Chortle-crf Fast Technology Lookup Robert Department Table-Based Francis, of Jonathan Electrical technology based Field sented. major approach is up to paths to reduce and the new program. number 14 an 10 ~o fewer to implement lookup lookup can Xilinx (CLBS). also 3000 of CLBS than mis-pga the and age of 68 times 22 % fewer experiments faster than XNFOPT. 1 Introduction Field Programmable than 12 70 fewer than Chortle-crf mis-pga This memory of implementing any paper 30 times tional cent innovation cuits (ASICS) tion and in Application that ASIC An blocks and consists of an array can and a programmable class a reCir- integra- [Ahre90]. The dramatically re- manufacturing costs. of programmable routing of FPGAs scale [Hsie88] time are Integrated large FPGAs turn-around FPGA portant both user-programmability of (FPGAs) Specific provide user-programmability duce Arrays consists logic network. of those An that im- The input #URFO043298 Northern ~= supported and by #OGPOO05280, Research, and NSERC grant grant from the Gr~ts from ITRC Bellof On- tario. to that copy w>thout the copies fee are not all made or part of this or distributed material for drect I< granted commercial the ACM copyright notice and the title of the pubhcation and Its date appear, and notice is given that copying is by permission of the Association for Computing Machinery. To copy otherwise, or to republish, requmes a fee and/or specific penmssion. advanrage, $1.50 and is is capable of K input bles in in vari- lookup the remainder 2 Background mapping a combinational on circuits An important was Keutzer and include that taK is implements set of circuit standard and that mapping, such as [Kahr86], cell libraries. technology map- programming library-based [Detj87] The examples by Kahrs of dynamic Other misII a circuit from lb. lookup All assume in library-based introduction [Keut87]. of the will work the circuit implemented a restricted the created advance the in Figure in technology [Greg86] by the one paper of K- example, 5 inputs. using Earl y work focused that produces network SOCRATES pers Note a circuit number For functions available the has K or fewer total shown the of this to 5. ping tables 4 of the equal elements. the circuit. indicate table. uses only table ta- by into 1a can be implemented lookup lookup a combina- NOTS lookup this for converts and is to minimize 5-input table Boolean than lookup table technology technology McMAP by map- [Lisa87]. becomes mapping tables reported The Chortle and an exhaustive level decomposition the are large of every of K a K-input and [Fran90]. therefore specifically Two pre- mappers are [Murg90a]. mapper search values deal technology mis-pga partitioning that required table 22K differ- For to describe impractically technology uses However, required algorithms lookup [Fran90] can implement of K variables. 3 the library lookup Chortle of K-inputs functions greater 28th ACM/l EEE Design Automation 01991 ACM 0.89791-395-7/91/0006/0227 a one-bit is implemented ORs, every tables in Figure viously provided table and algorithm Chortle-crf boundaries with Permlsslon combina- use logic Operating a research a research in tables lookup 2 K bits which where goal lookup dotted ent work com- lookup lines function a new of ANDs, tables A lookup 1This address contains program. Technology Gate K-input Boolean mapping network by each faster that of implementing A K presents technology of three 1 first studies ables. as cir- XNFOPT as the recent suggested [Rose90]. with such Moreover, have memory output. tables, 86]. method functions a digital Canada lookup [Cart are an area-efficient tional network CLBS Toronto, architectures Blocks waa an aver- and FPGA inputs. as a cir- Logic CLBS FPGA of lookup [Murg90a] networks requires containing Chortle-crf [Fran90] a network of mercial This Chortle-crf Vranesic blocks ble networks. benchmark Zvonko University circuit. Chortle-crf Chortle Configurable Chortle-crf In these nodes mis-pga implement series ex- at fanout in the than This recon- in the than choosing exploits comparison tables tables To implement cuits [Xili89]. tables experimental is pre- for a previous also of logic of lookup table- packing. than a set of benchmark Chortle-crf of faster is implemented fewer YO lookup (FPGA) on bin algorithm replication algorithm In requires Arrays based The for is a method 28 times approach. vergent cuit Gate innovation decompositions haustive The algorithm Programmable The gate-level and mapping for FPGAs Rose, Engineering, Abstract A new Mapping to presented find node of the the in [Fran90] optimal in a fanout-free original network gatetree. into Conference@ Paper 15.1 227 ~-v ,-. -.. –-i i 9’ ‘Y .