Yoo takes a leave of absence to pursue a Ph.D.; Roland S. Coloma is
appointed acting director for ʻ94-95.
• Grace Yoo announces her resignation, and the search for a new director begins.
• Emilio J. Virata, Jr. is hired as APSPʼs third Director. Roland and Judy return to
their former positions.
• Partly due to increasing concerns about a possible increase in violence within
UCR's API community, the campus UMOJA committee is created to address
community building and community service needs on campus and in the
surrounding neighborhoods. APSP plays a central role.
• Peer Mentor Program – Rocel Soriano & Tobi Quinto (the year began initially with
four lead PMs: Tobi Quinto, Myun Kang, Anne Nguyen, & Deepa Selvakumar)
Dorm Outreach – Ruth Ho, Vicki Shi & Lawrence Taw
YCOP – Vevesi Save, April Veneracion
Club & Organization Outreach Worker – Greg Lew
Office Assistant – Mary Yang
• The Spirit of Inter-Asian Club Council (IACC) resurrects in something that began
as Council of Asian Pacific Islander Students (CAPIS) and then evolved into
Asian and Pacific Islander Student Advisory Council.
• The first Unity Picnic is held.
• Asian Pacific Islander Awareness Month – Transforming Mainstream.
Spring Quarter
• The Asian & Pacific Islander Creative Writing Collective is formed.
The Vice Chancellor of Student Services & Enrollment Lou Leo announces his
Jack Azzaretto assumes duties as interim vice chancellor as a national search for
a new vice chancellor begins.
The UC Regents pass SP1 & SP2, prohibiting consideration of race, gender, and
ethnicity in the UC admissions process.
Fall Quarter
A coalition of students (primarily Latino) takes over Hinderaker Hall, demanding
that the chancellor take a position against the attacks on affirmative action and
resist enforcing SP1 & SP2.
Student Coordinator staff for ʻ96-97:
Peer Mentor Program – Patricia Chee & Anne Nguyen
Dorm Outreach – Donna Ni, Charlene Sakoda, & Bee Vutikullird
YCOP – Amabelle Baltazar, Jennifer Lee, & Amy Lim
• California Passes Proposition 209, prohibiting the use of race, sex, color,
ethnicity, or national origin in the operation of public employment, public
education, or public contracting. Dramatic changes begin for the University of
Californiaʼs efforts to admit and support a diverse student body.
• Asian Pacific Islander Awareness Month – Linking Existence, Creating One
Community: Our Experiences & Expressions as a Generation.
• Roland Coloma leaves his position at APSP to pursue his teaching career.
March 1
• UCRʼs APSP hosts the Inland Valley Asian & Pacific Islander Student Leadership
Conference, themed Passing the Flame.
Spring Quarter
• The API Creative Writing Collective publishes the first of four volumes of Rock,
Paper, Scissors: A Collection of Asian American Poetry, Short Stories, and
Graphics. The API Creative Writing Collective is project of APSP, with the
support, guidance, and hard work of Amy Pabalan and Joyce Nako.
Arlene V. Fader is hired as program coordinator.
The Spirit of the Pacific Island Festival is co-sponsored by Pacific Island Students
Association and APSP.
Judy Dear leaves APSP to return to school to complete her masterʼs degree.
Leadership & Service Award Recipients:
Patricia Chee -- Leadership
Sandra Yi-Ting Chen & Vevesi Save – Activism
Chinese Students Association -- Outstanding Student Organization
Sandra Yi-Ting Chen -- Outstanding Student
David Chan -- Academic Achievement
API Writing Collective – CAPA
Sandra Yi-Ting Chen -- Grace Jeanmee Yoo Unity Award
Vevesi Save -- Sumi Harada Service Award
Fall Quarter
• UCRʼs undergraduate population grows to 8381, of which 3505 (42.8%) are
Asian Pacific students.
• Jennifer Y.P. Lee is hired as an administrative assistant.
