ENVIRONMENTS The Moon and Meteorites A very large number of meteoroids enter the Earth's atmosphere each day, amounting to more than a hundred tons of material. But almost all are very small, just a few milligrams each. Only the largest ones ever reach the surface to become meteorites. The largest found meteorite (Hoba, in Namibia) weighs 60 tons. There are probably at least 1000 asteroids larger than 1 km in diameter that cross the orbit of Earth. One of these hits the Earth about once in a million years or so on the average. The average meteoroid enters the atmosphere at between 10 and 70 km/sec. But all but the very largest are quickly decelerated to a few hundred km/hour by atmospheric friction and hit the Earth's surface with very little fanfare. However meteoroids larger than a few hundred tons are slowed very little; only these large (and fortunately rare) ones make craters. Earth Order from the Sun Average distance from the sun Orbital period Orbital velocity Rotation period Equatorial Diameter Surface Area Mass Density Surface Gravity Average temperature Temperature range Atmosphere Atmospheric surface pressure Atmosphere extent 3rd planet 149.6 million km 1 Astronomical unit 365.26 days 1 year 29.79 km/s 23.9 hrs 1 day 12756 km 5.11 x 108 km2 5974 x 1021 kg 5515 kg/m3 9.8 m/s2 1G 15o C -89o C to 58o C 78% Nitrogen- 21% Oxyge 101.3 millibars (14.7 psi) 100 km (Karman line) The only world on which life and intelligence are confirmed. Distinctive surface feature: water oceans Geologically active Earth‟s Atmosphere http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Earth%27s_atmosphere Mars Atmosphere Viking Atmospheric Measurements Composition 95.32% carbon dioxide 2.7% nitrogen 1.6% argon 0.13% oxygen 0.07% carbon monoxide 0.03% water vapor trace neon, krypton, xenon, ozone, methane, ammonia Surface pressure 1-9 millibars, depending on altitude; average 7 mb http://www.daviddarling.info/encyclopedia/M/Marsatmos.html http://www.daviddarling.info/encyclopedia/M/Marsatmos.html Earth‟s Moon days 1 month 24.1 km/s Orbital velocity 24.6 hrs Rotation period 1.025 earth days, 1 sol 6794 km Equatorial Diameter .53 earth diameters 1.45 x 108 km2 Surface Area 28% surface area of earth 657 x 1021 kg Mass .11 earth‟s mass Density 3933 kg/m3 Surface Gravity 3.7 m/s2 .38 G Average temperature -65o C Temperature range -140o C to 20o C Atmosphere 95% Carbon dioxide – 2.7% Nitrogen Atmospheric surface pressure 7 millibars (.1 psi) Atmosphere extent 60 km Orbital period A rocky planetary object, differentiated in the crust, mantle and core Heavily cratered surface; partly flooded by lava flows over 3 billion years ago Since then, only impacts by comets and asteroids, grinding up surface into chaotic layer of debris called the regolith Unpressurized Traverses On Apollo, astronauts explored the surface of the moon in the vicinity of their landings using space suits and unpressurized lunar roving vehicles. They could tevel no further than about 10-20 km from their landing craft during moonwalks of no more than about 9 hours Pressurized Traverses A pressurized roving vehicle will allow exploration more like undersea exploration using presurized submersibles. Astronauts would live inside in a shirt-sleeve environment. A pressurized rover could be designed for traverses of 100s of kilometers and weeks in length. Many of the unfamiliar characteristics of the environment trace back to processes in our galaxy or on our sun. Some of these phenomena are not familiar to earthlings because of protection afforded by the earth‟s geomagnetic field and because of the earth‟s dense atmosphere. Aerospace engineers, medical doctors and physiologists who design space vehicles for deep space missions or for mission to the moon and planets need to be familiar with these environments. Unlike the earth, the moon has no weather or geologic activity; the state of the surface materials can provided unanticipated challenges. The laws of nature still apply on the moon, and the materials there are not inherently malicious. Conditions inside the Apollo lunar module were cramped and movement was limited The Moon : Low Gravity The acceleration due to gravity is 1/6 G on the surface of the moon. - the acceleration due to gravity is 1.62 m/sec2 - the escape velocity from the moon is 2.37 km/sec Astronauts reported that working in lunar gravity is easier than working in weightlessness. Low gravity is a design environment for which we have limited experience. - how will people move around in the habitat? - how high should ceilings be? - How do earthmovers work when their weight is reduced? - how do bubbles move in fluids? Lunar Atmosphere • The lunar atmosphere is technically termed a surface-bounded exosphere, meaning that individual molecules are so sparse that they rarely collide • The number desity is one-thousandth the number density at the altitude of the International Space Station above earth, 225 mi • The entire lunar atmosphere would occupy a cube about 64m on a side at Earth sea level pressure • Each Apollo landing increased the volume of the lunar atmosphere by 30% • The composition of the lunar atmosphere is not well known. - there are various noble gases either of solar wind origin or from outgassing from the moon itself - sodium and potassium have been detected by astronomers in Houston • Visual observations by one of the Apollo 