Association „КЕ&B - UV&P” VAT.Nr.: BG176245551 OPERATIONAL PROGRAMME ENVIRONMENT 2007-2013 61 Preki pat str., Sofia 1618 Bulgaria Tel./fax:(+359 2) 857 5197 E-mail: EUROPEAN UNION EUROPEAN REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT FUND WE INVEST IN YOUR FUTURE Project No TA-2011-KPOS-PP-78 „Technical assistance on waste management” “Development of legal framework on bio-waste management and establishment of Quality Assurance System for Compost and National Organization of Quality Assurance for the Compost” Development of Legal Framework on Bio-Waste Management and Establishment of Quality Assurance System for Compost and National Organisation of Quality Assurance for the Compost STAGE I Analysis of the EU Acquis and Bulgarian Legislation on the Biowaste Management and the Residual Fraction of Household Waste Part IV Model and Phased Action Plan for Biowaste Management in Bulgaria Supplement C Analysis of the Costs and Benefits of introducing a Source Segregated Biowaste Collection and Treatment System in Bulgaria Final Report – 3 September 2012 120910_model-chapter-6_CBA_FR_v1.0_EN.doc The document was developed with the financial support of the European Regional Development Fund under EU Operational Programme "Environment 2007 - 2013 Main Authors: Dominic Hogg, Ann Ballinger, Adrian Gibbs, eunomia - research & consulting in cooperation with: Florian Amlinger, Compost – Consulting & Development Enzo Favoino Scuola Agraria del Parco di Monza Table of Contents 1 Introduction ................................................................................................................... 3 2 Methodology.................................................................................................................. 3 2.1 Cost Benefit Analysis .............................................................................................. 3 2.2 Scenarios to be modelled........................................................................................ 4 2.2.1 3 Cost Benefit Model ........................................................................................................ 9 3.1 Waste Flow Assumptions ........................................................................................ 9 3.1.1 Organic Waste Arisings and Potential Capture of Biowaste ................................ 9 3.1.2 Residual Waste Treatment ................................................................................ 10 3.2 Financial Impacts of Waste Treatment .................................................................. 10 3.3 Collection Modelling .............................................................................................. 13 3.4 Modelling of Environmental Impacts ...................................................................... 15 3.4.1 Monetisation of Pollutants ................................................................................. 15 3.4.2 Waste Collection ............................................................................................... 16 3.4.3 Source Segregated Biowaste ............................................................................ 16 3.4.4 Treatment of Residual Waste ............................................................................ 17 4 5 Organic Collection Options to be modelled ......................................................... 6 Results ........................................................................................................................ 19 4.1 Options Totals ....................................................................................................... 19 4.2 Financial Costs ..................................................................................................... 20 4.2.1 Financial Cost of Treatment .............................................................................. 20 4.2.2 Financial Cost of Collection ............................................................................... 22 4.3 Environmental Costs ............................................................................................. 23 4.4 Sensitivity Analysis ................................................................................................ 25 4.5 Contribution to Statutory Targets ........................................................................... 25 Conclusions................................................................................................................. 26 1 List of Tables Table 2-1: Modelling Scenarios .............................................................................................. 5 Table 2-2: Food Waste Collection Systems to be modelled for Bulgaria ................................. 7 Table 2-3: Garden Waste Collection Systems to be modelled for Bulgaria ............................. 8 Table 3-1: Demographic Data................................................................................................. 9 Table 3-2: Assumptions Regarding Separate Capture of Organic Waste (Scenario 3 only) .................................................................................................................. 11 Table 3-3: Residual Waste Treatment Assumptions by Scenario ......................................... 11 Table 3-4: Container Costs for Communal Bring-Style Collections ....................................... 14 Table 3-5: Container Costs for Kerbside Collections ............................................................ 14 Table 3-6: Vehicle Costs ...................................................................................................... 14 Table 3-7: Overhead costs that are added to the total container and vehicle (including staff) costs ............................................................................................................ 15 Table 3-8: Proportion of Households with Kerbside Collection System ................................. 15 Table 3-9: External Cost Assumptions for Air Pollutants ....................................................... 16 Table 4-1: Total Annualised Option Costs ............................................................................ 19 Table 4-2: Financial Cost of Waste Treatment per Tonne (by Treatment Method) ................ 20 Table 4-3: Financial Cost of Each Option – Cost Type and Treatment Type......................... 21 Table 4-4: Collection Cost per Household and per Tonne .................................................... 22 Table 4-5: Breakdown of Cost Increase by Settlement Type – Scenario 3A ......................... 22 Table 4-6: Breakdown of Cost Increase by Settlement Type – Scenario 3B ......................... 22 Table 4-7: Environmental Costs of Landfill (per tonne of waste) ........................................... 23 Table 4-8: Environmental Costs of Incineration (per tonne of waste) .................................... 23 Table 4-9: Environmental Costs of MBT with Bio-stabilised Output (per tonne of waste) .................................................................................................................................. 23 Table 4-10: Environmental Costs of MBT with Cement Kiln (per tonne of waste) ................. 24 Table 4-11: Environmental Costs of Biowaste Treatment ..................................................... 24 Table 4-12: Annualised Option Costs – Excluding AD Capital Cost ...................................... 25 Table 4-13: Contributions to Statutory Targets by each Scenario ......................................... 