Fourth Sunday of Lent

Our Lady of Sorrows Parish
Sharon, MA
Fourth Sunday of Lent
March 30, 2014
Our Lady of Sorrows Parish
Sharon, MA
Susanne Osberg and the Music Resources Committee from Our Lady of Sorrows Parish would like to thank
everyone who made hymnal donations in memory of or in honor of loved ones. The Hymnal Campaign was a
great success which raised $4,500 for our new hymnals. These are the new hymnal dedications.
Oliveria Frances Smith
Alan W. Smith
The Kiernan Family
Margaret T. McCallin
Harold A. Darry
Daniel J. Sullivan
Joseph & Jean Mackie
M. Agnes Sullivan
Stephen Lee Mercuri
Richard Faxon
Grammie Mary Regan
Eileen Sullivan
60th Wedding Anniversary of John &
Joan Romanowicz
Ann Paradise
Minck & McNulty Families
Susanne Osberg
George Stevenson
Catherine DiVenuti
Anthony J. Jeneral
Josephine & Jozef Jeneralczyk
Anna & Andrew Fedora
Paul Fedora
Frederick C. Niethold
Carolyn Cleveland
Anton & Rajes Emmanuel
Lawrence & Margaret Sullivan
Julius Haladyna
Gail Marie, Evelyn, & John Palazek
Rita Huber
Mary Lou Frates
Roland & Agnes Aussant
Arthur W. Bullard
Michael & Anne Dangelo
Edward & Regina Pasternack
Kathleen & Michael Minerva
Edna Lavezzo Rebello
Eleanor Lavezzo
Angelina Roderick Rebello
Mary Perry Roderick
The Woodward Family
Regina & Edward Pasternack
The Oliver Family
Beatrice & Rudolph Pasternack
William & Sarah O’Donnell
Flora M. & A. George Derenzo
Phyllis & Ciro DeFaclo
Anthony & Doris DeFalco
Clifton & Belinda Rowe
Anthony Santos
Joseph F. Fidler, Jr.
Diane, Karen & Sheila
Antoinette Gonzalez, BME
Gertrude Miller
George Stevenson
Rita A. Dentino
Charlie & Kay Jones
Sr. May Angela
Catherine P. Carney
Eleanor Delaney
Dominic Butanowicz
Thank you St. Jude
Ann LaFond
Nelson & Christine Gulski
Make Joyful Noise
Mary Alice Dowdell
Maureen Irvine
Terrence Rooney
Paul & Mary Daley
Pierre & Ruth Graveline
Rita Gervais
Joseph F. Martin
Gary Lewis Miles
Rev. Richard Mazziotta, CSS
Harold & Regina Artz
Rev. Robert Bullock
Brandt Henderson
Barrie K. Driscoll
Clifford DeCoste
Adelina & Amelia Arevalo
Francis T. & Yvette C. Sendker
Fr. Scott Euvrard, Thank you.
Anna & Menotti Giorgio
Angela DiBattista
Eleanor Perry
Deacon Mike Iwanowicz
Edwin F. & Elizabeth Steffek
Edwin F. Steffeck, Jr.
Mary Ellen Mason
Brenda Mathews
Maureen Smith
Leonard J. Prosack
Frederick C. Niethold
Violet “Fontes” Netto
Miguel Von Fedak W.
Laszlo Raffensperger
Carin Soulavy
Virginia Vivona
Jeanne Bouley
Michelle Beausoleil
Evelina & Anthony Emmi
Loretta & Joseph Clark
Thomas Lunney & Andrew Lunney
Carmella & Cecilia Berger
Michael Motte Grove
Fourth Sunday of Lent
Elizabeth A. Gerbick
Eileen, Louis, Lawrence &
Richard Corrado
The Dumont Family
The Methot Family
The Christman & Accetta Family
Evan Bard
Min Won & Susan Hahn
Joseph & Martha Lessard
The Cook & Dowdell Families
Birute & Pranas Bernotas
Aidan Loftus 1/6/05-12/28/08
Lawrence McDonald
Fr. Frank Clooney
The Philips Family
William H. & Annie Laurie Rockwell
Evan, Henry & Katherine Timothy
The Kim Family
John D. & Lewis J. Griffin
Joseph J. Stalevicz
Bill & Tina Melcher
Barbara Goldsmith
Shayne M. Cabino
M. Helen Walsh
Olive & Joseph Lorenzi
Barbara & Ed Walsh, 50+ years
Bernard J. Earley, Jr.
