Centricity Business Front Desk Training Manual Information Resource and Technology Clinical Systems Rowan University 1010 Haddonfield Berlin Road Suite 410 Voorhees, New Jersey 08043 http://www.rowan.edu/som/ist/physiciansys.html SOMCBhelp@rowan.edu Copyright Notice: Copyright © 2013 RowanSOM Information Resource and Technology Clinical Systems Department. All rights reserved. Centricity Business Front Desk-Version 1 August 2013 2 Table of Contents Section 1 ............................................................................................................ Logging on to Advance Web ................................................................. pg 8 Security Reminders............................................................................... pg 9 Home Screen ....................................................................................... pg 10 Select System Default.......................................................................... pg 11 Centricity Business Glossary ................................................................ pg 13 Notes ................................................................................................... pg 16 Section 2 ............................................................................................................ Creating a Batch ................................................................................... pg 2 Appointment Reminder Vendor Site ..................................................... pg 4 Notes .................................................................................................... pg 5 Section 3 ............................................................................................................ Patient Search Commands .................................................................... pg 2 Patient Name Search ............................................................................ pg 3 Registering a New Patient .................................................................... pg 6 Guarantor Screen................................................................................. pg 16 Contact Screen .................................................................................... pg 20 Privacy Practice ................................................................................... pg 21 General Comments .............................................................................. pg 23 Additional Aliases ................................................................................ pg 24 Entering a FSC ..................................................................................... pg 25 Patient Banner ..................................................................................... pg 30 Notes ................................................................................................... pg 31 Section 4 ............................................................................................................ Scheduling a New Appointment First Available .................................... pg 3 Appointment Data Form (ADF) ............................................................. pg 9 Confirmation Screen (Add to Wait List) ............................................... pg 11 2013 Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine Information Resources and Technology Clinical Systems Department Centricity Business-Version 1 10/11/2013 3 Table of Contents Scheduling Appointments Summary Search ........................................ pg 12 Scheduling Appointments Detail Search .............................................. pg 16 Scheduling Recurring Appointments ................................................... pg 19 Scheduling a Reminder Appointment .................................................. pg 24 Scheduling from a Reminder Appointment .......................................... pg 27 Scheduling an Appointment that Requires a Referral .......................... pg 30 Linking Appointments .......................................................................... pg 31 Scheduling Actions .............................................................................. pg 37 Appointment Actions ........................................................................... pg 41 Notes ................................................................................................... pg 48 Section 5 ............................................................................................................ Appointment Manager .......................................................................... pg 3 Appointment Settings ........................................................................... pg 4 Appointment Manager Actions ............................................................. pg 7 Arriving Patients ................................................................................... pg 9 Cancelling and Rescheduling Appointments ........................................ pg 10 No Show Appointments ....................................................................... pg 14 Editing Registration ............................................................................. pg 15 Manage Insurance Action Codes (Edit Insurance)............................... pg 17 Add/Edit Referral (External/Incoming) .............................................. pg 18 Add/Edit Referral (Internal) ................................................................ pg 22 Editing Referral................................................................................... pg 26 Generating a Batch .............................................................................. pg 28 Posting a copay ................................................................................... pg 31 Refunding a copay ............................................................................... pg 36 Notes ................................................................................................... pg 38 Section 6 ............................................................................................................ Charge Entry (Check Out) ..................................................................... pg 3 2013 Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine Information Resources and Technology Clinical Systems Department Centricity Business-Version 1 10/11/2013 4 Table of Contents Charge Entry (Misc Charges via Front Desk) ........................................ pg 8 Invoice Header Codes .......................................................................... pg 15 Linking a Referral to a Charge ............................................................. pg 18 No Fault and Workers’ Compensation.................................................. pg 21 Self-Pay Discount ................................................................................ pg 24 Transactions Action Codes ................................................................... pg 27 Entering National Drug Codes (NDC) ................................................... pg 29 Notes ................................................................................................... pg 31 Section 7 ............................................................................................................ Enter Charges (Back Office) ................................................................. pg 2 Printing a Batch Proof .......................................................................... pg 9 Batch Recovery .................................................................................... pg 13 Balancing Payment and Charge Batches ............................................. pg 15 Balance Enter Charges Batch ............................................................... pg 22 Delete Transactions ............................................................................. pg 23 End of Day Activities ............................................................................ pg 28 RowanSOM Time Reception List .......................................................... pg 31 Print Encounter Forms ......................................................................... pg 34 Print Facesheets .................................................................................. pg 38 Print Missing Charge Report ................................................................ pg 42 Notes ................................................................................................... pg 45 Section 8 ............................................................................................................ Horizontal Toolbar New Appointment .................................................. pg 2 Horizontal Toolbar Appointment List .................................................... pg 3 Wait List (Adding a Patient) ................................................................. pg 4 Working the Wait List ........................................................................... pg 8 Bump List............................................................................................. pg 11 Provider Schedules .............................................................................. pg 14 Multiple Provider Schedules ................................................................ pg 18 2013 Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine Information Resources and Technology Clinical Systems Department Centricity Business-Version 1 10/11/2013 5 Table of Contents Insurance Tab ...................................................................................... pg 19 Patient Services ................................................................................... pg 20 Registration ......................................................................................... pg 22 Comments............................................................................................ pg 23 Invoice Inquiry .................................................................................... pg 24 Dictionaries.......................................................................................... pg 25 Patient Inquiry .................................................................................... pg 26 Add/Edit Referrals ............................................................................... pg 27 View Dictionaries ................................................................................. pg 28 Notes ................................................................................................... pg 29 2013 Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine Information Resources and Technology Clinical Systems Department Centricity Business-Version 1 10/11/2013 6 2013 Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine Information Resources and Technology Clinical Systems Department Centricity Business-Version 1 10/11/2013 7 Section1-Getting Started Section Objectives: Log onto Centricity Business successfully Learn Password Requirements Learn the toolbars within the system Select Billing and Accounts Receivable (BAR) group 2013 Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine Information Resources and Technology Clinical Systems Department Centricity Business-Version 1 10/11/2013 8 LOGGING ON TO CENTRICITY BUSINESS 1. Double click the Centricity Business icon on your desktop Business screen should appear: . The Centricity 2. Enter your username (your three-digit sign-on). This must be entered in ALL CAPS. 3. Press TAB to advance to the Password field. Type in your password. Passwords are case sensitive and must be a minimum of 8 characters. Passwords are also required to have 3 of the following criteria: A-Z, a-z, 0-9 (i.e. Rowantest5). You should employ the same Rowan strong password guidelines for your Centricity Business password. 4. Click Login or press Enter. 2013 Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine Information Resources and Technology Clinical Systems Department Centricity Business-Version 1 10/11/2013 9 Security Reminders Log off of applications when leaving your workstation Keep confidential reports and computer print-outs in a secure place. DO NOT log on and let someone else have access to an application under your name. DO NOT allow yourself to be pressured into breaking confidentiality and security rules. DO NOT share your password with anyone! DO NOT write down your password where it can be found and used by someone else. DO NOT type in your password while someone is watching. 2013 Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine Information Resources and Technology Clinical Systems Department Centricity Business-Version 1 10/11/2013 10 HOME SCREEN The Home Screen for Advanced Web defaults to the New Appointment screen under the role of FPP Scheduler. VERTICAL TOOLBAR HORIZONTAL TOOLBAR ACTION BUTTONS 2013 Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine Information Resources and Technology Clinical Systems Department Centricity Business-Version 1 10/11/2013 MENU BUTTONS 11 SELECT SYSTEM DEFAULT (BAR) Upon your initial login, the following screen may appear for you to establish your default group. Select Group and HMO Click “Use as Default” Select the drop-down arrow of the Group field and select the appropriate billing and accounts receivable (BAR) group. At the HMO field, ensure that OPEN HMO is chosen. Next, click the “Use as default” box, this will save the group selection and will default the user every time to that group unless manually changed. Notice below the Group, the Default section will display the users default group and HMO. Click OK. There are multiple BAR groups with Rowan SOM. Within each group, there are multiple departments. For example, Family Medicine, Internal Medicine, Pediatrics, OB/GYN are part of Group 3; Psychiatry is part of Group 4. St. Luke’s (Group 6), CARES (Group 7), and Employee Health also have their own individual Group number (Group 8). Inquire with office managers when in doubt of the appropriate BAR. 2013 Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine Information Resources and Technology Clinical Systems Department Centricity Business-Version 1 10/11/2013 12 SELECT SYSTEM DEFAULT (BAR) If you should need to change this in the future (ex: may need to change the group), you can access this screen by clicking on Tools in the menu bar along the top right corner and selecting Settings and click on the Select HMO/Org/Grp Selection tab. 2013 Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine Information Resources and Technology Clinical Systems Department Centricity Business-Version 1 10/11/2013 13 Rowan School of Osteopathic Medicine Information Resources and Technology Clinical Systems Department Centricity Business Glossary Term Appointment Data Form (ADF) Definition Scheduling application screen that designed to capture the additional information specific to the appointment. Arrived Appointment (ARR) Appointment status that indicates the patient arrived for the appointment. Batch A group of related charges, payments, or adjustments. Billing and Accounts Receivable (BAR) Application for tracking, monitoring, and entering charges and billing for physician services. Bumped Appointment (BMP) Appointment status that indicates a provider’s time slot was removed from being a valid time for patient appointment when the appointment was previously booked. Bump List A list of bumped appointments. Cancelled Appointments (CAN) Appointment status that indicates the patient cancelled the appointment. CB Abbreviation for Centricity Business, also referred to as IDX CE Abbreviation for Charge Entry, a function to enter charges for services rendered Check In Process followed when a patient arrives for a physician appointment. Claim Document sent to an insurer to request payment for services. Dictionaries Building blocks of Centricity Business/IDX. Store and organize information in the system. End of Day Process of posting all the balanced financial transactions that were entered during the day as well as preparing all the daily operation reports. FD Abbreviation for Front Desk, daily activities under the front desk function Encounter Form Document used to collect information on services during an office visit, used for billing purposes 2013 Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine Information Resources and Technology Clinical Systems Department Centricity Business-Version 1 10/11/2013 14 Rowan School of Osteopathic Medicine Information Resources and Technology Clinical Systems Department Centricity Business Glossary Term End of Month Definition Process of closing the accounting period for the month and preparing all the reports for the month Facesheet Document which contains patient demographic and insurance information and Notice of Privacy Practices (HIPAA) Financial Status Classification (FSC) Naming mechanism to group insurances together such as government funded programs, commercial insurance, and managed care. First Available Search Type of search for appointment scheduling, displays providers and times that meet specific criteria. FSC follow up Questions Sequence of FSC specific questions that need to be answered for the charges to be billed to the insurer. Guarantor Person that is the financially responsible for the patient charges. If the patient has insurance, it is the party responsible after insurance. Header Top portion of a screen, usually contains the patient name and information. IDX Practice Management System, also referred to as CB Invoice A list of services rendered and payments received; a bill Linked Appointments Indication that one appointment has a relationship to another appointment. Medical Record Number (MRN) Unique number assigned to a patient in the system. No Show (NOS) Appointment status that indicates a patient did not arrive for the scheduled appointment. Patient Banner Banner along the top of the screen that displays patient specific information such as date of birth, MRN, Insurance, contact info, etc. Pending Appointment (PEN) Appointment status that indicates a future appointment or one that has not been arrived, no-showed, cancelled, or bumped. Referral Authorization for a patient whom is being referred to another provider for specialized services 2013 Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine Information Resources and Technology Clinical Systems Department Centricity Business-Version 1 10/11/2013 15 Rowan School of Osteopathic Medicine Information Resources and Technology Clinical Systems Department Centricity Business Glossary Term Registration Definition Process of entering demographic and insurance information within the Centricity Business/IDX system. Reminder Appointment (REM) Appointment that needs to be scheduled for a patient in the future when a physician schedule is not available. Rescheduled Appointments (RSC) Appointment status that indicates the patient rescheduled the appointment. Summary Search Type of search for appointment scheduling, allows users to view a provider’s schedule before selecting a time slot for an appointment. Visit type Appointment type. For example: New Patient, Follow up, Established, etc. Wait List List of patients who want to be notified should an earlier appointment become available. Walk In Appointment Appointment for a patient who presents to the clinic who does not have a scheduled appointment. 2013 Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine Information Resources and Technology Clinical Systems Department Centricity Business-Version 1 10/11/2013 16 Notes 2013 Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine Information Resources and Technology Clinical Systems Department Centricity Business-Version 1 10/11/2013 17 Notes 2013 Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine Information Resources and Technology Clinical Systems Department Centricity Business-Version 1 10/11/2013 Section 2-Starting Office Hours Section Objectives: Create Payment Batch (if collecting payments) Review appointment reminder website to update schedule 2 CREATING A BATCH Front Desk (FD) Batch Creation will allow users to generate a batch to enter charges and copays. This is the first step in the daily workflow for all end users. Note: All payments (copays) will be entered into 1 batch regardless of payment type (cash, check, or credit card). Another batch will also be created for charges for services rendered. There will be at least two batches to open daily for each office: 1. Payment batch (copays) Charge Entry batch (charges from services rendered) At the home screen (Scheduling), go to the F.D. Batch Creation tab along the Horizontal Toolbar. 2013 Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine Information Resources and Technology Clinical Systems Department Centricity Business-Version 1 10/11/2013 3 CREATING A BATCH CONTINUED 2. At the Initial: prompt, the users IDX initials will default. 3. At the Batch: prompt, enter a G to generate a batch. Required Field NOTE- If a batch was already created; the user can click the drop down menu and select a batch that was already generated. 4. At the Description: prompt, enter the description for the batch generated. Required Field NOTE- Descriptions should be entered as follows: FD/Batch Type/Billing Area Mnemonic/User Initials/Bank Deposit Date Example: Payment Batch: FD/PMT/SOFS/LXL/08072013 Charge Entry Batch: FD/CE/SOFS/LXL/08072013 5. At the Bank Deposit Date: prompt, enter the bank deposit date per departmental deposit schedule or click the drop down menu to select the deposit date from the calendar. Required Field 6. Click the OK button to enter the patient’s charge or copay. 2013 Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine Information Resources and Technology Clinical Systems Department Centricity Business-Version 1 10/11/2013 4 UPDATING SCHEDULE VIA REMINDER CALLS Each morning staff members should log into the appointment reminder vendor’s website to review the responses. The daily schedule should be updated based on the responses from the reminder calls the evening before. Appointments that were cancelled via the vendor should be cancelled in CB; patients who are on the wait list should then be added if possible. NOTE-If there are invalid phone numbers that were returned, users should put the invalid phone number in the General Comments. The phone number on the patient’s demographic page should be changed to: 444-444-4444 (phone disconnected) 2013 Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine Information Resources and Technology Clinical Systems Department Centricity Business-Version 1 10/11/2013 5 Notes 2013 Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine Information Resources and Technology Clinical Systems Department Centricity Business-Version 1 10/11/2013 Section 3-Patient Registration Section Objectives: Learn proper patient name search Learn proper registration requirements Learn to enter Financial Status Classification (FSC) 2 PATIENT NAME SEARCH COMMANDS Each time you enter a patient name in Centricity Business (CB)/IDX, the database is checked to determine if the name has been registered in the system previously. The system searches and displays all of the existing names in the database that match the information you entered. Names may be searched by partial name, last name, medical record number, Social Security number and AKA. The table below outlines some of the methods that can be used to retrieve a patient: Chart 1-Patient Name Search TYPE OF LOOKUP VALID ENTRY FORMAT EXAMPLE OF ENTRY: 3,2 Search Method (Partial Name) *PREFERRED 1st three characters of the last name,1st two characters of the first name SMI,JO Last Name Only Last Name SMITH Partial Name and Year of Birth Use above partial name search followed by semicolon (;) followed by year of birth (ex: 1971) SMI,JO;1971 Medical Record # M followed by the patient’s Medical Record Number M0000001 Social Security Number S followed by the patient’s Social Security Number S111-11-1111 AKA Enter the patient’s AKA name typed at the AKA prompt in the Patient Registration screen SM,JOEY It is very important that the patient information is entered into Centricity Business correctly. If patient is not registered correctly, it can create a duplicate account in CB/IDX and a duplicate chart in the EMR. This has an impact on financial reimbursements, patient can be directly impacted, and can also cause a patient safety and care issue. 2013 Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine Information Resources and Technology Clinical Systems Department Centricity Business-Version 1 10/11/2013 3 PATIENT NAME SEARCH To look up a patient within the system: 2 ways to search the CB/IDX database for patients: At the Scheduler/New Appointment Screen: 1. In the Patient field, type the first three letters of the patient’s last name and the first two letters of their first name, separated by a comma. This is the preferred look-up method. 2. Press Tab. 3. A list of patients that match the entered criteria will display on the next page which is the Patient Selection Screen. 2013 Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine Information Resources and Technology Clinical Systems Department Centricity Business-Version 1 10/11/2013 4 PATIENT NAME SEARCH CONTINUED At the Schedule/New Appointment screen, go to “Select Patient” Drop down and click Search When you click on Search, the Patient Selection Screen will automatically display: Enter the patient name at the “Search By Name” field and click Search 2013 Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine Information Resources and Technology Clinical Systems Department Centricity Business-Version 1 10/11/2013 5 PATIENT NAME SEARCH CONTINUED Chart 2-Example of Patient Name Search Maiden and Hyphenated Reverse/Foreign/Initials Nicknames Name Variations Titles Name Search Mary Hook-Jones (AKA: Mary Jones) Michael George Hoo,Ma Jon, Ma Geo,Mi Mic,Ge Chin Lu Pou Pou,Ch; Pou,Lu Chi,Lu; Chi,Po Lu,Po; Lu,Ch E. James Brown (AKA: James Brown) William Penn (AKA: Billy Penn) Bro,E Bro,Ja Pen,Wi Pen,Bi John Hancock (AKA: Jack Hancock) Han,Jo Han,Ja Elizabeth Ross (AKA: Betsy Ross) (Betty, Beth, Betsy) Delores Taylor Ros,El Ros,Li (Liz) Ros,BE Tay,De Tay,Do (Dolores) Shawn Carlson (Shaun, Shawn, Sean) Car,Sh Car,Se Parrott, Katherine (Kathryn, Katherine, Catherine) John Thompson IV (AKA: Thompson IV, John) Par,Ka Par,Ca Reverend James Harris (AKA: Harris, Rev James) Har,Ja Har;Ja; Har, Re Tho,Jo Tho,Jo 2013 Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine Information Resources and Technology Clinical Systems Department Centricity Business-Version 1 10/11/2013 6 REGISTERING A NEW PATIENT Overview Registration is the process by which patients are added to the database. When a patient is registered, an account is created for that patient and appointments can be scheduled. In order to schedule appointments, a patient must be registered with the system. Full Registration enables you to enter complete demographic, guarantor, general comments, and insurance information. Scenario A patient calls to schedule an appointment. After searching on the patient’s name, you determine that the patient is not registered in your system. You need to enter the patient’s demographic and insurance information (full registration). Workflow As part of the full registration process, you will: Enter demographic information for the patient. Enter guarantor information if different from patient information. Enter Contact information for the patient. Enter date information on Notice of Privacy Practices (PHI). Enter registration comments for the patient if needed. Enter Alias (AKA) information for the patient. Enter insurance information. 