SAP ECC 6.00 March 2007 English EDI Application Data for Automotive Suppliers Overview Document SAP AG Dietmar-Hopp-Allee 16 69190 Walldorf Germany SAP Best Practices EDI Application Data for Automotive Supplier Copyright © Copyright 2007 SAP AG. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or for any purpose without the express permission of SAP AG. The information contained herein may be changed without prior notice. Some software products marketed by SAP AG and its distributors contain proprietary software components of other software vendors. Microsoft, Windows, Outlook, and PowerPoint are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. 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JavaScript is a registered trademark of Sun Microsystems, Inc., used under license for technology invented and implemented by Netscape. MaxDB is a trademark of MySQL AB, Sweden. SAP, R/3, mySAP,, xApps, xApp, SAP NetWeaver, and other SAP products and services mentioned herein as well as their respective logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of SAP AG in Germany and in several other countries all over the world. All other product and service names mentioned are the trademarks of their respective companies. Data contained in this document serves informational purposes only. National product specifications may vary. These materials are subject to change without notice. These materials are provided by SAP AG and its affiliated companies ("SAP Group") for informational purposes only, without representation or warranty of any kind, and SAP Group shall not be liable for errors or omissions with respect to the materials. The only warranties for SAP Group products and services are those that are set forth in the express warranty statements accompanying such products and services, if any. Nothing herein should be construed as constituting an additional warranty. SAP Best Practices EDI Application Data for Automotive Supplier Introduction Electronic Data Interchange Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) is used to electronically exchange business documents, such as schedule lines, purchase orders, invoices, and so on. Because of the particularly large volumes of data and very high logistical demands, EDI is now indispensable in logistics for the automobile industry. Just-in-time processing and optimized utilities processes for production require fast reliable data transmission between business partners. To enable partners to communicate, it is necessary to define the route via which data is exchanged (point-to-point, mailbox, and so on), and the structure and format of the data exchanged. For this purpose, EDI standards have been defined, which specify the structure and format of the individual business documents. These include the UN/EDIFACT standard, ANSI1 X.12 or VDA2, or the ODETTE3 standard, all of which are used in the automobile industry. R/3 IDoc Concept IDoc4 is a standard SAP format for exchanging data between systems. It can be used to exchange data between R/3 Systems (ALE5), and between R/3 Systems and non-SAP systems (for example, an EDI subsystem, or a warehouse management system). EDI and ALE Document SAP R/3 System IDoc SAP R/3 System IDoc IDoc Message EDI Subsystem EDI Subsystem 1 American National Standards Institute – 2 Verband der Automobilindustrie – 3 Organisation for Data Exchange by Teletransmission in Europe – 4 Intermediate Document 5 Application Linked Enabling SAP Best Practices EDI Application Data for Automotive Supplier The format of the IDoc is completely independent of the database structures of the individual business documents; in other words, the IDoc functions as a data container between the application formats and is used by both systems as a "language" in which they can "communicate". Asynchronous Processing Message Based System 1 SAP Application Document R/3 System System 2 IDoc Document EDI Subsystem R/3 System R/2 System Other non-SAP System To convert EDI messages to the corresponding IDoc, an EDI subsystem (converter, translator) is required. This system converts the data from the EDI standard to IDoc. In the IDoc interface, additional settings must be made. These are required for correct IDoc processing and fault-free application document updates. The IDoc interface is designed to operate asynchronously; in other words, the application document update is not directly linked to receipt of the IDoc. SAP Best Practices EDI Application Data for Automotive Supplier Critical Success Factors EDI Requirements EDI Project To execute the EDI project, it is necessary to consider a number of points. The scope of the project and the outlay required depend on the particular company and industry sector, which means that these factors must be assessed on a customer-specific basis. Since the scope and use EDI has increased considerably in recent years (particularly in the automobile industry), if an EDI project is to be executed successfully, it is absolutely essential to plan internal and external outlay. As a general rule, it should be ensured that EDI projects are executed in good time and take into consideration the individual modules involved. This means that EDI processing must be considered when each of the modules is implemented. Otherwise, there is a danger that processes that have already been defined and implemented will have to be rethought and modified, which can entail considerable additional outlay. In the following, the most important points for successful execution are described. Selecting partners To determine the scope of the project, the business partners with whom EDI is intended are specified. The messages exchanged and the EDI standards used are also specified. General speaking, configuring inbound messages requires approximately 3-5 times as much outlay as configuring outbound messages. In sales and distribution, customers generally specify whether they wish to communicate via EDI and which messages and standards should be used. In procurement, it is usually possible to determine the scope, duration, and size of the EDI project oneself, thereby enabling distortions in scheduling to be corrected. In addition to the above, it is necessary to estimate the data volume that can be expected every month, since this can influence the number of application servers or the size of the R/3 System. If you foresee a large number of IDocs that have to be imported time-critically to the system during periods of maximum work load, it is certainly advisable to consider setting up your own application server for IDoc processing. To convert EDI messages (for example, VDA or ANSI X.12) to IDoc format, an EDI subsystem is required. It is necessary to select a suitable product. Since the IDoc interface is an open interface, it is compatible with products from various subsystem providers. SAP AG does not provide EDI subsystems. SAP-certified subsystem providers are listed, however, in SAPNet at under "Cross Application Miscellaneous". Please note that the certification involved here is a technical/functional certification of the subsystem; in other words, tests are carried out to determine that IDocs can be transmitted and received, and that a status report can be generated for transmitted IDocs. This certification does not test the business functionality of the subsystem! Implementing the EDI procedure It is advisable to carry out implementation in five steps: SAP Best Practices EDI Application Data for Automotive Supplier 1. Complete implementation of the SAP application To allow the EDI or IDoc functionality to be implemented, the SAP applications involved must already be installed. The applications must be configured to take EDI in account. 