Course Outline - Research School of Management

Research School of Management
Room 1088, LF Crisp Building
The Australian National University ACT
School Office
02 6125 6737
02 6125 9839
College Reception
International: +61 2 6125 3807
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cost only)
School Office
02 6125 9982
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main office
Room 1088
Level 1
LF Crisp Building
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Course Outline
MGMT7022 Strategic Management
Semester 1, 2013
STUDENTS: Course details change from semester to semester. Please check that you are reading the
Course Outline for the correct semester.
Course description
This course is intended to provide participants with a range of analytical tools with
which to assess the value and nature of corporate strategies. To achieve these
objectives, the course introduces participants to the total view of the organisation, its
mission, goals, long-term prospects, and how it relates and interacts with various
actors and forces in its environment, concepts and practices of strategic analysis and
strategy formulation, both informal and explicitly planned, analysis of business
environment and identification of long term trends and change, competitive positioning
with respect to rivals, aspects of strategic leadership at top levels of organisations, and
decision making under conditions of high uncertainty and ambiguity.
Office address
Course convener
and lecturer
Dr Ananda
LF Crisp
Building no. 26
Telephone (02) 6125
Room 1052
This Course Outline was prepared in December 2012 for use in Semester 1 2013.
Consultation times
Fridays 3-5 pm and
by appointment
Office address
School Student
Ranka Videnovic
Ruth Southwell
School of
LF Crisp Building
The Australian
Canberra ACT
0200 Australia
(02) 6125
(02) 6125
Consultation times
The School of
Marketing and
Business (MMIB)
office is open from
9am – 5pm, Monday
– Friday, (excepting
very occasional
closures for
Communication with students
If necessary, the lecturers and tutors for this course will contact students
electronically using their official ANU student email address.
Students are expected to check the Wattle site for announcements about this
course, e.g. changes to timetables or notifications of cancellations. Notifications of
emergency cancellations of lectures or tutorials will be posted on the door to the
relevant room.
Course URLs
More information about this course may be found on:
Study @ ANU,
the College of Business and Economics website, and
Wattle, the University's online learning environment. Log on to Wattle using your
student number and your ISIS password
Course Information
Learning Outcomes
On completion of the course students will:
Develop knowledge & skills needed to conduct strategic analysis in a variety of industries and
competitive situations and, especially, to provide you with a stronger understanding of the competitive
challenges of a global market environment
Gain hands on experience in crafting business strategy, reasoning carefully about strategic options,
using what-if analysis to evaluate action alternatives, and making sound strategic decisions.
Enhance your capacity to think strategically about a company, its present business position, its longterm direction, its resources and competitive capabilities, the caliber of its strategy, and its
opportunities for gaining sustainable competitive advantage.
Acquaint with the managerial tasks associated with implementing and executing company strategies,
drill you in the range of actions managers can take to promote competent strategy execution, and give
you some confidence in being able to function effectively as part of a com­pany’s strategyimplementing team
Students taking this course are expected to commit at least 12 hours a week to completing the work.
This will include:
Lectures, Glo Bus simulation, private study, group work and Wattle
Study Schedule
18 Feb
Topics and Tasks
Introduction to the course; MGMT 7022
The management process, roles and skills of manager,
organization as system ; introduction to strategic
management Introduction
to the application of strategy game, Formation of teams for
Glo Bus strategy game and case presentations. Discussion
25 Feb
Business Model and Strategy
04 Mar
Managerial Process of Crafting And Executing Strategy
Company vision, mission, goals and objectives, Developing a
strategic vision Video: strategic intent .Link with strategy
game; define a strategic vision for the company, identify
strategic objectives; Familiarize with the participant guide,
Glo Bus Strategy game; second practice decision.
11 Mar
a) Course outline
b) Chapter1
Chapter 1 & 2 readings in Wattle
The strategic management process, Business model and
strategy, Video: Quest competitiveness, Analysis of current
business and strategy of an organization, Familiarize with the
participant guide of Glo Bus Strategy game; first practice
decision; making company decisions
a) Quiz 1; on or before march
b) First practice decision; on or
before March 3; 9 pm.