2013 Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine Information Resources and Technology Clinical Systems Department Centricity Business-Version 1 10/11/2013 7 REGISTERING A NEW PATIENT CONTINUED The registration process begins at the New Appointment screen by entering the patient’s name in the Patient: prompt (refer to the patient search commands as found in the manual), and pressing the TAB key or click the Next button in the lower right corner. Another way to register a patient is by selecting the Patient Services on the vertical toolbar. NOTE- Once a patient has been entered and the TAB key or Next button has been selected, the system will display the Master Patient Index (MPI) screen. 2013 Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine Information Resources and Technology Clinical Systems Department Centricity Business-Version 1 10/11/2013 8 REGISTERING A NEW PATIENT CONTINUED If the patient is in the system, the patient’s name, MRN, Date of Birth, Sex, Social Security Number, Address, City/St, Zip and Telephone number will display on the MPI (Master Patient Index) screen. If the patient does not appear on the MPI, the user must register the patient. Notice if the patient has different spellings or a different name, it may be displayed in the AKA field (listed below the legal name). If the patient is not in the system, the system will display a message No Patients found. 2013 Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine Information Resources and Technology Clinical Systems Department Centricity Business-Version 1 10/11/2013 9 REGISTERING A NEW PATIENT CONTINUED If the patient is not in the CB/IDX system and the patient needs to be registered, click on the New Reg button. NOTE- Once the New Button is clicked, the system will then branch to the full registration screen. 2013 Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine Information Resources and Technology Clinical Systems Department Centricity Business-Version 1 10/11/2013 10 REGISTERING A NEW PATIENT CONTINUED 1. At the Patient: prompt, enter the patient’s legal name as it appears on a state or federal issued identification card (ie. Driver’s license, passport, etc.). The last name is first, followed by a comma, first name, space, middle intial. Do not use punctuation except the comma to separate the last and first name. Example: LAST,FIRST M LAST JR,FIRST Please see Chart 3 for recommendations Required Field. *Notice that the 3,2 search carries over into the legal name, be sure to type the legal name into this field. 2. At the AKA: prompt, type the patient’s alias or press the Tab key to bypass the field, if applicable. This would be the location to add different spellings of the patient name, maiden name, credentials, and/or if the name is spelled differently on insurance card, etc. Example: Allison, can also be spelled: Alison, Allyson, Ali, Alli, etc. Example: SMITH DO, JOHN *Credentialing is only at the AKA field. Do not put credentials in the Legal Name Field See Chart 1 for Patient Search Recommendations and Chart 3 for Name Variations 2013 Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine Information Resources and Technology Clinical Systems Department Centricity Business-Version 1 10/11/2013 11 REGISTERING A NEW PATIENT CONTINUED Chart 3-Patient Name Entry Standard Title Patient Name Sarah Louise Gibbons Data Entry Format GIBBONS,SARAH L (only enter middle initial) Carol Anne Jones JONES,CAROLANNE (when the patient uses first and middle name as their first name) BROWN JR,JAMES MEYERSON,LOWELL SMITH,MICHAEL JAMISON,RONALD JONES SMITH,MARY James Brown Jr Lowell Meyerson MD Rev Michael Smith Colonel Ronald Jamison Mary Jones-Smith 3. At the MRN: prompt, type the letter G to generate an account number. Required Field 4. At the SSN: prompt, enter the patient’s Social Security Number. NOTE-In the event the SSN not available to enter use the following methods to enter the SSN in the system: 000-00-0000-newborn or child without a SSN 111-11-1111-not a US Citizen 333-33-3333-patient does not know 999-99-9999-patient refused 5. At the DOB: prompt, enter the patient’s Date of Birth (i.e. mm/dd/yy) or click the drop down menu to select a date. Required Field NOTE- In the event the DOB is unknown or patient was seen in a hospital, information was not collected or the patient was unable to provider, use the following method to enter DOB in the system: 1/1/1880 In the event the patient refuses to disclose the DOB, use the following method to enter DOB in the system: 1/1/1882 6. At the Marital: prompt, enter the patient’s marital status or click the drop down menu to select a status. 7. At the Ethnicity: prompt, enter the ethnicity of the patient or click the drop down menu to select from the list. Required Field 2013 Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine Information Resources and Technology Clinical Systems Department Centricity Business-Version 1 10/11/2013 12 REGISTERING A NEW PATIENT CONTINUED 8. At the Lang: prompt, enter the patient’s primary language or click the drop down menu to select from the list. Required Field 9. At the Race: prompt, enter the patient’s race or click the drop down menu to select a race. Required Field 10. At the Address 1: prompt, enter the patient’s address. Abbreviations are recommended due to length limitations and punctuations should not be utilized. Required Field NOTE- See Chart 4 for acceptable abbreviations. 11. At the Address 2: prompt, enter the patient’s second line of address, if necessary or press the Tab key to bypass the field. NOTE- Once you press the Tab key at the Address 2: field, the system will automatically bypass the City,St: field. 12. At the Zip: prompt, enter the patient’s zip code. Required Field NOTE- The City,St: prompt, will automatically default. 13. At the Home Phone: prompt, enter the patient’s phone number. If the patient does not have a home phone, enter cell phone at this location. Required Field NOTE-In the event the telephone number is not available to enter, please use the following methods to enter a phone number into the system: 000-000-0000-no telephone 333-333-3333-patient does not know 444-444-4444-phone disconnected 999-999-9999-patient refused 14. At the Cell Phone: prompt, enter the patient’s cell phone number or press the Tab key to bypass the field. NOTE- When the Tab key is pressed at the Cell Phone: field, the system will bypass the HIPAA Restriction check box. 15. At the Employer: prompt, enter the patient’s employer or press the Tab key to bypass the field. 16. At the Address 1: prompt, under employer, enter the patient’s employer’s address or press the Tab key to bypass the field. 2013 Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine Information Resources and Technology Clinical Systems Department Centricity Business-Version 1 10/11/2013 13 REGISTERING A NEW PATIENT CONTINUED 17. At the Address 2: prompt under employer, enter the patient’s employer’s second address or press the Tab key to bypass the field. NOTE- when the Tab key is pressed Address 2: field, the system will bypass the City,St: field. 18. At the Zip: prompt, enter the patient’s employer’s zip code or press the Tab key to bypass the field. NOTE- if the employer zip code is entered, the employer’s City,St will automatically default 19. At the Work Phone: prompt, enter the patient’s work phone number or press the Tab key to bypass the field. Z 20. At the E-mail: prompt, enter the patient’s personal e-mail account or press the Tab key to bypass the field. 21. At the Fax: prompt, enter the patient’s fax number or press the Tab key to bypass the field. 22. At the Emergency Contact: prompt, enter the patient’s emergency contact or press the Tab key to bypass the field. NOTE-These fields cannot be the patient. It must be someone other than the patient. 23. At the Emergency Contact Phone: prompt, enter the patient’s emergency contact phone number or press the Tab key to bypass the field. 24. At the PCP: prompt, enter the patient’s primary care physician or click the drop down menu to select from the list or press the Tab key to bypass the field. 25. At the PCP (free text): prompt, the user can enter a comment in regards to the PCP or press the Tab key to bypass the field. NOTE- The PCP (free text) should be completed if a patient’s PCP is not entered in the PCP dictionary. If the referring PCP is not in the dictionary, please complete Referring Provider form found on IR&T website. 26. At the Special Needs: prompt, select the drop down menu and select a need from the list provided (e.g. Wheelchair) or press the Tab key to bypass the field. 27. At the Rel to Guar: prompt, select the drop down menu and select a relationship from the list provided. Required Field. 2013 Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine Information Resources and Technology Clinical Systems Department Centricity Business-Version 1 10/11/2013 14 REGISTERING A NEW PATIENT CONTINUED NOTE- If Self is entered at the Rel to Guar: field, the system will automatically default the patient’s name in the Guarantor field. 28. At the Guarantor: prompt, users must enter a name if anything other than SELF has been selected at the Rel to Guar: field. Press to Tab key to move to the next page of registration. NOTE- If the Rel to Guarantor is other the SELF, the user must enter the Guarantor’s name at the Guarantor: field. The system will branch to the Master Patient Index screen to see if the Guarantor is a registered patient within SOM. 2013 Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine Information Resources and Technology Clinical Systems Department Centricity Business-Version 1 10/11/2013 15 REGISTERING A NEW PATIENT CONTINUED Chart 4-Acceptable Abbreviations Full Spelling Acceptable Abbreviation Avenue Ave Boulevard Blvd Circle Cir Court Ct Drive Dr Highway Hwy Lane La Parkway Pkwy Place Pl Road Rd Route Rt (Rte) Street St Terrace Terr Note: Long hyphenated streets should be written out in full. Do not abbreviate street names. For example: Hurffville CrossKeys Rd Black Horse Pike (Not BHP) White Horse Pike (Not WHP) Kings Highway (Not KHWHY) 2013 Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine Information Resources and Technology Clinical Systems Department Centricity Business-Version 1 10/11/2013 16 GUARANTOR SCREEN The guarantor information must be completed if the patient is not the financially responsible party. This way, all mailing information can be sent to the appropriate person. The guarantor can be but is not always the subscriber for insurance. Most cases guarantor is self except for minors or incapacitated adults. If the guarantor is a registered patient with RowanSOM, the system will display the guarantor’s name on the Patient Selection screen, select the patient and click OK. If there is no guarantor displayed on the Patient Selection screen, the user must enter the information by clicking OK or Cancel. The system will reveal the following message “No matches found – New guarantor registration is not permitted”. Click OK to remove the message. 2013 Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine Information Resources and Technology Clinical Systems Department Centricity Business-Version 1 10/11/2013 17 GUARANTOR SCREEN CONTINUED This screen should be complete in full for patients where guarantor is other than Self. 1. At the Guarantor Name: prompt, enter the guarantor’s name. NOTE- The guarantor name will default from what was entered on page 1 of the registration. 2. At the Patient Relationship: prompt, enter the relationship with the patient. NOTE- The patient relationship will default from what was entered on page 1 of the registration. 3. At the Sex: prompt, enter M or F. The user can also click the drop down menu to select the sex or press the Tab key to bypass the field 4. At the DOB: prompt, enter the guarantor’s Date of Birth or press the Tab key to bypass the field. NOTE- In the event the DOB is unknown or patient was seen in a hospital, information was not collected or the patient was unable to provider, use the following method to enter DOB in the system: 1/1/1880 In the event the patient refuses to disclose the DOB, use the following method to enter DOB in the system: 1/1/1882 2013 Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine Information Resources and Technology Clinical Systems Department Centricity Business-Version 1 10/11/2013 18 GUARANTOR SCREEN CONTINUED 5. At the SSN: prompt, enter the guarantor’s Social Security Number or press the Tab key to bypass the field. NOTE-In the event the SSN not available to enter use the following methods to enter the SSN in the system: 000-00-0000-newborn or child without a SSN 111-11-1111-not a US Citizen 333-33-3333-patient does not know 999-99-9999-patient refused 6. At the Address 1: prompt, enter the guarantor’s address or press the Tab key to bypass the field. Refer Chart 4 for acceptable abbreviations. 7. At the Address 2: prompt, enter the guarantor’s second line address, if necessary or press the Tab key to bypass the field. NOTE-Once you press the tab key at the Address 2: field, the system automatically bypasses the City,St: field. 8. At the Zip: prompt, enter the guarantor’s zip code or press the Tab key to bypass the field. NOTE- The City,St: prompt, will automatically default. 9. At the Telephone: prompt, enter the guarantor’s telephone number or press the Tab key to bypass the field. NOTE-In the event the telephone number is not available to enter, please use the following methods to enter a phone number into the system: 000-000-0000-no telephone 333-333-3333-patient does not know 444-444-4444-phone disconnected 999-999-9999-patient refused 10. At the Employer: prompt, enter the guarantor’s employer or press the Tab key to bypass the field. 11. At the Address 1: prompt enter the guarantor’s employer’s address or press the Tab key to bypass the field. 12. At the Address 2: prompt under employer, enter the guarantor’s employer’s second address or press the Tab key to bypass the field. NOTE- when the Tab key is pressed Address 2: field, the system will bypass the City, St: field 2013 Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine Information Resources and Technology Clinical Systems Department Centricity Business-Version 1 10/11/2013 19 GUARANTOR SCREEN CONTINUED 13. At the Zip: prompt, enter the guarantor’s employer’s zip code or press the Tab key to bypass the field. NOTE-The City, St: field will automatically default. 14. At the Telephone: prompt, enter the guarantor’s work telephone number. The user can press the Tab key to bypass or move to the next screen in the registration. NOTE-Modifications made are not linked, be sure to change patient and guarantor information accordingly. 2013 Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine Information Resources and Technology Clinical Systems Department Centricity Business-Version 1 10/11/2013 20 CONTACT SCREEN CB/IDX allows users to enter additional contact information besides the contact information that is on page 1 of the registration. The system allows you to add up to 4 contacts. 1. At the Cont. 1 Name: prompt, enter the contact’s name or press the Tab key to bypass the field. 2. At the Cont. 1 Type: prompt, enter the contact type or click the drop down menu to select from the list. Users can press the Tab key to bypass the field. 3. At the Cont. 1 Rel: prompt, enter the contact’s relationship or click the drop down menu to select from the list. User can press the Tab key to bypass the field. 4. At the Cont. 1 Tel: prompt, enter the contact’s telephone number. The user can press the Tab key to move to Cont. 2 Name: field. NOTE-if additional contacts are necessary, please follow the steps listed above for Cont. 2, Cont. 3, and Cont. 4. 2013 Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine Information Resources and Technology Clinical Systems Department Centricity Business-Version 1 10/11/2013 21 NOTICE OF PRIVACY PRACTICE SCREEN (PHI) It is important the Privacy Practice Screen is completed for all patients. This screen allows users to document the date delivered, dates signed, or comment if the patient did not return HIPAA booklet. Page 1 of the registration indicates whether the patient has signed the Notice of Privacy Practices. If the patient did not sign they received the Notice of Privacy Practices, a message will display on page 1 in red “Warning…Patient has not signed for Notice of Privacy Practices”. 1. At the Date Delivered to the Patient: prompt, enter the date the HIPAA handout was delivered or click the drop down menu to select the date. 2. At the Date Signature obtained: prompt, enter the date the patient signed off they received the handout or click the drop down menu to select the date. NOTE-Notice of Privacy Practice needs to be renewed every 3 years. 2013 Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine Information Resources and Technology Clinical Systems Department Centricity Business-Version 1 10/11/2013 22 NOTICE OF PRIVACY PRACTICE SCREEN (PHI) CONTINUED 3. At the Comment if not Received: prompt, enter a comment if the patient did not sign they received HIPAA handout. NOTE- If Date Delivered to Patient: and Date Signature obtained: fields were completed, the system will automatically default the dates for Patient Reminder:, Registry Opt In:, and Marketing: prompts. If Date Delivered to Patient: and Comment if not Received: are completed, the system will allow you to enter a Date Received and Date Revoked in the Patient Reminder:, Registry Opt In, and Marketing: fields. The system will also allow you to enter additional comments. 4. At the Patient Reminder Date Received, users can enter a date if the patient requests to receive a Reminder call (for New Patients). NOTE-The date of Patient Reminder will not waterfall until the HIPAA field is entered, this field can be manually entered as needed. Users should inquire with patients if they would like to receive a Reminder Call prior to their first visit (i.e. prior to signing the HIPAA handout). 5. At the Registry Opt In date, a date will default when the Date Signature obtained is completed. If the patient specifies that he/she does not want information sent to the state registry, enter in the date they signed this request in the Date Revoked field. 6. At the Marketing date, a date will default when the Date Signature obtained is completed. If the patient specifies that he/she does not want to receive marketing information, enter in the date they signed this request in the Date Revoked field. 7. At the Call Preference prompt, select the patient’s preferred method of receiving appointment reminders or other contact from the office. The user can press the Tab to continue. NOTE-If the patient chooses to receive reminders via text or email, the cell phone and email field on page 1 of Registration must be completed. 8. At the Medication Review prompt, enter in the date the patient signed the facesheet and consented to medication reconciliation. If anything is restricted, you must check off the Restriction in Place field and it is required to enter a comment. Restriction in Place will display on page 1 of a registration at the HIPAA Restriction: prompt. This field is a view access and will only display with the Restriction in Place is specified on the PHI screen (page 4). Self-Pay Opt Out-If a patient chooses to opt out of filing an insurance claim for a specific date of service, the user MUST check the Restriction in Place box and enter in the comment field the patient requests self-pay opt out and the date of service. 2013 Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine Information Resources and Technology Clinical Systems Department Centricity Business-Version 1 10/11/2013 23 GENERAL COMMENTS The General Comments screen is a screen that will allow you to capture additional comments in regards to the patient. This is a location where an old address or phone number can be entered when the patient has a bad address or invalid phone number. Note that the first two lines appear on the patient facesheet, be aware of information that is entered at this level. Additionally, users have the ability to overwrite previously entered information, be sure to hit enter and go to a separate line when updating information. 1. On the General Comments screen, click the Edit General Comments: box and then click the General Comments window to enter the comment. The user may press the Tab key or click OK to move to the next screen in Registration. Note- when a general comment is entered, it important that the date, time, and CB/IDX initials of the person who entered the comment are documented. After the comment is entered, press the space bar once and press Ctrl then T (this will perform a date and time). Press the space once and type your CB/IDX user initials. Disable Auto FSC Prioritization can also be done when entering General Comments. By disabling the FSC prioritization users will be able to change an order of FSC, if necessary. If a Comment has been entered and filed, the system will display a <Y> next to the Comments on File: prompt located at the bottom of page 1 of the Registration. 2013 Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine Information Resources and Technology Clinical Systems Department Centricity Business-Version 1 10/11/2013 24 ADDITIONAL ALIASES The Additional Aliases screen will allow users to enter additional aliases if the patient has more than one alias. 1. At the AKA: prompt, enter any other names that your patient may have and press the Tab key (i.e. variant spelling of name, multiple married names, etc.). NOTE- When the Tab key is pressed, the system will move to the next AKA: field. If an additional AKA is needed, enter the name. If not, press the Tab key or click OK. The system will return to page 1 of the patient registration screen. Female patients with a name change due to marriage should be entered as follows: Patient: Jones,Susan (legal name) AKA: Smith,Susan (maiden name) Entering a married patient with a hyphen name; be sure to enter the maiden name first, then the married name after the hyphen. Patient: Jones Smith, Susan (legal name) 2. Click OK to File 2013 Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine Information Resources and Technology Clinical Systems Department Centricity Business-Version 1 10/11/2013 25 ENTERING A FSC/INSURANCE FSC (Financial Status Classification) is the means by which a patient’s insurance is registered in CB/IDX. When a FSC is entered, it is important that the correct insurance is entered in the system. NOTE- The Manage Insurance Information screen displays a list of action codes for users to choose from. 2013 Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine Information Resources and Technology Clinical Systems Department Centricity Business-Version 1 10/11/2013 26 ENTERING A FSC/INSURANCE CONTINUED A Add new insurance (will automatically default to last priority) E Edit existing insurance I Insert a new insurance C Copy insurance information from one FSC to another. utilized at RowanSOM. J Documents-This is not a functionality utilized at RowanSOM function S Shows deleted FSCs T Allows users to view changes made to insurance plan H Change a FSC priority V View FSC detail (cannot edit) This functionality is not 1. On the Manage Insurance Information screen either click or select action code A- Add. 2. At the Insurance company bottom form, press the Tab key to Financial Class: prompt, type the FSC number, Insurance Company Name, or FSC Mnemonic or click the magnifying glass to select a FSC from the list. 2013 Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine Information Resources and Technology Clinical Systems Department Centricity Business-Version 1 10/11/2013 27 ENTERING A FSC/INSURANCE CONTINUED 3. At the Ins. Co. Dictionary Entry: prompt, select the drop down menu and select the insurance company provided. Below information will waterfall NOTE- When the INS. CO. DICTIONARY ENTRY: field is selected, the system will default the INS. CO. NAME OVERRIDE:, INS. ADDRESS LINE1:, INS. ADDRESS LINE 2:, INS. CITY, STATE:, INS. ZIP CODE:, and INS. CO. TELEPHONE: fields. If the above information is not available in the system, the information will need to be manually entered into name override and additional address fields (city, state, zip, telephone number). 4. At the Certificate #: prompt, enter the ID number on the card. Required field 5. At the Group #: prompt, enter the group number on the card or press the Tab key to bypass the field. 6. At the Plan #: prompt, enter the plan number on the card or press the Tab key to bypass the field. 2013 Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine Information Resources and Technology Clinical Systems Department Centricity Business-Version 1 10/11/2013 28 ENTERING A FSC/INSURANCE CONTINUED 7. At the Copay: prompt, enter the patient’s primary care copay or press the Tab key to bypass the field. 8. At the Specialist Copay: prompt, enter the patient’s specialist copay or press the Tab key to bypass the field. 9. At the Relationship to Subscriber: prompt, enter the relationship to the subscriber or click the drop down menu and select from the list. Required field NOTE- When the RELATIONSHIP TO SUBSCRIBER: field is completed, SUBCRIBER NAME (IF NOT DIFFERENT): will display on the screen. 10. At the Subscriber Name (If Different): prompt, enter the subscriber’s name if different or press the Tab key to bypass the field. If the patient is the subscriber, at the name field enter @P and the information will waterfall. NOTE- The Subscriber Name (IF DIFFERENT) must be entered as it appears on the person’s insurance card or validation tool. Do not change page 1 on demographics to match the insurance card, the patient name on page 1 should match the patient’s legal name. For example: If the patient’s legal name is Mary L Smith as it appears on the patient’s license but the insurance card has Mary Lisa Smith, the subscriber Name (if different) on the FSC page should be: SMITH,MARY LISA and the patient name on page 1 should be: SMITH,MARY L 11. At the Subscriber Social Security Number: prompt, enter the subscriber’s social security number or press the Tab key to bypass the field. NOTE-In the event the SSN not available to enter use the following methods to enter the SSN in the system: 000-00-0000-newborn or child without a SSN 111-11-1111-not a US Citizen 333-33-3333-patient does not know 999-99-9999-patient refused 12. At the First Line of Subscriber Address: prompt, enter the subscriber’s address or press the Tab key to bypass the field. 13. At the Second Line of Subscriber Address: prompt, if applicable, enter the subscriber’s second line of address or press the Tab key to bypass the field. 14. At the City, State: prompt, enter the subscriber’s city and state or press the Tab key to bypass the field. 15. At the Zip Code: prompt, enter the subscriber’s zip code ore press the Tab key to bypass the field. 