Columbia School District Strategic Plan Columbia School District Strategic Plan A Five-year Plan for District Success January 1, 2012 – December 31, 2017 Adopted December 15, 2011 Plan Manager Chuck Wyborney, Columbia School District Superintendent (Version 1, 12/2011) 1 Columbia School District Strategic Plan Plan Governors and Administrators Glenda Dashiell Jim Schrack Pam King Hank Etue Tawhnee Colvin Chuck Wyborney Rod Pankey Dirk Christianson Board Chair Board Vice-chair Board Director Board Director Board Director Columbia Administrator Columbia Business Manager Columbia Principal Community Forum Participants Kathy Hager Pat Cox Kitty Burton Al Hager Amber Young Michael Young Denise Steele Joyce Brussard Dave Lewis Cathy Cogdell Scott Stickney Sharon Kieffer Glen “Buster” Day Jim Schrack Pam King Roy Lamm Rhonda Elliott Trish Moss Curt Nelson Michael VanMeer Tawhnee Colvin Rod Pankey Chuck Wyborney Dirk Christianson Hank Etue John Bangert (Version 1, 12/2011) Community member Food Bank board member Director, Food Bank Community member Community member Community member Paraprofessional Community member Cedonia Community Church Community member Community member Community member Community member Columbia School Board member Columbia School Board member Community member Employee and parent Community member and parent Teacher and parent Pastor, Wend End Community Church Columbia School Board member Columbia Business Manager Columbia Administrator Columbia Principal Columbia Board Member Columbia Maintenance Supervisor 2 Columbia School District Strategic Plan TABLE OF CONTENTS Title Page ................................................................................................... 1 Participants ................................................................................................. 2 Table of Contents ........................................................................................3 About Columbia School District ................................................................ 4 Statement of Commitment ......................................................................... 4 Process ....................................................................................................... 5 Next Steps .................................................................................................. 5 Components ................................................................................................6 Environment ............................................................................................... 7 Values .........................................................................................................8 Vision ..........................................................................................................9 Mission ........................................................................................................9 Goals ........................................................................................................ 10 Goal One: Student Achievement ............................................................... 11 Goal Two: Human Resources ....................................................................12 Goal Three: Finances ................................................................................ 13 Goal Four: Facilities ................................................................................ 14 Goal Five: Communication .......................................................................15 (Version 1, 12/2011) 3 Columbia School District Strategic Plan The Columbia School District The Northeast corner of Washington, sometimes called The Forgotten Corner, has fertile valleys surrounded by forested hills, as well as dozens of lakes and large rivers. The Columbia River is the dominant feature of the area. Columbia School District #206, located in Hunters, was named for this Great River of the West. In the early 1870’s, European settlers began establishing small farms and orchards in the area. Soon dairying, timber, mining and related industries followed. The vast resources and available land attracted more people, and small towns sprang up as steamboat trade flourished. As the population increased, one and two-room schools were built. Farms prospered, businesses thrived and residents wanted more education for their children. The one and two-room schools were consolidated into a centrally located district that provided twelve years of education. The timber industry waned, and mining and dairying have all but disappeared. The population has decreased and become more transient. Currently, poverty is high and unemployment is above the state average. These factors create a tremendous challenge for educators. Supported by the school board and community, Columbia School District has dedicated staff and administrators, who are determined to meet these challenges. The safety and welfare of children is paramount, as they continue to seek new ways to help each and every student develop their knowledge, skills and abilities. Those who work in this district and those who support it are committed to rising to this challenge. STATEMENT OF COMMITMENT To maintain and enrich our obligation to the students, community, parents, and staff, we commit to this five-year strategic plan. ______________________________ Glenda Dashiell, Board Chair ______________________________ Chuck Wyborney, Superintendent Columbia School District December 15, 2011 (Version 1, 12/2011) 4 Columbia School District Strategic Plan Process In August through December, 2011, The Columbia School Board and administrators participated in a process to develop this plan. First, the School Board