Chapter 2,
Practice decision 2; on or before ;
Mar 5 ;9.00pm
Competitive Strategy:
Chapter 5
Five Generic Competitive strategies, competing in the market
place. Link with strategy game; Identify the generic strategies
that will be employed in entry level and multi featured
Company decision 1;Y6; on or
before Mar 9 ;9.00pm
Case presentation 1; Whole
Foods Market in 2008: Mission,
Core Values, and Strategy
Discussion on 3 case study
18 Mar
Organization and its Environment
Chapter 3
Organization and Environment; industry and competitive
analysis, driving forces, key success factors, strategic group
maps, evaluating company’s external environment, Porter’s
five forces .
Link with strategy game; Identify the "weapons of
competition" that rival companies in the digital camera
industry can use to gain sales and market share.
Company decision 2;Y 7; on or
before Mar; 16 ;9.00pm
Case presentation 2 : Competition
in Energy drinks, Sport drinks
and Vitamin enhanced
Discussion on case 3 study
25 Mar
Company’s Resources and Competitive Position
Chapter 4
Analysing companies competitive strength; ,resources and
Capabilities value chain and Competitive Position, SWOT
analysis; /Application from strategy game/Video; Core
Company decision 3;Y 8; on or
Link with strategy game; What hard evidence can you cite
Case presentation 3 : Netflix ‘s
Business Model and strategy in
that indicates your company's strategy is working fairly well
(or perhaps not working so well, if your company's
performance is lagging that of rival companies)? What
resource strengths and resource weaknesses does your
company have? What external market opportunities for
growth and increased profitability exist for your company?
What external threats to your company's future well-being
and profitability do you and your co-managers see? .
Rental Movies and TV e[episodes
Strategy Focused Organization
Chapter10 readings on Wattle
Integrating the company strategy making process ,linking
corporate strategy to business and functional strategy;
Linking vision, mission ,goals and strategy ,Implementation
of strategy and the structures, systems and processes;
strategy-focused organization; application of Balanced Score
Card ( part 1)
Company decision 4;Y9; on or
before Mar30;9.00pm
Discussion on 3 case study
15 Apr
Quiz 2; open book , on or
before Apr13 ;9.00pm
Case presentation 4 ; Competion among
North American Warehouse clubs.
Link with strategy game ; What are the 3-4 chief elements of
your company's production strategy, marketing strategy,
finance strategy ?
Managing business processes
22 Apr
Application of Balanced Score Card (part 2), Building on core
competencies; value creating processes. Video; process
management, functional strategies; improving business
through process improvement, application of six sigma,
service quality Video and discussion; Unleashing the
corporate imagination, case presentations.
link with strategy game; What strategic changes, if any,
should your company consider as market growth for digital
cameras slows somewhat in Years 11-15? Do any of the
strategic options for operating in a slow-growth, mature
marketplaces that are discussed in your textbook seem to
have any appeal?
Chapter11 &12 readings on
Company decision 5;Y10; on or
before April 20;9.00pm
Mid term quiz, MCQ based on
chapters 1-6,
Session 8: Mid Term QUIZ; Chapters 1-6
29 Apr
Competing Through Quality Creating The Customer
Focused Organization
Key concepts of quality, dimensions of quality, service quality
and gap model/ Application from Strategy game. Total
Quality Management, and culture change; strategy game.
Video: mobilizing the organization, case presentations
Chapter 12,
Company decision 6;Y11; on or
before Apr. 27;9.00pm
Three year strategic plan ;Y 1113;on or before ;April 27; 9 pm
Case presentation 5; Skype v.
AT&T and the Future of
6 May
Performance Management; Building on Core
Building on core competencies; performance management;
people focus Application of BSC (public sector) Putting it
together; Video and discussion.
Link with strategy game; What are the key elements of the
value chain of each company in the digital camera industry?
Do a competitive strength assessment for your company and
two other companies that you and your co-managers
consider to be very close competitors. Which of the three
companies is competitively strongest?
Chapter 12,
Company decision 7;Y12; on or
before May 4;9.00pm
Case presentation 6 : South west
Airlines in 2010
Discussion on 3 case study
13 May
Supplementing a Chosen Strategy
Collaborative strategies, merger and acquisition strategies,
vertical strategies & outsourcing strategies.
Link with strategy game; What is your company approach to
workforce compensation? Is there any hard evidence you
can cite that indicates your company's workforce
compensation strategy is working? Can you cite evidence
indicating that the productivity gains have resulted in lower
labor costs?
