2011 2009 Southwest Conference on Disability Southwest Conference on Disability Conference Program Need help ? If you have Medicare and have limited income and resources, Medicare can pay for 75% or more of your prescription drug cost. To see if you qualify, contact The New Mexico Aging & Disability Resource Center 1-800-432-2080. 2 What you need to know about MEDICARE Protect yourself against Health Care Fraud: Always review your statements for errors or fraudulent claims You could get Extra Help if your monthly income is less than: $1,361.00 — call us to apply! Ask your doctor for appropriate preventive screenings: No more cost sharing for some preventive services New open enrollment dates: October 15 — December 7 You can switch Medicare plans during this time Please call the Aging and Disability Resource Center for more information 1-800-432-2080 3 Need Information or Help? Flash Photography Conference staff are wearing blue shirts with conference logo. If you need help or information, just look for one of these people. They’ll be glad to help! In consideration of those who are sensitive to bright lights, please do not use flash photography without permission of those being photographed. Conference Evaluation Accommodations Please help us improve the conference by completing the evaluation forms that will be distributed at the end of each session. We have available Braille programs, large type programs, sign language interpreters, open captioning for plenary sessions, raised tables to accommodate wheel chairs, and accessible parking. Please see a member of the conference staff if you would like assistance with any of these accommodations. CEUs / CRCs For information about obtaining continuing education units (CEUs or CRCs), please stop at the conference registration desk in the upper level lobby. FM Systems Audio-Visual Equipment Each workshop room is equipped with a specially enhanced FM system. Pick on up your Personal Listener at the Technology Resource Room and catch every word loud and clear. Systems donated by ATS Resources. If you’re a speaker and need assistance with audiovisual equipment, please see a member of the conference staff. They’ll direct you to the conference technology support staff person who can help. Moving Between Floors There are three elevators for your convenience when moving between floors in the Convention Center. Please see the Convention Center floor plan in this program for their locations. Fragrance Free Event The conference is a fragrance free event. For the safety and comfort of those with chemical and environmental sensitivities, please refrain from wearing perfumes, colognes, or using scented products such as aftershave, hair spray, etc. Thanks! Parking Information Convention Center City Parking Garage/Structure east of the Convention Center is $6.00 daily. Civic Plaza Parking is $8.00 daily. (City parking prices are subject to change) All Albuquerque city parking lots and garages offer free parking for vehicles displaying a valid accessible parking placard. Shuttle Service Golf-Cart shuttle service between the exhibit hall on the lower level and the Doubletree Hotel is available on request during the conference. Shuttle service between the upper level of the west side of the Convention Center and the east side parking garage is available Wednesday and Thursday from 7:30 AM 8:45 AM and 4:30 PM - 5:30 PM and on Friday from 7:30 AM - 8:30 AM and 2:30 PM - 3:45 PM. Join us at the gala conference reception and enjoy the music of Sight. Sound. Soul. During the luncheon on Thursday, enjoy the talent of Fusion 4 Sight. Sound. Soul. Award Winners 2011 Awards Committee Disability Advocacy Award Peak Motion Physical Therapy, received by Philip Baca, Owner Lisa McNiven, Co-Chair Outstanding Student with Disability Award Guida Margaret Anne Leicester Barbara Ibanez, Co-Chair Yvonne Abeyta Alex Abeyta, Jr. Distinguished Public Servant Disability Memorial Award Senator Dede Feldman Andrea M. Herrera Memorial Award for Federal Employment of Persons with Disabilities Marilyn Martinez Susan Copeland Amira Rasheed Scotty Raymond New Mexico Business Leadership Network, received by Leah Rhule and Tessah Latson-Garcia Special Events New Mexico Artisan’s Showcase During the Conference, New Mexican artisans with disabilities will be offering their handcrafted artwork for sale. Look for “Artisan’s Showcase” in Acoma/Zuni/ Tesuque rooms on the Lower Level. Disability Information Resource and Assistive Technology Demonstration Room Garden Foyer Showroom, Lower Level Meet with information specialists to search for disability information on the Web, or just stay connected and check your e-mail. Test drive a cariety of Assistive Technology tools: hands-free devices, virtual sign language video conferencing, low vision magnifiers, and more! Disability Culture In America: An Exhibition Apache Room, Lower Level Come and view this exhibit of artifacts that document evolving views of disability in American culture. This collection is owned by the Governor’s Commission on Disability. Exhibit Hall - Lower Level Lobby Wednesday: 8:00AM - 5:00PM Thursday: 8:00AM - 5:00PM Friday: 8:00AM - 1:30PM Gala Conference Reception - Join us! Wednesday: 5:15PM Lower Level Lobby, Albuquerque Convention Center Poster Session and Exhibitor Showcase Upper Level, Ballroom B & C Thursday, 8:15 - 9:15 Come enjoy posters, exhibits, breakfast and door prizes. 