Nephron Editors: G.M. Berlyne, Brooklyn, N.Y.; S. Giovannetti, Pisa Original Paper Reprint Publisher: S.Karger AG, Basel Printed in Switzerland Nephron 1993;65:77-81 l ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• F. Grasesa A. Costa-Bauzáa J. G. Marcha O. Sohnelb a b Department of Chemistry, University of the Balearic Islands, Palma de Mallorca, Spain; Institute ofTechnology, Department of Inorganic Processes, Pardubice, Czechoslovakia Artificial Simulation of Renal Stone Formation Influence of Some Urinary Components .............................................. .••••.......•••••.......•••••.......•••••........••••.........••••........•••••.....••••••...... Key Words Abstract Calcium oxalate Citrate Pyrophosphate Glycosaminoglycans The effect of natural admixtures occurring in human urine (citrate, pyrophosphate and glycosaminoglycans) on the precipitation of stone-forming compounds was studied. Experiments were carried out under conditions c10sely simulating the early stages of renal stone formation. Among the studied admixtures, citrate was determined as the most effective substance preventing the phosphate partic1e formation. Indeed, in the presence of citrate, some calcium oxalate monohydrate crystals were found. Pyrophosphate induced the formation of calcium oxalate dihydrate crystals. Phosphate crystals appeared at pH 6 and never at pH 5. The easy formation of phosphate partic1es supports the hypothesis that these crystals represent a very important heterogeneous nuc1eusinitiating oxalocalcic calculus formation in the kidney. Reported results also indicated uric acid as a significant heterogeneous nuc1eus of calcium oxalate monohydrate crystals at urinary pH equal or lower than 5 and the important role of bacteria in increasing the organic detritus deposited on the solid surfaces. Introduction The formation of a heterogeneous nuc1eus inside the upper urinary tract, which later serves as a substrate for oxalocalcic stone formation, represents the principal step in this kind of calculogenesis. However, the majority of studies conceming oxalocalcic urolithiasis was devoted to crystal growth [1-4] and secondary agglomeration of calcium oxalate crystals [5-8], though both processes are of minor significance at early stages of stone formation. Basic processes of oxalocalcic stone formation, i.e. nuc1eation and primary agglomeration of calcium oxalate, received substantially lower attention [9].Moreover, previous studies dealing with nuc1eation and primary agglomeration were mostIy conducted under experimental conditions dissimilar to those prevailing in the kidney. Therefore, these results Accepted: October 20, 1992 relevant to urolithiasis can be regarded as questionable, at least to some extent. This contribution deals with the effect exerted by admixtures occurring in human urine on the precipitation of stone-forming compounds from synthetic urine. Experiments were performed under conditions c10selysimulating the early stages of stone formation. The studied admixtures, citrate, pyrophosphate and glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) pro mote or inhibit stone formation. Material and Methods In all experiments, the synthetic mine used was prepared by mixing equal volumes ofsolutions A and B, the composition ofwhich is given in table 1.Both solutions contained HzOz (0.066%), if not stated otherwise, as a disinfectant preventing natural bacterium production F. Grases Department of Chemistry University of the Balearic Islands E-0707! Palma de Mallorca (Spain) © 1993 S. Karger AG, Basel 0028-2766/93/ 0651-0077$2.75/0 Table 1. Composition of the artificial urine used Solution A, gil Solution B, gil 11.02 1.46 4.64 12.13 2.65 NaH2P04·2 HP 18.82 Na2HP04 ·12 H20 13.05 NaCI Na2S04·10 H20 MgS04·7 H20 NH4CI KCI 0.076 Na2C204 1.04 CaCI2·3.5 H20 (0.12 chondroitin sulfate) (0.5 uric acid) (1.00 C6Hs07Na3·2 HP) (0.0375 Na4pp7'1O H20) Optional admixtures are given in parantheses. 2a • • 4 • ¡-1 • Ó Ó 2 •eJ--- • 4 Solution B ____5 ~3 2b Fig.2. Phosphate (a) and COM crystals (b) developed substrate when inhibitor substances were absent (pH = 6). on the Waste Fig.l. Scheme of the experimental device. I = Isolated and thermostatic box; 2 = tee-mixing chamber; 3 = changeable spherical substrate; 4 = coil; 5 = container; 6 = pure water. and multiplication. It has been proved that such hydrogen peroxide concentrations did not significantly alter the stability of the oxalate ions. A required quantity of admixture was dissolved in solution A and/or B prior to the experiment. The solutions were mixed in a tee-type mixing chamber. Prepared synthetic urine was delivered dropwise with