Corrections for March 2013 with the compliments of Adlard Coles Nautical REEDS Nautical Almanac 2013 Corrections to 28th February 2013 include Admiralty Notices to Mariners Week 9/13 EDITORIAL NOTES 1. Corrections to the above Almanacs are placed on at the following intervals: In early January (covering the period since going to press in June); and thereafter at the start of each month from February through to June. There is no repetition, except where an earlier correction is modified by later data. 2. We thank those who have contributed helpful suggestions, all of which are considered and, if feasible, included. Please tell the Editors as soon as possible of any corrections to the Almanac(s) thought to be necessary, particularly as a result of experience at sea. 3. Contents Pages 2 Reeds Update Amendment Form 3–9 Reeds Nautical Almanac Adlard Coles Nautical 50 Bedford Square London, WC1B 3DP March 2013 Tel 0207 632 5600 Fax 0207 6732 5800 1 AMENDMENT/CORRECTION FOR REEDS ALMANAC For forwarding suggested amendments to Reeds Almanac, Reeds Channel Almanac, Reeds Western Almanac and Reeds Eastern Almanac Date of report: Name of sender: Telephone: Email: Publication affected: Reeds Almanac Channel Almanac Western Almanac Eastern Almanac Edition: 2013 2012 Earlier: ________________ Page number(s) affected: ____________________________________________ Reference material Passage information Lights & buoys This report relates to: Country notes Area plan Tides Harbour information (specify): Name: ________________________________ Ref. number: ______·______ Amendment/ Correction: Continue on a separate sheet if necessary Reeds agents: I am a Reeds Agent for: ________________________________ I would like to become a Reeds Agent for: ________________________________ Reports should be submitted to: UK & Ireland, introduction, navigation, tides, safety, first aid Continental coast (including Channel Islands and Azores), reference data, regulations, communications, weather Anything else: The Editors, Reeds Almanac, Adlard Coles Nautical, 50 Bedford Square, London WC1B 3DP 2 March 2013 CORRECTIONS TO 2013 REEDS NAUTICAL ALMANAC CHAPTER 5, COMMUNICATIONS 72, 5.11.5 COAST RADIO STATIONS, VHF and MF CRS, Table, Skagen Rx, delete: 2045; Bovbjerg Rx, delete: 2045; Blåvand, Rx, delete: 2045. 72, FIG 5(5), Paste in new chartlet on page 6, showing amended labels and removal of CRS. 73, 5.12.4 COAST RADIO STATIONS, para after 1st tinted box, line 3, delete: All, substitute: The Coast Guard. Traffic Lists, delete: Ch 16 every H and H+30; and. 2nd Tinted Box, delete: Bremerhaven 01; delete: * after Flensburg and Rostock; delete: * New channel planned. 75, 5.15.1 FRENCH CROSS INFRASTRUCTURE, para after tinted box, line 3, delete: (all centres also have Emergency e 1616 for mobiles). Ed Note: This service has been withdrawn, to call by phone use 112. 75, SEMAPHORE SIGNAL STATIONS, Tinted box, delete: *Le Havre and *Port Louis in toto; Étel Mât Fenoux, e, amend: 02·97·55·35·39. 76, 5.15.6 EMERGENCY VHF DF STATIONS – FRANCE, Tinted box, delete: †Port Louis; all other VHF DF stations are H24 except the following (which are HJ): Grouin, Brignogan, Ploumanac’h, StQuay-Portrieux, Toulinguet, Cap de la Chèvre, Beg-Meil, SaintJulien, Les Baleines and Messanges. Grouin is also Summer only. 76, 5.16.1 COAST GUARD COMMUNICATIONS, North and North West Spain, Tinted Box, Madrid MRCC, e, amend: 917 755 133; Finisterre MRCC, e, delete: 767320. South West Spain, Tinted Box, Algeciras MRSC, e, amend: 956 580 035. 