• Student Coordinator staff for 97-98:
Cultural & Educational Assistant Program Coordinators – Aiza Galdo & David
Dorm Outreach Coordinators – Samuel Kho & Karen Yeung
Peer Mentor Program – Aimee Abanilla & Roslyn Chaisanguanthum
Office Assisstants – Khadija Shenghur & Jamie Tang
YCOP – Amabelle Baltazar, Suzette Nguyen & Brian Ramirez
(Traci Lew serves as Ed 100 intern for emerging API Womenʼs Mentor Program
& Peer Mentor Program)
Samuel Kho designs the APSP logo, stylizing the APSP mural into a united
journey to the top of a mountain.
Carmel Myers joins the UCR community as vice chancellor for Student Services
and Enrollment.
• Gold Mountain Vol. 1, No. 1, APSPʼs redesigned departmental newsletter, is
published in the fall quarter.
• APSP joins a multi-ethnic coalition to sponsor an Affirmative Action Teach-In,
The Struggle for Affirmative Action: Organizing for Action.
January 6
• ASUCR files a lawsuit against the Regents of the University of California
challenging restrictions placed on the use of student fees for political lobbying.
February 11
• The first “Hump Day Celebration” begins as APSP begins the tradition of
celebrating the middle day of the middle week of the middle quarter as the
symbolic halfway point in the academic year. It also marks the beginning of the
recruitment, hiring, and training cycle for the following yearʼs student staff and
• During the first year of full implementation of SP1, the UC system sees a
dramatic drop in the numbers of African American and Latino students admitted
to the university as compared to previous years. Asian Pacific student numbers
grow modestly.
Asian Pacific Islander Heritage Month -- Exposed… Looking Beyond. This
annual celebration is moved from January to May to bring Riverside in line with
the national celebration.
Leadership & Service Award Recipients:
Rendell Escobar -- Leadership
Roderick Magbual – Activism
Jeffrey Aquino -- Outstanding Student
Yutian Wong – CAPA
Naomi Chao -- Outstanding Faculty/Staff
Dr. Durand Jacobs -- Grace Jeanmee Yoo Unity Award
Aiza Galdo -- Sumi Harada Service Award
Drawing inspiration from the Inter-Asian Club Council, student organizations
begin uniting as the Asian Pacific Islander Student Advisory Council (APISAC).
APISAC proceeds to establish itself as a political force on campus.
APSPʼs request for an additional staff person is officially approved for the ʻ98-99
fiscal year. A search begins for a new program coordinator.
APSPʼs professional staff grows to four.
• Student Coordinator staff for ʻ98-99:
API Womenʼs Mentor Program – Kolistin Tsai (payroll in the spring of 99)
& Toan Phan
Student Program Coordinators – Art Basa, Tony Mai, Melody Pedralvez, Meisa
Bahn (late in the year)
Peer Mentor Program – Charlene Sakoda & Apinya Bee Vutikullird
Program Support Team – Jamie Tang, Christina Han
YCOP – Suzette Nguyen & Rod Magbual
• Jeff Aquino is hired as APSPʼs new program coordinator.
• Jennifer Lee leaves her position as APSPʼs AAII to join the staff of the APA Legal
Center of SC.
• Helen Dodson comes out of retirement to assist with APSPʼs administrative
• Josephine Save is hired as APSPʼs new administrative assistant.
Thao Vu, a founding member of the Asian & Pacific Islander Student Advisory
Council, is elected as president of the Associated Students of UCR.
Asian Pacific Islander Awareness Month – Reflections.
• APSP begins a yearlong celebration of its 10th anniversary.
• APSP begins a fundraising drive for a Scholarship for Leadership and Service.
• Student Coordinator staff for ʻ99-00:
API Womenʼs Mentor Program – Charlene Cun & Joycelyn Lampa
Cultural & Educational Programs – Tony Mai, Prita Kulkarni, Yaschica
Peer Mentor Program – Howard Liang & Lynn Kong
Program Support Team – Christina Han, Sylvia MichelleJamie Tang
YCOP – Kristina Alagar & Rod Magbual
November 11
• APSP celebrates its 10th anniversary with a campus and community-wide
Kristina Alagar, former YCOP coordinator, is elected as president of the
Associated Students of UCR.