George H. Markt, Jr.
The O’Leary Sisters: Margaret,
Winifred & Teresa Drake
Ted & Bridget Philips, married May
26, 2012 at OLOS
Scott Euvrard, Pastor (2004-2014)
Ruth Ramsbottom & Allen Bryer,
married October 17, 1993 at OLOS
Rose & Antonio Bernardo
Philip & Eleanor McCaffrey
Bartholomew Glancy
Alice O’Connell
Cornelius & Lean Murphy
Sarita & Gonzalo Docal
Balarezo & Dudziak Families
Emily Traut
Denise Taggart
Bruce I. Miller
Mary Saija
Monica Kaigler Sanders
Buford & Octavia Kaigler, Sr.
Gloria Mazzaferro
Charlie & Kay Jones
The joy that music & singing bring to
our worship
Sharon, MA
Our Lady of Sorrows Parish
The only reason for Jesus to mix clay with the spittle and smear it on the eyes of the blind man was to
remind you that he who restored the man to health
by anointing his eyes with clay is the very one who
fashioned the first human out of clay, and that this
clay that is our flesh, can receive the eternal life
through the sacrament of baptism.
Today’s Music
Gathering Song: G3 #475 Tree of Life
Communion Song: G3 #645 Amazing Grace
Sending Forth Song: G3 #593 I Want to Walk as a Child
of the Light
Responsorial Psalm
Ambrose of Milan, Fourth Century
Today’s Readings are on page 1025.
Scripture for the week of March 30, 2014
30 SUN 1 Sm 16:1b, 6-7, 10-13a/Eph 5:8-14/Jn 9:1-41
or 9:1, 6-9, 13-17, 34-38
31 Mon Is 65:17-21/Jn 4:43-54
1 Tue Ez 47:1-9, 12/Jn 5:1-16
2 Wed Is 49:8-15/Jn 5:17-30
3 Thu Ex 32:7-14/Jn 5:31-47
4 Fri
Wis 2:1a, 12-22/Jn 7:1-2, 10, 25-30
5 Sat Jer 11:18-20/Jn 7:40-53
6 SUN Ez 37:12-14/Rom 8:8-11/Jn 11:1-45 or 11:3-7,
17, 20-27, 33b-45
Saturday 9:00 Charlie White, Chisholm & Choate Family
Reprinted with permission under agreement with License
Sacrament of Reconciliation
On all the Wednesdays of Lent from 6:30
-8:00 p.m., Our Lady of Sorrows Parish
and all the parishes and chapels of the
Archdiocese of Boston will be open for individual confession. The Archdiocese has set up a website,, to help you prepare. It
has videos on the Sacrament of Reconciliation, sheets on
how to make a good confession, answers to frequentlyasked questions and more. Please make plans to come on
Lenten Wednesdays and spread the word of this special
outreach of mercy to those you know.
We will have a communal Reconciliation service on Monday, March 31, 2014 at 7:30 p.m. for our Confirmation I
and II students and their families. All are welcome to join
in this communal Reconciliation service. It does not require remembering the formulas for individual confessions
but still provides an opportunity for individual confessions.