77, MOROCCO COAST GUARD COMMUNICATIONS, Rabat MRCC, lat/long, amend: 33°49’N 07°09’W. Agadir MRSC, lat/long, amend: 30°25’N 09°38’W. VHF & MF DSC, delete: 24, 28. CHAPTER 6, WEATHER 100, 6.19.1 CROSS VHF AND MF BROADCASTS, Tinted Box, CROSS ÉTEL, add: Ch 63, Pointe de Penmarc’h to the Spanish border. A continuously transmitted weather bulletin. Ed Note: This is an additional service to those already listed. 103, 6.21.3 NAVTEX, delete: Porto Santo (P). CHAPTER 9, HARBOURS, COASTS AND TIDES AREA 1, SW ENGLAND 150, FALMOUTH & RIVER FAL, Facilities up-river to Truro, para 4, line 3, after: Trelissick House, add: (° Fl R 5s). 166, RIVER YEALM, Chartlet, paste in new inset on Page 6, showing Office : N of the Pool. 166, RIVER YEALM, Facilities, line 1, a off Warren Pt, amend: 3. 176, RIVER EXE, Lights and Marks, para 1, after last line add: Following buoys in the upper reaches are lit: No 22 PHM: Ting Tong – Fl R 2s. No 24 PHM: Exe – Fl R 4s. No 41 SHM: Turf Green – Fl G 2s. No 45 SHM: Topsham reach – Fl G 4s. 177, RIVER EXE, Facilities, line 1, EXMOUTH Marina, after: u, add: in 2m; after £3.30, add: C (15ton). AREA 2, CENTRAL S ENGLAND 193, PORTSMOUTH, Chartlet Inset, NAB TOWER, Ed note: The refurbishment of the Nab Tower Lighthouse is due to recommence on or about 6th March. During the planned works the light will be temporarily extinguished. Two temporary marking buoys will be moved as follows: Nab E, v , ECM, VQ(3) 5s, positioned 117° Nab Twr 370m. Nab W, r, WCM, VQ(9) 10s, positioned 297° Nab Twr 370m. 214, YARMOUTH, paste in new inset on Page 7, showing new pontoons in harbour and revised depths. Shelter, lines 3/4, delete: Moor fore-and-aft ...‘Walk Ashore’ pontoons, substitute: Berth on walk ashore pontoons, detached pontoons or town quay. March 2013 Line 7, after: may, add: at times. Lights and Marks, line 3, either, amend: eastern. 216, NEWTOWN RIVER, Chartlet, ouside entrance, W of RW bn, delete: unlit SHM; on Spit S of deleted SHM, insert: L (Landing); Lower Hamstead, at root of jetty, insert: L (Landing). Ed Note: Use landings indicated to avoid controlled areas in nature reserve; at Shalfleet, delete: Pontoon. Navigation, para 4, line 1, delete: first sentence. Para 5, line 3, perches, amend: buoys. Facilities, line 1, delete: £1.25, substitute: £15 for overnight stay, voluntary donations to the National Trust for shorter periods would be appreciated. Para 3, Lower Hamstead Landing, delete: FW. Para 4, delete: R. Seabroke e 531213, ä. 222, COWES/RIVER MEDINA, LH Chartlet, paste in new chartlet on Page 8, showing revised buoyage and anchoring prohibited area, N of the entrance. 229, RIVER HAMBLE, Facilities, Stone Pier Yard, line 1, amend: (56 + u); amend e:01489 579589; price, amend: £3·00 /m,<4hrs £8. Line 2, C, amend: (10 ton); delete: LPG, D, Gas, Gaz; after: ä, add: SM. Nearby: Y, W, !. 236, PORTSMOUTH, Lights and Marks, NAB TOWER, Ed note: The refurbishment of the Nab Tower Lighthouse is due to recommence on or about 6th March. During the planned works the light will be temporarily extinguished. 