2013 Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine Information Resources and Technology Clinical Systems Department Centricity Business-Version 1 10/11/2013 29 ENTERING A FSC/INSURANCE CONTINUED 16. At the SUBSCRIBER BIRTHDAY: prompt, enter the subscriber’s birthday or click the drop down menu to select a DOB. Users can bypass this field by pressing the Tab Key. 17. At the SUBSCRIBER SEX: prompt, enter the subscriber’s sex or press the Tab key to bypass the field. 18. At the SUBSCRIBER TELEPHONE: prompt, enter the subscriber’s telephone number or press the Tab key to bypass the field. NOTE-In the event the telephone number is not available to enter, please use the following methods to enter a phone number into the system: 000-000-0000-no telephone 333-333-3333-patient does not know 444-444-4444-phone disconnected 999-999-9999-patient refused 19. At the SUBSCRIBER EMPLOYER: prompt, enter the subscriber’s employer or press the Tab key to bypass the field. 20. At the EFFECTIVE DATE: prompt, enter the date the insurance became effective. 21. At the EXPIRATION DATE: prompt, enter the date the insurance has expired. NOTE- An expiration date should only be entered if the patient’s insurance is no longer active. If new insurance information is added to the system, users must confirm and validate existing coverage. 22. Click the OK button to save and return to the Manage Insurance Information screen FSC Screen Action Codes: A Add- Allows the user to add a FSC E Edit- Allows the user to edit information about a FSC T View Audit Trail- Allows the user to view if any changes occurred within the patient’s insurance B Determinator- Future enhancement H Change Order- Allows the user to change the order of a FSC V View- Allows the user to view the FSC follow-up questions C Copy- Allows the user to copy an existing FSC (not recommended) I Insert- Allows the user to insert a FSC at a specific location. S Show/Clr Deleted- Allows users to view FSC’s that have been deleted 2013 Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine Information Resources and Technology Clinical Systems Department Centricity Business-Version 1 10/11/2013 30 PATIENT BANNER Patient Banner When a patient’s registration is entered and filed, the system will create the patient’s banner. The banner will display right below the horizontal toolbar. On this banner, users can find Patient’s MRN #, DOB, Sex, Telephone, Age, Special Needs, PCP, Bad Address, FSC1, Primary/Specialty Copay, and FSC, if the necessary fields are completed throughout the registration. The banner is a helpful way to verify patient information when determining copays, phone numbers, street address, etc. If <Y> displays next to the Bad Addr: field, it is very important for the user to enter the correct street address. This way any bills or mailing information will be sent to the correct address. If this process is completed, expire Refer to General Comments to confirm old address and update registration accordingly. 2013 Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine Information Resources and Technology Clinical Systems Department Centricity Business-Version 1 10/11/2013 31 Notes 2013 Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine Information Resources and Technology Clinical Systems Department Centricity Business-Version 1 10/11/2013 32 Notes 2013 Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine Information Resources and Technology Clinical Systems Department Centricity Business-Version 1 10/11/2013 33 Notes 2013 Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine Information Resources and Technology Clinical Systems Department Centricity Business-Version 1 10/11/2013 Section 4-Appointment Scheduling Section Objectives: Lookup patients Confirm and update patient registration information View appointment availability Schedule appointment for patients Add patients to Wait List 2 SCHEDULING A PATIENT’S APPOINTMENT Overview To schedule an appointment, you need to enter appointment criteria into the system. Once you enter this information, the system searches for available appointments by locating appointments in the provider’s schedule that match the information entered on the New Appointment screen. Scenario Your patient calls and wants the first available appointment with her physician. Workflow As part of this process, you will: Perform a patient lookup. View and confirm registration information. Enter appointment information. Find an appointment that fits the patient’s schedule. Record additional information using the Appointment Data Form. Save and file the appointment. 2013 Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine Information Resources and Technology Clinical Systems Department Centricity Business-Version 1 10/11/2013 3 SCHEDULING A NEW APPOINTMENT FIRST AVAILABLE 1. At the Patient: prompt, enter the patient’s name for whom you want to schedule an appointment. Use the 3, 2 method to search for the patient and verify the DOB, SS#, etc. are correct. NOTE-If the patient is in the system, the patient’s name, MRN, Date of Birth, Sex, Social Security Number, Address, City/St, Zip and Telephone number will display on the MPI (Master Patient Index) screen. If the patient does not appear on the MPI, the user must register the patient. 2013 Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine Information Resources and Technology Clinical Systems Department Centricity Business-Version 1 10/11/2013 4 SCHEDULING A NEW APPOINTMENT FIRST AVAILABLE CONTINUED 2. On the MPI screen, select the desired patient and click the OK button. 2013 Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine Information Resources and Technology Clinical Systems Department Centricity Business-Version 1 10/11/2013 5 SCHEDULING A NEW APPOINTMENT FIRST AVAILABLE CONTINUED 3. At the Appt Reason: prompt, enter the reason the appointment is being scheduled or press the Tab key to bypass the field. While this field is not required, if the information is entered on the scheduling form it will waterfall into the Appointment Data Form (ADF), where is it required. NOTE- Appt Reason: will display on various provider or reception reports when that field is completed and also interfaces to the patient appointment in the EMR. 4. At the Provider: prompt, enter the provider for who the patient wants to see or click the drop down menu to select from the list. Press the Tab key to bypass the field. NOTE- If the provider is set up only in one scheduling department, the Department: field will automatically default. 5. At the Department: prompt, enter the department the patient wishes to be scheduled or click the drop down menu to select from the list. When the Tab key is pressed, the cursor will move to the location field. NOTE- Departments scheduling first available appointments will primarily use the department search to display all the available provider’s schedules within the department. 2013 Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine Information Resources and Technology Clinical Systems Department Centricity Business-Version 1 10/11/2013 6 SCHEDULING A NEW APPOINTMENT FIRST AVAILABLE CONTINUED 6. At the Appt Type: prompt, enter the appointment type or click the drop down menu to select from the list. Required Field 7. At the Duration: prompt, the system will automatically display the duration of the appointment type. 8. At the From Date: prompt, the system will automatically default the present day. Enter the desired appointment date or click the drop down menu to select a date. 9. At the Location: prompt, enter the location for the provider the patient is being scheduled to see or click the drop down menu to select from the list. Press the Tab key to bypass the field. NOTE: The location field will automatically default from the Master schedule if the physician is linked to one location. If the physician is linked to multiple locations the user may have to select the location from the drop down menu. 10. At the Search: prompt click the drop down menu and select First Available. NOTE- There are multiple ways to schedule a patient’s appointment within the Advanced Web Application, First Available, Schedule, Detail, Recurring, and Reminder. 2013 Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine Information Resources and Technology Clinical Systems Department Centricity Business-Version 1 10/11/2013 7 SCHEDULING A NEW APPOINTMENT FIRST AVAILABLE CONTINUED 11. Click the Next button. The system will display the New Appointment – First Available screen with all the available appointments for the date scheduled. 2013 Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine Information Resources and Technology Clinical Systems Department Centricity Business-Version 1 10/11/2013 8 SCHEDULING A NEW APPOINTMENT FIRST AVAILABLE CONTINUED 12. Select a desired date and time and click the Next button to move to the Appointment Data Form screen. NOTE-If the appointment date is more than 15 days out, the patient should be added to the wait list. Review New Appointment Confirmation Screen section for adding a patient to the Wait List. 2013 Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine Information Resources and Technology Clinical Systems Department Centricity Business-Version 1 10/11/2013 9 APPOINTMENT DATA FORM SCREEN (ADF) The Appointment Data From screen (ADF) allows user to enter additional information in regards to the patient’s appointment. 13. At the Reason for Visit: prompt, type a reason why the patient is being seen. This field is required. NOTE-If the reason for visit was entered at the scheduling screen it will waterfall into the ADF. 14. At the Scheduling Comment: prompt, enter a scheduling comment or press the Tab key to bypass the field. NOTE-When the Scheduling Comment: field is completed, the comment will display on the ROWANSOM Time Reception List. 15. At the Billing Comment: prompt, enter a billing comment or press the Tab key to bypass the field. Billing comments should be entered for patients that have financial arrangements or important billing information is needed. For example, if a self-pay patient agrees to pay in full, it should be notated in this field. NOTE- When the Billing Comment: field is completed, the comment will display on the ROWANSOM Time Reception List. 16. At the Referring Physician: prompt, enter the patient’s referring physician. This field is pulled by the referring physician dictionary. If the referring physician is not in the dictionary, please submit a Referring Provider Form to IR&T Clinical Systems. The form can be found on the website: http://www.rowan.edu/som/ist/physiciansys.html 2013 Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine Information Resources and Technology Clinical Systems Department Centricity Business-Version 1 10/11/2013 10 APPOINTMENT DATA FORM SCREEN (ADF) CONTINUED 17. At the Billing Provider: prompt, enter the billing provider or press the Tab key to bypass the field. NOTE: If a non-billable provider is scheduled to see this patient, enter the name of the billable provider in this field (the attending provider). This field will waterfall into charge entry. 18. At the Authorization #: prompt, enter the authorization number or press the Tab key to bypass. 19. At the Insurance: prompt, enter the type of insurance the patient has or press the Tab key to bypass. 20. At the Referral #: prompt, enter the referral number or press the Tab key to bypass the field. NOTE- If the referral is linked when the appointment is being scheduled, the system will automatically default the referral number. 21. At the Missing Referral Type: prompt, enter the missing referral type or click the drop down menu to select from the list. Press the Tab key to bypass the field. 22. At the Copay: prompt, enter the patient’s copay or press the Tab key to bypass the field. NOTE- Be sure to enter the patient’s copay correctly. If the patient is being seen in a primary care office, enter the primary care copay. If the patient is being seen within a specialty office, enter the specialty copay. 23. Click the Save button to file the appointment. NOTE- When the Save button is clicked, the system will branch to the Confirmation screen. 2013 Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine Information Resources and Technology Clinical Systems Department Centricity Business-Version 1 10/11/2013 11 CONFIRMATION SCREEN The Confirmation screen will display the appointment scheduled with the Appt #, Patient Name, Provider, Department, Appointment Type, Day of the Appointment, Date of the Appointment, Time of the Appointment, and Location of the Appointment. This is also the location to add a patient to the wait list if they meet the outlined criteria (see below). 1. Click Action Code A-Add to Wait List (if appointment is more than 15 days). 2. The above will appear at the bottom of the confirmation screen, add the patient’s preference to the comment field (i.e. preferred day and time). Click OK. Patient is now added to the Wait List The Confirmation screen also displays a list of action code the user can choose from: A Add to the wait list- Allows the user to add an appointment to the wait list J Documents- Not utilized at RowanSOM P Print Forms-Allows users to print forms (such as encounter forms and facesheets) E Expand/Contract-Not utilized at RowanSOM O View Resources-Not utilized at RowanSOM U Undo Wait List- Undo will remove a patient from the wait list I View Ancillaries- If an ancillary appointment is attached to the primary appointment, users can view the attached ancillary appointment Click the OK button to return to the schedule appointment screen. 2013 Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine Information Resources and Technology Clinical Systems Department Centricity Business-Version 1 10/11/2013 12 SCHEDULING APPOINTMENTS USING A SCHEDULE/SUMMARY SEARCH Scheduling appointments in summary will allow the user to view a provider’s schedule and all the available time slots for a specific day. Summary search also displays if a time slot has been booked. 1. At the Patient: prompt, enter the patient’s name to schedule an appointment. NOTE-If the patient is in the system, the patient’s name, MRN, Date of Birth, Sex, Social Security Number, Address, City/St, zip and Telephone number will display on the MPI (Master Patient Index) screen. If the patient does not appear on the MPI, the user must register the patient. On the MPI screen, select the desired patient and click the OK button. 2. At the Appt Reason: prompt, enter the reason the appointment is being scheduled or press the Tab key to bypass the field. NOTE- Appt Reason: will display on various provider or reception reports when that field is completed. 3. At the Provider: prompt, enter the provider for who the patient wants to see or click the drop down menu to select from the list. Press the Tab key to bypass the field. NOTE- If the provider is set up only in one scheduling department, the Department: field will automatically default. 2013 Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine Information Resources and Technology Clinical Systems Department Centricity Business-Version 1 10/11/2013 13 SCHEDULING APPOINTMENTS USING A SCHEDULE/SUMMARY SEARCH CONTINUED 4. At the Department: prompt, enter the department the patient wishes to be scheduled or click the drop down menu to select from the list. When the Tab key is pressed, the cursor will move to the location field. NOTE- Departments scheduling first available appointments, will primarily use the department search to display all the available provider’s schedules within the department. 5. At the Appt Type: prompt, enter the appointment type or click the drop down menu to select from the list. Required Field 6. At the Duration: prompt, the system will automatically display the duration of the appointment type. 7. At the From Date: prompt, the system will automatically default the present day. Enter the desired appointment date or click the drop down menu to select a date. 8. At the Location: prompt, enter the location for the provider the patient is being scheduled to see or click the drop down menu to select from the list. Press the Tab key to bypass the field. 9. At the Search: prompt click the drop down menu and select Schedule. 10. Click the Next button. The system will display the Schedule Search screen with all the available appointments for the date scheduled. 2013 Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine Information Resources and Technology Clinical Systems Department Centricity Business-Version 1 10/11/2013 14 SCHEDULING APPOINTMENTS USING A SCHEDULE/SUMMARY SEARCH CONTINUED 11. Select a desired date and time and click the Next button to move to the Appointment Data Form screen. NOTE: The green triangles denote the available appointment slots according to the criteria you have selected on the scheduled appointment screen. 2013 Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine Information Resources and Technology Clinical Systems Department Centricity Business-Version 1 10/11/2013 15 SCHEDULING APPOINTMENTS USING A SCHEDULE/SUMMARY SEARCH CONTINUED 12. The system will branch to the Appointment Data Form screen (ADF). Please complete the necessary fields on the ADF screen or the user can follow the steps in the section Scheduling First Available Appointment. Reminder: Add a patient to the Wait List if the appointment is more than 15 days out. Follow the steps for adding a patient to wait list as shown in the New Appointment Confirmation Screen section. 2013 Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine Information Resources and Technology Clinical Systems Department Centricity Business-Version 1 10/11/2013 16 SCHEDULING APPOINTMENTS USING A DETAIL SEARCH A Detail Summary Search is very similar to scheduling appointments using the Summary Search. However, when an appointment is scheduled in detail, the system will display the time of the appointment, patient’s name, and scheduling comments. Scheduling comments will only display if the Scheduling Comment field is completed on the ADF (Appointment Data From) screen. 1. At the Patient: prompt, enter the patient’s name to schedule an appointment. NOTE-If the patient is in the system, the patient’s name, MRN, Date of Birth, Sex, Social Security Number, Address, City/St, zip and Telephone number will display on the MPI (Master Patient Index) screen. If the patient does not appear on the MPI, the user must register the patient. On the MPI screen, select the desired patient and click the OK button. 2. At the Appt Reason: prompt, enter the reason the appointment is being scheduled or press the Tab key to bypass the field. NOTE- Appt Reason: will display on various provider or reception reports when that field is completed. 2013 Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine Information Resources and Technology Clinical Systems Department Centricity Business-Version 1 10/11/2013 17 SCHEDULING APPOINTMENTS USING A DETAIL SEARCH CONTINUED 3. At the Provider: prompt, enter the provider for who the patient wants to see or click the drop down menu to select from the list. Press the Tab key to bypass the field. 4. At the Department: prompt, enter the department the patient wishes to be scheduled or click the drop down menu to select from the list. When the Tab key is pressed, the cursor will move to the location field. NOTE- Departments scheduling first available appointments, will primarily use the department search to display all the available provider’s schedules within the department. 5. At the Appt Type: prompt, enter the appointment type or click the drop down menu to select from the list. Required Field 6. At the Duration: prompt, the system will automatically display the duration of the appointment type. 7. At the From Date: prompt, the system will automatically default the present day. Enter the desired appointment date or click the drop down menu to select a date. 8. At the Location: prompt, enter the location for the provider the patient is being scheduled to see or click the drop down menu to select from the list. Press the Tab key to bypass the field. 9. At the Search: prompt click the drop down menu and select Detail. 10. Click the Next button. The system will display the Detail Search screen with all the available appointments for the date scheduled. 2013 Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine Information Resources and Technology Clinical Systems Department Centricity Business-Version 1 10/11/2013 18 SCHEDULING APPOINTMENTS USING A DETAIL SEARCH CONTINUED 11. Select a desired date and time and click the Next button to move to the Appointment Data Form screen. The system will branch to the Appointment Data Form screen (ADF). Please complete the necessary fields on the ADF screen or the user can follow the steps in Scheduling First Available appointment section. Reminder: Add a patient to the Wait List if the appointment is more than 15 days out. Review New Appointment Confirmation Screen section for adding a patient to the Wait List. 2013 Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine Information Resources and Technology Clinical Systems Department Centricity Business-Version 1 10/11/2013 19 SCHEDULING A RECURRING APPOINTMENT Recurring Appointments allows the user to schedule a series of appointments for the same provider, department, and appointment type. Recurring Appointments should be scheduled for a patient who needs to be seen on a regular basis (i.e. Daily, weekly, monthly, etc.) over an extended period of time. 1. At the Patient: prompt, enter the patient’s name for whom you that want to schedule an appointment. NOTE-If the patient is in the system, the patient’s name, MRN, Date of Birth, Sex, Social Security Number, Address, City/St, zip and Telephone number will display on the MPI (Master Patient Index) screen. If the patient does not appear on the MPI, the user must register the patient. On the MPI screen, select the desired patient and click the OK button. 2. At the Appt Reason: prompt, enter the reason the appointment is being scheduled or press the Tab key to bypass the field. NOTE- Appt Reason: will display on various provider or reception reports when that field is completed. 2013 Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine Information Resources and Technology Clinical Systems Department Centricity Business-Version 1 10/11/2013 20 SCHEDULING A RECURRING APPOINTMENT CONTINUED 3. At the Provider: prompt, enter the provider for who the patient wants to see or click the drop down menu to select from the list. Press the Tab key to bypass the field. 4. At the Department: prompt, enter the department the patient wishes to be scheduled or click the drop down menu to select from the list. When the Tab key is pressed, the cursor will move to the location field. NOTE- Departments scheduling first available appointments, will primarily use the department search to display all the available provider’s schedules within the department. 5. At the Appt Type: prompt, enter the appointment type or click the drop down menu to select from the list. Required Field 6. At the Duration: prompt, the system will automatically display the duration of the appointment type. 7. At the From Date: prompt, the system will automatically default the present day. Enter the desired appointment date or click the drop down menu to select a date. 8. At the Location: prompt, enter the location for the provider the patient is being scheduled to see or click the drop down menu to select from the list. Press the Tab key to bypass the field. 9. At the Search: prompt click the drop down menu and select Recurring. 10. Click the Next button. The system will display the Recurring Appointment screen with all the available appointments for the date scheduled. 2013 Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine Information Resources and Technology Clinical Systems Department Centricity Business-Version 1 10/11/2013 21 SCHEDULING A RECURRING APPOINTMENT CONTINUED 11. On the New Appointment – Recurring Appt Setting screen, select the Frequency the patient will be seen. NOTE- The Frequency is used to determine if the patient needs to be seen daily, weekly, or monthly. 12. At the Number of appts within a week: box, enter the number of times the patient will be seen within the week 13. On the New Appointment - Recurring Appt Setting screen, select the Dates the patient will need to be seen. Users can click the drop down menu to enter the dates. Note-the To and From dates will need to be changed accordingly. 14. At the Appointment Time: box, enter the time preference the patient would like to be seen. 15. At Days of the week: click on the day that works best for the patient. 16. Click the Next button to move to the New Appointment – Recurring Appt Search screen. 2013 Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine Information Resources and Technology Clinical Systems Department Centricity Business-Version 1 10/11/2013 22 SCHEDULING A RECURRING APPOINTMENT CONTINUED First date shown 17. Select a desired date and time and click the Add + button to add appointments. NOTE- Once an appointment has been added, the system will display the NEXT date and times of appointments according to the settings. 2nd date shown 2013 Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine Information Resources and Technology Clinical Systems Department Centricity Business-Version 1 10/11/2013 23 SCHEDULING A RECURRING APPOINTMENT CONTINUED 18. Continue to add the recurring appointments. When the end date of recurrence is met, the following will be displayed 19. Click OK 20. Once all the appointments have been added, click the Next button to move to the Appointment Data Form screen. The system will branch to the Appointment Data Form screen (ADF). Please complete the necessary fields on the ADF screen or the user can follow the steps in Scheduling First Available appointment section. 2013 Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine Information Resources and Technology Clinical Systems Department Centricity Business-Version 1 10/11/2013 24 SCHEDULING A REMINDER APPOINTMENT Reminder appointments are scheduled for departments or providers who do not have a master or daily schedules created. When the reminder appointment date approaches, the patient will receive a letter or call or text reminding the patient to call the office to schedule their appointment. A reminder is not an actual appointment merely a note in the system reminding a patient he or she needs to call for an appointment. 1. At the Patient: prompt, enter the patient’s name for whom you want to schedule an appointment. NOTE-If the patient is in the system, the patient’s name, MRN, Date of Birth, Sex, Social Security Number, Address, City/St, Zip and Telephone number will display on the MPI (Master Patient Index) screen. If the patient does not appear on the MPI, the user must register the patient. On the MPI screen, select the desired patient and click the OK button. 2. At the Appt Reason: prompt, enter the reason the appointment is being scheduled or press the Tab key to bypass the field. NOTE- Appt Reason: will display on various provider or reception reports when that field is completed. 3. At the Provider: prompt, enter the provider for who the patient wants to see or click the drop down menu to select from the list. Press the Tab key to bypass the field. 