5 Wednesday, October 5th: “Soothing Waters: SCUBA Therapy for Veterans With Chronic Spinal Cord Injury” Cody Unser Cody Unser First Step Foundation Friday, October 7th: “The Future is Now: Full Inclusion for People with Disabilities” Web Accessibility 101 Designing For All Thursday, October 6th: “The E’s Have It: Equality for Everyone” Howard Rosenblum, CEO National Association of the Deaf Stepping It Up! Maximizing Substance Abuse Service Delivery for Deaf and Hard of Hearing Individuals Debra Guthmann, Ed.D., Director of Pupil Personnel Services at the California School for the Deaf • October 4th - 6th: Special Three-Day Training by the National Disability Rights Network • October 6th and 7th: Special Two-Day Training by the U.S. Access Board • October 5th - 7th: Special Three-Day Strand • Friday, October 7th: Special One-Day Strand 6 7 Rest Rooms Upper Level Stairs Women Stairs Up Escalator Registration Estáncia Film Festival Enchantment I & 2 Theater Women Rest Room and seating Garden Foyer Rest Room Apache Disability Culture Exhibit Santo Domingo Tesúque Taos ARTISAN’s SHOWCASE Zuni Interpreters San Juan Santa Ana Breaks Elevator Exhibit Hall Disco Display Garden Foyer Elevator Elevator Men Rest Room Vending ARTISANS SHOWCASE Ácoma Cóchiti Laguna Up Escalator ↓ ↓ Kiva Auditorium Elevator Rest Rooms Isleta Jémez Nambé Navajo Career Fair Sandia Lower Level Down Escalator Rest Room Elevator Elevator X Picurís [No Conference Events on Middle Level] (Assistive Technology, Resource Room Men To East Parking Garage ← Stairs 8 Ballrooms B & C Plenary Sessions Buffet Dining Thursday Poster Session West Complex: Meeting Rooms To Doubletree & Underground Parking → Business Center Down Escalator THIRD ANNUAL DISABILITY FILM FESTIVAL SHOWTIMES *CLOSED CAPTIONING AVAILABLE Wednesday, October 5th 9:00 - 10:15 “Audism Unveiled” Educational Film: Discussion after film - an eye-opener of the many faces of Audism and oppressive experiences of the Deaf. (English Captions, No Audio) 10:45 - 12:00 Inclusion Short Films “Picking Up Butch”, “Impact of Including Samuel: The Power of Youth”, and “I Am Norm” Campaign. 2:00 - 3:20 “Freedom Machines” Technology Film: Documentary of the power of technology to positively change lives for people with disabilities. 3:45 - 5:20 “Mozart and the Whale” Feature Film: drama, comedy and romance of two people with Aspergers’ Syndrome, a form of autism, and how their budding relationship is complicated by their disabilities. Rated: PG-13 Thursday, October 6th 9:30 - 10:45 “Gary and the Angels” Educational Film: Discussion before and after film - documentary about the impact of Fetal Alcohol Syndrome on Gary Murphy’s life. 11:00 - 12:15 “Hope In Motion” Tribute to Christopher Reeve, Part One: Discussion before and after film - This intimate portrait focuses on Chris’ remarkable recovery of movement and his constant fight to fully regain his mobility. 2:00 - 3:30 “Everyone’s Hero” Tribute to Christopher Reeve, Part Two: Directed and inspired by the heroic Christopher Reeve, this is a fun-filled animated adventure that everyone will love! 3:45 - 5:20 “Mozart and the Whale” See description above. 6:00 - 7:45 “Rory O’Shea Was Here” Feature Film: Drama and comedy - Story of two young men with disabilities, Rory O’Shea and his best friend, Michael, who live life like they mean it! Rated R for language. Popcorn will be served. Friday, October 7th 9:00 - 10:30 “Freedom Machines” See description above. 10:45 - 12:00 “Audism Unveiled” See description above. 2:00 - 3:15 Poets and Authors A poetry performance by award-winning poet Jim Ferris from his new collection, and book reviews and signings by author Archie Silago of “Blindness Should Not Be A Burden”, and author Marilyn Martinez of “Battling the Basement”. 9 2011 Tuesday, October 4th 8:00AM – 9:00AM Continental Breakfast – Ballrooms B/C, Upper Level 8:00AM – 2:00PM Pre-Conference Workshops and NDRN Training Registration Upper Level Lobby 8:30AM – 12:00PM Navajo/Nambe 9:00AM - 4:00PM NDRN Training: Introduction to P&A System and PABSS and Overview of SSI & SSDI Programs (Break at 10:45) Ms. Cheryl Bates-Harris, National Disability Rights Network Ms. Linda Landry, Disability Law Center Picuris Preconference Workshop Web Accessibility 101- Designing For All Sharron Rush, Executive Director, Knowbility 10:00AM - 12:00PM Cochiti Pre-Employment Workshop for New Mexicans With Disabilities Presented by New Mexico Focus on Abilities and the U.S. Forest Service 1:00PM – 5:30PM Navajo/Nambe 1:00PM - 5:00PM NDRN Training: SSDI Work Incentives and SSI Work Incentives (Break at 2:45) Ms. Cheryl Bates-Harris, National Disability Rights Network Ms. Linda Landry, Disability Law Center Taos Preconference Workshop Maximizing Substance Abuse Service Delivery for Deaf and Hard of Hearing Individuals Debra Guthmann, Ed.D., Director of Pupil Personnel Services at the California School for the Deaf 3:00PM - 5:00PM Cochiti Pre-Employment Workshop for New Mexicans With Disabilities Presented by New Mexico Focus on Abilities and the U.S. Forest Service 6:00PM - 8:00PM Early Bird Registration and Welcome Reception Doubletree Hotel, Lobby Ball Room Wednesday, October 5th 10 8:00AM - 4:00PM Registration Open - Upper Level Lobby 8:00AM - 5:00PM Exhibit Hall Open - Garden Foyer Tuesday, October 4th - Friday, October 7th 8:00AM – 9:00AM Continental Breakfast – Ballrooms B/C, Upper Level 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM • Disability Information And Assistive Technology Resource Room, East Garden Foyer Showroom • Disability Culture In America Exhibition, Apache Room • Artisan’s Showcase, Acoma/Zuni/Tesuque • Artists in Residence, Acoma/Zuni/Tesuque 8:30AM – 10:15AM Navajo/Nambe 9:00AM - 10:15AM National Disability Rights Network Training: Social Security Appeals and Overpayments Ms. Cheryl Bates-Harris, National Disability Rights Network Ms. Linda Landry, Disability Law Center, Boston, MA Cochiti Seven Years and 2500 Graduates Later: Outcomes of the 2010-2011 Socialization and Sexuality Education Evaluation Project Jill Ryan, Ph.D., MA, MPH, Clinical Director, Developmental Disabilities Supports Division, New Mexico Department of Health Jemez/Isleta Inclusion of People with Disabilities into State Emergency Management Planning Ms. Angela English, MS, BA, Executive Director, Texas Governor’s Committee on People with Disabilities Laguna Perceptions of the Tarahumara Indians Regarding Children with Disabilities Lawrence Ingalls, Ph.D., M.Ed., BS, University of Texas El Paso Helen Hammond, Ph.D., MA, BS, University of Texas El Paso Picuris Empowering Recovery: Self-Directed Care and Money Follows the Person Dena Stoner, Senior Policy Advisor, Texas Department of State Health Services Sandia Federal and State Government Career Fair for New Mexicans with Disabilities Santa Ana Age Functional Decline and Level of Assistance Over 10 Years After Traumatic Brain Injury Stephanie Kolakowsky-Hayner, Ph.D., Director of Rehabilitation Research, Santa Clara Valley Medical Center Rehabilitation Research Center Santo Domingo Marilyn’s Bus Travel Tips: How to Get to Your Destination Ms. Marilyn Martinez Susan Copeland, Ph.D., M.Ed., Associate Professor, University of New Mexico Taos Re-Thinking Community: How In-Home Services Have Changed Living Mr. Jim Parker, Director, Governor’s Commission on Disability Enchantment I/II: Disability Film Festival: “Audism Unveiled” - See page 9 for description. 