239, CHICHESTER HARBOUR, Chartlet, at Northney Marina, Emsworth Yacht Harbour and Itchenor, delete: Customs symbol. N of Bosham Hoe, delete: Jetties (x2). Inset, Chichester Marina, delete most SE’ly =. 240, CHICHESTER HARBOUR, Navigation, Emsworth Channel, lines 3/4 delete: An unlit ECM marks channel to Sparkes Yacht Hbr. Ed Note: Chichester Harbour is very popular for recreational boat and dinghy racing. With 10,000 resident vessels the navigation channels can be very busy at weekends. Anticipate sailing craft manoeuvres and give them room to tack as necessary. Facilities, Hayling Island, Sparkes Marina, line 2, amend: 150 + 20 u. Line 4, C amend: (16 ton). Northney Marina, line 2, delete: SM Line 3, delete: Bar, R. Emsworth Channel, Emsworth Yacht Hbr, line 3, delete: P. AREA 4, E ENGLAND Ed Note: In preparation for the full transfer of operational services, Humber MRCC will assume overnight responsibility from 2000 to 0800 daily for Gt Yarmouth’s area of operation, stretching from Haile Sand Fort, Gayton Le Marsh to Southwold. 322, SOUTHWOLD, Lights and Marks, line 3, after: tr add: Fl 10s 24M. Communications, para 1, line 1, before: Police, add: Humber MRCC (01262) 672317. Facilities, line 1, after: Hbr, add: southwold; amend fees: < 20’ £11·60, 20-30’ £15·10, 30-40’ £18·60. 323, LOWESTOFT, Communications, line 1, before: Police, add: Humber MRCC (01262) 672317. 327, GREAT YARMOUTH, Communications, para 1, line 1, before: Police, add: Humber MRCC (01262) 672317. AREA 5, NE ENGLAND Ed Note: In preparation for the full transfer of operational services, Humber MRCC will assume overnight responsibility from 2000 to 0800 daily for Gt Yarmouth’s area of operation, stretching from Haile Sand Fort, Gayton Le Marsh to Southwold. 336, BLAKENEY, Communications, line 1, before: Police, add: Humber MRCC (01262) 672317. 337, WELLS-NEXT-THE-SEA, Communications, para 1, line 2, before: Police, add: Humber MRCC (01262) 672317. 338, KING’S LYNN AND WISBECH, Wisbech, Communications, line 2, before: Police, add: Humber MRCC (01262) 672317. 339, BOSTON, Communications, para 1, line 1, before: Police, add: Humber MRCC (01262) 672317. 3 Para 1, line 2, after: Dock office e 365571, add: (H24 & emergency). Para 2, line 4, after: +1½, add: for commercial shipping moves). Facilities, line 1, Boston Marina, fees, amend: £7. 339, ADJACENT HARBOURS, River Welland, line 6, after D, add: by prior arrangement. 362, HOLY ISLAND, Chartlet, E end of anchorage, 2 Ca S of Steel End, insert: Obstruction 5m. AREA 7, NE SCOTLAND 394 (LH Col), PETERHEAD and RATRAY HEAD, line 7, N Bkwtr Hd, Ed Note: The N Breakwater light has been destroyed and temporarily replaced: Iso G 6s vis: 236°-171°. 397, PETERHEAD, Chartlet, N Breakwater, Ed Note: See above. AREA 8, NW SCOTLAND 432 (RH col), LOCH BOISDALE, after: line 5, insert: L Boisdale Dir lt °, 292·5°; WRG 4s 4m 5M; vis: 287·5°-IsoG-290·5°-AlWG-292°IsoW-293°-AlW-294·5°-IsoR-298·5°; 57°09’·19N 07°18’·24W. Line 6, Ro-Ro Jetty Head °, amend: Iso RG 4s 8m 2M; vis: shore-G283°-R-shore; 2 FG (vert) 8m 3M on dn; 57°09’·12N 07°18’·22W. Ed Note: This corrects the amendment in the February update. AREA 9, SW SCOTLAND 471, PORT ELLEN, Lights and Marks, line 3, Sgeir nan Ròn Bn, amend: Q R; before Ro-Ro, add: dolphin off. AREA 11, S WALES AND BRISTOL CHANNEL 551, BRISTOL CITY DOCKS, Communications, lines 2/3, delete: Severn VTS 0845 6018870. Line 3, Bristol VTS e amend: 980 2638. 