arate of 350 mI per day to the apex of a ball serving as a substrate for the solid precipitation from the urine. The ball, approximately 7 mm in diamater, composed of inorganic material with porous structure, was ofvolcanic origin (complex silicate: 12%Si, 55% Ca, 14% Fe, 6% Al). In some experiments, the volcanic ball was covered with a hydrophobic plastic material (Parafilm; American Can Co.) The dropping rate was fast enough to ensure continuous renewal of the liquid layer covering the ball surface. AlI experiments were performed at 37°C. A schematic diagram ofthe used experimental device is shown in the figure l. Equal volumetricflows ofsolutions A and B were mixed 78 in the tee-type mixing chamber. A flow rate of 0.12 mI min-1 of each solution was maintained by a multichannel peristaltic pump. A 5-mmlong changeable cylindrical tube of I-mm inner diameter delivered mixed solutions (artificial urine) dropwise to the apex of the ball. Each experiment was conducted continuously of 96 h. Then the ball was removed from the equipment, rinsed with water and dried at room temperature in a desiccator. Crystals developed on the ball surface were observed by a Hitachi S-530 scanning electron microscope equipped with the EDAX analytical device. AlI observations were repeated three times to ensure the reproducibility ofthe results. Results Crystals which developed on the ball surface were identified according to their habit and, in disputable cases, by EDAX analysis of the constituting element. Calcium oxalate monohydrate (COM) formed typical plate-like crystals (fig. 2) and calcium oxalate dihydrate (COD) crystallized as Grases/ Costa -Bauzá/March/S6hnel Artificial Oxalocalcic Renal Stone Generation 3b 3a 3c Fig.3. a COM crystals formed in the presence of 320 mg/l of citrate. b Phosphate and COM crystals formed in the presence of 60 mg/I of GAGs. e COD and phosphate crystals formed in the presence of7.5 mg/l ofpyrophosphate. d COM crystals formed in the presence of320 mg/l of citrate and 60 mg/l ofGAGs. AlI experiments were performed at pH = 6 and in the presence of disinfectant (HzOz). pyramids (fig. 3). Two particle types ofhabit differing from COM and COD, were detected: those composed ofCa and P represented calcium phosphates (fig. 2, 4) and those without such elements corresponded to uric acid (fig. 5). A large quantity of phoshate particles together with a limited amount of COM crystals formed on the substrate surface at experiments performed with synthetic urine containing H202 at pH 6 and 3rC (fig. 2). Considering the shape and the pH values where the calcium phosphate crystals were formed, it was assumed that they consisted of brushite. Small islands ofCOM crystals and no phosphate particles were observed during similar experiments carried out in the presence of 320 ppm of citrate or a mixture of 320 ppm of citrate and 60 ppm GAGs (fig. 3). Addition of 60 ppm GAGs to synthetic urine caused the formation of only a small quantity of phosphate crystals, whereas addition of 7.5 ppm pyrophosphate induced precipitation of a substan- tital amount of phosphate particles together with COD pyramids. However, in experiments carried out in the presence of citrate and pyrophosphate, only a limited quantity of phosphate particles and no oxalate crystals were detected. (fig. 3). The results are summarized in table 2. Large quantities of uric acid and COM crystals were observed in experiments performed with synthetic urine containing 250 ppm of uric acid and 320 ppm of citrate at pH 5 (fig. 5). It must be emphasized that no phosphate particles were observed in this case, contrary to experiments carried out with synthetic urine at pH 6. In experiments with synthetic urine containing no disinfectant at pH 6, large amounts of organic material including fibers of organic origin accompanied the formed phosphate particles and COM crystals, (fig. 6). Finally, COM crystals and spherulitic calcium phosphate particles, probably apatite, were formed on the sub- 79 Fig.4. COM and spherulitic calcium phosphate crystals developed on the substrate covered by plastic material at pH 6.7 and in the presence of 320 mg/I of citrate. Fig.5. COM and uric acid crystals obtained when 250 mg/I ofunc acid were present in the synthetic urine at pH = 5 and in the presence of disinfectant (H202). Table 2. Summary of experimental results with synthetic urine at pH = 6 in the presence of admixtures, quoted as a number of islands of respecti ve crystals on the hall surface >S >SOO COD I OO 2COM O 34 >Sphosphate O Crystals observed ent The values shown are average s of three replicates fm each measurement. Fig.6. Phosphate crystals and