The Leadership Experience Powered by bluepoint Leadership Development The Leadership Experience Overview On the day of his assassination, John F. Kennedy’s speech notes contained the passage, “Leadership and learning are indispensable to one another.” His words clearly underscore the research of the late 1990’s and early part of the 21st century. More than ever we understand that leadership is a lifelong learning process that requires the following mixture of elements for successful implementation in the complex, modern organizations that most of us find ourselves in today. “The Leadership Experience” is a research-based, experiential workshop that represents the next generation of management training initiatives. The workshop is uniquely designed to equip managers with the capabilities required to create alignment, energy, and effectiveness in today’s organiza t i o n s . Rakesh Khurana, assistant professor at the Harvard Business School said in a 2003 Chief Executive magazine study, “What really matters are systems that develop and perpetuate talent. We’re focusing on the systems that build people.” Leadership is a relationship requiring an act of faith in other people. We know from experience and research that people respond to honest, credible, and passionate leaders. “The Leadership Experience” is a result of nearly 20 years of field experience and interaction with leaders at all organizational levels. A flame burns hottest at its blue point and Bluepoint Leadership Development’s singular interest is to add energy to your organization and to your people so they can become blue hot. Key Concepts and Program Goals Key Concepts: • • • • • Modern organizations are complex, unpredictable and very challenging to lead Effective leadership starts with rigorous self study and the identification of unique values, motivations, talents and aspirations. The most effective leadership development follows an appreciative line of exploration; that is, it focuses on exploiting each individual’s inherent strengths and abilities. Extensive research over the past few decades has taken much of the mystique out of leadership. The competencies required of modern organization leaders are now well known; however, individual managers gain significant benefit from continuing education on the application of these competencies. Leadership skills, competencies and practices can be best understood and applied through the three universal labors of leadership – Navigation, Architecture and Community. Program Goals: Participants who attend “The Leadership Experience” will be better able to: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Evaluate and consider the consequences of their personal leadership motivations Inspire their constituents to believe in and take action against the organization mission Apply innovation skills to organizational issues Develop higher levels of engagement with their constituents Focus on what is right about the organization and use this perception to renew purpose 6. Understand their personal leadership strengths and weaknesses from multiple viewpoints 7. Gain a deeper appreciation of how well their leadership strengths fit in different environments 8. Re-examine their leadership in the light of their personality, motivation, and current performance 9. Develop operational plans that are guided by over-arching purposes 10. Gain a broad perspective on the key elements of organizational leadership; navigating, designing and building community The Authentic Leader We know from experience that leadership can and should be developed at all levels. The purpose of any leadership development program is to fan the flames of leadership greatness. We also believe that some will develop their leadership to greater levels. Our twenty years of experience and recent research into leadership development best practices has lead us to conclude that the best path to achieve leadership greatness is for individual leaders to become the best version of themselves. “The Authentic Leader” module is a deep dive for individuals into their own values, motivations to lead, lessons of experience, leadership competencies, and core personality factors that apply to leadership abilities as well as to organizational performance. We provide participants with a rich and varied set of assessments and evaluations that help them identify important leadership issues related to their personality, values, motivations, and proficiency concerning leadership. “If we don’t earn Trust and Respect, little else matters” Pre-work assignments include the “Hogan Leadership Forecast™ Values Assessment” (mandatory) and the “Bluepoint Leadership Experience 360” (optional). The Hogan s e l f - a s s e s s m e n t helps individuals assess and understand their leadership abilities and preferences as well as leadership values via a personality assessment. The assessment measures 10 key aspects of personality that have been shown to be directly related to job performance, leadership ability, and leadership values, as well as core values. The report is used in three ways. It can be used to identify: 1. The fit between identity and current occupation 2. The fit between core values and the corporate culture 3. How values enhance or impede leadership performance The Bluepoint 360 measures 10 