Monthly Newsletter January 2016 From the Rector and the Senior Warden... Dear Brothers and Sisters at St. Christopher’s and beyond, Happy New Year 2016!!! A PUBLICATION OF ST. CHRISTOPHER’S EPISCOPAL CHURCH I've been here with you about five months, and I think the activities that we have achieved together are wonderful. This is just a sample of what we can do together as a congregation and as we recognize Jesus Christ as the Center of our life. Personally, I think that we have much potential to grow as a parish and glorify God in this area of El Paso, Texas and in the Diocese of the Rio Grande. This year 2016 will be a great opportunity to grow together in our ministries; I can see a general development within us, around us, and beyond. I thank everyone for your kindly support to me and to my family. I also want to tell you that because of all involved during my move from Dallas to here, with its effects on housing and financial, matters, my Doctoral Studies will be moving forward more slowly. I also want to acknowledge the work of all ministries in the Parish. In a special way — to all those who participated in the Christmas Pageant, thank you for saying YES to God's service. The 2016 Lenten Season arrives soon and that gives us the opportunity to develop a new level of spirituality. Again I ask your help and support to achieve better results. So now, we have a New year, we will have new challenges, but also we will have new achievements., and together will make it happen! God Bless You All! Fr. J.J. Bernal + A LOOK BACK WITH THANKSGIVING 2015 was a year of challenges, changes, and a new beginning. We said good-bye and Godspeed to Padrecita Jeanne who, as Priest-in-Charge, faithfully and lovingly guided us through three years in the search for a new Rector, the discernment process of an aspirant to the deaconate, development of our lay ministries, and provided wonderful pastoral care and spiritual leadership to our congregation. Our heartfelt thanks also to Bishop Jerry Lamb, Canon Kathy McNellis, and Fr. Thomas Rowland who celebrated Holy Eucharist during the four and a half months that St. Christopher’s did not have a priest. I would also like to thank our Vestry, Lay Ministers, and all of the members of the congregation for their support and perseverance in keeping the mission and ministry of St. Christopher’s on a straight path during those months. In mid- July, we were blessed by the arrival of The Reverend José J. Bernal as our new Rector. In the short 5 months that Fr. JJ has been with us, he has given St. Christopher’s new life, vision, and determination as a Church Family to spread the Gospel and God’s love. We have also been blessed with his wife Rosario and daughter Sammy. Rosario’s culinary talents have added a new dimension to coffee hour, potlucks, church events, and after the Thursday Eucharist and Healing service. We were also blessed with meeting Fr. JJ and Rosario’s oldest daughter Ana and son JJ, Jr. who both visited during Christmas break from college. For the new year, we plan more Lay Ministry training sessions and “clean-up/ organization” days (mostly Saturdays) for specific areas—Sacristy, Sunday School rooms, kitchen, Sun Room, the Church safe, etc. Watch for emails and bulletin announcements giving more information. Our Annual Church Meeting will be held on Sunday, January 24 after the worship service. I would like to urge everyone to attend as we will be presenting the 2016 Church Budget, receiving reports from the various ministries, electing 1 Vestry member, and planning the year ahead, together. As usual, we will have a Potluck lunch with the meeting, so bring your favorite dish to share! A blessed and Happy New Year to all! Yours in Christ, Bruce Truesdale, Senior Warden Page 2 January at