2. Internal test of the IDoc interface The test comprises the technical/functional test (for example, communication between the subsystem and R/3 System), as well as a business/functional test (for example, updating of individual documents, test of the partner profile set). 3. Local test with EDI subsystem Tests are carried out to ensure that the outbound and inbound IDocs can be processed correctly by R/3 or the subsystem. 4. Remote test with EDI subsystem The remote test focuses on communication with the business partner, as well as the processing of messages by the partner system involved. Going live To ensure successful operation, all tests must be completed successfully before the go-live date. At the start of production operation, when real data is imported to the system from business partners, adjustments will nonetheless be required. Examples of possible problems include: incomplete conversion in the subsystem, incomplete master data and movement data, and so on. During the initial phase, it is particularly important that you observe all inbound IDocs closely, and rectify any defects quickly. Further information on this topic can be found in the SAPNet - R/3 Frontend (Note 47071). Message Types With EDI, message types are normally allocated uniquely to SAP document types. Their names correspond, on the whole, to those of the UN/EDIFACT standard. The message type ORDERS is, therefore, allocated to the SAP document type Purchase Order or Sales Order. a) Forecast/JIT delivery schedule On the basis of material requirements planning, schedule lines are created, which are transmitted to the vendor as forecast or JIT delivery schedules (FDS/JIT). In the vendor's system, the inbound schedules create customer requirements, which are forwarded to materials planning, and subsequently delivered. b) Shipping notification (EDI delivery note) When the precise delivery date of the scheduled material has been fixed by the vendor, the appropriate shipping information can be transmitted to the customer in the form of shipping notifications. The customer uses these shipping notifications to carry out precise receipt planning and support goods receipt. c) Delivery order (MAIS) When the precise delivery date for the scheduled material has been specified by the customer, the appropriate delivery information is transmitted to the vendor in the form of delivery orders (also known as MAIS orders or MAIS delivery schedules). The vendor uses the delivery orders to control shipping. d) Credit memo procedure In the automobile industry, it is not customary for vendors to invoice delivered goods. The customer usually valuates the delivered goods with the agreed prices in the outline agreements and forwards the appropriate credit memos to the vendor. SAP Best Practices EDI Application Data for Automotive Supplier Outputting MM credit memos (or the related option of EDI output) is available as of Release 4.0. e) Invoices (alternative to credit memo procedure) As an alternative to the credit memo procedure, the vendor can also send invoices to the customer, which is processed by invoice verification in the customer's system. f) Clearing invoice If changes are made to the prices for deliveries that have already been delivered and settled, the customer subsequently creates clearing invoices with which possible credit/debit memos are transmitted to the vendor. Outbound processing (MM) of this subprocess is not implemented in the R/3 System. g) Payment advice note Payment advice notes are used to transmit information concerning the payment transactions to the vendor. As a rule, these payment advice notes refer to the credit memos or invoices transmitted previously. This means that when amounts correspond, the relevant open items can be automatically cleared by the receiver. Outbound Messages The message types listed in the following tables represent a selection of the most important inbound and outbound EDI messages implemented in the R/3 System. Dir ecti on Mess. type Description IDoc type EDIFAC T ANS I X12 VDA CARNOT DELVRY01 DELFOR01 DELFOR 830 4905 O DELFOR Delivery: Shipping notification Delivery schedule (FDS) O DELINS Delivery schedule (FDS) DELFOR01 DELFOR 830 4905 O DELINS Delivery schedule (JIT) DELFOR01 DELJIT 862 4915 O DELINS Delivery schedule (JIT) DELFOR01 DELJIT 862 4915 O DELJIT Delivery schedule (JIT) DELFOR01 DELJIT 862 4915 O DESADT Shipping notification DESADV01 O DESADV DESADV01 O DESADV O DESADV O DESADV O GSVERF Delivery: Shipping notification Delivery: Shipping notification Delivery: Shipping notification Delivery: Shipping notification Cred. memo procedure O INVOIC Invoice/Billing document INVOIC01 O INVOIC Invoice/Billing document O ORDCHG Purchase order/order change O ORDERS Purchase order/order INVOIC01 INVOIC02 ORDERS01 ORDERS02 ORDERS03 ORDERS04 ORDERS05 ORDERS01 DELVRY01 DESVRY02 DESVRY03 GSVERF01 ODE TTE From Release Process code 40A DELV DELI NS DELI NS DELI NS DELI NS DELI NS AVIE XP AVIE XP AVIE XP AVIE XP AVIE XP INV OIC INV OIC 45A ME14 30A ME14 40A ME13 40A ME13 45A ME13 30A SD06 30A SD05 40A DELV 45A DELV 46A DELV 30A GSVE 30A SD09 INV OIC 30A 40A 30A 30E 40A 45A 46A 30A SD08 4922 4913 DESAD V DESAD V DESAD V DESAD V DEBAD V INVOIC 856 4913 856 4913 856 4913 856 4913 812 4908 810 880 4906 ORDCH G 860 876 ORDER 850 4925 ME11 ME10 SAP Best Practices Dir ecti on Mess. type EDI Application Data for Automotive Supplier Description O ORDRSP Purchase order/order confirmation O O PAB_OR DERS SBINV Quantity release from KANBAN Credit memo procedure with invoice creation O REMADV Payment advice note IDoc type EDIFAC T ORDERS02 ORDERS03 ORDERS04 ORDERS05 ORDERS01 ORDERS02 ORDERS03 ORDERS04 ORDERS05 ORDERS03 S ANS I X12 875 ORDRS P 855 865 GSVERF01 INVOIC PEXR2001 PEXR2002 REMAD V DELJIT VDA ODE TTE 30D 40A 45A 46A 30A 30E 40A 45A 46A 45A 4926 4915 810 820 820 4907 From Release Process code SD10 PJNO INV OIC 45A SBII REM ADV 30A 45A ALE ODE TTE From Release Process code Inbound Messages Dir ecti on