behavioral factors, using a multi-rater 360, web access process. Individuals will receive quantitative feedback (in the form of behavioral frequency) and qualitative feedback (in the form of appreciative comments from the raters). The Bluepoint 360 measures important behaviors concerning Authenticity, Navigation, Architecture, and Community. The 360 is an optional assessment and companies can choose to substitute their own internal assessment if available. Authenticity As indicated in this “Levels of Awareness” graphic, observers can provide some feedback concerning competency values and motives but only the individual can probe all three levels thoroughly. A series of provocative and stimulating excercises are used with these self-explorations, including having individuals consider their motives values and competencies measured against the corporate mission and principles. We use the following model as a construct to provide insightful and stimulating selfexploration experiences. The Dynamics of Authenticity model borrows from the field of aviation. Just like airplanes, we believe individual leaders have four primary forces acting upon their ability to lead. Lift and thrust are forces that are required to overcome the weight and drag of individual abilities. Lift and thrust forces are: • Gaining and maintaining credibility • Leadership aspirations • Basic genuineness Dynamics of Authenticity Weight and drag forces are those that reduce or resist our leadership. Sources of these forces are: • Fears and needs • Self delusions • Creating illusions for others Exploring these forces requires individuals to examine not just their competencies as a leader, but the deeper issues of their personality, abilities, motives, and values. “No one is born a leader; we have to consciously develop into the leader we want to become. It takes many years of hard work and the ability to learn from extreme difficulties and disappointments.” --- Bill George HBR, January 2003 “Healthy leaders don’t easily lose control or resort to impulsive acts. They can work through their own anxiety and ambivalence. They are very talented in self-observation and self-analysis; the best leaders are highly motivated to spend time in self-reflection.” --- Manfred Kets de Vries Director Insead’s Global Leadership Center HBR, January 2004 Navigation Navigation concerns purpose and pathfinding. It is not enough to just have a great mission statement or key objectives, but leaders must be able to connect the symbolic past, the chaotic present, and the uncertain future in a meaningful stream of history. As the graphic model indicates purpose and pathfinding are brought together by a process we call Foresight. Vision is the search for meaning. Strategy is the search for advantage. Foresight is the search for both. This module focuses on increasing leaders ability to navigate through examining the Foresight Process™. Purpose: Helps individuals gain greater understanding and articulation of their organization’s purpose, vision, and strategic intent. Pathfinding: Participants will engage in the Foresight Process™ to help them better able to evaluate, strengthen, and ratify the strategies, goals, and objectives they are using to support the organization’s purpose, vision, and strategic intent. Leadership Coaching: This module also includes an introduction to a proven leadership coaching process that provides participants with the tools to assist others with their personal change initiatives. This process is used throughout the workshop and provides participants the opportunity to improve their personal coaching effectiveness. Architecture In this session, we focus on the critical, but highly i m p o r t a n t labor of creating good systems and structure for the organization. The key ideas we explor are; • • Personal Genius Organizational Innovation By tapping into individual’s personal level of ability to adapt, innovate, make improvements, and solve problems, we will help them translate those personal skills into an organizational construct. Personal Genius: In this module we aspire to activate participants’ imagination and creative capabilities, helping them reconnect with their personal genius. Organization Innovation: Here participants apply their personal genius, concepts of continual improvement, and ideas concerning re-imagination to organizational structure and systems. “When my daughter was about seven years old, she asked me one day what I did at work. I told her I worked at the college and that my job was to teach people how to draw. She stared back at me, incredulous, and said, ‘You mean they forget?” --- Howard Ikemoto (artist and retired art professor) as quoted by Richard Kehl Breathing on Your Own Community Leaders need to be community builders. Community concerns many aspects regarding talent, relationships, coaching, and other important interpersonal competencies. We explore the key ideas of “Engagement” and “Coaching” During this session individuals will consider how to use the Engagement Process in ways that will enhance their leadership development. The graphic below shows the components of this process. The coaching model we use is a tried and tested methodology that will significantly enhance any manager’s ability to coach direct reports and even peers and perhaps managers.