553, PORTISHEAD, Shelter, line 1, 4·5m, amend: 5m. Facilities, line 2, fees, amend: £2·50 (min charge £21). Line 3, after: v, add: é, Å, Bar, Wi-Fi; after: z add: (Bristol). 557, RIVERS TAW and TORRIDGE, RH Chartlet, E of Crow Pt, immediately W of: (Vert), insert: SHM with green flare, Fl.G.2·5s; immediately N of tip of NE red sector of Crow Pt Lt, insert: PHM with red flare, Fl.R.2·5s. 558, PADSTOW, Navigation, line 1, delete: / 0·6Mto. Line 2 after: Pt, add: 6ca. AREA 12, S IRELAND 569, DUBLIN, Facilities, Ferries, lines 2/3 last, delete: 2/day; 7 hrs; Norfolk Line (, substitute: 18/wk (seasonal); 7 hrs; P & O ( 569, DUN LAOGHAIRE, after, Facilities, add: ADJACENT HARBOUR GREYSTONES 53°09’·05N 06°03’·80W midway between Dun Laoghaire and Wicklow. Harbour ent open to large seas in NE winds, with scend in outer basin. The redeveloped harbour encloses Greystones Marina, e 353 (086) 2718161; 100 &, u facilities tbc in N Basin. Ed Note: The marina opens in Mar with the first 100 berths available. Reports are welcomed. 576, ROSSLARE, Facilities, last line, 2/week, amend: 3/week. 579, WATERFORD, Facilities, City, line 3, delete: Manchester; after: Birmingham, add: Flybe. Line 4, delete: Luton, Southend, Lorient: www.aeraranncom . 586, KINSALE, Facilities, Castlepark Marina, line 2, 05·00, amend 03·50, discount for longer stays & off season. AREA 13, N IRELAND 607 (RH Col), BELFAST LOUGH and BANGOR, line 1, Belfast Fairway `, lat/long, amend: 54°42’·32N 05°42’·30W. After, Belfast Fairway `, add: Kilroot : Fl QG (sync); 54°42’·85N 05°42’·85W. Helen’s Bay 0 QR (sync); 54°41’·86N 05°42’·85W. No 1 : Fl G 2s (sync); 54°41’·67N 05°46’·51W. No 2 0 Fl R 2s (sync); 54°41’·55N 05°46’·43W. 629, BELFAST LOUGH, Chartlet, paste in new inset on Page 9, showing revised marks in approach to Belfast channel. 4 629, BELFAST LOUGH, Navigation, line 1, before: WPT, insert: Belfast Fairway SWM buoy, 54°42´·32N 05°42´·30W, Traffic passes inbound to N between SWM and Kilroot SHM, outbound between SWM and Helens Bay PHM. Line 4, delete: Fairway SWM buoy. AREA 14, WEST DENMARK 647, THYBORØN, Facilities, Tinted Box, Lemvig, last line, add: Ed Note: The marina has just upgraded its shower and toilet facilities. 649, FIG 14(1) HORNS REV, Ed Note: Six recording stations marked by Fl(5)Y.20s have been positioned directly N and NE of Horns Rev II wind farm. Extra caution is advised in this area. AREA 15, GERMANY 677, HAMBURG, Shelter, Schulau, line 1, 2013, amend: 2014. Ed Note: Scheduled works there have not started yet, so the hbr is still closed. City Sporthafen, last line, 2013, amend: 2014. AREA 16, NETHERLANDS & BELGIUM 697 (RH col), APPROACHES TO HOEK VAN HOLLAND, line 9, SB-M, delete entire entry. 705, VLIELAND, Facilities, line 4, delete: Yacht hbr ... details currently. 706, HARLINGEN, Communications, Coast Guard, delete: (Brandaris) (0562) 442341, substitute: 0223 542300; after: Coast Guard, add: Brandaris Traffic Centre (VTS) 0562 442341, VHF Ch 02; Police, amend: 0900 8844 / 112; n, amend: 088 151444; E, amend: 058 2866666; before: HM, add: Harlingen Port Control 412512, VHF Ch 11. Facilities, line 4, at HW springs, amend: at a tidal height exceeding LAT + 2·54m. Harlingen WaterSport Vereninging, line 1, delete: C (6 ton). Line 2, delete: only relevant ... to the lakes, substitute: Useful small club, marina just inside the locks; El, v, @. 