Mess. type Description IDoc type EDIFAC T ANS I X12 I DESADV DESADV01 4913 30A DESA DESADV 856 4913 40A DELS I DESADV 856 4913 45A DELS I DESADV 856 4913 46A DELS I I I EDLNOT DELJIT DELORD DESADV01 DELFOR01 ORDERS03 DESAD V DESAD V DESAD V DESAD V INVRPT DELJIT DELJIT 856 I 846 862 4913 4915 30A 45A 40A EDLN DELI DELO I DELORD ORDERS04 DELJIT 45A DELO I DELORD ORDERS05 DELJIT 46A DELO I DELINS Delivery: Shipping notification Delivery: Shipping notification Delivery: Shipping notification Delivery: Shipping notification EDL delivery notes Delivery schedule (JIT) Delivery order (MAIS procedure) Delivery order (MAIS procedure) Delivery order (MAIS procedure) Delivery schedule (FDS) DELFOR01 I DELFOR Delivery schedule (FDS) DELFOR01 DELFO R DELFO R I GSVERF Credit memo procedure for logistics invoice verification GSVERF01 I INVOIC INVOIC01 I INVOIC I INVOIC I I KANBAN ORDERS Invoice receipt (MM – invoice verification) Message variant MM Invoice receipt (MM – logistics invoice verification) Message variant MM Invoice receipt (FI) Message variant FI KANBAN call Purchase order/order I ORDERS Purchase order/order DELVRY01 DESVRY02 DESVRY03 VDA 830 4905 30A DELI 830 4905 45A DELI 812 4908 46A INVOIC 810 880 4906 30A MRRL MRKO MRNB INVM INVOIC01 INVOIC 810 880 4906 40A INVL INVOIC01 INVOIC 810 880 4906 30A INVF KANBAN01 ORDERS01 ORDERS02 ORDERS03 ORDERS04 ORDERS05 ORDERS01 DELJIT ORDER S 850 875 4915 4925 KANB ORDE ORDER 850 45A 30A 30D 40A 45A 46A 30A 4925 ORDE_ SAP Best Practices Dir ecti on EDI Application Data for Automotive Supplier Mess. type Description I ORDCHG Purchase order/order change I ORDRSP Purchase order/order confirmation I REMADV Payment advice note IDoc type ORDERS02 ORDERS03 ORDERS04 ORDERS05 ORDERS01 ORDERS02 ORDERS03 ORDERS04 ORDERS05 ORDERS01 ORDERS02 ORDERS03 ORDERS04 ORDERS05 PEXR2001 PEXR2002 EDIFAC T S ANS I X12 875 VDA ORDCH G 860 876 ORDRS P 855 865 4926 REMAD V 820 4907 ODE TTE From Release Process code 30D 40A 45A 46A 30A 30E 40A 45A 46A 30A 30E 40A 45A 46A 30A 45A BY_WF ORDC ORDR REMA Note: Further development of DESADV01 is discontinued as of 40A. Workflow Tasks of Inbound Messages Exception or error handling is defined as a workflow. The exception handling tasks provided by SAP for the IDoc interface are single-step tasks. The following table lists the single-step tasks that can arise in inbound processing if a fault occurs in updating the application. Message Type DESADV EDLNOT DELJIT DELORD DELINS DELFOR GSVERF INVOIC INVOIC KANBAN ORDERS ORDCHG ORDRSP REMADV Message Variant FI MM WF Task Description DESADV_error EDLNOT_error DELINS_error DELORD_error DELINS_error DELINS_error GSVERF_error INVOIC_FI_er INVOIC_MM_er KANBAN_error ORDERS_error ORDCHG_error ORDRSP_error REMADV_error WF Task TS00008178 TS00008065 TS00008000 TS20000117 TS00008000 TS00008000 TS 00008175 TS 00008056 TS 00008057 TS 24500055 TS 00008046 TS00008115 TS 00008075 TS 00007949 EDI Subsystems Selecting the Subsystem A large number of EDI subsystems are available on the market, most of which are used to communicate with partners and convert EDI standards. Certified providers are listed in SAPNet at under "Cross Application - Miscellaneous". When the subsystem is selected, attention must be paid to the following questions: 1. How many/which business partners and messages are selected for EDI messages? 2. Can all the desired messages be processed? 3. Do conversion tables already exist for specific messages and business partners? (For example, VDA 4905 to IDoc type DELFOR01.) SAP Best Practices EDI Application Data for Automotive Supplier 4. What total costs will arise - software licenses, installation, creation of conversions, and (if necessary) maintenance and support for the subsystem? 5. Can the original messages be archived? (Please note legal stipulations.) 6. What are the technical prerequisites? 7. Can the subsystem be expanded flexibly and simply to include additional partners and messages? 8. Who will create or adjust conversion tables; who will carry out maintenance for the subsystem? Is outsourcing operation desired and feasible? 9. Can status confirmations (information about the processing status in the subsystem) be sent to the R/3 System? Installing the Subsystem When subsystems are installed, attention must be paid to the following questions: 1. Where is the subsystem installed? 2. Is a breakdown strategy necessary? 3. What are the technical prerequisites for communication with partners or with the R/3 System – leased line, switched line, protocols X.25, X.400, and so on? 4. What data volume is likely to accrue? Mapping To convert data from the EDI standard to IDoc format, it is necessary to specify how the conversion is to be carried out; in other words, fields of the EDI standard are allocated to fields of the IDoc format. These allocations can be of varying degrees of complexity. This type of allocation is called mapping. R/3 IDoc Interface The following is a useful procedure for Customizing and configuring the IDoc interface: 1. Carry out basis customizing of the IDoc interface. 2. Configure IDoc administration. 3. Define workflow setting in Customizing for Basis. 4. Specify the ports to be used. 5. Configure the partner profile. Customizing Basis Customizing for the IDoc interface can be found under Basis Components Basis Services IDoc Interface/ Electronic Data Interchange. Customizing for Distribution (ALE) can be found under Basis Services Distribution (ALE). In the following, the most important Customizing points are presented. Logical system To transmit and receive data via the IDoc interface, it is necessary to identify the R/3 System uniquely. This is particularly important in a distributed R/3 landscape. The logical system is used for this purpose. SAP Best Practices EDI Application Data for Automotive Supplier A logical system is an application system in which the applications interact on the basis of shared data. In SAP terms, a logical system corresponds to a client; in other words, the logical system is the unique identification of a client across several R/3 Systems. The name of the logical system can be selected freely: it is expedient, however, to consider a naming convention. You define the logical system in ALE Customizing. Example: <Systemname>CLNT<Client>; (R3TCLNT100 or R3PCLNT800) Changing the name of the logical system in the production system is not recommended. (On this point, see Note 187297). Event receiver linkage In this section, the event receiver linkage will be activated. IDocs in inbound processing are initially stored in the database and then transferred to application-specific inbound processing, which is determined via the partner profile. Except with port type 'tRFC', this transfer is trigger by the event PROCESSSTATEREACHED. With event receiver linkage, the standard task TS30200090, which carries out processing (the 'event receiver'), is linked to this event and activated. This has particular advantages with large data quantities imported via the file interface, as well as with parallel updates, since reading the file and updating the application are carried out separately. General settings 1. Global Parameters: You specify general settings, such as the EDI administrator and other processing details, in Customizing under "IDoc Administration". 