Rotary Club of Makati Metro Metrobank Foundation, Inc.

Rotary Club of Makati Metro
District 3830 Philippines
Birth of a Strong Partnership
Rotary Club of Makati Metro
District 3830 Philippines
 Metrobank
Foundation set up a Php 10 Million
endowment fund in 1999
 Specifically for the recognition of exceptional
and outstanding achievements of active officers
and enlisted men and women of the AFP
The Search for TOPS aims to recognize outstanding
performances of the military exemplifying courage,
integrity, responsibility and community service
Raise models of excellence in the AFP
Highlight the contribution of the members of the
AFP as vanguards of peace and democracy and
as partners in nation building and development
Career Service Awards for each Branch of the Military –
2 for Enlisted Personnel and 1 for Commissioned Officer
For 2016, 1 Award for a member of the Technical Administrative Services
Cash Award – from Php 50,000 (1999) to Php 400,000
(2014) for each awardee
Non-winning Finalist shall receive Php 20,000
TOPS Trophy & Metrobank Medallion
P40,000 of the awardee’s cash prize goes
to the unit of his/her assignment
Can purchase equipment or can use for the trainings
CO – holding a rank of Captain up to Colonel for
Army and Air Force or its equivalent rank in Navy
during the deadline of Nomination Phase
EP – actively in the service for at least seven (7)
years during the deadline of Nomination Phase
It is also open to all active Commissioned Officers
holding a rank of Captain up to Colonel of the
Technical and Administrative Service of the AFP –
Medical Corps, Nurse Corps, Medical Admin Corps,
Veterinary Corps, Dental Corps, Judge Advocate
General Service, Chaplain Service and Corps of
Professors – during the deadline of Nomination Phase
The nominee must also meet the following criteria
at any time before or during the time s/he joined
a) Must be of good moral character
b) Must not have been charged under a criminal
information pending in court or must not have a
pending administrative charge given due course
by any government administrative body
c) Must not have been adjudged guilty/liable in
any administrative or criminal case.
Submission of scanned copy and/or original: (1) Accomplished
Nomination Form; (2) Endorsement from Immediate Supervisor (if
nominator is a civilian or not direct CO) (to nearest Metrobank Branches)
TOPS Secretariat to screen eligibility of the
nominees based on the set criteria
List of eligible nominees will be forwarded to
OJ1/OJ2 & MS Ones for character/records check
List of eligible nominees will be posted on websites, radio
message, social media for positive/negative feedbacks
Eligible nominees will be requested by TOPS Secretariat thru MS
Ones (issuance of radio message) to submit supporting and
required documents (1 printed copy containing all original files +
1 CD containing electronic copies of supporting documents)
Nominees should submit their supporting documents to at the
nearest Metrobank Branch in their area or directly to
Metrobank Foundation Office
TOPS Preliminary Board of Judges will review, rate and evaluate
the eligible nominees (comprise 50% of the final score)
TOPS PBJ to elevate top 20 Finalists for the Final Phase
20 Finalists and buffers will be forwarded to OJ1/OJ2 / MS
Ones/Twos for complete background check
Final Board of Judges to interview
Twenty (20) Finalists
(comprise 50% of the final score)
Identification of ten (10) winners
Announcement of Winners
 Professional and Personal
Preparedness and Ability
 Contribution to Service
 Civil Military Operations
How the nominee develops through the ranks
Listing of the following:
a.1 Educational Attainment
a.2 Self Development
◦ Courses and Trainings undertaken (must be
consistent with duties & rank)
◦ Positions and Ranks
a.3 Service Performance
◦ Military Awards received (Professional)
◦ Community Awards received (Personal)
a.4 Officer’s Evaluation Report / Narrative
Commander’s Evaluation
Extraordinary Acts (7 best accomplishment)
refers to acts of heroism either in the field of combat or off combat or
exemplary acts performed beyond the call of duty. While the act itself
is important, the overall impact of the act to either the
accomplishment of a mission objective or to the morale of other
members of his/her unit or subordinates should also be seen.
e.g. During his assignment as the Commanding Officer of the team in
Basilan in 2001, COLONEL JUAN DELA CRUZ led his team in the
rescue of ten (10) farmers who were kidnapped by the ASG under
Commander Enemy. The successful operation also led to the
subsequent identification of Commander Enemy and his cohorts’
location. With this, COL DELA CRUZ received DSS for his
meritorious accomplishment.