25 2 1 Introduction The analysis presented in this report considers the financial costs and environmental benefits associated with the roll out of a source segregated system for the collection and treatment of biowaste in Bulgaria. Current collection arrangements in Bulgaria result in the collection of residual waste and recyclables through a mixture of kerbside and bring-based collection systems.1 At present, there is no source segregated collection of biowaste. The analysis considers the roll-out of a door-to-door (kerbside) collection for the collection of food and garden waste across much of Bulgaria. The analysis presents the financial costs of introducing the new collection system and its associated waste treatment systems, including the development of appropriate treatment facilities for treating the separately collected biowaste. Environmental impacts for the waste collection and treatment systems are also considered alongside the financial costs through the monetization of emissions to air such that both impacts can be considered together. Results are compared against those associated with the current collection arrangements as well as those for alternative approaches where changes are made only in the residual waste treatment system to meet Landfill Directive Targets. In all cases, the results take into account both treatment and collection impacts. This document summarises the methodology used in the analysis and associated modelling, and presents the results of the analysis. 2 Methodology 2.1 Cost Benefit Analysis The methodology used within the assessment of the waste collection and treatment options combines the external cost associated with the environmental impact of each system, together with the financial cost of operating that service. In economics, an external cost – also known as an externality – arises when the social or economic activities of one group of persons has an impact on another group and when that impact is not fully accounted for or compensated for (in financial terms), by the first group. Particularly in the case of waste treatment facilities, the experience of the project team indicates that it is the climate change and local health impacts of these plant that cause most concern for local residents and the wider community. Eunomia’s preferred approach is therefore to apply monetary values or external costs to both the climate change and air quality impacts. To this end, impacts of the major air pollutants have therefore been attributed an external monetary value which measures the extent of the damage to health associated with the 1 In the bring-based systems, residual waste is collected through communal bins 3 quantity of pollutant being released into the air. Impacts associated with the emission of greenhouse gases were calculated on the basis of the cost of mitigating the effects of climate change. Air quality impacts are calculated based on the external costs of key air pollutants known to have a local or regional impact.2 In both cases impacts are estimated on the basis of an external cost in € per tonne of pollutant, with a higher figure thus representing greater damages. With regard to the financial costs, the impact of landfill tax is excluded from the final totals that combine the financial and environmental costs. The tax is intended to offset some or all of the environmental impact associated with the pollution from landfilling waste. These pollution impacts are separately accounted for in the consideration of environmental damages; the tax is excluded from the financial costs to avoid double-counting this part of the impact. 2.2 Scenarios to be modelled The analysis considers the financial and environmental impacts associated with three scenarios: Those associated with a continuation of the current collection arrangements. This scenario is not compliant with the requirements of the Landfill Directive; The meeting of the Landfill Directive targets through changes in the residual waste treatment system. Two alternatives are considered: o The treatment of residual waste through the development of additional incineration facilities;3 o The further development of relatively low-cost Mechanical Biological Treatment (MBT) facilities the aim of which is to create a stabilised output to landfill; The roll-out of a source segregated collection and treatment system for biowaste across Bulgaria. This scenario will assist in meeting Landfill Directive biological municipal waste (BMW) diversion targets as well as the recycling targets enshrined in the revised Waste Framework Directive. Details of the scenarios to be modelled are summarised in Table 2-1. Two scenarios are considered in respect of the introduction of organic waste collection: Scenario 3a considers the case where garden waste captures are modelled based on current garden waste quantities arising in the municipal waste composition. Under this scenario, no additional garden waste is assumed to be added to the collection system 2 These external costs include those associated with days lost to ill-health, and costs resulting from hospital admissions, etc. 3 It is noted that at present there is no incineration capacity in Bulgaria 4 once the biowaste collection system has been introduced. Where parks maintenance waste is sent for treatment under this scenario, it is assumed that the waste originator is responsible for taking the waste directly to the treatment facility. Under Scenario 3a, the parks maintenance waste has been excluded for both collection and treatment on the grounds that this waste is also not included in the business-as-usual system; Scenario 3b considers the case where the introduction of the biowaste collection system results in an additional quantity of garden waste being added to the collection system through the addition of parks maintenance waste and other municipal arisings. In other countries, the introduction of a source segregated collection system has resulted in additional quantities of green waste being added to the system following its introduction. The additional household arisings are assumed to occur as householders place into the garden waste system material that was previously combusted, home composted or placed into the residual system, although this is felt to be less likely to occur where a bring-based system is introduced for garden waste collection from households. The collected biowaste is assumed to be treated in a mixture of Anaerobic Digestion (AD) and open air windrow facilities. In Scenario 3a, there is insufficient garden waste for much of the food waste to be treated using open air windrow facilities; as such, the scenario considers that all food waste is treated through AD, with garden waste being treated through open air windrow facilities. In Scenario 3b, where more garden waste is collected through the municipal system, all biowaste is assumed to be treated through open air windrow facilities. Sensitivity analysis considers the results assuming the capital cost of AD is met through funding from the Structural Funds Programme, which results in a reduction in the capital cost of developing this type of facility. Table 2-1: Modelling Scenarios Scenario Rationale and Details Approach to waste collection Treatment methods for residual and organics 1 Business As Usual No change to biowaste collection system; recycling rate does not change from current levels. Continued landfilling and MBT of residual waste. This scenario is not compliant with the Waste Framework Directive Landfill Directive targets. No roll out of kerbside collection services Mostly landfill; some MBT (bio-stabilised output to landfill / 4 fuel to cement kiln) 2a Additional MBT (stabilisation) No roll out of kerbside collection services Additional MBT stabilisation facilities. 2b Additional Additional residual facilities used to achieve biowaste diversion targets in landfill directive rather than roll out of biowaste collection. No change to collection systems; source separated 4 See Table 3-3 for details 5 Additional 3a 3b Incineration recycling rate does not change. Likely to be difficulty to comply with the Waste Framework Directive 50% recycling target using these options. Biowaste Collection – no additional garden waste Biowaste collection introduced. Separately collected biowaste contributes to meeting Waste Framework Directive 50% recycling target. Scenario is also to be compliant with the Landfill Directive tonnage targets. Biowaste Collection – additional garden waste added to the system incineration facilities. Roll out of kerbside collection service for organics Scenario 3a - AD for food waste; green waste in open air windrows Scenario 3b – all biowaste treated in open air windrows For both 3a and 3b, residual waste treatment as in Scenario 1. 