2. In IDoc Administration (Control IDoc Administration), you can also maintain user parameters, such as test port, list views, and so on. Long names – short names The extended namespace has been introduced as of Release 4.0. This means that as of 4.0 new or customer-specific objects can have longer names. This affects the following objects in the IDoc interface: 1. Message type (formerly 6 digit). 2. IDoc type (formerly 8 digit). 3. Segment name (formerly 7 digit). 4. Allocation basic type + extension as of 4.0 a new IDoc type has been defined. In other words, when communication is carried with an EDI subsystem that can interpret only IDoc types based on the Release 3.x naming convention, the IDoc types must be converted, or IDoc types that have been expanded must be assigned to a new IDoc type. Workflow Autocustomizing "Workflow Autocustomizing" carries out the basic settings in Workflow required for IDoc processing. Workflow Customizing settings made earlier are not overwritten. The settings are not transported; in other words, you also have to carry out this step in the production system. The following steps are carried out with Autocustomizing: Configuration of a client-dependent RFC destination ("WORKFLOW_LOCAL_<Client>"). Scheduling of a background job for deadline monitoring. SAP Best Practices EDI Application Data for Automotive Supplier Setting of an active plan version. Classification of single-step tasks as general tasks. Maintenance of a system administrator for Workflow. Application-specific Customizing Depending on the particular application, specific EDI Customizing settings are required to ensure that the relevant application documents are updated correctly. Application-specific EDI Customizing can be found in the hierarchy for the particular applications. Settings Structure of the IDoc type The IDoc type defines the structure of an IDoc. IDocs are subdivided into three different record types in the SAP database. IDoc Record Types Control Record IDoc-ID Sender-ID Receiver-ID IDoc type and message type EDI standard Data Records IDoc-ID Sequence/Hierarchy Segment Format definition for • Header data • Item data Status Records IDoc-ID Status information Control record: The control record contains information such as the IDoc number, IDoc type (for example, DELFOR01), the message type (for example, DELFOR), the partner number, and partner type. For each IDoc, there is exactly one control record. Database table: EDIDC With inbound IDocs, the following fields must be completed (see structure EDI_DC40): TABNAM DIRECT IDOCTYP MESTYP SNDPOR SNDPRN SNDPRT Structure used: EDI_DC40 "2" (inbound processing) Basic type (for example, ORDERS01) Message type (for example, ORDERS) Sender port; must be defined as port in receiving R/3 System Partner number of sender; in R/3 System, must correspond to a partner number from the partner profile Partner type of sender; in ALE scenario (R/3 to R/3), this is 'LS' (logical system); in non-ALE scenario (R/3 – SAP Best Practices RCVPOR RCVPRN RCVPRT EDI Application Data for Automotive Supplier non-SAP system) this is usually 'KU' (customer) or 'LI' (vendor) Recipient port = "SAP<SYSID>", where <SYSID> is the ID of the receiving system; for example, C11, R3P, and so on. Partner number of receiver; in ALE scenario, logical system of receiving system; in non-ALE scenarios, value is application-specific (usually freely selectable) Partner type of receiver; in ALE scenario, 'LS'; in non-ALE, scenario application-specific (usually freely selectable) Some fields must be completed according to particular cases: CIMTYP MESFCT MESCOD SNDPFC TEST Customer extension of basic type. This extension must be included in the corresponding partner profile. Message function for further subdividing messages (cf. INVOIC); must be included in the corresponding partner profile. Message variant for further subdividing messages; must be included in the corresponding partner profile. Partner function sender; must be included in the corresponding partner profile. Flag for test mode; must be included in the corresponding partner profile. As of Release 4.0, with outbound IDocs, the logical system of the current client is entered in the SNDPRN and SNDPRT 'LS' fields; in other words, if IDocs are transmitted between two R/3 Systems, the partner (vendor or customer) does not have to be specified in the partner profile of the receiving system (this applies up to Release 3.x-); the logical system of the source client is specified instead. Data Record and Segment Structure Data Record Control part, contains segment name (e.g., E1EDKA1) Application Data Field 1 Field 2 ... The segment is stored in the unstructured area for the application data Segment Data record: The application data or the individual segments are stored in the data records. Several data records can occur in the IDoc. The data records comprise a control part and an application data part. The control part contains the segment name (for example, E1EDKA1), the hierarchy level on which the segment is located, and so on. The data part contains the segment fields (application data) and is of the data type character; in other words, the segment fields are stored in an unstructured form, but the information on the structure of the data record is accessed via the segment name in the control part. Database table: EDID* (table name is release dependent) Each segment is stored as a structure in the Data Dictionary. Status record: Status records are used as a milestone in the processing of an IDoc. Several status records can exist for each IDoc. The status records are not, however, forwarded to a subsystem. The subsystem itself transmits only the control record and the data record. With outbound IDocs, however, the subsystem can return a status for the transmitted IDoc. For example, the system can report whether the conversion has been carried out successfully, or whether the message has been sent successfully to the partner. Database table: EDIDS SAP Best Practices EDI Application Data for Automotive Supplier Communication with Older Releases Differences in the IDoc Record Types Field 1 Field 3 Field 1 Field 2 Field 1 Field 2 Field 2 New Field 3 4.0 3.0/3.1 2.1/2.2 The IDoc record types are stored in the Data Dictionary according to their structure. In the course of releases, various fields have been added (for example, in Release 3.0 partner function