10:15AM – 10:45AM Stroll and Roll to Concurrent Sessions Concurrent Sessions I 11 12 10:45AM - 12:00PM Concurrent Sessions II Cochiti Cyber-Connections for Communication: DDMI Telehealth Outreach Alya Reeve, MPH, MD, Co-Investigator, Continuum of Care Project, Department of Pediatrics, University of New Mexico Jemez/Isleta Leveling the Playing Field in Disaster Preparedness Ms. Cat Rooney-Howland, MA, Project Coordinator, Research and Training Center on Independent Living, University of Kansas Laguna Longevity Challenges and Opportunities: Aging and Working Well with a Disability Susanne Bruyere, Ph.D., MPA, MS, Professor of Disability Studies and Director of Employment and Disability Institute, Cornell University ILR School Ms. Judy Young, MA, BA, Assistant Director, Training and Development, Cornell University ILR School Navajo/Nambe National Disability Rights Network Training: Ticket to Work, BOND, Timely Progress and Other SSA Issues Ms. Cheryl Bates-Harris, National Disability Rights Network Ms. Linda Landry, Disability Law Center, Boston, MA Picuris Breaking the Barriers: Alternatives to Traditional Education Models Michael Reid, Psy.D, Ph.D., BS, CEO/President, Innovative Learning LLC Ms. Vicki Moeller, MA, BS, Managing Director, Innovative Learning LLC Sandia Federal and State Government Career Fair for New Mexicans with Disabilities Santa Ana Promoting the Empowerment of Youth with Disabilities Through Self-Advocacy Clubs Ms. Thea Kavanaugh, BS, BA, Recreation Therapist, Las Cruces Public Schools Santo Domingo LOOP NEW MEXICO - Making the Land of Enchantment More Accessible to Those with Hearing Loss Mr. Stephen O. Frazier, Hearing Loss Support Specialist, Hearing Loss Association of America, Hearing Loss Association of Albuquerque, Loop New Mexico Ms. Yin-Jhen Chan, MA, Teacher Taos Ensuring Accessible Technology, Today and Tomorrow Mr. Phill Jenkins, BS, Senior Engineer and Business Development Executive, IBM, Presidential Appointee, U.S. Access Board Enchantment I/II: Disability Film Festival: “Picking Up Butch”, “Impact of Including Samuel: The Power of Youth” , “I am Norm” Campaign, “James: A Sister’s Portrait” by Jennifer Wilkey - See page 9 for description. 12:00PM – 1:45PM Lunch, Keynote Address and Awards Presentation – Ballrooms B/C, Upper Level Opening Keynote Address: Soothing Waters: SCUBA Therapy for Veterans With Chronic Spinal Cord Injury Adam Kaplin, John Hopkins University School of Medicine and Cody Unser, First Step Foundation Outstanding Student with Disabilities Award presented by Joan Green to Guida Margaret Anne Leicester 1:15 PM – 3:15 PM Navajo/Nambe National Disability Rights Network Training Basic Employment Law and FSLA Ms. Cheryl Bates-Harris, National Disability Rights Network David Hutt, National Disability Rights Network Kenneth Shiotani, National Disability Rights Network 1:45PM – 2:00PM Stroll and Roll to Concurrent Sessions 2:00PM - 3:15PM Concurrent Sessions III Cochiti The Los Angeles Mental Health and Developmental Disabilities Education (LAMHaDDE) Program: A Cross-Systems Training Collaborative to Improve the Quality of Care for Individuals with Developmental Disabilities and Mental Health Disorders Alicia Bazzano, MD, MPH, Chief Physician, Westside Regional Center Ms. Erica Schuster, BA, Senior Research Associate, Westside Regional Center Ms. Agnieszka Spatzier, MPH, BA, Wellness Coordinator, Westside Regional Center Ms. Bertina Lee, MPH, Program Consultant, Westside Regional Center Ms. Peggie Webb, MA, BS, Executive Director and Consultant, Non-Profit Organization Management, Mosaic Connections Inc. Mr. Lawrence Schallert, MSW, BA, Director of Adult, Education, and Outreach Services, Child and Family Center Ms. Danise Lehrer, LCSW, MSW, BA, Director of Clinical Services Department, Westside Regional Center Jemez/Isleta Laguna Utilizing Technology to Enhance Employment Options and Expand Independent Living Choices for People with Disabilities Edward Elms, MD, BS, Post-Doctoral Fellow, School of Biomedical Informatics, University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston The New Normal: What Really is an Outcome From Brain Injury? Rolf Gainer, Ph.D., M.Ed., BA, Chief Executive Officer, Neurologic Rehabilitation Institute at Brookhaven Hospital, Neurologic Rehabilitation Institute of Ontario Picuris Sandia Get Your AT Program Rolling Without Reinventing the Wheel Ms. Sharron Rush, Executive Director, Knowbility, Inc. Ms. Beth Watson, MA, Educational Programs Coordinator, Knowbility, Inc. Santa Ana Examining the Use of Active Video Gaming Technology to Increase Fitness and Reduce Secondary Conditions in Youth with Mobility Disabilities Jennifer Rowland, Ph.D., MPH, PT, Assistant Professor, Department of Disability and Human Development, University of Illinois at Chicago Santa Domingo Stop Bullying Now! Mr. Adam Shand, Self Advocate with the Center for Self Advocacy, Grassroots Coordinator for Albuquerque and Statewide, Center for Self Advocacy Taos Do Mi Via and Other Participant-Directed Programs Create Inclusion? Ms. Rebecca Shuman, Operations Assistant, Mi Via Consultant, Mia Via Ms. Alexis Ortiz, Albuquerque, NM Federal and State Government Career Fair for New Mexicans with Disabilities 13 Enchantment I/II: Disability Film Festival: “Freedom Machines” - See page 9 for description. 