Prayers for the Deceased
Maryjane Ahern, Frances Morganelli
Prayers for the Sick
Elsie Barnor, Jody Thomas, Maura O’Toole, Anthony
Venti, Ed Walsh, Melina Diaz, Lorraine Thomas, Joe Mason, Maureen Irvine, Bryna Stock, Mark Kincaid, Phyllis
Smalley, Ricardo Balarezo, Bob Naughton, Sue Hayna,
Gonzalo Perez, Stacey Siegal, Ann Marie McGrath, Francis DiLoreto, Lucille Blain Salhany, Raquel Balarezo,
Jimmy Testa, Valarie Chiodo, Thelma Sirkin, Sandra Bolton-Mason, Don Friend, Bruce Smith, Mary Fitzgerald,
Neil Cronin, Anne Friend, William Trainor, Carol Nagobads, George Brown, Atticus Venti, Noah Bartell, Pam
Bailey, Sister Anna V. Oncia, Sue Wall, Gertie DiLoreto,
Colin O’Brien, Donna Prado, Sherril White, Michael
Pellegrini, Roberta Devlin, Jeanette Carey, Carin Soulavy,
Maureen Giacchino, Mary Ramsbottom, Kay & Richard
Donati, Annanette Harper, Kathy Totino, Jessica Davis
In addition, Fr. Scott is available in the Reconciliation
Room each Saturday, 3:45-4:15 p.m.
You may also call the rectory (781-784-2265) to schedule
an appointment to celebrate the Sacrament of Reconciliation.
Oxfam America Hunger Banquet ® Saturday,
April 5; 5:30—7:00 p.m. in O’Connell Hall
Come enjoy a meal, experience a simulation of the disparity between wealth and poverty in our world and leave
with hunger to make a difference. Visit our website, to reserve your seat. For questions, email
March 30, 2014
Our Lady of Sorrows Parish
Sharon, MA
Our Lady of Sorrows Middle
Schoolers Need Your Help
Making a Difference Through
the Works of Mercy!
Our Middle School parishioners have
spent this past year studying the corporal works of mercy and developing
projects to make a difference. They
are asking for your involvement in
these ways:
Our Lady of Sorrows Youth Ministry Helps
Coordinate and Volunteers at 9th Annual
Character Breakfast to Help Children in Need
Ongoing Collections:
Shelter the Homeless
Gently Used Toy and Book Drive: This group is hoping to
put smiles on homeless children’s faces as they encounter
the pain and difficulties of homelessness. Please place
your donations in the box at the back of the church and in
O’Connell Hall. Donations will go to MainSpring House.
Feed the Hungry
Movie Night: One of our Middle School groups has
planned a movie night. Join us on April 4 to watch
“Frozen.” Check the parish calendar for the exact time.
All are invited and be sure to bring your own snacks. Admission will be one non-perishable food item for each
movie goer. See you there!
Clothe the Naked
Clothing and Shoe Drive: This group is collecting gently
worn clothing and shoes to help people in need. They have
collection boxes located in the back of the church and in
O’Connell Hall. They will be accepting donations until
April 7. They thank you for your participation.
Given that it’s a time in our church year with a lot of
events and involvement, we appreciate the support that
you can give us. Be sure to read next week’s bulletin to
know how you can be involved in the rest of the Works
of Mercy.
LIFT Worship Night
Join LIFT Ministries for a special lenten night of worship
on Friday, April 11 at the Cathedral of the Holy Cross, 75
Union Park Street in Boston. The night will feature praise
and worship music, an inspiring talk, the opportunity for
confession and Eucharistic Adoration. This event is free
to attend, open to all ages and will run from 7 - 10 p.m. A
downloadable flyer, along with more information about
LIFT, can be found on their website at What better way to prepare to enter the holiest of weeks? Come join in worship with hundreds of Catholics from around the Boston area.
Special thanks to everyone who came out and supported
the event on Saturday, March 15 to benefit Camp Wonderland in Sharon and Mansfield Parks and Recreation. The
event was a huge success! Thank you to all the community organizations and businesses who supported the
event. Thank you too to all our volunteers: Danielle
Browne, Liam Cashman, Alex DeBergis, John Dentino,
Brendan Dirgins, Erica Dougherty, Jake Fahy, Courtney,
Luke & Sherri Gurnon, Andrew Hortsman, Kate Holzman,
Hannah, Michael & Mary Lang, Max, Ellie, and Sam
Leard, Jesmarie Mirabel, Sam Mulkern, Aidan & Brendan
Murphy, Devin, Drew & Kerry Payson, Mary Sellner, and
Victoria Zambello. To find out how you can volunteer
with the many OLOS Youth Ministry service projects,
please contact Kerry Payson in the Youth Ministry Office
at 781-784-2206.