-.1 /-.__y ~----.l If-t-Y i i--- I . . . --..4 .- a) without ~ .. . . . . ~-----”l I 1 ! / I I L_____ ---- -. L ---- ---- J gate decomposition i I i ___.J Y’ I - .... . i ! I i ! i---- J .- I. . . . . . R?---.---., . $$-” I i I . . I i network a) combinational ii -. ! I i ii I i ! i i i i ! [ I i ! i 1....... . ...- ..—.. . .... 1 b) circuit of 5-input lookup Figure b) with trees reconvergent optimization and replication technology mapper that of logic at tables initially as an intermediate performs combinational problem network The at fanout and the covering exploit result a non-optimal to reduce circuit. produces number focuses does paths tables in the opt imizat replication ions of logic nodes. The Chortle-crf Algorit innovation bin packing other important vergent The and the is finding reduces the For example, tree single OR node OR The principal versed beginning toward the primary the inputs of the is referred by primary At network to as the circuit. and each from a circuit node Circuit to the This implementing tables number These allow its five The goal both the the the (root) The in the has two first circuit and of unused unused subsequent Paper 15.1 228 goals when is to minimize the inputs inputs nodes at are constructing the second the important number the is to maximize output lookup because to be implemented Best of lookup the table. they may without the The First, this tree of the a two-level multi-level network circuits output lookup be referred to 3a shows fanin an OR have tables the without implements tables tree as node is attained that lookup This and must and a contain the maximum output number increasing the of number tree. tables is constructed 3b and decompositions in two is constructed is converted Figures the fanin tables decomposition decomposition will de- the node’s of The of lookup must a node decomposition node. in the of lookup the for order of lookup possible tables composition. and tables. the best table inputs of lookup lookup number lookup the into to be implemented implement Circuits Figure functions minimum 2b, decomposed immediate tables. a tree of to imple- Figure Circuit constructed. of finding decomposition tree that these Best fanin In The that fanin by constructing unused Chortle-crf Circuit. and nodes. lookup required Best Circuits previously of the fanin cir- node. been tables is tra- proceeding node the have of the ensures are 2a. that circuit. tables. the Best fanin traversal the node in the final 2a has been allows lookup implementing of the tables Figure of Figure construction upon Circuit tables in which two immediate the is dy- network is constructed. Best nodes Chortle-crf inputs extending of recon- in the combinational outputs. cone of Two at fanout tables used The primary implementing cuit of lookup at the exploitation of logic technique programming. application lookup shown nodes, just Best decomposition of lookup five the the the number ment hm decompositions. are the replication number namic is the gate-level features paths to reduce in Chortle-crf to choosing Approach Decomposition key to constructing pends A major Gate a node two The Packing to with 3 tables. It of the on a covering allow and Bin of [Murg90a]. of lookup problem reconvergent a circuit decomposition then lookup fanout 3.1 mis-pga lookup that of extra exploit nodes. The 2. 1. precludes paths decomposition Figure addition fanout-free gate tables into a multi-level 3C illustrate constructed the steps. and then de- two-level from the FirstFitDecreasing { start with uhile a) fanin lookup there { if tables en are the vithin bin empty list unpacked boxes largest unpacked any in bin box the bin will not fit list I 1 ! I { create an empty add to i.t the bin end and of the bin list } pack the first largest bin it unpacked will fit box into the within } } b) two-level decomposition Figure bins are are ~.... 