3:15PM – 3:45PM Refreshment Break, Garden Foyer, Lower Level 3:35 PM – 5:45 PM 14 Navajo/Nambe National Disability Rights Network Training Introduction to Title I of ADA, Practice Exercise 1, and Employment and Disabilities General Rights David Hutt, National Disability Rights Network Kenneth Shiotani, National Disability Rights Network 3:45PM - 5:00PM Concurrent Sessions IV Cochiti Insights for Behavioral Health Experts Who Work with People with a Dual Diagnosis of Behavioral Health Challenges and Developmental/Intellectual Disabilities or Autism Mr. Daniel Ekman, Staff/Trainer/Self Advocate, New Mexico Center for Self Advocacy Ms. Cynthia Berkheimer, Staff/Trainer/Self-Advocate, New Mexico Center for Self Advocacy Ms. Laura Matthews, Staff/Trainer/Self Advocate, New Mexico Center for Self Advocacy Jemez/Isleta Building Public Health Programs for All: A Policy Approach Ms. Theresa Paeglow, BS, Program Manager, Disability and Health Program, New York State Department of Health Ms. Barbara Devore, MPA, BSW, Deputy Director, Center for Community Health, New York State Department of Health Laguna Contemporary Medicine and Ancient Principles: An Integrated Approach to Healthcare Ms. Hollye Kozlowski, BS, Occupational Therapist, Creative Therapy Services Picuris Strategies to Increase Inclusion in Middle and Secondary Education Ms. Jennifer Pena, MA Kathie Good, EdD., MS, BS, Eastern New Mexico University Rebecca Davis, EdD., BS, Eastern New Mexico University Sandia Federal and State Government Career Fair for New Mexicans with Disabilities Santa Ana Life After High School: Transition and Assistive Technology Mr. Peter Stover, MSW, BA, Deputy Director of Special Services, Special Services Occupation Training Program Taos Rights of Children with Disabilities in India Dr. Samir Hassan Dalwai, Director, New Horizons Child Development Centre Enchantment I/II: Disability Film Festival: “Mozart and the Whale” - See page 9 for description. 5:15PM - 8:15PM Gala Opening Reception Ballrooms B/C, Upper Level Alex Abeyta Jr. Distinguished Public Servant Disability Memorial Award presented by Yvonne Abeyta to Senator Dede Feldman Join us for the exciting music of Sight.Sound.Soul! Thursday, October 6th 8:00AM - 4:00PM Registration Open - Upper Level Lobby 8:00AM - 5:00PM Exhibit Hall Open - Garden Foyer 8:00AM – 9:15AM Continental Breakfast – Ballrooms B/C, Upper Level 8:30AM – 10:45AM National Disability Rights Network Training Navajo/Nambe General Rights, Medical Inquiries, Exercise 2, Otherwise Qualified and Reasonable Accommodation David Hutt, National Disability Rights Network Kenneth Shiotani, National Disability Rights Network 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM • Disability Information And Assistive Technology Resource Room East Garden Foyer Showroom • Disability Culture In America Exhibition Open, Apache Room • Artisan’s Showcase, Acoma/Zuni/Tesuque • Artists in Residence, Acoma/Zuni/Tesuque 8:15AM - 9:15AM Poster Sessions in Ballrooms A&B A Single-Subject Study on the Effects of Service Dogs for People with Mobility Challenges Terry Crowe, Ph.D., MS, BS, University of New Mexico Occupational Therapy Graduate Program Miss Suzanne Perea, MOT, BS, University of New Mexico Occupational Therapy Graduate Program Ms. Joan Turietta-Alarcon, BS, University of New Mexico Occupational Therapy Graduate Program Miss Marianna McFadden, Student, University of New Mexico Occupational Therapy Graduate Program Miss Christina Czemske, MOT, BS, University of New Mexico Occupational Therapy Graduate Program Externalizing and Internalizing Behaviors in Children of Only-Spanish-Speaking Parents and Psychotherapy Outcomes Ms. Ethel Teichberg, Children Evaluation and Rehabilitation Center, Rose F. Kennedy University Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities Ms. Susan Chinitz, Children Evaluation and Rehabilitation, Rose F. Kennedy University Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities Ms. Erin Stettler, Children Evaluation and Rehabilitation, Rose F. Kennedy University Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities Health Care Needs and Services for Women Aging with a Spinal Cord Injury (SCI) Ms. Kimberly Bellon, BSW, BA, Clinical Research Assistant II, Santa Clara Valley Medical Center: Rehabilitation Research Center Stephanie A. Kolakowsky-Hayner, Ph.D., Research Director, Santa Clara Valley Medical Center: Rehabilitation Research Center Impact of Parental Involvement on Student Reading Achievement Ms. Ashley Wood, Graduate Student, Virginia Tech Living Healthy and Aging Well After a Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI): The Implications of Participating in a Home-Based Walking Program Ms. Kimberly Bellon, BSW, Clinical Research Assistant II, Santa Clara Valley Medical Center: Rehabilitation Research Center Stephanie A. Kolakowsky-Hayner, Ph.D., Research Director, Santa Clara Valley Medical Center: Rehabilitation Research Center Mr. Jerry Wright, MS, BA, Program Manager, Santa Clara Valley Medical Center: Rehabilitation Research Center The Bay Area Brain Injury Taskforce (BABIT): Helping Individuals with Brain Injury Through Collaborative Partnerships Stephanie Kolakowsky-Hayner, Ph.D., Director of Rehabilitation Research, Santa Clara Valley Medical Center: Rehabilitation Center Mr. Jerry Wright, MS, BA, Clinical Program Manager, Santa Clara Valley Medical Center, Rehabilitation Research Center 15 Reflejos Familiares (Family Reflections) A Relationship-based, Comprehensive Support Service for Families Affected by Substance Abuse Ms. Carolyn Hilton Miney, MA, BA, Training and Development Consultant, Center for Development and Disability The Combined Effect of the Parts of Speech Writing Exercise and Scaffolded Writing on Sentence Writing Skills of Middle School Students with Intellectual Disabilities Ms. Utako (Elaine) Legler, BA, MA, Student, University of New Mexico The Effects of Multimedia Computer Instruction Based on the Computerized Adaptive Diagnostic Test for Elementary School Children of New Immigrants and Children with Special Needs in Mathematics Academic Performance Chen-Tang Hou, Ph.D., Professor, National Taichung University of Education