equal opportunities and diversity policy

Hounslow Council is committed:
To identify and eradicate any form of institutional and other discrimination. The council
accepts its statutory responsibilities in accordance with the relevant legislation. This
commitment applies to equalities in employment and in the delivery of services;
To eliminate discrimination on the grounds of gender, disability, race, faith, age, colour, ethnic
origin, religious belief, marital status, sexuality, and HIV status;
To promote equality of opportunity and fair treatment for all our communities, especially
marginalised communities, black and ethnic minorities, faith communities, white
disadvantaged communities, refugees, asylum seekers, lesbian and gay, bi-sexual &
transgender communities, single parents, carers, Travellers, people with disabilities, younger
people and older people;
To promote fair and equal access to services by all citizens on the basis of need and to provide
services in a manner which is sensitive to the individual, whatever their background;
To improve the quality of life for all its residents and employees;
To improve the active participation of all its citizens in the economic, educational, cultural,
social and community life of the borough;
To have a staff complement that reflects the diversity of our communities;
To promote equality of opportunity and fair treatment in employment and training
and to promote equal pay;
To celebrate diversity and promote social inclusion and community cohesion;
To exercise its community leadership role by promoting the social, economic and
environmental well being of the local area and our communities;
To work in partnership with stakeholders and communities;
To ensure that every employee of the council is responsible for implementing the Equal
Opportunities and Diversity Policy;
To ensure that every provider delivering services on behalf of the Council adheres to the
Council's equal opportunities and diversity policy;
To ensure that the Community Plan is informed by the need to promote and achieve equalities
outcomes and to ensure that it promotes community cohesion;
To develop a clear plan, with targets and timescales, to deliver the agreed Corporate Equalities
Plan and to develop the capacity needed to achieve it;
To mainstream our equalities commitments and actions and to integrate equality and diversity
in our Best Value Reviews;
To ensure that all departments develop and implement an Equality Action Plan with
resources, targets and timescales;
To improve communications at all levels in order to ensure full participation and involvement
by all our communities;
To monitor and evaluate all aspects of service delivery and employment and to eliminate
differences demonstrated by unfair outcomes.
For further information about Hounslow Council’s Equal Opportunities and Diversity Policy contact
any Social Services office.
We’re here to let you know if we can help
Our Customer Service Officers will be happy to advise you, whatever your age and family
circumstances. All offices are open: Monday to Thursday 9am to 5pm, Friday 9am to 4.45pm.
If you live in:
Brentford and Chiswick
Call: 8583 3400, Fax: 8583 3245, Minicom: 8583 3246,
Email: customerservice.sshp@hounslow.gov.uk
Cranford, Hounslow,
Heston and Isleworth
Call: 8583 3300, Fax: 8583 3187, Minicom: 8583 3186,
Email: customerservice.sshp@hounslow.gov.uk
Bedfont, Feltham or
Call: 8583 3200, Fax: 8583 3303, Minicom: 8583 3304,
Email: customerservice.sshp@hounslow.gov.uk
Access for all
We will provide support appropriate to your ethnic, cultural and communication needs. On request
most information can be provided in Braille, audio tape, large print or in most other accessible
formats. Contact any Social Services office. BSL Signers can be provided on request call 8583 3132 or
minicom on 8583 3122. Interpreters can be provided in almost any language, if asked for in advance.
For Panjabi, Hindi, Urdu and Gujarati, this can be arranged most easily by phoning the Council’s
Language Line in the language of your choice call on 8583 2299.
Published by Social Services & Health Partnerships, May 2004.