Asian Pacific Islander Awareness Month – See Us.
Leadership & Service Award Recipients:
Thao Vu -- Leadership
Roderick Magbual -- Activism
Katipunan -- Outstanding Student Organization
Keith Bayan -- Outstanding Student
Mike Atienza -- Academic Achievement
Christian Trajano -- CAPA
Maria Chee -- Outstanding Faculty/Staff
Thao Vu -- Grace Jeanmee Yoo Unity Award
Youth & Community Outreach Program -- Sumi Harada Service Award
Vice Chancellor for Student Services & Enrollment Carmel Myers resigns her
position. Jim Sandoval assumes the responsibilities of interim vice chancellor for
Student Services & Enrollment.
• Student Coordinator Staff for ʻ00-01:
API Womenʼs Mentor Program – Charlene Cun & Joycelyn Lampa
Cultural & Educational Programs – Daisybelle Morales & Catherine Tran
Peer Mentor Program – Chester Ng & Douglas Ng
Program Support Team – Melody Pedralvez, Diwata Pedralvez, Patrick Yeo,
Mariko Ehrhart (brought on staff late in the year)
YCOP – Sherwin Jocosing (Fall quarter) & Catherine Nguyen, Kristina Alagar
(dropped due to ASUCR) Abella Pagador (DOR)
• APSPʼs Peer Mentor Program begins a series of Subject A Examination Prep
workshops to help new students prepare for and pass this writing proficiency
requirement. UCR becomes aware that many good students, especially Asian
and Latino students, were being lost due to failure to pass this basic writing
requirement. Its effectiveness and utility as a meaningful tool comes under
heavy scrutiny as ASUCR Senator David Lee makes the Subject A exam a
critical issue for the Associated Students. The Subject A Exam is now known
as the Entry Level Writing Requirement (ELWR).
• The Inland Valley API Student Leadership Conference returns to UCR.
David Lee, former APSP peer mentor & YCOP volunteer, is elected as president
of the Associated Students of UCR.
Asian Pacific Islander Awareness Month -- More R.I.C.E. (Recognition*
Leadership & Service Award Recipients:
Kristina Joy Alagar -- Leadership
Jocyl Sacramento -- Activism
Chinese Students Association -- Outstanding Student Organization
Joycelyn Lampa -- Outstanding Student
Ellen Tchon & Wayne Law -- Academic Achievement
Cultural & Educational Programs -- CAPA
Dr. Junji Kumamoto -- Outstanding Faculty/Staff
Daisy Morales -- Grace Jeanmee Yoo Unity Award
Kristina Joy Alagar -- Sumi Harada Service Award
APSPʼs request for an additional staff person is officially approved for the ʻ01-02
fiscal year. A search begins for a new program coordinator, the officeʼs fifth
professional staff position.
Honoring a commitment to refill Steffi San Buenaventuraʼs vacant position with
another Pilipino, UCRʼs Ethnic Studies department hires Dylan Rodriguez to
teach Ethnic Studies and Pilipino American Studies.
Jim Sandoval is appointed as vice chancellor of Student Services & Enrollment.
• Of UCR's total undergraduate population of 12,414 students, Asian Pacific
students number 5377, or 43.3%. Of the graduate student population of 1715
students, 149 (8.6%) are Asian Pacific.
• Student Coordinator staff for ʻ01-02:
API Womenʼs Mentor Program – Betty Kim & Kristine Vindua
Cultural & Educational Programs – Sean Arayasirikul, Catherine Cu, Candida
Peer Mentor Program – Tina Philip & Nathan Nguyen
Program Support Team – Mariko Ehrhart, Catherine Tran & Diwata Pedralvez
YCOP – Chester Ng, Catherine Nguyen & Jocyl Sacramento
September 11
• New Yorkʼs World Trade Center, the Pentagon, and a passenger jet outside
Pittsburgh become the tools of the deadliest terrorist attack in U.S. history. APSP
begins organizing the Wings of Hope project – folding cranes in the memory of all
the victims of the attacks, and in the hopes that the world can move closer toward
an era of true peace and harmony. The Cranes are placed on long-term display
within the University Commons (now the HUB).