Chu-Lung Wu, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, National Taichung University of Education Ms. Yin-Jhen Chan, MA, Teacher Mr. Tsung-Chi Sun, M.Ed., Teacher The Effects of Multimedia Computer Instruction in Developing Time Concepts for Elementary School Children with Mild Intellectual Disability Chu-Lung Wu, Ph.D., National Taichung University of Education Dr. Hsin-Yi Wang, National Taichung University of Education Miss Ching-Yi Tsi, National Taichung University of Education Motor Sequencing in Children with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders: An FMRI Study P.W. Kodituwakku, G.K. Beatty, J. Fries, M. Doty, J. Schooley, E.L. Kodituwakku & V. Calhoun, UNM Center for Development and Disability & the Mind Research Network PAWSS: A Peer Mediated Intervention Kathleen “Mo” Taylor, OTR-L; Lauriann King, Center for Development and Disability, University of New Mexico 16 9:15AM – 9:30AM Stroll and Roll to Concurrent Sessions 9:30AM - 10:45AM Concurrent Sessions V Cochiti Culturally Affirmative Vocational Rehabilitation: Reducing Work Disparities Among Individuals who are Deaf and Hard of Hearing with Behavioral Health Challenges Miss Mila Mansaram, BA, Vocational Program Director, Community Outreach Program for the Deaf, New Mexico Miss Susan J. Lopez, M.Ed., BS, Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor, New Mexico Division of Vocational Rehabilitation Jemez/Isleta Can the Dynamic Web be Fully Accessible? Ms. Virginia DeBolt, MA, Web Standards Advocate, WebTeacher.ws Laguna Increasing Capacity for Inclusion: A Supported Decision-Making Approach Ms. Tina Campanella, MA, Executive Director, Quality Trust for Individuals with Disabilities Picuris Including People with Disabilities in the CDC’s Community Guide Vincent Campbell, Ph.D., Senior Health Scientist, Division of Human Development and Disability, National Center on Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities Lewis Kraus, Deputy Director, Public Health Institute of Oakland California Sandia Federal and State Government Career Fair for New Mexicans with Disabilities Santa Ana Drum Circle, We’re All Related Mr. Lester Kien Santa Domingo Integration in the Public Workforce System: What Works and What Doesn’t? Ms. Savannah Barnett, BA, MA, Research Project Coordinator, John J. Heldrich Center for Workforce Development, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey Ms. Michele Martin, BA, Workforce and Learning Consultant and DiscoverAbility New Jersey Project Coordinator, John J. Heldrich Center for Workforce Development, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey Taos U.S. Access Board Training: 2010 ADA Accessibility Standard, Part I Ms. Peggy Greenwell, U.S. Access Board, Accessibility Specialist Enchantment I/II: Disability Film Festival: “Gary and the Angels” - See page 9 for description. 10:45AM – 11:00AM Stroll and Roll to Concurrent Sessions 11:00AM - 12:15PM Concurrent Sessions VI Cochiti Caught Between Worlds with Cultures and Language Challenges: An Inclusive Program that Addresses Individuals Who are Deaf and Hard of Hearing with Behavioral Health Needs Ms. Sonia Quintero, BA, Deafness Resource Specialist Region XI-B, Communication Axess Ability Group, CAAG of South Texas, Program Funded by Texas Department of Assistive and Rehabilitative Services (DARS) Jemez/Isleta How Home Environmental Factors Can Impact the Well-Being of Elders with Disabilities Jean Sherman, EdD., MS, RN, UCEDD Faculty and Associate Director, Miami Area Geriatric Education Center, University of Miami Miller School of Medicine Ms. Sarah Sherman, MA, BS, Assistant Research Professor in Interior Design, Florida International University Laguna The Disability and Health Data System: Fostering Disability Inclusion in Public Health Promotion Through Technology Dr. Brian Armor, CDC National Center on Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities, Division of Human Development and Disability Ms. Alyssa Cyrus, MPH, CDC at the National Center on Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities, Division of Human Development and Disability Ms. Michelle Sloan, MA, Science Applications International Corporation Navajo/Nambe National Disability Rights Network Training: Reasonable Accommodation Process David Hutt, National Disability Rights Network Kenneth Shiotani, National Disability Rights Network Picuris Accessibility - The Musical Ms. Sharron Rush, BS, Executive Director, Knowbility, Inc. Sandia Federal and State Government Career Fair for New Mexicans with Disabilities Santa Ana New Mexico Youth Leaders with Disability: “What Do You See When You Look at Me?” Campaign Ms. Barbara Ibanez, MA, Project Manager, University of New Mexico Center for Development and Disability Santa Domingo Inclusive Childcare Support Initiatives in New Mexico Mr. Joe Debones, MA, LPCC, Training and Development Consultant, University of New Mexico Center for Development and Disability 17 Taos U.S. Access Board Training: 2010 ADA Accessibility Standard, Part II Ms. Peggy Greenwell, U.S. Access Board, Accessibility Specialist Enchantment I/II: Disability Film Festival: Tribute to Christopher Reeve, Part One: “Hope in Motion” - See page 9 for description. 