and Superintendent’s team established a new strategic direction. The Board and superintendent participated in a SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats) analysis to assess the current environment and status of the district. Agreement was found on a streamlined mission statement and an updated vision statement. Goal areas were identified for guidance in receiving community input. Next, a community forum was conducted at the Columbia School in Hunters on October 15, 2011. Twenty-six community members gathered in the school cafeteria and contributed input and perspectives that represent the community values and provide guidance for improvement. Phil Gore and Colleen Miller, WSSDA Leadership Development staff, guided the process and recorded ideas on chart paper and photographs. During the next two months, administrators and staff worked with WSSDA staff to refine the goals and objectives of the plan and ensure the document is one that will help organize and guide improved success for the district and students. On December 15, 2011, the Columbia School Board reviewed and approved the plan in its current form to guide the work of the district and provide a communications tool to the community. The board is committed to incorporating the Strategic Plan in its ongoing business and oversight of the school district. The strategic plan is on the district website at Next Steps • Tasks are being developed into a work plan by the superintendent and administrative team. These will become action plans that follow a 30-60-90-day process for continuous cycles of progress and improvement • Board agendas will be aligned to goals and objectives of the strategic plan. These steps include: o Monthly status reports to the Board on performance of the plan o Publishing changes as appropriate o Reviewing and revising the plan annually each summer Align all district goals and initiatives with the strategic plan o District Goals/District Improvement Plan o Board Goals o Superintendent Goals • (Version 1, 12/2011) 5 Columbia School District Strategic Plan Components Environment Values Vision Mission Goals Objectives Actions Environment: Situation within which the strategic plan was developed and is to be implemented. It includes strengths to be maximized, weaknesses to overcome, opportunities to take advantage of, and threats to be met. Values: Principles and core beliefs that guide the organization. Vision: The commitment to create a reality that currently does not exist. An organizational To-Be that is five years out. Mission: A statement describing what the organization does – the services provided. Goals: Organizational outcomes that define what is trying to be accomplished both programmatically and organizationally. Objectives: Defines how we will operationalize the Goals. These are focused statements for how we will fulfill our goals. Actions: Specific steps that will be taken to fulfill the objectives, goals, mission and vision of the strategic plan. These steps are taken in context of the environment and values of the school district. (Version 1, 12/2011) 6 Columbia School District Strategic Plan Environment The Columbia School Board and Superintendent participated in a SWOT analysis to identify the district’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. As is typical with most organizations, the CSD has items that belong in multiple categories. For example, “small district” can be viewed as a strength, weakness, opportunity and/or threat. Strengths - Caring adults Long history Great kids Administration, connect with their faculty and community Close community This is where I want to raise my child Class size Don’t worry about your kids Strong, positive leadership, working to create a safe environment Small district Board works together Administration works together Team that encourages and motivates staff Family here that’s all focused on one thing , the kids Reaching out to the Native American community Great teachers, length of service and passion and keep up with changes Offer great classes Experienced teaching staff Weaknesses • Perceptions about who you are and what name you have • Newcomers, it’s hard for kids in school • Not being able to offer some courses • Not having a lot of students and employment • Economy • Funding • Losing vocational classes • Don’t do a good job of promoting ourselves • Lack of turnover of staff • Board has not in the past had goals or focus • Limited in resources • Academic counseling Opportunities - Developing appropriate response to community criticism - Engaging community (Version 1, 12/2011) 7 Columbia School District Strategic Plan - Serving students with higher needs Offer strong programs that attract students Higher graduation credit requirement Reaching out to the Native American community Invite people to board meetings Moving location of board meetings Academic counseling Threats - Criticism of the district from community - Declining enrollment - Overload and burnout of staff - Changing demographics, increased poverty - Threat of consolidation - Declining voice due to size - Economy - Close proximity of district to others, revolving doors for students - Higher graduation credit requirement - Kids flip-flopping districts Values Values should be viewed in their total context. This list reflects input from students, staff, parents and community. Honesty Respect Integrity Fairness Trust Responsibility – personal and financial Hardworking Innovative Sobriety Continuous improvement Options for students Enthusiasm for learning Relationships Kindness High morals and ethics Family Transparency Cooperative teamwork (Version 1, 12/2011) 8 Columbia School District Strategic Plan Vision The Columbia School District is the heart and soul of a community united to provide the greatest possible educational foundation to each and every student in the district. The results are responsible citizens, who are confident in their ability to learn, with every opportunity for post-secondary/career success. Mission Educate and prepare all students for lifelong success. Critical Success Factors These ideals are critical for the success of the organization. The factors are listed alphabetically and need to be considered as a whole unit. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Adequate financial resources Appropriate facilities Community support Cultural competency Effective School Board Effective programs Financial management and controls Focus on student learning K-12 aligned curriculum Long range planning and implementation Motivated and highly qualified staff Ongoing quality professional development Parental engagement Visionary leadership Goal Areas I. II. III. IV. V. Student Achievement Human Resources Finances Facilities Communication (Version 1, 12/2011) 9 Columbia School District Strategic Plan Goal 1 – Increase the academic achievement of each and every student. Goal 2 – Attract and retain highly qualified staff that is committed to professional improvement to best meet the needs of each and every student. Goal 3 – Ensure all available financial resources are best spent on efforts and initiatives to improve the learning of each and every student. Goal 4 – Ensure school facilities, furnishings and equipment are adequately meeting the needs for a learning environment that provides the greatest possible educational foundation to each and every student in the district. Goal 5 – Communicate the successes and needs of our students and school with all constituents. (Version 1, 12/2011) 10 Columbia School District Strategic Plan Goal 1 – Increase the academic achievement of each and every student. Objective 1.1 – Objective 1.2 – Objective 1.3 – Objective 1.4 – Objective 1.5 – Objective 1.6 – (Version 1, 12/2011) Monitor the progress of each student with a goal of 3% increase in all areas tested. Incorporate classroom based formative assessments that help students and teachers check for understanding and make real time adjustments for improved learning. Develop enriched and diverse curriculum by expanding options with appropriate online learning and partnerships with neighboring districts and colleges. Engage students in taking responsibility for their own learning and meeting learning objectives through incentives and rewards. Increase the use of technology in the classroom in ways that are known to improve student engagement and learning. Provide career preparatory pathways for students. 11 Columbia School District Strategic Plan Goal 2 – Attract and retain highly qualified staff that is committed to professional improvement to best meet the needs of each and every student. Objective 2.1 – Objective 2.2 – Objective 2.3 – Objective 2.4 – (Version 1, 12/2011) Develop written hiring policies to employ staff with backgrounds and skills that represents the diversity of the district. Develop and maintain professional development for all staff that is collegial, job-embedded, goal specific and linked to targeted improvement of student learning. Require increased strategies to incorporate the use of technology in the process of teaching and learning. Explore opportunities to better serve the needs of all students through offering alternative learning experiences. 12 Columbia School District Strategic Plan Goal 3 – Ensure all available financial resources are best spent on efforts and initiatives to improve the learning of each and every student. Objective 3.1 – Objective 3.2 – (Version 1, 12/2011) Work with stakeholders and experts to identify a fiscally responsible annual budget that maximizes learning opportunities for students and staff. Identify and consider potential new revenue sources, to include: local, state, federal, non-profit or corporate grants. 13 Columbia School District Strategic Plan Goal 4 – Ensure school facilities, furnishings and equipment are adequately meeting the needs for a learning environment that provides the greatest possible educational foundation to each and every student in the district. Objective 4.1 – Objective 4.2 – Objective 4.3 – Objective 4.4 – (Version 1, 12/2011) Develop a long-range facilities plan that addresses anticipated needs for improvement over the next 10-20 years. Identify ways, with little or no cost, to maximize the quality of current facilities and make them more attractive to students, staff and community. Conduct an energy efficiency audit to identify and address cost-savings, improvements and explore means to implement recommendations as soon as possible. Annually ensure that all facilities and equipment comply with necessary regulations for handicap accessibility and the health and safety of students, staff and community. 14 Columbia School District Strategic Plan Goal 5 – Communicate the successes and needs of our students and school with all constituents. Objective 5.1 – Develop a written communications plan for the district. Objective 5.3 – Identify and employ multiple methods to recognize staff for outstanding efforts and accomplishments. Objective 5.2 – Objective 5.4 – Objective 5.5 – (Version 1, 12/2011) Initiate a key communicators group that meets monthly with the superintendent to share input and concerns about the district. Employ strategies to highlight unique and significant accomplishments and actions of students. Establish a semi-annual community forum that encourages open exchange of ideas with the public for improvement and meeting mutual expectations. 15