20 May
Chapter 6
Company decision 8;Y13; on or
before May 11;9.00pm
Case presentation 7; Norton Lilly
International: Implementing
Transformational Change in the
Shipping Industry
Discussion on 3 case study
Chapter 8
Diversifying to related and unrelated business. Evaluating the
strategy of a diversified company.
Link with strategy game; Are you and your co-managers
consciously trying to achieve "operating excellence?" What
are the 3-4 best indicators of operating excellence at your
company? Based on these indicators and using the
benchmarking data provided in the GLO-BUS Statistical
Review, how well does your company measure up?
Company decision 9;Y14; on or
before May 18 ;9.00pm
Case presentation 8 ; Smucker’s
in 2011: Expanding the Business
Line up
Case presentation 9: Sara Lee
Corp. in 2011: Has Its
Retrenchment Strategy
Benefitted Shareholders?
Discussion on 3 case study
27 May
Examination Review.
(a) Examination review slides in
Discussion of key themes; Company presentation by the
winning group of Glo Bus simulation.
Company decision 10;Y15; on or
before May 25;9.00pm
Case presentation 10: Google’s
Strategy in 2010
Discussion on 3 case study
End of game peer evaluation on
or before May 31; 9 pm
Assessment overview
Details about assessment are shown below.
Assessment item
Description and detail
of the assignment
Specific requirements
Due date
Class participation
& attendance
Each student is
Marks will be based upon student’s
expected to make an
contribution to the issues and themes
informed and considered raised during the sessions
contribution to class
Mid Team Quiz
Mid term quiz based
multiple choice.
Read given chapters;1-6
Session 9;wk
beginning 21
Individual Quiz: Glo Bus
strategy game; open
book ( Quiz 1 & 2 ;5 %
each )
Open book based on participants guide;
online examination
Quiz 1;on or
before March
& Quiz 2:
Glo Bus strategy game
Online decision entries against given
As per schedule
Glo Bus strategy game;
strategic plan
Design a strategic plan for the company On or before
April 27 ;9 pm
from Y
Students will work in
Presentation; Case small groups to present
a case study /article
review and lead a
discussion. The cases
are from the prescribed
text/uploaded to wattle
site. Groups will be
organised and cases
assigned in the first
class (week beginning
The aim of the case study/article review As assigned
presentation is for students to answer
the accompanying case discussion
questions. The case study review
presentation should last no longer than
25 minutes and should make use of
visual and other aids in order to facilitate
audience interest and understanding. It
will be followed by 10 minutes of
Final Examination
Based on the chapters coverd;1-6 and
10-12; case studies and discussion
questions based on case studies. Open
book; only text book is allowed.
The final examination
covers all the material
discussed during the
lectures, all chapters
covered in the textbook,
reading brick plus
additional readings
uploaded on Wattle.
Learning outcomes – Assessment
How well have you achieved the learning outcomes for this course? This table shows you how each
assignment will check your achievements against the stated learning outcomes for the course.
Outcome 1
Assig; 1 & 2
Assig; 3
Assig; 4
Assig; 5
Assig; 6
Assig; 7
Outcome 2
Outcome 3
Outcome 4
Assignment submission – General Advice
Submission of
Presentation of
Individual assignments are to be placed in the relevant assignment box in the
MMIB foyer opposite the main counter by 4 pm on the due date. All
assignments submitted through the MMIB assignment boxes are date stamped
and checked against class lists. ( in this course there are no individual
assignments to be submitted)
Assignments are to be word-processed. The use of strict, professional
expression is expected.
The Harvard referencing style is to be used. Links to documentation on proper
referencing methods are available on the course website or from the ANU
Library website:
All assignments must have a cover sheet with all of the appropriate details
completed, Assignment cover sheets are available from the course website or
the MMIB Office or website:
Assignments must be stapled in the top left-hand corner. Please do not submit
assignments in plastic pockets or folders, unless requested to do so by the
lecturer. If you have a disk to submit as part of your assignment please use
bulldog/fold back paper clips, which will be available from the School office
upon request.
All students are required to keep a copy of assignments. All assignments submitted
through the MMIB office are date stamped and checked against class lists. If an
assignment is mislaid, you will be required to provide a copy.
