SYLLABUS COURSE TITLE: Human Biology 1 COURSE No: TIME REQUIREMENTS (Clock Hours/Weekend): Lecture: PREREQUISITES: 10 Lab: 8:40 BIO 101 UNITS: 04 High School Diploma or equivalent. GENERAL COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course is a comprehensive examination of the human organism in the context of the principles and structures characteristic of all living things. It begins with a survey of these principles and structures. The remainder of the course focuses on the molecular biology, biochemistry, cell biology, histology, and genetics of the human organism. COURSE OBJECTIVES: The general objective of this course is to prepare students for future courses in biology or health science. To do so, students will be introduced to the content of human biology and laboratory practices. At the end of this course, students will understand and be able to describe: 1. The principles and structures characteristic of all living systems. 2. The molecular biology, biochemistry, cell biology, histology, and genetics of the human organism. TEACHING METHODS: Socratic dialogues and inquiry-based lecture techniques will be widely used, as well as small group activities as a way to foster cooperative learning. Laboratories provide hands-on experience with the structures and processes discussed in lecture. TEXTBOOKS AND INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS: Required textbook: Starr, C., Taggart, R., Evers, C. and Starr, L. (2008). Biology: the unit and diversity of life. 12th. ed. Florence, KY: Thomson/ Brooks Cole. ISBN-10: 0495557927 ISP is a program developed, owned, copyrighted and trademarked by Lifelong Education Institute. 1 © 2015 Lifelong Education Institute Revised: 10/2015 COURSE OUTLINE (Lecture Section): Week Lecture Content Overview 1 Introduction to the course Introduction to Science General Chemistry Review Introduction to Biology and Biological Macromolecules: Carbohydrates Readings: Chapters 1, 2, and 3 2 Biological Macromolecules (continued): Lipids, Nucleic Acids, Proteins Introduction to Cell Theory and Cellular Evolution. Readings: Chapters 4, 5, and 20. 1 Cellular Evolution (continued). 3 2 Cell Organelles and Membranes Cell Cytoskeleton Evolution of life. Chemistry of life: Enzymes. Metabolism and Bioenergetics Readings: Chapters 6 and 8, 21, 22. 4 Cell Division. DNA Replication Mitosis and Meiosis Readings: Chapter 9, 10 and 13 5 Mendelian Genetics Human Genetics: Inheritance Readings: Chapters 11 and 12 3 6 Human Genetics (continued) Population Genetics and Ecology Readings: Chapters 18, 19, 46 and 47 7 Molecular Biology: Cell Signaling Gene Expression/DNA Methylation Biotechnology and Informatics Readings: Chapters 14, 15, and 16 8 Informatics (continued) Tissues: Specialization of Cells Organization of Cells into Organism Readings: Chapter 33 4 ISP is a program developed, owned, copyrighted and trademarked by Lifelong Education Institute. 2 © 2015 Lifelong Education Institute Revised: 10/2015 Course Outline (Laboratory Section): WEEK 1 • • • • • TOPICS Learning how to use the Light Microscope Microscopy of biological specimens Cellular organelles: in health and disease Experiments on cell membrane transport mechanisms Diffusion & Osmosis 2 • • • • Isolation and quantitation of genomic DNA Genetic transformation and genetic engineering Experiments on enzyme kinetics Mitochondrial enzymes and their role in organismal longevity 3 • • • • Mitosis & and its observation in living cells Karyotyping Mendelian Genetics Human ABO blood typing 4 • Simulations of Evolution & Natural Selection • Darwinian Medicine • Origins of Multicellularity & Introduction to Mammalian Histology ISP is a program developed, owned, copyrighted and trademarked by Lifelong Education Institute. 3 © 2015 Lifelong Education Institute Revised: 10/2015 I. Student Testing and Lab Report Submission Schedule Saturday Week 3 Week 2 Week 1 Sunday Saturday Sunday Saturday Quiz 1 Sunday Exam 1 Week 4 Saturday Sunday Quiz 2 Lab Report 1 Due Wednesday Exam 2 Lab Report 2 Due II. Test Information Test Duration Location Time Quiz 1 30min Lecture Room Beginning of Class Course Material Covered on Test Week 1 of Lecture Exam 1 60min Lecture Room Beginning of Class Week 1 & 2 of Lecture Quiz 2 30min Lecture Room Beginning of Class Week 3 of Lecture Exam 2 60min TBA 6:30PM Week 3 & 4 of Lecture III. Test Make-Up The ISP offers 3 Test Make-up Sessions per block: Sunday of Weeks 1, 3 & 4 [1:15PM-2: 15PM]. Students that miss a scheduled Test (Quiz or Exam) should contact their instructor(s) immediately to schedule a make-up. All missed tests must be made up within 8 days; otherwise a score of “0” will be earned for the missed test. Unless you provide verifiable evidence documenting an emergency or educational conflict, you are subject to the following Test Make-up Fee: ($160 per Quiz, $250 per Exam). The appropriate fee is due before taking a make-up test. Points Quiz 1 Quiz 2 Exam 1 Exam 2 Lab Report 1 Lab Report 2 Lab Participation *e-Quizzes (6 total) 50 50 100 100 25 25 32 18 Points Earned Letter Grade 360-400 A 320-359 B 280-319 C 240-279 Below 239 D F *Please see student Moodle Activity Guidelines (sMAG) on the next page for details. ISP is a program developed, owned, copyrighted and trademarked by Lifelong Education Institute. 4 © 2015 Lifelong Education Institute Revised: 10/2015 IV. Course Grading Criteria Activity Student Moodle Activity Guidelines (sMAG) Moodle is a world-renowned online learning platform that serves to organize this course’s content, while also serving as an interactive medium of communication between you, your instructor, and fellow learners throughout the span of this course. This course has two separate webpages on Moodle—one dedicated to this course’s Lecture section, and another dedicated to this course’s Laboratory section. By 7PM on Sunday of Weeks 1, 2, & 3 of instruction: Your Lecture instructor will deploy an e-Quiz on the Lecture webpage, and your Laboratory instructor will deploy an e-Quiz on the Laboratory webpage. These e-Quizzes aim to assess your understanding of major concepts discussed in that weekend of instruction, and serve as a tool to help you gauge your own learning, while also allowing your instructor(s) to identify and clarify misconceptions about presented course material in the forum titled: Instructor's Comments on e-Quiz Performance. Each e-Quiz will take you no longer than 15-20 minutes to complete. You are expected to complete both Lecture and Laboratory e-Quizzes within 48hrs of deployment: by Tuesday 7PM. Grading/Make-up of Moodle e-Quizzes: You will earn 3 points for each e-Quiz that you complete in due time. Thus, completion of all 6 e-Quizzes amounts to 18 points total. Students that are not able to complete a given eQuiz within the specified time frame, due to an unforeseen event, are advised to communicate directly with the course instructor(s). The instructor may allow you to makeup a missed e-Quiz at his or her own discretion. Extra-Credit Opportunity: If the average accuracy of all 6 Moodle e-Quizzes that you complete in due time exceed 80%, then you will be granted 10 points extra-credit towards your final grade in the entire course. ISP is a program developed, owned, copyrighted and trademarked by Lifelong Education Institute. 5 © 2015 Lifelong Education Institute Revised: 10/2015