St. Christopher’s 2015 INDIVIDUAL CONTRIBUTION STATEMENTS Will be available on Sunday, January 3 & Sunday, January 10 on the table in the narthex, with envelopes arranged alphabetically Any statements not picked up by January 10 will be snail-mailed Church is Closed on New Year’s Day A Blessed, Happy, and Healthy 2016 to All! Sunday School returns to regular class on Sunday, January 3 SNOW SLAM 2016 - DIOCESAN YOUTH EVENT Registration deadline: Friday, January 8 Please submit your completed and signed registration to Holly before the above deadline ANNUAL CHURCH MEETING AND POTLUCK LUNCH 11:15 a.m. SUNDAY, JANUARY 24 Join us for this important congregational meeting 2016 Church Budget ~ Ministry Reports ~ Vestry Election and planning the ministry and mission of VESTRY RETREAT DAY For all Vestry Members 9:00 a.m. ~ 3:00 p.m. Saturday, January 30 Bishop Jerry Lamb and Fr. JJ Bernal will lead the retreat Continental Breakfast and Lunch will be provided Page 3 The Eucharist of Candlemas (Candelaria) 10:00 a.m. Sunday, January 31 Blessing of Candles ~ Litany for Candlemas Candlelight Procession The Feast of Candlemas This year we will observe the Presentation of Our Lord Jesus Christ in the Temple on the last Sunday in January (Actual is February 2) . In accordance with ancient custom and many years of tradition in this parish, we will observe the practice of blessing our household candles at St. Christopher’s. You are welcome to bring candles from home to be blessed on this day. They will be placed on a table at the front of the church (so come early!) and blessed at a particular point in the service in honor of Christ as the Light of the World. Please bring a dish to share after the service, as we will have another of our world-famous St. Christopher’s potlucks! ST. CHRISTOPHER’S OUTREACH Beginning this month, we will have one fund for Outreach of all kinds, including Soup Kitchen. The Vestry also recently established a Youth Fund for families in need with children and teens, and to assist with scholarships to Deanery and Diocesan youth events and Camp Stoney. Designated contributions can be made yearround to both funds. In December, St. Christopher’s made Christmas brighter for two families (each with five children) with gift cards, warm clothings, and other items. Our thanks to all who have contributed to Soup Kitchen or Outreach this past year! Please make checks out to St. Christopher’s with your designation on the memo line. Thank you and God bless! Page 4 Diocesan Youth Event ~ SNOW SLAM 2016 7:30 p.m. Friday, January 15 to 1:00 p.m. Sunday, January 17 Church of the Holy Mount Ruidoso, NM For middle and high school youth Submit your completed registration form to Holly no later than Sunday, January 3 JANUARY BIRTHDAYS Augie Vega 5 Carol Garcia 15 MEETINGS VESTRY MEETING 11:15 a.m. Sunday, January 10 2016 CHURCH DIRECTORY VESTRY RETREAT DAY 9 a.m. ~ 3:00 p.m. A 2016 Directory Listing has been placed on the table beside the Coffee station Please take a few minutes to review your current listing for accuracy and make any needed corrections, deletions, and/or additions, and initial your entry If you are not listed and wish to be, add your name and information at the end of the listings You help is needed to make our new Church Directory as up to date and accurate as possible! The new directories will be available by Sunday, February 14 Page 5 Saturday, January 30 BIBLE STUDY 7:00 p.m. Tuesday January 12 & 26 Calling All Pictures! If you have any pictures from services, events, or happening at St. Christopher’s during 2015, please email them (.jpg format) to Holly at JANUARY PRAYER LIST Please keep these members and friends of St. Christopher's in your daily prayers... Deacon Ken Anderson (Member) Martha Cano (Member) Glenda Wolfe (Member) Heather Bishop (Member) Johnny Washam (Member) Luis Garcia (Member) Stephanie Brown, (Member) Dorothy Muller (Member) Pershing Rexroad (Major) Rene Vallecillo (Cano) Mary Carmen Gonzalez (Friend) Mary Reyes (Cano) Louis Foght (Major) Ray Lucero (Shinn) Ray Vega (Vega) Zach Mortenson (Shinn) David Gaylon (Hayes) Mike Olivas (Garcia) Albert Cano (Cano) Alfonso Cano (Cano) Ruben Jaramillo (Lopez) Ruby Carr (Brooks) Nora Butler (Gilbreath) Ray and Lavelle Fox Gary Welsh Benjamin Gonzalez (Perez) Lily Bencomo (Bishop) The Schofill Family (Truesdale) Kevin Salcedo Joe Heidrick (Shinn) Frank Varney ,Jacqui McCollum Kelly Schermerhorn (Hayes) Joe Divis (Anderson) Sofia Enriques (Anderson) Christie Lechuga (Perez) Fernando Peña Rich Hebben Patty Rangel (Brooks) Benjamin & Levi Moreno (Moreno) Dale Wolfe (Wolfe) Christy Darling, Kristol Veach (Brooks) Leo Luevano (Maldonado) Callie Carriere (Ames) Carol, Charlie (Danforth) Cathy (Danforth) , Jerry Brown (Shinn), Adrian Montes (Kelley) Ben Griggs (Shinn) Almighty God, we commend to your care and keeping all of the men and women of our armed forces at home and abroad: Capt. Matthew Barchie USAF, Sgt. Charles Barden, Charles East, Navy, Matthew Barnes, Jerry Carreon, Sgt. Jean-Louis Bishop, Army, Adam Garcia, Navy, Magie Gonzalez, Lt. Jody M. Daniels, Navy, Roberto Salgado, Mark Logan, USAF, PFC Jose Gonzalez, Oscar I. Gonzalez, Comd. Darren Rich, Oscar Camuniz, SP Woody Needler, , Dr. Richard Nahouraii, Army, PO2 Chester B. (Chip) Thomson IV, SST. Tim Hayes, Raymundo Ubina, The families and friends of all who are serving at home and abroad OUR MINISTRIES 2015 Lay Ministry Reports Written reports for the Annual Meeting need to be submitted to Fr. JJ by the Lay Leaders of the following Ministries no later than Sunday, January 17: Senior Warden Junior Warden Administrator Acolytes Treasurer Altar Guild Eucharistic Ministers Music Lectors Soup Kitchen/Outreach Pre-K/Sunday School Acolyte Training Session 11:15 a.m. Sunday, January 17 For all current Acolytes and those who wish to serve at the Altar Open to children age 8 and up and adults If you will be new to this ministry, Summarize the past year’s activity Please let Worship Leader Trainer Bruce Truesdale or Acolyte Leader in your ministry area Heather Bishop know in advance You will also read your report at the Thank you! Annual Meeting on Sunday, January 24 Page 6 CHECK OUT OUR NEW AND IMPROVED WEBSITE AND ST. CHRISTOPHER’S EPISCOPAL CHURCH LIKE US ON FACEBOOK! 300 Riverside Drive El Paso, Texas 79915 Church Office: 915 859-9329 THE EPISCOPAL CHURCH WELCOMES YOU! Email: Website: WORSHIP SERVICES St. Christopher’s Sunday Soup Kitchen Holy Eucharist 10:00 a.m. Outreach Thursday Every Saturday at 11:00 a.m. Eucharist & Healing 10:30 a.m. CLERGY AND STAFF The Reverend José J. Bernal Rector The Reverend Kenneth Anderson Deacon (Ret.) CHURCH OFFICE HOURS Rector 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. Tuesday through Friday Fr. Bernal will be also available on Saturdays by appointment. Holly Truesdale Parish Administrator VESTRY Bruce Truesdale Senior Warden/Treasurer Joe Maldonado - Junior Warden Denise Anderson, Fran Hayes Tony Moreno, Glenda Wolfe ST. CHRISTOPHER'S MISSION STATEMENT Our Mission, as vessels indwelt by the Holy Spirit, is to proclaim the Gospel and teach the Faith; to bring Christ ’ s healing power to those who are wounded and hurting; to share our blessings with those in Administrator and Church Office 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Tuesday and Thursday Administrator in Office at home on Monday and Wednesday 852-3954 or 252-2475 Church Offices Closed on Friday need; to administer the Holy Sacraments; and to live our lives to God ’ s glory, sharing the love of Jesus Christ with all people.