2.2.1 Organic Collection Options to be modelled The organic waste collection systems modelled under Scenario 3 are described in Table 2-2 and Table 2-3, which separately describes the systems used to collect food waste and garden waste for each type of settlement. It is assumed that the organic waste collection system will vary depending on the population characteristics of the area. Door-to-door collection systems for food waste are assumed to be provided in the semi-urban areas and in the more urbanised rural areas. In urban areas, the system assumes the provision of larger communal bins serving groups of households and flats. In all cases, householders are provided with a vented caddy for the collection of food waste. The organic waste collection system is assumed to cover households and small commercial waste producers such as small retail establishments. Large commercial waste producers are considered to be out of scope of the analysis – it is assumed that this waste is not currently included in the municipal waste arisings statistics. It is further assumed that a system for the source segregated collection of garden waste is rolled out alongside the dedicated food waste collection system. A door-to-door collection system will be made available to householders in the semi-urban and more urbanised rural areas. In addition, it is assumed that householders will be able to present garden waste for collection at the Recycling Centres which will be established for the collection of dry recyclate across Bulgaria. 6 Table 2-2: Food Waste Collection Systems to be modelled for Bulgaria System element Urban Settlement size > 25,000 Semi Urban Settlement size 3,000 – 25,000 Rural Settlement size <3,000 System description Separate collection of food waste from communal bins Separate collection of food waste mostly door-to-door collection In many areas no separate collection. Further encourage home composting (by the provision of home composting bins) although accepting that many households already do so. Containers Vented caddies for each household. Communal/bulk bins (110/120-240 litres) serving groups of households/high rise flats Vented caddies for each household. 30 litre buckets on kerbside for door-to-door collection 40% served by separate (door-to-door) collection covering the more urbanised rural areas. Vehicles Dedicated food waste collection vehicle for door-to-door service Dedicated food waste collection vehicle for door-to-door service For areas served by separate collection a dedicated food waste collection vehicle Dedicated collection rounds for large producers Outside project scope Outside project scope Outside project scope 7 Vented caddies for each household, plus 30 litre buckets on kerbside Table 2-3: Garden Waste Collection Systems to be modelled for Bulgaria System element System description Urban Settlement size > 25,000 Semi Urban Settlement size 3,000 – 25,000 No kerbside collection service for private gardens. Bring-based system for garden waste for household, municipal and commercial garden waste established at Recycling Centres. For Scenario 3b, public park maintenance is included in collection totals along with additional waste not currently accounted for in the composition data. 1) Bring system for bulky garden waste for household, municipal and commercial garden waste (the latter is charged); 2) On demand kerbside collection service for non bulky garden waste. A set number of sacks supplied to householders; service is effectively charged for through additional cost charged to the householder. For Scenario 3b, public park maintenance to be included in collection totals (as with urban). Containers 7.5 to 30 m³ containers at recycling centres Vehicles Rear loading vehicle for collection from recycling centres. 1) Disposable (paper) sacks or reusable sacks utilising voucher system or 240 litre bins for typical non bulky garden waste (grass and hedge clippings etc.) 2) 7.5 to 30 m³ containers at recycling centres Standard compacting collection vehicle for kerbside collection. Rear loading vehicle for collection from recycling centres 8 Rural Settlement size <3,000 1) Bring system for garden waste for household, municipal and commercial garden waste (the latter is charged); 2) Encourage home composting, as above 3) More urbanised rural areas pay per use on demand collection system as per the semi-urban system (participation anticipated to be low due to low income of the householders). For Scenario 3b, public park maintenance to be included in collection totals. 7.5 to 30 m³ containers at recycling centres Existing trucks/trailer, lorries as available for transporting garden waste on demand Cost Benefit Model 3 This section summarises the approach used in developing the cost benefit model, as follows: Waste flow assumptions for the source segregated organic and residual waste streams are summarised in Section 3.1; An overview of the approach taken in respect of the modelling of the financial costs of waste treatment (for both residual and organic wastes) is provided in Section 3.2; The approach to collection modelling is summarised in Section 3.3; The modelling of the environmental impacts of waste collection and waste treatment is considered in Section 3.4. A more detailed explanation of the methodological approach used is presented in a separate Appendix. 3.1 Waste Flow Assumptions 3.1.1 Organic Waste Arisings and Potential Capture of Biowaste As was indicated in Section 2.2.1, it is assumed that the organic waste collection system will vary depending on the population characteristics of the area. The demographic data used in this respect is presented in Table 3-1. Table 3-1: Demographic Data Total Urban Semi-Urban Rural > 25,000 inhabitants 3,000 – 25,000 inhabitants < 3,000 inhabitants Percent of population 100% 55% 18% 27% Population numbers 7,365,586 4,054,561 1,325,303 1,986,222 2.0 2.23 2.00 1.58 Inhabitants per household Source: MOEW Table 3-2 presents the assumptions used within the modelling in respect of the capture of organic waste from kerbside collection systems. The following key assumptions were used in the development of the assumptions presented in Table 3-2: Waste composition data was taken from a 2006 report produced by TBU for the MOEW.5 Data from the MOEW was also used to calculate the arisings per inhabitant for each of the settlement types, based on waste arisings data from each of the municipalities; 5 TBU / SGS (2006) Quantity and Quality Assessment of Household Waste in Bulgaria 2006 with particular emphasis on the biodegradable fraction; report for the Bulgarian Ministry for Environment and Waters, November 2006 9 Although biowaste collection systems will also be introduced in the most densely populated rural areas, it is assumed that a significant proportion of biowaste in rural areas will be home composted. This is reflected in the difference in the composition and arisings data for the rural areas in comparison to the urban; A higher food waste capture is assumed where a kerbside collection system has been put in place. Captures are lower where organic waste is collected through a communal bringstyle system. It should be noted that the total residual waste arisings figures include some commercial waste along with the household waste. There is, however, insufficient data with which to determine the actual amount of household waste produced per inhabitant. 