PADEYE STRUCTURE ANALYSIS ON THE LIFTING PROCESS OF FOUR LEGS JACKET WITH DYNAMIC APPROACH Name : Henny Gusti Pramita NRP : 4309100007 Department : Teknik Kelautan –FTK ITS Supervisors : Ir. Handayanu, M.Sc, Ph.D Yoyok Setyo H., S.T., M.T ABSTRACT Three major operations during jacket platform installation is load-out, launching, and upending. Loadout consists of several methods. One of the methods is lifting. There are two analysis for this four legs jacket lifting, they are static and dynamic analysis. Dynamic analysis is done to determine the response of jacket structure due to the influence of dynamic loads such as wind gusts. Under static analysis condition, jacket structure has 0.849 in unity check with factor 1.5 on the member 84 and this structure failed when the factor is 2 and has 1.314 in unity check. Dynamic response of the structure is in the form of swing phenomena. This phenomenon occurs due to the motion module experienced during the lifting process. And this motion caused by wind. Added force on the structure is 4091,97 KN ; 4633,42KN; and 4207,52 KN. That force occurs when the wind velocity is 5.13 m/s (local wind velocity), 20 knots (GL Noble Denton), and when the wind velocity is 7.4 m/s (Beaufort scale). Structural response calculation results are in accordance with the API RP 2A-WSD and DNV Pt2 Ch5 Lifting (1996) statement on the Dynamic Amplification Factor. That results are still in the provision of these factor. Local analysis of the padeye structure performed using software and the equivalent stress obtained from this analysis is 26.311 MPa, with allowable stress for steel A36 is 165 MPa. Because the equivalent stress is less that the allowable stress, this padeye structure can be safely operated. Keyword : Loadout, Lifting, Jacket, Padeye. v