2013 Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine Information Resources and Technology Clinical Systems Department Centricity Business-Version 1 10/11/2013 25 SCHEDULING A REMINDER APPOINTMENT CONTINUED 4. At the Department: prompt, enter the department the patient wishes to be scheduled or click the drop down menu to select from the list. When the Tab key is pressed, the cursor will move to the location field. NOTE- Departments scheduling first available appointments, will primarily use the department search to display all the available provider’s schedules within the department. 5. At the Appt Type: prompt, enter the specific appointment type for Reminder Appointment or click the drop down menu to select from the list. There are specific appointment types for the type of Reminder appointment that is being scheduled and department protocols should be followed (i.e. immunization frequency, annual mammogram, or other specified protocol). Required Field 6. At the Duration: prompt, the system will automatically display the duration of the appointment type. 7. At the From Date: prompt, the system will automatically default the present day. Enter the desired appointment date or click the drop down menu to select a date. 8. At the Location: prompt, enter the location for the provider the patient is being scheduled to see or click the drop down menu to select from the list. Press the Tab key to bypass the field. 9. At the Search: prompt click the drop down menu and select Reminder. 10. Click the Next button. The system will display the Reminder Appointment screen with all the available appointments for the date scheduled. NOTE- When Reminder is selected at the Search: field, the system will display a dialog box “Other Preference Info: 11. At the Other Preference Info: dialog box, enter a free-text message about the patient’s appointment preferences (preferred time and day) and click the OK button. Users do not have to enter Other Preference Info. Click the OK button to remove the dialog box. Click the Next button to move to the Appointment Data Form screen. Please complete the necessary fields on the ADF screen or the user can follow the steps in Scheduling First Available appointment section. 2013 Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine Information Resources and Technology Clinical Systems Department Centricity Business-Version 1 10/11/2013 26 SCHEDULING A REMINDER APPOINTMENT CONTINUED NOTE- Once the ADF screen is completed and saved, the system will display a message “Do you wish to file this appointment reminder”. 12. Click Yes. NOTE- The system will return to the Schedule Appointment screen. Reminder appointment in Appointment List Refer to the Reminder List (Horizontal toolbar) for rescheduling appointments based on REM appts. This is the only function that will allow patients to be removed from the Reminder List. The appointment criteria (Provider, Appt Type, etc.) and the information entered on the ADF will waterfall, saving users a couple of steps. 2013 Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine Information Resources and Technology Clinical Systems Department Centricity Business-Version 1 10/11/2013 27 SCHEDULING FROM A REMINDER APPOINTMENT The Reminder List will allow the user to view or schedule appointments for patients who have reminder appointments scheduled. The reminder list should be utilized when scheduling patients who received reminder phone calls/letters. When the patient calls to schedule an annual appointment, the staff should review the patient’s appointment list to see if there is a Reminder Appointment that was previously entered. If so, the staff should then cancel/reschedule the appointment to remove them from the Reminder List. Note the Reminder Appointment on the Patient’s Appointment List Review Patient Appointment List and if Reminder is listed, highlight the appointment and go to the Appt Actions Button and click Cancel/Reschedule: NOTE-The system will automatically default the Cancel/Reschedule 2013 Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine Information Resources and Technology Clinical Systems Department Centricity Business-Version 1 10/11/2013 28 SCHEDULING FROM A REMINDER APPOINTMENT CONTINUED 1. At the Cancellation Reason: prompt, click the drop down menu to select “REMINDER APPT” from the list. 2. At the Cancellation Comment: prompt, enter a free text comment in regards to cancellation reason or press the Tab key to bypass. 3. At the Reschedule Box, leave the defaulted check to continue to schedule an appointment off the Reminder List and click Next button NOTE-The system will automatically default to the New Appointment Screen and notice that the appointment criteria will waterfall based on the information entered at the time the initial Reminder Appointment was scheduled. 2013 Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine Information Resources and Technology Clinical Systems Department Centricity Business-Version 1 10/11/2013 29 SCHEDULING FROM A REMINDER APPOINTMENT CONTINUED 4. Confirm the appointment criteria (i.e. Provider, Department, Appt Type) still apply and continue with the necessary steps to schedule the appointment. (See Scheduling appointment and ADF section in the manual). The Action buttons at the bottom of the Reminder List screen will allow the user to do various actions to the Reminder appointment. Cancel/Rsc This will allow the user to cancel or reschedule the appointment on the reminder list. This is the action to schedule a patient from the Reminder List. Notes This will allow the user to enter notes about a reminder appointment. Users can enter correspondence with the patient regarding the Reminder Appointment. Patient Appts This will allow the user to view all the appointments scheduled for the patient. In a separate window, the patient appointment list will be shown. Actions This will allow the user view or update the Appointment Detail, Appointment Data Form, and Reminder List Setting screens. 2013 Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine Information Resources and Technology Clinical Systems Department Centricity Business-Version 1 10/11/2013 30 SCHEDULING AN APPOINTMENT THAT REQUIRES REFERRAL There are some insurance companies that require referrals in order for a patient to be seen in a specialty office. If scheduling an appointment in a specialty office, the following screen will automatically generate and the screen may also generate based on the insurance plan that the patient is registered. This screen generates automatically based on the type of practice and/or the FSC; depending upon the FSC and/or department this screen may be required. There are 2 options to choose from at this form to continue the appointment scheduling: Option 1: If the patient requires a referral and the information is available when scheduling an appointment the following steps should be followed. Enter the Referral by click on the ellipses button and Add the Referral. See the section for Adding a Referral. Option 2: If the patient does not have the referral available at the time of scheduling or the patient does not need a referral, click on the missing referral type drop down and select the appropriate option (patient bringing, pending auth, no referral needed, etc.). Be sure to remove the missing referral type when the referral is available and add when the patient is checking in. 2013 Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine Information Resources and Technology Clinical Systems Department Centricity Business-Version 1 10/11/2013 31 LINKING APPOINTMENTS Linking appointments lets the user link together appointments that are filed independently or link two other primary appointments when scheduling a primary appointment. The linked appointment feature will allow you to link three appointments for the same patient or for three different patients. 1. At the Patient: prompt, enter the patient’s name for whom you want to schedule an appointment. NOTE-If the patient is in the system, the patient’s name, MRN, Date of Birth, Sex, Social Security Number, Address, City/St, zip and Telephone number will display on the MPI (Master Patient Index) screen. If the patient does not appear on the MPI, the user must register the patient. 2. On the MPI screen, select the desired patient and click the OK button. 3. At the Appt Reason: prompt, enter the reason the appointment is being scheduled or press the Tab key to bypass the field. 2013 Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine Information Resources and Technology Clinical Systems Department Centricity Business-Version 1 10/11/2013 32 LINKING APPOINTMENTS CONTINUED NOTE- Appt Reason: will display on various provider or reception reports when that field is completed. 4. At the Provider: prompt, enter the provider for who the patient wants to see or click the drop down menu to select from the list. Press the Tab key to bypass the field. 5. At the Department: prompt, enter the department the patient wishes to be scheduled or click the drop down menu to select from the list. When the Tab key is pressed, the cursor will move to the location field. NOTE- Departments scheduling first available appointments, will primarily use the department search to display all the available provider’s schedules within the department. 6. At the Team: prompt, enter the provider’s team name or click the drop down menu to select from the list. Press the Tab key to bypass the field. 7. At the Appt Type: prompt, enter the appointment type or click the drop down menu to select from the list. Required Field 8. At the Duration: prompt, the system will automatically display the duration of the appointment type. 9. At the From Date: prompt, the system will automatically default the present day. Enter the desired appointment date or click the drop down menu to select a date. 10. At the Location: prompt, enter the location for the provider the patient is being scheduled to see or click the drop down menu to select from the list. Press the Tab key to bypass the field. 11. At the Search: prompt click the drop down menu and select Schedule. NOTE- The system will also allow you to schedule Linked appointments using the First Available search option. 2013 Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine Information Resources and Technology Clinical Systems Department Centricity Business-Version 1 10/11/2013 33 LINKING APPOINTMENTS CONTINUED 12. Once the criteria are completed on the New Appointment screen, click the Links button located at the bottom left of the screen. 13. Click Add Link and the system will return to the schedule New appointment screen. NOTE- When the next patient is entered, the system will branch to the Patient Selection screen. Select the desired patient from the Patient Selection screen and click OK. 2013 Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine Information Resources and Technology Clinical Systems Department Centricity Business-Version 1 10/11/2013 34 LINKING APPOINTMENTS CONTINUED Change to the second patient if needed 14. At the Patient: prompt, enter the second patient’s name for whom you want to schedule an appointment. 15. Repeat the above steps 3-12 to enter the criteria to schedule an appointment 16. Click the Links button located at the bottom left of the screen. 17. Click Add Link Notice the Links are adding to the list: 2013 Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine Information Resources and Technology Clinical Systems Department Centricity Business-Version 1 10/11/2013 35 LINKING APPOINTMENTS CONTINUED 18. Repeat if a third patient is added. 19. When the third patient is entered into the New Appointment Search Fields, click Next. 20. The New Appointment Schedule Screen will display the provider schedule with the patient names above. 2013 Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine Information Resources and Technology Clinical Systems Department Centricity Business-Version 1 10/11/2013 36 LINKING APPOINTMENTS CONTINUED 21. Select the scheduled time for each patient and click the Next button to move to the ADF screen. To complete the ADF screen, please complete the necessary fields on the ADF screen or the user can follow the steps in Scheduling First Available appointment section. NOTE- The ADF screen must be completed for all patients linked/scheduled NOTE-Cancelling or rescheduling linked appointments affects the other appointments with which it was linked. 2013 Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine Information Resources and Technology Clinical Systems Department Centricity Business-Version 1 10/11/2013 37 SCHEDULING ACTIONS The Actions Button on the New Appointment screen provides access to additional activities associate with scheduling appointments. Actions Button When the Actions button is clicked, the system will display the actions box. Users can select Clear, Default Settings, Patient Information Form, and Eligibility List. 2013 Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine Information Resources and Technology Clinical Systems Department Centricity Business-Version 1 10/11/2013 38 SCHEDULING ACTIONS CONTINUED Clear If appointment scheduling information was entered in the New Appointment Screen, this action clears the appointment information. However, the patient’s name will remain. For example, if the Provider name was entered incorrectly, click clear from the Actions button will remove that information. Default Settings This action allows you to set a provider, department, or location, or any combination of the three as your default appointment search options. These settings default into those fields when you access the New Appointment screen. 2013 Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine Information Resources and Technology Clinical Systems Department Centricity Business-Version 1 10/11/2013 39 SCHEDULING ACTIONS CONTINUED Notice if a Search Type and Provider were entered at the default Settings: The defaults will be displayed on the New Appointment Screen: 2013 Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine Information Resources and Technology Clinical Systems Department Centricity Business-Version 1 10/11/2013 40 SCHEDULING ACTIONS CONTINUED Patient Information Form The Patient Information Form will allow you to view the Appointment Status Summary for the patient entered on the New Appointment screen. Eligibility List The Eligibility List Actions is not utilized at this time (Future Enhancement). 2013 Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine Information Resources and Technology Clinical Systems Department Centricity Business-Version 1 10/11/2013 41 APPOINTMENT ACTIONS The Appointment Actions button on the New Appointment screen provides access to additional activities associated with the appointments on the Patient Appointment List displayed at the bottom of the New Appointment screen. Appointment Actions Button 2013 Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine Information Resources and Technology Clinical Systems Department Centricity Business-Version 1 10/11/2013 42 APPOINTMENT ACTIONS CONTINUED Arrive This action allows the user to arrive the highlighted appointment on the Patient’s Appointment List. Arriving appointments should be done through the Appointment Manager. Cancel/Reschedule This action will allow the user to cancel or reschedule appointments from the Patient’s Appointment List. This is the function to cancel a patient’s appointment prior to the office visit. If a patient calls in prior to the schedule appointment (ex: day before, week before, etc.), use the Appointment Action Button and go to Cancel/Reschedule to cancel the appointment. See Cancelling and Rescheduling an Appointment for Cancellation reasons, comments, etc. Additionally, this function should also be used for scheduling from Reminder Appointments. Please see Scheduling from a Reminder Appointment section for details. Noshow This action will allow the user to change the status to a highlighted appointment on the Patient’s Appointment List to No Show. Appointment Detail This action will display the Appointment Detail screen. The Appointment Detail screen allows user to view any changes and date the appointment was made. It provides more detailed information on the patient appointment. 2013 Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine Information Resources and Technology Clinical Systems Department Centricity Business-Version 1 10/11/2013 43 APPOINTMENT ACTIONS CONTINUED Appointment Data Form This action allows the user to make changes to the ADF screen for appointments that were scheduled and filed. This is the function in which the departments can add notes about patients at the Billing Comments Level (examples: pt didn’t pay copay, informed pt self-pay, etc.). Appointment Overview This action will give the user an overview of the patient’s registration and copay. Users can also Arrive, Check In, Check Out, Time Stamp, and access other Actions from this screen. Checking patients In and Out should be done through the Appointment Manager, not via the Appointment Overview. 2013 Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine Information Resources and Technology Clinical Systems Department Centricity Business-Version 1 10/11/2013 44 APPOINTMENT ACTIONS CONTINUED Visit Overview This action will allow the user to view linked visits. Patient Tracking History This action allows the user to view or track the patient’s room information if they have been admitted. Not currently used at RowanSOM. Change Provider Not applicable at RowanSOM. Link Appointment This action will allow the user to link other appointments to existing scheduled appointment. Link/Unlink Invoices This action will allow the user to link or unlink an invoice from a scheduled appointment. Move Individual Appointments Not applicable at RowanSOM. 2013 Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine Information Resources and Technology Clinical Systems Department Centricity Business-Version 1 10/11/2013 45 APPOINTMENT ACTIONS CONTINUED Print Forms This action will allow the user to print Encounter Forms, Form Letters, Follow-up Slips, and Arrived Labels. Print Grid This action will allow users to print to another printer. 2013 Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine Information Resources and Technology Clinical Systems Department Centricity Business-Version 1 10/11/2013 46 APPOINTMENT ACTIONS CONTINUED View Legend This action displays the list of abbreviations that are attached in the Patient’s Appointment List. Follow Up Appointment This action will allow the user to schedule a follow up appointment from an appointment that is highlighted within the Patient’s Appointment List. This functions to bring in all the previous appointment’s information (appt reason, provider, appt type, etc.). Click on the specific appointment and go to Follow Up Appointment: Appointment information is carried over 2013 Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine Information Resources and Technology Clinical Systems Department Centricity Business-Version 1 10/11/2013 47 APPOINTMENT ACTIONS CONTINUED Rescheduled Bumped Appointments This action will allow the user to reschedule appointments that were placed on the bump list. Highlight the bumped appoint and click on Reschedule Bumped Appointments. Default Appointment Information This action will default the appointment information from a scheduled appointment listed on the Patient’s Appointment List 2013 Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine Information Resources and Technology Clinical Systems Department Centricity Business-Version 1 10/11/2013 48 Notes 2013 Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine Information Resources and Technology Clinical Systems Department Centricity Business-Version 1 10/11/2013 49 Notes 2013 Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine Information Resources and Technology Clinical Systems Department Centricity Business-Version 1 10/11/2013 50 Notes 2013 Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine Information Resources and Technology Clinical Systems Department Centricity Business-Version 1 10/11/2013 Section 5-Patient Check-In Process Section Objectives: Create Appointment Manager and work daily schedule Arrive, Cancel/Reschedule, No Show appointments Schedule patients on Wait List Edit patient registration Add referrals Link Referral to appointment Post Payments (copays) Charge entry for services rendered Enter No Fault, Workers’ Comp, self-pay discount, NDC information into invoice 2 Patient Check In Scenario A patient enters the clinic for a previously scheduled appointment. The Appointment Manager should be open on Centricity Business and the patient can be arrived. If there is a wait time that exceeds the patient’s approval, reschedule the appointment according to the policy. If check in can proceed, you need to verify the patient’s demographic and insurance information, enter the referral (as needed), collect copays/past due balances, and print a receipt. Furthermore, the patient must also sign the facesheet to verify that their demographic and insurance information is correct. Lastly, the HIPAA acknowledgement and other authorizations must be completed. 2013 Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine Information Resources and Technology Clinical Systems Department Centricity Business-Version 1 10/11/2013 3 APPOINTMENT MANAGER Appointment Manager provides easy access appointment information for the department, provider, and patient. Appointment Manager is a working list of appointments for a particular day. It is primarily used for a listing of patients who scheduled for a specific day. Schedulers can use this feature to Arrive, check in, check out, etc. 2013 Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine Information Resources and Technology Clinical Systems Department Centricity Business-Version 1 10/11/2013 4 APPOINTMENT SETTINGS To assist in filtering the appointments displayed on the Appointment Manager screen, Appointment Settings allows you to establish how users are viewing appointments in Appointment Manager. In addition to saving time for the user seeking appointment information, the ability to establish multiple settings for each user helps the user who works with appointments in multiple departments or for multiple physicians. Once established, the user can switch between appointment settings at the Setting Name dropdown box on the Appointment Manager screen. 1. On the Appointment Settings screen, click the New button at bottom left corner of the screen. 2013 Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine Information Resources and Technology Clinical Systems Department Centricity Business-Version 1 10/11/2013 5 APPOINTMENT SETTINGS 1. At Name: enter a name for your appointment setting. Ex: Family Medicine, Neurology, etc. 3. At Default Setting: click the box if you want to have a default setting. 4. At Date: leave the default Today. NOTE- Users can click the circle next to Today. This will allow you to set the Appointment Manager for days in the past or future. 5. At Sort By: click the drop down menu and select Time, Department, Location, Patient, or Provider. NOTE- The Sort By: box will always default time. 6. At Appointment times, users can set the Appointments times to range from hours in the past to hours in the future. NOTE- If you leave these fields blank, the system will automatically search from 12:00am to 11:59pm for the date specified. 7. If you would like the Appointment Manager to be refreshed, click the Automatically refresh list every box and enter the minutes the Appointment Manager should be refreshed. NOTE- Appointment Manager Screen Automatically refresh list should be set for no less the 7 minutes. There is “refresh” button on the Appointment Manager screen which allows users to easily manually refresh the list. 2013 Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine Information Resources and Technology Clinical Systems Department Centricity Business-Version 1 10/11/2013 6 APPOINTMENT SETTINGS CONTINUED 8. The Display wait time alert is not utilized. 9. At the Selection Criteria, the system will default Dept/Prov. NOTE- Users can set the Selection Criteria to Location. 10. At Department: enter the department or click the drop down menu to select from the list. Click the Include button once the department has been established. NOTE- Additional departments can be included. Repeat step 10 to include another department. 11. At Provider: enter the provider or click the drop down menu to select from the list. Click the Include button once the provider has been established. NOTE- Additional provides can be included. Repeat step 11 to include another department. 12. Click the OK button to save the Appointment Settings. NOTE- Once the OK button is selected, the system will display the Appointment Manager screen and the appointments for the dates specified. 2013 Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine Information Resources and Technology Clinical Systems Department Centricity Business-Version 1 10/11/2013 7 APPOINTMENT MANAGER ACTIONS Appointment Manager will display appointments scheduled for the specific date the Appointment Manager was created. On the Appointment Manager screen, users can access detailed information in regards to the patient’s appointment. A patient’s appointments can be worked by clicking any of the buttons located at the bottom of the screen. Appointment Manager Action Buttons Appt Overview Gives an overview of the patient’s registration, appointments scheduled, copay amount, and referrals. The system will also allow users to view registration, appointment scheduled, insurance and statement balances in detail. Arrive Will change a Pending status to Arrived (Arriving patients must be done during the check in process). 2013 Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine Information Resources and Technology Clinical Systems Department Centricity Business-Version 1 10/11/2013 8 APPOINTMENT MANAGER ACTIONS CONTINUED Check In This will allow the user to update/verify patient’s registration, insurance, referrals, and the ADF screen. Check Out This will allow the user to enter the charge, payment of co-pay. This button should also be used at the patient check in when posting a copay to the account. Time Stamp This will allow the user to time stamp the when the patient arrives and/or checks out. The arrival time stamp automatically generates when the patient is “Arrived” via the Appointment manager. The user will need to time stamp “Out” when the patient leaves the facility. Actions Please see Scheduling Action Appointment Actions for detailed information. 2013 Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine Information Resources and Technology Clinical Systems Department Centricity Business-Version 1 10/11/2013 9 ARRIVING PATIENT APPOINTMENTS 1. On the Appointment Manager screen, click the Check In button at bottom of the screen. NOTE- The Check In button will allow the user update/verify the patient’s registration, insurance, referrals, and the ADF screen. It’s very important the patient’s information is verified and updated. 