706, OUDESCHILD, Facilities, line 2, 00.65/m², amend: 00.70/m² + 01·60pp tourist tax. 709, IJSSELMEER, IJsselmeer East, Lemmer, Gem. Jachthaven, delete entire entry, substitute: Jachthaven Friese Hoek (275) HM e (0514) 568135. Services: BY, ME, GAZ, SM, BH (30 ton), F, v. 711, AMSTERDAM, Commmunications, last line, before: Orangesluizen, add: Westerdoks-brug 6241457, VHF Ch 22, 69. Facilities, before: WVDS Sixhaven, add: Marina Het Realeneiland, (52°23’·16N 04°53’·26E, located in the Westerdok, there are two bridges (Westerdoks-brug) which open simultaneously on request). Booking is required. No VHF. e 6238855. 50 inc u, max LOA 20m. 02.50; Marina only has shwrs/toilets, but all other facilities within easy walking distance (<8 mins). Reports welcome. WV Zuiderzee, line 2, e, amend: 6946884; after: e, add: www. 718, HOEK VAN HOLLAND, Chartlet, paste in new chartlet on page 9, showing further changes to reclaimed area. 720, STELLENDAM, Facilities, at end, add: Hellevoetsluis (on the Haringvliet), Heliushaven On the E side is Marina Cape Helius e 310056, mob 0613181974. 01·50 + 00·70 per person tourist tax; D. Reports welcome. There are also 3 YC’s situated on the W side of the hbr which may be able to help with berthing. YC Helius e 316563, mob 0616756515; D. YC Hellevoetsluis e 315868. YC Haringvliet e 314039. Groote Dok. u AB before the bridge, é, G, Shwrs. In Summer the bridge opens every hour. After the bridge is Marina Hellevoetsluis e 312166. 01·50 + 00·70pp tourist tax; D. Reports welcome. Koopvaardijhaven. u berths with é on the W side, though there can also be a lot of commercial traffic here. Reports welcome. Yagra BY (E bank) e 314748, mob 0629403177 Reports welcome. Town !, R, T, Y. March 2013 721, ROOMPOTSLUIS, Facilities, line 2, 50+80, amend: 250+80; after: 02·00, add: + 01·60pp tourist tax. Para 2, line 3, 00·90, amend: 01·60. 729, ZEEBRUGGE, Facilities, Ed Note: The new marina at BZYC will now not open to visitors until April 2014. 734, OOSTENDE, Shelter, lines 1/2, delete: Locals sceptical ... new wavebreaks. Navigation, last line, delete: as a result of works, substitute: to decrease wash. 735, OOSTENDE, Chartlet, E pier head, delete: F.R.10m5M. AREA 17, NORTH FRANCE 744 (RH col), CHERBOURG, PASSE DE L’OUEST, line 10, Digue de Querqueville, Fl (4) G 15s 8m 4M, amend: Fl (2) G 6s 8m 6M. 767, RIVER SEINE, Charts, line 2, Navicarte, amend: Fluviacarte. Chartlet, Marinas, before: Port de l’Ilon, add: 243 km Rouen; Port de l’Ilon, add: e 01·37·97·09·52 02·35; Port St Louis, add: 01·30; delete: 7km Eiffel Tower. Ed Note: There is a possibility that Port St Louis marina may close. Chartlet, Halte Nautique, after: Poses/Amfreville, add: 184km Venables; Veronnet, amend: Vernonnet; after: Bougival, add: 44km Rueil Malmaison. Tidal Streams, para 2, line 2, x, amend: x. Rouen, Bassin St Gervais, amend: Marina Bassin St Gervais; after title, add: 02·35·08·30·59, 01·10. Line 2, delete: max stay 48 hrs. Halte Nautique, e, amend: 02·35·07·33·94; web address, amend:; delete: 01·65. Lines 2/3, delete: Rouen YC 02·35·66·52·52. 