3.1.2 Residual Waste Treatment At present much of the residual waste generated in Bulgaria is landfilled. However, several regions including Sofia are aiming to develop some MBT capacity. The exact nature of the planned MBT plant has not yet been completely determined but in the case of Sofia, likely options appear to be bio-stabilisation or the production of RDF to be sent to a dedicated incineration facility. Scenario 1 therefore includes the development of the planned MBT plant at Sofia which is intended to treat circa 300,000 tonnes of residual waste, as well as the impact of planned MBT capacity for Plodiv and Varna (with anticipated capacities of 125,000 and 140,000 tonnes per annum respectively). These assumptions have been retained in Scenarios 2 and 3. Scenario 2 also assumes that in addition to this planned MBT capacity, additional residual waste treatment capacity is built in order to ensure Bulgaria meets its landfill directive targets. Scenario 2A assumes the construction of additional incineration plant, whilst Scenario 2B assumes the development of MBT facilities that aim to stabilise the residual waste prior to its being landfilled (the latter being in addition to the proposed MBT capacity at Sofia, Plodiv and Varna). Assumptions regarding the treatment of residual waste for each scenario are presented in Table 3-3. 3.2 Financial Impacts of Waste Treatment The financial costs associated with both residual and organic waste treatment are calculated under a ‘private metric’, intended to represent the market conditions facing the developers and operators of facilities. The approach uses retail prices - includes taxes and subsidies and applies a weighted average cost of capital (WACC) for capital expense where this is to be financed over a number of years. 10 Table 3-2: Assumptions Regarding Separate Capture of Organic Waste (Scenario 3 only) Unit Urban MSW total arisings (including recycling) kg / inhabitant / year Food waste in composition % Food waste potential Semiurban Rural Weighed 1 mean 505 392 295 410 31.8% 35.8% 24.5% kg / inhabitant / year 145 138 72 Participation of households % % 50% 60% 75% Potential collection from participating households kg / inhabitant / year 73 83 54 Assumed capture of food waste from participating households % 80% 80% 80% Overall realistic collection of food waste kg / inhabitant / year 58 66 43 Capture of food waste % 40% 48% 24% Garden waste in composition % 2.5% 2.8% 6.5% Garden waste in composition kg / inhabitant / year 12 11 19 14 Total garden waste captured 3 – Scenario 3a kg / inhabitant / year 6 5 10 7 Total garden waste captured – Scenario 3b kg / inhabitant / year 60 90 70 68 Total biowaste captured (food + garden) – 3a kg / inhabitant / year 64 71 53 62 Total biowaste captured (food + garden) – 3b kg / inhabitant / year 118 156 113 124 133 2 2 2 74 55 Notes: 1. The weighted mean is calculated based on the demographic data presented in Table 3-1. 2. Only applies to 40% of households, who are offered the service. 3. Assumes a 50% capture rate Table 3-3: Residual Waste Treatment Assumptions by Scenario Scenario 1 Scenario 2A Scenario 2B Scenario 3A / 3B LANDFILL INCINERATION 80% 30% 30% 80% 0% 50% 0% 0% MBT with stabilised output to landfill 15% 15% 65% 15% MBT with output to cement kiln 5% 5% 5% 5% The modelling considers capital and operating expenditure separately: Capital expenditure (capex) is associated with the purchase of equipment and 11 construction of facilities. This can be annualised (at a particular interest or discount rate) across the lifetime of the facility; Ongoing operating expenditure (opex) costs are assumed to include: o Staffing; o Plant maintenance costs; o Costs associated with the aftercare of landfill, including restoration; o Revenues such as those associated with the sale of electricity and subsidies for energy generation from waste; o The costs of dealing with residues / reject streams, including landfill tax (currently set at €18 per tonne). The approach to establishing representative capital and operating costs for new-build facilities in Bulgaria is to firstly obtain representative costs from elsewhere in Europe. For each process technology, it is assumed that general technology costs, such as the cost of purchasing large capital items, will be the same as elsewhere in Europe. However, for the element of both capital and operating costs that relates to labour, we adjust these typical figures to account for the lower than average costs of labour in Bulgaria. This gives a Bulgarian capex and a Bulgarian ‘pure opex’ (i.e. the costs of treating material, excluding maintenance, revenues and disposal) per tonne. Net operating and maintenance costs are then calculated, taking into account: The feed in tariffs amended in July 2012 that are of relevance to electricity generated from landfill gas and anaerobic digestion – the tariff gives a subsidy of €115.62 per MWh, included within which is the wholesale electricity price; The projected wholesale electricity price which is assumed to be €40 per MWh – this is applied to electricity generated by large scale waste incineration which falls outside the scope of the feed in tariff; Other revenues including those from the sale of products such as compost; Disposal costs for reject / residue streams (including landfill tax). The capital expenditure for the cost of capital required). These rates relevant if capital is to Programme. is annualised through the application of an appropriate discount rate (a variable rate is applied depending on the quantum of capital (and the associated calculated total annualised costs) are less be provided - either all or in part - through the Structural Funds 12 3.3 Collection Modelling The model considers the collection of both residual and organic waste through door-to-door (kerbside) and communal (bring-style) collection systems. The original model structure and some assumptions are based on a collection model developed in Spain by Ecoembes, and then adapted and updated by Eunomia to model changes to materials collected in a bringstyle system.6 The basic idea of the collection model is as follows: The number of containers provided for the bring-style collections is calculated based on an assumed number of litres of containers provided per person. For kerbside food and garden waste collections, each household is assumed to receive a container; The cost of the containers is assumed to be annualised over the typical lifetime of the container, plus an additional replacement rate and maintenance costs. Cost calculations in in the model of the communal bring-style system also include an amount for washing the containers on a regular basis. Container costs are shown in Table 3-4 and Table 3-5 for bring and kerbside collection systems respectively; In the bring system, it is assumed that the average residual waste container is 75% full when it is emptied, allowing for the calculation of the number of collections per week; For the kerbside collection system, a collection frequency is specified (e.g. one collection per week for semi-urban areas); The number of vehicles needed to provide the collection service is then calculated from the total number of collections per week, with additional assumptions being made on the number of containers that can be emptied per hour in the urban, semi-urban and rural environments, and also the amount of time available in the day to do the collections; The cost of the vehicle is calculated based on an annualised capital cost, maintenance cost, tax and insurance costs, fuel costs, and labour costs per vehicle. Vehicle costs are shown in Table 3-6; The total cost of the collections including containers, vehicles and the staff costs for the operation of the collection system are then calculated. Industrial profit, general expenses and administrative costs are added to the vehicle and container costs to obtain the overall cost of collection (these additional assumptions are shown in Table 3-7); Current collection arrangements result in the collection of residual waste using both kerbside and bring-based collection systems. Assumptions used to model these arrangements are presented in Table 3-8. For Scenario 3A and 3B, kerbside food waste collection systems are assumed to be introduced wherever there is currently a kerbside residual waste treatment system in place. It is important to note that the assumptions presented in Table 3-6 have been developed assuming that new vehicles are purchased. It is noted, however, that existing collection 6 Ecoembes (2007) Estudio para la Determinacion de la Formula de Pago de Aplicacion a la Recogida Selectiva de Envases Ligeros, September 2007; Eunomia