The Crucible: Literary Analysis Research Paper Mrs. Bowles

The Crucible: Literary Analysis Research Paper
Mrs. Bowles
American Literature 11th Grade
Choose ONE of the following prompts:
Choose three characters in The Crucible who tell significant lies. Why do they do
this? What does each hope to achieve (or avert) by lying? Does the play suggest
that there are times when we should lie?
Consider the value of reputation in The Crucible; discuss how it motivates the
actions of three major characters. What does the play suggest is the importance of
one’s “good name”?
Discuss The Crucible as a Modern TRAGEDY (including John Proctor as a
TRAGIC HERO)—what is the value of reading the play in the twenty-first
Discuss some aspect of morality. . . (Narrow your focus).
Discuss the portrayal of female characters within the play. Compare and
contrast them.
Assessment Guidelines/Checklist:
• Addresses all aspects of the prompt and assignment (min: 6 paragraphs / 900
• Argumentative thesis clearly states the writer’s position
• Each body paragraph contains well-chosen textual evidence—3 QUOTES
FROM THE PLAY per paragraph
• Effective Introduction
• TOPIC SENTENCES are persuasively worded and support thesis with a related
• Concluding paragraph goes beyond restating thesis
• Smooth transitions between and within paragraphs
Word Choice & Sentence Fluency:
• Diction appropriate for academic writing; words are specific, appropriate,
accurate, and concise
• Sentences varied in length and structure
• Mastery of agreement, verb tense consistency, and preposition use
• No comma errors, comma splices, or run-ons
• No 1 or 2 person pronouns
• Correct tense is maintained throughout the paper.
• Correct MLA format
Heading, Header w/ page #, Title, FONT, Parenthetical Documentation, Works
Cited page - see examples on my website or use Purdue Owl.
• All quotes are integrated or introduced (Who is speaking to whom? About what?)
EX: In Act IV of The Crucible, John Proctor pleads with Hathorne, “ I have given you
my soul; leave me my name,” revealing the degree to which he values his reputation
(Miller 240).
** Use the Quotation Integration handout I provided to you earlier this semester. It is also
on my website!
Literary Analysis Research Paper for The Crucible Step 1
You will gather evidence for your paper by utilizing the quotation chart below - use the
same topic for every act. You MUST have 12 to 15 entries in this section. In the first
column, you will write your topic. In the second column, write the quotation, including
parenthetical documentation. In the third column, write who says the quote and to whom
he/she says it. In the fourth column, briefly explain what happens right before and right
after the quotation. In the fifth column, explain, in one to two sentences, how the
quotation relates to your topic or thesis.
Example Response:
Quotation (w/
“I have three
may I teach
them to walk
like men in the
world, and I
sold my
(Miller 239).
Who says
this? To
whom is
it said?
What is
happening right
before and right
after this is said?
Right before,
Danforth is
telling Proctor
that his written
confession must
be made public;
after, Danforth
continues to tell
him that he must
have the proof.
How does the quotation relate
to my topic/thesis? Analyze the
quotation and explain how it
connects to your topic/thesis.
At this point in the play, Proctor
is offered a chance to save his
life, but sin again, by handing
over a document which will
confirm that his friends are
witches. He refuses to do it,
which supports the point that he
is a tragic hero.
Literary Analysis Research Paper for The Crucible Step 2
Locating A Secondary Source for Research
Name_______________________________ Date_________________
For your literary analysis, you must incorporate TWO secondary sources into your paper.
(You may choose to use more, but that is your choice.) Remember, you must properly
cite the articles in your paper (using parenthetical documentation) and also cite it on your
Works Cited page. The notes that you take will be part of your grade, so this is
Steps for locating a secondary source:
1) Search for a relevant article. Use choice words to narrow your searches. Please
understand that this is typically the most time-consuming part, so expect to spend a
decent amount of time evaluating sources (i.e. Does this article relate to my paper? Is it
helpful? Will it enhance my thesis? etc).