12:15PM – 1:45PM Lunch, Keynote Address and Awards Presentation, Ballrooms B/C, Upper Level • Keynote Address: “The E’s Have It: Equality for Everyone” Howard Rosenblum, Executive Director, National Association of the Deaf • Presentation of the Community Outreach Program for the Deaf’s Excellence Awards • Performance Art Presentation by the Fusion Dancers 1:15PM – 3:15 PM National Disability Rights Network Training Navajo/Nambe Employment Law Quiz Game, Leave Under FMLA and ADA, and Exercise 4 David Hutt, National Disability Rights Network Kenneth Shiotani, National Disability Rights Network 1:45PM – 2:00PM 18 Stroll and Roll to Concurrent Sessions 2:00PM - 3:15PM Concurrent Sessions VII Cochiti Bridging the Gap Between Behavioral Health & Deaf and Hard of Hearing Communities Ms. Lisa Gomme, LPC, Counselor, Southwest Services for the Deaf David Sorensen, EdD., MS, BA, Owner, Southwest Services for the Deaf Ernesto Santistevan, Ph.D., Psychologist, Sequoyah Adolescent Treatment Center Ms. Susan Turner, LISW, MSW, BA, Clinical Social Worker, Psychotherapy & Consultation Jemez/Isleta Prompting for Successful Inclusion: Introduction to Effective Prompting Ms. Deirdre Muldoon, MS, SLP; Ms. Chelsea Maher, M.Ed.; Miss Lauren Weiss, BS, Center for Development and Disability, University of New Mexico Laguna Aging with a Developmental Disability: Dilemmas and Challenges Toni Benton, MD, BS, Associate Professor, Medical Director, TEASC Project, Department of Family and Community Medicine, University of New Mexico Health Sciences Center Ms. Patricia Beery, MA, BA, Senior Program Manager, Transdisciplinary Evaluation and Support Clinic, University of New Mexico Health Sciences Center Helene Silverblatt, MD, BA, Professor, Departments of Psychiatry and Family and Community Medicine, University of New Mexico Health Sciences Center Ms. May Goldenberg, MPA, BS, Physician Assistant, Transdisciplinary Evaluation and Support Clinic, University of New Mexico Health Sciences Center Gail Thaler, MD, MA, BA, Psychiatrist, Transdisciplinary Evaluation and Support Clinic, University of New Mexico Health Sciences Center Picuris Innovative Learning Strategies for People with Autism Spectrum Disorder Ms. Patty Cervantes, MA, BS Michael Cameron, Ph.D., MA, BA, Agency Clinical Director, Pacific Child and Family Associates Ms. Lisa Eckelkamp, MS, BS, Speech-Language Pathologist, Rio Rancho Public Schools, V. Sue Cleveland High School Sandia Federal and State Government Career Fair for New Mexicans with Disabilities Santa Ana Discovering Naturally Occurring Living Communities (NOLC’s) Ms. Mikki Rogers, Consultant; Lawrence Force, Ph.D.; Roger Monthie, MA, AgePlan, Inc. Santa Domingo Health Matters CAP (Community-Academic Partnership) Ms. Leslie Hoelzel, MS, BS, New Mexico CAP Project Manager, ARCA & the University of Illinois at Chicago Arielle Bernier Oetzel, ARCA Dr. Jasmine Sisirak, Ph.D., MPH, University of Chicago at Illinois Taos U.S. Access Board Training: 2010 ADA Accessibility Standard, Part III Ms. Peggy Greenwall, U.S. Access Board Accessibility Specialist Enchantment I/II: Disability Film Festival: Tribute to Christopher Reeve, Part II: “Everyone’s Hero” - See page 9 for description. 3:15PM – 3:45PM Refreshment Break, Garden Foyer, Lower Level 3:45PM – 5:30 PM National Disability Rights Network Training Navajo/Nambe Defending Rights Against Discrimination and Final Exercise David Hutt, National Disability Rights Network 3:45PM - 5:00PM Concurrent Sessions VIII Cochiti Transition Strategies for Children with a Hearing Loss Mr. Nathan Gomme, BA Ms. Susan Pepper-Jojola, MA, BS, Outreach Specialist, New Mexico School for the Deaf Jemez/Isleta Positive Parent Engagement Via Social Media Ms. Carolyn Hilton Miney, MA, BA, Training and Development Consultant, Center for Development and Disability Laguna Enhancing the Quality of Life of Deaf-Blind People and Reducing Psychological Effects of Isolation Through the Support Service Providers Program Ms. Carla Weeaks, BA, MA, Coordinator of Deaf-Blind Services, Community Outreach Program for the Deaf Picuris Haptic Visualization: A Hands-On Workshop By John Bramblitt John Bramblitt, Southwest Conference on Disability Artist in Residence Sandia Federal and State Government Career Fair for New Mexicans with Disabilities Santa Ana Examining the Unique Characteristics of a Parent’s Relationship with a Child with a Disability Ms. Sheila Lopez, BS, School of Psychology Graduate Student, Utah State University Ms. Jessica Malmberg, BS, MS, Combined Clinical/Counseling/School Psychology Doctoral Student, Utah State University Santa Domingo Inclusive Practices in Elementary School Ms. Marlene Callejas, MA, SLP, MA, Principal, San Francisco Unified School District Taos U.S. Access Board Training: 2010 ADA Accessibility Standard, Part IV Ms. Peggy Greenwell, U.S. Access Board, Accessibility Specialist 19 Enchantment I/II: Disability Film Festival: “Mozart and the Whale” - See page 9 for description. 6:00PM – 7:45PM Disability Film Festival: “Rory O’Shea was Here” - See page 9 for description. Friday, October 7th 8:00AM - 12:00PM Registration Open - Upper Level Lobby 8:00AM – 12:00PM Exhibit Hall Open - Garden Foyer 8:00AM – 9:00AM Continental Breakfast – Ballrooms B/C, Upper Level 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM • Disability Information And Assistive Technology Resource Room East Garden Foyer • Disability Culture In America Exhibition, Apache Room • Artisan’s Showcase, Acoma/Zuni/Tesuque • Artists in Residence, Acoma Zuni/Tesuque 9:00AM - 10:15AM Concurrent Sessions IX Cochiti Allies for Self-Advocacy State Team Business Meeting Jemez/Isleta Segregated and Exploited: Moving Forward to End Segregated Work and Subminimum Wage Ms. Cheryl Bates-Harris, National Disability Rights Network Laguna Finding Happiness and Joy After Brain Injury at 61 Mr. Ken Collins, Program Manager, San Juan Center for Independence in Gallup, New Mexico 20 Navajo/Nambe Employment First: Building a Culture That Expects Job Success Mr. Dale DiLeo Picuris The Road to Independence: Success Stories for People Moving Toward Becoming Their Own Guardian Ms. Ling Faith-Heuertz, BA, Guardianship Program Manager, The Arc of New Mexico Ms. Sally Faubion, BA, Director of Guardianship, The Arc of New Mexico Sandia Federal and State Government Career Fair for New Mexicans with Disabilities Santa Ana Everyone Can Serve . . . An Inclusive Look at Meeting Human and Social Needs Through Volunteers Jerry Alliston, Ph.D., LMSW, Coordinator for Community Inclusion and Volunteer Services, Institute for Disability Studies Santa Domingo Practical Disaster Preparedness for the Disabled and the Elderly Mr. Scotty Raymond, Self Advocate Taos U.S. Access Board Training: Accessible Public Rights of Way Mr. Scott Windley, U.S. Access Board,Accessibility Specialist Enchantment I/II: Disability Film Festival: “Freedom Machines” - See page 9 for description. 