Virtus - Protecting God’s
Children Training April 16.
At Our Lady of Sorrows Parish, we
are grateful to the many adults
who volunteer at the parish in so
many different ways. Our parish
wouldn't be what it is today if it
weren't for the commitment and support of so many
wonderful adult volunteers. All volunteers in the U.S.
Catholic Church are required to complete a CORI form
and participate in a one-time training course entitled,
"Protecting God's Children". Once an adult participates
in this training program, he/she will be able to chaperone a church event for young people under the age of
18 and/or participate in one of the parish's many service
projects where children or young people are present.
The training is scheduled for April 16, 7 to 9 p.m. at
O’Connell Hall. All adults in the parish who have not
already participated in this course are invited to attend.
To register, please contact Fabiola Aguilera at or 781-806-5542.
Fourth Sunday of Lent
Sharon, MA
Our Lady of Sorrows Parish
Spirituality of Stewardship
Memories of Fr. Scott Needed
We are collecting pictures and stories of
Fr. Scott for a slideshow. Please send your
pictures to or drop
them off at the Rectory.
Easter Baskets Needed
Homeless Shelter
Receiving God’s Gifts gratefully; Nurturing God’s Gifts
responsibly; Sharing God’s Gifts in love and justice;
Returning God’s Gifts generously.
Collection – March 23
The average cost to run the parish is $10,500 per week and
our expectation is that 69% ($7,250) will come from the
weekly offertory. On March 23, the parishioners contributed $7,709.
Looking for a fun service project to
do with your family?
The Christian Services Commission is looking for your
help again this year with the Easter Basket Project. We
are in need of people willing to make Easter baskets for
the children living at Evelyn House, a homeless shelter in
Stoughton. If you would like to help, please choose an
Easter egg from the tree in the alcove, the weekend of
March 29-30, and put together an Easter basket appropriate for the age and sex indicated on the egg. Some suggestions for the baskets would be candy, a toy, socks, a
book, a coloring book, or art supplies. Please leave the
baskets under the tree in the alcove by April 13, at the latest, so that we may get them over to Evelyn House before
Easter. If you have any questions, please call Mary Ann
LaHive 784-1394 or email at
Thank you!!
Ninth Annual Fr. Robert W. Bullock Memorial Lecture
The Ninth Annual Fr. Bullock Lecture will
take place on Thursday, April 24, at 7:30
p.m. in Our Lady of Sorrows Church. This
year’s guest lecturer is Dr. Richard R. Gaillardetz. The title of his lecture is “Vatican II and the Future of the Laity.”
Annual Collection Update
205 parishioners contributed $82,484 to this year’s Annual
Collection. Our goal was $90,000. If you have not given
to the Annual Collection and would like to do so, please
send a check to the rectory or drop it in the collection box.
The Annual Collection will be closed soon.
Appeal Update
Thanks to all our
generous parishioners who have contributed to this year’s Catholic Appeal. As of March 19,
83 donors have contributed $12,133. Your donations
allow our Archdiocese to provide many services for our
parish, and further its mission of evangelization, education, and charity. If you have yet to respond, please
make a pledge today and help us reach our goal by June
30. Your pledge can be paid in monthly installments
through January 31, 2015. For more information, please
The lecture is made possible every year through the generous contributions of members of Our Lady of Sorrows
Parish and beyond.
If you would like to offer your financial support of the
lecture, please do so by sending a check to the rectory.
Thank you.
Easter Flower Memorial Donations
The parish is accepting memorial donations
for Easter flowers. These donations may be
made in memory of a deceased family member or friend. Donations will be published in
the bulletin on April 27 and May 4.
Welcome to Our Lady of Sorrows Parish. We encourage all our parishioners who worship with us to register. Our
registry is a vital source of connection we use to communicate and build community. Please call the rectory, 781-7842265, or return this form to the rectory by the collection basket, mail, or in person. Thank you.