7’ is K, the packed Figure / !1 size lookup Fit In Figure 2. In (fanin Figure Fit the lookup boxes final The Decreasing bin table) 3a the 2. boxes of each 3b the 5, 4, and is First and capacity inputs. are Decreasing tables The box bins used First of each of used algorithm for tables. 3, 2, 2, 2, and of the i lookup the number code second-level fanin and sizes . . .. ...... . . . . .. . I the its 4: Pseudo is have contents bin packing as outlined in 4 [Gare79]. 3.1.2 Multi-Level Decomposition .—... -_ . ....._ i c) multi-level The decomposition Figure decomposition the 3. first-level inputs to are the fanin lookup 3.1.1 tables of Figure Two-Level 3a. two-level decomposition level node several second-level OR node is the first-level the second-level the and 3-input inputs are node implements composed lookup nodes ble. over tables. each The lookup the a subset of which tables, two-level however, it will decomposition yet its three being decomposition. by de- be implemented into packing ing is to find decomposition algorithm. a set of boxes the In general, minimum can be packed the goal number [Gare79]. of bins from into 5. in Figure for of K is less than or equal partitioned fanout-free the approach haustive using a with provement of bin pack- mization into which of logic case, the is up to 28 times search the approach same in speed exploiting at fanout number makes con- of Figure the can trees than yet of lookup it practical reconvergent nodes, totree. paths as discussed 3b. two-level is out- be shown tree to 5 [Fran91]. faster a the decomposition [Fran90], ta- decomposition is a fanout-free works lookup implement decomposition converting value into to reducing decomposition network tree of the decomposition a multi-level multi-level if the in the ta- when In this procedure lined thereby multi-level the two-level detailed final tables used The tables second-level tree, the tables. first-level lookup be by any a multi-level is constructed Any of lookup implementing of this second-level can by of lookup tables first-level decomposition cuits two-level bin structed a tree inputs 3C illustrates be optimal decomposition. The number The second-level a lookup of the The or all of the fanin implemented is converted 3b of the unused Figure second-level node are three is implemented is not and Each some, 3b there jirst- In Figure node of the of one, node of a single nodes. nodes. operation In Figure first-level consists lookup ble tal The leaf two-level with is completed with outputs portion Decomposition the tree node the For bin the to and the net- packing previous ex- it produces cir- tables. This to consider and in the imopti- replication following sect ions. Paper 15.1 229 ! MultiLevel { while there is more there are than one unconnected bin { if remaining no free inputs unconnected bins among the a) fanin { create an empty add to it the bin end lookup and of bin the tables r-tI--+ -t: --- list with -I.-l-.., --- shared input . A.-.1--, .-1-.-1-. } comect the the next most filled unconnected unconnected bin vith bin a free to input } } Figure5: Pseudo code for multi-level conversion b) realized 3.2 Exploiting It is possible a better to exploit circuit discussion where the local fanin lookup paths a node. terminology The of the tables second-level Paths reconvergent implementing uses the the and Reconvergent lookup previous are referred tables are a pair boxes of distinct share reconvergent inputsto K, then the these these volume two topack chosen ing. section, to as boxes referred is the is less than Figure 6a shows a pair Figure 6b shows the to within a bin. By merging of the rior packing, bin as Best two into the same packed. bin Forcing with boxes can the same the bin. two packing in an inferior packing. packing the forced the with forced A merge further of reconvergent find pairs the Best of local combination constructed Paper 15.1 230 is considered at every