17 astronauts have been interpreted as a population of very small particles streaming from the moon presumably driven by electric fields. An „aura‟ caused by offgassing from the spacesuit auring Apollo 12 and just the appropriate amount and angle of sunlight Lunar Surface Lighting • The length of a lunation is the time of successive zenith passage of the Sun, i.e. „noon‟, is 29.53 Earth days or 707 hours, 44 minutes • The obliquity of the moon, the tilt of its spin axis from the ecliptic pole, is 1.5o. A person living near either lunar pole, at a latitude higher than 88.5 o, will have 6 months of daylight and 6 months of night, as you would on Earth above the Arctic Circle. Sun low on the eastern horizon during the Apollo 14 mission Reflected Sunlight (Visible and Infrared) • Lunar albedo (solar reflectance) is generally bimodal: - dark in the marias or „seas‟, smooth plains - not so dark in the highlands • Lunar soils show increasing reflectance from the blue to the red, further increasing in the near infrared • The approx upper millimeter of the lunar surface has very porous structure (described as a „fairy castle‟ that causes high retroreflection of light (like highway reflectors) downsun cross-sun up-sun Reflected Sunlight (Visible and Infrared) • Looking downsun, one sees a loss of detail like a white out in snow • The lunar photometric function is well documented and modeled • The lunar reflectance function is characteristic of bodies without • Substantial atmosphere and with a regolith panorama taken on Apollo 14 downsun Gnomen used on several Apollo missions provided a color photographic chart for comparison up-sun The disk of the earth in the sky as seen from the moon is about 4 times the solid angle of the disk of the moon as seen from the earth. The earth is a much more highly reflective object than the moon, particularly when it is covered with clouds. The light from earthshine is much brighter than the light of the moon on a clear night. When the sky is clear on the earth, at new moon, you can see the „Old Moon in the arms of the New‟. You are seeing the unlit portion of the moon illuminated by earthshine. Astronauts likely will be able to work on the lunar surface at night under the illumination by the earth. Apparent sizes of the moon when at apogee and perigee. Generally the moon keeps the same face towards the earth, so there is a lunar nearside and farside. But the moon actually wobbles so sometimes we can see further over the north or south poles and further over the eastern or western limbs. The wobble, as seen from earth is called a libration: http://apod.nasa.gov/apod/ap991108.html Albedo photos of the lunar near and farside from the Clementine probe. The nearside of the moon has many more smooth, dark areas called maria (seas) than the lunar farside, which has now large smooth areas and which is therefore much more rough. 0 nearside Photograph of the moon as taken from the earth farside Photograph of the moon as taken from Apollo 16 showing mainly the lunar farside. Lunar Surface Thermal Regime Lunar Challenges: Dust Regolith: Surficial layer covering the entire lunar surface ranging in thickness from meters to tens of meters formed by impact process – physical desegregation of larger fragments into smaller ones over time. Particle size ranges from enormous boulders to micron-sized particles Formation Pulverization by bombardment – makes things smaller Agglutinate formation – makes things bigger Exposure of fresh bedrock • The lunar surface was covered with loose, ground-up rock that was very compacted below about 10 cm, but loose and fluffy from the surface down to 10 cm • This material would be both a bane and a boon - operational a pain in the neck, but providing a record of lunar and solar history that we are still unraveling Mare volcanic basaltic relatively few craters relatively flat Highlands primary crust (magmatic) anorthositic heavily cratered relatively rough Size-Frequency Distribution “Soil”: <1 mm size fraction (<1 cm also used) “Coarse fines”: 1-10 mm and/or 4-10 mm size fraction “Dust”: <50 micron size fraction (<20 micron also used) Constellation definition: <10 microns (W. Mendell) 95% <1.37 mm by weight ~10-20% <20 μm 5% <3.3 μm Dust (<50 μm) makes up 40-50% Median particle size: 72 μm (40-130 μm) Mean particle size: 70 μm Half is silt size or smaller - can not be resolved with naked eye. Highlands average: 50-60 μm Some highlands >30% mass <20 μm size fraction Mare average: 60-80 μm Mare ~15-20% mass <20 μm size fraction The amount of material disturbed by the LM descent engine is a strong function of the approach trajectory and speed. Oblique trajectory causes the least disturbance of the surface. Vertical descent ( A15) caused the most disturbance. Note deeper (10-15 cm) foot prints on crater rim (below) compared to farther on. AS11-40-5943 LRV wheel tracks averaged about 1.25 cm, 0 – 5 cm deepest on rims of small fresh craters primarily surface shear developed excellent floatation 50% chevron covered wheels developed excellent traction well defined imprint of chevron cohesion, minimal slip Dust Lunar Terrains Craters Impact Crater Frequency Crater Frequencies >10 cm 1000 / 100 m2 10 / m2 >100 cm 10 / 100 m2 0.1 / m2 >1000 cm 0.1 / 100 m2 000.1 / m2 Depth / Diameter Ratios Diameter (cm) Depth* (cm) 10 2.3-2.5 50 11.5-12.5 100 23-25 500 115-125 1000 230-250