Research & Consulting (2012) Examining the Cost of Introducing a Deposit Refund System in Spain, Report for Retorna, 1 January 2012 13 systems in Bulgaria largely operate with second hand vehicles in order to keep costs down. Collection costs for the source segregated organic system have been calculated assuming the purchase of new vehicles is required. However, it may be possible to reduce these costs through the purchase of vehicles that have previously been in service elsewhere in Europe. Table 3-4: Container Costs for Communal Bring-Style Collections Container 1100 L Bin Urban 240 L Bin Semi Rural Urban Semi Capital Cost €285 €37 Delivery Cost €15 €1.50 Maintenance Cost 7% 2% Replacement Rate 4% 3% Number of Washes Rural 8 6.5 4 Cost Per Wash €1.83 €2.06 €2.29 €0.92 €1.03 €1.14 Total Annual Cost for Communal Bins (incl. washing) €94.96 €93.69 €86.94 €17.94 €19.31 €20.69 Total Annual Cost for Kerbside Bins (excl. washing) 12 €6.95 n/a Table 3-5: Container Costs for Kerbside Collections Container Kerbside Caddy Kitchen Caddy Garden Waste Sack Notes: Capital Cost Delivery Cost €3.75 €1.38 €2.00 €0.20 €0.10 €0.50 Replacement Rate Annual Cost Container* €0.69 €0.26 €1.46 5% 5% 25% per * Capital cost is annualised over 8 years for caddies and 3 years for sacks, plus the annual replacement rate. Table 3-6: Vehicle Costs Vehicle Annualised 1 Capital Insurance and Tax Maintenance 2 Fuel 3 Staff 4 Total Annual Cost €45,009 Standard €20,273 €2,706 €6,552 €15,621 €14,621 RCV Separate €3,868 €2,706 €1,250 €5,519 €9,747 Food Waste Notes: 1. Capital costs of €131,032 and €25,000 are annualised over 8 years at 5% interest. 2. Maintenance is assumed to be 5% of the vehicle capital cost. 3. Fuel is assumed to cost €1.36 per litre. 4. Staff are assumed to cost €4,874 per person. 14 €12,984 Table 3-7: Overhead costs that are added to the total container and vehicle (including staff) costs Urban Semi-Urban and Rural Industrial Profit 10% General Expenses 12.2% Administrative Costs 6.5% 8% Table 3-8: Proportion of Households with Kerbside Collection System Settlement type Urban Semi-urban Rural % currently receiving a kerbside collection 40% 70% 90% for residual waste Notes: In Scenario 3A and 3B, a kerbside organic collection system is assumed to be introduced wherever an existing kerbside residual waste is in place 3.4 Modelling of Environmental Impacts 3.4.1 Monetisation of Pollutants The methodology for assessing the environmental impacts accounts for the following sources of emissions to air: Impacts associated with the treatment of source-separated organic wastes using open air windrow and AD facilities. Impacts include a consideration of the benefits of compost use as well as those from the generation of energy from biogas combustion; Impacts associated with the treatment and disposal of residual waste. This includes a consideration of avoided emissions resulting from the generation of energy by residual waste treatment facilities; Impacts associated with the fuel used in the collection of residual and organic waste. Air pollution impacts were monetised using damage costs taken from the Clean Air for Europe (CAFE) programme and the Benefits Table (BeTa) database from the European Commission DG Research MethodEx project.7 These datasets cover a range of pollutants and present country specific damage costs for impacts affecting air quality. Unit damage costs have been determined from the CAFÉ data, which is from 2000. To model in 2011, prices the costs have been converted into real 2011 figures using the Harmonised Index of Consumer Prices (HICP).8 The data is presented in Table 3-9. 7 M. Holland and P. Watkiss (2002) Benefits Table Database: Estimates of the Marginal External Costs of Air Pollution in Europe, Database Prepared for European Commission DG Environment, database available at; AEAT Environment (2005) Damages per tonne Emission of PM2.5, NH3, SO2, NOx and VOCs from Each EU25 Member State (excluding Cyprus) and Surrounding Seas, Report to DG Environment of the European Commission, March 2005. The figures used reflect the Mean Values of Life Years approach to valuation, including health sensitivity. For climate change impacts the BeTa MethodEx central figure (€19/tonne in 2000 prices, €24/tonne in 2011 prices), was used. 8 Eurostat (2011) HICP - all items - annual average inflation rate – (tsieb060) available from Damage costs were uplifted by 26.4% to give 2011 prices. 15 Table 3-9: External Cost Assumptions for Air Pollutants Impact type External cost € per tonne (2011 prices) Pollutant 1 Climate change CO2 equivalent emissions Air Quality NH3 VOCs PM2.5 SOx NOx Cd Cr Ni Dioxin 24 € 4,298 € 430 € 10,491 € 3,413 € 1,643 € 16,432 € 12,640 € 1,517 € 46,768,000,000 € Notes: 1. The external cost for climate change emissions is also applied to the biogenic CO 2 emissions (such as is produced when organic material is combusted) in addition to those climate change impacts traditionally accounted for within life-cycle assessments. The latter category of impacts include methane emissions from landfill, emissions from the combustion of synthetic materials (e.g. plastics) in incinerators, the avoided electricity generation through energy generated from waste, and the avoided manufacture of fertilizer through the use of compost. 3.4.2 Waste Collection Emissions associated with residual waste collection are modelled assuming the vehicles meet the Euro 3 standard, whilst the new vehicles purchased for the source separated organic system were assumed to meet the Euro 5 standard. Vehicle emissions were modelled using data provided by the UK’s National Atmospheric Emissions Inventory database. 3.4.3 Source Segregated Biowaste Open Air Windrow Composting Environmental impacts associated with the treatment of source-separated organic material in open air windrow facilities have been modelled using Eunomia’s in-house model which was originally developed for WRAP in 2006 and later revised as part of work undertaken on behalf of the European Commission in 2009.9 For the current study, emissions data for CH4, N2O and NH3 have been updated to reflect emissions measurements from open air windrows treating biowaste as presented in analysis by Amlinger et al.10 In addition to the climate change and air quality impacts associated with direct emission to air from the facility, the environmental impacts consider the beneficial use of compost and digestate, including: 9 Eunomia / Arcadis (2009) Assessment of the Options to Improve the Management of Bio-waste in the European Union, Final Report to European Commission DG Environment, November 2009 10 Amlinger F, Peyr S and Cuhls C (2008) Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Compsting and Mechanical Biological Treatment, Waste Management & Research, 26, pp47-60 16 The avoided manufacture of synthetic fertilizers resulting from a reduced requirement for these to be applied to soil through the use of compost; The avoided use of pesticides; Avoided N2O emissions, resulting from the nitrogenous compounds contained within compost being in the chemically more stable organic form than those contained in the synthetic fertilizer. Anaerobic Digestion (AD) As is the case with the model of the composting facilities, the model used in the current analysis to consider the environmental impacts of the AD facility is based on earlier work undertaken on behalf of WRAP, and further updated in more recent work undertaken on behalf of the European Commission in 2009. Data on AD plant operation has been obtained from facilities operating across Europe.11 AD facilities are assumed to treat only food waste, which is readily degradable in an anaerobic process. As such, relatively little solid material remains. The model assumes the production of a liquid based raw digestate which is used directly without any post-digestion treatment.12 Environmental benefits associated with the use of the digestate are therefore reduced in comparison to the use of compost, as the nitrogenous compounds contained within the digestate are assumed to behave in a similar manner to a liquid fertiliser. It