in the control record) or fields were made longer (for example, as of 4.0 IDoc type). Following an upgrade, you must set the version of the record type in the port definition to ensure that the upgraded system can communicate with subsystems that do not yet understand the new IDoc record types. Version 2 Structure of Release 3.X (see structure EDI_DC and EDI_DD) Version 3 Structure of Release 4.X (see structure EDI_DC and EDI_DD) Port definition Ports are communications links via which the IDocs are exchange with R/2, R/3, or external systems. If the IDoc interface is used, a port must always be defined, even if IDocs are only received, since the interface only accepts recognized ports. The IDoc interface supports various transmission techniques, which can be used according to the particular application. File and tRFC are the most commonly used port types for EDI and are described in greater detail below. SAP Best Practices EDI Application Data for Automotive Supplier Port Definition SAPApplicatio n IDoc Interface & ALE Services IDoc & Status File + RFC Various Systems 2.1 IDoc tRFC Various. Systems As of 3.0 IDoc & Status CPI-C R/2 As of 3.0 IDoc MIME Internet As of 3.1 IDoc ABAP Various Systems As of 4.5 IDoc XML Electronic Commerce As of 4.6 1. File interface IDocs are created as files at the operating system level. The receiving system (EDI subsystems) can read and process the data. The structure of the IDocs must correspond to the structure specified in the R/3 System. When data is transferred via the file interface, attention must be paid to the following: The SAP R/3 System overwrites files that share the same name; in other words, you must ensure that the outbound file is not overwritten. To prevent data from being lost, you can use function modules that generate a file name dynamically. This prevents data from being overwritten, even if the receiver system cannot collect the file (for example, because of a breakdown). The system proposes the function modules when you create a port of the type File. Data can also be lost if the systems access a file simultaneously. This can occur as a result of specifying particular times at which the subsystem or R/3 System reads or writes, or as a result of the receiver system being started by means of synchronous RFC (triggering). To use the file interface File without triggering, you have to make the following settings: Outbound processing: Create a port of the type File: In the port, you must specify the outbound path and the (variable) file name. The subsystem reads all the files in the defined folder periodically and processes them. Inbound processing: Schedule Report RSEINB00; to do this, you must specify the file name and the path. If the file interface File is used with triggering, the process flow is as follows: SAP Best Practices EDI Application Data for Automotive Supplier Process Flow with Port Type “File” (with Triggering) IDoc Interface Write 1 RFC 2 rfcexec out.script 4 RFC Read IDoc File Call Read 3 4 3 IDoc File Status Report 1 startrfc in.script status.script 2 Write Call External System With outbound IDocs, the file is placed in the specified folder (step 1). The program "rfcexec" is then started with a shellscript (step 2); this, in turn, starts the subsystem (step 3), which reads the generated file (step 4). With inbound IDocs, the file is generated (step 1); R/3 inbound processing is then started via a shellscript, which is called up with the appropriate parameters by the program "startrfc" (step 3). The R/3 System reads the data from the file. After the file has been processed successfully, it is deleted by the R/3 System. Outbound processing: Creating a port of the type File – Maintain the outbound file (path and name). – Maintain the command file, which is called up by the standard SAP program "rfcexec" and is used to call up the subsystem. – Maintain the logical destination (see transaction SM59), which contains the path to the "rfcexec" program. Inbound processing: - Create a script, which the standard SAP program "startrfc" calls with the logon parameters, the function module to be executed, as well as the file name. – Maintain a user authorized to execute the function module and create IDocs. When the file interface is used, it should be ensured that a file is not generated for every inbound IDoc. This can result in problems with performance, particularly where large amounts of data are involved, since a synchronous RFC is transmitted for every file. 1. Transactional Remote Functional Call (tRFC) The sender system calls the appropriate inbound function module in the receiver system and transmits the IDocs as tables. The inbound function modules are: - Up to Release 3.X: INBOUND_IDOC_PROCESS - As of Release 4.X: IDOC_INBOUND_ASYNCHRONOUS If you intend to use the tRFC for outbound processing, you must create a port of the type RFC. You assign the port a logical destination (Transaction SM59), which specifies the receiver system. SAP Best Practices EDI Application Data for Automotive Supplier In contrast to synchronous RFC, which terminates in the event of an unsuccessful call, the call for a transaction RFC is buffered; in other words, when a breakdown causes a call to fail, it can be repeated a later. The profile data for tRFCs can be found under Tools Administration Monitor Transactional RFC. Partner Profile In the partner profiles, various parameters for inbound and outbound processing are stored, which are required for communication via the IDoc interface. Basic Terms Process code A process code is a specific processing type implemented by means of a function module or a workflow. Process codes are used to process IDocs. With inbound processing, IDocs are read from the database, and the data is transferred to the appropriate application. With outbound processing, the appropriate R/3 document is read and stored in the database as an IDoc. You can define your own process codes for customer-specific processing. Examples of process codes are listed under Message Types. In the system, you can find the process codes and thus the corresponding processing routines in the IDoc Basis menu under Control Process code Outbound, Inbound or in the menu ALE Development IDocs Inbound processing Define process code. Notification concept In the event of an error, workflow tasks are triggered in the IDoc interface (depending on the type of error involved). These tasks must be forwarded to agents or user groups. Elements of the organizational structure can be used to specify agents or user groups. Elements that can be used for this purpose include: organizational unit, job, position, person/user (users in the R/3 System), and work center. These are maintained via the HR module or in the development transaction workflow. The agents are maintained in IDoc administration, in the partner profile