2) Write down important information from the source. What are some of the
quotes/paraphrased statements you want to use? What is the citation information? (Again,
you will need this to both cite the article in your paper and on your Works Cited page.)
Scholarly Databases:
Password for Galileo:
Password for Galenet:
Scholarly Secondary Source #1:
Citation Information:
Quotes from this article that relate to my thesis + parenthetical documentation:
How do these quotes relate to my thesis?
Scholarly Secondary Source #2:
Citation Information:
Quotes from this article that relate to my thesis + parenthetical documentation:
How do these quotes relate to my thesis?
Literary Analysis Research Paper for The Crucible Step 3
Formal Outline including parenthetical documentation (in-text citations). You may also
do a documented sentence outline.
Introduction - the thesis statement will ask the question, “So what?” or “Why does
this matter?” or “What is the bigger picture/message?” Remember, the introductory
paragraph will give the reader a sip of what is to come as the paper develops. This is
where your paper starts -- the first impression needs to be assertive, interesting, and
encourage the reader to continue on. Begin with background information, startling
statistic/statement, or an anecdote (story).
Topic sentence:
1. Quote + parenthetical documentation
Significance/prove your theme/thesis
B. Example/event
1. Quote + parenthetical documentation
2. Significance/prove your theme/thesis
C. Example/event
1. Quote + parenthetical documentation
2. Significance/prove your theme/thesis
D. Concluding statement
Topic sentence:
1. Quote + parenthetical documentation
2. Significance/prove your theme/thesis
B. Example/event
1. Quote + parenthetical documentation
2. Significance/prove your theme/thesis
C. Example/event
1. Quote + parenthetical documentation
2. Significance/prove your theme/thesis
D. Concluding statement
IV. Topic sentence
1. Quote + parenthetical documentation
2. Significance/prove your theme/thesis
B. Example/event
1. Quote + parenthetical documentation
2. Significance/prove your theme/thesis
C. Example/event
1. Quote + parenthetical documentation
2. Significance/prove your theme/thesis
D. Concluding statement
V. Topic sentence
1. Quote + parenthetical documentation
Significance/prove your theme/thesis
Quote + parenthetical documentation
Significance/prove your theme/thesis
Quote + parenthetical documentation
Significance/prove your theme/thesis
Concluding statement
Conclusion - Your literary analysis essay should have a concluding
paragraph that gives your essay a sense of completeness and lets your
readers know that they have come to the end of your paper. Your
concluding paragraph might restate the thesis in different words,
summarize the main points you have made, or make a relevant comment
about the literary work you are analyzing, but from a different perspective.
Do not introduce a new topic in your conclusion.
Example of a body paragraph:
John Proctor lies throughout the play to mainly protect his reputation, but it
ultimately leads to his downfall in Salem. Proctor feels that if a man’s name is ruined, it
is bringing “social death to himself” (Schlueter and Flanagan 155). Proctor and Abigail
begin to argue in the woods. Proctor doesn’t want Abigail to reveal their affair, so he
begins to deny everything. John lies to both himself and to Abby when he claims they
“never touched” (Miller 177). John tells this lie not only to protect his reputation, but to
also convince himself that he never committed adultery. When Hale confronts Proctor
about the Ten Commandments, Proctor claims that “[they] do them all” (Miller 199).
Proctor says this to cover up the fact that he doesn’t remember the commandment of
adultery. Proctor lies to his wife about going to Salem so that she doesn’t find out about
Abigail. John is gone for days and tells Elizabeth that “he has no business in Salem”
(Miller 192).
Literary Analysis Research Paper for The Crucible Step 4
Write the paper and complete the Works Cited page!
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Checklist 300 points!
Thesis (5)
Due: _____________________________________________________________
Literary Analysis Chart 15 entries (50) Due:
Scholarly Source (45) Due:
Outline/documented sentence (50)
Rough draft (50)
Final draft (100) Due:
Works Cited (required - a grade of zero will be assigned without this page)___________
This grade counts for 20% of your semester average!