2. Update/Verify the patient’s information and click to OK button when all the screens have been updated or verified. NOTE- When all the screens have been updated or verified; the system will automatically change the Pending status to Arrived. 3. The Appointment Data Form will also appear (now called Edit Appointment). This would be the location to update the billing comments should the patient have any financial updates. This will also be the location where the Pre-Reg department notated if the patient is paying a balance. NOTE-If there was a change to the FSC during the check in process also make sure the FSC is changed on the ADF screen and enter new referrals if needed. 2013 Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine Information Resources and Technology Clinical Systems Department Centricity Business-Version 1 10/11/2013 10 CANCELLING AND RESCHEDULING PATIENT APPOINTMENTS 1. On the Appointment Manager screen, click the Actions button at bottom of the screen and select Cancel/Reschedule 2013 Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine Information Resources and Technology Clinical Systems Department Centricity Business-Version 1 10/11/2013 11 CANCELLING AND RESCHEDULING PATIENT APPOINTMENTS CONTINUED Uncheck box if patient wants to cancel not reschedule 2. At the Cancellation Reason: enter the reason why the appointment is being canceled or click the drop down menu to select from the list. Required Field NOTE-See Chart 5 for cancellation reasons, codes, and descriptions below. 3. At the Cancellation Comment: enter a free text comment in regards to cancellation reason or press the Tab key to bypass. 4. At the Reschedule box, a check will default to reschedule the patient’s appointment. Click Next to cancel or reschedule the appointment NOTE- If the patient does not want to reschedule, click the box to remove the check mark. If the patient’s wants to reschedule, the system will default on the appointment information from the original appointment. Click Next to reschedule the appointment. In the event that patient cancels an appointment and there are patients on the wait list, you may receive the following notification: 2013 Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine Information Resources and Technology Clinical Systems Department Centricity Business-Version 1 10/11/2013 12 CANCELLING AND RESCHEDULING PATIENT APPOINTMENTS CONTINUED 5. Click OK and follow the steps to work the Wait List in Working the Wait List section. 2013 Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine Information Resources and Technology Clinical Systems Department Centricity Business-Version 1 10/11/2013 13 CANCELLING AND RESCHEDULING PATIENT APPOINTMENTS CONTINUED Chart 5-Cancellation Reasons and Descriptions Cancellation Reason Cancellation Comment Description Admitted to Hospital/ER Patient admitted and cannot make appointment. Appt made in Error Made in Error. Wait Time-CAN CAWT Child care Issues Provider Request Patient presented to clinic for visit but left the office due to wait time. Patient unable to make appointment due to no child care. Reason required Provider specifically requested; patient does not have all requirements for appointment (ex: labs, X-ray, CT scan, etc.). Long Waiting Time Long wait time to get an initial appointment and patient was able to get an appointment at another office. No Longer Sick Patient no longer requires appointment and recovered from illness. No Referral Patient did not present with referral and will not be seen. Patient Request Reason Required Reminder Appt Wait Time-RSC Patient requests to cancel (notate reason why the patient requested the appointment to be cancelled in the comment field). Used for scheduling patients off the Reminder List. REWT Patient presented to clinic for visit but left the office due to wait time but rescheduled the appointment. Transportation Unable to make appointment due to transportation issues. Weather Patient cannot attend due to Inclement weather. 2013 Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine Information Resources and Technology Clinical Systems Department Centricity Business-Version 1 10/11/2013 14 NO SHOWING APPOINTMENTS Status changes to NOS 1. On the Appointment Manager screen, click the Actions button at bottom of the screen and select Noshow. NOTE- When Noshow is selected from the Actions menu, the system will automatically change the patient’s appointment to the Noshow status. Make sure to review policy “End of Day” for the operational procedures related to No Shows. 2013 Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine Information Resources and Technology Clinical Systems Department Centricity Business-Version 1 10/11/2013 15 EDITING A REGISTRATION From the New Appointment screen, users can edit a patient’s registration (demographics and FSC information). As part of their workflow, users should always verify the patient’s name, date of birth, social security number, street address, phone number and insurance. Due to the interfaces, we want to make sure that the data is entered correctly. This will also avoid duplicating patient registrations. Reg Button to Edit Registration 1. At the Patient: prompt, enter the patient’s name and press the Tab key. NOTE- The patient or a list of patients will display on the Patient Selection screen 2. Select the desired patient and click OK. NOTE- The system will branch back to the New Appointment screen. 3. Next to the Patient: prompt, click the Reg button. NOTE- When the Reg button is clicked, the system will display a pop-up window “Registration Edit”. 2013 Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine Information Resources and Technology Clinical Systems Department Centricity Business-Version 1 10/11/2013 16 EDITING A REGISTRATION CONTINUED 4. At the Selection: prompt type 3 to edit both the demographics and FSC. Click OK NOTE- If 1) Reg only: is selected, the system will branch to page 1 of the Registration screen. Complete or update the necessary fields and click OK to return to the New Appointment screen. 2013 Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine Information Resources and Technology Clinical Systems Department Centricity Business-Version 1 10/11/2013 17 MANAGE INSURANCE INFORMATION SCREEN ACTION CODES Use the FSC actions codes to edit insurance information as needed. A Add- Allows the user to add a FSC E Edit- Allows the user to edit information about a FSC T View Audit Trail- Allows the user to view if any changes occurred within the patient’s insurance B Determinator- Future enhancement H Change Order- Allows the user to change the order of a FSC V View- Allows the user to view the FSC follow up questions C Copy- Allows the user to copy an existing FSC. Not use at RowanSOM I Insert- Allows the user to insert a FSC S Show/Clr Deleted- Allows users to view FSC’s that have been deleted 2013 Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine Information Resources and Technology Clinical Systems Department Centricity Business-Version 1 10/11/2013 18 ADD/EDIT A REFERRAL (EXTERNAL/INCOMING) Patients that are enrolled in an HMO require referrals for any specialty office visits. This type of referral should be entered for patients being referred from another office outside of RowanSOM to an office within SOM. It is the specialist’s office responsibility to ensure the referral is entered into CB/IDX. 1. On the Vertical Toolbar, click the Add/Edit Referral link. The system will branch to the Add/Edit Referral screen. NOTE-This screen also appears at the check in process via the Appointment Manager. 2. At the Member: prompt, enter the patient’s name and press the Tab key. NOTE- The system will branch to the Patient Selection screen. 3. Select the desired patient and click OK. NOTE- the system will branch back to the Add/Edit Referral screen. 4. At the FSC: prompt, the FSC will default from when the patient is selected. 5. At the Referral: prompt, type a <G> to generate a new referral. A number will be generated by the system. 2013 Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine Information Resources and Technology Clinical Systems Department Centricity Business-Version 1 10/11/2013 19 ADD/EDIT A REFERRAL (EXTERNAL/INCOMING) CONTINUED 6. At the Date Ordered: prompt, type the date the referral was ordered or click the drop down menu to select a date. 7. At the Internal Prov: prompt, enter EP for External Provider. 8. At the External Prov: prompt, enter the provider’s name if the patient is being referred from outside the network or click the drop down menu to select a provider. NOTE- If the External Provider is not located; the user can enter the provider’s name at the Free Text Prov: field. The user will have to click on the field to enter the free text Provider’s name. 9. At the Internal/External: prompt, enter External or click the drop down menu and select from the list and press Tab. Required Field 10. At the Incoming/Outgoing: prompt, enter Incoming. 11. At the External Ref #: prompt, enter the insurance referral number given by the insurance company via telephone or electronic tool or press the Tab key. 12. At the Description: prompt, enter a reason for the referral (i.e. Shortness of breath, hypertension, etc.) visit. Required field. 13. At the Referral Type: prompt, enter a referral type or click the drop down menu to select from the list. NOTE- Once the Referral Type is selected; the system will branch to another screen. The system will display a message “Coverage categories linked to this referral type:” 2013 Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine Information Resources and Technology Clinical Systems Department Centricity Business-Version 1 10/11/2013 20 ADD/EDIT A REFERRAL (EXTERNAL/INCOMING) CONTINUED 14. At the Provider: prompt, enter the provider the patient is being referred to or click the drop down menu to select from the list. Required field NOTE- The Provider: field will display when the referral is entered anything other than External/Outgoing. 15. At the Location: prompt, press the Tab key to Continue. 16. At the Valid from Date: prompt, enter the date the referral became valid or click the drop down menu to select a date. 17. At the Valid through Date: prompt, enter the date the referral will no longer be valid. 18. At the Max Number of Treatments: prompt, enter the maximum amount of treatments the patient can be seen on that specific referral. 19. At the First Treatment Date: prompt, enter the date of the first treatment or click the drop down menu to select a date if known. 20. Click OK to branch back to Add/Edit Referral screen. 2013 Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine Information Resources and Technology Clinical Systems Department Centricity Business-Version 1 10/11/2013 21 ADD/EDIT A REFERRAL (EXTERNAL/INCOMING) CONTINUED 21. At the Status: prompt, the system will automatically default “APPROVED”. Press the Tab key to continue. 22. At the Diagnosis: prompt, enter the Diagnosis Code or click the drop down menu for a list. Press the Tab key to continue. 23. At the Referral Reason: prompt, enter the referral reason or click the drop down menu to select from the list. Press the Tab key to continue. 24. At the Free Text Reason: prompt, enter a free text if necessary and press the Tab key. NOTE- The system will allow you to enter a second free text reason. 25. At the Contact Name: prompt, enter the contact name from the insurance company or press the Tab key to bypass the field. This information is helpful when following up for billing and/or referral extensions. 26. At the Phone: prompt, enter the contact person phone number from the insurance company or press the Tab key. NOTE- Once the Tab key is pressed at the Phone: field, the cursor will return to the Member: field. 27. Click OK on the Add/Edit Referral screen to save the referral. 2013 Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine Information Resources and Technology Clinical Systems Department Centricity Business-Version 1 10/11/2013 22 ADD/EDIT A REFERRAL (INTERNAL) Patients that are enrolled in an HMO require referrals for any specialty office visits. This type of referral should be entered for patients being referred from RowanSOM to a specialty office within SOM. It is the specialist’s office responsibility to ensure the referral is entered into CB/IDX. 1. On the Vertical Toolbar, click the Add/Edit Referral link. This page also is part of the check in process via the Appointment Manager. NOTE- The system will branch to the Add/Edit Referral screen as seen above. 2. At the Member: prompt, enter the patient’s name and press the Tab key. NOTE- The system will branch to the Patient Selection screen. 3. Select the desired patient and click OK. NOTE- the system will branch back to the Add/Edit Referral screen. 4. At the FSC: prompt, the FSC will default from when the patient is selected. 5. At the Referral: prompt, type a <G> to generate a new referral. The system will automatically generate a referral number. 6. At the Date Ordered: prompt, type the date the referral was ordered or click the drop down menu to select a date. 2013 Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine Information Resources and Technology Clinical Systems Department Centricity Business-Version 1 10/11/2013 23 ADD/EDIT A REFERRAL (INTERNAL) CONTINUED 7. At the Internal Prov: prompt, enter the provider’s name if the patient is being referred within the SOM network or click the drop down menu to select a provider. Users can press the Tab key to bypass the field. NOTE- When entering an internal referral, the cursor will move to the Internal/External field when the Internal Prov: field is completed. 8. At the Internal/External: prompt, enter Internal or click the drop down menu and select from the list and press Tab. Required Field NOTE- The cursor will automatically bypass the Incoming/Outgoing: field. 9. At the External Ref #: prompt, enter the insurance referral number or press the Tab key (this number is from the insurance company). 28. At the Description: prompt, enter a reason for the referral (i.e. Shortness of breath, hypertension, etc.) visit. Required field. 10. At the Referral Type: prompt, enter a referral type or click the drop down menu to select from the list. NOTE- Once the Referral Type is selected; the system will branch to another screen. The system will display a message “Coverage categories linked to this referral type:” 2013 Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine Information Resources and Technology Clinical Systems Department Centricity Business-Version 1 10/11/2013 24 ADD/EDIT A REFERRAL (INTERNAL) CONTINUED 11. At the Provider: prompt, enter the provider the patient is being referred to or click the drop down menu to select from the list. Required field NOTE- Then Provider: field will display when the referral is entered anything other than External/Outgoing. 12. At the Location: prompt, press the Tab key to continue. 13. At the Valid from Date: prompt, enter the date the referral became valid or click the drop down menu to select a date. 14. At the Valid through Date: prompt, enter the date the referral will no longer be valid. 15. At the Max Number of Treatments: prompt, enter the maximum amount of treatments the patient can be seen on that specific referral. 16. At the First Treatment Date: prompt, enter the date of the first treatment or click the drop down menu to select a date if known. 17. Click OK to branch back to Add/Edit Referral screen. 2013 Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine Information Resources and Technology Clinical Systems Department Centricity Business-Version 1 10/11/2013 25 ADD/EDIT A REFERRAL (INTERNAL) CONTINUED 18. At the Status: prompt, the system will automatically default “APPROVED”. Press the Tab key to continue. 19. At the Diagnosis: prompt, enter the Diagnosis Code or click the drop down menu for a list. Press the Tab key to continue. 20. At the Referral Reason: prompt, enter the referral reason or click the drop down menu to select from the list. Press the Tab key to continue. 21. At the Free Text Reason: prompt, enter a free text if necessary and press the Tab key. NOTE- The system will allow you to enter a second free text reason. 22. At the Contact Name: prompt, enter the contact name from the insurance company or press the Tab key to bypass the field. 23. At the Phone: prompt, enter the contact person phone number from the insurance company or press the Tab key. NOTE- Once the Tab key is pressed at the Phone: field, the cursor will return to the Member: field. 24. Click OK on the Add/Edit Referral screen to save the referral. 2013 Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine Information Resources and Technology Clinical Systems Department Centricity Business-Version 1 10/11/2013 26 EDITING A REFERRAL If a referral needs to be edited, users have the opportunity to edit the referral and make the correct changes. 1. At the Member: prompt, enter the patient’s name whose referral needs to be edited and press the Tab key. NOTE- The FSC: prompt will default when the patient is selected. 2. At the Referral: prompt, click the drop down menu. It will automatically pull up the Referral List for the patient as seen below. 2013 Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine Information Resources and Technology Clinical Systems Department Centricity Business-Version 1 10/11/2013 27 EDITING A REFERRAL CONTINUED 3. Highlight the appropriate referral to be edited and click OK. The Add/Edit Referral page will populate. 4. Complete or update the necessary fields and click OK to save the changes. NOTE- A message will display “…Referral ##### filed”. Edits that are required on the Referral type screen must follow the same steps listed above. Once the patient name and referral are displayed on the screen, the user will click the action button to display actions codes. The user will select action code RReferral Type. Complete or update the necessary fields and click OK to save the changes NOTE- A message will display “…Referral ##### filed”. 2013 Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine Information Resources and Technology Clinical Systems Department Centricity Business-Version 1 10/11/2013 28 GENERATING A BATCH In order for users to enter copays, payments, and charges, a batch must be created. This is one of the first tasks users complete when beginning their day (see Creating a Batch Section). Users will then access the Appointment Manager screen in order to enter copays, payments, and charges. From the Appointment Manager screen, the user will click on the Check Out button located at the bottom of the screen and if a batch is not already created, the below steps can be followed to create a batch through Appointment Manager (if not done at the start of office hours). Note: All payments (copays) will be entered into 1 batch regardless of payment type (cash, check, or credit card). Another batch will also be created for charges. There will be at least two batches to open daily per location: 1. Payment batch (copays) Charge Entry batch (charges from services rendered) To create batch, go to the first patient checking in and follow the process for arriving patients. 2. To post the copay, go to the Check Out button and create batch. 2013 Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine Information Resources and Technology Clinical Systems Department Centricity Business-Version 1 10/11/2013 29 GENERATING A BATCH CONTINUED 3. The Cash Drawer screen will automatically appear. 4. At the Batch: prompt, type G to generate a batch or click the drop down menu if a batch has already been generated. NOTE- When a batch is generated, the system will automatically assign a batch number. Write down the batch numbers in case a batch should crash. 5. At the Description: prompt, enter the batch description and press the tab key. NOTE- The description should be entered as follows Batch Type/Billing Area Mnemonic/User Initials/Bank Deposit Date Example: FD/CE/SOFS/LXL/08072013 6. At the Bank Deposit Date: enter the bank deposit date or click the drop down menu to select a date. 2013 Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine Information Resources and Technology Clinical Systems Department Centricity Business-Version 1 10/11/2013 30 GENERATING A BATCH CONTINUED 7. Click the OK button to move to the Check In/ Check out screen to post copays or enter charges. 2013 Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine Information Resources and Technology Clinical Systems Department Centricity Business-Version 1 10/11/2013 31 POSTING A COPAY Patients who have copays must be collected and posted at the time of service. In order to post co-pays at time of service, a patient must first be arrived (checked in). To post a copay, a batch must first be generated and then copays can be posted to patients’ accounts. At the Appointment manager, check in the patient (see Arriving patients in manual). Appointment status will appear as ARR. 1. To post copay, highlight the patient on the appointment list and go to the Check Out Button on the Appointment Manager. 2. Generate batch or select batch if one is already open (See Generate a Batch Section). Select Batch if one was already created by click on the drop down button. 2013 Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine Information Resources and Technology Clinical Systems Department Centricity Business-Version 1 10/11/2013 32 POSTING A COPAY CONTINUED 3. Once the batch is selected, the system will automatically bring up the Check In/Check Out form to enter copays and create invoice. NOTE: the patient name defaults in the screen 4. Click the Tab key and the system will go to the Invoice field with a corresponding G (generate an invoice for appointment). Press the Tab key. 5. At the Provider prompt, enter the provider who the patient is seeing (if a non-billable provider, enter the attending). NOTE-If the Provider is an attending physician, the Provider will default when the patient’s appointment was selected from the Appointment Manager Screen. The servicing provider is the resident. 6. At Billing Area prompt, enter in the correct Billing Area or click the drop down menu to select from the list. NOTE-The Billing Area may automatically default when the patient’s appointment as selected from the Appointment Manager Screen. 7. At Location prompt, enter the correct Location or click the drop down menu to select from the list if the information does not default 2013 Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine Information Resources and Technology Clinical Systems Department Centricity Business-Version 1 10/11/2013 33 POSTING A COPAY CONTINUED NOTE-The Location may automatically default when the patient’s appointment was selected from the Appointment Manager Screen. 8. At Service Date, enter if necessary but service date should default NOTE-The Service Date will automatically default when the patient’s appointment was selected from the Appointment Manager Screen. 9. At Financial Class, enter the patients FSC if it is not already in the field. NOTE-The FSC will automatically default when the patient’s appointment was selected from the Appointment Manager Screen. 10. Click on the (1)Cash, (2)Check, (3)Credit Card field: prompt, enter payment type the patient has used for the copay or click the drop down menu to select from the list. 11. At the Payment: prompt, enter the copay amount and press the Tab key. 12. At Post to Inv: prompt, the system will default the amount that was entered at the Payment: field. 13. At the Comment: prompt, enter check number if patient paid by check or the type of credit card if paid by credit card. 2013 Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine Information Resources and Technology Clinical Systems Department Centricity Business-Version 1 10/11/2013 34 POSTING A COPAY CONTINUED G is automatically generated when an invoice is being created 14. Click Print Receipt Box. This is the only opportunity for users to print a receipt for patients and must be done on this screen only. 15. Click the OK button to file. The system will display a message “the following invoice has been filed:” Once the invoice has been created and copay was posted, if the print receipt box was clicked, the following form will appear Reminder: Do not collect copays for Preventative Medicine, Global Services, and Non-billing provider visits. If one is inadvertently collected, see section on refunding copays. 2013 Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine Information Resources and Technology Clinical Systems Department Centricity Business-Version 1 10/11/2013 35 POSTING A COPAY CONTINUED 16. Select the appropriate print at the Device prompt. Every printer has a designated device name. 17. Click OK The following box will appear noting the copay has been posted and the batch is out of balance and on hold. 18. Click OK and the system will return the Appointment Manager screen 2013 Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine Information Resources and Technology Clinical Systems Department Centricity Business-Version 1 10/11/2013 36 REFUNDING A COPAY Patients should be refunded a copay if they are leaving the office without being seen and have already had a copay posted. Additionally, copays should not be collected for Preventative Medicine, Global Services, and non-billing provider visits. If the copay was inadvertently collected, the patient should be refunded the copay. To refund the copay, users should return to the invoice that the copay was posted through the Appointment Manager Check Out. When the user is returned to the invoice, they should receive a similar message as follows: 1. Click OK. The invoice that was generated to post the copay will display: 2. Go to Cash, Check, Credit Card: prompt and click on the drop down menu to display the refund options (see below). Choose the FD refund option for the type of payment that was posted. Example: If patient gave cash as the copay, the user should choose FD Cash Refund. 2013 Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine Information Resources and Technology Clinical Systems Department Centricity Business-Version 1 10/11/2013 37 REFUNDING A COPAY CONTINUED 3. At the Payment: prompt, enter in the negative value that was paid (i.e. If $10.00 was posted, the user should enter $ -10.00) and press the Tab key. 4. At the Comment: prompt, enter the reason the copay was refunded (i.e. Wait time too long, family emergency, etc.). Notice the Payment and Post to Invoice fields are negative. 5. To file the refund, click OK. The following system will display a message that the invoice has been filed: 2013 Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine Information Resources and Technology Clinical Systems Department Centricity Business-Version 1 10/11/2013 38 Notes 2013 Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine Information Resources and Technology Clinical Systems Department Centricity Business-Version 1 10/11/2013 39 Notes 2013 Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine Information Resources and Technology Clinical Systems Department Centricity Business-Version 1 10/11/2013 40 Notes 2013 Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine Information Resources and Technology Clinical Systems Department Centricity Business-Version 1 10/11/2013 Section 6-Patient Check-Out and Charge Entry Section Objectives: Charge entry for services rendered Charge entry for non-clinic charges (MRN records, report fees, etc.) Enter No Fault, Workers’ Comp, self-pay discount, NDC information into invoice 2 PATIENT CHECK OUT Scenario Patient is seen by the provider and services are rendered. The patient checks out of the clinic and the encounter form with diagnosis and procedures is completed by the provider and given to the staff member. Charges should be entered into the system and accompanying claim information should also be added to the invoice. 