generally, and in the partner profile for each direction and message type. With determination of permitted agents, the system initially searches the partner profile in the inbound or outbound parameters. If the appropriate parameters do not exist, the agent is stored in the general data of the partner profile is used. SAP Best Practices EDI Application Data for Automotive Supplier Determining Permitted Agents General IDoc Administration Partner Profile General D e t e r m i n a t i o n Administrator for the IDoc Interface Permitted Agents O f Partner Profile Message + Direction A g e n t s Permitted Agents If there is no partner profile for the parameter, the agent stored in IDoc administration is used. The agent determined in the IDoc interface is only the "permitted agent" for one workflow task. The "permitted agents" are stored in the appropriate workflow task. You can either store special user groups or define the task as a general task (in other words, all the users that exist in the system are allocated to the task). In the role resolution, the intersection "selected agents" is formed from "permitted agents" and "possible agents". Role Resolution Organizational Structure Possible Agents Workflow Task Role Resolution Selected Agents Partner Profie IDoc Interface Permitted Agents SAP Best Practices EDI Application Data for Automotive Supplier With determination of permitted agents, the system initially searches the partner profile in the inbound or outbound parameters. This functionality can be used, for example, to determine the user group, according to whether the error is in the IDoc interface (for example, partner profile not maintained) or in the application (for example, material master not maintained). For this purpose, the IDoc administrators are entered in the workflow tasks used for error handling in the IDoc interface, and the users from the relevant user department are entered in the workflow tasks used for error handling in the particular application. Maintaining Partner Profiles Partner profiles are subdivided into four areas, which are described in greater detail below. Partner Profiles Partner General Partner Message Outbound Parameters Partner Application Parameters for Message Control Partner Message Inbound Parameters SAP Best Practices EDI Application Data for Automotive Supplier General Partner Profile The general partner profile contains the partner (from the master data) or the logical system as a key. For example, the customer with customer number 7000 is created as a partner profile. The user "AM user" has been entered as "possible agents" in the event of an error. The general partner profile with one vendor is therefore, as follows: in contrast to customer 7000, with vendor L7000, the outbound parameters are maintained. SAP Best Practices EDI Application Data for Automotive Supplier Outbound Parameters The key for the outbound parameters comprises the partner, partner type, partner function, message type, message variant, message function, and the flag for test mode. The port via which communication with the appropriate subsystem is to be carried out is assigned to the partner profile in the outbound parameters. In this example, communication is carried out via a port of the type tRFC. A packet size must be specified for this port type. This size should be between 20 and 100, otherwise the packets will be too large, and the buffer required will impair system performance, or the number of RFC calls will be very high. The output mode determines when the data is forwarded to the receiver system - in other words, whether generated IDocs are sent immediately to the receiver system, or whether they are first collected via a background program ("Collect IDocs"). SAP Best Practices EDI Application Data for Automotive Supplier With the port type File (not illustrated here), you can also set whether the subsystem is triggered via the "rfcexec" program. If extensions of the basic IDoc type have been created and are intended to be used, the corresponding extension must be entered in the outbound parameters. The Segment Release field controls how the segment types in a particular IDoc type are converted to the assigned segment fields; in other words, the segment definitions that are valid for the specific release are used to specify each segment type in an IDoc. If the field is empty, the segment definition of the current release is used. SAP Best Practices EDI Application Data for Automotive Supplier Parameters for Message Control These settings link Message Control in MM and SD with the partner profiles. The key here also contains application, message type from Message Control, and the change message flag (which can be used in MM with the message type ORDCHG). If data is sent directly via ALE, these settings are not required The transaction code that carries out outbound processing is stored in the parameters for Message Control. In Message Control itself, processing via EDI is addressed via the Medium field. Medium 6 A Description Without ALE distribution model With ALE distribution model SAP Best Practices EDI Application Data for Automotive Supplier The processing program RSNASTED and the form routine EDI_PROCESSING, which triggers outbound processing via EDI, are stored in the TNAPR Message Control table. Inbound Parameters The same seven key fields used with inbound processing are used as keys. With the structure of the inbound control record, attention must be paid to completing the seven tuples accordingly. This also means that the partner functions, for example, (SNDPFC field) must be transferred empty if the field is empty in the corresponding partner profile. Three inbound parameters are maintained for customer 7000; GSVERF (credit memo procedure), DELFOR (delivery schedule for component supplier), DELORD (delivery order MAIS pick-up sheet). In this example, the key terms in inbound processing for schedule lines comprise the following fields: Description Partner number Partner type Partner function Message type Message function Message variant Test Corresponding field in control record of IDoc SNDPRN SNDPRT SNDPFC MESTYP MESFCT MESCOD TEST Subsystem – R/3 Value 1001 KU SP DELFOR R/3 – R/3 P3PCLNT100 LS DELFOR If communication is carried out between two R/3 Systems, the logical system of the source client must be entered, since the control record will be completed accordingly by the sender system. It is also necessary to enter the process code DELI, by means of which the corresponding inbound processing is controlled. The inbound parameters can also be used to control whether inbound processing is triggered immediately or carried out via a background program. Particularly with large quantities of data imported via tRFC, you should consider having the PBDAPP01 program carry out processing in the background, since otherwise