works one node ing and at of re- The To find need paths by first into to a supe- This to a superior and if they bins actually Circuit, are are may more terminate Chortle-crf pairs, merging begins paths. including the at For respective It itly of some the pair the bin any pack- search of all practical. when by finding all quired In Figure the combina- be trees [Fran90]. explicitly imple- table, as primary inputs and to the work the network. are the fanout the the the allows these rest of the only example, to node may in the in Figure implement lookup de- circuit 7a, the net- implemented. implementing two implic- replication replication is explicitly gate nodes the tables the tables fanout are re- network. programming a fanout fanout For node and the dynamic encounters This lookup required AND to implement menting of fanout requires node. number tables 7b, the which at a fanout is replicated When of the to of a lookup tables, total work node boxes logic the lookup To is node to implement implementing node. possible partitions of fanout-free fanout lookup three the a circuit a set every is possible crease without of Chortle into to be treated inside one every make pairs The netat net work. than none, pairs Nodes as the output inter- to be considered. is that is traversed. of Logic version forces result both the packing of that benchmark to be six pairs. to the lookup realization network MCNC of these pack- (and optimization of reconvergent enough Fanout network mented can be forced one bin may and the Best merge reconvergent of these boxes is fast previous lead the found Replication tional before algorithm complication Circuit, them has been combinations 3.3 a smaller boxes as the the bin output This local node number approach Circuit. with largest the tables at the is a greedy experiments the with lookup inputs as the Best paths realized the pair be merged two by merging these bin only The of unused is retained In our proceeding the fewest sizes. an input lead number table) nodes However, fere may then with reconvergent table, may and circuit possible Circuit. packed into in turn the inputs, paths lookup This bin. bin, individual share to pairs The greatest of orequal intoone and realizing is occupied. number of distinct that a single exists the same number boxes which boxes into of reconvergent within bin total of the boxes’ of boxes the two paths portion total there less than the two the sum pair then the are packed which convergent If twoboxesis boxes occupied input, paths. it impossible When same paths 6. to find following bins. If two reconvergent Figure node traversal the Best is constructed. of the net- Circuit At this implepoint .\.i .-.. ‘frw -..;~...-., ~-. ---- Network L--- .- -- . .. . ..J ,... --! -i z4ml Iwl replicated Figure logic 7. 19 11 23 21 30 34 27 31 40 62 67 71 74 80 31 31 55 56 59 72 80 82 86 103 apex2 123 123 121 120 80 alu2 131 121 127 116 129 duke2 138 136 126 120 128 C499 166 164 158 74 66 rot 219 207 208 189 200 apex6 232 219 230 212 243 alu4 238 219 227 195 235 apex4 603 600 579 558 765 e64 II !1 II Ii . .... .... ... . . .—-. —.-.. 19 112 rd84 II 8 20 24 34 47 63 69 72 76 110 apex7 !/ !1 6 95 9symml logic 9sym b) with two options explicitly are considered. If the fanout node as a primary implicitly The implemented, is explicitly input lookup table replica replaces node rest of the a replica is made the fanout starting with each node 1073 1060 1050 952 1016 total 3547 3454 3417 3057 3390 for 5 4 If it function fanout as the is of the edge. source This of the edge. Every will path eventually output and reach of the primary an edge from another network. fanout These outputs a fanout node be referred the replication node or a primary subsequent will 40 1: Results K = Results it is treated network. of the for 64 73 can be ei- implemented. implemented to the implemented, output fanout or implicitly 64 des Table ther lookum 9 115 5xpl count . .. . .. . . --------- lookups lookups 9 C880 vg2 a) no replicated Iookups 9 20 24 31 45 59 65 71 76 95 misexl I L..- .-.__! ..