Healthy Pyramid Activity Name _______________________ You will create a Pyramid and label each side representing the three sides of Health, including the definition. Below each side should hang at least one picture, image or drawing that describes what you enjoy and what you do to meet the needs of that particular side of the Health Triangle. *Labels for the three sides of the Health Triangle, including the definition, ____/6 *pictures that represent each part of the Health triangle, ____/3 *Your name on the inside ____/1 Pyramid Follow-up 1. Describe the 3 things that you put on your Pyramid that represent each side of the Health triangle. How do they represent you and your health? Physical: ____/1 Mental/Emotional: ____/1 Social: ____/1 TOTAL Z://Health 6/HealthWellness/Health Pyramid Rubric ____/13 9/16/2010