2013 Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine Information Resources and Technology Clinical Systems Department Centricity Business-Version 1 10/11/2013 3 CHARGE ENTRY Charges for all services rendered must be entered at the end of the day. Front desk staff should be collecting encounter forms throughout the day from services completed. In order to enter charges, the encounter forms must be completed in entirety by the physician. Staff should not be completing the form, should any information (diagnosis, procedures, modifiers, etc.) be blank, the form should be returned to the physician for completeness. Additional items that may fit the charge entry function is for patients that request Medical Record copies, Report fees, Handicap requests, etc. Also, charges that need to be entered for visits that are more than 7 days in the past need to be entered in this function as well. These charges can be entered in a Front Desk batch but not via the Appointment Manager (see Charge EntryMisc). Once the encounter form is reviewed and found to be complete, the charge entry process is completed via the Appointment Manager Check Out for patients who were seen in the office: 1. Highlight patient name on the Appointment List and go to the Check out Button. 2. On the Batch Screen, choose the CHARGE ENTRY BATCH. Click OK 2013 Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine Information Resources and Technology Clinical Systems Department Centricity Business-Version 1 10/11/2013 4 CHARGE ENTRY CONTINUED The Check In/Check Out form appears: 3. At the Patient: prompt, enter the patient’s name using any of the patient search methods and press the Tab key. NOTE- When the patient is selected from the Appointment Manager screen, the patient’s name will default automatically at the Patient: field. The below box should appear if the copay was already posted. If a copay was collected and posted, select Yes. The Invoice information should waterfall (i.e. Provider, Billing Area, Location, etc.) 2013 Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine Information Resources and Technology Clinical Systems Department Centricity Business-Version 1 10/11/2013 5 CHARGE ENTRY CONTINUED Header Information Waterfalls if copay was previously posted Note: copay posting is documented under diagnosis If the copay was not posted (ex: patient does not have copays), use steps 4-10 to complete invoice headers and create an Invoice: 4. At the Invoice: prompt, type a G to generate an invoice. 5. At the Provider: prompt, enter the provider the patient was seen by or click the drop down menu to select from the list. NOTE- If the Provider is an attending physician, the Provider will default when the patient’s appointment was selected from the Appointment Manager Screen. If the provider is a non-billable provider, select an applicable provider from the drop down menu. Billing Area: prompt, enter the billing area or click the drop down menu to select from the list. NOTE- The Billing Area may automatically default when the patient’s appointment was selected from the Appointment Manager Screen. 6. At the Location: prompt, enter the locations or click the drop down menu to select from the list. NOTE- The Location may automatically default when the patient’s appointment was selected from the Appointment Manager Screen. 7. At the Service Date: prompt, enter the service date or click the drop down menu to select a date. 2013 Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine Information Resources and Technology Clinical Systems Department Centricity Business-Version 1 10/11/2013 6 CHARGE ENTRY CONTINUED NOTE- The Service Date will default when the patient’s appointment was selected from the Appointment Manager Screen. 8. At the Financial Class: prompt, enter the patient’s FSC or click the drop down menu to select from the list. NOTE- The Financial Class will default when the patient’s appointment was selected from the Appointment Manager Screen. 9. At the Servicing Prov: prompt, enter the servicing provider or click the drop down menu to select from the list. 10. At Diagnosis 1: prompt, enter the diagnosis documented on the encounter form and press the Tab key. NOTE- If a second or third diagnosis is required, complete as necessary. If 4 or more diagnoses are required, the system will display a list at the bottom of the screen when the Tab key is pressed after Diagnosis 3: field. The system will allow you to enter up to 10 diagnosis codes. 11. At Procedure 1, enter the procedure code(s) documented on the encounter form and press the Tab key. NOTE-There are procedure codes and fees associated for MRN requests, reports, handicap hangtags, and No Show appointments Please enter these fees in the Charge Entry (Check Out) batch. The procedure code for Now Show is 99079. 12. Under O: type A or C if you want to add or change the description of the procedure code. Users can click the drop down menu to select A or C. 13. Under Ser Dt, enter the service date for the procedure or click the drop down menu to select a date. NOTE- The system will automatically default this Ser Dt field when the appointment is selected from the Appointment Manager screen. 14. Under Units, the system will default 1. Press the Tab key to continue. NOTE-If additional units apply, type the amount under Units and press the Tab key. 15. Under Mod, enter the modifier listed on the encounter form, if applicable. 2013 Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine Information Resources and Technology Clinical Systems Department Centricity Business-Version 1 10/11/2013 7 CHARGE ENTRY CONTINUED 16. Under Unit Amt, the system will default the amount. Press the Tab key to continue. 17. Under FSC, the system will default the patient’s insurance. Press the Tab key to continue. NOTE- If the charge is a self-pay charge or not applicable to be billed under the primary FSC, select the appropriate FSC for the procedure code. 18. Under DX, the system will default one. Press the Tab key to continue. NOTE- If there are multiple diagnoses and multiple procedures that were completed, the physician must document what diagnosis applies to the correct CPT code. For example, if CPT Procure line 1 applies to diagnosis line 1, enter 1. If CPT line 1 applies to multiple diagnoses, enter all separated by a comma (i.e. 1,2,3). 19. Under Total Amt, the system will default the total amount for the procedure. Press the Tab key to move to Procedure 2 line. If additional procedure codes need to be entered, please follow steps 11-19 listed above for Procedure 2 and Procedure 3 line 20. Click OK to file the invoice. The system will display a message “the following invoice has been filed:” 2013 Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine Information Resources and Technology Clinical Systems Department Centricity Business-Version 1 10/11/2013 8 CHARGE ENTRY (MISC CHARGES VIA FRONT DESK) Items that may fit the charge entry function is for patients that request Medical Record copies, Report fees, Handicap requests, etc. Also, charges that need to be entered for visits that are more than 7 days in the past need to be entered in this function as well. These charges can be entered in a Front Desk batch but not via the Appointment Manager as shown below: 1. Go to the F.D. Batch Creation tab along the Horizontal Toolbar. 2013 Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine Information Resources and Technology Clinical Systems Department Centricity Business-Version 1 10/11/2013 9 CHARGE ENTRY (MISC CHARGES VIA FRONT DESK) CONTINUED 2. At the Batch prompt, choose the Charge Entry Batch (FD/CE/Mnemonic/Initials/Bank deposit date) and Click OK. Charge Entry Batch 3. The batch information will default in the Cash Drawer page, click OK to begin to enter charges. 2013 Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine Information Resources and Technology Clinical Systems Department Centricity Business-Version 1 10/11/2013 10 CHARGE ENTRY (MISC CHARGES VIA FRONT DESK) CONTINUED 4. At the Patient: prompt, enter the patient’s name using any of the patient search methods and press the Tab key. 5. The patient selection screen will populate, select the appropriate patient from the list and click OK. 2013 Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine Information Resources and Technology Clinical Systems Department Centricity Business-Version 1 10/11/2013 11 CHARGE ENTRY (MISC CHARGES VIA FRONT DESK) CONTINUED An Appointment List will display for the patient showing a list of appointments: 6. Highlight the appropriate appointment if it applies to an office visit otherwise, click the Cancel Button NOTE-For charges beyond 7 days, users should choose the appointment from the list above. For miscellaneous charges such as MRN requests, report requests, etc. where there is no corresponding appointment, click Cancel. The System will automatically display the invoice to enter the applicable charges. 2013 Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine Information Resources and Technology Clinical Systems Department Centricity Business-Version 1 10/11/2013 12 CHARGE ENTRY (MISC CHARGES VIA FRONT DESK) CONTINUED 7. At the Provider: prompt, enter the provider the patient was seen by or click the drop down menu to select from the list. NOTE- The Provider will default when the patient’s appointment was selected from the Appointment List. If the provider is a non-billable provider, select an applicable provider from the drop down menu. 8. At the Billing Area: prompt, enter the billing area or click the drop down menu to select from the list. NOTE- The Billing Area may automatically default when the patient’s appointment was selected from the Appointment List. 9. At the Location: prompt, enter the locations or click the drop down menu to select from the list. NOTE- The Location may automatically default when the patient’s appointment was selected from the Appointment List. 10. At the Service Date: prompt, enter the service date or click the drop down menu to select a date. NOTE- The Service Date will default when the patient’s appointment was selected from the Appointment List. 2013 Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine Information Resources and Technology Clinical Systems Department Centricity Business-Version 1 10/11/2013 13 CHARGE ENTRY (MISC CHARGES VIA FRONT DESK) CONTINUED 11. At the Financial Class: prompt, enter the patient’s FSC or click the drop down menu to select from the list. NOTE- The Financial Class will default when the patient’s appointment was selected from the Appointment List. 12. At the Servicing Prov: prompt, enter the servicing provider or click the drop down menu to select from the list. 13. At Diagnosis 1: prompt, enter the diagnosis documented on the encounter form and press the Tab key. NOTE- If a second or third diagnosis is required, complete as necessary. If 4 or more diagnosis are required, the system will display a list at the bottom of the screen when the Tab key is pressed after Diagnosis 3: field. The system will allow you to enter up to 10 diagnosis codes. 14. At Procedure 1, enter the procedure code(s) documented on the encounter form and press the Tab key. 15. Under O: type A or C if you want to add or change the description of the procedure code. Users can click the drop down menu to select A or C. 16. Under Ser Dt, enter the service date for the procedure or click the drop down menu to select a date. NOTE- The system will automatically default this Ser Dt field when the appointment is selected from the Appointment List. 17. Under Units, the system will default 1. Press the Tab key to continue. NOTE-If additional units apply, type the amount under Units and press the Tab key. 18. Under Mod, enter the modifier listed on the encounter form, if applicable. 19. Under Unit Amt, the system will default the amount. Press the Tab key to continue. 20. Under FSC, the system will default the patient’s insurance. Press the Tab key to continue. NOTE- If the charge is a self-pay charge or not applicable to be billed under the primary FSC, select the appropriate FSC for the procedure code. 2013 Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine Information Resources and Technology Clinical Systems Department Centricity Business-Version 1 10/11/2013 14 CHARGE ENTRY (MISC CHARGES VIA FRONT DESK) CONTINUED 21. Under DX, the system will default one. Press the Tab key to continue. NOTE- If there are multiple diagnoses and multiple procedures that were completed, the physician must document what diagnosis applies to the correct CPT code. For example, if CPT Procure line 1 applies to diagnosis line 1, enter 1. If CPT line 1 applies to multiple diagnoses, enter all separated by a comma (i.e. 1,2,3). 22. Under Total Amt, the system will default the total amount for the procedure. Press the Tab key to move to Procedure 2 line. 23. If additional procedure codes need to be entered, please follow steps listed above for additional procedures. 24. Click OK to file the invoice. The system will display a message “the following invoice has been filed:” 2013 Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine Information Resources and Technology Clinical Systems Department Centricity Business-Version 1 10/11/2013 15 INVOICE HEADER ACTION CODES Invoice Header Codes are action codes at the invoice level that may be required to add invoice information such as linking referrals (to decrement number of visits left), self-pay discounts, No Fault or Workers’ Compensation claim information. To use these actions codes, click on the Diagnosis Line 1. 1. Click on the Diagnosis line 1 2. Click the Actions Button 2013 Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine Information Resources and Technology Clinical Systems Department Centricity Business-Version 1 10/11/2013 16 INVOICE HEADER ACTION CODES CONTINUED 1 Dept Hold – This will allow the user to put a charge on hold for a specific department. A Authorization No. - This will allow the user to enter authorization numbers or link a referral to the charge. Additional action codes can be access through A Authorization No. C Case – Not applicable at RowanSOM. charge D Discount – This will allow the user enter a discount for the charge being entered. F FSC/Referral- Not applicable at RowanSOM H Hospital – This will allow the user to enter the hospital location, other hospital location, admission date, and discharge date. I Injury – This will allow the user to enter any injury information necessary to the charge. This action code would be selected for patient with worker’s comp or automobile insurance. L Commercial Lab – This will the user to enter any lab work related to the charge outside of the SOM network. N Visit Mgmt….-Not applicable at RowanSOM P Provider Division-Not applicable at RowanSOM 2013 Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine Information Resources and Technology Clinical Systems Department Centricity Business-Version 1 10/11/2013 17 INVOICE HEADER ACTION CODES CONTINUED R Referral Add/Edit-This will allow the user to Add/Edit Referral while in an invoice. This is not the recommended function to add a referral. See Add Referral Section in the manual. S SDEs – This will allow the user access to additional action codes for entering Situational Data Elements. T More Actions – This will provide the users additional actions codes. D Secondary Prov – This will allow the user enter a secondary provider that assisted with the service office visit. E Enable Entries – Not applicable at RowanSOM. F Financial Inquiry – This will allow the user to view additional financial information in connection with the patient. J Documents- Not applicable at RowanSOM. O COB FSC Order – This will allow the user to change the order of a FSC for a specific invoice Q Claim Queue – This will allow the user to queue a claim. X ICD Crosswalk-Not applicable at RowanSOM. Z APC Summary – Not applicable at RowanSOM. V View Invoice-Not applicable at RowanSOM. X Diagnoses 4-10 – This will allow the user to enter additional diagnoses codes if necessary. . 2013 Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine Information Resources and Technology Clinical Systems Department Centricity Business-Version 1 10/11/2013 18 LINKING A REFERRAL TO A CHARGE Referrals must be linked to charges for patient’s being seen in specialty offices that are registered with a MCA FSC. User must be aware during the charge entry process to link a referral to the charge when necessary. When the charge is linked, the system will automatically decrement the referral. Diagnosis field must be highlighted 1. Click on the Diagnosis: prompt and click the Actions button on the bottom right corner of the screen. NOTE- A list of Action Codes will display. 2013 Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine Information Resources and Technology Clinical Systems Department Centricity Business-Version 1 10/11/2013 19 LINKING A REFERRAL TO A CHARGE CONTINUED 2. Click or select action code A- Authorization No. 3. Click the Page button and select MCA – Approval #/MCA Referral # 2013 Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine Information Resources and Technology Clinical Systems Department Centricity Business-Version 1 10/11/2013 20 LINKING A REFERRAL TO A CHARGE CONTINUED 4. At the Referral Number: prompt, enter the referral number or click the drop down menu to select from the list. NOTE-If the missing referral type is completed, this must be removed prior to adding the Referral Number. Be sure to remove the Missing Referral type during the Check In process in order to link the referral to a charge. 5. Click the OK button to link the referral. NOTE- the system will display a message “Referral XXXXXX has X amount of treatments and X amount of appointments pending”. 2013 Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine Information Resources and Technology Clinical Systems Department Centricity Business-Version 1 10/11/2013 21 NO FAULT AND WORKERS’ COMPENSATION No Fault and Workers’ Comp required additional information related to the injury added to the invoice. The following steps should be completed to file the important information for No Fault or Workers’ Comp. Before the Invoice is filed, follow the below steps to add NF/Work Comp: 1. Highlight Diagnosis Line 1, click the Actions Button Note: Action Codes will appear 2. Click on I Injury to add No Fault/Workers’ Comp data 2013 Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine Information Resources and Technology Clinical Systems Department Centricity Business-Version 1 10/11/2013 22 NO FAULT AND WORKERS’ COMPENSATION CONTINUED 3. At Injury Date, enter date of the injury 4. At Injury Type, click on drop down and choose the appropriate injury type (Auto, Worker’s Comp, Other, or Post OP care). 5. At Workers’ Comp Case#, enter in the case number as provided. 6. At Injury Cause, click on the drop down and choose the appropriate cause (Auto, Another Party, Employment, Other). 7. At Accident State, choose the state in which the accident occurred. 8. At Country, choose the country the accident occurred. Once the Country is chosen, the system will default to a 2nd page for Workers Comp only. 9. At the Date of Onset of Illness, choose the date the event occurred. 10. At the Date of Similar Illnesses, choose the date the onset of symptoms began. 2013 Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine Information Resources and Technology Clinical Systems Department Centricity Business-Version 1 10/11/2013 23 NO FAULT AND WORKERS’ COMPENSATION CONTINUED NOTE -A 2nd page of additional questions is available for Workers’ Compensation and the system automatically defaults after the Country is chosen 11. Click OK to save Workers’ Comp/No Fault info. Remember to Click OK again to file the invoice. 2013 Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine Information Resources and Technology Clinical Systems Department Centricity Business-Version 1 10/11/2013 24 SELF PAY DISCOUNT Patients who are seen at RowanSOM that do not have insurance and are willing to pay in full at the time of the appointment are entitled to a 25% discount. This discount is done at the invoice level and the invoice should be discounted during the charge entry. Complete the invoice header information, Diagnosis, and Procedure codes (See Entering Charges section in the manual). Once all of the invoice information was entered the following should be done to enter a self-pay discount: 1. Highlight Diagnosis Line 1 and click the Actions Button. Actions codes will appear: 2. Click on D Discount 2013 Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine Information Resources and Technology Clinical Systems Department Centricity Business-Version 1 10/11/2013 25 SELF PAY DISCOUNT CONTINUED 3. In the Discount Type, click the drop down and choose self-pay 4. The Discount Percent automatically defaults to 25% 5. Click OK 2013 Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine Information Resources and Technology Clinical Systems Department Centricity Business-Version 1 10/11/2013 26 SELF PAY DISCOUNT CONTINUED 6. Click on the (1)Cash,(2)Check,(3)Credit Card: prompt, enter payment type the patient is using for payment or click the drop down menu to select from the list. 7. At Payment: prompt, enter in the total the patient is paying towards the bill. DO NOT round up or post to the nearest dollar. Staff should provide patients with change and the total payment should be posted. For example, if the total bill was $75.50 and the patient gave $76.00. $75.50 should be posted in the Payment field and the patient should be given change. $76.00 should not be posted. 8. Click OK 2013 Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine Information Resources and Technology Clinical Systems Department Centricity Business-Version 1 10/11/2013 27 TRANSACTION ACTION CODES A Adjustment – Not applicable at RowanSOM C More Actions – This will allow users to access additional action codes. D Dur Med Equip-Not applicable at RowanSOM. E EPO Services- Not applicable at RowanSOM. H Home Oxygen Ther- Not applicable at RowanSOM. I Immunization-Allows users to enter immunization batch number. M Measurements- Not applicable at RowanSOM. O Oxygen Services- Not applicable at RowanSOM. P Prescription-Enter NDC at this location. S Spinal Manip- Not applicable at RowanSOM. V Vision- Not applicable at RowanSOM. D Discount – Not applicable at RowanSOM E Enable Entries- Not applicable at RowanSOM. F FSC – This will allow the user to charge a separate FSC for a different procedure. 2013 Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine Information Resources and Technology Clinical Systems Department Centricity Business-Version 1 10/11/2013 28 TRANSACTION ACTION CODES CONTINUED G MCA Ref/Contract-Allows users to link referrals. M Modifier – This will allow the user to enter or add to a modifier. N Dental – This will allow the user to enter dental detail for dental charges. P Provider – Not applicable at RowanSOM R From-Thru Dates – This will allow the user to enter the from and thru date for inpatient billing T Time Based Charges – Not applicable at RowanSOM. V View Invoice-Allows users to view invoices. X Diagnosis – This will allow the user to link the diagnosis to the charge. 2013 Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine Information Resources and Technology Clinical Systems Department Centricity Business-Version 1 10/11/2013 29 ENTERING NDC (NATIONAL DRUG CODES) NDCs are required to be entered on the invoices. The following steps should be used to capture this information. Note that entering the NDC is done at a transaction level, therefore the action codes are at the Procedure line location. Enter Invoice information as required (see Entering Charges section in the manual). Once the invoice header, diagnosis, and procedures are entered, follow the below steps to enter an NDC: 1. Highlight the procedure for the drug that requires the NDC to be entered (Ex: Flu Vaccine) 2. Click the Actions Button and action codes will appear at the bottom on the screen 3. Click on C More Actions and additional action codes will appear. 4. Click on action code P Prescription. 2013 Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine Information Resources and Technology Clinical Systems Department Centricity Business-Version 1 10/11/2013 30 ENTERING NDC (NATION DRUG CODES) CONTINUED 5. At the NDC Override Field, enter in the NCD number 6. At the NDC Quantity, enter the quantity received 7. At the NDC UOM, enter the unit of measure (GR, ML, UN, F2) 8. At the NDC Unit Price, enter in the dollar amount for the drug 9. Click OK when all the NDC information is entered. 2013 Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine Information Resources and Technology Clinical Systems Department Centricity Business-Version 1 10/11/2013 31 Notes 2013 Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine Information Resources and Technology Clinical Systems Department Centricity Business-Version 1 10/11/2013 32 Notes 2013 Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine Information Resources and Technology Clinical Systems Department Centricity Business-Version 1 10/11/2013 33 Notes 2013 Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine Information Resources and Technology Clinical Systems Department Centricity Business-Version 1 10/11/2013 Section 7-End of Day Section Objectives: Enter Charges from non-office visit Print Batch Proof Recover Batches Balance Batches Charge Corrections Print forms, daily schedules, and reports 2 ENTER CHARGES The Enter Charges function is done when patients are not seen in the clinic for a regularly scheduled appointment, for example, patients in the nursing home. 1. Go to the Enter Charges tab on the Vertical toolbar. The system will automatically display the Charge Entry form. 2013 Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine Information Resources and Technology Clinical Systems Department Centricity Business-Version 1 10/11/2013 3 ENTER CHARGES CONTINUED 2. At the Initials prompt, the user initials will default. 3. At the Batch prompt, type G to generate a batch or click the drop down menu if a batch has already been generated. 4. At the Description prompt, enter the batch description (see descriptions below) and press the tab key. NOTE-Batch description for charge entry should be as follows: CE/MISC/Billing Area Mnemonic/User initials/Posting date Examples: CE/MISC/GIMS/XXL/09232013 5. At the Bank Deposit Date prompt, enter the posting date or click the drop down menu to select a date 6. At the Procedure Hash prompt, enter the calculated procedure hash total and press the tab key. Procedure Hash is the total of all the procedures codes which should be calculated by running a calculator tape prior to entering charges. A NOTE-Alpha numeric procedure code is a value of 1. 