Narrative report on seven (7) best major accomplishments
Innovations(7 best accomplishment)
refers to innovative actions whether technical or administrative (these
include systems, processes or programs) that led to savings for the
AFP, general ease of work, or organization within the workplace, e.g.
publication of an operations manual; formulation of relevant policies
that increased productivity and efficiency of the unit. The
Sustainability of innovations introduced that had a positive impact
to the unit and/or organization is also very important. e.g. sustained
systems, policies, etc.
e.g. LCOL JUAN DELA CRUZ was instrumental in the
conceptualization of various organizational reforms, including the
deactivation of the Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff for Comptroller,
J6, as well as the activation of the Office of the Internal Auditor, the
Resource Management Office, the Management Fiscal Office, and
the Accounting Center. This resulted to a more effective management
of financial resources and an independent and objective assurance
on the adequacy and soundness of internal control system in the AFP
refers to the nominee’s most significant
contribution in the Armed Forces of the
Philippines or to his/her unit. The nominee
should answer the following question:
Which among your accomplishments of your
entire career would you consider the most
significant and had an impact in the AFP or
your unit? Why? List down at most three (3).
Narrative report on seven (7) best major accomplishments in Civil Military
Operations and Community Service
This refers to the civil military operations/community involvement of the
nominee as member of the Armed Forces of the Philippines and as civilian
(outside the military). The programs/projects should highlight the role of the
nominee in community development and advancement of the status of living
in different islands of the country by concentrating more on civil military
operations and other non combatant endeavors
Particularly, the nominee should answer and focus on the following questions:
What is the objective of the project?
When was the project started?
Where was the location of the project?
What is your role and/or specific contribution in the project?
What is/are the outcome or result of the project?
 Individuals Representing Specific Issues and
Advocacies concerning Peace and Security
 representative of Local Government Organizations
(i.e. League of Cities of the Philippines and League
of Municipalities of the Philippines);
 representative of media organizations;
 representative of socio-civic organizations (i.e.
League of Corporate Foundations);
 representative of a government agency that has
interaction with the AFP (i.e. Commission on
Human Rights);
 representative of academic institutions;
 representative of religious organizations;
of 5-7 Members)
 Distinguish Members of the Community:
Legislative; Government; Judiciary; Media; Academe;
Business; Religious; Civil Society
Composed of 5-7 Members of the Board
= 176 gallant men and women
“The AFP has been the subject of
a lot of negative news…it is a truly
enlightening experience to learn
how admirable our soldiers are.
To say that I was humbled to
realize that aside from risking their
lives, our soldiers also commit
themselves to educating and
mentoring others would be a gross
understatement. Among them, I
feel that I am in the company of
giants. I am very proud to have
been one of the Judges. I’d do it
Mr. Gilberto R. Duavit, Jr.
President and CEO
GMA Network, Inc.
“I admired them more for
commitment. Our culture
has not seen our soldiers
the way the American or
Western culture has viewed
their military personnel. The
Americans treat them as
heroes. We have to show
our own military personnel
this kind of appreciation.”
Rev. Fr. Mateo De Jesus
Former Rector-President
San Beda College
You may also download the nomination forms
For any clarifications, you may directly contact:
Third Salang at 0922-8033948
Hero Hernandez at 0922-8548503
Information Dissemination
 Request widest information dissemination about
TOPS to all your units / TOPS AVP can be
 You may also present this on your Troop
Information and Education activity or in any
possible lectures/seminars
 Please do not hesitate to contact us should you
have any inquiries
 Nomination Form, Format in Preparing Supporting
Documents and FAQs are available in Metrobank
Foundation Website (by November 2015)
You may also download the nomination forms
For any clarifications, you may directly contact:
Third Salang at 0922-8033948
Hero Hernandez at 0922-8548503
Rotary Club of Makati Metro
District 3830 Philippines