• Arlene V. Fader is reclassified from assistant director to associate director,
marking the implementation of a new departmental structure for APSP.
December 17
• Delia Hom begins her position as program coordinator.
Asian Pacific Awareness Month – U-C-[R] evolution: Infinitely Changing.
Leadership & Service Award Recipients:
David Lee -- Leadership
Korean American Students Association -- Outstanding Student Organization
Jocyl Sacramento -- Outstanding Student
Aarti Kulkarni -- Academic Achievement
Dr. Rodney Ogawa -- Outstanding Faculty/Staff
Daisy Morales -- Grace Jeanmee Yoo Unity Award
Samuel Huang -- Sumi Harada Service Award
APSP receives the Allies Award from the chancellorʼs advisory committee on the
status of lesbians, gays, bisexuals and transgenders at UCR.
APSPʼs Peer Mentor Program receives the Bayless Student Leadership Award
for “Devoted Service to the Community and Exemplifying Outstanding
France Cordova begins her role as UCRʼs seventh chancellor, after former
Chancellor Raymond L. Orbach leaves UCR to become director of the Office of
Science in the US Department of Energy (Executive Vice Chancellor David
Warren had served as acting chancellor for most the ʻ01-02 academic year).
• Student Coordinator staff for ʻ02-03:
API Womenʼs Mentor Program – Liz Kim & Kimmie Nguyen
Cultural & Educational Programs – Patrick Gacoscos & Lisa Nguyen
Peer Mentor Program – Jacqueline Chiu & Marrianne Deleon
Program Support Team – Mariko Ehrhart, Betty Kim, & Kristine Vindua
YCOP – Jillian Balancio, Mark Gabriel, Jocyl Sacramento
• Song Ho Tran begins as APSP program coordinator, overseeing the Cultural
& Educational Programs Unit.
• Dr. Steffi San Buenaventura, former UCR Ethnic Studies/Pilipino American
Experience professor, passes away at her home in Davis at age 61.
• APSP Director Joe Virata begins 3-month temporary assignment as interim
assistant dean of students within the Student Affairs Division.
Arlene V. Fader serves as interim director of APSP during spring quarter ʼ03.
Asian Pacific Awareness Month – Making our Mark.
Leadership & Service Award Recipients:
Jacqueline Chiu -- Leadership
Jocyl Sacramento -- Activism
Patrick Gacoscos, Lorraine Nepomuceno, Liza Nguyen -- Outstanding Student
Hong Dang -- Academic Achievement
Mdme. Lehong Phan -- Outstanding Faculty/Staff
Judy Lee -- Grace Jeanmee Yoo Unity Award
Rev. Sysay Vilalylak -- Sumi Harada Service Award
Jacqueline Chiu is brought on board as interim program coordinator.
• Student Coordinator staff for ʻ03-04:
API Womenʼs Mentor Program – Edythe Mangindin & Kimmie Nguyen
Cultural & Educational Programs -- Sarah Le, Jacob Satayaviboon & Leanne
Peer Mentor Program – Erin Isozaki & Charles Chuang
Program Support Team – Mark-Gabriel, Kristine Vindua & Vivek Bhaskar
YCOP – Vicki Vo, Nick Masculino & Marissa Faeldan
November 3
• William Caganap begins work as APSP program coordinator, overseeing the
API Womenʼs Mentor Program and the Cultural and Educational Programs Unit.
APSP students & staff camp out at Manzanar during the 35th annual pilgrimage,
and participate in the “Manzanar After Dark” program.
Asian Pacific Awareness Month – Celebrating our Presence: Past, Present, and
Leadership & Service Award Recipients:
Jodyl Sacramento -- Leadership
Leanne Thach -- Activism
Vietnamese Students Association -- Outstanding Student Organization
Jillian Leigh Balancio -- Outstanding Student
Jillian Leigh Balancio -- Academic Achievement
Christian Trajano -- CAPA
Mariam Beevi Lam -- Outstanding Faculty/Staff
Mark Gabriel -- Grace Jeanmee Yoo Unity Award
Melody Wong -- Sumi Harada Service Award
Youth & Community Outreach Program Interns Julian Doan (Arlington HS),
Sherelle Salaver (Valley View HS), Weslei Gabrillo, Marc Nunez, and Jana
Umipig (Upland HS) create My Five Senses, and anthology of youth writings
addressing issues reflecting acceptance.