7. At the Procedure $ prompt, enter the calculated procedure dollar amount. 2013 Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine Information Resources and Technology Clinical Systems Department Centricity Business-Version 1 10/11/2013 4 ENTER CHARGES CONTINUED 8. At the Procedure Units prompt, enter the calculated total procedure units for the batch. 9. At the Transactions prompt, enter the total transactions for the batch. 10. At the Payments prompt, enter the total payments received if applicable. 11. At the Credits prompt, enter if any credits were received. 12. At the Debits prompt, enter if any debits were received. 13. At the Action prompt, enter E Enter charges or click the drop down menu to select from the list NOTE-Action E defaults when the controls are entered and the tab button is entered after the Debits field. 14. Click OK 2013 Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine Information Resources and Technology Clinical Systems Department Centricity Business-Version 1 10/11/2013 5 ENTER CHARGES CONTINUED NOTE-the system will import the Enter Charges form, which looks similar to the invoice when entering charges via Appointment Manager. 15. At the Patient: prompt, enter the patient’s name using any of the patient search methods and press the Tab key. NOTE-System may default to an Appointment List for the patient as seen below: 2013 Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine Information Resources and Technology Clinical Systems Department Centricity Business-Version 1 10/11/2013 6 ENTER CHARGES CONTINUED 16. Highlight the appropriate appointment if it applies to an office visit otherwise click the Cancel Button and the screen will return to the invoice. 17. At the Invoice: prompt, type a G to generate an invoice. 18. At the Provider: prompt, enter the provider the patient was seen by or click the drop down menu to select from the list. NOTE- The Provider will default when the patient’s appointment was selected from the Appointment List. If the provider is a non-billable provider, select an applicable provider from the drop down menu. 19. At the Billing Area: prompt, enter the billing area or click the drop down menu to select from the list. NOTE- The Billing Area may automatically default when the patient’s appointment was selected from the Appointment List. 20. At the Location: prompt, enter the locations or click the drop down menu to select from the list. NOTE- The Location may automatically default when the patient’s appointment was selected from the Appointment List. 2013 Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine Information Resources and Technology Clinical Systems Department Centricity Business-Version 1 10/11/2013 7 ENTER CHARGES CONTINUED 21. At the Service Date: prompt, enter the service date or click the drop down menu to select a date. NOTE- The Service Date will default when the patient’s appointment was selected from the Appointment List. 22. At the Financial Class: prompt, enter the patient’s FSC or click the drop down menu to select from the list. NOTE- The Financial Class will default when the patient’s appointment was selected from the Appointment List. 23. At the Servicing Prov: prompt, enter the servicing provider or click the drop down menu to select from the list. 24. At Diagnosis 1: prompt, enter the diagnosis documented on the encounter form and press the Tab key. NOTE- If a second or third diagnosis is required, complete as necessary. If 4 or more diagnoses are required, the system will display a list at the bottom of the screen when the Tab key is pressed after Diagnosis 3: field. The system will allow you to enter up to 10 diagnosis codes. 25. Under Procedure at 1, enter the procedure code(s) documented on the encounter form and press the Tab key. 26. Under O: type A or C if you want to add or change the description of the procedure code. Users can click the drop down menu to select A or C. 27. Under Ser Dt, enter the service date for the procedure or click the drop down menu to select a date. NOTE- The system will automatically default this Ser Dt field when the appointment is selected from the Appointment List. 28. Under Units, the system will default 1. Press the Tab key to continue. NOTE-If additional units apply, type the amount under Units and press the Tab key. 29. Under Mod, enter the modifier listed on the encounter form, if applicable. 30. Under Unit Amt, the system will default the amount. Press the Tab key to continue. 2013 Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine Information Resources and Technology Clinical Systems Department Centricity Business-Version 1 10/11/2013 8 ENTER CHARGES CONTINUED 31. Under FSC, the system will default the patient’s insurance. Press the Tab key to continue. NOTE- If the charge is a self-pay charge or not applicable to be billed under the primary FSC, select the appropriate FSC for the procedure code. 32. Under DX, the system will default one. Press the Tab key to continue. NOTE- If there are multiple diagnoses and multiple procedures that were completed, the physician must document what diagnosis applies to the correct CPT code. For example, if CPT Procure line 1 applies to diagnosis line 1, enter 1. If CPT line 1 applies to multiple diagnoses, enter all separated by a comma (i.e. 1,2,3). 33. Under Total Amt, the system will default the total amount for the procedure. Press the Tab key to move to Procedure 2 line. 34. If additional procedure codes need to be entered, please follow steps listed above for additional procedures. 35. Click OK to file the invoice. The system will display a message “the following invoice has been filed:” 2013 Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine Information Resources and Technology Clinical Systems Department Centricity Business-Version 1 10/11/2013 9 PRINTING A BATCH PROOF A batch proof is a detailed paper audit trail listing all the transactions that were entered within a batch. The batch proof may be useful for locating errors and assisting with the balancing process for a batch. 1. If batch is balanced in Enter Charges or Front Desk, batch proof can be printed using Action Code L-Print Batch. 2. If unbalanced, go to the Vertical toolbar, click on Batch Maintenance tab. 3. A subsequent page will appear and click on the Batch Maintenance tab along the top toolbar. 2013 Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine Information Resources and Technology Clinical Systems Department Centricity Business-Version 1 10/11/2013 10 PRINTING A BATCH PROOF CONTINUED 4. Choose Batch Proofs and the Batch Proof screen to choice a print device will appear. 5. Choose the appropriate device and click OK. 2013 Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine Information Resources and Technology Clinical Systems Department Centricity Business-Version 1 10/11/2013 11 PRINTING A BATCH PROOF CONTINUED 6. At the From batch Number prompt, enter in the batch number to be printed. 7. At Through batch number: Last=> prompt, enter the last batch that needs to be printed. For example, if 2 batches were open (Batch 105 and 106), enter 105 at From and 106 at Last) 2013 Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine Information Resources and Technology Clinical Systems Department Centricity Business-Version 1 10/11/2013 12 PRINTING A BATCH PROOF CONTINUED 8. At Include batch types: ALL=>, hit the Enter key 9. At From batch Number:, hit the Enter key 10. At Do you want to queue this activity? No=> prompt, hit the Enter key and the below screen will appear and batch proof will print. 2013 Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine Information Resources and Technology Clinical Systems Department Centricity Business-Version 1 10/11/2013 13 BATCH RECOVERY If a batch crashes while charges, copays, and payments are being entered, users will have to recover their batch after they logged back on to the IDX system. Step 1-Click Batch Maintenance Step 2-Click the Batch Maintenance tab 1. On the vertical toolbar, Click on the Batch Maintenance tab NOTE- The system will display a blank screen. 2. Click on the Batch Maintenance tab and then click on Batch Maintenance Manager. Additional options under Batch Maintenance Manager NOTE- The system will display additional options under Batch Maintenance Manager. 2013 Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine Information Resources and Technology Clinical Systems Department Centricity Business-Version 1 10/11/2013 14 BATCH RECOVERY CONTINUED 3. Click on Recover Batches After Crash. 4. At the Recover batch number: prompt, type in the batch number and press the Enter key. NOTE- The system will display a message “Batch ### has been put on hold”. 2013 Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine Information Resources and Technology Clinical Systems Department Centricity Business-Version 1 10/11/2013 15 BALANCING A BATCH (PAYMENT AND CHARGES) When all charges, copays, and payments have been entered for a date of service rendered, the user must exit the batch. When a batch is balanced and exited, the system will process the batch through night jobs. When invoices are run through night jobs, the claims are then sent out to the insurance companies to request payment for services. If the batch is not balanced the system will automatically put the batch in a hold status. 1. On the vertical toolbar, click on the Cash Drawer tab. NOTE- There will be a blank screen with Activity Complete in the upper left hand corner. 2. Click on the Cash Drawer tab above the patient banner. NOTE- The Bar Group Number: prompt will display. 2013 Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine Information Resources and Technology Clinical Systems Department Centricity Business-Version 1 10/11/2013 16 BALANCING A BATCH (PAYMENTS AND CHARGE BATCH) CONTINUED 3. Enter the department bar group number at the Bar Group Number: prompt and click the OK button NOTE- the system will branch to the Cash Drawer Grp: - Batch Information screen. 2013 Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine Information Resources and Technology Clinical Systems Department Centricity Business-Version 1 10/11/2013 17 BALANCING A BATCH (PAYMENT AND CHARGE BATCH) CONTINUED 4. On the Cash Drawer Grp: - Batch Information screen, click the Controls OK? drop down menu and select Y. NOTE- When the Controls OK? field is set to Y, the system will display the total Number of Invoices, Cash, Check, and Credit Card amounts and units within the batch. 5. At the Number of Invoices prompt, type the total amount of invoices within the batch and press the Tab key. 6. At the Total Cash (Units) prompt, type the total amount of cash units that were entered within the batch and press the Tab key 7. At the Total Cash Refunds prompt, type the total amount of cash refunds that were done within the batch and press the Tab key. 8. At the Total CC Refund (Units) prompt, type the total amount of credit card refunds that were done within the batch and press the Tab key. 2013 Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine Information Resources and Technology Clinical Systems Department Centricity Business-Version 1 10/11/2013 18 BALANCING A BATCH (PAYMENT AND CHARGE BATCH) CONTINUED 9. At the Total Check Refund prompt, type the total amount of check refunds that were done within the batch and press the Tab key 10. At the Total Checks (Units) prompt, type the total amount of check units that were entered within the batch and press the Tab key. 11. At the Total Credit (Units) prompt, type the total amount of credit card units that were entered within the batch and press the Tab key 12. At the Total Cash Amount prompt, add up the total amount of cash collected and type in the cash amount. Press the Tab key to continue. 13. At the Total Cash Refund prompt, add up the total of cash refunds and type in the cash refund amount. Press the Tab key to continue. 14. At the Total CC Refund Amount prompt, add up the total amount of credit card refunds and type in the credit card refund amount. Press the Tab key to continue. 15. At the Total Check Amount prompt, add up the total amount of checks collected and type in the check amount. Press the Tab key to continue. 16. At the Total Check Refund prompt, add up the total amount of check refunds and type in the check refund amount. Press the Tab key to continue 17. At the Total Credit Amount prompt, add up the total amount of credit cards collected and type in the credit card amount. Press the Tab key to continue. NOTE- When the Tab key is pressed, the cursor will bypass the Show Payment Detail For: field and rest at the Action: field. If the totals on your cash, check, credit card refunds/amounts don’t balance out, the user will enter the method of payment that does not balance at the Show Payment Detail For: prompt, or the user can click the drop down menu to select from the list. 2013 Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine Information Resources and Technology Clinical Systems Department Centricity Business-Version 1 10/11/2013 19 BALANCING A BATCH (PAYMENT AND CHARGE BATCH) CONTINUED 18. Click the Next button to move to page 2 of the Cash Drawer screen. 2013 Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine Information Resources and Technology Clinical Systems Department Centricity Business-Version 1 10/11/2013 20 BALANCING A BATCH (PAYMENT AND CHARGE BATCH) CONTINUED 19. At the Procedure Hash: prompt, enter the Actual under the Actual column and press the Tab key. Has totals are the sum of all the Procedure Codes entered in that batch. NOTE- The Hash Range bottom form will display, click the OK button to bypass that form. A NOTE-Alpha numeric procedure code is a value of 1. 20. At the Procedure $: prompt, add up and type in the total amount of charges entered within the batch. Press the Tab key to continue 21. At the Procedure $ Entered: prompt, press the Tab key to bypass the field if not applicable. 22. At Procedure Units: prompt, type the total amount of procedure units entered within in the batch. Press the Tab key to continue 23. At the Transactions: prompt, type the total amount of transactions within the batch. 24. Click the Previous button to branch back to page 1 of the Cash Drawer screen. 25. At the Actions: prompt, enter X to exit the batch or the user can click the drop down menu to select from the list. 26. Click the OK, system will return for page 1 of the Cash Drawer. 27. To Exit batch, go to Actions and enter X Exit Batch. 2013 Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine Information Resources and Technology Clinical Systems Department Centricity Business-Version 1 10/11/2013 21 BALANCING A BATCH (PAYMENT AND CHARGE BATCH) CONTINUED 28. Click OK to exit batch NOTE- Once a batch is balanced and exited; the user still has access to the batch up until night jobs is processed. Night jobs run daily and users will not have access after it is processed. Any batch that is not balanced at Month End, will be deleted 2013 Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine Information Resources and Technology Clinical Systems Department Centricity Business-Version 1 10/11/2013 22 BALANCING A BATCH FROM ENTER CHARGES (MISC BATCH) Once all the charges have been entered in the Enter Charges function (Enter Charges on the vertical toolbar), the batch will need to be balanced and printed. A tape should have been run prior to entering charges that adds up the procedure hash, total transactions, etc. (this should have been done during the charge entry). If all was entered correctly, the difference should be 0. If not, the encounter forms and entry into CB/IDX will need to be reviewed. Delete E and click on drop down or type X 1. If the batch is balanced, to exit the batch and have it run through night jobs delete the E in the Actions box. 2. Click on the Action drop down Chose Exit Batch or type X 3. Click OK NOTE-Batches that are not balanced at Month End are deleted. 2013 Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine Information Resources and Technology Clinical Systems Department Centricity Business-Version 1 10/11/2013 23 DELETE TRANSACTIONS If an incorrect transaction has been entered within a batch prior to balancing the batch and or night jobs, the user has the ability to delete the transaction and re-enter the original transaction. Step 1click Cash Drawer Step 2Click on the Cash Drawer Tab 1. On the vertical toolbar, click on the Cash Drawer tab. NOTE- There will be a blank screen with Activity Complete in the upper left hand corner. 2. Click on the Cash Drawer tab above the patient banner. NOTE- The Bar Group Number: prompt will display. 3. Enter the department bar group number at the Bar Group Number: prompt and click the OK button NOTE- the system will branch to the Cash Drawer Grp: - Batch Information screen. 2013 Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine Information Resources and Technology Clinical Systems Department Centricity Business-Version 1 10/11/2013 24 DELETE TRANSACTIONS CONTINUED 4. On the Cash Drawer Grp: - Batch Information screen, click the Controls OK? drop down menu and select Y. NOTE- When the Controls OK? field is set to Y, the system will display the total Number of Invoices, Cash, Check, and Credit Card amounts and units within the batch. 5. At the Actions: prompt, type a D for Delete Transaction or click the drop down menu to select from the list. 6. Click the Next button to move to page 2 of the Cash Drawer screen. NOTE- On page 2 of the Cash Drawer screen, make sure the Procedure Hash: and Procedure $: fields are balanced. If so, click the OK button to move to the Delete Transaction screen. 2013 Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine Information Resources and Technology Clinical Systems Department Centricity Business-Version 1 10/11/2013 25 DELETE TRANSACTIONS CONTINUED 7. At the Patient: prompt, enter the patient’s name using any of the patient search methods and press the Tab key to continue. 8. At the Invoice: prompt, enter the invoice number or click the drop down menu to select from the list. Once an invoice is chosen, the invoice will pull in to the Delete Transactions Screen NOTE- Once an invoice is selected, the cursor will rest in the Delete All prompt. 2013 Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine Information Resources and Technology Clinical Systems Department Centricity Business-Version 1 10/11/2013 26 DELETE TRANSACTIONS CONTINUED 9. If all the transactions need to be deleted within the invoice, the user will check the Delete All box. NOTE- If all transactions do not need to be deleted, the user will leave the Delete All box blank and follow Step 10. 10. Under the Del Ln section of the screen, click Y in the box for each line that needs to be deleted. 11. Click the OK button to delete the transaction NOTE- the system will display a message that the transaction was deleted. 2013 Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine Information Resources and Technology Clinical Systems Department Centricity Business-Version 1 10/11/2013 27 DELETE TRANSACTIONS CONTINUED 12. At the above screen, press the Enter button. The Cash Draw screen will automatically display. Once the transaction is deleted, the user must go back to the Appointment Manager screen and click the Check Out button. This will prompt the user to enter their batch number and re-enter the transaction if needed. Also, remember that if a change was made to the batch and if the batch was already balanced and closed to run through night jobs, the batch will need to be balanced again. Please note that batches that have been closed through night jobs are no longer available for correction/deletion. If the batch has already been balanced and run through night jobs and an error has been identified, please refer to the CBO policy for corrections. 2013 Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine Information Resources and Technology Clinical Systems Department Centricity Business-Version 1 10/11/2013 28 END OF DAY ACTIVITIES-PRINT REPORTS AND FORMS The end of day activities require forms and reports to be printed for the next day. Some of the reports and forms are the RowanSOM Time Reception List (provider schedules), Encounter Forms and Facesheets, and Missing Charge Report. In addition, staff should also print the payment and batch journals (not in Centricity Business-see office Administrator). Forms and Reports that are required to be printed can be located under the Report link on the Vertical Toolbar: Report Toolbar 1. Click on the Reports Toolbar 2013 Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine Information Resources and Technology Clinical Systems Department Centricity Business-Version 1 10/11/2013 29 END OF DAY ACTIVITIES CONTINUED Notice that there are a few tabs along the horizontal toolbar: The most utilized tabs will be the SCHED REPORTS which staff will generate RowanSOM Time Reception List, Encounter Forms, Facesheets, and Missing Charge Report. 2013 Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine Information Resources and Technology Clinical Systems Department Centricity Business-Version 1 10/11/2013 30 ROWANSOM TIME RECEPTION LIST The RowanSOM Time Reception List is a print out of the providers schedules, this list also includes if there are any billing or scheduling comments for staff to be aware if the patient has any financial concerns or to expect payments. While in the Reports tab, click on the Sched Report tab (horizontal tool bar) 1. Click on Custom Daily Reports. System will generate a subsequent screen: Scroll down to the report “ROWANSOM Time Reception List 2013 Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine Information Resources and Technology Clinical Systems Department Centricity Business-Version 1 10/11/2013 31 ROWANSOM TIME RECEPTION LIST CONTINUED 2. On the above page, use the page down button on the keyboard or arrow down along the side bar and go to the report name “ROWANSOM TIME RECEPTION LIST” and click the box. 3. Go to Action Code T Print 2013 Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine Information Resources and Technology Clinical Systems Department Centricity Business-Version 1 10/11/2013 32 ROWANSOM TIME RECEPTION LIST CONTINUED 4. At Include All Departments prompt, click on the drop down and click Include 5. At the Department prompt, choose the department 6. At Include All Providers for Departments prompt, click the box directly to the right of the prompt 7. At Include All Locations prompt, click box directly to the right of the prompt 8. At From Date prompt, enter in the next day’s date 9. At the Through Date prompt: enter the date 2 days ahead (per policy) 10. At # of Copies prompt, enter 1 and hit the tab key 11. At Ready to Print? Prompt, enter Y to print 12. Click OK. Additional footer information will display at the bottom of the screen. 2013 Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine Information Resources and Technology Clinical Systems Department Centricity Business-Version 1 10/11/2013 33 ROWANSOM TIME RECEPTION LIST CONTINUED 13. Leave the info defaulted in these fields and click OK 14. At the Device, enter the printer if it is does not default 15. Click Ok to print the time reception list 2013 Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine Information Resources and Technology Clinical Systems Department Centricity Business-Version 1 10/11/2013 34 PRINT ENCOUNTER FORMS Another End of Day process is to generate Encounter Forms for the next day. 1. Click on Custom Daily Reports. System will generate a subsequent screen: 2013 Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine Information Resources and Technology Clinical Systems Department Centricity Business-Version 1 10/11/2013 35 PRINT ENCOUNTER FORMS CONTINUED 2. On the above page, if needed use the page down button on the keyboard or arrow down along the side bar and go to the appropriate Encounter Form for the department and click the box. 3. Go to Action Code T Print. 2013 Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine Information Resources and Technology Clinical Systems Department Centricity Business-Version 1 10/11/2013 36 PRINT ENCOUNTER FORMS CONTINUED 4. At Include All Departments prompt, click on the drop down and click Include 5. At the Department prompt, choose the department 6. At Include All Providers for Departments prompt, click the box directly to the right of the prompt 7. At Include All Locations prompt, click box directly to the right of the prompt 8. At From Date prompt, enter in the next day’s date or T+1 9. At the Through Date prompt: enter the next day’s date or T+1 (per policy) 10. At # of Copies prompt, enter 1 and hit Tab key 11. At Ready to Print? Prompt, enter Y to Print 12. Click OK. Additional footer information will display at the bottom of the screen: 2013 Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine Information Resources and Technology Clinical Systems Department Centricity Business-Version 1 10/11/2013 37 PRINT ENCOUNTER FORMS CONTINUED 13. Leave the info defaulted in these fields and click OK 14. Choose printing device and Click OK 2013 Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine Information Resources and Technology Clinical Systems Department Centricity Business-Version 1 10/11/2013 38 PRINT FACESHEETS Another End of Day process is to generate Facesheets for the next day. 1. Click on Custom Daily Reports. System will generate a subsequent screen: Scroll down to the report “SOM EFG FACESHEET 1” 2. On the above page, use the page down button on the keyboard or arrow down along the side bar and go to the report name “SOM EFG FACESHEET 1” and click the box. 2013 Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine Information Resources and Technology Clinical Systems Department Centricity Business-Version 1 10/11/2013 39 PRINT FACESHEETS CONTINUED 3. Go to Action Code T Print 4. At Include All Departments prompt, click on the drop down and click Include 5. At the Department prompt, choose the department 2013 Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine Information Resources and Technology Clinical Systems Department Centricity Business-Version 1 10/11/2013 40 PRINT FACESHEETS CONTINUED 6. At Include All Providers for Departments prompt, click the box directly to the right of the prompt 7. At Include All Locations prompt, click box directly to the right of the prompt 8. At From Date prompt, enter in the next day’s date or T+1 9. At the Through Date prompt: enter the next day’s date or T+1 (per policy) 10. At # of Copies prompt, enter 1 and hit Tab key 11. At Ready to Print? Prompt, enter Y to Print 12. Click OK. Additional footer information will display at the bottom of the screen: 2013 Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine Information Resources and Technology Clinical Systems Department Centricity Business-Version 1 10/11/2013 41 PRINT FACESHEETS CONTINUED 13. Leave the info defaulted in these fields and click OK 14. At the Device, enter the printer if it is does not default. 15. Click Ok to print the Facesheets. 