organic fibers obtained in the presence of bacteria. strate surface covered by the plastic material, at experiments performed with synthetic urine containing H202 and citrate at pH 6.7 and 37°C, as can be seen in figure 4. Discussion Crystals of stone-forming compounds develop on the surface of a solid in contact with urine supersaturated with respect of these salts. However, the presence of some urinary components, mainly citrate, GAGs and pyrophosphate, can even in minute quantities substantially modity the formation and development of solid form urine. Results 80 presented in this contribution indicate that considering the amounts present in real urine, the citrate acted as the most effective substance preventing phosphate particle formation among studied admixtures. Indeed, in the presence of citrate, no phosphate particles could be detected (fig. 2, 3, table 2) though some COM crystals were found. This effect must be attributed to two facts: the decrease in supersaturation of calcium salts caused by the complexing capacity of citrate and the well-known inhibitory capacity of this substance. The comparison of the effects of GAGs and pyrophosphate showed that the latter is less effective in preventing phosphate particle formation. Moreover, pyrophosphate induced the formation of COD crystals. Thus, the Grases/ Costa -Bauzá/March/Sohnel Artificial Oxalocalcic Renal Stone Generation hindrance capacity with respect to phosphate formation of the studied admixtures increases in succession pyrophosphate < GAGs < citrate. Phosphate crystals form at experiments performed at pH 6, i.e. under conditions considered as physiologically normal in urine, and never at pH 5. This result emphasizes the susceptibility of urine to easily form phosphate partic1es and lends support to the hypothesis that phosphate crystals represent a very important heterogeneous nuc1eus-initiating oxalocalcic calculus formation in the kidney. Reported results indicate that at urinary pH equal or lower than 5, uric acid crystallizes in appreciable amounts and citrate exerts litde inhibitory effect on the process (Fig. 5). As can be seen, uric acid represents also an effective heterogeneous nuc1eus of COM crystals. These findings are in good agreement with the idea regarding uric acid as heterogeneous nuc1eus for calcium oxalate [10,11].Also, the well-known fact that inhibitors ofuric acid synthesis, such as allopurinol, occasionally exhibit an effective therapeutic action on oxalocalcic urolithiasis, corroborates the suggested idea. The important role that bacteria can play in oxalocalcic calculogenesis must be recognized. The presence of bacteria resulted in a notable increase in organic detritus de- posited on the solid surface, some ofit in a fibrous form (fig. 6). This material can serve as a substrate for heterogeneous nuc1eation of calcium oxalate crystals [12]facilitating thus the stone formation and developmenl. Finally, the formation of COM and spherulitic calcium phosphate when using a solid substrate of very different nature from the inorganic ball, such as plastic material, c1early demonstrated that when a solid substrate is in contact with urine in the kidney, calcium salts will precipitate on its surface and sooner or later develop into a full size renal calculus. Active admixtures, such as citrate, slow down the rate of this development, but do not bring the process to a complete hall. This also demonstrated the importance of the presence of the continuously renewed antiadherent layer of GAGs that cover the inner walls of the kidney. It is evident that such continuous renewing processes avoid the formation of growing scales. Acknowledgement The financial support of the 'Dirección General de Investigación Científica y Técnica' (grant PB 89-0423) is gratefully acknowledged. .................................................................................................................................................. References Gardner GL: Nucleation and crystal growth of calcium oxalate trihydrate. J Crystal Growth 1975;30: 158-168. 2 Nancollas GH, Gardner GL: Kinetics of crystal growth of calcium oxalate monohydrate. J Crystal Growth 1974;21:267-276. 3 Werness PG, Duckworth SC, Smith LH: Calcium oxalate dihydrate crystal growth. Invest UroI1979;17:230-233. 4 Gardner GL: Effect of pyrophosphate and phosphonate anions on the crystal growth kinetics of calcium oxalate hydrates. J Phys Chem 1978;82:664-670. 5 Hartel RWE, Gottung BE, Randolph AD, Drach GW: Mechanisms and kinetic modelling of calcium oxalate crystal aggregation in a urinelike liguor. I. Mechanism. 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