Name: ________________________________________ Email: ____________________________________
Street Address: __________________________________Town: _____________________Zip: ___________
Tel. # _________________ Names & ages of any children ________________________________________
March 30, 2014
Our Lady of Sorrows Parish
Sharon, MA
59 Cottage St, Sharon MA 02067
Parish Office (781) 784784-2265 • •
Our Lady of Sorrows Parish welcomes you. Thank you for worshiping in our parish. If you are new here,
please introduce yourself to any of the staff. We encourage you to register with us in the parish by calling
the rectory. Our registry is a vital source of information we use to communicate and build community.
We welcome and greatly appreciate your presence at Our Lady of Sorrows Parish.
Liturgy Schedule
Our Vision
Saturday ~ 4:30 p.m. Sunday ~ 7:30, 9:30 & 11:30 a.m.
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Saturday 9:00 a.m.
Thursday, Liturgy of the Word and
Distribution of the Eucharist ~ 9:00 a.m.
Holy Days as announced.
We welcome all to our community as we celebrate and
explore our Catholic faith.
We embrace the unique religious composition of Sharon.
We proclaim the Risen Lord who gathers us as a
We pursue open dialogue as we follow the teachings of
Jesus Christ through lifelong learning and faith
We practice and promote social justice that affirms the
Dignity of every human being.
We call upon the grace and talents of all parishioners to
strengthen our living church.
We welcome those seeking the sacraments of the Church.
The Sacrament of Reconciliation is offered Saturday from
3:45 p.m. to 4:15 p.m., Wednesday during Lent at 6:30
p.m. or by calling the rectory for an appointment. For
information on celebrating the other sacraments, please
contact the rectory.
Please visit our full Vision Statement at our website.
Eucharistic Adoration
Pastoral Staff
Monday ~ 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. The first Monday of the
month ends with Evening Prayer and Benediction. All
other Mondays end with a simple Reposition.
Rev. Scott A. Euvrard, Pastor
Rev. Mr. Michael Iwanowicz, Senior Deacon
Fabiola Aguilera, Volunteer & Social Coordinator
Jacqueline Baldino, Director of Faith Formation
Mary Herx-Morrill, Coordinator of Faith Formation
Susanne Osberg, Director of Music and Organist
Kerry Payson, Youth Ministry Director
Claire Ramsbottom, Staff Associate
The Rosary
Friday ~ 10:00 a.m.
If you are housebound and would like to receive the
Eucharist, if you are in need of prayer or if you need
assistance from our community, please call the rectory or
send us an email. We want to hear from you.
Weekend Associates
Rev. Francis X. Clooney, S.J.
Rev. Kevin Spicer, C.S.C.
Support Staff
Contact Us:
We welcome your ideas and involvement. Please contact
us. We also invite you to visit and contribute to our prayer
book in the rear of the church.
Rectory: 781-784-2265
Religious Ed. : 781-784-5091
Youth Ministry: 781-784-2206
FAX: 781-784-2540
Web: Email:
Follow us on Twitter @OLOSParish
Deborah Lafleur, Administrative Assistant for Pastoral
Staff and Special Projects
Christine Muldoon, Administrator
Larry Seggelin, Maintenance Coordinator
Parish Councils Chairpeople
Parish Pastoral Council: Rev. Scott A. Euvrard
Ann Marie Rosa
Parish Finance Council: Jim Spoto
Fourth Sunday of Lent
Co-Workers in the Vineyard ConferenCe
A day of ongoing education development
for clergy, deacons, religious, and laity in leadership positions in parishes. Parish council members
and parish ministry volunteers are welcome.
Building the Life of a Parish
April 4, 2014
9:00 am–3:30 pm
Our Lady Help of Christians Parish
573 Washington Street • Newton, MA
Keynote Speakers
Fr. Michael White
Tom Corcoran
Co-authors of Rebuilt
$45.00 includes lunch
Register online at
co-sponsored by the
Theological Institute for the New Evangelization’s
Master of Arts in Ministry Program, Saint John’s Seminary
and Our Sunday Visitor Institute
learning from within
the heart of the church
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Our Lady of Sorrows, Sharon, MA