2013 Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine Information Resources and Technology Clinical Systems Department Centricity Business-Version 1 10/11/2013 42 PRINT MISSING CHARGE REPORT All staff should print a Missing Charge Report at the end of each day; this report shows all the appointments that were arrived but do not yet have charges entered for that visit. 1. Click on Missing Charge List 2. At Include All Departments prompt, click on the drop down and click Include 2013 Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine Information Resources and Technology Clinical Systems Department Centricity Business-Version 1 10/11/2013 43 PRINT MISSING CHARGE REPORT CONTINUED 3. At the Department prompt, choose the department. 4. At Include All Providers for Departments prompt, click the box directly to the right of the prompt. 5. At Include All Locations prompt, click box directly to the right of the prompt. 6. At From Date prompt, enter a single date or date range from the past. 7. At the Through Date prompt, enter a single date or a date range (per policy). 8. At # of Copies prompt, enter 1 and hit Tab key. 9. Click OK 2013 Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine Information Resources and Technology Clinical Systems Department Centricity Business-Version 1 10/11/2013 44 PRINT MISSING CHARGE REPORT CONTINUED 10. Choose printing device and Click OK 2013 Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine Information Resources and Technology Clinical Systems Department Centricity Business-Version 1 10/11/2013 45 Notes 2013 Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine Information Resources and Technology Clinical Systems Department Centricity Business-Version 1 10/11/2013 46 Notes 2013 Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine Information Resources and Technology Clinical Systems Department Centricity Business-Version 1 10/11/2013 47 Notes 2013 Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine Information Resources and Technology Clinical Systems Department Centricity Business-Version 1 10/11/2013 Section 8-Horizontal and Vertical Toolbar Tabs Section Objectives: Learn the different toolbars and tabs Learn the different functions of each and how they may assist end users 2 HORIZONTAL TOOLBAR TAB NEW APPOINTMENT The Horizontal New Appointment Tab will allow users to schedule a patient appointment. New Appointment Tab To schedule a patient’s appointment follow steps in Scheduling Appointment Section. 2013 Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine Information Resources and Technology Clinical Systems Department Centricity Business-Version 1 10/11/2013 3 HORIZONTAL TOOLBAR TAB APPOINTMENT LIST The Appointment List tab will display the patient’s appointment history. Users can use this tab to view the appointment detail, arrive, cancel/reschedule, no show, or display actions. It is not recommended to arrive patients via the Appointment Manager. Appointment List Tab Please follow steps provided throughout the manual for appointment detail, arriving, canceling/rescheduling, no showing, and actions. 2013 Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine Information Resources and Technology Clinical Systems Department Centricity Business-Version 1 10/11/2013 4 WAIT LIST (ADDING A PATIENT) The Wait List tab will allow users to add patient appointments to the wait list if missed during the scheduling process. Patients who need to be seen at the earliest convenience, but the provider schedule has nothing available, should be placed on the wait list. If there is a cancellation to the provider’s schedule, the system will display a message informing the staff that patients are on the wait list. Wait List Tab 1. At the Patient: prompt, enter the patient’s name using any of the patient lookup methods and click the OK button. 2. At the Selection Criteria, add a Department or Provider that the patient is requesting to schedule an appointment 3. Click Include 2013 Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine Information Resources and Technology Clinical Systems Department Centricity Business-Version 1 10/11/2013 5 WAIT LIST (ADDING A PATIENT) CONTINUED 4. Click OK 1. On the Wait List screen, click the Add button at the bottom of the screen and click New Entry. 2013 Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine Information Resources and Technology Clinical Systems Department Centricity Business-Version 1 10/11/2013 6 WAIT LIST (ADDING A PATIENT) CONTINUED The system will branch to the Add/Edit Wait List Entry screen. NOTE- the system will allow you to enter a New Entry or an Existing Appointment to the wait list 2. At the Patient: prompt, enter the patient’s name using any of the patient lookup methods and press the Tab key. NOTE- the system will branch to the Patient Selection screen. 3. At the Provider: prompt, enter the provider or click the drop down menu to select from the list. 4. At the Department: prompt, enter the department or click the drop down menu to select from the list. NOTE- if the scheduling provider is only set up in one scheduling department, the scheduling department will default in the Department: field. 5. At the Location: prompt, enter the location or press the Tab key to bypass the field. The Appointment Type: prompt, enter the appointment type for the scheduled appointment that needs to be added to the Wait List. 2013 Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine Information Resources and Technology Clinical Systems Department Centricity Business-Version 1 10/11/2013 7 WAIT LIST (ADDING A PATIENT) CONTINUED 6. At the Date to Delete: prompt, enter the date the patient will be deleted from the Wait List or click the drop down menu to select a date. Date to delete should be 1 day following the scheduled appointment date. (For example, if the patient is scheduled for an appt on 9/18, the date to delete should be 9/19). 7. At the Wait List Comment: prompt, enter a wait list comment if necessary and press the OK button. Patient is now added to the Wait List and staff can review list and schedule appointments for patients on the list as needed. 2013 Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine Information Resources and Technology Clinical Systems Department Centricity Business-Version 1 10/11/2013 8 WAIT LIST (WORKING THE WAIT LIST) Users can access the Wait List when an appointment time on the provider schedule becomes available. The Wait List will help them to identify patients who would already have a scheduled appointment but would like to be notified if an opening arises sooner than their appointment time. 1. At Selection Criteria, the system will default Dept/Prov. 2. At the Department: prompt, enter the department or click the drop down menu to select from the list. 3. At the Provider: prompt, enter the provider or click the drop down menu to select from the list. 4. Click the Include button. NOTE- When the Include button is selected, the criteria entered will display on in the Criteria box on the right. 2013 Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine Information Resources and Technology Clinical Systems Department Centricity Business-Version 1 10/11/2013 9 WAIT LIST (WORKING THE WAIT LIST) CONTINUED 5. Click the OK button. NOTE- The system will branch to the Wait List screen. 6. Highlight the patient name from the list that will be schedule from the Wait list and click the Schedule Button at the lower left hand corner of the screen. NOTE- When the Schedule button is clicked, the system will default to the New Appointment Screen and will waterfall all the original appointment criteria to proceed with scheduling the appointment. 2013 Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine Information Resources and Technology Clinical Systems Department Centricity Business-Version 1 10/11/2013 10 WAIT LIST (WORKING THE WAIT LIST) CONTINUED Wait List Action Buttons: Schedule This will allow the user to schedule an appointment from the Wait List. To schedule a patient from the bump list, highlight the patient name on the Wait List and click the Schedule button. Add This will allow the user to add appointments to the Wait List. Follow steps listed above. Edit This will allow the users to edit patients that are on the Wait List. Delete This will allow the users to delete patients that are on the Wait List. Notes This will allow the user to enter notes about a patient on the Wait List. Use notes to communicate correspondence and action taken with the patient. Actions This will allow the user to view Appointment Detail, Print Grids, Print Reports, and set up Wait List settings. 2013 Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine Information Resources and Technology Clinical Systems Department Centricity Business-Version 1 10/11/2013 11 BUMP LIST Patients are placed on the Bump List when appointments are cancelled by the provider. This will occur when a provider’s schedule has been edited or a template has been transferred to the provider’s schedule by the Master Scheduler. Users can work from the Bump List to reschedule patients’ appointments. Patients must be bumped when the appointments are cancelled by the provider, the appointments should not be cancelled. Date Range Setting 1. At Date Range, select Bump Date or Appointment Date. NOTE- The system will default Bump Date. 2. At the From Date: prompt, enter the bump date or click the drop down menu to select a date. 3. At the To Date: prompt, enter the through date or click the drop down menu to select a date. 2013 Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine Information Resources and Technology Clinical Systems Department Centricity Business-Version 1 10/11/2013 12 BUMP LIST CONTINUED Selection Criteria Setting 4. At Selection Criteria, select Dept/Prov or Location. NOTE- The system will default the Dept/Prov. 5. At the Department: prompt, enter the department or click the drop down menu to select from the list. NOTE- If you are only searching the Bump List for the department only, click the Include button when the department has been entered. 6. At the Provider: prompt, enter the provider or click the drop down menu to select from the list. NOTE- If you are searching the Bump List for Provider only, click the Include button when the provider has been entered. 7. Click Include 8. When the criteria is complete, click the OK button to move to the Bump List screen. 2013 Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine Information Resources and Technology Clinical Systems Department Centricity Business-Version 1 10/11/2013 13 BUMP LIST CONTINUED 9. Highlight the patient name from the list that will be schedule from the Bump List and click the Reschedule Button at the lower left hand corner of the screen. NOTE- When the Reschedule button is clicked, the system will default to the New Appointment Screen and will waterfall all the original appointment criteria to proceed with scheduling the appointment Bump List Action Buttons: Reschedule This will allow the user to reschedule an appointment from the Bump List. Delete This will allow the user to delete a patient from the Bump List. Note This will allow the user to enter notes about patient on the Bump List. Use notes to communicate correspondence and action take with the patient. For example, if a user contacts a patient but he/she declines the available appointment, notate the patient’s response. Actions This will allow the user to view Appointment Detail, Print Grids, Print Reports, and set up Bump List settings. 2013 Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine Information Resources and Technology Clinical Systems Department Centricity Business-Version 1 10/11/2013 14 PROVIDER SCHEDULES Provider Schedules will allow the user to view a provider’s schedule for a specific day. The Provider’s Schedule will let users view if time slots are available, booked, patient’s names, scheduled comments, etc. Provider Schedules Tab 1. On the Appointment Setting screen, click the New button at bottom left corner of the screen. 2. At Name: enter a name for your appointment setting. 3. At Default Setting: click the box if you want to have a default setting. 4. At Date: leave the blank. NOTE- If you are setting up a default setting, the scheduled for today’s date will always appear. 5. At Session: check off am, pm. eve. NOTE- the Sessions: prompt will default am, pm, eve. 2013 Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine Information Resources and Technology Clinical Systems Department Centricity Business-Version 1 10/11/2013 15 PROVIDER SCHEDULES CONTINUED 6. At When I Switch to Weekly Show: enter the amount of weeks to show or click the drop down menu to select from the list 7. Under Default Display, check the Show Schedule List box to show the schedule list. 8. At Sort By: enter a department or click the drop down menu to select from the list. 9. At Show: enter Daily, Weekly, or Monthly or click the drop down menu to select from the list. 10. At Hide Columns, by default, the system displays the booked/total, available, and duration information for time slot from the provider’s schedule. Users can click the Hide Columns button to hide the information. 11. At Show Slot Comment Column, users can click the button to show scheduling comments. 12. At Show: enter the amount of schedules you would like to see or click the drop down menu to select from the list. 13. At Ignore White Space in Schedules, click the box to ignore white space in schedules. 14. Under Selection Criteria, the Dept/Prov button will default. NOTE- Users can click set the Selection Criteria for a Location search by clicking the Location button. 15. At Department: prompt, enter the department or click the drop down menu to select from the list. 16. At the Provider: prompt, enter the provider or click the drop down menu to select from the list. NOTE- Once the Department and Provider field are completed, the user will have to click the Include button. If the entry is incorrect, click the Remove button and re-enter the department and provider. 17. Click the OK button to move to the Provider Schedules screen. 2013 Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine Information Resources and Technology Clinical Systems Department Centricity Business-Version 1 10/11/2013 16 PROVIDER SCHEDULES CONTINUED The Provider Schedule Banner will allow the user to change the Provider’s settings Sort By This allows the user to view another provider’s scheduling department, date, daily, weekly, or monthly schedules. Show This allows the user to show multiple schedules for one provider. Settings This allows the user to choose another setting if they created multiple settings. 2013 Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine Information Resources and Technology Clinical Systems Department Centricity Business-Version 1 10/11/2013 17 PROVIDER SCHEDULES CONTINUED-SCHEDULING BUTTONS Actions Buttons The Action buttons at the bottom of the Provider Schedules screen will allow the user to do various actions to the provider schedule. Day This allows the user to view the previous provider schedule. Show Detail This allows the user to view the detail of the provider’s schedule. Insert Schedule will allow the user to insert another provider, department and date. Appt Actions Not Applicable at RowanSOM. Actions This will allow the users to Add Time, Daily Schedules/Templates, Print, View Legend, Customize Tool Tips, and set up Temporary Appointment Settings. 2013 Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine Information Resources and Technology Clinical Systems Department Centricity Business-Version 1 10/11/2013 18 MULTIPLE PROVIDER SCHEDULES Multiple Provider Schedules will allow users to view three provider’s schedules at the same time for a specific day. The Display Multiple Provider Schedules feature will let users view if time slots are available, booked, patient’s names, scheduled comments, etc. Display Multiple Provider Schedules Tab 1. At the 1 Provider: prompt, enter the provider or click the drop down menu to select from the list. NOTE- If a provider is only set up in one scheduling department, the Department: prompt will automatically default. 2. At the Department: prompt, enter the department or click the drop down menu to select from the list. For provider 2 and 3, please follow steps 1-2. 3. At the Date: prompt, enter the date or click the drop down menu to select a date. 4. Click the OK button to display the providers’ schedules. 2013 Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine Information Resources and Technology Clinical Systems Department Centricity Business-Version 1 10/11/2013 19 INSURANCE TAB This tab allows users to access the insurance page and update as needed but this process is not recommended. This is available for specialty sites who do not utilize scheduling. Insurance Tab 1. At the Patient: prompt, enter the patient’s name using any of the patient search methods. NOTE- Once a patient’s name is entered; the system will branch to the Patient Selection screen. Select the desired patient and click OK. 2. Click the Insurance tab. NOTE- They system will move to the Manage Insurance Information screen. 2013 Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine Information Resources and Technology Clinical Systems Department Centricity Business-Version 1 10/11/2013 20 PATIENT SERVICES The Vertical Tool bar will allow the users to access different functions from the New Appointment screen. The Patient Services screen is another option that will allow users to enter and edit patient’s registration, referrals, patient inquiry, etc. Users can add, view, or update Registration, Appointments, Invoices, Patient Inquiry, etc. To register, edit, enter referrals, and view patient inquiry from the Patient Services screen, click Patient Services on the Vertical Tool bar. 1. On the Patient Services screen enter the patient’s name at the Name: prompt and click the Demographic link. NOTE- If the patient is not in the system, the system will display a message “No Patients found”. If the patient is established, the system will branch to the Patient Selection screen. 2. On the Patient Selection screen (if a new patient), click the New Reg button. Otherwise, select the desired patient from the Patient Selection list and click OK. 2013 Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine Information Resources and Technology Clinical Systems Department Centricity Business-Version 1 10/11/2013 21 PATIENT SERVICES CONTINUED NOTE- If it is a new patient and the New Reg button was selected, the system will branch to the Registration screen. If the patient is established, the system will branch back to the Patient Services screen. New Patients Follow the steps provided in the Registration Section. Established Patients For the established patients, the system will display the patient’s demographics on the Patient Services screen. If edits are necessary, click either the Demographics or Insurance links and make the necessary up dates. Click OK when finished. Referrals To enter a referral from the Patient Services screen, click the Referral List link and follow the steps provided in the Referral Section. To edit a referral from the Patient Services screen, click the Referral List link and follow the step provided in the Referral Section. Patient Inquiry To view patient information from the Patient Services screen, click the Patient Inquiry link. To view the Patient Inquiry action codes, see Patient Inquiry section below. 2013 Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine Information Resources and Technology Clinical Systems Department Centricity Business-Version 1 10/11/2013 22 REGISTRATION This will allow the user to View Registration Data for a patient, and Change the Guarantors by selecting one of the tab keys above the patient’s banner. 2013 Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine Information Resources and Technology Clinical Systems Department Centricity Business-Version 1 10/11/2013 23 COMMENTS This will allow the user to enter General Comments and Financial Comments by selecting the tab keys above the patient’s banner. NOTE-When entering comments, be sure to go to the bottom line and begin typing. Also time and date stamp by using Crtl T and add your user initials. Reminder: General Comments should not be used to document clinical, financial or confidential information. 2013 Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine Information Resources and Technology Clinical Systems Department Centricity Business-Version 1 10/11/2013 24 INVOICE INQUIRY This will allow the user to view invoices list and access detailed invoice information for the patient. 2013 Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine Information Resources and Technology Clinical Systems Department Centricity Business-Version 1 10/11/2013 25 DICTIONARIES This will allow the user to view BAR, SCHED, and PCS dictionaries by selecting the tab keys above the patient’s banner. 2013 Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine Information Resources and Technology Clinical Systems Department Centricity Business-Version 1 10/11/2013 26 PATIENT INQUIRY Patient Inquiry allows user to view patient information in regards to a patient. This is a view access only. 1. On the Vertical Toolbar, click the Patient Inquiry link. 2. At the Name: prompt, enter the patient’s name and press the Tab key or click the OK button. NOTE- The system will display the Patient Selection screen if there is more than one person with the same name. NOTE- Once the patient has been selected, the system will display the patient’s Name, Address, City/St, Zip Code, MRN #, Social Security Number, and shows FSC on the Patient Inquiry screen. When the patient is selected, the system will display a list of actions codes for the user to choose from. A APPOINTMENTS- allows the user to view the patient’s appointment history. D DEMO, INS, CASE INFO- allows the user to view the patient’s registration and insurance E ENROLLMENT- Not applicable at RowanSOM. H HOSPITAL- Not applicable at RowanSOM. I INVOICES- allows the user to view any invoices created for the patient. J DOCUMENTS- N Not applicable at RowanSOM. S CUSTOMER SERVICE- Not applicable at RowanSOM. V VISITS- Not applicable at RowanSOM. Z APC SUMMARY DATA- Not applicable at RowanSOM. 2013 Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine Information Resources and Technology Clinical Systems Department Centricity Business-Version 1 10/11/2013 27 ADD/EDIT REFERRALS This will allow the user to add or update a patient’s referral. See Add/Edit Referral section for detailed information. 2013 Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine Information Resources and Technology Clinical Systems Department Centricity Business-Version 1 10/11/2013 28 VIEW DICTIONARIES This will allow the users to view specific dictionary information. 2013 Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine Information Resources and Technology Clinical Systems Department Centricity Business-Version 1 10/11/2013 29 Notes 2013 Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine Information Resources and Technology Clinical Systems Department Centricity Business-Version 1 10/11/2013 30 Notes 2013 Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine Information Resources and Technology Clinical Systems Department Centricity Business-Version 1 10/11/2013 31 Notes 2013 Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine Information Resources and Technology Clinical Systems Department Centricity Business-Version 1 10/11/2013 1 SCHEDULING A WALK-IN APPOINTMENT Some offices allow patients who enter the offices with an unscheduled appointment to be seen as walk-in. Patients who will be seen as a walk-in status must be registered for an appointment. 1. At the Patient: prompt, enter the patient’s name to schedule an appointment. NOTE-If the patient is in the system, the patient’s name, MRN, Date of Birth, Sex, Social Security Number, Address, City/St, zip and Telephone number will display on the MPI (Master Patient Index) screen. If the patient does not appear on the MPI, the user must register the patient. On the MPI screen, select the desired patient and click the OK button. 2. At the Appt Reason: prompt, enter the reason the appointment is being scheduled or press the Tab key to bypass the field. 3. At the Provider: prompt, enter the provider for who the patient wants to see or click the drop down menu to select from the list. Press the Tab key to bypass the field. NOTE- If the provider is set up only in one scheduling department, the Department: field will automatically default. 2013 Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine Information Resources and Technology Clinical Systems Department Centricity Business-Version 1 10/11/2013 2 SCHEDULING A WALK-IN APPOINTMENT CONTINUED 4. At the Department: prompt, enter the department the patient wishes to be scheduled or click the drop down menu to select from the list. When the Tab key is pressed, the cursor will move to the location field. NOTE- Departments scheduling first available appointments, will primarily use the department search to display all the available provider’s schedules within the department. 5. At the Appt Type: prompt, enter the appointment type or click the drop down menu to select from the list. Required Field 6. At the Duration: prompt, the system will automatically display the duration of the appointment type. 7. At the From Date: prompt, the system will automatically default the present day. Enter the desired appointment date or click the drop down menu to select a date. 8. At the Location: prompt, enter the location for the provider the patient is being scheduled to see or click the drop down menu to select from the list. Press the Tab key to bypass the field. 9. At the Search: prompt click the drop down menu and select Schedule. 10. At the Settings button, click and choose “Walk In/ Off”. 11. Click the Next button. The system will display the Schedule Search screen with all the available appointments for the date scheduled. 2013 Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine Information Resources and Technology Clinical Systems Department Centricity Business-Version 1 10/11/2013 3 SCHEDULING A WALK-IN APPOINTMENT CONTINUED 12. Select a desired date and time and click the Next button to move to the Appointment Data Form screen. NOTE: The green triangles denote the available appointment slots according to the criteria you have selected on the scheduled appointment screen. 2013 Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine Information Resources and Technology Clinical Systems Department Centricity Business-Version 1 10/11/2013 4 SCHEDULING A WALK-IN APPOINTMENT CONTINUED 13. The system will branch to the Appointment Data Form screen (ADF). Please complete the necessary fields on the ADF screen or the user can follow the steps in the section Scheduling First Available Appointment. Reminder: Add a patient to the Wait List if the appointment is more than 15 days out. Follow the steps for adding a patient to wait list as shown in the New Appointment Confirmation Screen section. NOTE-Patients who are scheduled via the Walk-In function will automatically appear as arrived on the Appointment Manager Screen. 2013 Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine Information Resources and Technology Clinical Systems Department Centricity Business-Version 1 10/11/2013