Students are expected to submit the individual essay on time. Guidelines and
details of the assignment will be given in the second week at the beginning of
the tutorial classes. All assignment extension requests must be made 10 days
in advance of the due date to your lecturer. Requests should be made on the
Application for Extension of Assignment form which is available from the MMIB
office or
Significant reasons must exist for an extension and documented medical
evidence may need to be provided. Requests will not automatically be granted
and students should continue with assignment preparation on the basis that the
extension request may not be approved.
Late submission of
Late assignments will attract the following penalties:
0 – 20 minutes
5 marks
20 minutes – 1 day
20 marks
1 – 2 days
40 marks
2 – 3 days
50 marks
> 3 days
100 marks
Late assignments are to be placed in the assignment submission box with a
coversheet and either PART B of the request for assignment extension form, or a
copy of the email approval from the lecturer.
Your final mark for the course will be based on the raw marks allocated for
each assignment or examination. However, your final mark may not be the
same number as produced by that formula, as marks may be scaled. Any
scaling applied will preserve the rank order of raw marks
Text and other readings
Prescribed Text :
Thompson A.A, Streckland A.J., & Gamble E .J., (2012) Crafting & Executing Strategy; concepts and
cases ,18 e McGraw Hill, New York
This is available from the co-operative bookshop and students should purchase in advance.
Further reading
Joesph I Bower & Clark G, (2007), “How managers everyday decisions create or destroy your company
strategy”, Harvard Business Review, February, 72-79
Kumar N, (2006), “Strategies to fight low-cost rivals”, Harvard Business Review, December, 105-112
Robert S. Kaplan and David P. Norton, (2005), The office of the strategy management, Harvard Business
Review, October, pp73 – 80
Robert S. Kaplan and David P. Norton, 2004, Strategy Maps, Harvard Business School Press,
Nitin Nohria, William Joyce, Bruce Roberson, (2003) “What Really Works”, Harvard Business Review, July,
pp43 – 52
Robert S. Kaplan and David P. Norton, (2000), ‘Having trouble with your Strategy?; Then map it”
Harvard Business Review, Sep.-Oct, 167,176
Porter, Michael, (1996), What is strategy? Harvard Business Review, Nov-Dec, 74(6), 61-78.
Porter, Michael E., 1980, Competitive Strategy: Techniques for analyzing industries and competitors, New
York: Free Press
Prahalad, C.K., & Hamel, Gary, 1990, The core competence of the corporation, Harvard Business Review,
May-June, 68(3), 79-91.
Robert S. Kaplan and David P. Norton, 2001, The Strategy Focused Organization, Harvard Business
School Press, and Massachusetts
Newspapers & Magazines
Good ways of developing your interest in business and strategy are to watch the television business programs
on Sunday mornings, read some of the stories in the business pages of the daily newspapers, and find out
which business publications appeal to you. Some of these include: The Australian Financial Review (daily,
plus the monthly insert magazine, AFR BOSS), Financial Times (UK-based, with international editions),
Business Week (US), Fast Company (US), Business Review Weekly (Australia), and Fortune (US). You can
surf their websites, or read copies in the ANU library or in the ACT public libraries. Look for feature stories that
describe how and why a company has changed its strategy, or how competition within an industry is changing
due to deregulation, new technology, or changes in customer preferences, for example.
Academics publish their research in journals such as the Strategic Management Journal, Academy of
Management Journal, Journal of Management, and many others. Some journals are aimed at presenting
research knowledge to managers and students in a more readable manner. These journals include the
Harvard Business Review (published by Harvard Business School), Sloan Management Review (Sloan
School of Management, MIT), Academy of Management Executive, California Management Review, and the
new Monash Business Review (Monash University, Australia)
Technology, Software, Equipment
A major component of the study is the use of strategy game; Glo Bus. Students are expected have sufficient
IT skills to work with the online simulation. The simulation is mainly based on Microsoft, and Apple users can
also use it.
General Information about College policies, processes, and procedures
For more information on relevant polices, procedures and rules, go to your course Wattle site. The relevant
information is posted in two versions at the top of the central panel in Wattle.
Version 1 is a link to Key issues explained: Policies, Programs, Courses and Assessments. In this section,
you will find important information about a range of educational and administrative matters. If you can’t find
the link on your Wattle site, go to
Version 2 is called Online social interaction, Netiquette and more.