10:15AM – 10:45AM Stroll and Roll to Concurrent Sessions 10:45AM - 12:00PM Concurrent Sessions X Cochiti Working with Native Americans Who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing in Counseling Ms. Lisa Gomme, MA, BS, Southwest Services for the Deaf Jemez/Isleta You Can’t Buy Love - But You CAN Buy Accessibility Ms. Sharron Rush, BS, Executive Director, Knowbility, Inc. Laguna Let’s Make a Playdate at the Library! Ms. Gaye Spetka, BA, Assistive Technology Professional, Assistive Technology of Ohio, Ohio State University Navajo/Nambe Making Employment First a Reality in New Mexico Ruthie Marie Beckwith, Ph.D., MS, BS, Executive Director, Tennessee Microboards Association Picuris Public Hearing: Disabilities Concerns Subcommittee of the New Mexico Legislative Health and Human Services Committee Sandia Federal and State Government Career Fair for New Mexicans with Disabilities Santa Ana Inclusion: Guardianship of Adults and Alternatives to Guardianship Mr. Frank Fajardo, JD, BS, Manager, New Mexico Developmental Disabilities Planning Council, Office of Guardianship for the State of New Mexico Santa Domingo Taos Health and Medical Needs of Individuals with Disabilities Impacted by Disaster Laura Stough, Ph.D., MA, BA, Texas A&M University Amy Sharp, Ph.D., M.Ed., BS, Texas A&M University Ms. Elizabeth McAdams Ducy, M.Ed. U.S. Access Board Training: Accessible Public Rights of Way – Continued Mr. Scott Windley, U.S. Access Board, Accessibility Specialist Enchantment I/II: Disability Film Festival: “Audism Unveiled” - See page 9 for description. 12:00PM – 1:45PM Lunch, Keynote Address and Awards Presentation Dale Dileo, Director, Training Resource Network The Future is Now: Full Inclusion for People with Disabilities • Disability Advocacy Award presented by Marilyn Martinez to Peak Motion Physical Therapy received by Philip Baca, owner • Andrea M. Herrera Memorial Award for Federal Employment of Persons with Disabilities presented by The Herrera Family to New Mexico Business Leadership Network; Received by Leah Rhule and Tessah Latson-Garcia 1:45PM – 2:00PM Stroll and Roll to Concurrent Sessions 2:00PM - 3:15PM Concurrent Sessions XI Cochiti Increasing Mental Health Access for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing Community Ms. Cheryl Padilla, Service Coordinator, New Mexico Commission for Deaf and Hard of Hearing Persons Ms. Corina Gutierrez, BA, Service Coordinator, New Mexico Commission for Deaf and Hard of Hearing Persons 21 22 Jemez/Isleta Let’s Make Change, Let’s Do it Together Nadeem Shakir, Anjuman Behbood-E- Mazooran Town Lahore, Punjab Pakistan Laguna Caregivers: We’re All in This Together Ms. Adrienne Smith, New Mexico Direct Caregivers Coalition Mr. Mark Cerna Mr. Alex Brandt Ms. Willa Ortega, MS, BS Navajo/Nambe What Works and Doesn’t Work In Supporting People with Significant Disabilities to Join the Workforce: Recent Success Stories from New Mexico Ms. Ruby Moore, Georgia Advocacy Office Picuris Public Hearing: Disabilities Concerns Subcommittee of the New Mexico Legislative Health and Human Services Committee Sandia Federal and State Government Career Fair for New Mexicans with Disabilities Santa Ana Caring for the Caregivers - Emphasis On Open and Closed Head Injury Michael Shaughnessy, EdD., Professor, Eastern New Mexico University Mr. Dan Greathouse, MA, Educational Diagnostician, Portales Schools Ms. Stephanie Burns, Presenter, New Mexico Brain Injury Advisory Council Santa Domingo Practical Web Accessibility Testing Ms. Glenda Sims, Deque Incorporated Taos U.S. Access Board Training: Accessible Public Rights of Way – Continued Mr. Scott Windley, U.S. Access Board - Accessibility Specialist Enchantment I/II: Disability Film Festival: Poets and Authors Jim Ferris and Marilyn Martinez - See page 9 for description. 3:15PM – 3:45PM Refreshment Break, Garden Foyer, Lower Level 3:45PM - 5:00PM Concurrent Sessions XII Navajo/Nambe Just Do It: Implementing Employment First in New Mexico John Butterworth, Ph.D., MS, BA, Director of Employment Systems Change and Evaluation, Institute for Community Inclusion, University of Massachusetts at Boston Ms. Rie Kennedy-Lizotte, National Association of State Directors of Developmental Disabilities Services Ms. Cathy Stevenson, Acting Director, Developmental Disabilities Supports Division, New Mexico Department of Health Picuris Public Hearing: Disabilities Concerns Subcommittee of the New Mexico Legislative Health and Human Services Committee Sandia Federal and State Government Career Fair for New Mexicans with Disabilities Taos U.S. Access Board Training: Accessible Public Rights of Way – Continued Mr. Scott Windley, U.S. Access Board, Accessibility Specialist One Voice New Mexico Raising Awareness about Specialty Tiers One Voice New Mexico is a newly formed coalition of consumer advocates and health care providers, working together to raise awareness about specialty drugs. One Voice will foster conversations among consumers, health care providers, elected officials, policy makers and community leaders about specialty tiers and the cost shifting that impacts many New Mexicans. Specialty drugs are medicines created through advances in research and bioscience. Specialty medications typically target complex chronic diseases that impact small to medium populations that have high unmet medical needs—such as cancer, rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis, immune disorders (HIV), hepatitis and anemia. One Voice wants you to get involved on specialty tiers. Please follow us on Twitter and Facebook to learn more about speciality drugs and our advocacy efforts. @OneVoiceNM facebook.com/OneVoiceNM For further information, please contact Catherine Benavidez at OneVoiceNM@gmail.com. Performance Art by Fusion Dancers Thursday Luncheon Fusion Dance is a cultural and linguistic expression which is one of the most admired art forms in the country. The fusion dance is created as a form that is adaptable to different types of music, different themes, and different moods. Fusion dance is a comparatively new concept and it has seeped into several other realms of performing arts such as music and theatre. This is a dance that celebrated an inclusion of languages and cultures such as American Sign Language and East Indian Bollywood dancing. 