is assumed that the biogas produced by the facility is subsequently combusted in a gas engine and that only electricity is utilised through export to the electricity grid, although some heat generated by the gas engine is assumed to be used within the digestion process itself.13 3.4.4 Treatment of Residual Waste Landfill The part of the model used to determine the impacts associated with the landfilling of material has been developed by Eunomia over many years using data from a wide range of sources, including both peer reviewed literature sources as well as data from regulators and site operators where appropriate. The approach taken in the development of the key 11 Biocycle (2010) Demonstration Project – Biocycle South Shropshire Ltd Biowaste Digester, Final Report for Defra; Davidsson A, Gruvberger C, Christensen T, Hansen T and la Cour Jansen J (2007) Methane Yield in Source-sorted Organic Fraction of Municipal Waste Management, Waste Management, 27, pp.406-14; Cecchi F, Traverso P,Pavan P, Bolzonella D and Innocenti L (2003) Characteristics of the OFMSW and Behaviour of the Anaerobic Digestion Process, in Mata-Alvarez J (ed) (2003) Biomethanization of the Organic Fraction of Municipal Solid Wastes, London: IWA Publishing, pp.141-179 12 This assumption has been used as there would be too much digestate produced for all of it to be treated through a subsequent post-digestion stabilisation process where the liquid output was mixed with the compost produced from the open air composting process. In addition, data on the impacts of post-digestion treatment on the digestate produced from digestion processes treating solely food waste is relatively limited, and the calculation of environmental impacts for this type of system is therefore subject to considerable uncertainty. 13 The model assumes a net electricity generation figure of 350 kWh per tonne of food waste, based on a volatile solids degradation rate of 80%, as is supported by the literature previously cited on AD plant operation 17 assumptions has been described in analysis undertaken on behalf of Defra.14 The model has been adapted to reflect the likely performance of Bulgarian landfills. In particular, a gas capture rate of 20% is assumed over the lifetime of the landfill (assumed to be 150 years) in line with analysis presented by the European Environment Agency which applied the same rate to all European countries.15 It is further assumed that more of the gas escapes during the initial years after the material is landfilled, as the landfill cells will not be permanently covered at this stage, and that less escapes once the permanent cover has been applied (thereby further increasing the impact associated with landfilling the more readily degradable materials such as food waste). Incineration Incineration facilities are assumed to generate only electricity, with a gross electrical generation efficiency of 23%.16 This is assumed to avoid the requirement for an equivalent electrical generation from power stations, based on the mix of fuels currently exporting electricity to the Bulgarian grid.17 Both the climate change and air quality impacts associated with this avoided generation are considered, with the emissions from power generation being based on emissions data from the ecoinvent database.18 In the case of the direct air quality impacts, it is assumed that the incinerators meet the requirements of the Waste Incineration Directive (WID) with respect to the pollution abatement equipment installed. Where damage costs have been used to assess the air quality impacts, much of the impact is associated with emissions of oxides of nitrogen (NOx). All UK facilities abate this type of impact through the use of Selective Non-Catalytic Reduction techniques, which allow the facility to meet the requirements of the WID, but not to significantly exceed them. MBT with Stabilised Output to Landfill The aim of this type of MBT system is to produce a stabilised output such that landfill gas production is greatly reduced when the output is landfilled. This is achieved through the use of a controlled aerobic degradation process which is assumed to take place in an enclosed composting system. Ferrous and non ferrous metals are also recovered and recycled through front end mechanical sorting systems, as well as dense plastics (in the case of the latter, it is assumed that only the bottle fraction is targeted). The model assumes 60% of the ferrous 14 Eunomia and Oonk H (2011) Inventory Improvement Project – UK Landfill Methane Emissions Model: Final Report to Defra and DECC 15 The assumption was developed from the IPCC documentation. See: Skovgaard M, Hedal N, Villanueva A, Andersen F and Larsen H (2008) Municipal Waste Management and Greenhouse Gases, ETC/RWM Working Paper 2008/1, January 2008; IPCC (2007) Climate Change 2007: Mitigation. Contribution of Working Group III to the Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (Metz B, Davidson O R, Bosch PR, Dave R, and Meyer L A (eds)), Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, United Kingdom and New York, NY, USA., pp 600 16 Based on data obtained from the annual reports of typical UK incineration facilities, available from: 17 Eclareon / Oko Institut (2011) Integration of Electricity from Renewables to the Electricity Grid and to the Electricity Market – RES-INTEGRATION: National Report – Bulgaria, Report for DG Energy, December 2011 18 Available from 18 metal and 45% of the non ferrous metal is recovered, along with 30% of the dense plastic fraction. Landfill gas generation rates are assumed to be lower for stabilised biowaste than is the case for untreated wastes, as it is assumed that the most readily degradable fraction has already undergone appreciable degradation in the controlled aerobic degradation phase at the MBT facility prior to the stabilised output being landfilled. MBT with Output to Cement Kiln This type of MBT system aims to recover recyclate as with the stabilised output system. In addition, the system also produces a solid recovered fuel (SRF) which is produced following a biodrying process. At present, Bulgaria does not have any incineration facilities; as such, the SRF currently produced is largely used in a cement kiln, where it is assumed to displace an equivalent amount of energy from coal. The use of the fuel in cement kilns results in a greater environmental benefit than is typically the case where the fuel is used in an incinerator, as coal is a relatively more polluting fuel. 4 Results 4.1 Options Totals Table 4-1 presents total annualised option costs for the collection and treatment of organic and residual waste, with the financial and environmental costs being separately identified. The totals do not include any financial cost or environmental impact associated with the collection of dry recyclables. The costs have been adjusted such that landfill tax has been removed from the total financial cost, as the tax is intended to offset some or all of the environmental impact associated with the pollution from landfilling waste. This is accounted for within the analysis under the environmental cost of each option. Table 4-1: Total Annualised Option Costs TOTALS Annualised financial costs, € thousand Collection Treatment Environmental costs, € thousand Collection Treatment Scenario 1 € 231,599 € 69,671 € 119,707 € 71 € 42,150 Scenario 2A € 333,520 € 69,671 € 219,815 € 71 € 43,962 Scenario 2B € 269,464 € 69,671 € 163,273 € 71 € 36,448 Scenario 3A € 246,728 Scenario 3B € 249,243 € 90,582 € 92,901 € 119,331 € 119,114 € 106 € 112 € 36,709 € 37,117 The results confirm that Scenario 2A is the most expensive of the four options considered within the analysis. Scenario 2B performs relatively better in the analysis than Scenario 2A but has a higher overall cost than Scenarios 1 or 3. Table 4-1 also confirms collection costs are relatively low where no separate collection for organic waste is in place, but that these increase when the separate collection is introduced. However, financial treatment costs decline for Scenario 3A and Scenario 3B in comparison to Scenario 1, whereas Scenarios 2A and 2B result in an increase in treatment costs relative to Scenario 1. 