After restructuring of the Student Affairs Division, APSP no longer reports directly
to Jim Sandoval, vice chancellor of Student Affairs. The APSP Department
begins reporting to Assistant Dean of Students Alfredo Figueroa, under the Dean
of Students Organizational Unit.
• Building Our Common Ground.
• Student Coordinator staff for ʻ04-05:
API Womenʼs Mentor Program – Angelin Vo & Elizabeth Chao
Cultural & Educational Programs – Melody Wong, Michael Chiu, Theresa Wong
Peer Mentor Program – Bridgette dela Cruz & Sandy Saephanh
Program Support Team – Sarah Le & Vijay Menon (webmaster)
YCOP – Fred Doan, Patlindsay Catalla, & Tony Obnial
Angel Island - APSP Students connect the past with the present at the Angel
Island Detention Center.
Asian Pacific Awareness Month – Expressions.
Leadership & Service Award Recipients:
Theresa Wong -- Leadership
Melody Wong -- Activism
Katipunan -- Outstanding Student Organization
Angelin Vo -- Outstanding Student
Albert David Valderrama -- Academic Achievement
Mariam Beevi Lam -- Outstanding Faculty/Staff
Joe Virata -- Grace Jeanmee Yoo Unity Award
Tony Obnial -- Sumi Harada Service Award
APSP receives recognition for “continuing excellence in supporting the LGBT and
Allies campus communities.”
• Delia Hom transfers to Student Life.
• Building Our Common Ground.
• Student Coordinator staff for ʻ05-06:
API Womenʼs Mentor Program – Holly Lim & Elizabeth Chau
Cultural & Educational Programs –Ellie Lien, Lin Kung
Peer Mentor Program – Mimi Trinh, Rita Lung (Fall) & Tiffany Arakaki (Winter &
Program Support Team – Melody Wong
YCOP – Helen Sun & Patlindsay Catalla
• Josephine Save resigns her position as AAII.
• APSPʼs APIWMP co-sponsors Bridging the Gap: Students of Color In Higher
Education Conference. Co-sponsors include African Student Programs, Asian
Pacific Student Programs, Chicano Student Programs, Native American Student
Programs, ASUCR, GSA, Vice Chancellor Student Affairs, and The Department
of Ethnic Studies.
• Arlene Fader resigns her position as associate director.
• Esther Lee is hired as APSPʼs new administrative assistant.
Spring Quarter – Holly Lim, former APSP API Womenʼs Mentor Program
coordinator & YCOP volunteer, is elected as president of the Associated
Students of UCR.
Tiffany Arakaki is hired as interim program coordinator.
Asian Pacific Awareness Month – Eat, Drink, Asian Culture.
Leadership & Service Award Recipients:
Junko Ihrke & Terry Nguyen -- Leadership
Albert David Valderrama & Holly Lim -- Activism
Vietnamese Students Association -- Outstanding Student organization
Patlindsay Catalla -- Outstanding Student
Albert David Valderrama -- Academic Achievement
Dr. Priya Srinivasan -- Outstanding Faculty/Staff
Melody Wong -- Grace Jeanmee Yoo Unity Award
Elizabeth Chau -- Sumi Harada Service Award
YCOP Coordinator Patlindsay Catalla sings the National Anthem and the UCR
Alma Mater at the 2006 Commencement.
• Building our Common Ground.
• Student Coordinator staff for ʻ06-07:
API Womenʼs Mentor Program – Karen Wong & Erin Louie
Cultural & Educational Programs – Alex Kou & Ashley Jo Navarro
Peer Mentor Program – Julie Anne Bautista & Christopher Islas
Program Support Team – Lin Kung & Eugene Lee
YCOP – Hue Nguyen & Krystelle Robeniol
• APSP gives away a golden pig to celebrate the Lunar New Year at the Bell
Festival of the Drums I.