23 NEW MEXICO One person, one family, one community at a time. O ptumHealth is a funder of behavioral health services. We are committed to helping consumers and their families on the path to recovery and resiliency, to achieving the Behavioral Health Collaborative vision of system transformation and to establishing a strong partnership with our valued network of providers. Call anytime for confidential help. OptumHealth New Mexico is a proud sponsor of the Southwest Conference on Disabilities Phone (866) 660-7185 TTY (800) 855-2880 Website www.optumhealthnewmexico.com 24 Advocating for the expansion of equitable employment opportunities for individuals with disabilities. For more information about APSE, go to http://www.apse.org/ or visit our booth in the Conference Exhibit Hall. To join APSE-NM please contact rmazzola@gmail.com or call (505)660-4641 APSE - New Mexico is pleased to partner with the New Mexico Department of Health and the New Mexico Employment Institute to sponsor the special strand on Friday, October 7th: “Community Inclusion: One Job at a Time” “Community Inclusion: One Job at a Time” is sponsored by the Developmental Disabilities Supports Division of the New Mexico Department of Health with funding by the Human Services Department Medicaid Infrastructure Grant in Partnership with APSE-New Mexico and the New Mexico Employment Institute 25 2011 Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta Balloon Fiesta events occur daily. For a full schedule please visit the Balloon Fiesta Website: www.BalloonFiesta.com For transportation options to the Balloon Fiesta please inquire at the front desk of the Doubletree Hotel. Sight. Sound. Soul. removes accesibility barriers and allows an audience with diverse abilities to share a unique and enriching experience. Join us at the Gala Reception! Sight. Sound. Soul. Artisan’s Showcase and Artists in Residence Booth Artisan A B C D E F G H I J K L M Lawrence Olson Tish Gleason Diane Geuruero Lalena Ramsey Sacheen Smith Sarah Boes Olen Taylor Kailin Kelderman Bree Songer John Bramblitt Scotty Raymond Cecilia Fred Justin Harden Patricia Tohe Doris Dennison Shari Jensen Betty Ann Howard Alfred Begay Marilyn Martinez Monty Fife Betsy Joy Aronovitz Krystal Gallegos Archie Silago Bernardo Lopez Business Leo Crafts Photos by Tish A Little Twisted or Knot The Day of the Dead Sacheen Smith Desert Treasures Taylor Canyon Gallery Kelderman Klassy Glass Breezy Creations Artist in Residence Artist in Residence Cecilia Fred Visionary Art Patricia Tohe Doris Dennison Icon-ceptions Buzz Originals Alfred Begay Advo Grrl Meets World Creative Designs A Spot of Art Emporium Krystal Gallegos Blindness Shouldn’t Be A Burden Bernardo Lopez Scotty Raymond Artist in Residence John Bramblitt Artist in Residence A taste of what you’ll discover... 27 STATE OF NEW MEXICO Communication Access & Development New Mexico Signed Language Interpreter licensure Contract Administrator for Statewide Interpreter referral services Signed Language Interpreter development opportunities Public Policy & Advocacy Telecommunications & Technical Assistance Provides individual advocacy services Provides education related to hearing loss Provides system advocacy services Provides hearing loss resources Develops and implements public policy Loans telecommunications equipment Contract Administrator for Relay New Mexico Promotes NMCDHH programs & services Provides transition services Real Time Captioner resources WWW.CDHH.STATE.NM.US 28 ALBUQUERQUE OFFICE LAS CRUCES OFFICE 2500 Louisiana Blvd Suite 400 Albuquerque, NM 87110 101 N. Alameda Suite 4 Las Cruces, NM 88005 V/TTY: 505.881.8824 VP: 505.435.9319 V: 575.525.1036 VP: 575.541.3403 Photos courtesy of www.sxc.hu; www.signlanguagepros.com;www.istockphoto.com technology means… I can Join Knowbility at our booth and seminars to learn how our accessible technology services improve businesses, organizations and daily lives. 512.305.0310 or email knowbility@knowbility.org. Organizers • Center for Development and Disability A University Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities Education, Research and Service. • Governor’s Commission on Disability Working with people across disabilities and through the lifespan to promote quality of life. National Partners • Disability and Health Branch, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention • American Association on Health and Disability • Christopher and Dana Reeve Foundation Paralysis Resource Center • The Cody Unser First Step Foundation • Knowbility • Center on Disability and Development, Texas A&M New Mexico Partners • State of New Mexico Public Education Department Division of Vocational Rehabilitation • VSA Arts of New Mexico • New Mexico Developmental Disabilities Planning Council • The Arc of New Mexico • New Mexico Commission for the Blind • New Mexico Commission for Deaf and Hard of Hearing Persons • Deaf and Hard of Hearing Services, University of New Mexico • All Things Said • New Mexico Aging and Long-Term Services Department • New Mexico Relay Network Inc. • Community Outreach Program for the Deaf • OptumHealth New Mexico • Quote Unquote, Inc. Living independently. That’s how he rolls. As part of New Mexico’s Coordination of Long-Term Services (CoLTS) program, Amerigroup Community Care of New Mexico, Inc. can help you get the right care right in your own community. We help you coordinate: n Medical care and services n Behavioral health services n Medicare and Medicaid benefits n Social services n CoLTS “c” Waiver or Personal Care n Prescription medicines Option services n Transportation n Vision services n Dental services We also offer you the help you need for daily living so you can continue living at home. For more information, call 1-800-600-4441 today. New Mexico CoLTS program services are funded in part under contract with the state of New Mexico. www.myamerigroup.com n 1-800-600-4441