768, PARIS, Charts, Navicarte’s Carte, amend: Fluviacarte. Shelter, delete: Halte de Plaisiance &. Navigation, last para, Ed Note: Development delayed due to funding difficulties. Communications, lines 1/2, after: on the river, add: (mandatory). Ed Note: This may be controlled by the police. Line 2, after lock, add: to Arsenal. Facilities, lines 1/2, delete: HM Olivier Peresse-Gourbil. Line 2, delete: email address. Line 3, web address, amend: ; HM, amend: marina. Top RH Chartlet, delete. Ed Note: Halte de Plaisance closed, no stops possible here. Facilities, Halte de Plaisance Tour Eiffel, delete entire entry. Ed Note: As above. 777, CHERBOURG, Chartlet, Digue Querqueville, Fl(4)G.15s8m4M, amend: Fl(2)G.6s8m6M. 778, CHERBOURG, Communications, line 11, Météo, amend: 08·92·68·32·50; Auto, delete entry. Line 14, Dr, amend: 02·33·01·58·58; HM (Port), amend: HM (Port & Lock). Line 15, Aff Mar, amend: 02·33·23·36·00; Lock, delete entry. Facilities, City, line 2, X e, amend: 02·33·88·57·60. AREA 20, NORTH BRITTANY 853, MORLAIX, Facilities, Morlaix lock e, add: 02·98·88·15·10. YC de Morlaix, delete entire entry. Ed Note: The club no longer has a clubhouse. 868, DOUARNENEZ, Chartlet, move HM symbol at Tréboul adj shwrs. AREA 21, SOUTH BRITTANY 872, TABLE OF BUDGET AIRLINE ROUTES, Lorient, delete entire entry. March 2013 AREA 22, SOUTH BISCAY 907 (RH col), GRANDE PASSE DE L’OUEST, lines 7/8, La Palmyre, intens, amend: 080·7°-082·2°. Line 19, Terre-Nègre N, amend: Terre-Nègre °. Line 20, W18M, R/G 14M, amend: W14M, R/G 11M. 924, THE GIRONDE ESTUARY, Chartlet, Pte de Terre-Nègre, 1814M, amend: 14-11M. AREA 23, NORTH & NORTH WEST SPAIN 949, HARBOUR 16M WEST OF SAN VICENTE DE LA BARQUERA, Llanes, Ed Note: The new marina in the inner hbr, enclosed by a lock, is now complete. The marina is run by Club Maritimo de Llanes, 140, 00·15/m2/day but max LOA <10m, few spaces for visitors, e 985 401421. Traffic signals in the outer hbr advise whether the lock is open or not, 3 G (vert) for open and 3 R (vert) for closed. 962, MINOR HARBOURS IN SENO DE CORCUBIÓN, Chartlet, W side, add: Fl(2)R.7s3M immed S of Fl(2)R.7s10m5M. 965, RÍA DE PONTEVEDRA, Facilities, Sanxenxo Marina, line 2, before: CN, add: Keep clear of passenger pier. 968, BAYONA, Chartlet (main and inset), Q.R, amend: Fl(2+1) R.15s. AREA 24, PORTUGAL & THE AZORES 973 (LH col), SINES, line 1, after: 26M, add: W twr & house; obscured 001°-003° (2°) and 004°-007° (3°). 974, SPECIAL NOTES FOR PORTUGAL, Documents, Ed Note: Border patrol vessels from the GNR (customs) may stop yachts in order to inspect registration and insurance papers. They may also check that flares and liferafts are in date. If out of date the yacht will be cautioned and escorted to the nearest port where flares can be purchased or liferafts serviced. Fines are a possibility but unlikely if the rule is complied with promptly. 979, LISBOA, Facilities, Oeiras Marina, line 2, after: 02·91, add: multihulls +100%. U Doca de Bom Sucesso, last line, delete: C, F. 992 (RH col), VILA DO PORTO, after: Control twr mole head entry, add: Naval Club, ° Fl (2) WRG 8s 24m 10M; 346°-G-351°-W354°-R-359°; 36°56’·80N 25°08’·86W. 996, ANGRA DO HEROÍSMO, Navigation, Ed Note: A marine reserve has been created around the S end of Monte Brasil, about 1M off the coast, starting from S. Benedicto castle on the E side and continuing round to Ponta de S. Diogo on the W side. No anchoring or fishing is permitted in the reserve. 