-! lookups mis-pga -crf -Cf -cr --l I I ! ! ! L---- :-crf Cho] -c i to fanout nodes as the visible To evaluate Chortle-crf performed on sis benchmark on each -c a series networks suite. from Four experiments MCN-C experiments were logic were synthe- performed network: using only -cr using the reconvergent -cf using the replication using both -crf of the the constructive bin packing approach optimization optimization reconvergent and replication nodes. To determine Chortle-crf visible if solves node the node is constructed once without solved lems Best Chortle-crf are explicitly like is fast enough once with the inputs. to make The For technology solving each visible and is itself assumption that in these and The the subproblem encountered implemented primary worthwhile the replication Each with nodes is subproblems. implementing replication. fanout treated of Circuit twice; the using remaining a series bin can therefore packing these any subprob- the number subproblems of lookup nodes both known. If the by the replication, replication with total network. been required and number then of logic it is encountered of the tables have the solved to implement without the of lookup by the dynamic at every total the replication tables replication is considered the Table fanout programming the 3.7 %. node traversal aa tion number the of lookup by 2.7 Combining both of lookup together by This nodes and the when are found tables of the required the four reduced to imple- replication of lookup opti- tables reduced by the total 14 Yo. when exceeds occurs of K- 10. optimization optimizations tables often cross fanout lookup number achieved reductions. of 5-input in each as Chortle-crf 2 to tables total networks that as circuits networks YO , the [Bray86]. of K from reconvergent the the Note was using script networks values number reduction standard tables. networks reduced number The to implement the The total are The used for 1 records experiments. mization is reduced is retained. the lookup tables procedure optimization with to implement vis- experimental logic of implementing lookup ment the was then of 5-input is capable the After in optimizer Chortle-crf required prac- step independent logic circuits be tical. ible misII input approach subproblems first using sum both optimiza- of the reconvergent and realized individual paths within that a single Paper 15.1 231 Network Chortle-crf Network -c -cr -Cf -crf CLBS CLBS CLBS CLBS Chortle-crf CLBS 3 z4ml misexl 14 14 vg2 18 21 18 5xpl 20 20 count 27 31 23 32 27 9symml 41 42 50 41 9sym 42 44 56 42 apex7 42 45 49 42 rd84 53 52 52 53 53 e64 54 e64 48 48 54 54 C880 69 C880 75 70 94 69 apex2 93 apex2 94 90 97 93 alu2 83 alu2 94 86 98 83 duke2 89 duke2 88 87 91 89 C499 50 5 5 7 3 misexl 14 14 14 vg2 5xpl 20 19 20 count 32 9symml 50 9sym 52 apex7 48 rd84 z4ml 23 84 84 96 50 rot 131 rot 134 129 144 131 apex6 161 apex6 169 161 169 161 alu4 138 alu4 165 144 174 138 subtotal apex4 457 451 463 448 des 714 695 797 743 2418 2317 2582 2319 C499 total lookup table. where A dramatic using lookup both tables As an 0.8 7 6 296.5 10 12 298.2 0.6 21 25.6 299.7 3.2 23 45.5 20 19 2.0 28 32 59.1 43 56 901.2 1 52 305.1 117.3 51 304.6 65.1 38 303.2 62.9 59 50 2.9 number result sixth of 5-input lookup lookup benchmark of the 448 des 743 15.4 32 1.9 61 65 901.5 12.6 82 101 1809.4 34.9 70 102 909.7 56.3 102 91 907.8 9.1 105 357.1 99 903.6 15.9 50 137.5 121 1847.0 14.0 153 844.8 166 1811.4 25.3 191 1376.8 198 1822.6 178.1 189 232 1849.4 z 2319 - number tables than tables Xilinx produced into CLBS required that can to pairs exceeds the implement bles Each 3000 two can 4-input 5-input lookup finding pairs CLB. Finding be restated Chortle-crf Note using of lookup the (CLBS). table total and then the other each CLB tables maximum that to implement fit circuits derived that using only the number the Paper 15.1 232 optimization basis and using 22 Yo fewer benchmark The Chortle-crf from the [Murg90a]. the mapping previous and the replication optimization in the derived reduces the number circuit, can on its records of lookup of increase capable CLBS in 12 than system systems in the final the the benchmark Xilinx fewer YO CLBS cir- number networks software. XNFOPT im- mis-pga design 3 records and of are to these