system performance can suffer considerably. As in the general data of the partner profile, the "permitted agents" for error handling can be maintained in the outbound and inbound parameters. These entries are made specifically for the inbound or outbound side and for the particular message. SAP Best Practices EDI Application Data for Automotive Supplier SAP Best Practices EDI Application Data for Automotive Supplier Process Flow Up to this point, the individual modules required for inbound and outbound processing have been explained. The following describes how the individual elements interact. Outbound Processing In outbound processing, an application document is generated – for example, a schedule for a scheduling agreement. Message determination proposes one or more message records with the corresponding medium. Where EDI is involved, the Medium field contains the value "6" or "EDI". Depending on the settings in Message Control, outbound processing is triggered immediately (dispatch time "4"); the messages are processed subsequently via the background program RSNAST00 (dispatch time "1“); or they are triggered via programs in the application (dispatch time "3"). Outbound Processing Application Document Data Message Control RSNAST00 Batch Dispatch Time 1 Message Record Immediate Processing Dispatch Time 4 RSNASTED - Form Routing EDI_PROCESSING IDoc Processing Read Partner Profile Call Up Function Module for Selection Call Up ALE Service Output Mode 3/4 Collect IDocs RSEOUT00 IDoc Generated in Database Status 30 Output via Port Output Mode 1/2 Individual IDoc Message control triggers the RSNASTED program, which is stored in the TNAPR Customizing table. The program accesses the partner profile and determines the appropriate process code. Via the process code, the selection function module that reads the data from the document tables is read, and the IDoc is generated. The ALE service is then called up, which enables data to be converted or IDoc segments to be filtered, for example. The IDoc is saved in the SAP database. Depending on the settings in the partner profile, further processing is either carried out immediately or via a background program. The program selects IDocs with the status "64". Inbound Processing The subsystem generates an IDoc and either transfers this directly to the R/3 System via transactional RFC or creates a file. SAP Best Practices EDI Application Data for Automotive Supplier With tRFCs, the function module IDOC_INBOUND_ASYNCRONOUS (as of Release 4.0), which receives the data and triggers further processing, is called up. With the file interface, the R/3 System is triggered via the external program 'startrfc'. Using the function module EDI_DATA_INCOMING, the R/3 System reads the file and then initiates further processing. The inbound parameters of the partner profile are read, and the IDoc is stored in the database. Depending on the settings in the partner profile, inbound processing is either triggered immediately or started via a background program. The program selects IDocs with the status "64". Inbound Processing Subsyste m File Interface Generate IDoc Startrfc in.script tRFC IDOC_INBOUND_ASYNCRONOUS EDI_DATA_INCOMING Idoc File Reads Files Partner Profile Read IDoc Generated in Database Status 64 RBDAPP01 Update Module Triggered Application Document Generated Customer/Vendor Relationship The following example is mapped in the PCS System for the Automotive Industry. For the sake of simplicity, a transactional RFC is used, which transfers the data within the same client; in other words, the customer/vendor relationship is mapped in one client. This situation can arise in practice if two independent companies with reciprocal business relations are mapped in one system by means of two company codes and wish to communicate via EDI. Live CAR AG in Munich and vendor Zulieferer ABS exchange schedule lines via EDI. SAP Best Practices EDI Application Data for Automotive Supplier Customer/Vendor Relationship Zulieferer ABS - SD Scheduling Agr.: 35000103 View Scheduling Sicht Agr.: 5600000003 Live CAR AG - MM Purch. Ord . No.: 5600000003 Order Confirmation: 35000103 Customer Number: 1010 Vendor Number: L1001 Vendor Number at Customer Location: L1001 Customer Number at Vendor Location: 1010 Material Number: AS1-3000 Material Number: EXT-AS1-3000 Customer Material Number: EXT-AS1-3000 Vendor Material Number: 1010 To map the customer/vendor relationship for EDI in the system, the following data is maintained in the system. Live CAR AG – MM View Live CAR AG has created scheduling agreement 5600000003. In this schedule agreement, the vendor material number AS1-3000 has been maintained at the item level for material EXT-AS1-3000. In the vendor master record of the vendor Zulieferer ABS (vendor number L1001), the "Customer number at vendor" field has been maintained with the value "1010" in the Correspondence view. Message control for controlling EDI outbound processing has been set so that message type LPH1 with the medium "EDI" is found and proposed for vendor L1001. In the next step, the output parameters of the partner profile for vendor L1001 (partner type "LI"), and of the corresponding partner function from Message Control (in this case, "LF"), as well as the message type "LPH1" are maintained. The process code "ME14" calls up the selection function module, which reads the data for the schedule and creates the outbound IDoc. Zulieferer ABS – SD Side SAP Best Practices EDI Application Data for Automotive Supplier The IDoc is "sent" via the set RFC port, and an inbound IDoc is generated in the target system. The latter IDoc includes the transmitting logical system as sender information relevant for determining the partner profile. The inbound partner profile for the logical system, therefore, must be created. SAP Best Practices EDI Application Data for Automotive Supplier With an EDI subsystem, the vendor/customer number is usually used as sender information. At Zulieferer ABS, inbound parameters of the partner profile are, therefore, set as follows. SAP Best Practices EDI Application Data for Automotive Supplier At Zulieferer ABS, SD scheduling agreement 35000103 for customer 1010 (Live CAR AG) has been created, and the MM scheduling agreement number 560000003 (Live CAR AG) has been entered as the purchase order number. In the customer master record, the vendor number at the customer location (L1001) has been maintained in the Correspondence or Order view. In the customer-material information, the customer material number EXT-AS1-3000 has also been allocated to material number (AS1-3000). The application update is carried out via the process code DELI. Scheduling agreement 35000103 is found via standard matchcode selection, and the delivery schedules are posted to the system. Irrespective of the settings in the IDoc interface, appropriate