Electronic textbooks

Education resources: Electronic textbooks
Publisher Lookup
Load2Learn is a free service providing accessible textbooks and
images to support dyslexic, partially sighted or blind learners who
have difficulty reading standard print. Allowing them to read the
same books, at the same time as their classmates, giving them the
same educational opportunities.
The service could significantly improve the school experience for
these learners and save time for teaching staff who support them.
Membership of Load2Learn is open to education professionals
supporting print-impaired learners in the UK.
Load2Learn is a joint service led by Dyslexia Action and RNIB. The
development of the service has been funded by Department for
Education (DfE).
Publisher Lookup
Publisher Lookup aims to help educationalists working with
disabled learners to get an electronic version of published texts as
quickly as possible. It provides key contacts for publishers of
academic texts and a guide for obtaining texts in alternative
RNIB – supporting blind and partially sighted people
Registered charity number 226227