CLBS Table mis-pga also records on a Sun In 3/60 the Xilinx is performed by [Xili89]. and execution on a Sun number to implement XNFMAP even ta- In than to- mis-pga to implement the networks. indefinitely of CLBS of of lookup proprietary time. CLBS of be compared required table Matching num- required and pairs 2 records Xilinx can of the Chortle-crf a sin- of pairs number in a net systems as circuits execution tal, inside the number result synthesis the Chortle-crf, of such Cardinality Table of can be reduced number [Gibb85]. circuit logic and of CLBS to 5. will networks Chortle-crf the number in ta- tables of CLBS. [Murg90a] cuits in the may lookup of lookup reduction reduction node at some maximum the replication a fanout pairings the If the at used some reducing be found. [Xili89]. on or number or equal from of CLBS as a Maximum the Blocks lookup as the one to devices experiments. increase when in Logic is less than number tables These 5-input as long CLB by The [Murg90a] of CLBS [Hsie88]. can be derived tables by problem tables table. gle one to the of CLBS each lookup uses lookup logic of Configurable inputs A circuit ber of FPGAs implement lookup of distinct can series an array CLB 8800 Results of inputs precluding number Two CLBS combinational contain Sun 3/60 VAX of logic number plementing The a a 3: CLB replication the thereby Ghortle-crf mis-pga The increase bles 1 records in the circuits total, tables. technology networks. Xilinx implement on on 3ELE!I m of the 4.1 times times Table C499. lookup of Table tables In mis-pga 5-input column [Murg90b]. 10 % fewer the a circuit The mis-pga reduces 301.1 301.9 by 55 %. produces [Murg90a]. the optimizations sec. 1 0.7 2 execution is the network OPT CLBS m apex4 Results example intermediate mapper by 2: CLB 2 sec. ‘execution Table xl mis-pga T 1128 tot al I ~ the total 3/60. in these time. execution mis-pga for 8800 system technology two programs XNFOPT that XNFOPT experiments The times on a VAX design the Note execution It should the and limits seventh time be noted will were column of the that two run placed of Table programs by conservative 3 estimate a VAX Taking into and the VAX faster 8800 account than is twice the 8800, as fast relative Chortle-crf mis-pga and as a Sun speed of the is an average 30 times faster 3/60. Sun [Fran90] J. Francis, Based of 68 times than R. Technology 3/60 27th Field DAC, R. J. bin packing in this vious approach paper exhaustive of gate search decomposition that replication Using of and [Murg90a] aa circuits of Xilinx benchmark 12 CLBS than times faster CLBS. CLBS XNFOPT. On than average, and mis-pga re- [Gibb85] [Greg86] D. tion.?d logic,” networks. [Hsie88] networks 22 Chortle-crf times re- [Kahr86] fewer was faster 68 than M. H. Freeman Lookup of Electrical En- “Computers Theory of and NP- and [Lisa87] Proc. Co., 1979, pp. IEEE R. June 1987, Lisanke, Logic June 9000-Gate au- combin> 1986, pp. 79-85. User-Programmable 1988 CICC, May a parts K. Keutzer, “DAGON: cal Optimization by for optimizing DAC, ICCAD, Cam- 125-133. a system and 23rd Theory,” pp. “Socrates: “A Proc. 1988, pp. 15,3,1 library 1986, pp. in a silicon 169-172. Technology Bindkg and LoDAG Matching,” Proc. 24th pp. 341-347. F. Fast Technology Work al., Graph 1985, “Matching Kahrs, compiler,” [Keut87] et et al., Gate Array,” -15.3.7. the ‘?10 for in preparation, Department synthesizing H. 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Mapping Synthesis? Kedem, Procedure Proc. ICCD, “McMAP: A for Multi-Level Oct. 1988, pp. 252- 256. Currently, fanout the and There optimizations replication are, however, timization. The be extended to local search. paths within the There tually not table the will result in the the entire network at different by depend fanout nodes. fanout number Murgai, 1990, et Gate al., “Logic Arrays,” pp. 620-625. the [Murg90b] R. Murgai, private [Rose90] J. Rose, R. J. Francis, upon tures Synthesis Proc, 27th for Pro- DAC, June correspondence. D. Lewis, of Field-Prograrmnable fect of Logic may Block Functionality IEEE Journal of Solid-State 5, Oct. 1990, pp. 1217-1225. P. 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