EDI settings for each application must be made in Customizing; otherwise the application cannot be updated correctly. SAP Best Practices EDI Application Data for Automotive Supplier Error Handling Some errors that have arisen when the application document was posted can be made detectable and repairable in the applications by means of specific tasks and the corresponding process code (see Partner Profiles) Exception handling in the IDoc interface is implemented by means of a process code and a workflow task (single-step task). The following process codes are available and can be found in IDoc Basis Control System process code: Code EDII EDIL EDIM EDIN EDIY EDIO EDIP EDIX Type TS00008068 TS70008373 TS30000020 TS70008037 TS00008074 TS00007989 TS60001307 TS00008070 Description Inbound, error message with IDoc; for example, wrong control record Error message without IDoc (status report) Error message without IDoc; for example, file could not be opened Display MC document (outbound w/o IDoc) Inbound, syntax error in IDoc Outbound, error handling with IDoc Outbound, error message with IDoc packet (for background processing) Outbound, syntax error in IDoc To receive exception messages or status confirmations from the subsystem, the subsystem use the IDoc type SYSTAT01 (message type STATUS) to confirm statuses such as "Dispatch OK" or "Error in Conversion" for each sent IDoc. The partner profile must be maintained accordingly. Controlling is carried out via the process code EDIS or EDIR, which trigger error handling when a status classified as an error is confirmed. The status process codes can be found under IDoc Basis Control Process code status. SAP Best Practices EDI Application Data for Automotive Supplier Customer Extensions In both inbound and outbound IDoc processing, the demands on the IDoc interface as regards flexibility and customer-specific extensions are very high. Various options for extending the IDoc interface are, therefore, available. Customer-Specific Process Codes Function modules or workflows are linked to the process codes entered in the partner profile. In the EDI environment, these are usually function modules. In outbound processing, these function modules select the data and the structure of the IDocs; in inbound processing, they read the IDocs and update the data in the application. The function modules can be found above the process codes specified under IDoc Basis Control Inbound or Outbound. As a rule, the function modules begin with IDOC_<Direction>_<Message type>. Examples: IDOC_INPUT_ORDERS, IDOC_OUTPUT_ORDERS, IDOC_INPUT_DELVRY, and so on. If specific demands mean that it is no longer possible to implement the customer-specific expansions by means of customer functions, you can create your own process code and function module to carry out processing. To do this, however, you must observe specific conventions. These are described clearly in the ALE programming guidelines. Customer Functions A large number of user exits (older function modules) or customer functions exist in the function modules these can be used, for example, to read further data, customer-defined checks, data extensions, and so on. Customer functions are managed via extensions in the transaction CMOD. Finding the right extension is often difficult: You have the following options: Search in the list of expansions; possible restriction via development class, and so on. Direct search for the term "customer function" in the function module coding; to find the correct expansion, you can now search for the table MODSAP via the name of the function module. With customer functions, attention must be paid to the fact that these are often executed several times in a processing function module; in other words, you have to check which segment or qualifier is currently being processed. Attention must also be paid to the fact that function modules are used by several partners. You must ensure that the expansions necessary for one partner do not influence processing for another partner. You must also ensure that the project that contains the expansion is active; otherwise the customer-specific processing routine will not be executed. SAP Best Practices EDI Application Data for Automotive Supplier IDoc Trouble Shooting using “Status Monitor for ALE Messages” (Transaction code BD87) Purpose Normally, the inbound IDoc will end with status “53” and the outbound EDI will end with status “03”. But in some case, the IDoc can not be processed successfully due to application or technological errors. With the status monitor provided by SAP, we can monitor the processing status of IDoc in inbound and outbound processing and you process IDoc manually. Prerequisites The error related to application data have been solved. Locate the IDoc with error You can get it with the following procedures: Rune the following activity: SAP Menu SAP Easy Access Tools Business Communication IDoc Basis IDoc IDoc Lists Transaction code WE05 1. Confirm the following values in the IDoc lists screen: Field Description User action and values Comment Standard Date created Time created Date last changed Time last changed Logical message type SBWAP etc. With your own message type Output code Message function Test option Partner type Partner function Partner number Partner port 2. Choose Execute (F8). 3. In the IDoc lists screen in the left-hand pane, select the entry with errors, for example, entry marked “51 Application document not posted”. In the right-hand pane, doubleclick the entry. A list of all the IDoc numbers with status 51 is now displayed. Make a note of the number you want to update. SAP Best Practices EDI Application Data for Automotive Supplier Procedure 1. Run the following activities R/3 Menu SAP Easy Access Tools ALE ALE Administration Monitoring Status Monitor for ALE Messages Transaction code BD87 2. Confirm the following values in the Choose IDocs screen: Field Description User action and values Comment Standard IDoc NUMBER Date created Time created Date last changed Time last changed IDoc status Partner system Message type Number of IDoc with error 3. In the status monitor for ALE messages screen, expand to the lowest level. Select the entry with error, for example “No scheduling agreement could be found”. 4. Choose “Edit – Restrict and Process (Shift + F8)”. 5. In the “Manual Processing of IDocs: Post IDocs Not Yet Posted” screen, select the field Background Processing. 6. Choose Execute (F8). 7. In the “Display Status Record”, choose Edit – Process – Foreground processing (F8) 8. Confirm the messages that appear. 9. In the Hit List screen, confirm the messages that appear. 10. The system outputs a message telling you that the IDoc has been successfully updated by the application. 11. Click Back to return to the SAP Easy Access screen. Result The IDoc is processed successfully.