997, PRAIA DA VITÓRIA, Communications, last line, Ch 16 / 14, amend: Ch 16 / 09. Facilities, after: u, add: D (tanker 24hr notice); after: (35 ton), add: Slip. LH chartlet, Fl.G, amend: Fl(2).G.10s; Fl(2)R.10s, amend: Fl.R.2s; on end of outer breakwater, add: Fl(3)G.10s. RH Chartlet, just off S end of main hbr N bkwtr, add: SCM VQ(6)+LFl.10s. Ed Note: Existing light on head of bkwtr remains. Fl.G, amend: Fl(2).G.10s. AREA 25, SOUTH WEST SPAIN, GIBRALTAR & MOROCCO 1020, CEUTA, Shelter, last line, delete: north and. Communications, last line, at end, add: Tourist Info 506275. Facilities, line 1, Marina, amend: Marina Hércules; e, amend: 525001. Line 4, 1m, amend: 2m. Line 5/6, delete: 00.4303/m2/day; >15m, 00.5376, inc é & FW, substitute: 00·60/m2/day, é & FW extra. Line 6, after: D, add: P; after: n, add: v, !. Line 7, after: email address, add: Heliport - Malaga and Algeciras. Town, line 2, delete: La Linea and. 5 Kampen Ch 21 Flensburg Ch 27 Nordfriesland Ch 26 Westerhever Ch 18 Helgoland Ch 21 Kiel Ch 23 GERMANY Cuxhaven Ch 22 Wangerooge Ch 17 Elbe-Weser Ch 24 Stade Ch 15 Accumersiel Ch 28 Norderney Ch 18 Borkum Ch 18 / Ch 61 Hamburg Ch 83 Blumenthal Ch 18 Seefunk CRS Coast Guard RS Bremen Ch 25 RNA 72, FIG 5(5) GERMAN COAST GUARD AND CRS 12 moorin New Barton a Se 27 RW Pt 15 gs 19'·5 n so RW 02 02 The Sand Bar 15 38 03 m Fl.R.5s BW 15 Yealm Hotel 26 33 06 2 24 2 1 4 3 03 01 Warren Point N Steer Pt 15 18 03 12 22 Spit oo 3 ri4 n g 24 s 18 RNSA mooring Cellar Bay Wembury Tower S. Werburghs OcY10s(occas) 50°19'·0N Porchopen 8 Shoal 3 61 03 0° 10 Wembury Bay 18'·0 6' Outer 43 56 112 122 154 Outer Slimers 63 088·8° Inner 47 67 + 5' 55 + 125 on s ea S 45 The Sand Bar Pt r ive 06 R FI.R.5s R R 23 12 Madge Pt almSmall Ye Newton Ferrers Jetty 26 Warren Pt RW RW Mi se BW ry Cr Pt aft Mo R ori 34 ng s Yealm YC Sma 34 Mooll Craft ek rings 0 n Cre 9 Newto Baring Pt Quay Visitors Pontoon Noss Mayo Slip Mouthstone Pt 32 49 Western Ebb Rocks 39 Gara Pt 52 Eastern Ebb 31 Rocks Church Brg 002° clears Western Ebb Rks Little Mewstone Inner Great Slimers Mewstone 010° 18'·5 46 43 52 19 36 New Barton Blackstone Rks or Church Ledge 49 49 Wembury Ledge 3 Scrubbing Posts See inset Yealm Head metres cables 24 0 2000 0 10 4 95 131 4°4'W 27 3' RNA 166, RIVER YEALM 6 March 2013 Ya r m o u t h Ro a d Fl.Y.5s Poole Belle 38 9 11 74 13m - 24m LOA Trot N < 13m 18 28 Y 84 33 65 LOA Trot M 36 < 9m LOA Trot S 11 Visitors Small Craft Moorings (Apr-Sep) 12 38 12 13 11 Small Craft Anchorage 04 02 03 03 08 2F.R. (vert) G G t Pon Pontoon Bathing Area (Buoyed) (Apr-Sep) 2F.R. (vert) Fl.G.4s 16 2F.R. (vert) Fl.Y.3s 3 Fl.Y.5s 2F.R. (vert) oon Norton Spit 3 2F.R. Pontoon (vert) 2F.R. (vert) uay th Q Sou Fl.G.6s F(occas) F(occas) 23 04 Small Craft Moorings 22 1 Fog Lts (vert)4m2M F.Y(occas) SS(Harbour) 09 17 2 18 05 G G Breakwater 02 G 24 Q.G. 3M 04 06 2F.R(vert)2M Fog Lts (Occas) Leading Lights 50º42'·5N 72 54 187·6° 59 38 Royal Solent YC Car Ferry Terminal Town Quay F.G.5m2M BW F.G.9m2M Tower & FS BW Fl.R.4s H Hayles BY Obstn 