Levels 1, 2 & 3 Award/Certificate in Retail Knowledge (1013)

Unit 255
Understanding retail consumer law
Credit value: 2
Unit aims
The purpose of this unit is to provide learners with the knowledge and understanding of legislation
relevant to consumers. It covers acts such as Trade Description and Data Protection, as well as
legislation for consumer credit and the provision of licensed and age-restricted products.
Learning outcomes
There are six learning outcomes to this unit. The learner will be able to:
1. Understand how consumer legislation protects the rights of customers
2. Know the main provisions of the Trade Descriptions Act in relation to retail
3. Know the main provisions of consumer credit legislation in relation to retail
4. Know the main provisions of data protection legislation in relation to retail
5. Know the main provisions of the law relating to the sale of licensed and age-restricted
6. Understand the consequences for businesses and employees of contravening retail law
Guided learning hours
It is recommended that 20 hours should be allocated for this unit. This may be on a full-time or parttime basis.
Details of the relationship between the unit and relevant national occupational standards
(if appropriate)
This unit is linked to the National Occupational Standards for retail.
Endorsement of the unit by a sector or other appropriate body
This unit is endorsed by Skillsmart Retail, the Sector Skills Council for Retail.
Key Skills
This unit may help candidates to gain confidence in, and possibly generate portfolio evidence for, the
following Key Skills:
• Application of Number
• Communication
• Information and Communication Technology
To schedule the online multiple choice test (GOLA) for this unit - schedule test 205
Levels 1, 2 & 3 Award/Certificate in Retail Knowledge (1013)
Unit 255
Understanding retail consumer law
Learning outcomes and assessment criteria
Outcome 1 Understand how consumer legislation protects the rights of
The learner can:
1. State the purpose of consumer legislation in relation to retail
2. Describe the key principles and concepts of consumer legislation such as fitness for purpose,
misinterpretation, and merchantable quality
Consumer legislation
Sale of Goods Act, Trade Descriptions Act
Outcome 2 Know the main provisions of the Trade Descriptions Act in
relation to retail
The learner can:
1. Describe the purpose and main provisions of the Trade Descriptions Act in relation to retail
2. Describe retail employees’ responsibilities under the Trade Descriptions Act
Outcome 3 Know the main provisions of consumer credit legislation in
relation to retail
The learner can:
1. Describe the key legal responsibilities of a retail business and its employees when offering
credit facilities to customers
Legal responsibilities
To comply with Consumer Credit Act, Data Protection Act.
Outcome 4 Know the main provisions of data protection legislation in
relation to retail
The learner can:
1. Describe the key responsibilities and obligations of a retail business and its employees under
current data protection legislation
Current data protection legislation
Data Protection Act.
Levels 1, 2 & 3 Award/Certificate in Retail Knowledge (1013)
Unit 255
Understanding retail consumer law
Learning outcomes and assessment criteria
Outcome 5 Know the main provisions of the law relating to the sale of
licensed and age-restricted products
The learner can:
1. Identify the responsibilities and obligations of a retail business and its employees in
relation to the sale of licensed goods
2. Identify the responsibilities and obligations of a retail business and its employees in
relation to the sale of age-restricted goods
Responsibilities and obligations
Comply with licence requirements, protection of staff, customers, community and business.
Licensed goods
Alcohol, tobacco, pharmaceuticals, game, livestock, gaming products.
Responsibilities and obligations
Comply with age related sales legislation, protection of staff, customers, community and business.
Age-restricted goods
Alcohol, tobacco products, fireworks, films and games, lighter fuel, solvents, gaming products,
knives, aerosol paints, petrol.
Outcome 6 Understand the consequences for businesses and employees of
contravening retail law
Assessment Criteria
Underpinning Knowledge
The learner can:
1. Describe the legal consequences for businesses and employees of contravening retail law
2. Describe the probable commercial consequences and sanctions for employees and
businesses of contravening retail law
Legal consequences
Possible litigation, fines, loss of licence, closure of business, imprisonment.
Commercial consequences
Loss of trade, loss of business, loss of reputation, loss of employment.
Levels 1, 2 & 3 Award/Certificate in Retail Knowledge (1013)