• Building our Common Ground.
• Student Coordinator staff for ʻ07-08:
API Womenʼs Mentor Program – Hue Nguyen & Erin Louie
Cultural & Educational Programs – Alex Kou, Lorrine Chan, Frank Hiroyasu
& Lisa Chan
Peer Mentor Program – Forida Mach & Andrew Cung
YCOP –Krystelle Robeniol & Peter Bi
• Unity in R Community – Ozomatli.
• Esther Kim changes jobs to become an APSP program coordinator.
• Kristin Seiler joins APSP staff as an administrative assistant.
• The Year of the Rat is celebrated with rat races at the Bell Tower during our
Lunar New Year Celebration.
Festival of the Drums II.
• Student Coordinator Staff for ʻ08-09:
API Womenʼs Mentor Program – Charlie Cooke & Christililly Chiv
Cultural & Educational Programs – Frank Hiroyasu & Lisa Chan
Peer Mentor Program – Forida Mach & Michael Perey
YCOP – Danny Tsai & Joey Chakavarnmongkol
• APSP brings the San Diego Asian Film Festival to the University Village
Cinema. Three days of great films from Asia and Asian America! Filmmakers
and actors come to Riverside for the red carpet treatment!
Unity in R Community – Them Novus, Kina Grannis, Angie Evans Band,
Debonaires, Quinazo.
Kristin Seiler takes a position as director of student relations with the Alumni
• Freedom of the Mind.
• Brenda Batt joins APSP staff as the new administrative assistant.
Asian Pacific Awareness Month – We Are Here.
Leadership & Service Award Recipients:
Frank Hiroyasu – Leadership
Christilily Chiv – Activism
VSA – Outstanding Student Organization
Forida Mach – Outstanding Student
Kimmy Nguyen – Academic Achievement
William Caganap – Outstanding Faculty/Staff
Lisa Chan – Grace Jeanmee Yoo Unity Award
Sarah Han – Sumi Harada Service Award
• Brandon Kwong is hired as a program coordinator.
• Student Coordinator Staff for ʼ09-10:
Christilily Chiv
Forida Mach
Frank Hiroyasu
Jan Ma
Jessica Mallari
• First Common Ground Retreat.
• The Year of the Tiger is celebrated at the Bell Tower during our Lunar New Year
APSP students and staff visit Manzanar and take part in the pilgrimage.
Asian Pacific Awareness Month – Rewind, Redefine.
Leadership & Service Award Recipients:
Vincent La – Leadership
Geminelle Rollins – Activism
Katipunan – Outstanding Student Organization
Kimmie Nguyen – Outstanding Student
Leila Magistrado -- Academic Achievement
Nancy Tubbs – Outstanding Faculty/Staff
Jeanny Marroquin – Grace Jeanmee Yoo Unity Award
Jessica Yamane – Sumi Harada Service Award
APSP celebrates its 20th anniversary at the Leadership & Service Awards
Banquet with Grace Yoo, APSPʼs first director, serving as the keynote speaker.
• Student Coordinator Staff for ʼ10-11:
Jan Ma
Jessica Mallari
Jon Burton
Nicole Yamamoto
Steven Wang
• Student Interns:
Chardae Chou
Kim Zarate
Mary Ellen Catbagan
• Second Annual Common Ground Retreat.
• Joe Virata moves up to the Dean of Students office in new role as acting
assistant dean of students.
• Billy Caganap fills in as acting director of APSP.
• The Year of the Rabbit/Cat is celebrated at the Bell Tower during our Lunar New
Year Celebration.
Asian Pacific Awareness Month – Rise Above.
Leadership & Service Award Recipients:
Steven Wang – Leadership
Social Justice Alliance – Activism
PISA – Outstanding Student Organization
Nicole Yamamoto – Outstanding Student
Mai Kao Moua – Academic Achievement
Paul Michael Atienza – Outstanding Faculty/Staff
Ian Cavasos – Grace Jeanmee Yoo Unity Award
Sunny Phan – Sumi Harada Service Award