1 Sw To other BYs ge rid ing B Tfc Sigs (R/G lts) ar er Y Riv 200 30'·5 n Pontoons 0 0 too Obstn metres cables YARMOUTH n Po 25 42'·3 Yarmouth Sailing Club N 01º30'·0W RNA 214, RIVER YEALM March 2013 7 165 18'·0 01° 17'·5W COWES HBR RADIO VHF CH 69 VQ Prince Consort BY 68 Fl.Y.5s Trinity House 165 67 Snowden Y (Mar-Oct) Fl.G.5s Q.G No1 Q.R No2 27 G 2F.G(vert) 50°46'·0N RYS R 3x2.FG(vert) Trinity Landing RCYC FI.R.5s 22 Th e RLYC Small Craft Moorings RYS Haven P a ra de Iso2s3m6M No4 FI(3)R5s ISC 32 See separate chartlet 14 2F.G(vert) 2F.G(vert) 2F.G FI(2)R.5s (vert) No6 2F.G (vert) 2F.R (vert)x3 3 Venture Quays Shepards Wharf Marina CCYC Ferry Terminal (RoRo) 28 COWES metres cables Br ea kw at er x4 Cowes Yacht Haven 45'·5 The Shrape Mud FI.R.3s 2F.G(vert) Ferry Town Quay 06 2F.R FI.G.3s Thetis Wharf 0 500 0 2 Souters BY C Fehain Se rry en ote Hammer DANGER - CHAIN FERRY Head Crane When the ferry is berthed, a max depth of 1.7m below CD exists over the chains in the centre of the fairway. When the chain ferry is underway, the chains may rise to the surface. EAST COWES East Cowes SC Unmarked lights on W bank are 2FG(vert), and on the E bank 2FR(vert) Clarence Yard A East Cowes Marina UK Sailing Academy N 45'·0 T RNA 222, COWES/RIVER MEDINA 8 March 2013 metres cables 0 4000 57 LtHo FI.3s45m27M Black Head 46' N 20 0 78 68 Whitehead Tr Spire 33 FI.G.3sHorn(1)15s Cloghan Jetty CO. ANTRIM Chy (198) Kilroot Power Stn Carrickfergus FI.G.3s Jetty No1 FI.G.2s (sync) Carrickfergus Bank No4 FI(2)R.5s 88 Q.G No5 R Q.R No6 No2 FI.R.2s (sync) B e l f as t Lough RW 23 27 128 Helens B Q.R LtHo.FI(4)30s37m24M Lighthouse Island 113 107 FI(2)R10s Briggs Grey Point 122 98 7 03 Iso.R.12s14M Marina 91 Groomsport Donaghadee 5 54°40'N Sound FI(2)G.6s(sync) FI(2)R. G 6s(sync) FI.G.3s(sync) G 192 R See separate chart Bangor RNIYC Cultra Holywood R FI.R.3s(sync) CO. DOWN 05° 48'W 42' Mew Island Copeland Sound Copeland Island Orlock Point Ballyholme Bay Bangor Bay Yacht Moorings 60 Kilroot Q.G Fairway Iso.4s RACON AIS See separate chart 55 No3 FI(3)G.6s 159 2F.G(vert) 09 Oc.G.4s 82 46 44' G Oc.G.10s9M Spire Oc.WRG Q.G The Briggs Iso.WR.4s 44' Donaghadee 36' 40' 32' Copelands Marina RNA 629, BELFAST LOUGH 108 135 metres cables 10 92 0 109 LFl.G.5s LFI.R.5s G Q(9)15s MV Tan k s Yan gtze hav en ha ve n Radar Tr Ale xia es ven Europaha en hav Prinses Margriethaven 107 ° Iso.4s F.R um E U R O P O O R T Rozenburg VHF Ch 65 Oc.R.10s Km 1031 HOEK VAN HOLLAND Berghaven Iso.4s C Iso. No ALAN Iso.R.6s ent DK Ro R.6s NIE Sp Ro lits 2F.R ry for ANAA UW ing EW yac L sda hts ATE m G ole ins LFl.G.8s 4°15'E 4 Ldg Lts tr Pe Pr R Hellinggat (3) 8 3 LFl.R.8s 44 Noo rder Wk dam 87 R 63 Wk LFI.R.8s II II 68 Binnenhaven I MAASLUIS I I I I (3) 36 6m SE of Berghaven I I I I II II Buitenhaven71 II II (3.8m - 5.2M) II II km 51°55'N II F.R 34 II 1019 I 78 LFl.R.5s 74 88 Iso.G.2s Oil YBY 14 2000 F.R.25m10M 65 Fl.Y.5s YBY 51°58' 0 157 Works in progress I LFI.G.8s RW E G l 131 155 F.G.25m10M Prinses Arianehaven II 91I I I I Q(9)15s MV-C 51°59' II BeerK anaa 162 Wk II II 167 BY OrW II 52°N 7 II ft ra ASG 187 ll c a EU m L rs fo g in s Ldg os Lts cr 112 ed ° d en m m 20 o 5 c 173 Re V.Q MV-N MA II RW Wk 169 Mo(A)8s MO 5' N II 4°E 52°01' 2xF.R (175m) RNA 718, HOEK VAN HOLLAND March 2013 9