19 Although it is the cheapest scenario in terms of the overall annualised option costs, Scenario 1 is not compliant with the Landfill Directive and does not contribute to recycling targets stipulated in the revised Waste Framework Directive. Scenario 1 also has the highest overall environmental costs. The two scenarios where organic waste is treated separately have lower environmental costs, with Scenario 3A being the best performer in this respect. For all scenarios, much of the environmental impact is associated with the treatment element, with transport impacts making only a minor contribution. Environmental impacts of collection are increased where the separate collection system is introduced by virtue of the requirement for additional vehicles. 4.2 Financial Costs 4.2.1 Financial Cost of Treatment Table 4-2 presents the financial cost of the different waste treatment types per tonne of waste treated. The table confirms that the capital cost for AD is much higher than that of open air windrow. Operating costs, however, are lower, in part because of the impact of the subsidy applied to renewable energy generation currently set at €115 per MWh for electricity generated from 100% biomass through AD facilities. This subsidy is not available for electricity generation from large incineration facilities. Table 4-2: Financial Cost of Waste Treatment per Tonne (by Treatment Method) Technology Landfill Incineration with electricity only MBT stabilisation MBT - cement kiln Anaerobic digestion Open air windrow composting € 119.95 € 7.45 Net Operation, Maintenance, Revenues and Disposal Costs (O&M) Per Tonne € 36.48 10% Total Annualised Cost Per Tonne (Annualised Capex + Net O&M Costs) € 52.25 € 646.34 € 7.45 € 20.00 12% € 106.53 € 170.40 € 7.45 € 50.83 12% € 73.64 € 185.22 € 7.45 € 46.37 12% € 71.16 € 313.62 € 6.82 -€ 0.36 12% € 41.63 € 89.58 € 5.83 € 11.13 10% € 22.91 Bulgarian Capex Per Tonne Bulgarian ‘Pure Opex’ Per Tonne Cost of Capital (%) Table 4-3 shows the annual financial impacts for waste treatment under each scenario broken down by the type of waste treatment. This details the annual costs for each of the residual waste treatments and combines the cost of the organic waste treatments. The totals presented here include landfill tax, which is excluded from the total option cost presented in Table 4-1. As was previously indicated in Error! Reference source not found. which presented a breakdown of the capital and operating costs, the capital cost element contributes 20 significantly to the total cost of Scenario 2A, where a significant proportion of the residual waste is incinerated. The increased capital cost associated with AD in comparison to open air windrow result in Scenario 3A (mixed AD and open air windrow) having a higher overall cost than Scenario 3B (open air windrow only), despite less waste being treated in Scenario 3A than in Scenario 3B. Table 4-3: Financial Cost of Each Option – Cost Type and Treatment Type Annualised financial cost per year, € thousands Landfill Totals Capex Net Opex Incineration MBT stabilisation MBT cement kiln Organic Total financial cost of option Scenario 1 € 80,948 €0 € 10,511 € 28,248 € 119,707 Scenario 2A € 30,356 € 150,701 € 10,511 € 28,248 € 219,815 Scenario 2B € 30,356 €0 € 10,511 € 122,406 € 163,273 Scenario 3A € 64,497 €0 € 8,375 € 22,507 € 23,952 € 119,331 Scenario 3B € 64,497 €0 € 8,375 € 22,507 € 23,735 € 119,114 Scenario 1 € 37,270 €0 € 3,663 € 10,109 € 51,041 Scenario 2A € 13,976 € 127,812 € 3,663 € 10,109 € 155,560 Scenario 2B € 13,976 €0 € 3,663 € 43,804 € 61,443 Scenario 3A € 29,695 €0 € 2,918 € 8,054 € 24,420 € 65,087 Scenario 3B € 29,695 €0 € 2,918 € 8,054 € 12,699 € 53,367 Scenario 1 € 86,218 €0 € 6,849 € 22,526 € 115,592 Scenario 2A € 32,332 € 29,536 € 6,849 € 22,526 € 91,242 Scenario 2B € 32,332 €0 € 6,849 € 97,611 € 136,792 Scenario 3A € 68,696 €0 € 5,457 € 17,948 € 72 € 92,172 Scenario 3B € 68,696 €0 € 5,457 € 17,948 € 12,006 € 104,106 Notes: Total costs combine the Capex with the Net Opex, and also include landfill tax. 21 4.2.2 Financial Cost of Collection Table 4-4 shows the overall annual cost of the two different collection systems, along with the net increase in collection cost resulting from the change from the current arrangements to a source segregated biowaste system. The table also presents the costs on a per-household and a per-tonne basis. Results are separately presented for both Scenario 3A and 3B. These results show that the cost per tonne decreases for Scenario 3B in comparison to the current collection arrangements, as more waste is treated by the system than is the case in the current system. The cost per household, however, increases for the organic waste collection systems in comparison to the current system by €5.72 and €6.35 per household for Scenario 3A and Scenario 3B respectively. Table 4-5 and Table 4-6 present the increase in cost against each of the settlement types included within the analysis. This confirms that the urban areas account for a significant proportion of the cost increase for both Scenarios, reflecting the significant contribution to population made by this settlement type. In the urban areas, most of the cost increase relates to the food waste collection. In rural areas, however, garden waste makes a more significant contribution to the cost increase. Table 4-4: Collection Cost per Household and per Tonne Current collection arrangements Source segregated biowaste collection NET COST INCREASE (from current to source segregated) Total (annual) option cost, € thousand €69,671 Cost per household (€) Cost per tonne (€) €19.04 €23.58 Scenario 3A €90,582 €32.62 €22.46 Scenario 3B €92,901 €25.39 €23.04 Scenario 3A €20,911 €5.72 €6.58 Scenario 3B €23,229 €6.35 - €0.05 Table 4-5: Breakdown of Cost Increase by Settlement Type – Scenario 3A Urban Semi-Urban Rural Total € 13,031 € 3,919 € 3,960 € 20,911 €0 €0 €0 €0 Cost to Food € 11,416 € 2,388 € 2,576 € 16,381 Cost to Green € 1,615 € 1,531 € 1,384 € 4,530 Total Cost to Residual Table 4-6: Breakdown of Cost Increase by Settlement Type – Scenario 3B Urban Semi-Urban Rural Total € 13,818 € 4,681 € 4,731 € 23,229 €0 €0 €0 €0 Cost to Food € 11,416 € 2,733 € 2,576 € 16,726 Cost to Green € 2,402 € 1,948 € 2,154 € 6,504 Total Cost to Residual 22 4.3 Environmental Costs Table 4-7 presents the environmental costs per tonne of material for landfill, separately identifying the impact associated with the climate change and air quality impacts. Data are presented separately for incineration and the MBT treatments in Table 4-7, Table 4-8, Table 4-9 and Table 4-10 respectively. Note that the tables present the environmental costs inclusive of the biogenic CO2 emissions, which are typically excluded in environmental analyses that follow the life cycle approach to emissions accounting. Table 4-7: Environmental Costs of Landfill (per tonne of waste) Climate change Food waste Paper Cardboard Plastics Textile Garden waste Misc. combustibles Glass Metals Other inert material Air quality € 20.26 € 34.16 € 34.16 € 0.04 € 18.80 € 19.38 € 23.49 € 0.04 € 0.04 € 0.04 Total € 3.48 € 2.53 € 3.15 € 0.11 € 5.66 € 3.67 € 4.99 € 0.11 € 0.11 € 0.11 € 23.74 € 36.69 € 37.30 € 0.15 € 24.46 € 23.05 € 28.48 € 0.15 € 0.15 € 0.15 Table 4-8: Environmental Costs of Incineration (per tonne of waste) Climate change Food waste Paper Cardboard Plastics Textile Garden waste Misc. combustibles Glass Metals Other inert material Air quality € 9.76 € 22.86 € 20.13 € 34.45 € 19.26 € 12.33 € 26.45 € 0.07 -€ 8.62 € 0.07 Total € 3.95 € 3.95 € 3.95 € 3.95 € 3.95 € 3.95 € 3.95 € 3.95 € 3.95 € 3.95 € 13.71 € 26.81 € 24.08 € 38.40 € 23.20 € 16.28 € 30.39 € 4.01 -€ 4.67 € 4.01 Table 4-9: Environmental Costs of MBT with Bio-stabilised Output (per tonne of waste) Climate change Food waste Paper Cardboard Plastics Textile Garden waste Misc. combustibles Glass Metals Other inert material Air quality € 10.70 € 21.42 € 20.17 € 1.37 € 12.89 € 11.96 € 14.99 € 1.64 € 0.57 € 1.64 23 Total € 1.53 € 2.23 € 1.93 € 0.93 € 5.24 € 2.05 € 4.19 € 1.05 € 0.31 € 1.05 € 12.24 € 23.65 € 22.10 € 2.30 € 18.13 € 14.01 € 19.18 € 2.69 € 0.88 € 2.69 Table 4-10: Environmental Costs of MBT with Cement Kiln (per tonne of waste) Climate change Air quality € 6.47 € 13.09 € 7.91 -€ 19.64 € 7.53 € 1.18 -€ 6.46 -€ 1.02 -€ 42.35 -€ 1.02 Food waste Paper Cardboard Plastics Textile Garden waste Misc. combustibles Glass Metals Other inert material Total € 1.35 € 1.87 € 1.77 € 1.37 € 2.46 € 1.27 € 1.95 € 1.64 € 0.57 € 1.64 € 7.82 € 14.96 € 9.68 -€ 18.28 € 9.99 € 2.45 -€ 4.51 € 0.62 -€ 41.78 € 0.62 Scenario 3A considers the impact of using AD facilities to treat the food waste element of the separately collected biowaste, with garden waste assumed to be treated at open air windrows. In Scenario 3B, where more garden waste is assumed to be collected, the organic waste is assumed to be treated using open air windrows. Table 4-11 presents environmental impacts for the treatment of organic waste through AD and open air windrow facilities, and confirms that the environmental costs of treating the material separately are reduced in comparison to those of the residual waste treatment methods. Although the composting process does not result in a benefit associated with energy generation, impacts associated with the beneficial use of compost contribute to the overall relatively good performance of the open air windrow composting system in respect of the environmental impacts. The results in Table 4-11 also confirm there is an improvement in the environmental cost of treating the waste where AD is used to treat the food waste element. It is important to note that the benefit associated with the use of the latter technology assumes that only the electricity generated from the combustion of biogas in a gas engine is utilised. However, combustion in a gas engine would also result in the production of a significant quantity of heat. Where demand exists, this heat could also be utilised, resulting in additional environmental benefits not included within the current analysis. Table 4-11: Environmental Costs of Biowaste Treatment Environmental costs per tonne of waste treated Climate change Open Air Windrow: biowaste Open Air Windrow: garden waste AD (electricity only): food waste Air quality Beneficial use of compost (non climate change) Total € 9.83 € 1.36 - € 3.67 € 7.52 € 11.51 € 1.17 - € 3.65 € 9.04 € 5.76 - € 0.07 24 € 5.76 4.4 Sensitivity Analysis The capital cost of building an AD plant is typically higher than that of the open air windrow facilities, and makes a significant contribution to the overall financial cost of using this type of technology. However, the capital cost elements are eligible for funding from the Structural Funds Programme, which would greatly reduce the cost of developing such facilities. As such, Table 4-12 presents the results excluding the capital cost of developing the AD plant for Scenario 3A, assuming that these costs are met by funding from the Structural Funds Programme. Table 4-12: Annualised Option Costs – Excluding AD Capital Cost TOTALS Annualised financial costs, € thousand Collection Treatment Environmental costs, € thousand Collection Treatment Scenario 1 € 231,599 € 69,671 € 119,707 € 71 € 42,150 Scenario 2A € 333,520 € 69,671 € 219,815 € 71 € 43,962 Scenario 2B € 269,464 € 69,671 € 163,273 € 71 € 36,448 Scenario 3A € 223,608 € 90,582 € 96,211 € 106 € 36,709 These results show that if all of the capital cost were to be met through the Structural Funds Programme, the overall cost for Scenario 3A is lower than that of a continuation of the current collection and treatment arrangements. 4.5 Contribution to Statutory Targets Table 4-13 shows the contributions made by each of the Scenarios towards meeting the Waste Framework Directive and Landfill Directive targets, the latter being expressed in additional tonnes of BMW diverted from landfill over that which would have been diverted under Scenario 1. This confirms that although Scenario 2A would result in a higher landfill diversion rate than Scenario 3, only the latter would make a contribution towards meeting both targets. Table 4-13: Contributions to Statutory Targets by each Scenario Contribution towards meeting 1 50% recycling target 0 0 20% 30% Additional biowaste diversion from landfill, tonnes BMW 758,889 2 478,100 3 599,456 3 599,456 Scenario 2A Scenario 2B Scenario 3A Scenario 3B Notes: 1. The analysis here focuses only on the contribution towards recycling targets made by the introduction of the biowaste collection system (improvements in the collection of dry recyclables through the roll out of additional recycling centres across Bulgaria are not considered). 2. 70% BMW is assumed to be diverted from landfill through the use of MBT. 3. Excludes the impact of any additional garden waste added to the system as a consequence of the introduction of the collection system (this waste is assumed not to be landfilled at present). 25 5 Conclusions The following conclusions can be drawn from the above analysis: The introduction of a source segregated system for the collection and treatment of biowaste would result in additional collection costs of €5.72 per household in comparison to a continuation of the current arrangements (assuming no additional garden waste is added to the collection and treatment system). However, the source separated treatment system would result in a reduction in waste treatment costs irrespective of whether the separately collected food waste is treated at either open air windrows or AD facilities; In contrast, the use of incineration to meet Landfill Directive targets would result in an overall increase in treatment costs of (although there would be no increase in the collection cost); The use of MBT to meet the Landfill Directive targets would result in lower treatment costs than incineration. However, this option is also more costly than the introduction of the source segregated biowaste system, and is expected to lead to a lower level of landfill diversion than the incineration or separate biowaste options; Although the continuation of the current collection and treatment arrangements for waste would result in lower financial costs in comparison to a separate biowaste collection system where the waste was composted, the current system is not compliant with the Landfill Directive. In addition, the separately collected biowaste would also contribute towards meeting the 50% recycling target stipulated in the revised Waste Framework Directive; It is important to note with reference to the costs per household or per inhabitant that the arisings data includes some commercial waste as well as household waste. There is insufficient data with which to determine the actual amount of household waste produced per-inhabitant or per-household; The separate biowaste collection and treatment system also has the lowest environmental cost of the options considered within the analysis, with environmental burdens being approximately half of those associated with the current collection and treatment arrangements. Most of the benefit is associated with the diversion of biowaste from landfill, as collection-related impacts make only a minor contribution to the overall environmental cost; If AD is used to treat the food waste collected through the source segregated biowaste system, and assuming Bulgaria was able to secure funding from the Structural Funds Programme to meet the capital costs of facility development, the overall financial and environmental cost of introducing the source segregated system is anticipated to less than that of the current collection and treatment arrangements; Costs are calculated assuming the purchase of new vehicles for the organic waste collection system. It may be possible to further reduce costs through the use of vehicles that have previously been in service elsewhere in Europe. In addition to a reduction in financial costs, this would result in a slight increase in the environmental costs associated with Scenarios 3A and 3B, as the emissions abatement is higher on the newer vehicles than on the older. 26